
词汇运用 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空不限一词10分)
It’s necessary to keep our air clean because the ___________(pollute) air does harm to our health.
The Ginkgo(银杏)Festival________________(hold) in Taixing every year.
She made lots of mistakes because of working on her homework  ___________ (care),
Mo Yan, the most famous writer in China, got the Nobel Prize in literature in his_________
(fifty) in 2012..
A sudden shout broke the __________(silent) at night and we all felt frightened.
The radio says it will be far __________(rain) tomorrow. I am afraid that we have to stay at home.
More and more attention has been paid to ____________(protect) the environment in China.
Help ___________(you) to some fresh fruit and vegetables, kids. They are good for health.
Teenagers should try to be good ____________(city) and devote much of their time to
developing our country.
It’s reported that China______________(develop) new kinds of rice so far.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A traveller came to a village carrying nothing but an empty pot. He was h  , but nobody would offer their food to him. The traveller then f  the pot with water, put a large stone into it, and placed it o  a fire in the village square.
One of the villagers asked w  he was doing. The traveller answered,“I’m making ‘ stone soup’. ”The villager seemed i .
The traveller continued,“The soup tastes wonderful but I need some carrots to make i 76  more tasty. ”The villager then b  him some carrots and put them in the pot.
Another villager walked by, asking about the pot, a  the traveller again told him about his stone soup. This time he really needed some meat. The villager brought him some meat to help him out.
More and more villagers walked by. Each added o  things. Finally, the traveller had a delicious pot of soup. Of course, he s it with everyone.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We need love. We also need to love. The person I love most is my mother. My mother is         (四十)years old. She is of medium build with long      (棕色的)hair. She is taller but    (瘦) than me. She is a    (科学) teacher in a middle school. She likes   (唱歌) and dancing. She can   (烹制)delicious food. She always offers to help me whenever I’m in trouble.
She did a lot for me when I was a child. She didn’t buy anything expensive for herself.      (相反,反而), she bought whatever I needed for my study, even though she didn’t have much money. She sent me from piano lessons to dancing lessons at the weekend and also helped me    (练习) speaking English every day because she is also good at English.
When I grow up, I will do what I can do to make my mother happy. I will find a good job after I graduate from college. I’ll save money and buy beautiful clothes for her. I’ll take her to wonderful    (地方)of interest around China. Above all, I will stay with her when I have free time so that she won’t feel    (孤独).

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A. crying     B. laughing   C. shoes    D. all the time    E. asleep

When I was ten, my mother worked all day, so I had to take care of my younger sister. At that time, my little sister was about four years old and she missed mum    .
One day, after I had given her dinner, she started      for mum. She was so young and really needed mum. So I dressed her up, put on her    , carried her on my back and walked out. Soon she fell      .
About half an hour later, I found that she had lost a shoe while sleeping. I took her off my back and put her down.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Bob is from America but now he l____ in Australia.
We must keep q____ in the library.
He usually r____ his black bike to school from Monday to Friday.
We are n ___ here. We need to find a guide向导 to help us.
Some c______ are having lunch.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

动词应用。阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。请将答案写在题后横线上。
A 14-year-old boy from the USA was described(描述)as a hero yesterday ,because last Friday he______(save) the life of a woman in another country.
Dean Bluesy from Dallas,Texas,is a school boy and he______ (have)much  interest  in computer.One day,while he ____ ( send) an email to a friend on the Internet, suddenly he received a message saying “Help! Pain! Help!”.The message ______ (be) from Finland, thousands of kilometers away from America.
“I didn't know what ______ (do),”Dean said to a reporter afterwards.“It was really difficult _____ (know) if the message was real.”So Dean did nothing at first.But the message kept___ (come).
“By then it was easy to see that someone was in trouble,” Dean explained. He replied and discovered that the sender was a student_____(call)Tina, who was alone in a university library. She was ill. What was worse, there was no phone around her. Her only best way___________ (communicate) with the world was by email. Dean got in touch with the police immediately. And they realized that the situation was quite serious. They called the police in Finland. Then an ambulance(救护车) rushed to the library. Luckily, she was still alive and_________(send) to the hospital quickly.
“I'm glad she's OK,” Dean said. “It's hard to believe, but email saved her life.”

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One Christmas Day, I went to visit my grandma. I was sad b_____my cousin had told me that there was no Santa Claus. I asked my grandma and she answered the s______ way my cousin did. Grandma asked me to put on my coat and we left. As we walked through the door of a store, Grandma handed me $10 and said, “B______something for someone who needs it.” I just stood there, wondering what to buy, and w______ to buy for. At last, I thought about Bobbie Decker. I would buy h_______a coat.
That evening, Grandma helped me p_____ the coat and write, “To Bobbie, from Santa Claus” on a card. Then we d______ to his house. Grandma parked down the street, and hid(藏) in the bushes by his house. Then she said, “All right, Santa Claus, get going.”
I rushed to his front d______, and put the present down on his s______. I rang his doorbell and then rushed back to the bushes. The door opened, and there stood Bobbie.
Fifty years later I still r______ that night. I realized that those stories about Santa Claus were not true, but Santa Claus was alive and good. We are on his team.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 (5分)
I had a ____________________ school trip yesterday. (wonder)
Jimmy usually goes to the movies              (two) a week.
Liu Qian is good at magic. He is a famous                   (magic).
Lily is much                   than my sister. (outgoing)
You should take this job               (serious).

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My School
Hello,everyone!Welcome to my school.This is am____ of my new school.It’s really big andn____.There are some classroom buildings and an office buildng in my school. The office building isb_____ the classroom buildings. In the middle of the school is a big playground. The library is on the l_____of the playground . We can r___ lots of books in it There is a science building n____ the library in my school. There are six science labs and five computer rooms in it The dining hall is in front of the science building.We always have three m_____ in it. Between the science building and the dining hall is a s____ hall. We often play basketball and table tennis here. There area_____ some trees and flowers in my school.I love my school!

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

More and more middle school students in Beijing are having shorter sleeping t . Most students sleep less than nine hours every night because they have m  homework to do. Some homework is given by school t  , and some by parents. Also, some students don’t know how to s   the time. They are not careful enough while d   their homework, s   it takes them a lot of time. Some students have to get up e  every morning on weekdays to get to school on time by bus o  bike. It can be a long way from home to school. Schools and p  should cut down some of the homework so that the children can have more than nine hours of sleep every night for their h .

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I       a dream. That is I’m going to be an       when I grow up. You know I began to draw pictures at a very young age. When I grow up, I’m going to      somewhere interesting. Paris     like a city that I could enjoy. There are a lot of famous painters and art exhibitions every year. So how am I going to do it? First I’m going to get a part-time job for a year      two and       some money. Then I’m going to be a student at an art college in Paris. Next I’m going to hold art exhibitions that will     me famous and rich. I’ll      all over the world with the money. I hope my dream will come true one day.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

While I ______________(watch) TV,my friend Kitty came in.
He loves the sounds of the ____________ (rush) water because , to him the best music comes from nature.
Tan Dun _____________ (choose) to write music for the Beijing Olympics .
Not only his classmates but also he ______________(want) to get the big prize.
Mr Tan brought Chinese and Western music together _______ (make) a new type of music without boundaries .

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

短文填空 。(每小题2分,共16分)
When someone asks you to do something you do not want to do, what should you do ? I think it’s better to  more time on some useful activities. So you needn’t waste your time. Maybe it’s a     idea to say “no” at this time. However, you may worry that others will think you impolite or unkind.     should you do? Here are some suggestions that may help you.
It’s OK to make up white lies. That doesn’t mean you are dishonest.   , it may make both you and the other person pleased and comfortable. When you are invited to a party or some other events that you do not want to take part in, you can say, “No, but thanks for the invitation. That’s very kind of you.”      this way you can not only refuse politely but make the person who invites you feel comfortable.
When you don’t want to lie, just tell the truth. You may say like this, “ I want to have more time for myself, I’ve decided to say ‘no’ to these activities.” In this way, people will see that you respect yourself, and then they will also pay you much respect.
My last  is to just do it. You may feel uncomfortable at first, but this is not the reason for saying “no”. Never make anything more complicated (复杂的)than it is.
Feel proud of   for being strong enough to say “no”.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

How can we students keep ourselves safe? Here are some tips.
On your way home or to school: Wait for the g____ traffic light, and look left and right before you cross the road. If you see a car coming, don't cross until it really s__. Dress in bright colors, so the drivers can see you c___.
At school: When students around you begin to push, try to hold onto something, or stay in a safer corner. If you f__ down in a crowded place, cover your head w___ both hands.
When there's a fire: Stay calm and leave quickly. Use a piece of wet cloth to cover your mouth and nose so that you don't breathe in s___. If your clothes catch fire, drop to the g_____ and roll from side to side to put out the fire.
For eating: Wash f___ like apples or pears carefully before you eat them. Check the expiration dates(保质期) and if your food looks or smells b____, don't eat it.
For riding on the escalator(自动扶梯): Hold onto the handrails(扶手) and stand on the right side of the escalator because right arms are stronger. It is d___ to run up and down on them. You may fall down because escalator steps are not designed for running.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空。 请将答案填写在答题卡指定位置。
Luis and his wife Gloria live in a nice apartment, but it isn’t big enough. They need a house with at least three bedrooms. They also want to have a yard for the children to play in. And so far they       (look) at several houses that are for sale. One of them was beautiful but terribly expensive. Their business isn’t going well. so they can’t afford an expensive house. That’s why they      (search) for one that doesn’t cost a lot, and, of course, that’s not easy to find.
Yesterday they looked at four houses, and three of them       (be) great. But they couldn’t afford the houses they liked, and they didn’t like the one they could afford. The only affordable one was old and had cracks(裂缝)in the walls. Last night, Luis and Gloria talked about the house for two hours. “I know we      (not find) anything that costs less, and I want to move as soon as I can,” said Luis. “And I’m tired of looking at houses we can’t afford,” Gloria added. So they decided to buy the old house and repair it. The house will need a lot of work, but it’s a nice neighborhood and the back yard is big. It’ll look beautiful when it      (repair). Luis and Gloria are good at painting, and some of their friends will help with the repairs. The children will be happy       (have) their own house where they can make all the noise they want.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
