
第二部分 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
The word sharp can be  26  to describe many different things in your home, classroom, and place of work. In this chapter, the writer  27  sharp pencils, meaning pencils with a very fine 28 . The writer does not like dull pencils.
We can also use the word sharp to describe the blades of knives. Knives also have points. We can use the word sharp to describe a   29  kind of point,  30  as the sharp points of kitchen and steak knives. Scissors have blades, too, and we can describe these blades as sharp or dull. Furthermore, the points of scissors are  31 sharp or rounded  32  on the kind of scissors. Some tools , such as saws, scrapers, and garden tools, also have blades. We can use the words sharp and dull to describe the blades of these tools  33  . Sharp knives, scissors, and tools are  34  to use. They cut things easily and quickly, without effort.
The word sharp can be used to describe the edges of furniture and  35  some contains. For example, the edge of a table of desk can be  36  . In addition, we can describe the edge of  37  open can as sharp. The top of a can is sometimes sharp  38  to cut your hand. A piece of  39  from a broken jar or bottle is  40 very sharp.
41  , we sometimes use the word sharp to describe people. A person who appears sharp is very well  42  . A person who is sharp, on the other hand, is intelligent, smart, and  43 learn and understand.
To summarize, the word sharp can describe many kinds of  44  that have blades, points, and edges. When we use the word “sharp” to describe people, it can mean nice-looking, well-dressed, or intelligent. It is an expressive word  45  it can be used in many different ways.
26. A. taken                B. watched     C. used            D. read
27. A. talks about            B. takes up     C. takes away       D. talked with
28. A. sharp                B. color        C. point            D. side
29. A. certain               B. some        C. just             D. any
30. A. so                   B. as         C. and             D. such
31. A. neither               B. either       C. each            D. also
32. A. depending            B. deciding     C. working         D. choosing
33. A. too                  B. even        C. either           D. ever
34. A. hard                 B. exciting      C. clear           D. easy
35. A. for                  B. on           C. of             D. beyond
36. A. sharp                B. smooth      C. dull            D. rough
37. A. a                    B. an          C. the             D. /
38. A. so as                 B. in order       C. so that          D. enough
39. A. suggestion            B. bread        C. glass            D. news
40. A. again                B. quite         C. rather           D. ordinarily
41. A. Finally               B. Therefore     C. However        D. Thus
42. A. prepared              B. served       C. dressed          D. wore
43. A. difficult to             B. is to         C. to               D. quick to
44. A. interesting things       B. bowls        C. objects          D. knives
45. A. even though           B. because       C. if only          D. since

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Hundreds of people, adults and children, come and go every day from the Kingsley School in Evanston, and police say that right now none of them has been eliminated(排除) as a(n)  21  suspect.  22 ,police have the weapon and detectives are trying to find out to whom it last  23 .
Investigators say that  24  Tuesday morning a few minutes before lunch a second grader found the weapon in a toilet in a first floor laboratory. It is a five-shot, 38 caliber(口径) revolver that was fully loaded.  25  the 7-year-old girl reported her discovery immediately.
“We’ve taken  26  . We’ve called the police. It’s being  27  . And we are concerned,” said Evanston School’s spokesperson Jan Roy.
Wednesday school officials sent students home with a  28  addressed to their parents about the  29  .
“At this point I don’t have enough answers and I would really like to get  30 ,” said Emily Gregrich, one of the parents.
31  parents who waited for their kids Thursday afternoon still had not  32  about the gun.
The principal conducted two assemblies(集会) to put to rest rumors  33  the 475 children who  34  the school. For  35 , the police investigation is focused on interviewing adults, teachers and nonprofessional staff members who were in the building the 24-hour period  36  the weapon was found.
“Where they were, what was going on, did they see anybody, you know, anybody in the school, anything unusual  37  , and we hope to  38  information through those interviews,” said Dep. Chief Joe Bellino of the Evanston Police Department.
Thursday afternoon the school district announced  39  to improve its efforts to communicate with  40  . It will make a phone tree Thursday night, and we are told the principal has invited parents who need more information about this to meet him here at the school Friday morning.
21.A.possible    B.unknown  C.strange     D.unusual
22.A.However  B.Later C.Meanwhile       D.Still
23.A.given       B.offered     C.devoted    D.belonged
24.A.after  B.before      C.early D.late
25.A.Suddenly  B.Fortunately      C.Quickly    D.Soon
26.A.advice      B.measures   C.notice       D.notes
27.A.investigated     B.discussed  C.questioned       D.removed
28.A.book B.speech      C.letter D.record
29.A.incident    B.accident    C.discovery  D.gun
30.A.angry       B.shocked    C.less   D.more
31.A.Some       B.Many       C.Any  D.Other
32.A.heard       B.read       C.talked    D.told
33.A.in   B.among   C.between        D.within
34.A.attend    B.love       C.escape    D.protect
35.A.all  B.certain   C.now       D.example
36.A.when     B.while     C.before   D.after
37.A.goes on  B.went on  C.were going on      D.going on
38.A.search    B.develop  C.prove     D.check
39.A.news      B.plans      C.instructions    D.introductions
40.A.parents   B.teachers   C.adults     D.Students

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
To improve relationship with others, you need to be aware of several sensible ways to complain.   21 , you need to be specific. Don’t say, “Boy, did you   22   like a fool at the party?” Instead, say, “You embarrassed me by getting drunk and telling   23  jokes to my parents.” Secondly, stick to the present. Don’t mention old offences from last month or last year. By doing this, you   24  attention from the problem at hand. Moreover, when you complain,   25   add insults. If you start calling the other person names, that will only   26  anger and hurt any chance of getting the person to really   27  you. A last point to remember is to complain privately. Never criticize the other person in front of friends, parents, children, or anyone else for that   28  . Criticizing in front of a third party has the same effect as   29 . This shames the person being criticized and makes it very   30  that the person will want to attack you orally rather than listen to you.
Remember sensible ways to complain yet?
Be specific.
Stick to the present.
Don’t add insults.
Complain privately.
21. A. To start with    B. Frankly speaking    C. In addition      D. Needless to say
22. A. conduct             B. undergo                 C. perform        D. act
23. A. temporary      B. controversial       C. offensive       D. dramatic
24. A. take away     B. set off             C. draw up        D. catch up
25. A. not                 B. barely            C. never           D. seldom
26. A. commit        B. deliver            C. involve         D. create
27. A. listen to             B. work for            C. look after       D. wait on
28. A. time           B. matter             C. person         D. party
29. A. jokes          B. criticism            C. insults          D. embarrassment
30. A. likely         B. natural            C. impossible      D. Frequent

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you remember last summer , when angry travelers were urging the government to do something about airline customer service ? Airlines     36     to improve , and they adopted (采用)new standards just before Christmas .    37     as another summer nears , plenty of     38    
travelers don’t see much improvement in customer     39     overall .
This month , the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) office will publish its first critical   40      
on whether airlines are     41     their promises . One survey(调查)suggests problems : the number of     42     to the DOT about the top 10 airlines in the first     43     rose 89% from a year ago .
Hit last summer by passenger complaints  and the threat (威慑)of consumer-protection laws by the    44      , 14 airlines     45     to adopt a set of basic customer-service standards called Customers First . The “12 promises” to passengers were introduced     46     a mjor effort to improve service . Since then , airlines have been redesigning websites , retraining employees and upgrading technology .
Recently , DOT inspector general Kenneth Mead , at McCain’s request , sent 20 examiners to airports to     47     whether each airline is doing what it promised . Mead warns travelers shouldn’t    48      too much . Most of the promises are    49      better communication with customers , not problems with flights .
“Passengers should show more understanding to airlines about their     50     to better air service .” Spokeswoman Shelly Sasson says . “And when     51     are made , it takes a long time for them to be noticed,” she says .
Now , the efforts may be working . During the first quarter , Delta had the second-lowest rate of complaints among the     52     10 carriers .    53     , its rate , along with other carriers’ , is up from last year . McCain and other lawmakers say there may be  a     54    to pass new consumer-protection      55    .
36.A.promised                      B.managed                C.hoped                    D.refused
37.A.So                         B.But                        C.Merely                   D.Even
38.A.skilled                   B.experienced            C.tired                             D.puzzled
39.A.flight                     B.opinion                  C.service                   D.travel
40.A.news                     B.information            C.doubt                     D.article
41.A.honoring                B.making                  C.giving                    D.improving
42.A.problems                      B.travelers                 C.passengers              D.complaints
43.A.quarter                  B.year                       C.month                    D.summer
44.A.customer                B.company                C.government            D.public
45.A.wished                   B.agreed                    C.remembered           D.failed
46.A.to                          B.for                        C.as                          D.by
47.A.explain                   B.discuss                    C.discover                 D.check
48.A.travel                    B.expect                    C.complain                D.suggest   
49.A.aimed at                B.considered as          C.joined to                D.made from
50.A.difficulty                      B.situation                 C.reality                    D.efforts
51.A.suggestions            B.rules                      C.decisions                D.improvements
52.A.large                     B.first                       C.top                        D.bad
53.A.Still                       B.Therefore                C.Instead                   D.Meanwhile
54.A.possibility              B.need                      C.chance                  D.use
55.A.examinations          B.service                   C.laws                      D.reports

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One of the political issues that is heard a lot about in the States lately is campaign(竞选)finance reform(改革). The people who are  36  for reform usually want the  37  to pay for campaigns and/or limit the amount of money that candidates(候选人)and their  38  can spend.
One reason that reform is called for is that it costs so much to  39  for political office. Candidates have to spend a great deal of time and effort  40  money. The incumbents (those already in office) have less time to do chief jobs since they must  41  so many money raising events.
Another  42  is the fear that candidates will be owned or  43  by the “special interest groups” that give money to their campaigns. Sometimes this certainly seems to be the  44 .
On the  45  side are those who say that it doesn’t mean it’s really  46  just because you call something “reform”. They argue that the right to freedom of speech is  47  if the government can limit anyone’s ability to get his or her message out to the people.
If one person or a group of people want to tell the  48  what they think about an issue or candidate, they have to buy  49  on TV, radio, and in newspapers and magazines. They might want to put up advertisements along highways and on websites. All this costs a lot of  50 .
Those against laws that control or limit spending say that you don’t really have freedom of  51  or freedom of the press if you can’t get your message out. They say the government should never be able to control  52  discussions. They believe that this is most important when the voters are about to make  53 .
What do you think about this  54 ? Listen to what the candidates for national office have to say. Which candidates  55  the most sense to you?
36.A.waiting                   B.calling                    C.standing                  D.preparing
37.A.government            B.president                 C.candidates               D.citizens
38.A.leaders                   B.bosses                     C.supporters               D.states
39.A.pay                       B.compete                  C.wait                       D.work
40.A.raising                    B.earning                   C.giving                    D.getting
41.A.notice                     B.report                     C.guard                            D.attend
42.A.event                      B.cost                        C.reason                    D.office
43.A.encouraged             B.forced                    C.controlled               D.ordered
44.A.joke                       B.purpose                  C.case                       D.example
45.A.other                      B.same                      C.another                   D.different
46.A.worse                     B.better                            C.easier                            D.harder
47.A.meaningless            B.unimportant            C.unnecessary             D.impossible
48.A.reporters                 B.truth                       C.story                      D.public
49.A.time                       B.copies                     C.rights                            D.advertising
50.A.energy                    B.effort                            C.time                       D.money
51.A.argument                B.opinion                   C.speech                    D.election
52.A.common                 B.political                  C.general                   D.special
53.A.profit                            B.trouble                   C.plans                      D.decisions
54.A.quarrel                   B.problem                  C.issue                       D.affair
55.A.find                       B.make                      C.create                     D.produce

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The birthrate in Europe has been in a steady decrease since the 1960s. European countries, realizing crisis is at hand, are providing great encouragement for parents to create more babies in the 21st century.
Affairs Ministry concluded last year that, ___65___ cash encouragement, some women just don’t want to be ___66___ holding the baby. “What we know is that it’s good for the ___67___ if men and women share the burden of having children, says Soren Kindlund, family policy adviser at the Swedish ministry. ___68___ Swedish parents can take their paid leave as they wish, men use a mere 12% of it; 60% of fathers do not take even a(n)___69___ day off work.
Experts fear that the tendency for women to use most of the parental leave could make employers___70___ to give young women the permanent jobs they need to qualify for paid maternity leave(产假). In January, Sweden decided to allow new fathers two months paid leave, with a warning: use it or___71___ it.
Kindlund admits that men are under ___72___ to stay at work, even though parental pay comes out of the public purse. “It’s not popular among bosses and perhaps with other men in the workplace,. “But it’s good for the father and for the child if they can ___73___ a relationship. ”
In Norway, a(n)___74___ policy has worked wonders. 70% of dads in Norway now take parental leave, and the birthrate of 1. 85 children per woman is one of the highest in Europe.
65. A. in spite of    B. at the cost of      C. in addition to     D. due to
66. A. sent      B. left     C. caught D. seen
67. A. birthrate      B. income       C. health D. spirit
68. A. Just as  B. Only if       C. Even though      D. Now that
69. A. one      B. mere   C. only    D. single
70. A. willing B. reluctant     C. likely  D. unable
71. A. reserve B. misuse       C. ignore D. lose
72. A. discussion    B. attack  C. control       D. pressure
73. A. make out     B. add up       C. build up     D. set aside
74. A. impersonal   B. similar       C. severe D. global

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Adults are often surprised by how well they remember something they learned as children but have never practised in the meantime. A man who has not had an opportunity to go swimming for years can ___55___ swim as well as ever when he gets back in the water. He can get on a bicycle after several decades and still ___56___ away. A mother who has not ___57___ the words for years can teach her daughter the poem that begins “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” or recite the story of Cinderella or Snow White.
One explanation is the law of over learning, which can be stated as following: ___58___ we have learned something, additional learning increases the ___59___ of time we will remember it.
In childhood, we usually continue to practise such skills as swimming, bicycle riding long after we have learned them. We continue to listen to and ___60___ ourselves of poems such as “Twinkle, twinkle, little star. We not only learn but ___61___.
The law of over learning explains why cramming(突击学习) for an examination, ___62___ it may result in a passing grade, is not a ___63___way to learn a school course. By cramming, a student may learn the subject well enough to get by on the examination, but he is likely soon to forget almost everything he learned. A little over learning; ___64___, is usually a good investment toward the future.
55. A. only     B. hardly C. still     D. even
56. A. move    B. drive   C. travel  D. ride
57. A. thought about      B. cared for    C. showed up  D. brought up
58. A. Before  B. Once   C. Until   D. Unless
59. A. accuracy      B. unit    C. limit   D. length
60. A. remind B. inform       C. warn   D. recall
61. A. recite    B. overlearn    C. research     D. improve
62. A. though  B. so       C. if D. after
63. A. convenient   B. demanding C. satisfactory D. swift
64. A. at most B. by the way        C. on the other hand      D. in the end

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

People do not analyse every problem they meet. Sometimes they try to remember a solution from the last time they had a ___1___ problem. They often accept the opinion or ideas of other people. Other times they begin to act without ___2___; they try to find a solution by trial and error. ___3___, when all of these methods ___4___, the person with a problem has to start analysing. There are six ___5___ in analysing a problem.
___6___ the person must recognise that there is a problem. For example, Sam’s bicycle is broken, and he cannot ride it to class as he usually does. Sam must ___7___ that there is a problem with his bicycle.
Next the person must ___8___ the problem. Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must know why it does not work. For example, he must ___9___ the parts that are wrong.
Now the person must look for ___10___ that will make the problem clearer and lead to ___11___ solutions. For example, suppose Sam ___12___ that his bike does not work because there is something wrong with the brakes. ___13___, he can look in his bicycle repair book and read about brakes, ___14___ his friends at the bike shop, or look at his brakes carefully.
After ___15___ the problem, the person should have ___16___ suggestions for a possible solution. Take Sam as an example ___17___, his suggestions might be: tighten or loosen the brakes; buy new brakes and change the old ones.
In the end, one ___18___ seems to be the solution ___19___ the problem. Sometimes the ___20___ idea comes quite ___21___ because the thinker suddenly sees something new or sees something in a ___22___ way. Sam, for example, suddenly sees there is a piece of chewing gum (口香糖) stuck to a brake. He ___23___ hits on the solution to his problem: he must ___24___ the brake.
Finally the solution is ___25___. Sam does it and finds his bicycle works perfectly. In short he has solved the problem.
1. A. serious   B. usual   C. similar       D. common
2. A. practice  B. thinking     C. understanding    D. help
3. A. Besides  B. Instead       C. Otherwise   D. However
4. A. fail B. work   C. change       D. develop
5. A. ways      B. conditions  C. stages  D. orders
6. A. First      B. Usually      C. In general   D. Most importantly
7. A. explain   B. prove  C. show   D. see
8. A. judge     B. find    C. describe     D. face
9. A. check     B. determine   C. correct       D. recover
10. A. answers       B. skills   C. explanation D. information
11. A. possible       B. exact   C. real     D. special
12. A. hopes   B. argues C. decides       D. suggests
13. A. In other words    B. Once in a while 
C. First of all  D. At this time
14. A. look for       B. talk to C. agree with  D. depend on
15. A. discussing    B. settling down     C. comparing with  D. studying
16. A. extra    B. enough       C. several       D. countless
17. A. secondly      B. again  C. also    D. alone
18. A. suggestion   B. conclusion  C. decision     D. discovery
19. A. with     B. into    C. for      D. to
20. A. next     B. clear   C. final   D. new
21. A. unexpectedly       B. late     C. clearly       D. often
22. A. simple  B. different     C. quick  D. sudden
23. A. fortunately   B. easily  C. clearly       D. immediately
24. A. clean    B. separate      C. loosen D. remove
25. A. recorded      B. completed  C. tested  D. accepted

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Some myths are stories told since ancient times to explain the causes for natural happenings. The Greek myth that explains why there are changes of (36) _______ is about Demeter, the goddess of the harvest. She had a daughter, Persephone, whom she loved very much. Hades, god of the underworld, fell in love with Persephone, and he asked Zeus, the ( 37) _______ of the gods, to give Persephone to him as his (38) _______. Zeus did not want either to disappoint Hades or to upset Demeter, so he said he would not agree to the marriage, but neither would he (39) _______ it. Hades, therefore, decided to take the girl without (40) _______. When Persephone was picking flowers in the garden, he seized her and took her to the underworld. When Demeter (41) _______ what happened to Persephone, she became so (42) _______ that she caused all plants to ( 43 ) _______. People were in (44) _________ of starving. But Demeter was determined not to let crops grow (45 ) _______ her daughter, Persephone, was returned to her. (46) __________, still not wanting to disappoint Hades, decided upon a condition for Persephone's (47) ______ . She could go back to her mother if she had not (48) ________ anything while she was in the underworld. Demeter (49) ________ it because she did not know that Persephone had eaten several pomegranate (石榴) seeds in the underworld. When Zeus (50) ______ this, he agreed that Persephone could spend part of the year with her (51) _______, but he added that since she had eaten the seeds, she must spend part of the year in the underworld. And so it (52) ________ that when Persephone is in the underworld, Demeter is sad and therefore (53) _______ not let the crops grow. That is (54) ______ we have winter when plants do not grow. When Persephone returns, Demeter is (55)______ , it  is spring, and plants begin to grow again.
36. A. periods             B. seasons              C. time                     D. age
37. A. winner              B. ruler                 C. advisor                   D. fighter
38. A. wife                   B. lover                 C. partner                   D. daughter
39. A. forbid                      B. forgive              C. admit                     D. accept
40. A. arrangement        B. warning                 C. reason                    D. permission
41. A. let out                B. worked out      C. thought out      D. found out
42. A. excited              B. tired                      C. angry                     D. serious
43. A. grow fast            B. start growing   C. stop growing    D. grow slowly
44. A. danger             B. hope                      C. turn                       D. case
45. A. since                  B. until                      C. after                       D. when
46. A. Persephone        B. Zeus                      C. Demeter            D. Hades
47. A. return                 B. change                   C. marriage                D. journey
48. A. stolen                 B. found                    C. eaten                 D. heard
49. A. understood       B. refused              C. doubted                  D. accepted
50. A. discovered        B. studied                  C. forgot                      D. prepared
51. A. daughter         B. mother                  C. god                        D. ruler
52. A. works                     B. remains                 C. happens           D. starts
53. A. should              B. can                        C. dare                       D. will
54. A. where               B. because             C. why                       D. how
55. A. nice                        B. friendly                    C. fresh                      D. happy

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The battle was followed by a terrible storm. Therefore, it wasn’t until October 26 that Vice. Admiral(海军中将)Collingwood was   36   to send off his report to Britain    37     the victory and Nelson’s death.
He chose   38   the task one of the smallest ships in his fleet. Pickle,   39   by Captain Lapenotiere. In spite of    40   winds and rough seas. Pickle made the    41  of more than 1, 000 miles in just over eight days,   42    Falmouth on the morning of November 4.
From there, Captain Lapenotiere   43   a fast post chaise(轻便马车)to London, traveling    44   for 37 hours. He reached the Admiralty in Whitehall at 1 a. m. on Wednesday, November 6-less than 11 days after he had    45  Collingwood.
Most of the officials had gone to bed    46  , but the secretary was still      47      in the famous Board Room. Lapenotiere hurried in and    48   the report with the simple words; “Sir, we have gained a great victory. But we have    49  Lord Nelson.”
Copies of the report were quickly made and    50  to the Prime Minister and King Ceorge III. A special edition of a   51   was rushed out and delivered all over the country.
The atmosphere of public    52  for the victory was weakened by widespread sorrow the   53    of Nelson. As one poet later wrote; “The victory of Trafalgar was   54   ,indeed, with the usual forms of rejoicing(欢庆),   55  they were without joy.”
36.A.eager                         B.anxious            C.able                               D.sure
37.A.announcing         B.telling              C.mentioning                     D.warning
38.A.with                   B.from                C.for                                 D.among
39.A.seated                        B.brought            C.owned                        D.led
40.A.strong                        B.weak                C.warm                             D.light
41.A.distance               B.flight               C.voyage                       D.march
42.A.leaving for          B.arriving at        C.staying in                          D.sailing  for
43.A.made                  B.took                 C.kept                               D.sat
44.A.freely                 B.simlessly           C.slowly                            D.continuously
45.A. seen                  B.found               C.told                                D.left
46.A.long before         B.long ago           C.before long                 D.long after
47.A.on leave              B.on business         C.at work                          D.at sea
48.A.took over            B.handed over        C.gave out                     D.turned out
49.A.defeated                     B.beaten                   C.missed                        D.lost
50.A.sent                           B.carried                    C.suggested                        D.written
51.A.book                  B.newspaper          C.weekly                           D.magazine
52.A.hope                   B.search              C.desire                             D.happiness
53.A.return                 B.failure                     C.death                          D.injury
54.A.congratulated      B.celebrated         C.gained                            D.reported
55.A.and                    B.so                    C.for                                 D.hut

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The three youths leaned over the metal rails along the sea-wall and watched a few fishermen pull in their nets. About thirty metres away, a boat pulled alongside the slippery steps leading  36  to the sea.
“Hey, look!” exclaimed Rahim. “Those two men are  37  heavy rocks. I thought we no longer do muscle labour in this technological  38  .
“They are  41  laborers who know how to spread the weight of the rocks they  42  . See how the man positions the rock just at the slope of his  43  . Some of the rock’s weight is set  44   his head, some on the right hand and some on the left hand. His body isn’t bent. His legs are well  45   .
“You’re right, Josh. He may have a small build.   46     he certainly well knows his job. Dear me! And to think we have been studying   47    ! ” Rahim thought about all that was happening. Suddenly, he said, “Technology won’t   48    the human being completely, it appears.”
“I don’t think it will. ”  49   Joshua. “You can harvest a crop of potatoes or wheat with one of those large, multi-purpose tractors, but you  50    use that equipment to harvest lea leaves and tomatoes, will you?”
“You can get a computer to   51    multiple-choice assessments, but you cannot get the computer to produce of assess essays, can you?” asked Michael.
“Well, the washing machine leaves my shirt collar quite as  52    as ever --- that’s domestic technology for you! ” said Rahim.
“One day, perhaps, there won’t be anybody   53    who can carry a large rock the way those men do. It’s not going to be a very  54    world, I’m afraid.” Sighed Michael.
“You’re too much of a pessimist (悲观主义者),Mike.” Said Joshua. “  55  will always be other things that will make the world exciting. ”

A.through B.across C.down D.up

A.loading B.unloading C.covering D.uncovering

A.way B.revolution C.process D.era

A.ask B.expect C.attempt D.hope

A.happen B.fail C.have D.seem

A.ambitious B.experienced C.potential D.energetic

A.take B.fetch C.carry D.bring

A.shoulder B.back C.chest D.arms

A.on B.against C.toward D.under

A.supported B.grasped C.placed D.strengthened

A.but B.however C.so D.therefore

A.chemistry B.physics C.biology D.psychology

A.control B.affect C.remove D.replace

A.agreed B.proposed C.refused D.denied

A.can’t B.mustn’t C.won’t D.needn’t

A.point out B.take out C.hand out D.print out

A.dirty B.clean C.old D.new

A.caught B.arranged C.left D.convinced

A.exciting B.mysterious C.technological D.modern

A.That B.This C.They D.There

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The purpose of a letter of application(求职信) is to help you to “sell” yourself. It should state ___1___ the job you want, and should tell what your abilities are and what you have ___2___. It should be simple, human, personal and brief without ___3___ out any necessary facts.
In writing a letter of application, keep in ___4___ that the things a possible employer is most ___5___ to want to know about are your qualifications(条件), your achievements and your aims. The opening paragraph is perhaps the most important part. ___6___ the first few sentences fail to ___7___ the reader’s attention, the rest of the letter may not be ___8___ at all. Try to key your opening remarks to the needs or interests of the employer not ___9___ your own need or desires. For example, instead of beginning with “I saw your ___10___ in today’s newspaper,” you might say “I have made a careful ___11___ of your advertising during the past six months” or “I have made a survey in my neighborhood to find out how many housewives ___12___ your product and why they like it. ”
Try to ___13___ generalities. Be clear about the kind of job for which you are now ___14___. College graduates looking for their first positions often ask “What can I ___15___ in a letter? Employers want experience—which, naturally, no ___16___ has.” The answer is that everything you have ever done is ___17___.
It is important to write a good strong closing for your letter. ___18___ a specific request for an interview or give the possible employer something definite to do or expect. An excellent ___19___ is to enclose(内附) a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your letter. That makes it ___20___ for a possible employer to get in touch with you.
1. A. clearly        B. carefully      C. obviously      D. easily
2. A. found         B. done         C. known              D. heard
3. A. sending       B. taking           C. leaving        D. picking
4. A. brain          B. sight         C. order         D. mind
5. A. probable      B. possible       C. likely          D. able
6. A. While         B. Although      C. As             D. If
7. A. pay          B. win          C. show         D. fix
8. A. kept               B. continued      C. written       D. read
9. A. to            B. for            C. into         D. from
10. A. advertisement B. report           C. article        D. introduction
11. A. watch       B. search          C. study            D. discussion
12. A. change      B. make           C. sell       D. use
13. A. avoid        B. remember      C. protect      D. gain
14. A. losing       B. applying        C. preparing   D. fitting
15. A. offer         B. supply           C. mean        D. provide
16. A. worker       B. beginner       C. owner     D. manager
17. A. success            B. development   C. practice    D. experience
18. A. Make         B. Ask           C. State        D. Get
19. A. result        B. decision         C. promise    D. idea
20. A. happier      B. easier                C. cheaper    D. safer

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As time goes on, I am no longer young, I have friends whose mothers have passed away.  I have heard these sons and daughters say they never fully appreciated their mothers   1   it was too late to tell them. I am blessed with the dear mother who is still alive. I   2   her more each day. My mother does not change, but I   3  . As I grow older and wiser, I realize   4   an extraordinary' person she is. How   5   that I am unable to speak these words in her   6 , but they flow easily from my pen.
As a daughter, how to thank her mother for life itself?? For the love, patience and just   7   hard work that go into   8  a child? For running after a toddler (学走步的小孩), for understanding a   9   teenager, for tolerating a college student who knows  10 ? For waiting for the day when a daughter   11   how wise her mother really is?
How does a   12   woman thank a mother for   13   to be a mother? For being ready   14   advice when asked or remaining   15   when it is most appreciated? For not saying, “I told you so,” when she could have said these words  16  ? For being  17  herself-loving, thoughtful, patient, and forgiving? I don' t know how, dear God, except to ask you to bless her as richly as she   18   and to help me live up to the example she has   19 . I pray that I will look as good in the eyes of my children as my mother   20   in mine.
1.A.as             B.that           C.until               D.when
2.A.approve        B.appreciate     C.need               D.resemble
3.A.do             B.have           C.did              D.will
4.A.how            B.that          C.who               D.what
5.A.sad             B.glad           C.comic              D tragic
6.A.absence          B.presence       C.appearance         D.existence
7.A.common        B.plain          C.normal            D.usual
8.A.raising          B.rising           C.developing         D.training
9.A.childish         B.energetic      C.fearless            D.moody
10.A.anything       B.something     C.everything          D.nothing
11.A.detects        B.discovers      C.recognizes          D.realizes
12.A.pretty         B.foolish         C.green           D.grown
13.A.failing        B.intending      C.continuing         D.keeping
14.A.by          B.with           C.for                D.on
15.A.silent        B.quiet          C.cool               D.noiseless
16.A.dozen times   B.a dozen of times C.dozens of times   D.dozen of time
17.A.valuably     B.essentially     C.naturally           D.actually
18.A.devotes      B.deserts        C.deserves            D.desires
19.A.set         B.settled          C.placed             D.fixed
20.A.sees         B.finds           C.is                 D.looks

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It is well that young men should begin at the beginning and occupy the least important positions.21  of the leading businessmen of Pittsburgh had a serious responsibility placed upon them at the very  22  of their career.They were  23  to the broom(扫帚), spending the first hours of their business lives   24 the office.
And here is the basic  25  of success, the great secret:  26  your energy, thought, and capital (资本) wholly on the business in which you are  27 .Having begun in one line, determine to fight it out on that  28 , to lead in it, adopt every  29  , have the best machinery, and know the most about it.
The companies which fail are those which have 30  their capital, which means that they have scattered their brains  31  .They have investments in this, or that, or  32  , here, there, and everywhere.“Don't put all your eggs in one basket” is all  33 , I tell you.“Put all your eggs in one basket, and then  34  that basket”.Look round you and take  35 ; men who do that do not often fail.It is easy to watch and carry the one basket.It is trying to carry too many baskets  36 breaks most eggs in this country.He who  37  three baskets must put one on his  38  , which is likely to fall down.One  39  of the American businessman is lack of concentration.
Remember: put all your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket. 40  Emerson says, "no one can cheat you out of final success but yourselves."
21.A.None         B.Few              C.All          D.Many
22.A.beginning      B.end           C.point           D.promotion
23.A.ordered        B.promoted           C.introduced            D.stated
24.A.sweeping out   B.taking out      C.bringing out       D.picking out
25.A.inspiration     B.condition            C.plan              D.case
26.A.concentrate    B.devote             C.apply        D.bury
27.A.charged        B.engaged            C.prepared     D.done
28.A.position      B.career           C.row          D.line
29.A.improvement   B.chance           C.learning      D.rise
30.A.gathered     B.forbidden          C.got          D.scattered
31.A.also          B.either            C.neither        D.yet
32.A.one            B.the other          C.others       D.the others
33.A.apparent      B.clear            C.wrong       D.perfect
34.A.notice       B.observe            C.stare         D.watch
35.A.notice        B.comment         C.interest       D.concentration
36.A.what          B.that               C.whoever      D.whichever
37.A.brings         B.takes              C.carries       D.owns
38.A.mind         B.brain              C.head         D.hand
39.A.fault          B.advantage          C.pattern       D.model
40.A.When         B.While              C.Which       D.As

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A Fan of Dae Jang Geum 《大长今》影迷
Dae Jang Geum (《大长今》) is a hot new Korean TV series. Because of this series, my personal status and living standard have been greatly ___1__. My girlfriend used to cook every evening. Well, now she does nothing but ___2__ in front of the TV when she’s not __3__, and commands me, “You — go to make some instant noodles. Come and watch the play and just imagine we are enjoying Korean __4___.”
She also swears to __5__ all Korean dishes in Dae Jang Geum. So she orders me to __6__ the TV and record any details of Jang Geum’s cooking. But when she presented her version of Korean food, it is like the dog-meal. “You can __7__ get things done if you find the right tools”, my girlfriend blamed her clumsy (笨拙的) kitchen performances on __8__. So I decided to __9__ her a new kitchen knife. In a store, she became unusually __10__ when making her selection. She finally picked one that was __11__ Jang Geum’s. To prove that her slow knife skill was due to the blunt (钝的) knives, she __12__ her cutting. As a result, she hurt her fingers three times. Fortunately the knife is not __13__ the salesman boasts.
My girlfriend is a fan of Jang Geum’s Korean __14__. Not only did she talk about the dress every day, she also threatened to change my tie into a __15__ like the one on Jang Geum’s dress. Finally, I lost my patience and took her to a maternity shop (孕妇专卖店) where I recommend (推荐) one suit to her, “Do you think it looks like a Korean dress?” __16__, my future parents-in-law just happened to be shopping at the time. They were __17__ when they saw what we were doing.
The Dae Jang Geum series __18__ realizing the ambition of the youth. However, it fails to realize my girlfriend’s. __19__ being engaged in her work or study, she simply sits on the sofa every night, staring at the TV, a bag of chips in her hand. This situation has __20_ even though the series is now over.
1. A. increased             B. degraded                  C. depressed                 D. raised
2. A. stand                   B. lie                        C. seat                          D. sit
3. A. at work                B. at table                     C. on leave                   D. on business
4. A. fruit                            B. vegetables                C. dishes                      D. cakes
5. A. eat                       B. learn                       C. cook                        D. perform
6. A. stand for                 B. go by                       C. pass by                     D. stand by
7. A. easily                  B. hardly                      C. difficultly                 D. carefully
8. A. her forks                     B. her spoons                C. her knives                D. her pans
9. A. buy                      B. borrow                     C. lend                         D. fetch
10. A. careless               B. alert                        C. patient                     D. modest
11. A. better than           B. the closest shape of   C. sharper than                 D. taken from
12. A. speeded up         B. slowed down            C. brought down           D. improved
13. A. as fast as             B. as dull as                  C. as slow as                 D. as sharp as
14. A. diet style             B. dish flavor                      C. dressing style           D. cooking style
15. A. inside pocket          B. butterfly knot           C. pretty collar                 D. long belt
16. A. Coincidently       B. Disappointedly          C. Fortunately               D. Excitedly
17. A. very puzzled              B. pretty satisfied          C. very pleased             D. pretty shocked
18. A. shoots at            B. aims at                    C. directs at                 D. works at
19. A. In spite of          B. Because of               C. Instead of              D. In case of
20. A. changed little      B. turned a lot              C. developed a little      D. improved a lot

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
