
In an old building in Peking University,a yellow light shone into the old and dark hours of the night.The famous translator Xu Yuanchong (1)   (sit) behind the window and staring at the computer screen.He enjoyed working by (2)  (he) from 10:00 p.m.to 4:00 a.m.For him,the quiet night was a(3)  (value) time to focus on translation.He was exploring how (4)  (spread) Chinese culture abroad by translating Chinese beauty into Western beauty.

    Xu was born into a literary family in Nanchang (5)  April 18th,1921.When he was little,he (6)  (influence) by his mother who was interested in literature.Xu began to translate Chinese poetry into both English and(7)  (France) when he was still a teenager.He soon learned that Chinese and European languages were very different.Only about half of the words in these languages could be translated word﹣for﹣word.This is why translators should have (8)   creative mind.They are always trying to improve their translations to make sure they are correct and beautiful.

    Xu's motto is:Good,better,best.Never let it rest.Until your good is better,you're your better best.(9)  Xu was widely considered to be the best,he never stopped trying to become better.The more you learn and the (10)  (hard) you study,the better you will become.There is always room for improvement.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Zu Chongzhi was one of the greatest mathematicians(数学家) in ancient China.He was born during the Northern and Southern(1)   ( dynasty).From a young age,Zu was taught natural science,astronomy(天文学),math and so on.The little boy was (2)   ( interest) in all of these subjects,especially in (3)  .

    Zu was best known for his calculation(计算) of pi (π).According to the record,he did all the work using nothing but wooden sticks. (4)  took him lots of time to work out the value —(5)   3.1415926 and 3.1415927.No one at that time was able to do better than Zu.And now the achievement is still praised by people around the world.In order to remember Zu,some mathematicians suggest (6)  (call) pi"Zu Lv".

    Zu was successful not only in math,but also in astronomy.He worked out that a year should be 365.24281481 days long and created the Daming Calendar. (7)  ,government officials at that time did not agree with Zu.The great mathematician (8)  saw his calendar put into use.Almost ten years after his (9)  (die),the new calendar was finally accepted.

    Zu was an inventor,too.He once made a vehicle(车辆) (10)   carried a pointer (指针).No matter how the vehicle turned,the pointer always pointed to the south.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Last year,I did not like my English class.Every class was like a bad dream.The teacher spoke so quickly that I could(1)   (hardly)follow her most of the time.I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor(2)   (pronounce) .I just(3)   (hide)behind my textbook and never said anything.

    Then one day I watched an English movie(4)   (name)toy Story.I fell in love with this exciting and funny movie!So I began to watch other English movies,too.(5)   (although)I could not understand everything the characters said,their body language and the expressions on their faces helped me to get the meaning.I also realized I could get the meaning by(6)   (listen)for just the keywords.Besides,I learned some (7)   (use)sentences like"It's a piece of cake" or "It serves you right".I(8)     (understand)these sentences at first.But because I wanted to understand the story,I looked(9)    (it)up in a dictionary.

    Now I really enjoy my English class.I want to learn new words and more grammar so that I can have a much(10)     (clear)understanding of English movies.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Henry is(1)    American businessman.One day,when he was sailing(航行)on a boat near San Francisco,he was carried out into the sea by a strong wind.

(2)    (luck),he was discovered and picked up by a London﹣bound(开往伦敦的)ship.So he (3)      (land) in London by accident.Alone and(4)   (hunger),he walked on the streets of the city.Unexpectedly,he (5)    (call) into a big house.There two rich(6)      (brother),Oliver and Roderick,gave him a letter and told(7)    (he) not to open it until two o'clock of the day.Henry didn't know it was a million﹣pound(百万英镑) bank note.He left the big house and went into a cheap restaurant to get something to eat.Everyone was impolite and impatient to him.

Why? (8)    he was in rags (衣衫褴褛) and looked dirty.Then,

(9)    everyone's surprise,he handed the owner a million﹣pound bank note to pay for the meal.On seeing the note,all the people in the restaurant became friendly and tried their best (10)      (please) Henry.Don't you think it's the most unbelievable story in the world?

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Does my goldfish know who Ian?

    I think this is a great question.I do spend my days(1)      (study)how fish go about their lives.First of all,fish are much smarter than people think.People often talk of goldfish having three﹣second memories,but in fact they can learn all kinds of things,and remember them(2)      quite a long time.

    This shouldn't surprise us too much.Just like other animals,they can find enough to eat.And(3)   (know) when it is sale to be out in the open.Being able to learn and remember things helps(4)     (they) do this.

Many kinds of fish can tell one from another,according to their group,their relatives

(5)  even their own eggs.But fish live in(6)   very different world from us,For many kinds of fish,although seeing is important,(7)   (sense) such as smell and touch are even more important.

    So,does your fish know who you are?I believe your fish will(8)    (sure) know when it is feeding time,My own fish become very(9)      (excite)when my hand appears near their tank,even before I drop the food in.I'm not sure that your fish will be able to remember what your face(10)     (look) like,but I wouldn't be too surprised if it could remember you in other ways,perhaps by the sound of your footsteps as you walk towards the tank.

  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hi Alice,

    My name's Zhao Ming and I'd like to be your pen friend.I'm 16 years old.I have two little brothers.They're very (1)    (love).I often help my parents look (2)    them in my spare time.My mother (3)    (work) in a toy shop.She loves (4)    (she) job.And my father is (5)    engineer.He is busy every day, (6)    he tries to spend more time with us.

    I'm in the school basketball team.We usually play (7)    (match) on Saturday mornings.Last week we played against another school.They ran (8)    (fast) than us.However.we had better teamwork.Finally,we(9)    (win)!How happy we were!This is the (10)    (eight)time we beat them.

    Could you tell me something about you?Please write.


Zhao Ming

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Li Wen is a 15﹣year﹣old boy. He works hard and(1)   (do) well in school, It is hard to believe, that he used to have (2)   (difficulty) in school. When he was a little boy, he seldom caused any problems, and his family(3)   (spend) a lot of time together.

   (4)   ,things began to change a few years ago. His parents moved to the city to work,and they could not be at home to look (5)   him. So he became less interested in (6)   (study) and was absent from classes.Then his parents were so worried(7)   they decided to send him to a boarding school. He found life there difficult. One day he told his teacher that he wanted to leave the school. His teacher advised his parents to talk with (8)   (they) son in person. This conversation changed his life. He realized that his parents would always love him,and they would be (9)   (pride) of everything good that he did. Now he is much (10)   (happy) and more outgoing than he used to be.

  • 更新:2021-01-20
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Bill:Hello,Lily.What are you going to do this weekend?

Lily:I'm going to have a(66)   at home.It's my 14th birthday.

Bill:Oh,that's (67)   !Happy birthday!

Lily:Thank you.Would you like to come?I'll be very happy if you can come.

Bill:Sure.And I'll bring some cakes made by my mom.She's good at(68)   ,you know.

Lily:Thanks.The party will start at 10 o'clock.After that,how about having a(69)   in the park?

Bill:Good idea!We can eat the cakes there,

Lily:All right.See you (70)   

  • 更新:2021-01-24
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

At 7 am,we got on the state﹣of﹣the﹣art Fuxing Hao train at Shanghai Railway Station.We stored our(1)       (背包)and found our seats.Unlike other trains which start with a shake and much(2)     (噪音),this train felt so smooth that if you were not looking out of windows,you could(3)       (几乎不)tell we were moving.Yet,within minutes,we were passing over the rails at speeds of more than 350 kilometers an hour.

Soon,the towns of(4)       (东部的)China were rushing by.I saw my wife smiling and(5)        (指向)to a coin she had balanced on the table.She took another coin and balanced it next to the first,and then another,until she had a(6)        (行)of coins.They stood there on the table for more than 20 minutes before one finally fell over.

After that,we(7)         (两个都)went back to reading and enjoying the beauty outside.We felt quite(8)         (放松的).Then,before we knew it,we heard the announcement that we were arriving in Beijing.For 1,318 kilometers,we(9)        (花费)only 4 hours and 38 minutes.Thanks to high speed trains,we can travel in China much more conveniently.No(10)        (疑惑),they will also bring the people of the country closer together,and in time bring about deep social changes,the full nature of which no one can fully guess.

  • 更新:2021-09-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或首字母,在句子空白处写出各单词的正确形式 (每空只写一词).

I am a plastic bottle. A week ago, I was on a supermarket shelf, I had a(1)   (正常的) the same as all my brothers and sisters﹣ other bottles full of water.I felt really happy.

Then a tall woman picked me up and put me in her (2)   (篮子)! The woman took me home and put me in the fridge.It was cold,but I soon made friends with the cans and bottles in it.However,only a few hours later,she took me out of the fridge and (3)   (喝) the water inside me. Then she threw me into a dustbin(垃圾箱). I have never felt so empty and alone in my life.

Early the next morning,a man took me out of the dustbin.He threw me and the other rubbish into the back of a truck.There were so many horrible smells.Then I was pushed (4)   (一起) with the rest of the rubbish.Soon I was completely flat(平的).I cannot (5)   (相信) how thin I became.

I slept for a while.when I woke up,I found (6)   (我自己) in a terrible place.Everything around me was (7)   (丑陋的)and had horrible smells.I felt afraid.I kept hoping that I would be moved somewhere else.Then huge trucks came and covered us with a layer of soil.

I asked another bottle what would happen to us.He said that we would never leave this horrible crowded place,but would have to stay here for (8)   (数千) of years.

"Why can't they reuse or recycle us?" I cried.

  • 更新:2021-01-24
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It is useful to learn how to make small talk.It is an important social skill.It helps to make people feel(1)      (放松的) and start a conversation when they meet for the(2)   (第一) time.

   The topics for small talk are different in different countries. But usually the topics are general rather than personal. In the UK, people sometimes talk about the (3)   (天气) when they make a small talk"It's a nice day, isn't it?" This (4)   (种类) of questions helps you begin a conversation because they are general questions that anyone can (5)    (答复)to.Next time when you want to make small talk, turn a statement to a question. You are sure to get answer and start a conversation.

  • 更新:2021-01-20
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A:It's always raining.I don't like spring in this city.

B:Yes.It's terrible.

A:Do you like summer here?

B:No,it's(81)    hot.I'm sure you won't like it if you have to go to work on(82)    every day.

A:Well,it's true.But summer in my home town is lovely,especially the beach!

B:Oh,that must be very beautiful.

A:You can come to the beach with(83)    this summer.I'm sure you will enjoy it very much

B:No.(84)    .I prefer climbing mountains.

A:Climbing mountains?Oh,you will be tired.

B:Maybe,but I can enjoy the beautiful sights and the(85)    air.

  • 更新:2021-01-29
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

June 15,2018

This morning I took a bus to school. The traffic was (1)   (busy) than usual and there were more people on the bus. At Xinhua Stop, I saw (2)   old man get on the bus. He looked very weak. I stood (3)   and gave my seat to him. He thanked me and asked me about my name and my school. We talked (4)   (happy).

Later in the (5)   (three) class, Mr. Du came in and asked me to go to the front. I didn't know (6)w   , so I was a little afraid. Everyone was looking at me. Then he told (7)   (they) what I did on the bus this morning. He (8)   (know) it because he got a phone call from the old man. Mr. Du said I could be a good example to my (9)   (classmate). It was really a good day (10)f   me! I was so proud.

  • 更新:2021-01-25
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Until recently,Ajayi had never gone to school.Now fifty,she attends a school in Ilorin,Nigeria,wearing the same pink dress as two(1)       (百)other girls at the school.She studies with the students nearly forty years younger than she is.

Ajayi runs her(2)       (自己的)business making and selling bags,but she believes it is(3)       (仍然)necessary for her to learn to read and write.

In class,she answers questions(4)       (积极).She plays,talks and(5)    (讨论)together with her classmates.

She is good at(6)   (烹饪).Children all like the food she makes.They enjoy

(7)    (她们自己)at school.

Ajayi's(8)     (女儿)used to feel embarrassed about their mother's attending school with children.But now.they choose(9)        (支持)her efforts.

She plans to continue her(10)         (教育)for four more years,saying it will help her business.

  • 更新:2021-09-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In the (1)       (south) part of China,eating qingtuan at the beginning of spring is a kind of tradition.Chinese people (2)       (start) to eat it more than 2,000 years ago.It is made of sticky rice(糯米)and red bean paste(红豆沙),and is famous for its softness,freshness and sweetness.

People living in the Yangtze River Delta(长江三角洲)usually put qingtuan on the tombs(墓)of their dead family members to cherish the past memory.Making qingtuan is also a chance for family members to get together at home.It(3)       (real) takes time and effort to make the snack.

Now,qingtuan has already spread its special taste to the northern part of China.Qingtuan has many different (4)    (taste) inside it,such as apples and bean milk,to meet customers' tastes.The difference of the taste shows that it's getting more and more popular across the whole country.

Even though there is warm weather and green leaves in spring,the season wouldn't be complete(5)          (with)a taste of qingtuan.

  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
