
第二节:完形填空 (共20小题,每题1分, 满分20分)
With the introduction of family planning policies in the 1970s, most Chinese teenagers have no brothers or sisters.They get to be the beloved(心爱的)__21__child.But they may not realize that they will have to “__22__” the love as their__23__ones grow old.They will have to__24__lots of old people—their parents, grandparents, their_   25  _parents and grandparents.China is becoming__26_  country.
According to the United Nations, an aging society refers to one   27   10 percent or more of the population is over 60, or 7 percent or more is over 65. According to   28   from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, by 2008, Chinese over 60 years old made up 12 percent of the nation’s total population. The    29    for those aged 65 or older was 8.3 percent.
In China, people have a belief that “parents raise children; then the children care for the parents as they get old”.But this__30__is under stress as the market economy puts millions of young Chinese on the road__31__better paying jobs.They are leaving their parents__32_.Now many families are looking more to the government than to their__33__for support when they’re old.China has increased its basic social security(基本社会保险)plan which is__34__protecting those__35__, including the old, the disabled and others.These programs are now broad, __36_they are still not highly developed.
As more people grow__37__, China will have fewer working people, __38__will slow down economic growth.According to a November 26 report in the Economic Information Daily, an expert said China should __39__its people to have more than one child in the future__40_China should keep its labor population and total population size stable(稳定的).
21.A.only        B.lonely    C.friendly        D.heartily
22.A.take up  B.take back  C.pay back D.pay for
23.A.hated     B.loved       C.tired      D.hearted
24.A.care for    B.bring up   C.look for    D.pay attention to
25.A.daughter’s or son’s     B.niece’s or nephew’s
C.wife’s or husband’s       D.aunt’s or uncle’s
26.A.an old      B.an aging   C.a developing    D.a developed
27.A.where       B.when     C.which       D.that
28.A.an article  B.an email   C.a magazine      D.a report
29.A.conclusion      B.character       C.figure      D.survey
30.A.tradition   B.opinion  C. saying          D.way
31.A.in favor of      B.in search of   C.in the way of    D.in the face of
32.A.out   B.off   C.ahead     D.behind
33.A.friends     B.relatives    C.parents     D.children
34.A.an act      B.a case       C.a program       D.a plan
35.A.in danger        B.in need     C.in desperate      D.in disaster
36.A.but    B.or     C.and   D.so
37.A.strong    B.realistic  C.rich   D.old
38.A.as     B.which       C.what  D.that
39.A.forbid      B.promise   C. encourage        D.order
40.A.so that      B.though      C.even if     D.because

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Your friends might be in Australia or maybe just down the road, but they are all just a few clicks away. Life has   36   for millions of teenagers across the world who now make friends online.   37   you use chat rooms, QQ, MSN or ICQ, you are   38   of a virtual community (虚拟社区).
"I rarely talk with my parents or grandparents,   39   I talk a lot with my old friends on QQ," said Fox's Shadow, the online nickname (网名) used by a Senior 2 girl in China. "Eighty per cent of my classmates use QQ   40   school."
QQ is the biggest messaging   41   in China. A record shows 4 million people used it one Saturday night in October,   42   to Tencent, the company which developed QQ.
And Fox's Shadow might well have been one of them. "I log in (登陆) on Friday nights, and Saturdays or Sundays when I feel  43  . I usually   44   about 10 hours chatting online every week," she said. "But I rarely talk with  45  , especially boys or men."
Even though she likes chatting, she is careful about making   46   with strangers online. "You don't know   47   you're talking to. You should  48   be careful about who you trust online."
Many people would like to meet offline when they feel they have got to  49   someone very well. Fox's Shadow once met one of her online friends face to face. It was a girl who was a comic fan like   50   and they went to a comic show together.
However, not all teenagers have been so   51  . At the beginning of this year, a 17-year-old girl in Liaoning Province was killed after meeting a friend she had found on QQ. The criminals (罪犯) weren't   52   until last month.
A 16-year-old Beijing boy, known online as Bart Simon, dislikes QQ users. "I used to chat on QQ, but I found that most people were talking   53  ," he said. Now he chats online in English, using MSN. But he spends little time chatting as he sees it as a  54    of time and money. "If you are really   55   to it, sometimes you just can't concentrate (集中精神) in class," he said.
36.A. improved      B. become      C. changed     D. increased
37.A. Whether       B. If       C. When  D. Unless
38.A. member B. part    C. partner       D. number
39.A. but B. as       C. when  D still.
40.A. before   B. at       C. after   D. since
41.A. service  B. product      C. structure     D. organization
42.A. granting       B. depending  C. considering D. according
43.A. sleepy   B. tired   C. bored  D. busy
44.A. take      B. cost    C. pay     D. spend
45.A. friends  B. adults  C. males  D. strangers
46.A. relation B. touch  C. contact       D. friends
47.A. who      B. which C. whose D. these
48.A. often     B. usually       C. sometimes  D. always
49.A. know    B. recognize   C. tell     D. judge
50.A. herself   B  she    C. anybody else      D. everyone
51.A. good     B. fortunate    C. safely  D. healthy
52.A. kept      B. held    C. caught D. killed
53.A. uselessness    B. noise   C. nonsense    D. rubbish
54.A. short     B. lack    C. waste  D. little
55.A. kept      B. held    C. addicted     D. stuck

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

About 70 scientists worked on a very busy project. They were really 36.______ because of the pressure of work and the demands of their 37.______. However, everyone liked him and did not 38.______ quitting their job.
One day, one scientist came to him and said, “Sir, I have promised my 39.______ that I will take them to an exhibition, 40.______ I want to leave the office at 5:30 pm.”
His boss said, “You’re 41.______ to leave the office early today.”
The scientist started working. He 42.______ his work after having lunch. 43.______, he had such a heavy work load that he looked at his 44.______ only when he felt he was about to 45.______ the work. The time was 8:30 pm. 46.______, he remembered the promise he had 47.______. He hurriedly left the office, feeling 48.______ to have disappointed the ones he loved so much. He got home, but only his wife was in.
“Where are they?” he asked.
His wife 49.______, “You don’t know? Your boss came here at 5:15 pm and took them to the exhibition.”
What had really happened was like this. The boss noticed him working 50.______ at 5:00 pm. He thought to himself, “This person will not 51.______ the work. But if he has promised his children, they should enjoy the 52.______ to the exhibition.” So he offered to take them to the exhibition.
The boss does not have to do it 53.______, but once it is done, loyalty(忠诚)is established. That is why all those scientists continued to work 54.______ him even though the work was too 55.______.
36.   A. afraid B. angry  C. tired   D. bored
37.   A. boss    B. partner       C. teacher       D. company
38.   A. keep on      B. set off C. make up     D. think of    
39.   A. students     B. friends       C. children     D. parents
40. A. as       B. so       C. but     D. if
41.   A. meant B. refused       C. allowed      D. fired
42.   A. continued   B. finished      C. checked      D. reduced
43. A. So far B. As a result  C. As usual     D. For example
44.   A. timetable    B. watch  C. tools   D. papers
45.   A. design B. report C. hate    D. complete
46.   A. Suddenly   B. Strangely   C. Unexpectedly     D. Unfortunately
47.   A. done   B. set      C. made  D. had
48.   A. painful       B. shy     C. excited       D. sorry
49.   A. begged       B. replied       C. whispered   D. shouted
50.   A. carelessly   B. skillfully    C. unhappily   D. seriously
51.   A. value  B. leave   C. choose       D. like
52.   A. promise     B. way    C. visit    D. interest
53.   A. every time  B. on purpose C. at once       D. in turn
54.   A. on      B. at       C. under  D. in
55.   A. dangerous  B. boring C. worthless    D. much

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读下面短文、掌握其大意,然后从36~55各题所给的四个选项(A、 B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项、并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
The poachers-illegal hunters-had finally found a buyer for their stolen goods.A meeting was 3 6 ,and when the buyer asked to see the goods, they brought out a small duffel bag and un-zippedh.Inside was a 37  one-year-old baby gorilla.The poachers had likely killed the little female's parents and  3 8  her in the forests of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in Africa.Then they took her across the border into Rwanda,  39  to sell her as a pet.
But the buyer didn't bring  40   ;he brought the police.The Rwandan authorities    41 the young gorilla to the nearby headquarters of the Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project.The vets(兽医)there realized that she had not been given 42 food or water, but they were much more worried about something else."Baby gorillas simply don't  43  without their mother's constant body contact," says vet Chris Whittier.If they didn't quickly establish a  44  relationship with the baby gorilla, which her caretakers named Dunia, she  45  not survive.
Dunia needed contact, but she resisted  46  at first, shying away from people who reached  for her.Three caretakers worked in shifts, taking  47  holding her, carrying her around on their backs, and cradling her while she slept.48 she became stronger,a month after she was res-cued her  49   revealed the psychological stress she carried inside-much of her hair fell out. That was a delayed  50  to the combined traumatic experiences of losing her parents and being kept-with a poor diet-by the poachers.
After six months ofloving care that included around-the-clock attention,a good diet, and a  5 1    home at the project's headquarters, Dunia was looking and acting like a  52  ,happy young gorilla should. "Dunia is sort of a shy show-off," says Whittier. "Her  53  lsgrowing and she's becoming more independent, but when she is  54  ,the first thing she does is run back to her  55 ,just like she would to her mother."
36.A.attended      B.held        C.arranged       D.delayed
37.A.energetic     B.terrified       C.dangerous      D.fierce
38.A.freed       B.followed       C.tricked          D.caught
39.A.intending     B.pretending          C.remembering    D.wondering
40.A.luck        B.benefit         C.profit               D.money
41.A.introduced          B.persuaded    C.presented      D.rushed
42.A,local          B.delicious      C.enough         D.fresh
43.A.complain     B.develop       C.survive        D.grow
44.A.social       B.physical       C.mental          D.special
45.A.would         B.should         C.might           D.must
46.A.eating          B.attention      C.rescue           D.love
47.A.turns       B.efforts         C.time          D.advice
48.A.If            B.As           C.Although      D.Because
49.A.health          B.mind       C.behavior       D.appearance
50.A.reaction       B.action          C.expression     D.description
51.A.comfortable  B.natural        C.private          D.ordinary
52.A.shy         B.healthy        C.strange         D.typical
53.A.satisfaction  B.confidence    C.interest         D.patience
54.A.touched       B.left          C.wamed         D.scared
55.A.home        B.forest        C.caretakers      D.comer

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节: 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)
请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。
Drama(戏剧)and the performing arts are excellent methods of building confidence in children and adults alike. Learning through drama allows children to   36   their creativity and have fun while leaving their   37   and worries behind. Drama also works by supporting the growth of imagination and other skills.
Entertainment has become rather passive with   38  , television and video games becoming more popular. These screen-based methods have had a   39   effect on communication. They prevent children communicating with others.   40  , drama puts the children enthusiastic about communication back into entertainment. Children have the opportunity to   41   with others in a more meaningful way   42   drama encourages speech development, awareness of body language and allows children to become more   43   aware.
Play and drama are closely linked. When children play a game, they are using their   44   and so are moving away from reality to   45   their own story. Drama is a vehicle   46   which children can express themselves more freely to make education fun.
Children gain   47   by understanding that there is no final answer in drama and that their opinion and contribution are valued. They are able to   48   to many issues and situations such as poverty, recycling and global warming. Drama and   49   have a strong link as drama can   50   children to take an active interest in other subjects such as geography, history and English and so they can   51   a more rounded education.
As a drama teacher, I have witnessed a child at his first class holding on to his parent’s arm—  52   to let go. Then to see the same child running into my class with a smile is an   53   sight. Drama installs confidence in children by allowing them to improvise(即兴创作)and experiment. Everyone is given the opportunity to shine   54   drama. Besides learning the history of the theatre, drama   55   dance, music, and directing, etc. These classes are especially designed to be of great fun.
36. A. express                    B. expose            C. experience                            D. explore
37. A. depression                  B. happiness          C. shyness                       D. sadness 
38. A. cinema                  B. radio              C. media                       D. drama
39. A. positive                   B. negative       C. sensitive                    D. subjective 
40. A. However                 B. Besides           C. Therefore                D. Meanwhile 
41. A. compare           B. discuss             C. connect                  D. compete  
42. A. though                       B. as               C. if                             D. before
43. A. mentally                  B. physically       C. emotionally                 D. socially 
44. A. determination            B. consideration     C. communication                     D. imagination 
45. A. create                        B. tell                   C. read                         D. believe
46. A. through                     B. beyond             C. across                           D. for
47. A. success                  B. hope                C. admiration                    D. confidence 
48. A. stick                       B. turn            C. respond                        D. reply
49. A. language               B. education            C. play                            D. entertainment
50. A. persuade           B. require                  C. encourage                 D. train
51. A. have                     B. continue            C. provide                         D. give
52. A. tired                          B. unwilling            C. sorry                        D. pleased
53. A. ordinary          B. excellent        C. odd                            D. imaginary
54. A. over                          B. above             C. after                             D. within
55. A. possesses                B. applies                 C. covers                        D. links

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was getting colder as my family ran out of the church, eager to get home. Across the street was a gas station where the bus  36  . It was closed for Christmas, but we noticed a family  37 outside the locked door, shaking in the rain. We talked about why they were there but soon I  38  all about them
When we got home,we received a call from my grandparents,  39  us to their house for the Christmas dinner. As we  40  through town, I noticed that the family was still there, standing outside the gas station
“Look at the children! That's just my 41 childhood. I must do something.” With these words,my father pulled off the road, and I saw the whole family: the parents and three children.
Rolling down his window,my father asked, “Waiting for the   42  ?”
“Yes.” the father replied _ 43 , “We're going to the nearby town where I have a brother and maybe a chance of  44 _. Out of work for two months now.”
“Well, that bus won't come for several hours, and you're getting _45 standing here.” my father 46  . “Why not get in the car and I'll drive you there.”
The man thought for a moment,and then he  47 . Once they got in,my father looked back _48  his shoulder and asked the children if Santa Claus had found them yet. The  49  faces gave him the answer
“Well,when I saw Santa Claus this morning,” my father said, winking (眨眼) at us, “he asked me if he could leave your toys at  50 .We'll just go to get them  51   I take you to your destination.”
All at once, the children's   52  lit up,and they began talking and laughing
When we got to our house, they  53  straight to the toys in our Christmas tree. One of the girls took Jill's doll. The little boy grabbed Sharon's ball.And the other girl picked up something of mine
It happened a long time ago, but I still remember the   54 on their faces. That was the Christmas when my sisters and I  55  the joy of making others happy
36.A.travelled     B.stayed             C.stopped        D.left
37.A . sitting        B.standing           C.holding        D.keeping
38.A.cared        B.argued          C.worried       D.forgot
39.A.inviting      B.introducing       C.telling        D.forcing
40.A.flew               B.drove              C.raced         D.walked
41.A.lucky              B.surprising           C.difficult           D.frightening
42.A.bus          B.time               C.train          D.help
43.A.warmly      B.gently             C.shyly         D.angrily
44.A.a job        B.a dinner            C.a friend       D.a present
45.A.comfortable   B.sad                C.wet           D.warm
46.A.explained     B.suggested           C.ordered        D.decided
47.A.added        B.sighed             C.nodded        D.refused
48.A.on          B.to                 C.from          D.over
49.A.excited       B.disappointed     C.worried        D.interested
50.A.the station       B.the bus               C.my car         D.my house
51.A.before        B.if                 C.once          D.when
52.A.words       B.faces               C.lives           D.feelings
53.A.turned       B.jumped            C.ran            D.moved
54.A.anger              B.surprise         C.tears           D.smiles
55.A.learned      B.practiced        C.recognized       D.made

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Fill in each blank with word or phrases that best fits the context.
Handshaking, though a European way of greeting people, is now often seen in big cities of China. Nobody knows exactly when the practice  36  in Europe. It is said that long long ago in Europe when people met, they showed their unarmed hands to each other as a sign of   37  . As time went on and trade in cities grew rapidly, people in cities began to clap each other’s hands to make a (an)  38  or to reach an agreement. This was later changed into shaking hands among friends on meeting or   39  each other. “Let’s shake (hands) on it” sometimes means agreement reached.
Do the Europeans shake hands wherever they go and with whomever they meet?   40  . Sometimes the Chinese abroad reach out their hands too often to be   41  . It is really very impolite to   42   your hand when the other party, especially when it is a woman, shows little interest in shaking hands with you and when the meeting does not   43  anything to him or her.   44  , for politeness, he holds out his unwilling hand in answer to your uninvited hand, just touch it slightly. There is generally a misunderstanding among the   45  that westerners are usually open and straightforward, while the Chinese are rather reserved (矜持的)  46  . But the truth is that some people in western countries are more reserved than some Chinese today. So it is a good idea to shake hands with a Westerner   47  when he shows interest in further relations with you.
36.A.came     B.grew     C.turned      D.started
37.A.interest     B.eagerness  C.goodwill   D.patience
38.A.signal       B.noise     C.offer     D.deal
39.A.leaving     B.seeing       C.kissing      D.visiting
40.A.Yes      B.Maybe      C.Well     D.No
41.A.polite          B.kind     C.helpful     D.interested
42.A.hold     B.give     C.shake     D.display
43.A.mean     B.matter      C.count     D.make
44.A.As long as       B.However   C.Even if     D.Therefore
45.A.people      B.Chinese    C.Europeans D.public
46.A.in person  B.in manner C.in harmonyD.in secret
47.A.absolutely B.possibly    C.only     D.definitely

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Chinese President Hu Jintao met Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin Saturday in Moscow __36___views on the development of the strategic relations of cooperation and partnership between China and Russia. President Hu is in Moscow for celebrations marking the 65th__37_of the victory of the Great Patriotic War over Nazi Germany.
In recent years, China and Russia __38_ their strategic relations of cooperation and partnership __39__ enhanced mutual political trust and ___40__cooperation in all sectors.
The two countries __41_have had close interaction and coordination in __42__international and regional affairs.
Last year, the Chinese-Russian strategic ___43_of cooperation and partnership made important headway with activities __44_ the 60th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic ties and the "Year of___45_Russian Language" in China.
__46__the beginning of this year, the partnership has maintained comprehensive and___47__growth__48_a high level.
President Hu's participation in the celebrations___49 a major event in China-Russia relations and symbolizes the spirit of bilateral(双边的)strategic cooperation,___50__China's Assistant Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping at a press briefing Wednesday."We believe Hu's visit will boost China-Russia strategic trust for__51_development of the bilateral strategic relations of cooperation and partnership," he said. This is__52_ time President Hu _ 53_ Russia's Victory Day celebrations.__54__ May 2005, President Hu attended in Moscow ceremonies marking the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War. Five years __55__since that time .
36. A . to communicate      B . to exchange           C . changing                  D . talked 
37. A . celebration            B. meeting                 C . congratulation      D. anniversary
38. A . strengthened        B. have strengthened     C. are strengthening    D .strenghths
39. A . with                       B . for                      C . among                 D . between 
40. A. fruitful                    B . richer                   C . fruits                    D . badly
41. A . too                         B either                     C . as well as             D . also 
42. A . doing with                 B . treating  to          C . dealing with          D . making up
43. A . relating                  B. relations                C . related                  D . relative
44. A. remarks                   B. signs                     C. marking                 D. symbol
45. A.  /                          B . a                         C. the                        D. this
46. A. Until                       B. After                     C . Since                    D . As long as
47. A . quick                        B. fast                       C. rapid                     D . swift
48. A. by                          B. at                               C . to                         D. for
49. A . is                           B. are                        C. have been                D. had been
50. A. said                        B. says                       C. spoken                   D. talks
51. A . farther                    B. far                          C. furthest                  D. further
52. A. two                        B. the last                  C. the second              D. a more
53. A. joined                       B. took part in              C. participates in          D. attends
54. A. On                          B. By                        C. In                         D. At
55. A..passed                     B. has been passed           C. Past                        D. have past

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第三节 完形填空:(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
A young student was one day taking a walk with a professor, who was commonly    21    the students’ friend. As they went    22     , they saw lying in the path a pair of old    23    , which they supposed to belong to a poor man who was employed in a   24    close by. The student saying, “Let’s play the man a   25   : We will hide his shoes, and 26   ourselves behind those bushes, and wait to see his   27    when he cannot find them.”
“ My young friend,” answered the professor, “we should never   28    ourselves at the   29    of the poor. But you are   30  , and may give yourself a much greater   31    the poor man. Put a coin into each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and   32    how the discovery affects him.” The student did so, and they both placed themselves behind the bushes. The poor man soon finished his work, and came   33   the field to the path   34    he had left his coat and shoes. While   35    his coat he slipped his foot into one of his shoes; but feeling   36  , he stopped down to feel    37    it was, and found the coin. Astonishment and wonder were seen upon his face. He now put the money into his pocket, but his  38    was doubled on finding the other coin. He fell upon his knees, looked up to heaven and uttered aloud a fervent(热烈的)thanksgiving, in which he   39    his wife, sick and helpless, and his children without bread. The student stood there deeply   40   , and his eyes filled with tears.
21. A. held                   B. kept                         C. named                  D. called
22. A. along              B. on                           C. over                         D. back
23. A. socks           B. gloves                  C. shoes                   D. trousers
24. A. field                   B. factory                        C. company              D. shop
25. A. game              B. trick                        C. joke                         D. word
26. A. hide                   B. have                    C. let                           D. make
27. A. excitement      B. sorrow                        C. disappointment     D. anxiety
28. A. make              B. treat                     C. amuse                  D. laugh
29. A. price              B. expense                C. value                   D. pay
30. A. poor               B. kind                     C. honest                  D. rich
31. A. pleasure              B. money                        C. thought                    D. benefit
32. A. notice             B. watch                   C. realize                  D. find
33. A. about              B. across                  C. into                         D. by
34. A. where             B. that                          C. there                    D. which
35. A. wearing on      B. dressing up           C. putting on            D. pulling in
36. A. soft                    B. terrible                        C. strange                     D. hard
37. A. what               B. how                         C. whether                D. why
38. A. confidence      B. embarrassment          C. surprise                D. joy
39. A. mentioned       B. remembered         C. recommended       D. Reminded
40. A. amazed           B. defeated               C. puzzled                    D. affected                         

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1 5分,满分30分)
In the United States more than 80 colleges now accept just only women. Most of them were founded in the 19th century. They were set up to   36   women the education they could not get anywhere else. At that time    37   of the universities and colleges    38   only men. In the past 20 years many young women have    39    to study at colleges that accept both men and women. As a    40  ,some women's colleges decided to accept men students, too. Others still refused to change. Now the women's colleges are    41    again.
The president of Trinity College in Washington      D. C said by the end of the 1980s women had come to   42   that studying at the same colleges with men and women did not mean    43    had the same chance to    44   . The president of Smith College in Massachusette said “A women’s college    45    women to choose classes and activities    46   . For example, if a woman student wants to learn maths, she will be given the chance. So the percentage of students who like to study maths in a women’s college is    47   than that in a college with men and women. ”
Experts say men students in the United States    48    have enough courage to speak in class.    49    , women students can't. In a women’s college, women feel free to say    50    they want to. According to a report, women colleges also   51   leadership ability in many fields. At a women college, every   52   office is held by women. Recent studies    53    that this leadership continues after    54   . The studies also prove that it is easier for the American women who went to women’s college to    55    successful jobs later in life. Maybe that is why this kind of college is liked by people now.
36. A. make         B. elect           C. offer           D. call
37. A. some         B. most           C. few             D. none
38. A. liked          B. accepted         C. attracted       D. helped
39. A. chosen      B. failed          C. regretted       D. hated
40. A. goal           B. model            C. result         D. level
41. A. separate        B. troublesome        C. special    D. popular
42. A. forget       B. realize     C. expect    D. remember
43. A. students         B. presidents      C. men           D. women
44. A. work          B. visit             C. choose            D. survive
45. A. permits B. forbits     C. forces    D. reminds
46. A. obviously        B. freely          C. exactly            D. immediately
47. A. smaller  B. more           C. higher    D. lower
48. A. usually   B. never          C. sometimes   D. seldom
49. A. Finally       B. Therefore       C. However        D. Besides
50. A. how           B. what           C. when         D. where
51. A. bring down    B. bring over       C. bring round  D. bring about
52. A. governing       B. cleaning          C. serving           D. booking
53. A. mean        B. show           C. warn          D. conclude
54. A. school       B. work              C. graduation   D. death
55. A. hold           B. gather     C. lose            D. require

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A mining(采矿的)engineer enjoyed flying very much. One day, he was flying his own plane over a lonely island when a 36_____ storm came, so he was 37___ to make a forced landing. The plane was in good 38____ but his legs and shoulder got 39_____ hurt. After getting out of the plane with great 40_____, he found nothing but high green hills 41_____ the place. He lay there expecting to die.
Soon, however, some men appeared from out of the forest. Though curious, they were not 42______of him. He was then gently 43______ to their village, where he was well treated. His 44_____ improved little by little and he became their 45_____. The place was 46_____ and pleasant and he was in 47_____ hurry to leave.
Several months later, he learned some of their language and 48_____ them some of his own.
One day, he discovered some sings of 49_____ mineral deposits(矿藏)in the soil. He decided to 50_____ to his country and set up a firm(公司)to mine the land.
It was not long 51____ the peaceful land was taken over by strange men and machines. When there was 52_____left to mine, the firm 53______ away. They had made a great deal of 54_____ for themselves, but the villagers’ land was 55_____. Now it is impossible to grow crops there.
36. A. quick        B. wonderful         C. heavy         D. sudden
37. A. ordered      B. forbidden         C. permitted     D. obliged
38. A. condition     B. relation          C. action        D. speed
39. A. slightly      B. seriously         C. hardly        D. luckily
40. A. pleasure     B. attention         C. difficulty    D. achievement
41. A. covering     B. wrapping          C. holding       D. surrounding
42. A. tired        B. afraid            C. sure          D. kind
43. A. carried      B. forced            C. pushed        D. pulled
44. A. health       B. leg               C. shoulder      D. heart
45.A. enemy        B. visitor           C. friend       D. slave
46.A. pure         B. proper            C. dangerous     D. quiet
47.A. a            B. such              C. no            D. great
48.A. told          B. taught            C. showed        D. offered
49 A. poor         B. little            C. much          D. rich
50 A. return        B. drive             C. ride          D. walk
51.A. after         B. before            C. when          D. since
52 A. something    B. anything          C. everything    D. nothing
53 A. gave         B. got              C. put           D. passed
54.A. iron         B. dollars           C. gold          D. money
55.A. ploughed     B. protected         C. destroyed     D. sold

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Going to a Britain school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain  31  school starts around 9 a.m. and ends about 3.30 p.m. This means I could get up an hour  32  than usual as schools in China begin before 8 a.m.
On the first day, all students went to  33  assembly. I sat next to a girl whose name was Diane. We  34  became best friends. During  35 , the headmaster told us about the rules of the school. He also told us that the best way to  36  respect from the school was to work hard and  37  high grades. This sounded like my school in China.
My English improved a lot as I used English every day. I usually went to the Computer Club at lunch time, so I  38  e-mail my family and friends back home  39  free. I also had an extra French class on Tuesday evenings.  40  was really fun as I learned how to buy, prepare and cook food. 
31. A. because    B. if           C. so                D. though
32. A. earlier     B. late         C. early              D. later
33. A. join          B. hold       C. attend           D. make
34. A. just          B. now        C. soon             D. fast
35. A. assembly   B. class      C. meal             D. break
36. A. take                B. earn        C. find              D. creat
37. A. realise      B. achieve   C. improve        D. develop
38. A. must        B. should    C. needed                 D. could
39. A. for           B. in           C. on                D. with
40. A. Eating      B. Cooking   C. Learning       D. playing

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dance can be art, ritual, or recreation. It goes __11____________ the functional purposes of the movements used in work or athletics in order to express emotions, moods, or ideas; tell a story; __12____________ religious, political, economic, or social needs; or simply be an __13___________ that is pleasurable, exciting, or aesthetically (审美的) valuable.
Besides giving __14____________ pleasure, dancing can have psychological effects. Feelings and ideas can be expressed and communicated; __15____________ rhythms and movements can make a group feel unitied. In some societies, dancing often __16____________ trance(心醉神迷的状态)or other changed states of consciousness. These states can be __17____________ as signaling possession by spirits, or they may be sought as a means to emotional __18____________. A state of trance may enable people to perform remarkable feats of strength, endurance, or __19____________, such as dancing through hot coals. In some societies shamans (道士) dance in trance in order to heal others physically or emotionally. The modern field of dance __20 ___________ developed as a means to help people express themselves and relate to others.
11.   A. behind                     B. after                        C. beyond                     D. forward
12.   A. do                           B. have                        C. perform                   D. serve
13.   A. experience         B. emotion                   C. feeling                     D. experiment
14.   A. mental                     B. physical                   C. emotional                 D. spiritual
15.   A. hearing                    B. practicing                 C. sharing                     D. enjoying
16.   A. refers to                   B. leads to                    C. turns up                   D. makes up
17.   A. interpreted        B. interrupted        C. preferred                  D. stressed
18.   A. pressure                   B. strain                       C. recognition        D. release
19.   A. danger                     B. pleasure                   C. delight                     D. sadness
20.   A. medicine                  B. operation                  C. therapy                    D. cure

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分)
Education is not only the teaching and learning of   36 ,  but also the developing of a person's   37  .
Now liberal(开明) education has a great   38   on the world.  Much work has been done to   39   better ways of teaching. Students are   40   to have their own thoughts and their own ideas when they have lessons which are often held in the form of group discussions. They are  41  guided to use the knowledge   42  .  In liberal education punishment  43  exists. Teachers and students are just like   44  . The idea is of course a perfect one if it can really be carried out. However, it only   45   in the imagination and will never be   46 . We must admit that children should   47   be guided properly. Just close your eyes and think how many students  48   in every hundred   49   will carry out the duties of a student if they are not   50  ? What is the use of advice only if it is not supported by a   51  degree of control and punishment?  It is   52   for us to judge the success and failure of this kind of education now, but from the bad behavior of children that is actually the   53  of   54  ,  we can see that something must be done to   55   these children.
36. A. schools       B. knowledge      C. books        D. teachers
37. A. politeness     B. habit           C. interests      D. character
38. A. effect        B. interest         C. power        D. strength
39. A. master        B. find           C. make         D. hold
40. A. ordered       B. encouraged     C. used         D. driven
41. A. strictly       B. wrongly        C. properly      D. carefully
42. A. seen          B. noticed        C. learned       D. met
43. A. still          B. no longer       C. always       D. forever
44. A. enemies       B. quarrelers      C. players       D. friends
45. A. goes          B. lives          C. comes        D. exists
46. A. realized       B. supported      C. understood    D. produced
47. A. at last         B. in the end      C. ever         D. in life
48. A. it is           B. it seems       C. there are      D. are
49. A. which         B. that           C. he           D. they
50. A. pulled        B. pushed         C. permitted     D. protected
51. A. reasonable    B. remarkable       C. strict        D. small
52. A. easy         B. hard            C. possible      D. proper
53. A. effect        B. result           C. power        D. end
54. A. liberal education  B. group discussion  C. education    D. teaching
55. A. punish        B. excuse         C. help          D. trust

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The cultures of the East and the West really disting­uish from each other a lot.This is because the culture systems are two separate systems ____.
The origin of the eastern cultures is mainly from two countries:China and India.Both of the two cultures are gestated(孕育) by ___.In China,the mother river is the Yellow River ___ the Indian one is the Hindu River.These two cultures were ____ for several thousand years and formed their own styles.Then in the Tang Dynasty of China,the Chinese culture ____ went overseas to Japan,____ into the Japanese society and ___ the Japanese culture nowadays.Though a bit different from the Chinese one,it ____ to the same system.
When the two mother rivers gave birth to the eastern culture,another famous culture was ____ on the Mesopotamian Plain(美索不达米亚平原)—the Mesopotamian Civilization.This civilization later on developed into the cultures of the Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.And these two are well­known as the ____ of the European culture.____ the Chinese culture,the European one also ____ waters.When the colonists of England ____ in America,their culture went with them over the Atlantic Ocean.So the American culture doesn’t ___ from the European one a lot.
At the same time,the ____ of the language systems adds to the cultural differences.In the East,most languages belong to the pictographic(象形文字的) languages while the Western languages are ____ based on the Latin system,for example,the one I’m using to write this paper.
Other factors like human race difference ____ as well.However,___ the far distance and the steep areas between the East and West,the two cultures seldom ___ until recent centuries.____ they grew up totally in their own ways with almost no interference(干扰) from the other.

A.above all B.on the whole C.in all D.in no case

A.mountains B.plains C.lakes D.rivers

A.or B.for C.while D.when

A.developed B.improved C.created D.protected

A.suddenly B.quietly C.gradually D.naturally

A.mixed B.changed C.decided D.forced

A.expanded B.interrupted C.influenced D.shaped

A.comes B.belongs C.amounts D.adds

A.brought up B.carried out C.given out D.picked up

A.result B.sign C.base D.content

A.Via B.Except C.With D.Like

A.affected B.spread C.crossed D.formed

A.joined up B.went up C.broke down D.settled down

A.come B.suffer C.result D.differ

A.difference B.developmen C.appearance D.feature

A.properly B.partl C.simply D.mostly

A.last B.count C.reduce D.change

A.in terms of B.due to C.as to D.in case of

A.transform B.display C.communicate D.distinguish

A.Furthermore B.Meanwhile C.Therefore D.However
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
