
Your English teacher has introduced a play to your class. Read the play.

Characters: Benny, student, 14 years old

Peter, students, 15 years old

Susie, student, 14 years old

Grace, student, 14 years old

Time:One Sunday afternoon in autumn

Place:Sunny Park

(The four teenagers have just finished the picnic. They are tidying up.)

Benny:Wow! That was a great picnic. I'm so full that I can hardly move.

Grace:That's no excuse for not tidying up, Benny. Come over here and help me pack up the leftover food. Peter, can you put out the fire, please? And clean up the plate.

Peter:(Speaking unhappily to himself) How can I always get the dirty and difficult jobs?

It's not fair.

(Peter throws a bit of water on the fire. Then he picks up the ashes (灰烬) with an old newspaper and wants to throw them into the long grass. )

Susie:(Sounding surprised) What are you doing , Peter? That's d…

Peter:Whoops…the newspaper has caught fire.

Susie:And the grass…Benny, Grace, help! Help!

(Benny and Grace come over quickly. They help put out the fire completely.)

Peter:Oh, no. What have I done?

Grace: You know that we should do everything carefully, don't you?

Peter:(With his head in his hands) Yes. What have I done? What have I done?

(1)How does Peter feel about his job?   


Clean an easy


Dirty and difficult


Great and interesting


Noisy and harmful

(2)What word do you think Susie would say in the sentence "That's d…"?   









(3)Which of the following sentences is true?   


There are five people in the play.


Peter's carelessness causes the fire.


They have a picnic in the morning


Benny refuses to help others tidy up.

  • 更新:2021-01-25
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The longest river in the world is the Nile. It is 4,160 miles long. But the Nile is not the mightiest (浩荡的) river. The Amazon is.The Amazon is also the second longest river in the world.It is 3,900 miles long. How long is that? It is longer than a road going from New York City to San Francisco.

    The Amazon is the mightiest for this reason. It has the greatest amount of water. More water runs out to sea than from the Nile. Mississippi, and Yangtze rivers combined. That's a lot of fresh water! The force of its current (水流) is great too. The current can be seen 200 miles out in the sea. There's a story to show the Amazon's amazing current. A ship sailed (航行) far away from Brazil. It ran out of drinking water. Another ship passed by. The first ship asked for water. Someone on the second ship said. "Just put your buckets (桶) into the sea."

    Here are a few more facts. At its mouth, the Amazon is 90 miles wide.Even up the river,you can't see the opposite bank. The river is also very deep(from 22 to 76 meters).During rainy season,the river rises about 16 meters more. Big ocean ships can sail about 1,800 miles upstream (向上游).Smaller ships can sail 1,000 miles farther.

    What's the most bloodthirsty fish in the world? No. It's not the shark. It's the Amazon's piranha. It is only about 10 cm to 20 cm long. It has sharp teeth. Thousands travel in a group. No animal can swim across the river.A 1,000﹣pound horse would be just bones (骨头) in three minutes. Are you planning a trip to the Amazon? Here's a piece of advice. Leave your swimsuit at home!


(1)After reading this passage it seems clear that  

A. people do not drink the Amazon's water

B. it would not be good to visit the Amazon during rainy season

C. sailing on the Amazon requires:knowledge of its current

(2)The writer helps you understand how long the Amazon is by  

A.telling how long the Nile is

B. comparing it to a distance(距离)on land

C. comparing it with the Yangtze River

(3)In Paragraph Four, the word "sharp" means"  "in Chinese.




(4)The passage mainly tells us  

A. piranha in the Amazon

B. traveling in the Amazon

C. interesting facts about the Amazon

  • 更新:2021-01-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We've all haul bad experiences with restaurants,stores or hotels.Maybe you've been to a restaurant that served terrible food.Perhaps you've been to a store that had high prices and bad service.Or maybe you've booked a hotel and found out later that the room was nothing like the advertisement(广告).

    These days,we have a better chance of slopping these unpleasant surprises.We can do this by using apps.An app is a computer program on a smartphone.You cam use apps to do almost anything.App can help you play games,get directions,talk to friends,and so on.

    If you want to find information about a store or a hotel,you cam use a review app.Review apps help us evaluate(评价)service and products before we hand over our money.The idea is very simple.After you go to a restaurant or stay in a hotel,you can post a review with one of your apps.You can say anything you want.If you like a hotel that you stayed in,you can tell people that it was wonderful.If you think that the food in a certain restaurant was bad,then you can tell people not to eat there.Other people can use their app to read your reviews.

    Plenty of people prefer not to use these review apps.Many of these people think that it's a waste of time to look through websites and read reviews.These people prefer to go out and decide for themselves whether or not a service is good.However,review apps are getting more and more popular every day.Some apps are for exact services.For example,trip adviser gives attention to travel,and good reader pays attention to books.There are also other larger apps that provide information for just about every service that you can think of.

(1)What does the article say about apps?      

A.You can use apps for many things.

B.There are very few good apps.

C.Apps are only useful for travel.

D.Apps are very expensive to use.

(2)If you want to book a hotel,how can a review app help you?      

A.It can help you write better reviews.

B.It can tell you how to use a smartphone.

C.It can tell you about the hotel before you book it.

D.It can tell you about other people who post reviews.

(3)In the third paragraph,what does the underlined word "it" refer to?    

A.A restaurant.

B.A hotel.

C.A review.

D.A store.

(4)According to the article,why do some people prefer NOT to use review apps?    

A.They don't trust review apps.

B.They think review apps are too hard.

C.They prefer to make their own decisions.

D.They don't know how to use review apps.

(5)Where can you probably rind the passage?       

A.In a music magazine.

B.In a travel guide book.

C.In a story book.

D.In a newspaper.

  • 更新:2021-09-06
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Yun Siqi from Beijing is a 19﹣year﹣old young pianist (钢琴家). He started to learn the piano at age 4 and it has been his favourite hobby since then. Before that, he often heard his elder sister playing the violin and he loved the classical music she played."I wanted to beat her in something and I chose the piano." Yun said.

    At 4, several minutes of practice a day was enough. As Yun grew up, at ages 7 and 8, he had to practise for four hours a day. The time kept going up after Yun was 12. Now,he needs to practise at least seven hours every day. He sleeps for only five to six hours a day,but he is still full of energy (活力).

    Yun never got tired of the piano. In fact,he had great fun playing it. "Music is my special luck,and it is a real enjoyment to be with it every day," he said.

    Yun worked hard and soon he stood out. From 2013 to now. Yun shone at different music festivals,concerts and competitions.Yun said successes or failures (失败)were not important and they would not affect his understanding of music or his plan for the future.

    "If you lose, think carefully about it, and if you win, just work harder." the young pianist said. "I still need to practise more to become better, to bring out the real beauty of classical music through the piano. It may take a lifetime."

(1)Yun Sqi began to learn the piano in  





(2)Yun Siqi chose the piano because  

A. he was not able to play the violin

B. it was easy to learn to play the piano

C. he wanted to be better than his sister in something

D. his sister refused to play his favourite classical music

(3)What does the second paragraph (段落) mainly tell us about Yun Siqi?  

A.He lived a happy life at the age of 4.

B.He was not good at playing the piano.

C. He practises playing the piano very hard.

D. He doesn't have enough sleep but be is healthy.

(4)The underlined word "affect "in Paragraph 4 probably means "  " in Chinese.





(5)Which of the following is TRUE?  

A. Yun played the piano really well.

B. Yun was tired of playing the piano.

C. Yun didn't think he needed more practice.

D. Yun said one should work harder if he lost.

  • 更新:2021-01-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Edward rose early on the New﹣year morning. He looked in every room and wished a Happy New Year to his family. Then he ran into the street to repeat that to those he might meet.

When he came back, his father gave him two bright, new silver dollars.

His face lighted up as he took them. He had wished for a long time to buy some petty books that he had seen at the bookstore.

He left the house with a light heart, expecting to buy the books. As he ran down the street, he saw a poor family.

"I wish you a happy New Year." said Edward, as he was happily passing on. The man shook his head.

"You are not from this country. " said Edward. The man again shook his head, for he could not understand or speak his language. But he pointed to his mouth, and to the children shaking with cold, as if (好像)to say, "These little ones have had nothing to eat for a long time."

Edward quickly understood that these poor people were in trouble. He took out his dollars, and gave one to the man ,and the other to his wife.

They were excited and said something in their language, which doubtless meant, "We thank you so much that we will remember you all the time."

When Edward came home, his father asked what books he had bought. He hung his head a moment, but quickly looked up.

"I have bought no books," said he, "I gave my money to some poor people, who seemed to be very hungry then." He went on, "I think I can wait for my books till next New Year."

"My dear boy," said his father, "here are some books for you, more as a prize for your goodness of heart than as a New﹣Year gift."

"I saw you give the money cheerfully to the poor German family. It was nice for a little boy to do so. Be always ready to help others and every year of your life will be to you a Happy New Year."

(1)Edward expected to   with the money he got from his father.


help the poor family


buy something to eat


buy some pretty books


learn another language

(2)Why did the poor man shake his head when Edward spoke to him?   


He couldn't understand the boy.


He wouldn't accept the money.


He didn't like the boy's language.


He was too cold to say anything.

(3)How much did Edward give the poor family?   


One dollar.


Two dollars.


Three dollars.


Four dollars.

(4)We know that Edward   from the passage.


got a prize for his kind heart


had to buy his books next year


bought the books at the bookstore


got more money from his father

  • 更新:2021-01-25
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Group: Buffy, Debby, Jamie, Albert, Matt …(7)

Hey, guys! I have a lot of things I don't need, so I'm thinking about having a yard sale. What do you think?

Thank you!

Having a yard sale is not easy. You have to collect things, put prices on them, put them out on tables and then wait for people to come. And usually you have to sell things at VERY low prices. For all that time and work, you make very little money. Why not just sell your things online for higher prices?

Debby's right. But I think it'd be even better to just give your things to people who need them. I just sent out a lot of things last week.

Hey, I love yard sales! It's a great chance to make big money if you choose the right day. In my experience, Saturday is the best.

I agree with Albert. You can make money and meet interesting people. I made some good friends at my last yard sale.

(1)Why does Buffy start the chatting (聊天)?  

A. To ask her friends for advice.

B. To sell things to the group members.

C. To invite her friends to go to a yard sale.

D. To explain how to deal with useless things.

(2)What is Debby's opinion?  

A. A yard sale could make much more money.

B. You have to wait long for people to come.

C. A yard sale is not worth the time and work.

D. Online selling takes too much time and work.

(3)Which of the following best describes Jamie?  

A. Honest.

B. Clever.

C. Hard﹣working.

D. Kind﹣hearted.

(4)Who support(s) Buffy's idea?  

A. Debby and Jamie.

B. Only Albert.

C. Only Matt.

D. Albert and Matt.

  • 更新:2021-01-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Asked about the foods that sell best in the whole world,do you often hear about Coca﹣Cola and McDonald's Big Macs from America?But think again,because the most successful worldwide food is instant noodles (方便面).

A new book called Noodle Stories that was written 55 years after the birth of the instant noodles in Japan,mentioned that there were more than 100 billion cups of instant noodles worldwide in 2012﹣ that's about 14 cups for every person on Earth.As for noodles themselves,they were invented more than 2,000 years ago to become a worldwide staple(主食).

_______ The oldest historical mention of noodles appeared in the third century AD in China.The earliest Chinese noodles were little pieces of dough (面团) thrown into boiling water.This kind of noodles,called mianpian,are still eaten in China today.Another early mention of noodles appeared in the fifth century AD in Jerusalem.

Momofuku Ando invented instant noodles in Japan in 1958.Few people know that instant noodles play an important role in hunger and disaster (灾害) relief.It's well﹣known that they are regarded as junk food,but they are a real "hunger killer".According to an online news report,the fat in instant noodles that is mixed with the delicious soup keeps one feeling full for longer.And that helps explain why"ramen",as they are called in Japanese,have become a staple on the world's food aid (援助) lists.

(1)Among the worldwide foods,the best seller is    .




Big Macs


instant noodles



(2)According to the passage,noodles have a history of more than    years.









(3)Which of the following can be put in"    "in the third paragraph?


What do people eat except noodles ?


Where were the earliest noodles from?


How did people cook noodles in Japan?


Why are noodles a kind of staple today?

(4)From the passage,we can know that instant noodles were invented in    .









(5)Which of the following is TRUE?    


Every person eats at least 14 cups of instant noodles every year.


As a healthy staple,instant noodles are popular around the world.


Ramen was another name of mianpian in Japanese 2000 years ago.


People in disaster areas may get instant noodles from food aid groups.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In September,2020,I had the chance to come to China for the first time and visited Yunnan Province.

On the first day we went to a village named Xiaopingzhai.I was amazed to discover that small tea factory could bring in 6 million yuan a year with only 20 workers.

The next of our trip was the village of Kangmian.Many families now live there after leaving uninhabitable(不适合居住的)areas.The new village has 450 housing units.There I have learned that the government helps the people by providing jobs so that they can support themselves.Of the 1,331 villagers,609 now have jobs.

In Shuiduichong,a traditional Yao ethnic(瑶族)group village,we visited the workshops for making silver ornaments(饰品).We discovered the skill had a history of more than 200 year.Besides the traditional use of silver ornaments in Yao culture,                 .

A set of silver ornaments can be sold for between 10,000 and 20,000 yuan on the market.The making of silver ornaments creates jobs in the village.Shuiduichong now has more than 20 family workshops.

This trip was over.I have realized that through the hard work of the Chinese government,great changes have taken place in Yunnan.These impressive(印象深刻的)results should serve as an example for other developing countries.

(1)The trip followed the way of    .


Xiaopinghai→ Shuiduichong→ Kangmian


Xiaopingzhai→Kangmian→ Shuiduichong


Kangmian→ Shuiduichong→ Xiaopingzhai


Kangmian→Xiaopingzhai→ Shuiduichong

(2)In Kangmian the government helps the people by    .


selling products


giving money


opening factories


providing jobs

(3)Which of the following sentences can be put in the    


tourists like them very much


these objects have a high value


people buy them as gifts


they can be seen everywhere

(4)The structure of the passage may be       .

(①=Paragraph 1

②Paragraph 2


④Paragraph 4


⑥Paragraph 6)





  • 更新:2021-09-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Build for yourself a strong box.Build each part with care;

When it strong as your hand can make it,

Put all your troubles there.

Hide there all thought of your failures.And each pain that you take;

Lock all your heartaches in it,

Then sit on the lid(盖子)and laugh

Tell no one else what's inside,Never share its secrets;

When you've dropped in your care and worry,

Keep them for ever there.Hide them from sight(视野)so completely;

That the world will never dream half;Cover the strong box safely,

Then sit on the lid and laugh.

(1)The material above is probably       .


a story


a play


a poem


a letter

(2)What does the writer advise us to put in the box?    


Happy things.


Sad things.


Interesting things.


Boring things.

(3)According to the writer,we'd better keep these things in the box    .


for ever


for a year


for a month


for a week

(4)After covering the box with the lid,we can sit on it and       .









  • 更新:2021-09-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Marianne Carus,who started Cricket(蟋蟀)magazine in 1973 and served as Editor﹣in﹣Chief(总主编)until 2012,died on March 3 at the age of 92 this year.

Marianne believed that "only the best of the best is good enough for the young. "In Cricket,children would find wonderful stories with beautiful art,and be encouraged by ideas in the humanities and sciences.Marianne looked for stories from around the world to awaken admiration for different peoples and cultures.Most important,Cricket would never talk down to children.

Marianne knew that children were filled with fun,and she wanted Cricket to be,too - "humor from the heart that makes you laugh out loud. "And so she named her literary magazines after a funny group of bugs(虫子),such as Lady bung and Spider.

Over the years,Cricket has been read by millions of children and given many writers and artists their start.Marianne kept a special box of "love letters" to the magazine.She treasured these letters from Cricket readers,including long﹣ago readers.They told her that their interest in reading had begun with Cricket.

She considered other names,such as Troubadour or Taliesin,the singers and storytellers of old who traveled from one place to another to share their songs and stories.Then,one night,she was reading Isaac Bashevi Singer's memoir(回忆录)A Day of Pleasure,about his childhood in Warsaw.In it he wrote:There was a stove in Shosha's apartment behind which there lived a cricket.It chirped the nights through all winter long I imagined the cricket was telling a story that would never end. "That's exactly what Marianne wanted her children's magazine to do-to tell stories that would never end!So the name Cricket became her best choice.

Thank you for everything,Marianne.May the stories,and the laughter,never end!

(1)Cricket is a magazine most probably for    .









(2)According to the passage,Marianne    .


made an effort to find the best stories


raised many bugs as her pets


replied to long﹣ago Cricket readers


started Cricket 39 years ago

(3)Which of the following can be the best to fill in" "in Paragraph 5?    


How was the life of crickets?


When was the magazine Cricket born?


What did Marianne think of crickets?


Why did Marianne name her magazine Cricket?

(4)The best title for the passage can probably be    .


The Life of a Cricket


Admiration for Different Cultures


Best Stories for the Young


Achievements in Marianne 's Life

  • 更新:2021-09-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Everybody enjoys acts of kindness.But can you explain why?Some people think kindness is something out of love and care,while others believe it is just a tool that we use to become more popular.But research shows that being kind can activate (激活)an area of the brain called Striatum.Research also shows that kindness improves people's mood (情绪).But why and how does it happen?Here are a number of different ways.

Being kind can make someone smile.If you see yourself smile in a situation,people around may be smiling,too.This is specially true for your close friends and family .A kind act makes someone who is sad feel better. Itcan also make ourselves fee good.So why not set off that chain(链条)of good feelings to people around?

Secondly,being kind starts or develops a social connection with others.Kind acts like buying someone a present make friendships stronger.Research has shown that spending money on others may help you get a stronger feeling of happiness than spending it on yourself.Similarly,charities(慈善)also open up new circles of people to connect with someone on the other side of the world.

In another recent research,even children in their first year of secondary school know how being kind makes them feel happy.If one person is kind,he or she makes others in the group kind.It also lifts everyone's spirits.Imagine that you make cakes for the office and it makes others do it each month.Then you're getting cakes a lot more days than providing them.

The story doesn't end here.Being kind may improve your mood,but research has also shown that if you're in a good mood,you can act much more kindly.This makes it a wonderful two﹣way relationship,doesn't it?

(1)The writer lends in the topic by    .


telling a story


asking questions


giving examples


making a survey

(2)The underlined word"It" in Paragraph 2 refers to"    ".


the situation


the family


the kind act


that chain

(3)Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?       





(4)If you were an editor(编辑),you'd put the above passage in "    "of a newspaper.









  • 更新:2021-09-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Several months ago,Chinese COVID﹣19 vaccines(疫苗)were put to use widely.Our government offers free vaccines to Chinese people.Here is some information you need to know.

   How is the vaccine given?

   It is given by injection(注射).There are several ways to get injected.For the most common way,you are supposed to get it twice.After the first injection,you have to get the second one.

   Is the vaccine bad for human bodies?

   Some people are afraid that the vaccines are dangerous and may make them sick.In fact the vaccines have been tested for a long time.They won't cause any diseaseInstead,they can protect our bodies from being hurt.

Who is suitable?

   Medical researches have shown that Chinese vaccines are suitable for most people.And people aged 18 to 59 would be the first ones to get injection.Our government expects people over 60 who are in good health to get injected as well.You'd better ask doctors for advice at first.

   Should we still wear a face mask?

   Yes.It takes a few weeks or the body to build the ability to fight the COVID﹣19 after injection.Sometimes the vaccines might not work well in the body.So it's best to keep wearing face masks in public and wash your hands often.

(1)     can get the COVID﹣19 vaccines first in China.


People of all ages


People aged 3 to 17


People aged 18 to 59


People aged 60 and above

(2)The underlined word "disease" means    in the passage.









(3)From the passage,we can know that the vaccines    .


will make people sick


can protect people from being hurt


can only be given in two ways


are very expensive

(4)People should still wear masks after injection because       .


their bodies need time to build the ability


the masks can make them more beautiful


they may catch a cold more easily


the masks help the vaccines to work

(5)This passage mainly talks about        .


physical health


face masks


doctors' advice


vaccine injection

  • 更新:2021-09-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

"Life's a long,long journey." so we are told,and most of us would not set off on a journey,even a short one,without some ideas of where we wanted to go.Yet many people travel on life's journey with no sense of direction at all.

Setting personal goals can give your life a sense of direction.Goal setting is used by top sports players,successful business people and achievers in all fields.Before you set personal goals,think about what you want to achieve with your life.

Try to set goals in some of the following categories (类别):

Education - Will you achieve the educational goals after finishing high school?Are you still growing and learning?

Family - What kind of relationship do you want with your parents and other family members?

Creative - Do you want to achieve any artistic goals?

Career - What job do you want to take when you grow up?What do you need to make your dream come true?

Public Service - Do you want to make the world a better place?

Physical - Are you fit enough to do the things you want to do?

Pleasure - How do you want to enjoy yourself?

To help make the process more manageable,divide your goals into smaller tasks.For example,if you want to reach a main goal in five years,set a three﹣year goal,a one﹣year goal,a three﹣month goal and a one﹣month goal.Then create a daily To﹣Do List of things that you should do today.When a goal is achieved,take the time to enjoy your success.This helps you build the self﹣confidence.

Remember,your goals can be changed as time goes on.But be sure your goals are the things you hope to achieve,not what your parents,family or teachers want.

(1)According to the passage why should we set goals?    


To have a better future.


To enjoy pleasure in life.


To know where to have a journey.


To give our life a sense of direction.

(2)What should you consider when you set a family goal?    


The education you want to get.


The job to support your family.


The time you'll spend reaching your goal.


The relationship with family members.

(3)What's the best advice to achieve the main goal?    


A Dividing your goals into smaller tasks.


Creating a daily To﹣Do List of things.


C Building the sell confidence.


Setting the time to achieve the main goal.

(4)What can we learn from the passage?    


Once you set your goal,they can't be changed.


B Not all the people can get success by setting goals.


Enjoying success in one goal can help you do better in the next one.


Your goals are the things you and your parents,families on teachers want.

(5)Which of the following is the best title for the passage?    


A long journey.


Goal setting for life.


The direction of life.


Ways to achieve goals.

  • 更新:2021-09-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Food is a kind of culture.It's a nation's memory and pride.The famous French baguette (长棍面包) is one of their memories and prides.French people think it should be protected. "It is much more than just a kind of bread.It is a symbol of France—it's like the Eiffel Tower," said Dominigue Anract,president of the Confederation of French Bakers.

    So it's no wonder that a group of French cooks want the baguette to become a form of intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) listed by UNESCO.French culture leaders have given a suggestion to the country's president.

    UNESCO's intangible heritage list aims to protect culture from the influence of the world.Cooks in France believe that if the baguette is on the list,it will be better protected.The list already includes Belgian beer and Neapolitan pizza.

    The baguette has been protected by law since 1993.The law says the bread must be made with only the following things:water,wheat flour,yeast and salt.The flour should be fermented (发酵) for 15 to 20 hours at a certain temperature.This strict rule makes the food special and delicious.

    Six million baguettes are sold every day in France.However,as supermarkets continue to take over,tens of thousands of shops have closed since the 1950s. "The first thing we ask of a child is to go buy a baguette," Anract said. "We think it important to protect these habits."

(1)Who is Anract?   

A.President of the Confederation of French Bakers.

B.President of UNESCO.

C.Manager of a supermarket.

(2)The cooks want the baguette to be on the list because it will   .

A.be better cooked

B.become a symbol of France

C.be better protected

(3)The baguette has been protected by law since    .




(4)How many baguettes are sold every day in France?   

A.Six million.

B.Ten thousand.

C.Six thousand.

(5)The passage mainly tells us   .

A.what the symbol of France is

B.how to make France's famous bread

C.France's famous bread should be protected

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

   There were three big fish in the lake.One of them,Demo,was wise;another one,Jimmy,was half﹣wise;Martin,the third one,was stupid.

    Some fishermen came to the bank of the lake with their nets.The three fish saw them.

    Demo decided at once to leave,to make the long and difficult trip to the ocean.He thought,"I won't discuss with these two about this.They love this place so much that they call it home and will stay on.How silly they are!They still haven't realized we are in great danger now.Their ignorance will cost them their lives."

    Seeing the wise fish had left,Jimmy thought,"My guide has gone and now I've lost my chance to escape."He felt sorry for it and then thought,"What can I do to save myself from these men and their nets?Perhaps I should pretend (假装)to be already dead,giving myself totally to the water."So he did that.He went up and down with the water,helpless,within arm's reach of the fishermen.

"Look at this!The best and biggest fish is dead."One of the men lifted him by the tail,and threw him up on the ground.He rolled (滚动)over and over and moved secretly toward the water,and then,back in.

    The third fish was aimlessly jumping about,trying to escape with his speed and cleverness.The net,of course,finally closed around him,and as he lay in the hot frying﹣pan bed,he thought,"If I get out of this,I'll never live again in the limits of the lake.Next time,the ocean!I'll make it my home."

56.The passage is a  




57.The underlined word"ignorance"in the passage means"  "in Chinese.




58.Jimmy thought that he could escape from the fishermen by  

A.traveling to the ocean

B.pretending to be dead

C.jumping here and there

59.Who was caught by the fishermen at last?  




60.What can we learn from the passage?  

A.It is important to make proper changes in time.

B.Good chances are always given to the honest.

C.The stupid can also succeed with great efforts.

  • 更新:2021-01-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
