
Last week I went to Corsica with my friends on vacation.It was my first visit to the island!

We took the ship from Toulon,France,to the city Ajaccio.Although Toulon and Ajaccio seemed quite close,it took us eight hours.We chatted and played card games to kill time.

When we got there,I got a surprise because of the weather.It was already October!But we just needed to wear T﹣shirts and shorts.We went to the beach to enjoy the sunshine and some of my friends even went swimming in the sea.The Corsican scenery(景色)was so beautiful.We had a picnic,went for a long walk along the coast and took lots of pictures.

Ajaccio is famous for being Napoleon's birthplace,so we also went to visit the Maison Bonaparte.It was the home of the Bonaparte family.In fact,it was a museum when we visited it.

One day we took the local train to another beautiful city named Corte.We visited the citadel(城堡)and the museum where we learnt more about Corsican history and enjoyed the beautiful views of the city.

The food in Corsica was fantastic and we often visited the market to taste something delicious.

We also went to some local restaurants for dinner and ate fresh seafood.At the end of the trip,we were very sad to leave and I hope to return to Corsica again some day.

(1)How did the writer go to Ajaccio?   


By air.


By ship.


By train.

(2)How was the weather in Ajaccio?   







(3)What did NOT the writer do in Corte?   


Enjoyed the views.


Visited the museum.


Had a picnic.

(4)Which is TRUE according to the passage?   


The writer had a wonderful time in Corsica.


The writer doesn't like eating the local food.


The writer only visited one museum during the trip.

(5)What's the best title for this passage?   


Ways to kill time.


The food in Corsica.


A trip to Corsica.

  • 更新:2021-02-20
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear Dr. Green,

My relationship with my mother is worse and worse now. It seems she's never tired of talking. She talks here and there,day and night. More seriously, I feel like we don't have much common. She doesn't always understand what I'm trying to say. What should I do?



Dear Jim,

I know how you feel. It's not easy being your age. And it 's not easy being a mother, either.

It's common for kids to have trouble talking with parents, and talkative mothers are not new to teenagers.

But remember, she's nagging(叨唠) you because she just wants what's best for you. Talking is her way to show love and care. And she also wants to know more about you.

After a day 's work. she's tired, too. But she will never be tired of caring about you. Kids should learn to understand and care about parents.

In my opinion, it's helpful to share school life with her. Then, you talk and she listens. Doing some housework together with her is another good way for you two to know each other better. And if possible, often tell her your feelings about the things around you. Always keep in mind: be polite and patient.



(1)Jim wrote to Dr.Green because he had trouble getting on with his friends.   

(2)In Jim's eyes, his mother doesn't always understand what he 's trying to say.   

(3)Dr.Green thinks it's common for kids to have trouble talking with their parents.   

(4)In Dr.Green's opinion, talking is a way for others to relax after a day's work.   

(5)Dr.Green explains three reasons for mom's nagging and offers three suggestions.   

  • 更新:2021-02-23
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What could a poem writer and a movie director share? More than you think!

Langston Hughes began writing poems in high school and soon became one of America's greatest writers. Most of his writing is about his experiences as an African American. He wrote poems about people who worked hard through life but still found things to be happy about. He wrote plays and books about justice (正义) for all people, and he wrote kids' books, too. The Sweet and Sour Animal Book is a book of his animal poems. Pictures and photos were used in the book. "Hold fast to dreams" is a line in a famous Hughes' poem. That's exactly what he did throughout his life.

When Steven Spielberg was in middle school, he wanted to make a film.He had an idea for a movie,but no money. He started a tree﹣planting business and made his film with the money he earned.Spielberg never stopped making films, even after many famous film universities refused him. Today he is one of the most popular and important filmmakers in the world.His movies are about people who are adventurous,brave and kind.His characters often fight for what is good.Some of his films are about his Jewish(犹太人的) background, such as Schindler's List.Spielberg once said, "I don't dream that much at night because I dream for a living."

In different ways, both Hughes and Spielberg have encouraged people of all ages to reach for their dreams.

(1)What did Langston Hughes do?   


He was a writer.


He was a director.


He was a teacher.

(2)Which of the following is Langston Hughes' writing about?   


Adventurous experiences.


Hard working and happy people.


The fair treatment of animals.

(3)Steven Spielberg's movies are about the following except   


animals in danger


brave people


friendly people

(4)When Langston Hughes became great he was   Steven Spielberg, who became popular.


older than


as young as


younger than

(5)What can be a suitable title for the text?   .


Two Men Who Dare to Dream


Two Men Who Were Afraid to Dream


Two Writers Who Weren't Afraid to Dream

  • 更新:2021-02-20
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


If you want a more interesting experience when you arrive in a new city or country,here are some better ways to travel,both for you and for the environment.

Way 1Get out of the car and walk.It's slower but it's the greenest way to travel.It's also the most rewarding(有益的)way to see a city,but remember to wear comfortable shoes.

Way 2Cycling is also a good choice.Many hotels now offer free bikes to guest.It is convenient for people to travel around the city.Some also provide electric bikes that make it easier to go up hills and no longer journeys.Some cities also have mobikes,and you can pick up one easily.It's not free but very cheap.

Way 3If you have to take transport in a city,try to take public transport.Most cities now offer lots of information and very clear maps at the city's website.

Way 4If possible,take buses,trains or ships to travel from city to city.They are usually greener than cars and planes.

Way 5When the only way to travel is by car,rent(租)an electric car.Many car rental companies now offer them,so always ask!

(1)Walking is the only rewarding way to see a city.   

(2)Many hotels and cities offer free bikes to visitors.   

(3)The city's websites can help to take public transport.   

(4)Way 1 and Way 4 are the best for people's health.   

(5)Common cars are greener than electric cars.   

  • 更新:2021-02-23
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In China, there are 24 solar terms(节气)in a year. And there are six of them in winter. They are beginning of winter light snow, heavy snow, winter solstice(冬至), lesser cold(小寒) and greater cold.

Beginning of winter usually falls on November 7h or 8th. After beginning of winter, most parts of the country can start to expect cold weather. On this day, after a year of hard work, people are happy to have a rest and spend tine with family. The northern China celebrates beginning of winter as the "Small Spring Festival'". People usually have dumplings and mutton soup on that day.

Light snow usually falls on November 22nd or 23rd and heavy snow usually falls on December 7th or 8th. When winter solstice comes, it brings the shortest days of the year and the longest nights. Many places around the country can expect the coldest weather yet. People often start counting"'nine cold periods" starting from winter solstice. Every cold period has nine days.People believe that after 81 cold days,spring will come.

Greater cold comes after lesser cold. The field is covered with snow. And all Chinese are ready to welcome the Spring Festival after it. Of course, a new round of solar terms will start.


(1)From the passage, we know that there are six solar terms in winter.   

(2)People in northern China usually have dumplings and mutton soup on beginning of winter.   

(3)Heavy snow comes before light snow.   

(4)All Chinese are ready to celebrate the Spring Festival after greater cold.   

(5)The passage tells us how people celebrate the Spring Festival.   

  • 更新:2021-02-24
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Robots have built a big house in Switzerland using 3D﹣printed materials. It is the first house made by robots for people to live in. It is more environmentally friendly and safer than man﹣made houses.

The creators say the big house will inspire the future of building. "This is a new way of seeing architecture (建筑)," said one of the creators, "How you build is important."

The big house was built completely from robot﹣made materials.It used 60% less cement(水泥)than a man made house. Its ceilings (天花板) were made with a 3D printer. There are 35 parts in the house and each one was built in 60 to 90 minutes. It means that the robots built the full house in just 48 hours.

It is not the first time for robots to build houses The Chinese used 3D printers to build 10 houses in a day in 2014. They created a building the next year. And last year Italians built a house in just 48 hours.

Scientists say one day they could send robots to build houses on the moon. We are curious about how we're building for the future.


(1)The big house is the first house made by robots.   

(2)The big house does less harm to the environment than man﹣made ones.   

(3)The 35 parts of the big house were built from robot﹣made materials.   

(4)The Chinese created a 3D﹣printed building in just 48 hours in 2014.   

(5)Robots were once sent to the moon to build houses.   

  • 更新:2021-02-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Riding a Mobike on the street, you might hear some people speaking Chinese aloud. Turning

to the right, you see a Sichuan﹣style restaurant. After walking into a store, you see that Huawei

smartphones are on sale.

But you are not in China ﹣you're in Manchester in Britain. You might see similar things in many other cities, Chinese products have been going global(世界性的).

Chinese food has been enjoyed in Western countries for a long time. To meet local people's tastes, Chinese restaurants have made some changes to the dishes. For example, Chinese people like to eat meat with the bone in, but Western people don't. So Chinese restaurants provide big pieces of meat without bones, even for fish.

Some Chinese brands are also becoming more popular. In many cities in Europe, stores sell TCL televisions, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers.

More than half of the US﹣owned drones (无人机) are Chinese models. They're not only made in China, but also designed and developed in the country.

In the past, most Western people thought Chinese products were cheap and unreliable(不可靠的). But now, things have changed greatly. "Made in China" becomes cool.

(1)We can see more people use Chinese products in Western countries now.   

(2)Chinese restaurants provide meat with bones to meet local people's tastes.   

(3)More than 50% of the US﹣owned drones are designed, developed and made in China.   

(4)In the past, most Western people thought Chinese products were unable to be trusted.   

(5)This article is about the disadvantages of Chinese products.   

  • 更新:2021-02-24
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The first floating (漂浮的) city will be in French Polynesia. That's an island in the South Pacific Ocean. Builders hope to finish much of it by 2020.

This floating city will be near French Polynesia's shore. Its people will live by the laws of   French Polynesia. Other floating cities might be built in the open ocean. These cities could create their own laws.

The first floating city will be environmentally friendly. Its energy will be from the sun. People will drink recycled rain and seawater.

Floating cities will be safe from flooding. Built on platforms(平台), they will rise with the sea level. They could be moved, if needed. They would allow more people to live near the ocean.At the beginning, the first floating city will be the same size as a soccer field. Gradually, it will grow into a much larger city with homes, parks, schools, shops and restaurants in it. Would you like to live in a floating city?


(1)There will be a floating city in French Polynesia.   

(2)People in floating cities will live by the laws of French Polynesia.   

(3)The energy of the first floating city will be from the wind.   

(4)The floating cities could move up with the sea level.   

(5)At the beginning, you will find a soccer field in the first floating city.   

  • 更新:2021-02-24
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On a farm lived a father and a son. The father always got up early and read books by the stove. One morning, the son came up to him and said, "Dad, I read books at night but forget most of them the next morning. What's the good of reading?"

The father didn't reply to his question at once. He passed him a basket that was used to carry coal. He said, "Get some water from the river with the basket and then I'll tell you the answer."

A The son felt surprised but he did as his father said, He tried many times but every time the water leaked (漏掉) from the basket. An hour later, the son came back with the empty basket and told his father it was impossible to hold water with the basket. The father said with a smile. "Yes, you are right, my son. The basket can t hold water. But did you notice the basket was different?" The son found the dirty basket had become clean. The father continued, "Reading is like holding water with the basket. Although we can't remember all we read, we have changed while reading."


(1)The father was used to reading in the morning.   

(2)The son wondered if reading was good for him.   

(3)The father didn't answer his son's question because he thought it was stupid.   

(4)The basket had no difference after the son used it to get water from the river.   

(5)From the passage, we know that reading can make a difference to a person.   

  • 更新:2021-02-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


To me, life would be boring without music. I realize that it is not true for everybody. Many people get along quite well without going to the concerts, and listening to the CDs. But music plays an important part in everyone's life, whether he realizes it or not. Try to imagine, for example, what films or TV plays would be like without music. Would the feeling, the moving story, and the greatest interests, be so exciting? I'm not sure about it.

Now, we have been speaking of music in its more common meaning- the kind of music we hear in the concert hall. But if we look at some parts of music more closely, we discover them in our everyday life, too-in the sound of the sea, the singing of a bird in the woods and so on. So music surely has meaning for everyone. And, of course, it has special meaning for those who have spent all their lives working on playing or writing music.

It is well side, "Through music a child enters into a world of beauty, expresses himself from his heart, feels the joy of doing things alone, learns to take care of others, develops his mind and makes his body strong."

(1)Music is very important in my life.   

(2)Some people don't realize the importance of music.   

(3)Music can't be found everywhere in everyday life.   

(4)Music has meaning, especially for musicians.   

(5)The writer talked mainly about the development of music.   

  • 更新:2021-02-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Disney has made many cartoon movies. The princesses in the movies are often girl's favorite characters. From Snow White to Moana, every princess leaves a deep impression on people. However, have you noticed that Disney princess are changing?

In the early Disney cartoon movies, princesses like Snow White, Cinderella and Aurora from Sleeping Beauty are usually good-looking and kind-hearted. But they have to depend on others to get out of trouble and find happiness. They end up living happily with their princes.

Now, people still love those princesses, but more and more girls know they have to fight for their own happiness. Disney has noticed the change. So the princesses in its newer movies don't just have good looks.

Merida from Brave is a good example. She was born as a princess and she likes going on adventures. She spends her days practicing archery(射箭术), riding her horse and experiencing the world around her. She loves her family, but she wants to take control of her own life.

Some times ago, Disney even put up their "10new rules for being a modern princess". The rules include: Care for others; Live healthily; Don't judge a book by its cover; Be honest; Be a friend you can trust; Believe in yourself; Right wrongs; Try your best; Be loyal and Never give up.

None of the rulers are about the looks of a princess. Anyway, one's beauty is more valuable. Don't you think so?

(1)Snow White is a good-looking and kind-hearted girl.   

(2)All Disney princesses can get out of difficulty and find happiness by themselves.   

(3)The princesses in Disney's newer movies just have good looks.   

(4)Merida wants to take control of her own life.   

(5)Disney has found it more valuable to have inner beauty than to just have good looks.   

  • 更新:2021-02-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Shopping used to mean going to shops,but nowadays,you can shop without even leaving your home.Just sit in front of your computer,click(点击)your mouse and your things will be sent to your house in several days.You can also use your mobile phone to buy things you want.Nov.11 was a big day for many people who like shopping online.On that day,many stores offer a big sale.The biggest Chinese online shopping sites are Taobao.com and Tmall.com.

Goods(商品)online are often much cheaper.Shopping online also saves you a lot of time.And you often have more kinds of goods online than in shopping centers.Another big advantage of online shopping is that it helps you get things easily from different cities,even different countries.

While enjoying online shopping,many people also have worries,especially for middle school student buyers.They often buy things that they don't need."Middle school students should pay more attention to their study.Searching for things to buy online wastes their time."said teachers.

46.Nowadays,shopping becomes easier than before.   

47.Many people like shopping online on November 11.   

48.Shopping online can't save time and money.   

49.Teacher think middle school students should pay more attention to their study.   

50.This article is about disadvantages of shopping online.   

  • 更新:2021-02-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Smart phones and e﹣book have become more popular in recent years.Some people worry that paper books will be gone.But recent surveys have shown that traditional books are still popular among readers.

Research has found that in the UK,sales of e﹣books are falling while sales of paper books are rising.More surprisingly,it's young people who are buying paper books.Another survey of university students from the United States,Japan and Germany also showed that 92 percent of them preferred paper books.

So what is behind the paper book comeback(回归)?

The most popular reason given was."I like to hold the product."It's true that paper books bring a very different reading experience.Some students said that they like the smell of paper books.Other students believed that they get a sense of achievement when they finish reading a paper book.Besides,they enjoy seeing it on the bookshelf.

Paper books can also be very personal objects to lovers of reading.Many people like to sign their names on the books.

Research has also shown that readers remember more information from paper books than e﹣books.It seems that paper books still have an attraction(吸引力).So why not pick up a book and start reading?

51.92 percent of university students from the UK preferred paper books.   

52.It's true that e﹣books bring a very different reading experience.   

53.Finishing reading a paper book brings some students a sense of achievement.   

54.Readers remember less information from paper books than e﹣books.   

55.According to the passage,paper books are still popular among readers.   

  • 更新:2021-02-24
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Are you still doing the"V"for victory sign?It's out The latest popular hand gesture(手势) is putting both your hands together to make a heart shape.It is called a "hand heart "

Many young pop stars in the USA do this in their photos."The hand heart,gesture means something between"I love you"and'thank you'said Taylor Swift,the country singer."You can send a sweet and simple message without saving a Swift often does it at her concerts.And

some people think she makes this gesture popular.

Justin Bieber and his superstar friends did the "hand heart "and put the photos online.They did it to help out three children,whose parents died from a car accident.

In some Asian countries,the"hand hear"is popular too.but in a different way.People there put their hands above their heads and make a bigger heart shape with their arms.It means"I love you".


46.It's out to do the"V"for victory sign.   

47.The"hand heart"gesture means"I don't love you".   

48.No one can express one's love without saying a word.   

49.In this passage,some superstars did the "hand heart"to help out three children.   

50."Hand heart"is popular not only in the USA but also in some Asian countries.   

  • 更新:2021-02-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Students are very interested in computers,the Internet and mobile phones.Using new technologies in the classroom can be very helpful for them.

Mobile phones can be very useful in the classroom.When students speak or act,teachers can use them to record students,take photos and show them to students.Using mobile phones in class is a fun way of doing some interesting language work.

Students like the photos on your mobile phone.So try your best to take more photos for students.Photos can help students to practice speaking,listening or writing in an interesting way.

How to use the Internet and mobile phones in class?Please remember the following key points(要点).

•Use the Internet with your students in many different ways,if possible.

•Try to find good websites for your students.

•Use your mobile phone in class to record your students,take photos and play recordings.

•Ask your students to listen for the pronunciation mistakes when you play the recordings back to them

46.Students are interested in new technologies.   

47.Mobile phones are useful but boring in language learning.   

48.Teachers should find good websites for students.   

49.Mobile phones can be only used to record students and take photos in class.   

50.The key points to remember are for students.   

  • 更新:2021-02-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
