
Dear Kimmy,

Guess what, we have a class pet! It’s a hamster. Miss Lee showed us how to take care of our new furry friend, Tobin. She explained that her own hamster had given birth to three pups and Tobin is one of them. Needless to say, we were delighted and promised to be responsible pet owners.

Well, till next time.

PS: It’s a picture of our new pet. Do you have a pet?

Your pen-pal,



1It’s a letter from Kimmy to Andrew.

2Andrew’s class pet is furry.

3Miss Lee took Tobin to the class.

4Tobin’s mother gave birth to four pups.

5Andrew is sure that his pen-pal has a pet and loves animals.

  • 更新:2023-01-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


“Do you want to grow your own vegetables?” Mom asked “Yes!” My eyes got wide. Mom smiled at my excitement. She gave me a book on gardening, and I carefully planted some seeds(种子) in the backyard.

After supper, I rushed to see how much they might grow. Nothing! My mouth dropped “Someone stole my seeds!” Mom laughed from ear to ear. She said “Johnny, go and check the book.” I hung my head down. I read the book and I knew something needed to be done.

Early the next morning, I ran to the back yard. Everything looked the same but I wasn’t that disappointed(失望). As the book said, I lightly watered my seeds and stuck my finger in the soil(泥土) to make sure it wasn’t too dry. That evening, I couldn’t help going to check my garden again. No sign of anything green. Just dirt.

The next morning I raced to the garden again. No changes. “Why is it taking so long for the seeds to grow?” I asked. “Grow up!” I shouted. “Please, just grow,” I almost cried. Mom was too busy with housework to help. “Read the book, and wait patiently.” So I read it again. I removed(除去) the grass from the soil and watered the seeds.

Then one morning, I walked out to my garden. I wasn’t expecting to see anything yet. To my surprise, a little bit of green came into my eyes. I got down on my knees for a closer look. “They grew!” I shouted. I could see little green leaves growing everywhere! I was so excited “They finally grew! The book is right.” It took several days for the seeds to be in the soil before popping up.

(1). Did Johnny want to grow his own vegetables?


(2). Where did Johnny plant the seeds?


(3). Soil and water helped. What else did it take for the seeds to grow according to the passage? (List 2 things)


(4). Do you think Mom teaches Johnny in a good way? Why or why not?


  • 更新:2022-11-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


A: Hey, Henry.

B: Hi, Bill. Come in and take a seat.

A: I didn’t see you at school today. ___(1)__

B: I went to a speech competition.

A: Great. Did you win?

B: Yes. I won the first place.

A: ___(2)___ I always know you can do it.

B: Thanks. ___(3)_

A: Yes. We had an exciting geography class. We learned much about food around China.

B: ___(4)___ I missed it.

A: Cheer up, Henry. ___(5)___ I have the textbook with me.

B: Thank you, Bill. It’s really kind of you.

A: You are welcome.


What happened?


Congratulations, Henry.


I had a headache in the morning


I am here to help you.


Have you travelled around China?


Anything interesting at school?


What a pity!

  • 更新:2022-11-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics was a great success. China has kept the promise to hold a green Olympics. Many green actions made it possible, like providing environmentally friendly smart beds, using new energy(能源) cars, supporting sporting places with 100% clean energy and reusing rain and snow water.

Take making ice as an example. China didn’t use R507, a common material to make ice, because it isn’t friendly enough to the environment. Through 18 months’ hard work, China independently developed the CO₂ direct cooling technology.

A net of tubes runs under the ice. High-pressure liquid(液态) CO₂ goes through them to create heat() exchange. The CO₂ evaporates(蒸发) under the ice surface. The evaporation takes in heat and turns water on the surface into ice. And the CO₂ goes into another circle. This technology helps to make ice better and faster. And above allit is much greener because there’s no new CO₂ produced. Among all the 15 ice sporting places in the Winter Olympics, 7 used the CO₂ direct cooling technology to make ice. As a result, much less pollution was caused.

Beijing did so much more to save energy. Beijing built the new sporting places with green materials. As for the old ones, Beijing used new glass walls to take the place of traditional walls to let more natural light in. 70% of the waste heat was also reused to keep warm and dry. And a large number of new energy cars were used at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics is the first to truly achieve carbon neutrality(碳中和), and it has set new standards in green technologies. Some newspapers say China has set an example for the world in environmental protection and green development.

(1). How long did it take China to develop the CO₂ direct cooling technology?

A. 18 months.B. 100 weeks.C. 15 days.D. 7 years.

(2). The writer writes Para. 3 to show ________.

A. why the CO₂ goes into another circle

B. how the new ice-making technology helped

C. how sporting places used the new technology

D. why the liquid CO₂ runs through the net of tubes

(3). According to the passage, we can infer(推断) that ________.

A. all the buildings will be built with glass walls in the near future

B. the CO₂ direct cooling technology may be widely used in the world

C. the high-pressure liquid CO₂ will totally take the place of R507 soon

D. no new standards in green technologies may be set after the Olympics

(4). Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. A New Green Ice-making Technology

B. Green Technologies Used in Sports

C. A Shared Future of Green Development

D. The Green Beijing Winter Olympics

  • 更新:2022-11-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On January 4, the China National Traditional Orchestra(中央民族乐团) played some well-known traditional music in their concert. Audiences(观众) enjoyed the beautiful sounds guzheng, the powerful tunes of suona, the tearful notes of erhu and so on. Each traditional Chinese musical instrument tells its own story.

“I’ve fallen in love with the sounds of traditional instruments, especially pipa, a four-stringed() instrument with a history of more than 2,000 years. It can produce different sounds, such as the sounds of falling snow and raindrops. Every time I listen to a pipa tune, I have a strong feeling of peace,” said Yang Tian, an audience of the concert.

However, a recent report suggests. ________ To wake up people’s love for traditional music, something creative has been done.

In some traditional music concerts, VR(虚拟现实) technology is used to bring the star sky or the beautiful sandy view of Dunhuang to the music hall. It makes the experience like watching a 3D movie.

Li Xiaobing, a music teacher from Beijing, mixes traditional folk(民间) singing, opera and Chinese instruments through technology. People are surprised at his works and they love them!

Some musicians try to add something new to traditional music. They bring modern music like pop and rap into traditional music. When the east meets the westthe new form of mus wins the hearts of both the old and the young.

Traditional music shows the beauty of our cultureand with some creativity, great things happen.

(1). Which of the following can be put in the ________?

A. pipa can not produce the sound of falling snow

B. traditional music is much better than modern music

C. the number of traditional music listeners is dropping

D. more young people show interest in traditional music

(2). To wake up people’s love for traditional music, Li Xiao bing ________.

A. tells many tearful storiesB. makes good 3D movies

C. mixes traditional musicD. sings pop and rap songs

(3). The structure(结构) of the passage is ________.

A. B.

C. D.

(4). According to the passage, the writer believes ________.

A. traditional music should only be played in concerts

B. the ways to play traditional music must be changed

C. traditional music must remain unchanged all the time

D. traditional music with creativity will be more popular

  • 更新:2022-11-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Free time is a good chance for teenagers to have fun. What about free time with parents around? Some teenagers want free play without parents’ supervision(监管) while parents and experts(专家) may think differently.

Lin Tao, a middle school student, thinks teenagers should be free to play. “Last time I played with my parents around, I was nervous and just couldn’t enjoy myself to the fullest,” Lin says. “And my friend Chen Xiaoxin has similar experiences. Once, he went out to play with his classmates. Everyone felt uncomfortable with his mother’s supervision.”

Wang Min, a mother of a 14-year-old boy, thinks playtime needs supervision. She explains, “People usually say I like to control my kid, but that’s not true. I am just worried that he will get into trouble. Some guys may have a bad influence on him and some games like LARP(剧本杀) may mislead him. He might even get indulged in the stories and can’t get back to real life.

Mr. Ma, a doctor of social studies, says it’s understandable for teenagers to wish for freedom. Free play helps them to be independent. Parents can give them more space. They don’t have to supervise them all the time. However, teenagers should find out the exact details(细节) about the activities before playtime. Then they can communicate with their parents and decide together whether they can go out to play alone.

(1). According to the passage, free time is a good chance for teenagers to ________.


study hard


have fun


get into trouble


mislead parents

(2). Lin Tao supports his own idea by ________.


listing numbers


raising questions


comparing facts


giving examples

(3). The underlined words “get indulged in” in Para.(段落)3 probably mean ________.


get lost in


get interested in


be tired of


be proud of

(4). According to the passage, which of the following may Mr. Ma support?


He Kai’s parents are around every time he plays with his friends.


Feng Zhongfan’s parents never ask him about whom he plays with.


Liu Xiang goes out without knowing anything about the activities.


Xie Hao talks to his parents about the exact details before playtime.

  • 更新:2022-11-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Orangutans are nature lovers. They like hanging out in the tree. They spend 95% of their time up there in the tree. They sleep and eat in their nests(). The nests are big enough for even a 10-year-old kid to play in.


Pigs may not look so cute when they find mud() holes. They like playing in the mud -it is like their natural playground. And when it is hot, they stay in the mud to cool themselves. They don’t care how dirty they get.

Sea turtles

Sea turtle eggs are like ping-pong balls. After baby turtles break out of the eggs they get themselves out of the sand and hurry to leave the beach for the sea. They swim for 24 hours in the sea to stay away from danger.

(1). In which part of a newspaper can you probably read the passages?









(2). Orangutans like hanging out ________.


in the tree


on the beach


in the sea


in the mud

(3). On hot days, pigs like to play in the mud to ________.


look for food


lean skills


fall asleep


cool themselves

(4). Which of the following is true according to the passages?


Sea turtles have eggs like soccer balls.


Baby sea turtles are good swimmers.


Sea turtles lay their eggs in the sea.


Baby sea turtles are safe on the beach.

  • 更新:2022-11-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A man gets out of his car. He rushes into a doctor’s office “DOCTOR! Please help me! I think I must be seriously ill.”

“Tell me what’s wrong,” the doctor says beside his desk.

“Everywhere I touch on my body, it hurts!” the man answers. “Come on and sit on the chair. Please show me.”

So the man touches his left foot and cries out of pain. Then he touches his right knee and cries, “Ouch.” Then he touches his back and jumps out of the chair.

As he is about to continue, the doctor says,“That’s enough. Let me see.” After a while, the doctor says, “Oh, I know. Feel your finger.”

(1). The man thinks he must be ________.

A. seriously illB. really heavyC. very healthyD. terribly thin

(2). The doctor asks the man to sit ________.

A. in his carB. on the chairC. on the floorD. on the desk

(3). The doctor finds the man probably breaks ________.

A. his footB. his kneeC. his backD. his finger

  • 更新:2022-11-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Desert Control is a huge challenge. In the past, China had much to learn from the rest of the world. But now the shoe is on the other foot. It’s time for China!

A Special Glue

Researchers from Chongqing Jiaotong University develop a special glue to change desert ground into soil that people can grow plants in. The “sand glue” made of plant is used to help keep water, nutrients (营养) and air. And it has been used in different areas.

An Interview in Yulin

(Li has planted more than 2,300 mu of forest.)

Q: Did your family support you when you decided to plant trees?

Li: Not really. My family was strongly against my idea. My son even brought me back home, but the next day I went there again.

Q: Did you have any difficulties?

Li: Yes. At that time, the living conditions in the mountains were really terrible, and I didn’t have any experience. Though I worked more than 10 hours every day, less than 10% of the trees could be alive.

Q: How did you solve the problem?

Li: I bought books and used what I learned to plant trees. I tried again and again. 19 years has passed, and more than 95% of the trees are alive now.

Q: It took you 19 years to plant trees. Any regrets?

Li: No. It’s my dream. And my biggest wish is that everyone plants a few trees every year.

The Past and the Present

Nearly 30 years ago, the Kubuqi Desert, the seventh largest desert in China, was a barren (贫瘠的) land with no future. The local people called the Kubuqi Desert the “sea of death”.

Thanks to our government, chances came. The Kubuqi people have changed the desert into an oasis (绿洲). It has offered chances for the locals to get more money in different ways like selling farm products. They change the desert and the desert helps them. It’s a win-win situation.

(1). Do researchers from Chongqing Jiaotong University develop a special glue?


(2). Who called the Kubuqi Desert the “sea of death”?


(3). According to the passages above, what makes China’s desert control successful?


(4). Do you want to make your dream come true in the way like Li’s? Why or why not?


  • 更新:2022-11-12
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


A: How is your school life this term?

B: Still busy but more wonderful and relaxing.

A: Really? __(1)__

B: Because we have different kinds of clubs.

A: Good. ___(2)___

B: We have a poem club, a sports club, a break dancing club… Ah, so many of them!

A: Fantastic! Which club are you in?

B: ___(3)___

A: Oh? Why didn’t you join the break dancing club? __(4)__

B: Yes. But I am practicing it at a break dancing school on Sunday afternoon.

A: I see. You have a colorful life in and out of school.

B: ___(5)__ Oh, I’m running out of time. Bye for now!

A: See you!


Aren’t you good at break dancing?


How long does it take you to do your, homework?




When do you go to a break dancing club?


The poem club.


I think so.


What clubs do you have?

  • 更新:2022-11-12
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Since the first man looked up at the flying birds, countless successes have been achieved on the way up to the sky. From the stones thrown into the air to airships of all kinds, pioneers of humans never failed to let their imagination run wild.

Stories of pioneers go back to centuries ago.

Kite flying in China dates back to the 5th century BC and is thought to be the earliest example of man-made flight.

From the 3rd century BC, the sky lantern (灯笼) was known in China. Many people believe that it was invented by Zhuge Liang in the war. Some say he wrote a message on a sky lantern for help, while others believe sky lanterns were used to drive the enemies away.

Whichever is true, humans have never stopped, and they never will. In modem times, new fields are being explored (探索).

In 1993, the world’s largest hot air airship was built. The AS-300 carried an underslung raft (悬挂式木筏). It allowed a team of French scientists to carry out their treetop researches without too much harm to the rain forest.

On May 15, 2022, Chinese scientists sent up the latest model of “Jimu No.1”, China’s self-developed airship, to collect weather information on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

The airship would work at a world-record altitude (海拔) of 9,032 meters. It was the first time an airship of its size had reached this height, even higher than that of the 8,849-meter-tall Mount Qomolangma, the highest mountain in the world.

(1). According to the passage, we learn ________.


Zhuge Liang was believed to invent kites


sky lanterns were used just for fun in China


kite flying in China dates back to the 5th century BC


sky lanterns were known in China before the 3th century BC

(2). Both the AS-300 and the latest model of “Jimu No.1” are airships which ________.


were harmful to the forest


broke a world record each


reached the highest mountain


helped with treetop researches

(3). The writer’s main purpose in writing the passage is to ________.


share humorous stories about the pioneers


show how excellent ancient people were


encourage us to learn more about imagination


praise the never-ending exploration into the sky

(4). The structure (结构) of the passage is ________.





  • 更新:2022-11-12
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We all have those moments when bright ideas hit us, but not everyone can develop such moments into the fruits of creative thinking. While we believe creative thinking is the falling apple of Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientists, we seldom notice that creative thinking is in fact a process (过程).

Let’s look at what happened in 1666.

Sitting in the garden, Newton watched an apple fall from a tree. He began to wonder if the same force that pulled the apple down also kept the moon circling the earth. Newton believed it did. He called it “gravity (重力)”.

This story has become one of the most popular examples of “eureka” moments. But when we cheer for the great discovery, the whole process of creative thinking shouldn’t be forgotten.

Newton studied mathematics for long to have a better understanding of the world. He always enjoyed finding new ways to solve problems. The falling apple was only the fruit of years of hard work before. It also started the train of thought that continued for the next twenty years.

Newton began to examine “gravity” carefully. He experimented (实验). Then he studied the results and used what he had learned to do new experiments. In 1687, the greatest scientific work ever written came out.

The whole process of creative thinking works the same in our life.

In school, we prepare ourselves for the right moment. Once the moment comes, we catch it and then keep on working in the years to come. It takes much to get the fruits of creative thinking, but the sweetest fruits will be ready for those who wait the longest.

(1). You may read the passage in a ________.









(2). The underlined word “eureka” in Paragraph (段落) 4 probably means “________”.


I’ve got it


I give up


I’ve no idea


I believe it

(3). The writer mainly develops his idea by ________.


raising questions


giving examples


listing numbers


explaining differences

(4). The creative thinking process for Newton follows the order of ________.

a. He caught the right moment. b. He did experiments over and over.

c. He saw an apple fall from a tree. d. He studied mathematics for long.









  • 更新:2022-11-12
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When Xiong Chuanfa, 34, blows a lifelike tiger out of sugar in just minutes, kids look at him in surprise thinking he is a magician.

Xiong has been blowing sugar figurines (吹糖人) for over twenty years. Blowing sugar figurines is a Chinese traditional folk (民间) art with a history of over 600 years and has been listed as a state-level intangible cultural heritage.

Every morning, Xiong prepares the sugar and drives to different markets in Nanchang to start his magic show.

He heats (加热) the sugar, pulls off a little to make a ball and blows it into different shapes — a rabbit, a monkey, and even Bing Dwen Dwen, the mascot of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

People, especially little kids, are interested in his skills. ________, he also stops by colleges.

Many college students have been drawn to the art, waiting in line for hands-on experience. Among them, Simon, a foreign student, couldn’t help having a try. Though it looked easy, he found it difficult to make it. Thanks to Xiong’s help. Simon finally saw a horse slowly taking shape.

Simon was deeply moved after learning about the art. “I just can’t believe the traditional folk art can be kept so well here. I love it. Chinese culture should be spread around the world,” he said.

This art has been passed down for four generations () in Xiong’s family. His 6-year-old son often blows sugar balloons, just like what he used to do as a child.

“We will pass on the intangible heritage,” said Xiong.

(1). From the passage we can learn that Xiong Chuanfa is ________.


26 years old


34 years old


a bus driver


a foreign magician

(2). Which of the following can be put in the ________?


To draw young people closer to the art


To help young people learn drawing skills


To teach little kids the skills of drawing


To make little kids more interested in the art

(3). According to the passage, we can infer (推断) that Simon will most probably ________.


stay in China to blow sugar horses


offer Xiong a helping hand in class


learn more about Chinese culture


blosy perfect sugar figurines next time

(4). Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?


Xiong and His Folk Art of Sweet Blows


A Magic Folk Art and Chinese Culture


Xiong’s Family and Sugar Figurine Skills


A Guide and the Intangible Heritages

  • 更新:2022-11-12
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

“Lots of restaurants say they’re the best. To be honest, we are not and we’ve never said we are. We just try to be a little bit better every day,” said Mr. Yang, who runs a restaurant named Grandpa Yang in Chongqing.

Yang started the restaurant in 2011. He was unhappy when quite a lot of food was left uneaten. “If customers know more about the food before they order, they will know what to pick,” he thought. So he decided to write something about each dish on his menu online.

Now there is something about the food. “Compared with our General Tao Chicken; this one is not THAT good,” says the introduction of Orange Beef. Another introduction warns. “Don’t let the name fool you. This one is NOT a real Sichuan dish.”

“People often search online to find the right restaurant. I don’t want them to say, ‘Oh, it’s one of the best in the area, and it must be very good,’ but then they come here only to find it’s not so good,” Yang said, “Customers should read more about the food before they order, not only my introductions, but also other customers’ opinions.”

Thanks to his honesty, the restaurant is having a moment under the sun. “It’s been a very exciting and busy time,” said Yang, “and I love it.”

(1). The restaurant Grandpa Yang was started ________.


in 2001


in 2011


in 2012


in 2021

(2). Mr. Yang was unhappy when ________.


the food was almost sold out


customers knew a lot about the food


customers found the food unhealthy


quite a lot of food was left uneaten

(3). Mr. Yang thinks that ________.


his restaurant is the best


people shouldn’t search online


General Tao Chicken is good


customers shouldn’t say anything

(4). According to the passage, the restaurant becomes successful mainly because ________.


it offers good service


Mr. Yang is honest


it offers a good price


Mr. Yang is foolish

  • 更新:2022-11-12
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Welcome to our school farm! I’m Potato.

Dry me in the sun for 2 hours.

Plant me about 20cm deep in the ground. Use the soil in No. 6 box.

The best temperature is between 15 and 20.

After 2 or 3 weeks. A potato plant will rise out of the ground.

The potato plant will flower.

When the flowers die, carefully dig up the potato plant. Then you’ll have your own potatoes.

(1). Dry me in the sun for ________.


2 hours


20 hours


8 days


15 days

(2). Plant me ________.


on the leaves


on the moon


in the hat


in the ground

(3). Carefully dig up the potato plant when ________.


the soil is wet


the temperature is 15℃


the flowers die


you see the school farm

  • 更新:2022-11-12
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
