
Researchers from the University of Michigan reported that empathy(感情移入),the ability to understand other people, among college students had dropped sharply over the past 10 years. That could be because so many people have replaced face time with screen time. Today, people spend more time alone and are less likely to join groups and clubs.
But there is another explanation. Turn on the TV, and you’re showered with news and reality shows full of people fighting, competing, and generally treating one another with no respect. Humans learn by example---and most of the examples on it are anything but empathetic.
There are good reasons not to follow those bad examples. Humans are socially related by nature. Having relationships with other people is an important part of being human—and having empathy is decisive to those relationships. Researchers have also found that empathetic teenagers are more likely to have high self-respect. Besides, empathy can be a cure for loneliness, sadness, anxiety, and fear.
Empathy is also an indication of a good leader. In fact, many top companies report that empathy is one of the most important things they look for in new managers. Good social skills---including empathy—are a kind of “emotional(情感的) intelligence” that will help you succeed in many areas of life.
What’s the best way to develop empathy? For starters, let down your guard and really listen to others. One doesn’t develop empathy by having a lot of opinions and doing a lot of talking. In addition, you’d better volunteer at a nursing home or a hospital, be a member of a club or a team, have a “sharing circle” with your family, or spend time caring for pets at an animal shelter.

A_____drop of empathy among college students in the past decade. 
______of empathy dropping
◆Having less face-to-face__________
◆Showing no __________among people in TV programs
Importance of empathy
◆Being vital for social_________
◆Making _______ more likely to have high self-respect
_________one’s loneliness, sadness, anxiety, and fear
◆Indicating you can be a good leader
______to develop empathy
◆To be a good ________
◆To work as a volunteer
◆To _________a club, share feelings with your family or care for a pet


  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Directions: Read the following passage, Answer the questions according to the
information given in the passage.
Secret Santas
On Christmas morning, Linda wakes up, and tries to imagine the wide-eyed surprise of children in another household as they unwrap the presents she carefully chose for them. Linda has never met the children, but that’s all part of the joy of giving as secret Santas, she says.
"It's an amazing feeling to buy gifts on an anonymous (匿名的) basis," says Linda.
"It brings a whole new meaning to the holidays."
Linda and Tony are an American couple living in Toronto, Canada, and Linda did charitable work as a member of the American Women's Club of Toronto. As the name suggests, members are U.S. citizens living in Toronto, who join together for fellowship and community service.
To find her "adopted" family, Linda goes to the local schools and requests a wish list for a family that's struggling to survive. Last year she helped a single mother with three children. The mother works as a cleaning lady in a nursing home.
"The list is always heartbreaking. They have an opportunity to ask for anything and do just the opposite, asking for basic clothes or simple toys," she says. "We always buy the kids a new winter coat, hats, and gloves." She also buys gifts for the parents.
Last year Linda asked the mother for a second wish list--one that didn't include the basics. "Every child should have a Christmas that sticks with them for a lifetime." She purchased iPods for the two older children and a video game system for the youngest."I have learned a very valuable lesson in all of this," says Linda. "Pay attention to what's going on in your own backyard--no matter where you live."
The joy of giving as secret Santas is much sweeter when the gift is anonymous.
What reaction does Linda imagine the children will have?
(No more than 5 words)                                       (2 marks)
Why did Linda join the American Women's Club of Toronto?
(No more than 10 words)                                      (2 marks)
Why did Linda ask for a second wish list?
(No more than 15 words)                                     (3 marks)
What kind of people does "secret Santas" in the passage refer to?
(No more than 12 words)                                      (3 marks)

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There are two basic ways to see growth: one as a product;the other as a process. People have generally viewed personal growth as an external(外在的)result or a product that can easily be identified and measured. The worker who gets a promotion,the student whose grades improve,the foreigner who learns a new language—these are examples of people who have measurable results to show for their efforts.
By contrast(对照),the process of personal growth is much more difficult to determine,since by definition it is a journey and not the specific signposts or landmarks along the way.The process is not the road itself,but the attitudes,feelings people have,and their caution or courage,as they meet with new experiences and unexpected difficulties.In this process,the journey never really ends;there are always new ways to experience the world,new ideas to try,new challenges to accept.
In order to grow,to travel new roads,people need to have a willingness to take risks,to face the unknown,and to accept the possibility that they may “fail” at first. How we see ourselves as we try a new way of being is necessary for our ability to grow. Do we see ourselves as quick and curious?If so,then we tend to take more chances and to be more open to unfamiliar experiences. Do we think we're shy and indecisive?Then our sense of fear can cause us to hesitate,to move slowly,and not to take a step until we know the ground is safe. Do we think we are slow to adapt to change or that we're not smart enough to deal with a new challenge?Then we are likely to take a more passive role or not try at all.
These feelings of insecurity and self-doubt are both unavoidable and necessary if we are to change and grow. If we protect ourselves too much,then we stop growing. We become trapped inside a shell of our own making.

Two basic ways to see growth
Easily identified and measured
●The worker     a promotion
●The students making  in grades
●The foreigner learning a new language
 to determine
● Never really ends
●People's attitudes,feelings and their caution or courage,as they are     with new experiences and difficulties beyond        .
●Being   to take risks,to face the unknown,and to accept possible     
●Too much self        can prevent us from growing.


  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Ms. Mary was over eighty, but she still drove her old car like half her age. She loved driving very fast, and boasted of the fact         she had never, in her thirty-five years of driving, been punished       a driving mistake.
Then one day, she nearly lost her record. A police car followed her, and the policemen in it saw her pass a red light without       (stop).
When Ms. Mary came before the judge, he looked at her severely and said that she was too old to drive a car, and that the reason         she had not stopped at red light was most probably that her eyes had become weak            old age, so that she had simply not seen it.
When the judge had finished     he was saying, Ms. Mary opened the big handbag she was carrying and took out her sewing. Without saying a word, she      (choose) a needle with a very small eye, and threaded it at the first time.
When she had        (success) done this, she took the thread out of the needle again and handed both the needle and thread to the judge, saying, “Now it is your turn. I suppose you can drive a car well, and you have no doubts       your eyesight.”
The judge took the needle and tried to thread it. After half a dozen times, he had still not succeeded. The case against Ms. Mary    (dismiss解雇), and her record remained unbroken.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I used to be the messiest person alive.Over the years, through watching others and by trial and error, I have finally found ways to come up with plans, organize them and follow through with them.
Make an outline of everything you need to have and do to make your plan happen.Make a list of all of the steps that need to be accomplished and think about what needs to be done.
Detail everything thoroughly and read over it so you can start coming up with some mental solutions of how to carry out your plans.
You should ensure that if for some reason way one doesn’t work, you have way two and way three to lean back on.Therefore, different ways are needed at hand.It’s just a matter of being organized.Chances are that there is always more than one way of doing things, and chances are that if one of those ways doesn’t work, one of the other ones will.
Committing yourself to finishing at least part if not all of your plan at once is also necessary.It will show that you not only have initiative to get things rolling, but that you are interested in the results obtained with making the move to get everything done.
If you make a commitment to finish before a specific time, make sure that you carry that out, and be sure to do everything in the way you said you would, within the time-frame you set for yourself.
Don’t try to tackle more things all at a time.All that does is delay your progress, distract you and make you lose your interest, motivation and energy.
Carrying out an effective plan requires being as organized as possible.You will only achieve this by sticking to the order of the plan and not deviating or trying to do more at a time.
Last but not least, you should never abandon things mid-project.It will only annoy everyone around you including yourself.Unfinished plans are a waste of time, energy and, in some cases, even money.
So, don’t be afraid of organization.The older we get, the more necessary it becomes to have the skills to follow through with confidence and to be able to carry through plans in an organized and manageable way.It pays to be organized, after all.

Title: Tips on how to bein your life

down your plan
◆List everything you need
◆List theyou will follow
To make your plan happen
 Prepare three
ways to carry out your plan
Tothat you can have some other choices when one way doesn’t work.
to finish at least part of your plan if not all
Do everything your own time-frame
To show yourself you are determined to get things started and caring about the results.
Do one thing at once
Stick to the order of your plan
To save your interest, motivation and energy
Finish what you have started
To get your planout  thoroughly.

You shouldn’t be afraid of organization because it’s really worthwhile.
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was a winter morning, just before Christmas, while most people were warming up their cars, my husband, Trevor, had to ride his bike 4 kilometers away from home to work. On his     (arrive), he parked his bike outside the back door      usual. After 10 hours of labor, he returned to find his bike gone,       was our only transport. Trevor used it to get to work, and also the bike was used     (get) groceries, saving us from having to walk long distances from where we live. I was so sad     I wrote to the newspaper and told them our story. Shortly after that, several people in our area offered to help. One wonderful stranger even bought a bike, and then called my husband to fetch    . Once again my husband had a way to get to and     his job. It really is     honor that a complete stranger would go out of their way for someone they have never met before. People say that a smile can    (pass) from one person to another, but acts of kindness from strangers are even more so. This experience has had a spreading effect on our lives because it   (strong) our faith in humanity. And it has influenced us to be more mindful of ways we, too, can share with others.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognized the bravery of ten people   had saved the life of another. John was studying in the room        he heard screaming. When he and his father rushed outside, a man ran from     scene. They discovered that Anne Slade, mother of three, had been cut        (repeat) with a knife. She was lying in her front garden        (bleed) very heavily. Her hands had almost been cut        .
It was John’s quick action and knowledge that saved Ms Slade’s life. He immediately asked many people       bandages, but when nobody could put        hands on any, his father got some tea towels and tape from their house. John used these to dress the most severe injuries to Ms Slade’s hands. He slowed the bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds       the police and the ambulance arrived.
“I’m proud of what I did, but I was just doing what I        (teach),” John said.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Prepackaged, mass-produced snack foods are hugely popular in grocery stores around the world. Many people are accustomed to choosing snack foods in grocery stores.
The first problem with packaged snack foods like cookies, crackers, and other bite-sized options is that they are often loaded with unhealthy materials. The reason for this is fairly easy to understand. Mass-produced foods need to be uniform in color, taste and so on. In order to achieve this uniformity, snack food producers use sugar, salt, and other chemical preservatives (防腐剂) and coloring materials in large amounts. These materials contribute to a rather unhealthy food.
In addition to requiring uniformity of taste and appearance, mass-produced snack foods like potato chips and candies need to be shelf stable. Preservatives and complex packaging make products shelf stable, but this stability and non-perish ability (抗腐性) often come at the expense of nutrition.
One reason that pre-made snacks are so popular in grocery stores is their prices. Food producers can keep costs down by using established production facilities and processes to quickly produce a huge amount of food. Shoppers are drawn to what they see at low prices.
People who are interested in improving the quality of their snacking can use magazines, books, and the Internet to discover a lot of healthy snacking tips and ideas. Even television shows about health and food sometimes talk about healthy snacking alternatives. Some healthy snacks, like fresh fruit, require no preparation at all.
Once people are aware of the drawbacks of clearly cheap and easy snack foods, they can start turning to better options. Soon, perhaps, the old and unhealthy snack options will no longer be profitable for food producers.

Title: Prepackaged, mass-produced snack foods
Prepackaged, mass-produced snack foods are well ________ around the world.
•Having preservatives, coloring materials and ________  packaging
• Having uniformity of ________ and appearance
• Being shelf stable
• Being at low ________
________ unhealthy materials
• Being shelf stable and non-perishable leading to some nutrition
•Discover healthy snacking tips and ideas by ________ magazines, books, the Internet and television shows.
• People will turn to better options once _______ the drawbacks of cheap and easy snack foods.
• The old and unhealthy snack foods will no longer bring _______ to food producers.


  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day, in spring, four lawyers were riding their horses along a country road.
There had been a storm, and the ground was very soft. Water was dripping(滴) from the trees, and the grass was wet. As they were passing through a grove(树丛) of small trees, they heard a great fluttering(拍翅) over their heads and a weak chirping(唧唧声) in the grass.
“What is the matter here?” asked the first lawyer, whose name was Speed. “Oh, it’s only some birds!” said the second lawyer, whose name was Hardin. “The storm has blown two of the little ones out of the nest. They are too young to fly, and the mother bird must be very worried about them.”
“What a pity! They’ll die down there in the grass,” said the third lawyer.
“Oh, well! They’re noting but birds,” said Hardin. “Why should we bother?”
Then they rode on, talking and laughing as before. In a few minutes they forgot about the birds.
However, the fourth lawyer, whose name was Abraham Lincoln, stopped. He got down from his horse and very gently put the little ones in his big warm hands. They did not seem frightened, but chirped softly, as if they knew they were safe. Then he looked up to find the nest from which they had fallen. It was much higher than he could reach from the ground, so Lincoln climbed up the tree. He put the birds softly one by one into their warm little home.
Soon the other three lawyers stopped at a spring(泉) to give their horses water.
“Where’s Lincoln?” asked one.
All were surprised to find that Lincoln was not with them.
In a few minutes Lincoln joined them. His shoes were covered with mud.
“Hello, Abraham!” said Hardin. “Where have you been?”
“I stopped a minute to give those birds to their mother,” he answered.
Then all three of them laughed heartily
Then all three of them laughed heartily. They thought it so foolish that a strong man should take so much trouble just for some worthless little birds.
“Gentlemen,” said Lincoln, “I would not sleep well tonight if I had left those helpless little birds on their own in the wet grass.”
Abraham Lincoln afterwards became very famous as a lawyer and statesman. He was then elected president. Next to Washington, he is regarded as one of the greatest American presidents.

Saving the birds
Two birds fell out their   53  in a tree with the rest in the nest fluttering.
The four lawyers’ attitudes towards the birds were not the same.
The third lawyer
Abraham Lincoln
He just  54  what was going on here.
He didn’t care about the birds.
He showed  55  for the birds’ fate.
He stopped, picked the birds up and found where they had fallen. With great difficulty he climbed up to the nest which was   56  up in the tree and put the birds back, but the others laughed at him.
The greatness of a   57  man lies not only in his achievements but in his noble mind.
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Paul Lucas can often be seen walking around the city of San Francisco. Sometimes people are surprised to see him walking  any shoes or socks,  Lucas doesn’t mind at all. likes to walk barefoot, and so do 640 other members of Dirty Sole Society, the club that Lucas  (start) years ago. Lucas’ idea for this is to encourage others to live  (free) --- free of shoes.
According to Lucas, the barefoot life has many advantages.   most important is simply that it feels good. He also says  walking barefoot allows you to experience the world directly by touching it with your feet.  addition, the feet do not smell so much because they stay dry,    (make) it hard for bacteria to grow. And, of course, walking barefoot keeps your feet in good shape, so it’s actually    (healthy) than wearing shoes.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Scientists have discovered that ______(stay) in the cold could help us lose weight. Researchers at the University of California found that exposure to the cold increases levels of a protein that helps form brown fat -------- the type of fat that produces heat and keeps us warm. Brown fat burns energy, _______ helps us lose weight. White fat stores extra energy, which results ______ weight gain. The researchers said that because air conditioning and heating give us constant, _______ (comfort) temperatures, our body's need for brown fat has decreased. They found that: "Outdoor workers in northern Finland who ______ (expose) to cold temperature have ______ significant amount of brown fat when ______ (compare) to same-aged indoor workers."
The research was conducted on two different control groups of mice. ______ group was injected with the protein that helps create brown fat. This group later gained 30% less weight after both groups were fed high-fat diets. The researchers say this could be good news in the fight against obesity. People who are obese have _______(low) levels of brown fat than thinner people. Head researcher Hei Sook Sul said: "This protein could become an important target for research into the treatment and prevention of obesity and obesity-related diseases." She added: "If you can somehow increase levels of this protein, you could ______ (possible) lose more weight even if eating the same amount of food."

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A library is a place where a large collection of books are lined. However, quite different from traditional ones, a new library which opened last month in San Antonio, Texas, US is very special in the thing —there is not a single book in it.
In fact, the world’s first “bookless” library, known as BiblioTech, looks more like an Internet café—instead of bookshelves. It has iPads, laptops and desktop computers to use on site and 500 e-readers for members to borrow. Most importantly, there is no printed material, reported Time.
“Our digital library is stored in the cloud, so you don’t have to come in to get a book,” Laura Cole, BiblioTech’s special projects coordinator, told CNN. The library at the moment has a collection of 10,000 e-books and is trying to add more.
The idea of a bookless library no longer seems new since e-books have been around for quite some time. At the end of 2012, 23 percent of Americans aged 16 and older read e-books, up from 16 percent the year before. At the same time, the proportion(比例) of Americans who read a printed book fell from 72 percent to 67 percent.
“Not all libraries are going to be like us,” Nelson Wolff, a local official told CNN. “But we surely do hope it’s going to drive them to do so. The world is changing, and libraries can’t stay the same —if they want to stay connected with the changing world.”
Also, located in a low-income (低收入的) neighborhood where 40 percent of families don’t have a computer and half are not available(可获得的) to broadband Internet service, BiblioTech provides digital convenience to people who lack it.
All in all, the newly-born library, though young, may be promising in the future soon to come.

●A new library came into_____ last month.
●It has no book in it at all.
Features of the library
●Computers, iPads and laptops took the_____ of bookshelves.
______ borrow e-readers to read.
●There is no printed material.
●Books are stored in the ______.
●More e-books will be _______
______ for its bright future
●People are _________ with e-books for long.
●The changing world _______people to do so.
●Such bookless libraries meet low-incomers’ ______
The bookless library may be promising in the future.
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Chinese proverbs are rich and they are still widely used in Chinese people’ daily life.___ _ these proverbs there are often interesting stories. For example, the proverb, “plucking up a crop ______ (help) it grow”, is based on the following story.
It is said that a short-tempered man in the Song Dynasty(960-1279) was very anxious to help _____ rice crop grow up quickly. He was thinking about _____ day and night. But the crop was growing much slower than he expected.
One day, he came up with an idea _____ he would pluck up all of his crop a few inches. He did so the next day.
He was very tired ____ doing this for a whole day, ____ he felt very happy since the crop did "grow" ____ (high).
His son heard about this and went to see the crop. Unfortunately the leaves of the crop began to wither.
This proverb is saying we have to let things go in their ____ (nature) course. Being too anxious to help an event develop often ____ (result) in the contrary to our intention.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Learning inside the museum
Museums have an important role in providing learning services to users,especially school children.Some learning services will provide a range of formal teaching opportunities in the museum;others will work closely with school teachers so that these teachers can make better use of the learning resources available through displays and exhibitions,databases,handling collections and museum staff.
In an ideal world,every museum would have at least one learning or education specialist.He or she would be a trained teacher who also had a good understanding of museums and museum collections,and a strong feeling to help people especially children use and learn from them.
A museum education specialist is of great value. For most museums the establishment of such a post should be high priority. He or she is the only member of staff with training in the psychology of learning,and has considerable experience of analyzing complex concepts and-presenting them in a simple way to a non-specialist audience. The education specialist is,indeed,the only professional interpreter in the museum.
It is clearly reasonable,therefore,for the museum to make full use of the education specialist's skills,and to involve him or her in all aspects of interpretation and the planning of new displays and exhibitions.Museum learning is not just about teaching children,though children may be its principal audience.
Many small museums may not be able to employ an education specialist of their own.For them,there are other possibilities. One is that the local Schools Service may be able to lend a teacher to the museum,perhaps for two or three years,who could be trained to apply teaching skills to the museum context: another is that suitable volunteers may be available in the community-perhaps retired teacher,or teachers not presently working who may be willing to give some of their time to the museum. Another possibility is sponsorship:a large company might be willing to finance the appointment an education specialist for a few years.
An important part of the work for the education specialist in a museum is to establish strong links with its local schools.He or she is a communicator who has responsibility for keeping contact with the teachers at local schools. He or she should make sure that the schools know what is going on at the museum and how they can make use of it,and that the museum staff know about development in the school.Above all,it is their responsibility to find out what schools want and to ensure that the museum does its best to meet those requirements.There needs to be a continuing dialogue between teachers and museum:the museum needs to know what the teachers are teaching;teachers need to learn how the museum could help,and what resources they could use.
The look of wonder on a child's face can be the reward for a lifetime's work in museums.The aims of museum learning are to establish contact between people ----whether children or adults---and objects;and not to teach facts,but to sow(播)a seed of interest,a spark(火花)of inspiration.


  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Alice always wanted to be a singer. Music was the         important thing in her life but, to tell you the            (true), she took lesson for years, practised every day,            in spite of all this, her voice didn't improve. Honestly, it didn’t get better, it just got (loud).
Her teacher finally gave         and stopped the lessons, but Alice refused to quit, and one day she decided to give a concert and invited her former teacher to attend.
The teacher was very worried about              to say after the performance. She knew it           be terrible and it was. She didn't want to tell a lie, but she didn’t want to hurt Alice’s feelings              . Finally, she got an idea and went backstage to greet her former pupil.
“Well”, said Alice, “what did you think of             performance?”
“My dear,” said the teacher, “you’ll        be better than you were tonight.”

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
