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—The house is very big and nice.
-- Has it got        garden?
A. the                           B. a                       C. 不填

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The building is empty.       lives there.
A. Nobody                       B. Anybody                 C. Somebody

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This road is usually busy       the rush hours.
A. between                       B. among                   C. in

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– Is that woman your head teacher?
-- No, it       be her. Our head teacher is in her office.
A. mustn’t                        B. can’t                    C. needn’t

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– I’ve found a wallet at the gate.           is it?
-- Oh, it’s mine.
A. Where                         B. What                    C. Whose

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Tony, remember         with your mouth full of food.
A. to talk                         B. not to talk                C. talking

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Listen! Someone       the violin in the music classroom.
A. plays                           B. played                     C. is playing

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– How fast       when the police stopped you?
-- I don’t know exactly, but not too fast, I think.
A. were you driving
B. did you drive
C. are you driving

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– You’re late for an hour.
-- I fell off my bike.
-- Did that       you an hour?
A. use                             B. take                       C. spend

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– Dad, where is Mom?
-- She       the supermarket.
A. has gone to    B. has been to        C. is going to

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She        tennis in the school team. Now she is a professional tennis player.
A. is used to play
B. is used to playing
C. used to play

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– Wow, I’ve got an A in my math test.
--        wonderful news it is !
A. What                            B. How                       C. What a

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– How long will you stay here ?
--        I finish my work, I’ll go back home.
A. As soon as                         B. While                    C. Unless

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You       another day to make your own decision.
A. gave
B. are giving
C. will be given

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Alice, do you know       tomorrow?
A. what we have done
B. who will come
C. where they went

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Eric Liddell was known as the flying Scotsman(苏格兰人)because he ran so fast. But he is most remembered as a man of honor and bravery.
He was born in 1902 in Tianjin, north China. In Chinese, he was known as Li Airui. Eric lived in China until the age of five. After that his parents sent him to school in England. In 1920, Eric went to the University of Edinburgh to study science.
Sports played a large part in his life and he became the fastest runner in Scotland. He was chosen to be part of Britain’s 1924 Olympic team. The games were in Paris. The 100-meter race was his best event, but it was to be held on a Sunday. Eric, a strong Christian(基督徒),refused to run on Sundays because he believed that it should be a day of rest as the Bible(圣经)teaches.
Although many people told him to run the race, he refused. Instead he started to train for other distances. At the Olympics he won a bronze medal in the 200-meter race and then a gold medal in the 400-meter race, setting a world record.
Though then famous in Scotland, Eric still loved and remembered China. He wanted to go back to the country where he was born. In 1925, he went to China and worked as a middle school teacher in Tianjin. Then he went to Hebei Province to help the poor people there.
After the Japanese invaded(入侵)China, Eric chose to stay. He wanted to help the sick and give hope to the Chinese people. In 1943, the Japanese sent him to a prison camp(集中营)in Weifang. Even in the camp, he continued to help the old people. He also arranged games for the children, and taught them science.
In 1945, Eric was very ill. He was given a chance to leave the camp but he refused. Instead he gave this chance to a pregnant woman. This inspiring man died six months before the end of the war. Many people still remember his service to the Chinese people of that area.

Eric went back to England to      .
A. go to school
B. held the Scottish people
C. take part in the Olympic Games
Eric set a world record in the       race.
A. 100-race                       B. 200-race                    C. 400-race
Eric returned to China in     .
A. 1925                             B. 1943                       C. 1945
Eric lived in China for       years all together.
A. 5                                B. 20                         C. 25.
People remember Eric mainly because of his      .
A. running                          B. giving                      C. teaching

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Once upon a time, a wealthy villager hid a huge piece of gold in a nearby rice field to protect it from robbers(强盗).
Many years later, the wealthy man died and no one else knew about the gold. One day , a poor farmer began to plough(犁)the field. After ploughing for some time, his plough struck(碰、撞)the long forgotten treasure.
At first, he thought it must be a very hard tree root. However, when he went closer to look, he saw that it was a large piece of beautiful shining gold.
Waiting until midnight, the farmer started to take the gold home. He tried to lift the gold but it was too heavy. He tried to pull it out with ropes, but it was so huge that he could hardly move it. He became frustrated and thought how lucky he was to have found treasure, but unlucky too, as he could not move it. He even tried kicking the gold but it would not budge!
He sat down and began to use his head. He decided to break the gold into smaller pieces. This would enable him to carry the gold easily.
He thought to himself, “ I will use one part for my daily needs, I will save the second part for a rainy day. I will invest(投资)the third part in my farming business. I will use the fourth part to help the poor and needy.”
Follow this, he calmly divided the huge piece of gold into smaller pieces. Finally, he took all the gold home easily and lived happily ever after.
The wealthy villager hid the gold in the rice field to      .
A. plough the field
B. keep it safe
C. donate it to the farmer
The poor farmer found        when the ploughted the field.
A. a hard tree root
B. the piece of gold
C. rice crops
When the farmer        the gold, we know he was annoyed.
A. lifted                    B. pulled                  C. kicked
The word “budge” in the passage means “            “
A. move                   B. stay                   C. roll
The underlined parts in “I will save the second part for a rainy day.” means “         
A. use the gold to keep the rain out
B. use the gold when it rains
C. use the gold when money is in great need

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A Calendar as a Schedule(计划表)
Some schedules are actually calendars. The schedule below shows all the important things that are happening on each day at Fairview High School during the month of May. The days on this schedule are listed across the top, and each day of the month has a number.

Which month is the schedule for?
What event do the students have on the second day of the month?
What time does the Drama Club meet?
When will the students leave school on the third Monday of the month?
How many days will the tests last?

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根据句意和音标提示以适当形式填写单词。 请将答案填写在答题卡指定位置。
I’d like to           /ɪnˈvaɪt/ my friends to the party.
Weihai lies in the east            /kəʊst/ of China.
He is            /ˈpeɪʃənt/ enough to look after his grandfather.
It’s important to have a            /ˈhelθi/lifestyle.
Nobody doubts his            /əˈbɪləti/ to do the job.
She sent many            /ˈmesɪdʒɪz/ to me last night.

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用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空。 请将答案填写在答题卡指定位置。
Luis and his wife Gloria live in a nice apartment, but it isn’t big enough. They need a house with at least three bedrooms. They also want to have a yard for the children to play in. And so far they       (look) at several houses that are for sale. One of them was beautiful but terribly expensive. Their business isn’t going well. so they can’t afford an expensive house. That’s why they      (search) for one that doesn’t cost a lot, and, of course, that’s not easy to find.
Yesterday they looked at four houses, and three of them       (be) great. But they couldn’t afford the houses they liked, and they didn’t like the one they could afford. The only affordable one was old and had cracks(裂缝)in the walls. Last night, Luis and Gloria talked about the house for two hours. “I know we      (not find) anything that costs less, and I want to move as soon as I can,” said Luis. “And I’m tired of looking at houses we can’t afford,” Gloria added. So they decided to buy the old house and repair it. The house will need a lot of work, but it’s a nice neighborhood and the back yard is big. It’ll look beautiful when it      (repair). Luis and Gloria are good at painting, and some of their friends will help with the repairs. The children will be happy       (have) their own house where they can make all the noise they want.

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if   blind   below   powerless   However   earth    As a result   powerful    on   food

Moles are small animals, about 10-12 cm long, with soft grey fur. They spend almost all their time      ground, where they feed on worms and insects. A mole has very       front “hands” and claws, which it uses to dig through the soil and make tunnels(地洞). It pushes       up from the tunnels to the surface (地表面),where it makes mounds (土墩)of soil called mole-hills. Gardeners sometimes watch a mole-hill. They look to see       there is a slight movement which proves(证明)that a mole is at work below the surface.
Moles are almost    , but have a very strong sense of smell. They eat nearly all the time and cannot live for more than a few hours without      . Mole tunnels help gardeners and farmers by improving the drainage.   ,  gardeners hate to see their lawns spoilt(破坏) by mole-hills,        , they try to kill moles or make them go away.

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