Confucius was born in the state of Lu in the year of 551 B.C. When he is 3 years old, his father died. And when he was 17, his mother died. And Confucius received a good education when he was young. In his thirty, Confucius began to teach. He spent the rest of his life teaching. In the age of 55, Confucius begins to travel around China. He tried to search for good rule of behavior. When Confucius was 68 years old, he returned back to Lu, his home state. He wrote lots of books after he came back. Five years after, he passed away. Although he has been died for several thousand years, we can still remember he forever.
找出划线部分错误的一项,并且在题后横线上改正。Could you tell me some informationsabout the tour to Taiyuan.
I’d like to buy two air ticketsfor Nanjing.
What present are you going to buy to me, mum?
Everything therewere very beautiful, we enjoyed it very much.
The math problem was very difficult that few students could work it out.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter don’t go out in the evening. But last night,
Mrs. Peter said to his husband,
"There is an good film at the cinema this evening.
Can we go and seeing it?"
Mr. Peter was such happy about it that he went there with his wife.
They both enjoyed the films.
They didn’t get home until the film was over in eleven o’clock.
On their way home they saw a woman run along the road very fast and a man running after her.
Mr. Peter drove the car slow near the woman and said to her, "Can we help you?"
"No, thank you." The woman said but she doesn’t stop running.
"My husband or I always run home after the cinema. and the last one washes the bowls at home."
The finally event in the Olympics is the 1_____________
marathon, which name comes from a battle 2_____________
in Ancient Greece. One of the most famous 3____________
marathons is in New York , watch by 4____________
two million people. Great Wall Marathon, 5____________
which most competitors find the toughest course 6____________
to be run. There are marathons around the 7____________
world today and most of people can run one 8____________
if you train for it. As time passes, many 9____________
changes have happened the marathon. 10_____________
指出错误并改正He has decided giving up smoking.
A B C DI considered to writing to him, but then decided to see him
A B C DIt’s so hard to understand.
A B C DWhat about to read aloud to practice pronounciation ?
A B C D Do exercises is a way to keep healthy.
How do North Americans dress? What do they wear in special 1
days? In fact, there is very few formal days, though there are some 2_______
festivals such as Easter, Christmas, Halloween, or Thanksgiving 3
Day. What people wear depend on their likes and dislikes. On birthday, 4
some child wear paper party hats. At Christmas, some people wear 5
Santa Claus hats. In winter, Canada people usually wear coats, gloves, 6
boots and hats. It is near the same in northern China. Generally, people 7
in Canada and the United States wear suits for work in offices, as 8
well as for most formal occasions, just as people do in China. People 9
in cities around a world wear rather similar clothes. 10
One day a snake lay at the foot of a hill. A sun was warm
and he soon went to asleep. Suddenly a big stone fell down the hill.
It fell on the snake. He woke up and find he could not move,
for the stone was very light. Just at that moment a rabbit came up.
“Mr. Rabbit,” said the snake, “the stone hurts me bad.
Move it off me, please, and I shall give a gift for you.”
The rabbit was very kind. He did not like to see someone in trouble.
So he tried push the stone. He pushed and pushed until he moved
the stone off the snake. The snake was free, and the rabbit got tired.
But on that time, the snake said, “I’m dying of hunger.
I want to eat up you.”
此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并划上斜线( \ )。
Do you like pop music? Most people does.
One of the best bands are the New Ocean Waves.
In the last twelve month,they’ve had three major
Concerts.They’re going to appear on CCTV the next
month.And then they going to go on a world
tour in which they will perform in ten different
cities.Be sure not miss them if they come to a
city near you.They’re real nice people.Did you
Know that they give half of the money they made
to a charity for homeless childs?
In America, on school and workdays,
breakfast in most homes is often a hurried
meals of milk, bread, juice or coffee. Some____________
people even don’t in order for get to work____________
or school on time. Other just stop at coffee___________
shops for coffee. And on weekends, things__________
are quite different. People usually gets up____________
late, so they have enough time to have a
large breakfast by eggs, home-fried(油煎的)___________
potatoes and bread.
Lunch is just a short break from the day’s
work rather than a large, long meal. He usually __________
lasts only half an hour or an hour, so family
members do not have time to back home.__________
Most people have a sandwich or a hamburger,
and fruit or ice-cream for lunch.
Working people either take his lunches to___________
work in the brown paper “lunch bag”,or
eat a sandwich at a slow food restaurant. __________
Mr and Mrs Peter don’t go out in the evening. But last night,
Mrs Peter said to his husband,
"There is an good film at the cinema this evening.
Can we go and seeing it?"
Mr Peter was such happy about it that he went there with his wife.
They both enjoyed the films.
They didn’t get home until the film was over in eleven o’clock.
On their way home they saw a woman run along the road very fast and a man running after her.
Mr Peter drove the car slow near the woman and said to her, "Can we help you?"
"No, thank you." The woman said but she doesn’t stop running.
"My husband or I always run home after the cinema. and the last one washes the bowls at home."_______________
There are many people are playing basketball these._________ ___________
Could you tell me the different between the two books.__________ ___________
It was my grandpa’s eighty birthday yesterday._____________ _______________
Bady,it’s very lazy for you to sleep late every morning.__________ ___________
I wrote an 800-word’s composition yesterday.___________ ___________
The fish we caught is still living.__________ ___________
The Great Wall is one of the most famous building all over the world._______ ______
If Tom will study hard this term,he will catch up with his classmates.________ ________
下列各句划线部分中均有一处错误,请找出错误造项,并在横线上写出其正确形式。Would you please not to make any noise? The baby has just fallen asleep. ( )
A B C D Neither he or his wife will spend their holiday in the city. ( )
A B C DFew of them candrive, can’t they? ( ) ,
A B C DIt’s known to all that the 29th Olympic Games will hold in Beijing in 2008. ( )
A B C DPlease get a pen to write and some paper to write on. ( )
How do North Americans dress? What do they wear in special
days? In fact, there is very few formal days, though there are some _______
festivals such as Easter, Christmas, Halloween, or Thanksgiving
Day. What people wear depend on their likes and dislikes. On birthday,
some child wear paper party hats. At Christmas, some people wear
Santa Claus hats. In winter, Canada people usually wear coats, gloves,
boots and hats. It is near the same in northern China. Generally, people
in Canada and the United States wear suits for work in offices, as
well as for most formal occasions, just as people do in China. People
in cities around a world wear rather similar clothes.