
The town I live in is about to put cameras at all traffic lights to catch people who run red lights. It  31  me of how many people I’ve seen who take the yellow light as a signal to go faster. I also can’t  32  why people don’t move when the traffic light has turned green. Above all, there are those  33  situations in which someone doesn’t even  34  that the light is red, and just keeps going; that is how many accidents happen. All these situations make me  35  about the purpose of traffic lights.
However, it’s even more  36  to imagine letting people make their own  37  at a crowded traffic crossing. Who decides who goes next?  38  I guess I do like the idea of a system to  39   traffic. And I also do my best to  40  the traffic signals: to go, to be  41 , and to stop when I’m supposed to.
It occurs to me that my  42  have done much the same for me in terms of  43  me how to live. They have given me many  44  lights: to live in harmony with others to help others, to live with  45  and purpose. They have also given me some red lights so that my  46   doesn’t goastray(走入歧途): to watch my temper, and to control my desires. And there have been some yellow lights: to watch how much I drink, to keep control of my behavior, to  47   school regularly and work hard.
If I obey these signals, my life will be as  48  as it can. Just as I’m wise to pay attention to the traffic lights when I’m walking  49  the street, I’m wise to pay attention to the “life  50 ” given me by my parents.
31. A. informs              B. reminds                    C. suggests                   D. indicates
32. A. realize                B. understand                C. prove                       D. remember
33. A. surprising           B. competitive               C. dangerous                 D. mysterious
34. A. feel                    B. stop                         C. receive                     D. notice
35. A. care                    B. worry                       C. complain                 D. wonder
36. A. frightening          B. relaxing                    C. confusing                 D. interesting
37. A. attempts              B. efforts                      C. decisions                  D. preparations
38. A. Since                 B. But                          C. So                           D. As
39. A. affect                 B. control                     C. serve                        D. improve
40. A. obey                   B. recognize                  C. reflect                      D. recover
41. A. defenceless          B. angry                       C. careful                     D. hopeful
42. A. teachers              B. relatives                   C. parents                     D. friends
43. A. allowing             B. seeing                      C. encouraging              D. teaching
44. A. yellow                B. red                           C. colorful                    D. green
45. A. worry                 B. joy                           C. luck                         D. chance
46. A. confidence          B. life                          C. dream                      D. opinion
47. A. attend                B. miss                         C. leave                        D. join
48. A. good                  B. convenient                C. special                     D. simple
49. A. through              B. across                       C. over                         D. above
50. A. purposes             B. plans                        C. qualities                   D. signals

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Most people who work in London get a break of about an hour for lunch.  36  they mostly live too far from home to go back there  37  lunch, they have to  38  other arrangements for their midday meal.
Many large companies have a canteen (自助食堂) for their employees. In  39  canteens the food served is simple but  40 , and there is some  41  of choice. But the number of dishes  42 usually small. The employees themselves fetch their dishes  43  a counter at which they are  44. There they can find a tray on  45  to carry their knives, forks, spoons, plates, cups, saucers,  46, of course, their food. A meal in a canteen is inexpensive and may  47  of soup, fish and chips or meat and two vegetables,  48  fruit or pudding of some  49  as dessert. Some companies that do not run a canteen  50  their staff with luncheon-vouchers (午餐券), which many restaurants will accept in 51  of money.
As there are so many people  52  work in London, there are numerous cafes and restaurants in every area that is not purely residential. A meal  53  cost anything from a modest sum to quite a few pounds,  54  on the restaurant and the food chosen.  55 , one can generally get a meal, or at least a snack, in a pub. In recent years there has also been a big increase in the number of ‘take-away’ food shops of all kinds.
36. A. Unless         B. As                     C. If                     D. Although
37. A. for             B. at                               C. of                    D. in
38. A. take           B. bring                 C. make            D. use
39. A. such           B. few                  C. so                  D. little
40. A. full            B. limited                C. extra             D. enough
41. A. exchange            B. variety                               C. change                    D. difference
42. A. are            B. is                                C. being                   D. be
43. A. to                       B. with                            C. at                               D. from
44. A. sold                    B. served                         C. made                       D. kept
45. A. which                 B. it                                C. except                  D. instead
46. A. or             B. but                  C. and              D. except
47. A. consist             B. compose                      C. compare                   D. insist
48. A. along                  B. with                            C. about                   D. at
49. A. sort                    B. pattern                         C. category                   D. content
50. A. prepare               B. repair                          C. afford                  D. provide
51. A. space                 B. case                            C. face                         D. place
52. A. at                       B. above                  C. over                         D. by
53. A. must                   B. may                            C. should                     D. could
54. A. taking                 B. turning                        C. depending           D. bringing
55. A. Besides              B. However                     C. Never                  D. More

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

III. Cloze test 完形填空 1’ * 20 = 20’
People from Great Britain brought the English language to North America in the 16th and 17th centuries. And in the  36  300 years, there were  37  many changes in  38  places that now people can  39  tell an English person  40  an American in the way he or she talks.
Many old words  41  in England but were kept in America. For example, 300 years ago people in Great Britain got their water from something they called either a
“faucet”, a “spigot”, or a “tap”. All these words are  42  heard in different parts of America, but only “tap” is still common in  43 . Americans often made up new words or changed old  44 . “Corn” is one kind of plant in America and  45  in England.
Also, over the last three centuries the English language  46  thousands of new words for things that weren’t known  47 . And often, American and English people used two  48  names for them. A tin can (洋铁罐头) is called “tin” for short in England, but a “can” in America. The word “radio” is  49  all over the world, including America. But many English people call it a “wireless”. And almost anything having something to do  50  cars, railroads, etc.  51  different names in British and American English.
But now American and British English may be growing closer together. One  52  is the large amount (数量) of American speech that British people hear daily in movies, on television, or  53  travelers.  54  this, Americans seem to be influencing (影响) the British more and more. So some day, English may even be  55  on both sides of the Atlantic (大西洋).  
36.A. following     B. recent       C. oldest        D. last
37.A. such              B. too                C. so                 D. great
38.A. either            B. both               C. neither          D. two
39.A. hardly            B. difficulty        C. clearly          D. easily
40.A. with              B. from                C. to               D. and
41.A. disappeared   B. were disappeared   C. spoke   D. were spoken
42.A. not                B. hardly              C. yet             D. still
43.A. America         B. the two countries   C. England     D. British
44.A. word              B. forms              C. ones             D. ways
45.A. another           B. also planted     C. a plant        D. a kind of food
46.A. added          B. has added            C. discovered     D. has discovered
47.A. anywhere    B. in some countries  C. before     D. for centuries
48.A. new              B. short                 C. different      D. surprising
49.A. produced       B. made                 C. developed      D. used
50.A. to                B. away                 C. with             D. from
51.A. has              B. have                 C. has given       D. was given
52.A. thing           B. cause                C. reason           D. expression
53.A. from            B. through             C. on                D. by
54.A. For              B. Because             C. Besides         D. Because of
55.A. different         B. more different   C. the same         D. more useful

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I came to study in the US last fall. My life had been quite  1  since I arrived at
Andover. Although I had quite a few extracurricular (课外的) activities, I hadn’t taken any official leadership position.
This  2 changed when I received an e-mail from Ms Griffith, my cluster dean (主
任),    3  that a few female DC Rep was needed. DC Rep 4 Discipline Committee Representative.  5  boarding school students break serious rules, like using  6  , getting drunk or cheating in the studies. The punishments given to such students are   7 by a DC Rep, a house counselor, two student representatives, the cluster dean. I was really interested in becoming a DC Rep for my cluster, Pine Knoll,  so were five other students. We had to hold   9  and Ms Griffith asked us to write  10  to be sent to everyone in Pine Knoll.
I thought hard about what to write. I didn’t  want to make any   11 because they are difficult to keep. I didn’t want to say I was experienced, because I was not. So I started my speech by explaining  12   I wanted to become a DC Rep. “ I want to serve Pine Knoll and also learn how American boarding schools carry out disciplines,” I wrote  13  .
I made three   14  that said “ Vote For Teresa” and put them on every exit (出口处) of my dorm so that people would  15 my name when they went to vote.
Although I tried hard, I didn’t win the election, I was  16  . But my positive nature didn’t allow me to   17  for very long. I actually  18  when my friends tried to comfort(安慰) me. “Teresa, I’m sorry that you didn’t win the election,” they would say.
“ No, don’t be sorry for me. I am very happy to have taken part in the election.” I said.
It is true: the   19  is much more important than the result. I am surprised and happy to discover my hidden  20 .

A.hard B.terrible C.happy D.simple

A.condition B.situation C.time D.life

A.explaining B.writing C.saying D.talking

A.stands for B.asks for C.calls for D.looks for

A.Usually B.Sometimes C.often D.Sometimes

A.computers B.drugs C.cars D.mobiles

A.carried out B.given C.determined D.made

A.or B.although C.but D.therefore

A.a discussion B.a meeting C.an election D.a selection

A.articles B.speeches C.compositions D.introductions

A.mistakes B.movements C.promises D.requests

A.how B.whether C.when D.why

A.seriously B.easily C.fluently D.honestly

A.posters B.advertisements C.speeches D.promises

A.recognize B.remember C.forget D.know

A.satisfied B.surprised C.disappointed D.helpless

A.put out B.look down C.feel down D.lie down

A.smiled B.cried C.laughed D.sorrowed

A.reason B.attitude C.process D.aim

A.strength B.courage C.ability D.skill

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Ⅲ完型填空 (每小题1分,共20分)
My parents made me know the ideas of family, faith and patriotism (爱国主义) when I was young.  26  we lived a hard life, they  27 great importance to making us realize how  28  we were to live in a great country with  29   chances.
I got my first real  30  when I was ten. My dad injured his back working in a factory and had to be  31  so that he could take up a new job as a hairstylist. When he hadn’t got enough money to rent a shop, the owner of the shopping center gave Dad a(n)  32  . But he should clean the parking lot (停车场) three nights a week, which meant getting up at 3 a.m. To pick up waste, Dad used a little  33  that looked like a lawn mower (割草机). Mom and I emptied garbage cans and  34  waste by hand. It took two to three hours to clean the lot. I’d  35   in the car on the way home because of tiredness.
I did this for two years, but the  36  I learned have lasted a lifetime. I   37   discipline (纪律) and a strong work ethic (道德准则), and learned at a(n)  38  age the importance of  39   interests in life -– school, homework and a job. This really __40  during my senior year of high school, when I worked 40 hours a week at a fast-food restaurant while taking school  41   and preparing for my college examination.
The hard work was   42 . As a result, I attended the U.S. Military Academy and went on to receive graduate degrees in  43  and business from Harvard. __44   , I joined a big Los Angeles law firm and was elected to the California State Assembly (会议). In these jobs and in everything else I’ve done, I have never forgotten those  45  in the parking lot.
26. A. Now that                       B. As if                                      C. Even                               D. Even though
27. A. attached                 B. announced                       C. suggested                 D. admitted
28. A. important                        B. surprising                     C. fortunate                  D. satisfying
29. A. several                            B. limitless                       C. few                          D. energetic
30. A. incident                          B. dream                         C. success                          D. job
31. A. retrained                         B. regarded                      C. considered                D. respected
32. A. increase                            B. order                          C. discount                   D. explanation
33. A. bag                                B. machine                       C. knife                        D. stick
34. A. brought up                      B. turned up                      C. made up                   D. picked up
35. A. sleep                         B. talk                                  C. study                             D. sing
36. A. knowledge                      B. information                     C. lessons                     D. skills
37. A. required                         B. acquired                      C. remind                 D. forgot
38. A. common                         B. legal                                 C. old                                D. early
39. A. balancing                        B. expressing                         C. supporting                D. increasing
40. A. turned                             B. changed                             C. helped                      D. improved
41. A. measures                    B. courses                        C. messages                  D. tours
42. A. encouraging                      B. disappointing                      C. discouraging                 D. rewarding
43. A. law                                B. medicine                     C. science                          D. arts
44. A. However                         B. Indeed                            C. Later                             D. Before
45. A. people                            B. nights                         C. cars                               D. opportunities

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1 5分,满分30分)
In the United States more than 80 colleges now accept just only women. Most of them were founded in the 19th century. They were set up to   36   women the education they could not get anywhere else. At that time    37   of the universities and colleges    38   only men. In the past 20 years many young women have    39    to study at colleges that accept both men and women. As a    40  ,some women's colleges decided to accept men students, too. Others still refused to change. Now the women's colleges are    41    again.
The president of Trinity College in Washington      D. C said by the end of the 1980s women had come to   42   that studying at the same colleges with men and women did not mean    43    had the same chance to    44   . The president of Smith College in Massachusette said “A women’s college    45    women to choose classes and activities    46   . For example, if a woman student wants to learn maths, she will be given the chance. So the percentage of students who like to study maths in a women’s college is    47   than that in a college with men and women. ”
Experts say men students in the United States    48    have enough courage to speak in class.    49    , women students can't. In a women’s college, women feel free to say    50    they want to. According to a report, women colleges also   51   leadership ability in many fields. At a women college, every   52   office is held by women. Recent studies    53    that this leadership continues after    54   . The studies also prove that it is easier for the American women who went to women’s college to    55    successful jobs later in life. Maybe that is why this kind of college is liked by people now.
36. A. make         B. elect           C. offer           D. call
37. A. some         B. most           C. few             D. none
38. A. liked          B. accepted         C. attracted       D. helped
39. A. chosen      B. failed          C. regretted       D. hated
40. A. goal           B. model            C. result         D. level
41. A. separate        B. troublesome        C. special    D. popular
42. A. forget       B. realize     C. expect    D. remember
43. A. students         B. presidents      C. men           D. women
44. A. work          B. visit             C. choose            D. survive
45. A. permits B. forbits     C. forces    D. reminds
46. A. obviously        B. freely          C. exactly            D. immediately
47. A. smaller  B. more           C. higher    D. lower
48. A. usually   B. never          C. sometimes   D. seldom
49. A. Finally       B. Therefore       C. However        D. Besides
50. A. how           B. what           C. when         D. where
51. A. bring down    B. bring over       C. bring round  D. bring about
52. A. governing       B. cleaning          C. serving           D. booking
53. A. mean        B. show           C. warn          D. conclude
54. A. school       B. work              C. graduation   D. death
55. A. hold           B. gather     C. lose            D. require

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)
阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从41~55各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Saint-Ex back from the dead
The French Government confirmed last Wednesday that pieces found at the bottom of the Mediterranean belonged to a plane piloted by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, one of France's most beloved authors. The discovery throws some  41  on Saint-Exupery's mysterious disappearance about sixty years ago.
The author of "The Little Prince" disappeared completely during World War II while      42  a group of men for the Allies (联盟)over  43  of France on July 31, 1944. But  in May 2000, a professional diver discovered the remains of a Lockheed Lightning P38 plane thrown here and there on the seabed in 70 metres of water  44  the French port of Marseilles. A state ban (禁令) on  45 dives in the area delayed further searches until October 2003. At that time, a salvage (打捞)team  46  pieces of the aircraft's landing parts and engine. One of the pieces  47  a maker's number. It wasn't until last Wednesday that  the researchers 48  confirmed that it belonged to Saint-Exupery’s plane.
Saint-Exupery was 44 when he  49   out to photograph parts of southern France in  50  for the Allied landings there, but was never seen again. Repeated searches of the coast  51   to turn up the aircraft, leaving the author's disappearance  52  in mystery. The discovery was a dream for  53  , even if it did not explain why the plane came down.
Saint Exupery was a great adventurer whose life and  54   turned him into one of the country's biggest heroes. "The Little Prince" is a tale about a little boy who tells his      55   to a pilot he meets in the Sahara Desert.
41.A. ideas                   B. light                 C. thought                    D. views
42.A. sending           B. seeing off          C. flying                      D. being together with
43.A. the east                  B. the west          C. the north            D. the south
44.A. along            B. off                 C. over                         D. to
45.A. late                   B. immediate       C. further                   D. new
46A. searched         B. got                 C. found out               D. recovered
47.A. got                   B. bore                  C. made                     D. put
48.A.surely                  B. carefully         C. completely             D. finally
49.A. sent                     B. flew                  C. turned                  D. came
50.A. preparation        B. search             C. group                    D. secret
51.A. succeeded      B. failed             C. got                          D. missed
52.A. recovered      B. covered          C. unknown                  D. known
53.A. dives                B. France            C. authors                  D. historians
54.A. books                  B. stories           C. plane                       D. war
55.A. discoveries       B. author       C. experiences            D. searches

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The town of Pressure and the town of Pleasure were neighbors but they had nothing in common. Residents built walls to   36    influence from the other town.
In Pressure, everyone struggled to be the very   37  . When women gave birth, they would compete to have the baby with the loudest  38  . There was violent competition in every aspect of life. Because   39    was the symbol of success, people were always busy making money, with no time for relaxation. Some young people couldn’t    40  the intensity(紧张) and chose to drink to escape.
In Pleasure, the motto was: 41   you like it, do it. People grew up without pressure and   42    do anything they liked. Children played computer games day   43   night. At school, teachers didn’t care   44    students came or not. Workers might sit around the office all day long drinking coffee and doing  45  .Thanks to the lack of regulations,nobody worried about   46    their jobs. It was pleasure that   47 . The computers they used were old   48    from the town of Pressure.
Some of the young were addicted to drugs   49   the emptiness(空虚) of their lives.Then, people in the two towns began asking themselves, “What is life   50  ?” But, just before life in the two towns completely   51   , there came a great person---Mr Reason. He went from door to door, talking with people and    52   advice. People in Pressure learnt to be content with what they had   53   people in Pleasure began to make plans. They   54    the walls between them and built a road to connect the two. The town’s people came to   55    the truth---there is no gap between Pressure and Pleasure if they don’t go to extremes(极端;两极端).
36. A. pick out        B. put out             C. leave out          D. keep out
37. A. best            B. richest             C. worst              D. least
38. A. smile           B. laugh              C. cry                D. sign
39. A. wealth          B. health             C. happiness           D. pleasure
40. A. catch           B. bear               C. make              D. live
41. A. Even though     B. Unless             C. As long as          D. While
42. A. should          B. might             C. had                D. could
43. A. and             B. after              C. or                 D. by
44. A. what            B. who              C. where              D. whether
45. A. nothing         B. something         C. anything            D. everything
46. A. finding          B. asking             C. doing              D. losing
47. A. mattered        B. cared             C. considered          D. minded 
48. A. ones            B. those            C. that                D. one
49. A. compared to     B. thanks to          C. as a result           D. because of
50. A. for             B. at                C. in                  D. to
51. A. gave            B. failed             C. lost                 D. saved
52. A. following        B. taking            C. seeking             D. giving
53. A. when            B. as                C. while               D. since
54. A. pulled off       B. pulled down       C. pulled out           D. pulled up
55. A. tell             B. realize            C. perform            D. doubt

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A mining(采矿的)engineer enjoyed flying very much. One day, he was flying his own plane over a lonely island when a 36_____ storm came, so he was 37___ to make a forced landing. The plane was in good 38____ but his legs and shoulder got 39_____ hurt. After getting out of the plane with great 40_____, he found nothing but high green hills 41_____ the place. He lay there expecting to die.
Soon, however, some men appeared from out of the forest. Though curious, they were not 42______of him. He was then gently 43______ to their village, where he was well treated. His 44_____ improved little by little and he became their 45_____. The place was 46_____ and pleasant and he was in 47_____ hurry to leave.
Several months later, he learned some of their language and 48_____ them some of his own.
One day, he discovered some sings of 49_____ mineral deposits(矿藏)in the soil. He decided to 50_____ to his country and set up a firm(公司)to mine the land.
It was not long 51____ the peaceful land was taken over by strange men and machines. When there was 52_____left to mine, the firm 53______ away. They had made a great deal of 54_____ for themselves, but the villagers’ land was 55_____. Now it is impossible to grow crops there.
36. A. quick        B. wonderful         C. heavy         D. sudden
37. A. ordered      B. forbidden         C. permitted     D. obliged
38. A. condition     B. relation          C. action        D. speed
39. A. slightly      B. seriously         C. hardly        D. luckily
40. A. pleasure     B. attention         C. difficulty    D. achievement
41. A. covering     B. wrapping          C. holding       D. surrounding
42. A. tired        B. afraid            C. sure          D. kind
43. A. carried      B. forced            C. pushed        D. pulled
44. A. health       B. leg               C. shoulder      D. heart
45.A. enemy        B. visitor           C. friend       D. slave
46.A. pure         B. proper            C. dangerous     D. quiet
47.A. a            B. such              C. no            D. great
48.A. told          B. taught            C. showed        D. offered
49 A. poor         B. little            C. much          D. rich
50 A. return        B. drive             C. ride          D. walk
51.A. after         B. before            C. when          D. since
52 A. something    B. anything          C. everything    D. nothing
53 A. gave         B. got              C. put           D. passed
54.A. iron         B. dollars           C. gold          D. money
55.A. ploughed     B. protected         C. destroyed     D. sold

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

II. 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分35分)
It was Mother’s Day, the day we celebrate everything mothers are and everything we do .But that Sunday in 2008 was bittersweet for me. As a single mother I tended to think of my shortcomings —how many evenings I couldn’t spend with my children , and how many things I couldn’t   21  my waitress’ salary to buy .
But what   22   kids I had! They were   23   impolite enough to complain.
As I walked into the kitchen quietly to start breakfast, I was greeted by a vase   24    a dozen red roses! But even their delicate beauty was overshadowed by the note sitting beside them, in the quick, manly   25   of an eighteen-year-old. It was about a story that happened between Denny and me long ago. It  26   :
…She took a day off from her busy   27   to take the boy to see his hero in the flesh at the stadium. It took 3.5hours just to get there, and on their arrival, she took her hard-earned money to buy an overpriced T-shirt on which was   28   his hero. After the game, she stayed with the little boy to get his hero’s signature until one o’clock in the morning …
It took me long enough to    29   it, but I finally know who the 30    hero is . Mom, I love you!
And suddenly, it was a happy Mother’s Day, after all.
21. A. stress                           B. spend                  C. strengthen        D. spare
22. A. great                           B. poor                   C. faithful            D. pretty
23. A. merely                        B. usually                C. never               D. often
24. A. including                     B. containing           C. possessing        D. pinning
25. A. scratch                        B. description          C. tone                 D. handwriting
26. A. read                            B. recorded              C. memorized       D. wrote
27. A. event                           B. content                C. schedule           D. circumstance
28.A. impressed                     B. presented             C. printed             D. pressed
29. A. see                              B. tell                     C. feed                 D. realize
30. A. actual                          B. true                    C. imaginary         D. visual

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Man-made Causes
Man-made causes probably do the most damage. There are many man-made causes.  21  is one of the biggest man-made problems. Pollution  22  in many shapes and sizes. Burning fossil fuels is one thing that causes pollution. Fossil(化石) fuels(燃料)are fuels made of organic matter such as coal, or oil. when fossil fuels are burned they  23  a green house gas called CO2. Also mining coal and oil allows methane to escape. How does it escape? Methane(甲烷)is  24  in the ground.  25  coal or oil is mined you have to dig up the earth a little. When you dig up the fossil fuels you dig up the methane as well.
Another major man-made  26  of Global Warming is population. More people  27  more food, and more methods of transportation, right? That means more methane because  28  will be more burning of fossil fuels, 29  more agriculture. Now you’re probably thinking, “Wait a minute, you said agriculture is going to be damaged by Global Warming, but  30  you’re saying agriculture is going to help cause Global Warming?” Well, have you  31 been in a barn filled with animals and you smell something  32 ? You re  33  methane. Another source of methane is manure. Because more food is needed we have to raise food. Animals like cows are a source of food which means more manure and methane. Another problem  34  the increasing population is  35 . More people means more cars, and more cares means more pollution. Also, many people have more than one car.
Since CO2 contributes to global warming, the increase in population makes the problem worse because we breathe out CO2.  36 , the trees that change our CO2 to oxygen are being demolished because we’re using the land that we cut the trees down from as property  37 our homes and buildings. We are not replacing the trees(an important part of our ecosystem), so we are  38  taking  39  of our natural resources and giving nothing back in  40 .
21.A.Pollution  B.Damage  C.Fossil          D.Transportation
22.A.goes      B.comes     C.takes         D.moves
23.A.give off    B.look out  C.burn away     D.take in
24.A.originally  B.mostly    C.naturally      D.usually
25.A.Because    B.When     C.While          D.But
26.A.reason      B.excuse    C.cause         D.problem
27.A.eats       B.takes       C.produces      D.means
28.A.it          B.there       C.that          D.they
29.A.and       B.or       C.though         D.but
30.A.then      B.there       C.before         D.now
31.A.ever      B.yet     C.still          D.even
32.A.Pleasant    B.terrible   C.sweet         D.nice
33.A.feeling     B.using      C.looking        D.smelling
34.A.of         B.as       C.with         D.for
35.A.pollution  B.population      C.warming   D.transportation
36.A.Also      B.However C.Therefore     D.Thus
37.A.as         B.for     C.like          D.to
38.A.Quickly   B.constantly       C.surely       D.usually
39.A.use        B.part     C.hold         D.advantage
40.A.return       B.turn     C.general        D.Total

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
There are between 3000 and 6000 public languages in the world, and we must add approximately 6  __36___  private languages since each one of us necessarily has one.  __37___  these facts, the possibilities for breakdowns in communication seem infinite in number. However, we do  __38___  successfully from time to time. And we do learn to speak languages.                               But learning to speak languages seems to be a very  __39___  process. For a long time, people thought that we learned a language only by imitation and association.  __40___, a baby touches a hot pot and starts to cry. The mother says, “Hot, hot!” And the baby, when it stops crying,  __41___  the mother and says, “Hot, hot!” However, Noam Chomsky, a famous expert in language,  __42___  that although children do learn some  __43___ by imitation and association, they also combine words to make meaningful sentences in ways that are unique, unlearned and creative.
Because young children can make sentences they have never heard before, Chomsky suggested that human infants are born with the  __44___  to learn language. Chomsky meant that underneath all the differences between public and private languages, there is a universal language mechanism that makes it  __45___  for us, as infants, to learn any language in the world. This  __46___  explains the potential that human infants have for learning language. But it does not really explain how children  __47___  use language in particular ways.
36. A. million             B. trillion            C. thousand                D. billion
37. A. Supposing          B. Given             C. Considering           D. Taken
38. A. speak              B. tell               C. learn                     D. communicate
39. A. various            B. mysterious           C. famous                    D. obvious
40. A. For example       B. Such as           C. Like this                D. That is
41. A. understands      B. imitates          C. loves                     D. attaches
42. A. pointed at       B. pointed to         C. pointed out              D. point off
43. A. words            B. sentences               C. paragraphs             D.passages
44. A. right               B. ability            C. power                   D. force
45. A. certain                  B. impossible           C. possible                 D. successful
46. A. imagination               B. fiction            C. invention                      D. theory
47. A. come to           B. become to     C. go to                    D. used to

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读下面短文、掌握其大意,然后从36~55各题所给的四个选项(A、 B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项、并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
The poachers-illegal hunters-had finally found a buyer for their stolen goods.A meeting was 3 6 ,and when the buyer asked to see the goods, they brought out a small duffel bag and un-zippedh.Inside was a 37  one-year-old baby gorilla.The poachers had likely killed the little female's parents and  3 8  her in the forests of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in Africa.Then they took her across the border into Rwanda,  39  to sell her as a pet.
But the buyer didn't bring  40   ;he brought the police.The Rwandan authorities    41 the young gorilla to the nearby headquarters of the Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project.The vets(兽医)there realized that she had not been given 42 food or water, but they were much more worried about something else."Baby gorillas simply don't  43  without their mother's constant body contact," says vet Chris Whittier.If they didn't quickly establish a  44  relationship with the baby gorilla, which her caretakers named Dunia, she  45  not survive.
Dunia needed contact, but she resisted  46  at first, shying away from people who reached  for her.Three caretakers worked in shifts, taking  47  holding her, carrying her around on their backs, and cradling her while she slept.48 she became stronger,a month after she was res-cued her  49   revealed the psychological stress she carried inside-much of her hair fell out. That was a delayed  50  to the combined traumatic experiences of losing her parents and being kept-with a poor diet-by the poachers.
After six months ofloving care that included around-the-clock attention,a good diet, and a  5 1    home at the project's headquarters, Dunia was looking and acting like a  52  ,happy young gorilla should. "Dunia is sort of a shy show-off," says Whittier. "Her  53  lsgrowing and she's becoming more independent, but when she is  54  ,the first thing she does is run back to her  55 ,just like she would to her mother."
36.A.attended      B.held        C.arranged       D.delayed
37.A.energetic     B.terrified       C.dangerous      D.fierce
38.A.freed       B.followed       C.tricked          D.caught
39.A.intending     B.pretending          C.remembering    D.wondering
40.A.luck        B.benefit         C.profit               D.money
41.A.introduced          B.persuaded    C.presented      D.rushed
42.A,local          B.delicious      C.enough         D.fresh
43.A.complain     B.develop       C.survive        D.grow
44.A.social       B.physical       C.mental          D.special
45.A.would         B.should         C.might           D.must
46.A.eating          B.attention      C.rescue           D.love
47.A.turns       B.efforts         C.time          D.advice
48.A.If            B.As           C.Although      D.Because
49.A.health          B.mind       C.behavior       D.appearance
50.A.reaction       B.action          C.expression     D.description
51.A.comfortable  B.natural        C.private          D.ordinary
52.A.shy         B.healthy        C.strange         D.typical
53.A.satisfaction  B.confidence    C.interest         D.patience
54.A.touched       B.left          C.wamed         D.scared
55.A.home        B.forest        C.caretakers      D.comer

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Chinese President Hu Jintao met Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin Saturday in Moscow __36___views on the development of the strategic relations of cooperation and partnership between China and Russia. President Hu is in Moscow for celebrations marking the 65th__37_of the victory of the Great Patriotic War over Nazi Germany.
In recent years, China and Russia __38_ their strategic relations of cooperation and partnership __39__ enhanced mutual political trust and ___40__cooperation in all sectors.
The two countries __41_have had close interaction and coordination in __42__international and regional affairs.
Last year, the Chinese-Russian strategic ___43_of cooperation and partnership made important headway with activities __44_ the 60th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic ties and the "Year of___45_Russian Language" in China.
__46__the beginning of this year, the partnership has maintained comprehensive and___47__growth__48_a high level.
President Hu's participation in the celebrations___49 a major event in China-Russia relations and symbolizes the spirit of bilateral(双边的)strategic cooperation,___50__China's Assistant Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping at a press briefing Wednesday."We believe Hu's visit will boost China-Russia strategic trust for__51_development of the bilateral strategic relations of cooperation and partnership," he said. This is__52_ time President Hu _ 53_ Russia's Victory Day celebrations.__54__ May 2005, President Hu attended in Moscow ceremonies marking the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War. Five years __55__since that time .
36. A . to communicate      B . to exchange           C . changing                  D . talked 
37. A . celebration            B. meeting                 C . congratulation      D. anniversary
38. A . strengthened        B. have strengthened     C. are strengthening    D .strenghths
39. A . with                       B . for                      C . among                 D . between 
40. A. fruitful                    B . richer                   C . fruits                    D . badly
41. A . too                         B either                     C . as well as             D . also 
42. A . doing with                 B . treating  to          C . dealing with          D . making up
43. A . relating                  B. relations                C . related                  D . relative
44. A. remarks                   B. signs                     C. marking                 D. symbol
45. A.  /                          B . a                         C. the                        D. this
46. A. Until                       B. After                     C . Since                    D . As long as
47. A . quick                        B. fast                       C. rapid                     D . swift
48. A. by                          B. at                               C . to                         D. for
49. A . is                           B. are                        C. have been                D. had been
50. A. said                        B. says                       C. spoken                   D. talks
51. A . farther                    B. far                          C. furthest                  D. further
52. A. two                        B. the last                  C. the second              D. a more
53. A. joined                       B. took part in              C. participates in          D. attends
54. A. On                          B. By                        C. In                         D. At
55. A..passed                     B. has been passed           C. Past                        D. have past

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Going to a Britain school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain  31  school starts around 9 a.m. and ends about 3.30 p.m. This means I could get up an hour  32  than usual as schools in China begin before 8 a.m.
On the first day, all students went to  33  assembly. I sat next to a girl whose name was Diane. We  34  became best friends. During  35 , the headmaster told us about the rules of the school. He also told us that the best way to  36  respect from the school was to work hard and  37  high grades. This sounded like my school in China.
My English improved a lot as I used English every day. I usually went to the Computer Club at lunch time, so I  38  e-mail my family and friends back home  39  free. I also had an extra French class on Tuesday evenings.  40  was really fun as I learned how to buy, prepare and cook food. 
31. A. because    B. if           C. so                D. though
32. A. earlier     B. late         C. early              D. later
33. A. join          B. hold       C. attend           D. make
34. A. just          B. now        C. soon             D. fast
35. A. assembly   B. class      C. meal             D. break
36. A. take                B. earn        C. find              D. creat
37. A. realise      B. achieve   C. improve        D. develop
38. A. must        B. should    C. needed                 D. could
39. A. for           B. in           C. on                D. with
40. A. Eating      B. Cooking   C. Learning       D. playing

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
