
Do you ever give up easily in difficult situations?If so,imagine yourself as someone with great abilities,like Batman (蝙蝠侠).It will help you feel strong.You will not give up easily and will probably do better.This is called the Batman Effect (效应)

    In a study,researchers gave three groups six﹣year﹣old children a difficult task to complete on a computer.In Group One,the children were told to repeat asking themselves, "Am I working hard?" In Group Two,the children were told to ask themselves the same question in the third person一as in"Is Sam working hard?" And in Group Three,the children were told to imagine themselves as Batman and ask themselves "Is Batman working hard?" Researchers found that the children in Group Three did the best.

    How can you make use of the Batman Effect ?Imagine yourself as someone who is the best for the task you are doing If you're facing a personal difficulty,imagine yourself as a wise family member.If you're running a race at school,imagine yourself as a top runner.In this way,you can become a little more like the person you wish to be.

(1)Who took part in the study?   

A.Sam's family.

B.Difficult persons.

C.Computer makers.

D.Six﹣year﹣old children.

(2)How can a boy do better in running a race according to the text?   

A.By joining a group.

B.By talking with a family member.

C.By answering questions.

D.By imagining himself as a top runner.

(3)What is the best title (标题)for the text?   

A.Go and do research!

B.Come and complete tasks!

C.I can do it!I'm Batman!

D.You can help!You're a helper!

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Create Your Own Story Competition

If you love to write,draw and create stories,here's your chance!

Come and join in the Create Your Own Story Competition(13﹣19 September 2021)

1st place

1 dictionary and 20 books

2nd place

1 dictionary and 10 books

3rd to 6th places

1 dictionary and 5 books

All you have to do is to create your own stories.

●The competition is only open to the students in Grand Middle School.

●Please write a story in at least 300 words.

●Pictures are not necessary but stories with creative pictures will get extra (额外的) points.

Get an entry form (参赛表格) from www.GrandMiddleSchooL.org/createyourownstory.

The closing date:September 20,2021.

The best stories will be posted on www.GrandMiddleSchool.org/beststories.Everyone will have the chance to vote (投票) for their favorite stories from 23 to 25 September 2021.

Names of winners will also be posted on www.GrandMiddleSchool.org/beststories on September 30,2021.

Please call 1800 6221 4422 or visit www.GrandMiddleSchool.org/storycompetition for more information.


(1)If you win the 5th place,what prizes will you get?   

A.1 dictionary and 5 books.

B.1 dictionary and 10 books.

C.1 dictionary and 15 books.

D.1 dictionary and 20 books.

(2)Jimmy is refused to take part in the competition probably because   .

A.he creates the story all by himself

B.his story has more than 300 words

C.his story doesn't have any pictures

D.He isn't from Grand Middle School

(3)When can you vote for your favorite stories?   

A.On September 13.

B.On September 20.

C.On September 24.

D.On September 30.

(4)What can you find on www.GrandMiddleSchool.org/storycompetition?    

A.Best stories.

B.More information.

C.An entry form.

D.Names of winners.

(5)Who is the text written for?   





  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    TikTok,known as Douyin in China,is a mobile app allowing users to create,share and watch short videos.

    Developed by:ByteDance


    Joe Thomas

    It seems very enjoyable.However,it's difficult to stop once you start watching its videos.It's not a good idea to spend too much time on it.

    Alice Brown

    I like the app because it allows me to share my daily life and make new friends.What's more,I have won more popularity for the videos I created.Now I have more than 10 million fans.

    Adam Young

    There is no need for us to use this app.My friend Tom Smith spends most of his spare time on TikTok.I think he should spend time on more meaningful things,such as exercising or reading.

(1)TikTok is suitable for users aged    .





(2)Joe Thomas thinks that you may    while watching TikTok.

A.spend too much time

B.get bored easily

C.waste too much money

D.learn some harmful information

(3)TikTok has made    popular for his (her) videos.

A.Joe Thomas

B.Tom Smith

C.Adam Young

D.Alice Brown

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr.Brown is already 89 years old.He used to sell ice﹣cream in New York.Last month,his daughter died and left him with two grandchildren.He had to look after them.

    "What should we do?We have to make money," Mr Brown said to his wife.Then he decided to sell ice﹣cream again.He got up early every morning and worked until midnight.

    Steve is a reporter.He often bought ice﹣cream from Mr.Brown.Soon he learned about his story.He wanted to help the old man,so he posted a photo online.Lots of people read Mr.Brown's story and came to buy ice﹣cream.That was not enough.Steve started to raise money for Mr.Brown.He planned to raise $3,000,but in fact,he got more than $201,000.

    Now Mr.Brown is rich.He doesn't need to make money.But he says, "I'm really thankful to Steve and other kind people for helping me.I want to help others,too." He keeps on selling ice﹣cream.He gives ice﹣cream to kids for free.He also gives his money to poor families.

    Just as the saying goes, "We make a living by what we get,but we make a life by what we give." Try to help,and you will feel different.

(1)Mr.Brown began to sell ice﹣cream again at 89 because   .

A.he had to support his grandchildren

B.his wife was seriously ill

C.he loved selling ice﹣cream

D.his grandchildren loved ice﹣cream

(2)People learned about what happened to Mr.Brown    .

A.on the radio

B.on the Internet

C.from a newspaper

D.from a TV report

(3)According to the story,which of the following is TRUE?   

A.Steve made a lot of money.

B.Mr.Brown used all the money on himself.

C.Mr.Brown is still selling ice﹣cream.

D.Steve raised $3,000 for Mr.Brown.

(4)What is the story mainly about?   

A.A grandfather who raised money.

B.A reporter that made a difference.

C.An old man who touched our hearts.

D.A program that helped save people.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Welcome to Tomorrow Hotel


128 beds

Open 24 hours,all year

Car park

Games room

Washing machines

No smoking


Under 18   ¥55

Adults     ¥120

Meal Time

Breakfast at 7:30 a.m.

Dinner 5:30 p.m.﹣﹣﹣7:00 p.m.

(1)How many people can stay at the hotel?   




(2)What does the underlined word "charges" mean?    




(3)When is lunch time in Tomorrow Hotel?   

A.6:00 a.m.

B.7:00 p.m.

C.No lunch served

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hi,I'm Giorgio.I'm from Sicily.It's a beautiful island in Italy.I live in a village on the coast(海岸).The sea is blue and I like to go fishing.

    The capital of Italy is Rome.It is a very old city full of famous buildings.St Peter's is a very big and beautiful church(教堂) there.

    Rome is very busy,but Milan is busier than Rome.It is in the north west of Italy.Do you know is famous football team?Milan has a population of 4 million people.People are busy working.

    Venice is on the sea,and people use boats,not bicycles or buses for transport.Venice is beautiful,with lovely,old bridges and buildings by the water.

    I'm happy on my island—and we have very good pizzas.

(1)Where is Giorgio from?   




(2)Rome is    .

A.busier than Milan

B.the capital of Italy

C.famous for football

(3)Milan has a population of   .

A.4 million people

B.5 million people

C.6 million people

(4)If you are in Venice,how will you go to school?   

A.By boat.

B.By bus.

C.By bike.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Potatoes were first grown in the Andes in South America.In 1586,they were taken to Europe by explorers(探险家).In 1719,they were taken to North America.Before 1719,nobody in North America had ever seen or eaten a potato.Today,each American eats more than 60 kilos of potatoes a year.

(1)Where were potatoes first grown?   

A.In North America.

B.In Europe.

C.In the Andes in South America.

(2)Who took the potatoes in Europe?    




(3)When were potatoes taken to North America?   

A.In 1719.

B.In 1586.

C.In 1791.

(4)How many potatoes does an American eat in one year today?    

A.More than 55 kilos.

B.More than 60 kilos.

C.More than 65 kilos.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Imagine using your coat to look through the internet,send and receive messages,and even read a map.Yes,you read that correctly—your coat.

    It may sound silly,but it's something scientists are working on.Researchers at Shanghai's Fudan University have made a new type of cloth that can be used as a digital display (显示屏).

    Professor Peng Huisheng and his team have spent 10 years trying to make "digital cloth".After testing different combinations,they chose two materials that worked:a silver﹣plated yarn (镀银纱)that can light up and a kind of thread (纺线)that conducts (传导)electricity.

    The results have been admirable.It's not only wearable and foldable,but also washable.After being put through 100 wash﹣and﹣dry cycles in a washing machine and folded 10,000 times,the cloth remained almost unchanged.

    Peng believes that the new cloth could be used for many things.For example,it could allow a driver to view a GPS map on their arm while they drive around.It could also help people communicate better if they have language barriers (障碍)or disabilities.

    In one test,Peng's team collected brainwaves from volunteers who had either been playing a game or meditating.The waves were then translated into messages like "anxious" or "relaxed" and shown on the cloth.This could help deaf﹣mute (聋哑的) people "talk" to each other in the future.

    "We hope that new materials will shape next﹣generation electronic devices by changing the way we interact with them,"said Peng.

(1)The researchers have made a new type of cloth that can be used as a    .

A.digital camera

B.digital display

C.digital method

D.digital communication

(2)A silver﹣plated yam and a kind of    were chosen to make "digital cloth".





(3)The new cloth can allow a driver    on their arm when they drive around.

A.to read a GPS map

B.to print a GPS map

C.to make a GPS map

D.to draw a GPS map

(4)The underlined word "meditating" in Paragraph 6 means    in Chinese.





(5)Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?   

A.The new cloth remained unchanged after it is washed or folded.

B.New materials may shape next﹣generation electronic devices.

C.The new cloth could help people who have language barriers or disabilities communicate better.

D.The "fueling" shown on the cloth couldn't help deaf﹣mute people "talk" to each other.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Students from Taizhou Middle School,Jiangsu Province,experience farming during their labor(劳动)course.As we all know,the life skills like cooking and painting are important and should be taught as part of labor education.

    On June3,2020,the Ministry of Education (MOE)(教育部) gave a document(文件) showing the revised curriculum(修改后的方案)for senior high schools across the country.Labor education includes housework,school labor and community voluntary(志愿的)services and so on.

     " Labor education must be carried out(实施)with the purpose to make the right view(观点)of the world,life and values and develop an interest in doing chores," said Vice﹣Minister of Education Zheng Fuzhi.

    According to China Youth Daily,the labor course will take six credits(学分)﹣﹣﹣ the same as foreign language and physics.Voluntary service,as part of labor education,would take two credits.The MOE also asks schools to make sure 40 hours of voluntary service during the full three school years.

    According to Xinhua,adding labor education was out of care that the country's young people do too little housework and that they think labor jobs aren't important.Because of a lot of school pressure,schools pay more attention to the course of education,and parents may think that the chores waste their kids' time.

    According to a survey,middle school students in China only spend 12 minutes a day on chores,compared with 72 minutes in the US,42 minutes in South Korea and 30 minutes in France.

    However,doing housework does not distract(使分心)young people.Instead,they are necessary for developing a strong working spirit,according to Julie Lythcott﹣Haims,the writer of How to Raise an Adult. "The earlier you started,the better...",he said.

(1)If you    ,you can get the credits of the labor course.

A.do homework

B.do volunteer work

C.go traveling

D.learn to drive a car

(2)What did Zheng Fuzhi talk about?   

A.The time to carry out labor education.

B.The way to carry out labor education.

C.The purpose to carry out labor education.

D.The place to carry out labor education.

(3)Who spend the most time on housework?    

A.Students in China.

B.Students in America.

C.Students in South Korea.

D.Students in France.

(4)What is the main idea of the passage?   

A.Parents should learn the life skills.

B.Labor is as important as foreign language.

C.Young people should pay attention to the course of education.

D.It's necessary for the students to develop strong working spirits.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

10﹣year﹣old Mike is being interviewed on TV about his own cooking.

    Mike,when did you start cooking?

    When I was four,I became interested in cooking.I stared helping my mum in the kitchen when I was five.At the age of six,I could make vegetable salad.One year later,I could make a fruit pie all by myself.

    What's the best way to get good at cooking?

    I don't go to cooking classes.Sometimes I watch videos on the phone.I often read books about cooking actually,I think the best way to improve my cooking is trying it again and again.If it is no good,I'll do it differently next time.

    What do your parents think of your cooking?

    They're glad that they don't have to make dinner every day,and they enjoy my cooking ﹣﹣﹣usually!But,you can't make everyone happy all the time.

    Finally,what's it like being on TV?

    It's interesting.In fact,I really enjoy myself making the shows.They're watched by millions,but I still find it strange when people I don't know say hello to me in the street.

(1)When could Mike make a fruit pie all by himself?    

A.At the age of four.

B.At the age of five.

C.At the age of six.

D.At the age of seven.

(2)What does Mike think is the best way to improve his cooking?   

A.To learn by practicing.

B.To read books about cooking.

C.To go to cooking classes.

D.To watch videos on the phone.

(3)Why does Mike say "you can't make everyone happy all the time"?    

A.His parents don't like him to make shows.

B.His parents don't always like his cooking.

C.His parents make him cook meals for everyone.

D.His parents find it strange that he's interviewed.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My learning record

Unit 2 Let's celebrate!

Name: Joyce


Reading                                                                                             4    3   2    1

★I know more about festivals in other countries.                            

★ I can find out the main idea of the passage quickly.                       


★I can listen for useful information in a radio program.                   □ □ □


★I know the names of festivals and activities.                                 □ □ □

★I know the relationship between the countries and festivals.           □ □ □


★I can use someone/somebody,anyone/anybody,no one/nobody,           □ □

something,anything and nothing correctly.

★I can use Wh﹣questions correctly.                                                 □ □ □

Score: 26 / 28

Peer assessment(同伴评价)

Ask your partner to help you assess your speaking and writing skills.


★I can ask questions about different countries' festivals correctly.      □ □

★I can speak loudly and clearly while answering questions.                  


★I can plan and organize ideas before writing my articles.               □ □ □

Score: 9 / 12

Total: 35 / 40


30~40     Well done!You work hard.

21~29     Good.Keep it up!

Below 20 Try harder!Practice makes perfect.

(1)What can Joyce do while listening?    

A.Listen for different activities.

B.Find out the main idea.

C.Listen for useful information.

D.Find out the names of festivals.

(2)Which should Joyce do better in?    





(3)Which of the following comments is for Joyce?    

A.Good.Keep it up!

B.Try harder!

C.Practice makes perfect.

D.Well done!You work hard.

(4)What's the main reason the students use "My learning record"?    

A.To explain why they have passed the exam.

B.To check how much progress they have made.

C.To tell their parents what they've done at school.

D.To know about how they can use the grammar correctly.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Wanted to be more beautiful?

Come and buy your fashion dresses!






Price (RMB)






















Address:No.198 Wuchang Street,Ezhou

Website:http:// www.ezhoushop.com

(1)The blue dress is made of    .


B.cotton and wool



(2)If you buy a red dress and a purple dress,you should pay    .

A.178 yuan

B.222 yuan

C.188 yuan

D.250 yuan

(3)The white dresses come from    .





  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

An amazing theme park:Happy valley


Gift shop and snack bar

• In Overseas Chinese Town,Shenzhen City,Guangdong Province.

• Lots of books,T﹣shirts and toys.

• You will love our ice cream and fresh fruit juice.


How to get there

• All﹣day ticket of Happy Valley: ¥180/person.

• Night ticket of Happy Valley: ¥60/person.

valid (有效的) between 18:30 and 22:00.

• Ticket of Happy Train: ¥40/person.

• Tickets of Happy Valley + Happy Train:¥200/person.

• Tickets are free to the people over 70 and under 3.                       

• By tourist bus No.1 running between Luohu Railway Station and Happy Valley.

• By bus No.20,21,26,27,then get off at Window of the World Station and walk for about 3 minutes to Happy Valley.

• By subway Line 1 (running between 06:30 ﹣ 23:30),get off at the stop of Window of the World Station and leave from Exit A,then walk for about 3 minutes to Happy Valley.


• School groups are welcome on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

• The theme park is also available to rent (租用) for birthday parties.

• The park is totally accessible (可到达的) to people with disabilities.

• Visit us on the website to place your order for a group in advance.

(1)How many kinds of ways to get to the theme park are talked about in the passage?    





(2)Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?    

A.On Tuesdays and Thursdays,school groups are welcome.

B.Birthday parties can be held in the theme park at 23:30.

C.You can get to the park by tourist bus No.21.

D.A person in a wheelchair can visit the park.

(3)How much should a couple with a child under 3 pay for the All﹣day tickets?    

A. ¥ 540.

B. ¥ 360.

C. ¥ 600.

D. ¥ 120.

(4)What cannot be bought in the gift shop and snack bar?    





(5)Where can we possibly find this kind of information?    

A.In a story book.

B.In a travel brochure (手册).

C.In a language book.

D.In a magazine.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The city of music

    Vienna is a beautiful old city on the River Danube in the center of Europe.It's the capital city of Austria and the center of European classical music.In the eighteenth century a lot of musicians came to study and work in Vienna.

    In the Strauss family,there were two composers(作曲家)called Johann Strauss:the father and the son.The father,Johann Strauss he elder,wrote and played music for traditional dances,called the waltz.His dance music made him famous all over Europe.The son,Johann Strauss the younger,was also very successful and popular.He wrote over 150 waltzes.In 1867 he wrote The Blue Danube waltz.

    Mozart was another very important composer.He was born in Austria in 1756.Before he was six,he played not only the piano but also the violin.His family took him around Europe and he gave concerts in many cities.He wrote hundreds of pieces of music.But he became very poor and died in 1791 when he was only thirty﹣five.Like Johann Strauss,father and son he was a great European musician,and many people still think his music is perfect.

(1)Where is Vienna?    

A.In Australia.

B.In Austria.

C.In America.

(2)Who wrote The Blue Danube waltz?    

A.Johann Strauss the younger.

B.Johann Strauss the elder.


(3)What kind of music does the waltz belong to?    

A.Blues music.

B.Country music.

C.Classical music.

(4)When was Mozart born?     

A.In 1867.

B.In 1791.

C.in 1756.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


    Pay attention to how you lead your life most of the time.A healthy lifestyle is one that doesn't take extremes(极端)as a way of life.Be moderate in what you do.

    Eat well

    It is important to pay attention to both what you eat and how you eat.As Socrates said : " You should eat to live;not live to eat." A different diet(饮食)with vegetables and fresh fruits is good for the brain.Also take time off for meals.


    Students must know the value of exercise because it plays a necessary part in counterbalancing(抵消)the stress(压力)responses produced in our bodies by having to meet exams.


    Students are getting less and less of sleep which might lead to more stress.The hours of sleep before midnight are thought to be the most helpful.For this reason students must re﹣regulate their body clock and go to bed and get up at regular time.

    Express yourself

    The way students feel about their work and other issues in their life plays a huge part in how they deal with stress.It is advisable that students should be realistic whatever happens in their lives.

    To sum up,studies are really very important,but never at the expense(代价)of students' physical and mental wellbeing.Besides,if students feel well they will be ready to face the challenges(挑战) of exams alive and kicking.

(1)What food is good for the brain according to paragraph two?    

A.Vegetables and fruits.

B.Hamburgers and meat.

C.Rice and noodles.

(2)When is the best time for a student to go to sleep?    

A.At 7:00 p.m.

B.At 10:00 p.m.

C.At 1:00 a.m.

(3)Where can we most probably read this article?    

A.In a tour guide.

B.On a web page for tips.

C.In a daily newspaper.

(4)What's the best title of the reading?    

A.Stress in part of students' lives.

B.A healthy mind in a healthy body.

C.Prepare for your exams with a healthy body and mind.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
