
Unlike in our country, violence against women is very obvious in some western and African countries. The basic cause of it lies in discrimination, which claims women inequality with men in all aspects of life. Violence is both origin in discrimination and serves to worsen discrimination.
Violence against women is a sign of historically unequal status of women compared to men, which has resulted into domination (控制,主宰)  and discrimination against women by men and to the prevention of the full development of women. Violence against women is one of the important social means by which women are restricted into a secondary position in comparison with men.
As violence against women is spread worldwide, many women are targets because of their ethnic group, class, sex or disability status.
Many women think that the psychological consequences of abuse are even more dangerous than its physical effects. The experience of abuse often shakes women's self-respect and puts them at great risk of a number of mental health problems, such as:
Depression is becoming broadly recognized as a main health problem in the world.
Women who are abused by their partners suffer more depression and anxiety than women who have not been abused, according to studies in Australia, Nicaragua, Pakistan, and the US.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a strong anxiety disorder that can happen when people go through or witness a very unpleasant event in which they feel disappointed and helpless or fear death or injury. The symptoms of PTSD contain mentally reliving the upsetting event by means of flashbacks (闪回,倒叙) ;  avoiding anything that would remind one of the events; experiencing discomfort in sleeping and concentrating; and being easily alarmed or frightened.
The severe violence is also likely to lead to suicide. Some women kill themselves or try to do so. Researches from some countries, including Sweden, and the US, have showed that domestic violence is closely connected with suicide. Abused women who have PTSD symptoms prove to be most likely to try suicide.
Abused women are more likely than other women to misuse alcohol and drugs.
When a person' s everyday life functioning or life alternatives continue to be influenced, a post-traumatic stress disorder may be the problem, requiring professional treatment.
I .  0f historically unequal status
  Domination  and  discrimination  from  men ,  leading  position  and preventing
II.    : women's self-respect shake and    occur.
     , a main health problem
 Post-traumatic stress disorder, a strong   , happens under certain conditions.
One of its symptoms is mentally reliving   by means of flashbacks.
    , especially for women with PTSD symptoms
  Alcohol and drug misuse
  Professional treatment

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements. Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose the things we want, for advertising exerts(施加) some influence on us. In their efforts to persuade us to buy this or that product, advertisers have made a close study of human nature and have classified(分类) all our little weaknesses.
Advertisers discovered years ago that all of us love to get something for nothing. An advertisement which begins with the magic work FREE can rarely go wrong. These days, advertisers not only offer free samples, but free cars, free houses, and free trips round the world as well. They design hundreds of competitions which will enable us to win huge sums of money. Radio and television have made it possible for advertisers to draw the attention of millions of people in this way.
During a radio program, a company of biscuit manufacturers once asked listeners to bake biscuits and send them to their factory. They offered to pay $10 a pound for the biggest biscuit baked by a listener. The response to this competition was active. Before long, biscuits of all shapes and sizes began arriving at the factory. One lady brought in a biscuit on a wheelbarrow. It weighed nearly 500 pounds. All the biscuits that were sent were carefully weighed. The largest was 713 pounds. It seemed certain that this would win the prize. But just before the competition closed, a lorry arrived at the factory with a truly large biscuit which weighed 2,400 pounds. It had been baked by a college student who had used over 1,000 pounds of flour, 800 pounds of sugar, 200 pounds of fat, and 400 pounds of various other ingredients. The factory had to pay more money than they had expected, for they bought the biscuit from the student for $24,000.

Customers and advertisers
Though_______ of our good taste, customers are _____ by advertisements when buying things.
In fact, advertisers  have studied human nature in order to
_______ customers to buy this or that product.
According to their ______ ,all customers love to get things for _______.
The usually effective means
Advertisers offer free things, which often does ______.
Hundreds of competitions are ______ for customers to win huge sums of money.
Radio and television are used to ______ people’s attention.
An exception
By radio, a company of biscuit manufacturers once advertised that they would offer $10 a pound for the biggest biscuit baked by a listener, which ______ active response.
However, they never______ to pay $24,000 for a truly large biscuit made by a college student and carried by a lorry.
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Things You Should Insist on No Matter What People Say
Life can get pretty crazy at times.  Happiness is dependent upon ourselves,and there are some things in life you should always insist on doing,no matter what others have to say about it.Here is a list of some things you should always do.
1.Learn from your mistakes
No matter what people say,you will make mistakes in your life.Life is a learning process in itself.Some people will make you feel bad about your mistakes,or insult you for making them.   Accept your mistakes fully and really figure out what went wrong.
2.Embrace change and creativity
A popular proverb is,“You cannot solve a problem in the same state of consciences that created it.”    Change and creativity are vital in today’s world.Things are always changing,so why should we be any different?
3.Appreciate what you have
 This can take away from our happiness.Sometimes you just need to sit back and be happy about where your life is right now,and what you have to show for it. Sure people might tell you it’s not good enough,but don’t listen to them.It is good enough,and it gives you a sense of pride when you can enjoy the things you already have in life.
4.Listen to your heart
Sometimes you just need to follow your instincts and do what your heart tells you. There are some situations,like relationships,that rely more on your heart than on your head.People will surely tell you differently,but you should always insist on listening to what you want and feel. Again,you are the one who lives with your choices,and you are the one that has to live with the“what ifs.”  

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Host family accommodation, or living with host families, remains popular among language travel students for its unique advantages. These days, host families are trying to offer more in terms of quality, for they have something to worry about.
Host family accommodation is often seen as the number-one choice for its advantages in language study, cultural communication and cost of living. Staying alongside host families enables students to get enough practice for the time of their studying so that their language acquisition is likely to become faster. Living in host families also has the advantage for students of being able to spend a lot of time communicating with their “host parents”, and get to know the local way of life, people and culture. Another advantage is that host family accommodation can sometimes be the least expensive. It attracts students for it ensures them a family of living at a low cost.
The advantages, however, have not prevented host families from worrying. On one hand, some host families are losing their unique selling point. The problem is that the majority of hosts in big cities, now generally single and young, have less time available for students, but the selling point for host family accommodation is communication practice. On the other, students’ expectations have risen. They are becoming more demanding and asking for more than ever from their accommodation, as they come mainly from high socio-economic groups in their own countries.
To get out of the difficult situation, host families are now making efforts to improve the quality of service. They are trying to m make living conditions better, including broadband Internet service, private bathroom, and access to plenty of hot water for long shower. They are also proving students with structured family activities.
It is believed that host family accommodation will keep the popularity vote language travel students.
Title:       Family Accommodation

Host families are improving the accommodation quality
1)Language study
2)Cultural communication
(1) _________________
(2) Knowing the local way of life, people and culture
3) _______________
Being least expensive sometimes
1)Loss of selling point
Hosts’ having less time for students
2) _______________
Students’ becoming more demanding
Service quality improvement
(1) _________________
(2) Organizing structured family activities
Host family accommodation will keep the popularity vote with students.
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

An Extension of the Human Brain

Other people can help us compensate for our mental and emotional deficiencies (欠缺),much as a wooden leg can compensate for a physical deficiency. To be exact, other people can extend our intelligence and help us understand and adjust our emotions. When another person helps us in such ways, he or she is participating in what I've called a "social prosthetic (义肢的)system." Such systems do not need to operate face-to-face, and it's clear to me that the Internet is expanding the range of my own social prosthetic systems. It's already a big bank of many minds. Even in its current state, the Internet has extended my memory and judgment.

Regarding memory: Once I look up something on the Internet, I don't need to keep all the details for future use-I know where to find that information again and can quickly and easily do so. More generally, the Internet functions as if it were my memory. This function of the Internet is particularly striking when I'm writing; I'm no longer comfortable writing if I'm not connected to the Internet. It's become natural to check facts as I write, taking a minute or two to dip into PubMed, Wikipedia, or other websites.

Regarding judgment: The Internet has made me smarter in matters small and large. For example, when I'm writing a textbook, it has become second nature to check a dozen definitions of a key term, which helps me dig into the core and understand its meaning. But more than that, I now regularly compare my views with those of many others. If I have a " new idea," I now quickly look to see whether somebody else has already thought of it, or something similar-and I then compare what I think with what others have thought. This certainly makes my own views clearer. Moreover, I can find out whether my reactions to an event are reasonable enough by reading about those of others on the Internet.

These effects of the Internet have become even more striking since I've begun using a smartphone. I now regularly pull out my phone to check a fact, watch a video, read weibo. Such activities fill the spaces that used to be dead time (such as waiting for somebody to arrive for a lunch meeting).

But that's the upside (好处).The downside is that in those dead periods I often would let my thoughts flow and sometimes would have an unexpected insight or idea. Those opportunities are now fewer and farther between.

An Extension of the Human Brain

A prosthetic nature

荫 ●The (71) can help make up for our mental and emotional deficiencies as a wooden leg can compensate for a bodily deficiency.

●It (72) in our daily events, extending our intelligence, comprehending our feelings, and expanding the range of social activities.

Wonderful aspects: memory and judgment

• ●On the Internet, we could quickly and easily locate the details, and check facts, without (73) them in mind.

  ●The Internet makes us smarter over (74) kinds of things. It provides a dozen definitions of a key term for us to find the (75)               of the matter.

• ●The Internet enables us to exchange ideas with many others to (76)    our claims, and to (77) our actions.

The (78) sides

of smartphones

• ●Smartphones make it easier and more (79) to check reality, watch video clips, read weibo.

• ●Smartphones (80) the possibility for new and insightful minds, and steal away our dead time.

  • 更新:2021-09-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Teamwork is just as important in science as it is on the playing field or in the gym. Scientific investigations (调查) are almost always carried out by teams of people working together. Ideas are shared, experiences are designed, data are analyzed, and results are evaluated and shared with other investigators. Group work is necessary, and is usually more productive than working alone.
Several times throughout the year you may be asked to work with one or more of your classmates. Whatever teh task your group is assigned, a few rules need to be followed to ensure a productive and successful experience.
What comes first is to keep an open mind, becasue everyone’s ideas deserve consideration and each group member can make his or her own contribution. Secondly, it makes a job easier to divide the group task among all group members. Choose a role on the team that is best suited to your particular strengths. Thirdly, always work together, take turns, and encourage each other by listening, clarifying, and trusting one another. Mutual support and trust often make a great difference.
Activities like investigations are most effective when done by small groups. Here are some more suggestions for effective team performance during these activities: Make sure each group member understands and agrees to the task given to him or her, and everyone knows exactly when, why and what to do; take turns doing various tasks during similar and repeated activities; be aware of where other group members are and what they are doing so as to ensure safety; be responsible for your own learning, though it is by no means unwise to compare your observations with those of other group members.
When there is research to be done, divide the topic into several areas, and this can explore the issue in a very detailed way. You are encouraged to keep records of the sources used each person, which helps you trace back to the origin of the problems that may happen unexpectedly. A format for exchanging information (e.g. photocopies of notes, oral discussion, etc.) is also important, for a well-chosen method not only strengthens what you present but also makes yourself easily understood. When the time comes to make a decision and take a position on an issue, allow for the contributions of each member of the group. Most important of all, it is always wise to make decisions by compromise and agreement.
After you’ve completed a task with your team, make an evaluation of the team’s effectiveness —the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and challenges.

Working Together
Effective performance needs highly cooperated ________
General rules
Keep an open mind to everyone’s ________.
Divide the group task among group members.
________ and trust each other.
Understand and agree to the ________ task of one’s own.
Take turns doing various tasks.
Show concern for others to ensure safety.
Take _________ for one’s own learning.
Compare your own observations with those of others.
an issue
Break the ________ into several areas.
Keep records of the sources just in ________.
________ your information with others via proper format.
Make all decisions by compromise and agreement.
Analyze the strengths and weaknesses.
Find out the opportunities and challenges.
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As Chinese President Xi Jinping leaves on Friday on his first overseas tour, which includes stops in Moscow and three African countries, Beijing’s media is very interested in Xi’s famous wife Peng Liyuan, who will be traveling with him.
China’s new First Lady, one of the country’s most famous folk singers and
a World Health Organization Goodwill Ambassador(亲善大使) for
Tuberculosis(结核病) and HIV/AIDS, has long been as well known
as her husband.
The news that she would come along with her husband on the trip has already attracted widespread attention on China’s micro-blogging service, where expectations(期望) are high about her ability to promote China’s image abroad.
“Each country’s First Lady has her own style and charm, and the thing that the world loves is color and difference,” says Tsinghua University political scientist Tang Xiaoyang.
As Peng and President Xi start their trip to Moscow, Tanzania, South Africa and the Republic of Congo, the outing is the president’s first chance to shape his image as China’s new leader before foreign audiences.
Renmin University journalism professor Zhong Xin says there are high expectations that Peng will help her husband pass on a friendly image of China.
“Mrs. Peng is beautiful and popular.” Zhong said, explaining that the new First Lady will not only have a good effect on herself, but the president and the whole country.

Peng Liyuan—China’s New First Lady
A brief__________
● Beautiful and popular.
● Famous for her folk __________.
● Well-known ________ a World Health Organization Goodwill Ambassador for Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.
Her overseas tour
● Setting out with her __________—President Xi.
● Starting her overseas tour on Friday, __________stops in Moscow and three African countries.
Widespread attention on her
● Beijing’s media is__________ in her.
● On China’s micro-blogging service, people express that they look forward to her__________ China’s image abroad.
● The world expects her to be colorful and__________ from other countries’ First Ladies.
Possible effects
● Peng will help President Xi pass on a(n) ________ image of China.
● Peng will not only have a good__________ on herself, but the president and the whole country.
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Traditionally,customers may consider more about what they buy the product for.However,the image of product and the consuming circumstance have become the key points to attract customer awareness(意识) and stimulate (刺激)their buying needs.Frequently,customers buy goods just because they are cute,lovely and unique.With a less emphasis on functional utilities,the experience and imaginative space are placed into an increasingly important role.The image of product is emphasized,as well as the communication between products and consumers.“Customer behavior,which appears to be focused and directed at the object and at pleasure,in fact responds to quite different objectives:displaced expression of desire,and the production of a code of social values through the use of differential signs”(Baudrillard).The reason for image—oriented customer behavior is probably that customers’lifestyle has been continuously virtualized by paying much attention to“Virtual Reality”.The evidences can be traced from computer games and Hollywood movies,in which customers’preference for fleeing reality is perfectly matched.
This change requires US to take efforts to enhance product image by
integrating style,color,taste,shape and material,and communicate with customers creatively,imaginatively and innovatively,and enable them to enjoy the distinctive experience image brings.“A need is not a need for a particular object as much as it is a‘need’for difference”(Baudrillard).The typical example is Apple Computer’S IMAC,which has strong visual impact and outstanding dynamics.By this way,customer relationship can be set up through image,and brand can be treated as living that can transform people.Other examples commonly used are Disney Fairyland and Las Vegas,where new experience and imagination are fully demonstrated.In sum,consumption is negotiation,a never ending conversation held in the languages of advertising,packaging,branding,fashion,and entertainment.
More Attention to the Image of Product

Main comparisons
Different aspects ________  about by people when they are shopping.
In the past,people think more about the
______of the goods.
People today are more easily _____by the
______  of product and the
buying atmosphere.
Different _______to
promote sales
Traditionally,producers may focus more on the functional utilities of goods.
Nowadays.product image should be______
and there should be more effective_______with customers.
More details worth noticing
The _______for image-
centered behaviour
Influenced by computer games and Hollywood
movies,people’s ______ is virtualized.
      are given to
prove the’importance of
Apple Computer’s IMAC,Disney Fairyland,
Las Vegas

__________      __________    __________     __________      __________ 
__________      __________    _________    __________      __________

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Bike riding is a great way to get exercise and fresh air. But before you rush out and start biking, t    is an important thing you need to consider—safety.
Always wear a helmet when riding a bike, no matter ________ you are or how short the ride is. It can protect your brain from g      hurt in a bike accident. Many bike accidents mean brain damage or death for someone who does not wear      while riding. To protect against brain injury, make sure that the belts aref     . What you wear when riding a bike is also very important for safety. Bright-colored clothes will help you be visible on the road.       (除外) that, you have to choose good shoes. You should never ride barefoot!
Stop at all stop signs and o      traffic lights just as cars do. Always stop and check for traffic in both        (方向) when leaving a driveway.
Never wear ear-phones while biking. It’s important to hear everyone    (其他)on the road.
One of the best ways for parents to help kids learn safe bike riding is to set an     by following the rules of the road themselves.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Disability aids are vital to those who suffer problems with executing work with two hands.These are people who have been disabled due to some major sickness or some other problems.In order to help them carry on their work in the normal way, disability aids are manufactured.This helps them make their life a lot easier than what it would have been without these aids.The kind of disability aids that an individual might require depends on the person only.It is the problem that a person faces that decides the aids that he/she will use for carrying out their respective jobs.The following is the list of a few disability aids that come of significant use.
The first and foremost aid is the stocking aid, aiding the individuals suffering from the problem of bending down to reach the foot and wear their own socks.These stocking aids have a gutter(槽) that is made up of plastic material.These gutters are shaped in a certain way along with the attachment of cotton tapes in it.The sock is then put over the gutter.The foot is placed inside the gutter.The cotton tapes help in pulling the socks up the leg and subsequently the sock.In this manner, the sock is worn by a person who has problems wearing it by bending one’s back and reaching the foot.
There are openers that help the people who have problems with their hands or wrists to open bottles of ketchup, jam and other such bottles and jars that necessitates the use of hands and fingers.
The third type of disability aids that comes to our minds are lifts.Now what are lifts? Lifts are certain machines that help in lifting people from specific areas, such as a bathtub or a set of stairs.These lifts are of varied types and come for numerous applications.It is for the individual to decide the type that he/she requires to use.
For people, who have problems in balancing their upper bodies in a stable manner, there is something known as grab rails.These grab rails are installed for those who have mobility problems in their upper bodies.These rails come in varieties of shapes, sizes and angles.These grab rails are available to home users as well, in their different variations.One can purchase and fix one to their homes according to one’s specificities.These grab rails require the act of screwing and drilling in order to fix them to their appropriate place.The prices of these rails also vary according to the variation of their shapes and sizes.
A portable book holder is a much sought-after disability aid.It can be used by anybody for that matter, not just the disabled.These portable book holders are light-weight and can be easily moved about.These holders relieve the strains on one’s hands, necks and shoulders that might occur due to the handling of a book.The holders are provided with extended legs that help in placing the reading material at suitable distance.
Thus with the help of these disability aids, the old and disabled people can make their lives much more convenient and comfortable that would otherwise have been a cumbersome and complex one.
Disability Aids

Disability aids are important to people with disabilities from some major sickness or other problems.
Different of aids
Stocking aids
They can be used to help individuals whose bodies are not enough to reach their feet to put on socks by themselves.
They can be used to aid the disabled to open the bottles when the use of hands or wrists is a
They can be used to lift people from specific areas.They come in of types and are numerously.
Grab rails
They can be used to keep their balance in a stable manner after proper
Book holders
They can be used to help with the of strains on one’s hands necks and shoulders when reading.

these disability aids,the life of the old and disabled would become cumbersome and complex
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Simply said, Bora Bora is the most beautiful island in the world. Pora Pora ----the ancient name, meaning “first born”, came from legends describing this as the first island to rise. Although the first letter “B” does not exist in the Tahitian language, when Captain Cook first heard the name he mistook the softened sound of “P” for “B” and called the island Bora Bora.
Bora Bora often reminds people of images of a heaven on earth. For this reason, travelling to Bora Bora is popular with honeymooners and anyone who wishes to be surrounded by amazing beauty. Bora Bora is a destination that is small enough to explore in a few days. However, because of the island’s friendly people and fun activities, you might be willing to extend your plan of Bora Bora journey for weeks.
The landscape consists of a mountainous centre that is completely surrounded by a lagoon(环礁湖,濒海湖),which is then surrounded by a coral reef. These natural features make Bora Bora perfect for diving. The central feature of Bora Bora is Mount Otemanu, a huge rock that stands 2,379 feet tall.
Your Bora Bora vacations won’t be complete if you don’t visit the beaches and lagoons. Perhaps one of the best known features of Bora Bora is its white sand beaches. The most popular beach is Point Matira, located at the southern end of the island. The beach stretches for over two miles and is lined with palm trees.
There is more to do on Bora Bora vacations than lie on the beach. Hiking is an activity that Bora Bora’s 7,000 residents as well as Bora Bora travel enthusiasts, enjoy. If you’re up for a challenge, take the route from Vaitape to the top of Mount Otemanu. If you’re an inexperienced hiker, you might need the help of a guide.
Bora Bora---- The Romantic Island

 of the name of the island
·Pora Pora:  meaning “first born” in     
----the first island to rise
·Bora Bora: Captain Cook’s       “P” for “B”
 for the popularity among travelers
·images of a heaven on earth
·a         to explore in a few days
·fun activities

·a mountainous centre---- Mount Otemanu
·a lagoon
·a coral reef

·lying on the beaches
·visiting the lagoons
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Everybody gets stressed from time to time. Different people feel stress in different ways. You can try taking these five steps the next time to overcome stress:
Step one: get support. When you need help, reach out to the people who care about you. Talk to a trusted adult, such as a parent, or a coach. And don't forget about your friends. They might be worried about the same test or have had similar problems.
Step two: don't freak out(崩溃)! Notice your feelings, and name them — for example, "I am so angry!" And say or think about why you feel that way. Find a way to calm down and get past the upset feelings and find a way to express them. Do breathing exercises, listen to music, or do whatever helps you shift to a better mood.
Step three: don't take it out on yourself. Sometimes when kids are stressed and upset they take it out on themselves. You should be kind to yourself and ask for the helping hand or pat on the back that you need — and deserve — to get you through the tough situation you're facing.
Step four: try to solve the problem. After you're calm and you have support from adults and friends, it's time to get down to business. You need to figure out what the problem is. Even if you can't solve all of it, maybe you can begin by solving a piece of it.
Step five: be positive --- most stress is temporary. It may not seem like it when you're in the middle of a stressful situation, but stress does go away, often when you figure out the problem and start working on solving it.
These five steps aren't magic, and you might have to do some steps more than once, but they do work.

Title: Five Steps____________
Get others’
 Turning to people who ________
 Talking to a ______ and following their experiences
Don’t freak out
 Noticing your feelings, and________
 Finding a way to express them
 Doing something to help you shift to _______
Don't_______ on
 Being kind to yourself
 Asking for help and getting rid of ________ you're
Find ________ to  the problem
 Getting down to business and ________  what the
problem is
 Solving it_________
Be positive
 Most stressful situation is temporary and will go away.
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Every culture is riddled with unwritten rules,such as ones on punctuality(守时).I'm British. Soon after moving to Switzerland,I(1)   (throw)a house﹣warming party and was greatly surprised when all 30 guests showed up (2)   (exact) on time. Years later,having moved to France. I turned up at the appointed hour for a dinner,only to find that no other guest(3)   (arrive) and my hostess was still in her sleeping suit.


Mangroves,known as "red forest" in China,grow between land and sea,characterised by their complex roots. When (4)   (see) from afar,the mangrove forests appear more splendid.

Mangroves can help soften waves and protect (5)   (city) from coastal winds. For these reasons,they are praised as "coastal guardians". Up to now,China (6)   (establish)a number of protected areas with mangroves.


Nina has run marathons in 32 countries. All of her runs have a guiding purpose: to call attention (7) global water issues. Nina recently finished her year﹣long series of runs in Chicago,(8)  thousands were attending a water conference. She called for action (9)   (address)the struggles of people around the world (10) (face)"too little water or too dirty water". Her efforts have encouraged others to take part by running through a global campaign called "Run Blue".

  • 更新:2023-12-06
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In the presence of animals

A professor of public health at UCLA says that pet ownership might provide a new form of health care. As far back as the 1790s, the elderly at a senior citizens' home in England (1)

           (encourage) to spend time with farm animals. This would help patients' mental state more than the cruel therapies(2)   (use) on the mentally ill at the time. In recent years, scientists have finally begun to find proof(3)   contact with animals can increase a sick person's chance of survival and have shown (4)   (lower) heart rate, calm upset children, and get people to start a conversation.

   Scientists think that animals' companionship is beneficial (5)   animals are accepting and attentive, and they don't criticize or give orders. Animals have the unique ability to be more social. For example, visitors to nursing homes get more social responses from patients when they come with animal companions.

   Not only do people seem (6)   (anxious) when animals are nearby, but they may also live longer. Studies show that a year (7)   heart surgery, survival rates for heart patients were higher for those with pets in their homes than those without pets. Elderly people with pets make fewer trips to doctors than those without animal companions, possibly because animals relieve loneliness. Staying with animals is believed to create a peaceful state of mind,(8)   (result) in a favorable environment for everyone.

   Research confirms that the findings concerning senior citizens can be applied to restless children. They are more easy﹣going when there are animals around, with (9)  company they tend to calm down more easily. They involve (10)   in playing with animals and the presence of animals conforms them greatly.

  • 更新:2021-09-30
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Diets have changed in China﹣and so too has its top crop. Since 2011,the country (1)       (grow)more corn than rice. Corn production has jumped nearly 125 percent over (2)       past 25 years, while rice has increased only 7 percent.

A taste for meat is(3)        (actual) behind the change:An important part of its corn is used to feed chickens, pigs, and cattle. Another reason for corn's rise: The government encourages farmers to grow corn instead of rice (4)        (improve) water quality. Corn uses less water(5)        rice and creates less fertilizer(化肥) runoff. This switch has decreased (6)        (pollute) in the country's major lakes and reservoirs and made drinking water safer for people.

According to the World Bank, China accounts for about 30 percent of total(7)       (globe)fertilizer consumption. The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture finds that between 2005﹣when the government (8)       (start) a soil﹣testing program(9)       gives specific fertilizer recommendation to farmers ﹣ and 2011, fertilizer use dropped by 7.7 million tons.That prevented the emission(排放) of 51.8 million tons of carbon dioxide.China's approach to protecting its environment while (10)       (feed) its citizens "offers useful lessons for agriculture and food policymakers worldwide," says the bank's Juergen Voegele.

  • 更新:2021-09-22
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
