
Zu Chongzhi was one of the greatest mathematicians(数学家) in ancient China.He was born during the Northern and Southern(1)   ( dynasty).From a young age,Zu was taught natural science,astronomy(天文学),math and so on.The little boy was (2)   ( interest) in all of these subjects,especially in (3)  .

    Zu was best known for his calculation(计算) of pi (π).According to the record,he did all the work using nothing but wooden sticks. (4)  took him lots of time to work out the value —(5)   3.1415926 and 3.1415927.No one at that time was able to do better than Zu.And now the achievement is still praised by people around the world.In order to remember Zu,some mathematicians suggest (6)  (call) pi"Zu Lv".

    Zu was successful not only in math,but also in astronomy.He worked out that a year should be 365.24281481 days long and created the Daming Calendar. (7)  ,government officials at that time did not agree with Zu.The great mathematician (8)  saw his calendar put into use.Almost ten years after his (9)  (die),the new calendar was finally accepted.

    Zu was an inventor,too.He once made a vehicle(车辆) (10)   carried a pointer (指针).No matter how the vehicle turned,the pointer always pointed to the south.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


    Li Yunxia,Chinese paper cutting master,was born in Shanxi Province,where paper cutting is still practiced and taught.She learned paper cutting (1)  her mother.

    "I'll continue to (2)  a role in passing the ancient skill on.I'll spread the form to people from different places and people of every (3)   whether young or old.I believe that (4)   you know how to make paper cuts,your life will be nice and more colorful, "Li Yunxia said.Whenever you see China paper cutting,you will be amazed to say (5)  a wonderful art form it is.

    Li sets a good example to spread the traditional Chinese culture.

  • 更新:2021-09-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Henry is(1)    American businessman.One day,when he was sailing(航行)on a boat near San Francisco,he was carried out into the sea by a strong wind.

(2)    (luck),he was discovered and picked up by a London﹣bound(开往伦敦的)ship.So he (3)      (land) in London by accident.Alone and(4)   (hunger),he walked on the streets of the city.Unexpectedly,he (5)    (call) into a big house.There two rich(6)      (brother),Oliver and Roderick,gave him a letter and told(7)    (he) not to open it until two o'clock of the day.Henry didn't know it was a million﹣pound(百万英镑) bank note.He left the big house and went into a cheap restaurant to get something to eat.Everyone was impolite and impatient to him.

Why? (8)    he was in rags (衣衫褴褛) and looked dirty.Then,

(9)    everyone's surprise,he handed the owner a million﹣pound bank note to pay for the meal.On seeing the note,all the people in the restaurant became friendly and tried their best (10)      (please) Henry.Don't you think it's the most unbelievable story in the world?

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hi Alice,

    My name's Zhao Ming and I'd like to be your pen friend.I'm 16 years old.I have two little brothers.They're very (1)    (love).I often help my parents look (2)    them in my spare time.My mother (3)    (work) in a toy shop.She loves (4)    (she) job.And my father is (5)    engineer.He is busy every day, (6)    he tries to spend more time with us.

    I'm in the school basketball team.We usually play (7)    (match) on Saturday mornings.Last week we played against another school.They ran (8)    (fast) than us.However.we had better teamwork.Finally,we(9)    (win)!How happy we were!This is the (10)    (eight)time we beat them.

    Could you tell me something about you?Please write.


Zhao Ming

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A high﹣tech zebra crossing with flashing lights and audio warning(语音提示)

(1)  (put) into use for the(2)  (one) time in Bishan district,Chongqing a few months ago.It can also take pictures of the people who are against the traffic(3)  (rule) in the area.

    At a busy road in front of a gate of Bishan Middle School,the crosswalk is installed(安装)(4)  (keep) the students safe when they cross the road after school.

    The zebra crossing area has light strips.When people cross the street,they flash to "tell"(5)  (drive)to slow down and wait for people to go across the street.At the same time,display screens(显示屏)on either side of the crosswalk tell people to only cross the street when the light(6) (be)green.

    Jiang Fei,a traffic(7)  (office)in Bishan,said that the lighting system was very useful in the evenings and on(8)  (rain)and foggy days.

    Rong Sheng from the school's safety department said,"In the past,our school safety guards(9)  (have)to stand in the middle of the road after school to stop the cars."

    Now the students feel(10)  (safe) than before after the installation of the smart crosswalk.

  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

much   visit   build   simple   great   year   from   life   what   it

There are lots of places of interest to visit in Henan.One of the(1)   famous places is the Red Flag Canal (红旗渠) in Linzhou which was(2)   on the side of cliffs (悬崖) of the Taihang Mountains.The area was very dry with low rainfall because of(3)   geographical conditions (地理条件).The local people used to live a hard(4)  because of the shortage of water.So they decided to dig a canal to change the situation.They planned to take water(5)   the Zhang River to Linxian county.The Red Flag Canal was started to build in the 1960s.The whole project took ten(6)   to complete.It was really hard work.People used(7)  tools to dig the canal,completely by hand.Now it has(8)   helped the local people by bringing water to them and serves as the lifeline for the county.Nowadays,some parts of the Red Flag Canal are open to tourists.Every year thousands of students(9)   the Red Flag Canal Museum.While they move along and cross over the canal,they will learn(10)  the spirit of "Red Flag Canal" is and know how great the Chinese people are.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Last year,I did not like my English class.Every class was like a bad dream.The teacher spoke so quickly that I could(1)   (hardly)follow her most of the time.I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor(2)   (pronounce) .I just(3)   (hide)behind my textbook and never said anything.

    Then one day I watched an English movie(4)   (name)toy Story.I fell in love with this exciting and funny movie!So I began to watch other English movies,too.(5)   (although)I could not understand everything the characters said,their body language and the expressions on their faces helped me to get the meaning.I also realized I could get the meaning by(6)   (listen)for just the keywords.Besides,I learned some (7)   (use)sentences like"It's a piece of cake" or "It serves you right".I(8)     (understand)these sentences at first.But because I wanted to understand the story,I looked(9)    (it)up in a dictionary.

    Now I really enjoy my English class.I want to learn new words and more grammar so that I can have a much(10)     (clear)understanding of English movies.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


    Li Yunxia,Chinese paper cutting master,was born in Shanxi Province,where paper cutting is still practiced and taught.She learned paper cutting (1)  her mother.

    "I'll continue to (2)  a role in passing the ancient skill on.I'll spread the form to people from different places and people of every (3)   whether young or old.I believe that (4)   you know how to make paper cuts,your life will be nice and more colorful, "Li Yunxia said.Whenever you see China paper cutting,you will be amazed to say (5)  a wonderful art form it is.

    Li sets a good example to spread the traditional Chinese culture.

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In an old building in Peking University,a yellow light shone into the old and dark hours of the night.The famous translator Xu Yuanchong (1)   (sit) behind the window and staring at the computer screen.He enjoyed working by (2)  (he) from 10:00 p.m.to 4:00 a.m.For him,the quiet night was a(3)  (value) time to focus on translation.He was exploring how (4)  (spread) Chinese culture abroad by translating Chinese beauty into Western beauty.

    Xu was born into a literary family in Nanchang (5)  April 18th,1921.When he was little,he (6)  (influence) by his mother who was interested in literature.Xu began to translate Chinese poetry into both English and(7)  (France) when he was still a teenager.He soon learned that Chinese and European languages were very different.Only about half of the words in these languages could be translated word﹣for﹣word.This is why translators should have (8)   creative mind.They are always trying to improve their translations to make sure they are correct and beautiful.

    Xu's motto is:Good,better,best.Never let it rest.Until your good is better,you're your better best.(9)  Xu was widely considered to be the best,he never stopped trying to become better.The more you learn and the (10)  (hard) you study,the better you will become.There is always room for improvement.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Does my goldfish know who Ian?

    I think this is a great question.I do spend my days(1)      (study)how fish go about their lives.First of all,fish are much smarter than people think.People often talk of goldfish having three﹣second memories,but in fact they can learn all kinds of things,and remember them(2)      quite a long time.

    This shouldn't surprise us too much.Just like other animals,they can find enough to eat.And(3)   (know) when it is sale to be out in the open.Being able to learn and remember things helps(4)     (they) do this.

Many kinds of fish can tell one from another,according to their group,their relatives

(5)  even their own eggs.But fish live in(6)   very different world from us,For many kinds of fish,although seeing is important,(7)   (sense) such as smell and touch are even more important.

    So,does your fish know who you are?I believe your fish will(8)    (sure) know when it is feeding time,My own fish become very(9)      (excite)when my hand appears near their tank,even before I drop the food in.I'm not sure that your fish will be able to remember what your face(10)     (look) like,but I wouldn't be too surprised if it could remember you in other ways,perhaps by the sound of your footsteps as you walk towards the tank.

  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

---Are you confident about the basketball match against Class 9, Yangyang?
----_________ I’ve got everything ready!

A.Of course not. B.It’s hard to say. C.Sure, I am. D.I am afraid not.
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Jane Brown is a cute girl. She is from China. But now she and her parents live in the USA, because her father works there. Jane is twelve. She studies at a primary school. She likes Art lessons best. Her mother always buys her some crayons as presents. Jane has a twin sister. They like spring best. On those warm and windy days, they often fly kites in the park nearby.     

Jane Brown
Drawing and        kites
Favourite season
Favourite subject
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My   is Andy. I  thirteen. I have a sister. She h long black hair.So there are four people in my f . My f  lessons are Maths and English. At weekends,we s in the supermarket.That makes me f  happy. I often play football   my classmates. My parents are teachers. They teach English in a middle school. They like sports.They are in the school basketball t . They are my h .

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day Mother looks at Simon's shoes and says, “L   at your shoes. They are very dirty(脏). You must c   them.” “ But I cleaned them yesterday,” says the boy. “They are dirty now. You m   clean them now.” “I don't want to clean them t   . If I clean the pair of shoes today, t  will still be dirty tomorrow.” “All right. D   do it then.” Simon's mother says.
In the evening, he is very h   . He asks his mother to give him s  to eat. “You had breakfast in the morning, Simon, and you had l  at school.” His mother says. “But I’m hungry a     .” “But if I give you something to eat today, you will be hungry again tomorrow.”

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear Annie,
I’ve never written a letter to a newspaper before, I have just never felt the need to do such a thing. I have always felt I was quite able to do everything by myself,     .
Sometimes you really need help in life, I guess. And that’s why I’m writing this letter to you.
I have a happy family. I love my children and they love me. I’m a mother of three children. I know well how to bring up(养大) children, and two of them are already over twenty, so it is nothing new for me.
But now I have a serious problem: the Internet problem. My little son is just sixteen, and I feel he should do a lot of homework now,    . He can happily spend six or eight hours at a time on the Internet every day. He chats with people that he has never met before,     . He does lots of meaningless things on the Internet. And he sees red(大怒) if you ask him to do his homework.
I just want him to be a good student. Now he seldom does his lessons at home. I’m afraid he will drop behind in his class soon. His father is a doctor, a very kind man.     .
What can I do? And don’t tell to talk to him. We’ve tried that and it didn’t work. But this is really a big problem in our family. I have tried everything I can think of.      . You are my last hope. Please tell me what I can do!
Ellen Smith

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
