
Activity1 ◇Hold arms straight out to the siders ◇Move your arms in circles.
◇Come back to the starting position and move your arms in the other direction.
Activity2 ◇Raise one foot backward, and hold it with one hand. ◇Breathe and slowly pull your foot to your hip屁股. ◇Try to keep both knees together.
Activity3 ◇Stand with some space in front of and behind you. Move the top of your body downward. ◇Keep your back straight and reach for your feet with both hands. ◇Hold this for about half a minute.
Activity4 ◇Take one step forward with your right foot. ◇Put your hands on the right knee and press压. ◇Do the acton in the same way with your left foot.
Activity5 ◇Stand with feet shoulder-width apart两脚与肩同宽. ◇Raise both arms overhead. ◇Hold for about half a minute and relax.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Going to a friend’s house is very exciting. You may spend time with a friend and get to see where he lives. It is important to be a good visitor.
When to arrive
The first thing to remember is that when a friend invites you, you need to arrive on time. If your friend tells you to come "around 3:00", that means you can turn up a little bit after 3:00. But usually it is a good idea to arrive at the right time.
What to bring
Often it is also nice to bring something to your friend's house. This could be a box of chocolates for you two to share, or maybe a movie that you can watch together. You can also bring some flowers. A little gift is a nice way to show your friend that you are excited to be at his house.
How to greet (问候)
When you visit your friend's house, you may also meet his parents. You should tell them who you are and they may tell you their names. As a child, I went to visit my friend Paul. I called his parents by their first names John and Mary. But now I know it is more polite to call them Mr. or Mrs. Smith.
If your friend tells you to come “around 3:00”, what does it mean?
Which situations are mentioned in this passage?

A.when to arrive B.what to bring C.How to greet D.Above of all

What’s the passage mainly about?(文章的主要内容是什么?)

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr. Morgan is an old man. He is 65 years old. He has a big house and a new car.  He has no wife, but he is a father of four children. He lives a happy life. He has two sons and two daughters. One of them was born in America. His name is Jack.  And the other is Simon, and he comes from England. His daughters’ names are Qianqian and Mikou. Qianqian is from China, and Mikou is a Japanese girl.
Mr. Morgan is not their real father, but he loves them very much. In his free time, they often watch TV., listen to music, and talk to each other. His son Simon likes football, and Jack likes basketball. They often play sports in different clubs after school, but they walk home together after that. At weekends, the girls usually stay at home and watch TV. They sometimes help Mr. Morgan with some housework because he is too old. This weekend, Mr. Morgan and his children go to Disney Land in America to have fun. He buys his children a lot of things and they see many tourists in the street. A girl dressed like Snow White greets them, and they talk with them in English. They all have fun.
Mr Morgan loves his family very much, and he hopes some day he can see his children have their own families.

Family __
Father, two daughters and two sons
Mr. Morgan
He is an old man and a happy father __four children.
Jack comes from_
__and activities
Jack likes basketball.
Simon, the__ son, is from England.
Simon enjoys football.
She comes from _
The girls usually__ TV at home and sometimes help their father_some housework.
She is Japanese.
In their __
They often watch TV, listen to music, and talk to each other.
This week
They go to Disney Land and their father buys a lot of things for them.
They see Snow White and __with her in English.
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Did you sleep the day away on March 21? Well, you should have done that because it was World Sleeping Day. This is the one day of the year when people around the world care about their sleep and ask themselves a lot of questions about sleep.
Why do we need sleep? Nobody as yet can give a correct answer to this question. However, tests have shown that lack(缺少)of sleep over about four weeks leads to a strong drop in body temperature, great weight loss and finally sickness.
Different people need different amounts of sleep. Eight hours a night is considered the average amount of sleep. For teenagers the least number of sleeping hours advised by doctors are ten hours for primary school students, nine for junior highs and eight for senior highs.
Some people seem to get along just fine with very little sleep at night. Leading American scientist Thomas Edison said that sleep was a waste of time. He did, however, take naps during the day. On the other hand. Albert Einstein, another great scientist, said he needed at least ten hours' sleep a night.
Here are some of the most useful suggestions, for a good night's sleep:
Go to bed regularly.
Use your bed only to sleep.
Don't exercise in the evening. 
Keep the bedroom dark and quiet.
Drink a glass of milk before sleep. 
Stop looking at the watch while you can't sleep!

Main idea:Having enough ______ is important
__do we need  sleep
Nobody can answer it ____.Lack of sleep can make you lose weight and ____.
How much sleep do people need?
The amounts of sleep are___ from people to people.Junior are advised to __ at least nine hours sleeping.Primary school students need ___ more hours of sleep than senior highs.
__ can you get a good night’s sleep
Go to bed at the __ time .Exercise in the evening.isn’t __ for your sleep .A glass of milk will help you with your sleep
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A Friend to the Pilgrims

"I speak English." When the Pilgrims (清教徒前辈美洲移民) heard these words,they were very surprised.The words came from Squanto,a Native American (印第安人).But how did he learn to speak English?As the Pilgrims would soon find out,this happened to be a long story.

In 1605,George Weymouth,an English captain (船长),was exploring America.People from England were interested in the Native Americans of this new land.When Weymouth came to Squanto's village,he captured (俘获) five men.Squanto was not among them,but the little boy was curious (好奇的).He volunteered to go with Weymouth to England.

In England,a friend of Weymouth's took good care of Squanto.But after nine years,Squanto felt homesick.In 1614,two English captains,John Smith and Thomas Hunt,asked Squanto to help them explore America.They promised to take Squanto to his home village after the trip.Squanto was happy and agreed to go.But after the trip,Captain Hunt broke his promise.Instead of bringing Squanto to see his family,he sold him to Spain as a slave (奴隶).

In Spain,some monks (僧侣) saved Squanto and looked after him for three years.Then,he joined another trip to North America.The trip was to Newfoundland.This was still far from Squanto's home.Squanto returned to England in the end.

By now,Squanto had known many important men in England.They liked Squanto and wanted to help him.Finally,Squanto went back to his home village in 1619 with the help of them.But sadly,the village was empty.All of the villagers had died from an illness.

When the Pilgrims arrived in America in 1620,winter would soon come.They needed help.Squanto happened to be living close to their houses.He offered to help.Knowing the language and customs of Englishmen,Squanto helped the Pilgrims in many ways,including teaching them how to catch fish.The Pilgrims were really lucky to have such a good friend!

(1)What did George Weymouth do when he came to Squanto's village?


(2)Who helped Squanto return to his home village in the end?


(3)When did the Pilgrims arrive in America?


(4)How did Squanto help the Pilgrims?


(5)What do you think of Squanto?And why?


  • 更新:2021-09-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When it comes to November 11, what’s on your mind? Well, as to the old people, it’s only a common day. However, the young will consider it as the Singles’ Day as well as the on-line shopping carnival(狂欢节). In fact, on November 11th, 2014, Tmall and Taobao (the biggest Chinese online shopping platform) has sold out more than 57 billion yuan goods. This data(数据) has surprised the media(媒体)at home and abroad. Apparently, people have more interests on cyber (网络)shopping than spend the night with their single friends. Some home media even suggest that November 11th should be the Chinese on-line shopping carnival.
In 2010, Jack Ma, the CEO of Tmall and Taobao, had coined the term “Double Eleven”, aimed to encourage the single people to do something to celebrate their own festival. Instead of dating lovers, people go on-line shopping to relive(再体验) the loneliness. According to the survey, China had 564 million Internet users at the end of last year and 180 million single people. And the single people are the main force of the China’s spending power. The debut(开张) was a great success. Then “11.11” has an unusual meaning, which stands for on-line shopping carnival.
Do old people think November 11th the Singles’ Day?
How much (money of) goods has Tmall and Taobao sold out on Nov. 11th, 2014? _______________________________________________________________________________
What’s the unusual meaning of 11.11 in China?

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Strange,but the green sea turtle is not that green.  It’s certainly not as green as a tree.  In fact,its shell(壳)is nearly black or brown.The largest hard-shelled sea turtle is between 200 and 300 pounds heavy and a shell is between 36 and 43 inches(英尺)long.But its head is smaller than other turtles.
Little baby green sea turtles are only two inches long.As the turtle grows up,its shell keeps mostly black while the body turns orange or brown.Young turtles like living in the sea,especially in areas with 1ots of sea grasses.
Green sea turtles,like all sea turtles,are very different from land or river turtles.All sea turtles can swim through the water faster.Instead of feet for walking,sea turtles have flippers(鳍状肢)which are better for swimming.The flippers aren’t good on land,however,and walking is hard for a sea turtle because they are usually big and heavy.
One other interesting thing about a sea turtle’s flippers is that they cannot be pulled into their shells.Land turtles can pull their feet into their shells for protection.but a sea turtle can’t.
回答问题:Are green sea turtles green?
回答问题:Why is walking hard for green turtles?
写出“Green sea turtles are very different from land or river turtles.”的同义句:
回答问题:What is the interesting difference between sea turtles and land turtles?

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My father didn't know how to show love.He went to work every day.He often blamed(责备) me when I had made mistakes.

Once I broke my leg,my mother held me in her arms all the way to the hospital.My father pulled the car right up to the doors of the hospital.He looked really anxious(焦急的).

When I learned to ride a bike,I asked him not to leave me alone,but he said it was time.I fell and my mother ran to pick me up,but he stopped her.I was mad and I wanted to show him that I could ride it myself.

When I went to college,my mother wrote letters to me.He just sent money and a little note about how great his garden looked now because I wasn't playing football in it.Whenever I called home,he acted as he wanted to talk but always said, "Wait,Tim.I'll get your mother."

All my life he said,"Where are you going?What time are you coming home?"Father's love is as great as a mountain,people often say.Didn't I realize his love?

(1)What did Tim's father do when Tim had made mistakes? (不超过7个词)       

(2)Why did Tim's parents take him to the hospital? (不超过7个词)               

(3)Who picked Tim up when he fell off the bike,his father or his mother?(不超过7个词)                                       

(4)Where did Tim probably play football? (不超过9个词)                    

(5)What's the proper title for the passage? (不超过8个词)                     

  • 更新:2021-09-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mrs Li works in Sunshine Middle school. This week, she asks her students about fashion. She shows each student seven things and asks their ideas about each thing. Some of their answers are interesting ! Here is what the students in Class 8 like.
John Smith likes the key ring. Her friend Jordan says he can’t stand the scarf. “It’s for old people !” He says. William Jones loves the wallet, and his classmate Gina Taylor loves the watch. Ann Rice doesn’t like the watch, but she really likes the hair clip! Jerry Green likes the sunglasses. And the coolest thing is the belt! Everyone loves it!
What does Mrs Li do?
How many things does the teacher show to the students?
Who likes the key ring?
What does Ann really love?
What is the most popular thing among the students?

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Wei Hua is a high school student and he is pretty healthy. He does exercise every day.  And his eating habits are pretty healthy. He tries to eat more vegetables, such as tomatoes,patatoes,cabbages and so on,usually ten to eleven times a week. He eats fruit and drink milk every day. Of course, he loves junk food, too. But he tries to eat it only once a week. He usually keeps eight or nine hours sleep every day. So you see, he looks very healthy and happy. And his good lifestyle helps him become clever, too. Eating healthy food and doing exercise help him to study better.
Does Wei Hua do exercise?
How often does he eat vegetables?
How long does he sleep every day?

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In high school, Nick ran track, played football and was in the band and orchestra. “I was so busy that I couldn’t waste time looking for a pencil or missing paper. I kept everything right where I could put my hands on it,” he says.
When a teacher assigns(布置,分派) a lot of homework, Domenica draws up a timetable(时间表),dividing the assignment into small parts. “It’s like eating a steak,” She says. “You chew(咀嚼) it one bite at a time.”
One student put a vocabulary list in the bathroom. He learned a new word every day while brushing his teeth. Another student used the time to remember biology(生物) terms while practising running.
In an international class, Asian-Americans, on average scored higher than other students. The teacher found that the Asian-Americans discussed homework problems together, tried different ways to work out the problems and explained their solutions to one another.
Christi is an excellent student at the University of California. If her math teacher assigns five problems, she does ten. If the history teacher assigns eight pages of reading, she reads twelve. “Part of learning is practising,” she says. “And the more you practise, the more you learn.”

Do more than you are asked.
Study anywhere --- or everywhere
Study together.
Schedule(计划) your time.
Get your things in order.
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day as I was sitting in a coffee shop, I noticed a girl working on her laptop. Two people (A) passed by and accidentally knocked over her drink. To avoid the embarrassment (困窘), the girl pretended (假装) that (B) ______ had happened and continued working on her computer.
This reminded me that both in China and Britain, when something strange happens around you or when you are in an embarrassing situation, (C) people tend (倾向于) to use this commonway to not catch other people’s attention.
A lot of the time,Britons use self—depreciating humor (自嘲式的幽默).This is a well-known British characteristic. Forexample, imagine walking (D) ______ your friends and you fallover. Your friend may just say (E) “旅途愉快!” Or you may just laugh about how clumsy (笨拙的) you are. For many Britons, making fun of yourself is a way of showing your strength of character.
Also, British are considerate when it comes to embarrassing others. For example, students (F) usually have a birthday party every year. So during the school day, a student will give out invitations to the class. If one person doesn’t get an invitation, but the rest of the class does, he or she will feel embarrassed. To avoid it, it’s common for students to even invite people who aren’t (G) their friends.
写出文中划线部分(A)和(F)的同义词或近义词:______ ______
在文中(B)和(D)的空白处填入适当的单词: ______ ______
将文中划线部分(C)改写为:people tend to use thiscommon way ______ ______ other people won’t notice it.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dogs like living with people. They are very friendly. They can do many things for people.  (A) Some dogs help people to look after sheep, other dogs help them to find the lost children. And some of the dogs can help the blind.
There is a kind of dog. His name is (B) Seeing Eye dog. Now we can see this kind of dog all over the world. They are working for the blind. The Seeing Eye dog is strong and easy to train. He helps the blind to walk from place to place. Before a dog becomes a Seeing Eye dog, he must go to a training school for about three months. (C) ____________ the dog has to learn to sit or stay when he hears the trainer’s call. In his next lesson the dog learns to take his trainer across busy streets. The dog has many things to learn. At the end of the training he must take tests. When he passes the test, the Seeing Eye dog will do things by himself.
Now he can help the blind people. (D) The new master may be a man, a woman, or even a child. It takes the dog and his blind master about a month (E) ___________ (learn) to work and live together.
In Chinese, (B) “Seeing Eye dog”means _______________________.
改写(D)处划线句子。__________ the new master ___________ a man,

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There is a new park near Lily’s home. It’s fine today. Lily and her family are in the park now. On their left, there is a café(咖啡屋). There’s a big lake, too. There are many flowers and trees around(在…周围) the lake. There is a small hill behind the lake. Near the lake, there are two signs. One says, “Don’t swim in the lake!” The other says, “No fishing!” But you can go boating on the lake. There is a beautiful garden in the middle of the park. There are green grass and beautiful flowers in it. There are some small shops between the lake and the garden. The park is very nice. Lily and her family like it very much.
Is there a lake in the park?
What can people do on the lake?
What’s behind the lake?
How many signs are there near the lake?
Do Lily and her family like the park?

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When Tom was a child,his father worked in a welding (焊接) shop for more than 12 hours a day.But his father could not earn enough money to give his family a good life.

After Tom graduated from his university,he got a job in a company.After a few years,he began to earn a good salary.He bought a new house,a new car and some unnecessary luxuries (奢侈品).After almost 6 to 7 years,Tom was unable to pay for all the household expenses (家庭开支),even the basic necessities.

It happened that Tom's father fell sick.As a result,he could not continue his work in the shop.

When his father asked Tom to pay for his treatment,he complained to his parents, "You are not doing anything to help me,but instead are a burden (负担) to me !So,please don't come to me again."

After a week,while Tom was on an official tour,he met a small boy aged 10 selling toys.The boy asked Tom to buy something.The boy said, "My father met with an accident a year ago.He has no arms now.I'm helping my parents by selling these toys."

Tom bought a few toys from the lite boy.He realized that he was wrong in the way he treated his parents.He learned a lesson from the small boy.At a very small age,this boy was helping his parents,but Tom,in order to live a lavish (挥霍的) life,gave no care to his parents.

(1)Tom's family wasn't rich when he was young,was it?                        

(2)Where did Tom work after graduation?                                     

(3)Why was Tom unable to pay for all the household expenses?                    

(4)What happened to Tom's father after he fell sick?                             

(5)How might Tom treat his parents later?                                     

  • 更新:2021-09-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
