
Everyone knows that exercise is important. We need to exercise. Doctors say it is good fo r us. It keep our bodies strong.
When the daytime comes, we must get up. This is the time for exercise. Exercise means doing things with the body. There are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. Make sure you excise in the following ways: you have to like what you’re doing. Exercise enough---but not too much. It is good to exercise twice each week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of things until you find one, two or three sports that feel right for you.
Exercise can be fun. Friends can exercise together at fitness center, or they can play sports together. How do you exercise?
In the passage the writer tells us that we all need to_______________.

A.drink B.relax C.exercise D.work

Which of the following sports can’t we find in the passage?

A.Fishing B.Running C.Swimming D.Walking

What does  exercise mean according to the passage?

A.It means doing things with the body
B.It means studying
C.It means doing lessons.
D.It means playing

What can exercise do to the body?

A.It can make the body weak
B.It can make us sleep more
C.It can make the body sick
D.It can make the body healthy

The words “fitness center” in the passage mean_________

A.减肥中心 B.健身中心 C.购物中心 D.医疗中心
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Oxford University, said that time spent on homework showed the influence of the school—if children were expected to do homework and if they enjoy their subjects. “That’s one of the reasons Indian and Chinese children do better. They put more time in it.” he added.
It’s also reported that students who enjoyed school got better results. It is suggested that children aged 5 to 7 should be given one-hour homework a week, half an hour a night for 7 to 11-year-olds, two hours a night for 14 to 16-year-olds.
“Headteachers should make their own homework policy (规定),” the government says.
Idian and Chinese children do better in their lessons. Why?

A.Because they put more time in it.
B.Because they live in school all day.
C.Because they have little homework.
D.Because they like school better than homework.

It is suggested that 5 to 7-year-old children should be given ______.

A.one-hour homework a night B.half an hour homework a night
C.Two- hour homework a week D.one-hour homework a week

From the passage, we can know that ______.

A.Students should become interested in their results.
B.Headteachers should make their own homework policy.
C.Parents should encourage their children to do more homework.
D.Students should do homework as much as possible.
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On Thanksgiving Day, about 88 percent Americans eat turkey. But one lucky turkey not only will not be eaten but also will become famous. Every year, turkey farmers present turkeys to the US president. But instead of eating this turkey, the president gives it a “pardon”. The turkey is flown to Florida for a thanksgiving parade(游行). Then it lives on the farm for the rest of its life.
Turkeys come from America and have been part of American culture for centuries. Benjamin Franklin even wanted the turkey to be America’s national bird.
Turkeys that are kept on farms are large, awkward birds that can not fly. But wild turkeys are quite fast. They can fly at speed up to 88 kilometers per hour. They can also run at 40 kilometers per hour.
Turkeys don’t have ears. They hear by using the growth of beaks (喙). But their hearing is about five times better than human’s hearing.
Turkeys are such interesting birds. No wonder Benjamin Franklin wanted them to be American national birds.
________ people in America eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.

A.A few B.Some C.Most D.All

The underlined word “pardon” means ________.

A.赦免 B.赐死 C.礼物 D.原谅

A wild turkey can fly at the speed of _______.

A.88 kilometers per hour
B.40 kilometers per hour
C.as fast as a kept one
D.five times faster than man

The turkey doesn’t have ______.

A.eyes B.ears C.a mouth D.wings

Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Turkeys don’t have ears so they can’t hear.
B.After the lucky turkey had a parade, it will be eaten by the president.
C.Benjamin Franklin made the turkey become the national bird of America.
D.Turkeys’ hearing are better than human’s.
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A reader wrote in to say that she was feeling left out at break(课间休息) because her best friend wasn’t around.Here’s our advice to her, and to all kids who feel lonely sometimes.
It’s hard when a best friend isn’t around,maybe because she moved to a different school or a different class.You may feel lonely at break or lunchtime.You want to have new friends.But how do you make them? Maybe it seems like everybody else already has their friends.But remember, there’s always room for more friends.
Start by looking around your classroom,thinking about which kids you’d like to play with at break. Look for chances to say hi to them,smile and be friendly.Offer to share something or express your appreciation(欣赏)to them.Invite someone to play with you or say “Do you want to sit here?” at lunchtime.When you are at break,walk over to kids you want to play with,act friendly, and say “Hi, can I play, too?” or just join in.
If you have trouble doing this or if you’re feeling shy, ask your teacher to help you make new friends.Teachers are usually pretty good at matching up friends.The best way to make friends is to be a friend.Be kind,be friendly, share,say nice things,offer to help,and  soon,you’11 have one,or two,or even more new friends.
You might still miss that special best friend.But when you see each other, you can share something you didn’t have before she left.You can introduce her to your new friends!
This passage is written for ________.

A.teachers B.parents C.students D.visitors

According to the writer, some kids feel lonely at break because they ________

A.have trouble with their studies
B.don’t have their best friends around
C.need their parents to be with them
D.are too young to look after themselves

The underlined word this in Paragraph 4 means ________.

A.sharing your ideas
B.talking before many people
C.studying better at school
D.making new friends

The expression “feeling left out” in the first paragraph means“   ”in Chinese.

A.受冷落 B.被调侃 C.挨批评 D.遭攻击

Some kids need help from teachers to make friends because ________.

A.they miss their old friends a lot
B.they have no time to stay with others
C.teachers know who wants a new friend
D.they are shy or not good at making friends
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr. Green goes to a small city on vacation. He wants to go to the Happy Hotel, because his friend works there. But he doesn’t know the way to the hotel. When he sees an old man, he stops and says to him, “Excuse me, where is the Happy Hotel?” The old man answers, “I can show you the way.” Then the old man gets into the car (上车). After some time, they get to a small house, and the old man says, “Here we are!” Mr. Green looks at the house. “But it isn’t the Happy Hotel”, he says to the old man. The old man answers, “It’s my house. You can go down this street. When you see a big restaurant, turn left. Then you can see the Happy Hotel on your right. It’s next to a school.”
Why does Mr. Green go to the small city?
A. Because he is on vacation.
B. Because he wants to visit his aunt.
C. Because he works there.
Why does Mr. Green want to go to the Happy Hotel?
A. Because his friend works in the Happy Hotel.
B. Because the hotel is very comfortable.
C. Because the hotel is very cheap.
How does Mr. Green go to the small city?
A. He walks there.
B. He goes to the city in a taxi.
C. He goes to the city in a car.
Where is the Happy Hotel?
A. It’s near the old man’s house.
B. It’s next to a school.
C. It’s behind a restaurant.
“Here we are!” means(意思是)_________
A. 给我们           B. 我们在这里         C. 我们到了

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

How do you spend your time at school? Do you know how students in other countries study every day? Here are the studying ways in some western schools.
American Students
American students spend seven hours in their schools every day. And the day is divided(划分) into classes of about 40 to 50 minutes. Students study English , history, math, science, art and foreign languages. They go to listen to different lessons taught by different teachers in different classrooms. After class they learn job skills. Sometimes they study by working in an office, a hospital or other places one day a week.
German Students
German students love practicing. Lots of schools have lessons for only half a day. They spend most time practicing. Teachers give students enough freedom. Students may try all kinds of ideas they have. They begin to plan what they will do in the future and work hard at a young age.
French Students
French students like independence(独立) and freedom . Their school life is very relaxing and interesting. When they have tests, they may have snacks. For example, they can put a few desks together, and put some peanuts (花生)or candies on them.
How many hours do American students spend at school every day?
Where can American students study besides in the classrooms?
What do German students like?
How long do lots of schools have lessons in Germany?
How is French students’ school life?

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容选择最佳答案。
Hello, my dear friends, today here's a funny cartoon for you! It is a Chinese cartoon. Its name is Happy Sheep(绵羊) and Big Big Wolf(狼).
In this cartoon, there are some sheep and three wolves. Happy Sheep is the leading role(主角). He likes playing football and running. He runs faster than(比) the other sheep. Pretty Sheep likes making clothes and growing flowers. She is very beautiful. Lazy Sheep( 懒羊羊) is clever. But he doesn't like doing sports. He likes sleeping best. Force Sheep(沸羊羊) is stronger than the other sheep. Warm Sheep is the class monitor(班长)at school. Slow Sheep is 68 years old. He is old. He is the village head. Every sheep has a lovely pet(宠物). Big Big Wolf wants to eat sheep. Red Wolf is Big Big Wolf's wife. She is very bad. Banana Wolf is nice. He is the friend of the sheep. He likes eating bananas very much.
________ doesn't like sports.

A.Lazy Sheep B.Force Sheep
C.Warm Sheep D.Happy Sheep

Pretty Sheep likes ________.

A.playing football B.sleeping
C.making clothes D.eating bananas

________ is the sheep's friend.

A.Big Big Wolf B.Banana Wolf
C.Red Wolf D.Little Wolf

There are ________ sheep in the passage(短文).

A.four B.five C.six D.seven

Which is NOT right?

A.Happy Sheep runs slower than the other sheep.
B.Slow Sheep is old.
C.Warm Sheep has a lovely pet.
D.Red Wolf is Big Big Wolf's wife.
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Sunny English Club
For students
16:00 ~ 18:00   Every Saturday
200 yuan a month
9 Zhou Yu Street
Tel: 3786290
Foreign teachers, English songs and films and more!
Ocean Park
9:00~17:00  From Thursday to Sunday
ticket: 50 yuan
132 Xue Yuan Street
Tel: 5439871
Show you a full picture of sea lives!
Health Centre
9:00 ~ 17:00
16 Yong Le Street
Tel: 3801451
Free examinations(检查) for those over 70
Give you good advice to keep healthy!

What can students do in Sunny English Club?

A.They go to Sunny English Club every day.
B.They can have a good health.
C.They can’t study with foreign teachers.
D.They can learn English songs and watch films.

You can visit Ocean Park ______.

A.on Saturday B.on Wednesday
C.on Monday D.any time

One can get free(免费) examinations in Health Centre if he is ______.

A.9 B.17 C.67 D.73

Tom wants to know something about sea lives. What number does he need?

A.5439871 B.3801451
C.3786290 D.5439671

You will pay _____ if you want to stay in the English club for half a year.

A.300 yuan B.600 yuan
C.1,200 yuan D.2,400 yuan
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

For many people, the Zhijiang Dong autonomous county(自治县), Huaihua city, in Central China’s Hunan province is famous for its role in China’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression(1937-45) and World War II.
Located in the west of Hunan, the county is close to the border with Guizhou province,
and is a well-known transportation hub(中心;中枢). It also acted as important military base(军事基地) in the fight against the Japanese.
Zhijiang was the home of the American Volunteer Group, or “Flying Tigers”: the
legendary squadron(空军中队) of pilots from the United States that helped the Chinese forces fight the occupiers(侵略者), and made an impressive contribution to the ultimate(最终的) victory. It was also the first place where representatives(有代表性的) of the Japanese Imperial Army signed a document of unconditional surrender(无条件投降) to China.
The surrender was signed on Aug 21,1945, about three weeks before Yasuji Okamura, the commander-in-chief of Japan’s China Expeditionary Army, signed the Japanese Instrument of Surrender in Nanjing on Sep.9.
“Japan’s surrender in Zhijiang marked the first time in the modern era that Japan was
presented as the loser in a war with China.” said Wu Jianhong, curator(馆长)  of the
county’s Memorial Hall of the Victory over Japan.
Where is Zhijiang Dong autonomous county?
A. In the west of China.
B. In the west of Hunan province.
C. In the west of Guizhou province.
What is Zhinjiang famous for ?
A. Its delicious food.
B. Its friendly people.
C.Its important role in history.
Which is NOT true about the “Flying Tiger”?
A. It was an American Volunteer Group that helped the Chinese forces.
B. It was an American Volunteer Group that helped the Japanese forces.
C. There were many pilots from the United States in the “Flying Tigers”.
Which document was signed the earliest?
A. The surrender signed in Zhijiang county.
B. The surrender signed in Nanjing.
C. The surrender signed aboard the battleship USS Missouri.
How many years ago did Chinese win the war against Japanese?
A. 37 years ago.
B. 70 years ago.
C. 45 years ago.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Alice is a white dog. She is two.Bob is a brown dog. Bob and Alice are good friends. Look at the two dogs.
Bob:Good morning!
Alice: Good morning!
Bob:What’s this?
Alice: It’s a jacket. It’s my sister’s. Oh, my sister is Grace.
Bob:What’s that?
Alice:It’s a book. It’s Miss Miller’s book. She is an English teacher.
Bob:Well,dogs don’t like books.
Alice and Bob meet in the            .

A.morning B.afternoon C.evening D.night

Grace is Alice’s             .

A.brother B.teacher C.sister D.friend

Miss Miller is an            teacher.

A.Chinese B.English C.math D.science

Alice and Grace are             .

A.jackets B.teachers C.books D.dogs
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We each have a memory(记忆力). That’s why we can still remember things after a long time. Some people have very good memories and they can easily learn many things in a short time, but some people can only remember things when they say or do them again and again. Many of the great men of the world have got surprising memories.
A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his mother language when he is a small child. He hears the sounds, remembers them and then he learns to speak. Some children are living with their parents in foreign countries. They can learn two languages as easily as one because they hear, remember and speak two languages every day. In school it is not so easy to learn a foreign language because the students have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too.
But your memory will become better and better when you do more and more exercises.
Some people can easily learn many things in a short time because    .

A.they always sleep very well
B.they often eat good food
C.they read a lot of books
D.they have very good memories

Everybody learns his mother language     .

A.at the age of six
B.when he is a small child
C.after he goes to school
D.when he can read and write

Before a child can speak, he must      .

A.read and write
B.make sentences
C.hear and remember the sounds
D.think hard

In school the students can’t learn a foreign language well because             .

A.they have no good memories
B.they have no recorders
C.they have too much time for it
D.they are busy with other subjects

Why can a Chinese learn English easily if he is in England?

A.Because he must speak English every day.
B.Because he will have a good memory in England, not in China.
C.Because his father is an Englishman.
D.Because his English teacher is better in England. [
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Most Americans enjoy moving from place to place. For example, they often drive their cars 120 to 160 kilometres away just to have dinner with a friend or even fly to London or Paris just to watch a football match. In some states only one person in five lives in a place for more than five years. One may be born in one city, and go to school in another. He may finish his middle school in two or three cities, and then go to college far across the country. When he begins to work, he may possibly move from job to job. Moving from one job to another, which is called “job-hopping”, can be seen in many places in the United States.
Job-hopping does good to workers because every change of a job gives them a chance to get better pay. And job-hopping also gives bosses the chance to get new ideas and skills from him or her.
From this passage, we can see Americans often travel to ____________.

A.have dinner with their friends B.go shopping
C.watch a football game D.enjoy themselves

Which of the following is true?

A.About 20% of the people stay in one place for over five years.
B.Children have to finish middle school in one place.
C.People go to the nearest college.
D.When people begin to work, they don’t move any more.

Job-hopping means “_______________”.

A.looking for a job B.having a job
C.changing jobs often D.losing a job

In the USA job-hopping _______________.

A.is very popular
B.helps young people go to college
C.helps workers in traveling
D.helps students begin to work

The writer thinks job-hopping _______________.

A.does good only to the workers
B.does good only to the boss
C.must be stopped
D.is helpful
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A Calendar as a Schedule(计划表)
Some schedules are actually calendars. The schedule below shows all the important things that are happening on each day at Fairview High School during the month of May. The days on this schedule are listed across the top, and each day of the month has a number.

Which month is the schedule for?
What event do the students have on the second day of the month?
What time does the Drama Club meet?
When will the students leave school on the third Monday of the month?
How many days will the tests last?

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Stay Fitness Club—the Club with a Difference
Get off the sofa! It’s summer! Let’s spring into action! We want to help you get fit and stay fit.
Join our fitness club and become a member. Then, you can enjoy our classes for free. You can enroll(注册) for as many classes manage.
We offer classes in:
Indoor cycling
Chinese kong fu
We also have fantastic facilities(设施):

Machines—They use the very latest technology.
Changing room—There are excellent showers and lockers to keep your things safe.
Lounge area—You can relax and enjoy a cooling drink and a healthy snack.
The membership fee(会费)is very low. You can pay weekly or monthly. It is up to you. When you have paid the fee, you can come as often as you want. Our friendly staff(工作人员)will be glad to answer your questions.
Come to Stay Fitness Club. You are never too old or too young to start a fitness programme.
Look after you body and it will look after you!

There are ______ kinds of classes in Stay Fitness Club.

A.three B.four C.five D.eight

Members can ______ in the lounge area.

A.have a rest B.use machines
C.store things D.change clothes

What can we know about the club?

A.It offers free classes.
B.It is open for 24 hours.
C.It has experienced staff.
D.It is for people of all ages.

The passage is ________.
A, a diary             B. a poster
C. a menu             D. a letter.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Yang Hui was born in Longyan, Fujian. She grew up in a small village. She lost all her fingers and feet when she was three. She was badly burnt by accident when she went out with her grandparents. She couldn’t walk and she seldom went out.
The young girl had to learn to do everything. At first she wasn’t able to use chopsticks. Her parents had to teach her for a long time. Thanks to her strong will(意志)to do everything by herself, she overcame those difficult times. Now she can look after herself. She also loves studying and she has finished the junior high school courses.
About five years ago, Yang Hui saw someone make cross-stitch(十字绣)and she decided to learn to make it herself. As you can imagine, it’s very difficult to make it without fingers. Yang Hui failed so many times. But she never gave up. And through many hours of practice, now she can use her arms to make good cross-stitch works and she is faster than other people. “One had to put great efforts into what she was doing.” Yang Hui said.
Now she is 21 years old and she is in hospital in Fujian. She continues making a 1.83-meter-long cross-stitch work with arms. She has no enough money for her operations(手术). Many kind-hearted people come to visit her and call on people to raise money for her.
As for her future, Yang Hui said, “I hope to stand up and walk one day after operations. I want to make more money by selling cross-stitch works.”
If you want to know more about Yang Hui and help her, please call 13004982348.
(From Fuzhou News)

Why did Yang Hui lose her fingers and feet? Because ______.

A.she was burnt by accident
B.she dropped into river
C.she was hit by a stone
D.she was hurt by a traffic accident

What can Yang Hui do?

A.She can walk.
B.She can go to college.
C.She can make cross-stitch with arms.
D.She can make cross-stitch with feet.

When Yang Hui is in hospital, ________.

A.she calls on people to raise money for her
B.many kind-hearted people visit her
C.she has enough money for her operations
D.she uses her fingers to make cross-stitch

Which is the best title of this article?

A.A Quiet Girl
B.A Kind-hearted Girl
C.A Girl with Good Manners
D.A girl with Strong Will
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
