
Once upon a time, there was a tree which wanted to become a treasure box. One day, a farmer cut it down and sold it to a carpenter(木匠). The tree was happy because he thought the carpenter would make it into a treasure box.

    To its surprise, the carpenter made it into a feed box for animals. The tree felt very disappointed because that was not its dream. Several years later, the feed box was thrown away. Someone picked it up and placed it into an old temple. The tree forgot its dream little by little.

    One day, a couple came to the temple. The woman gave birth to a baby boy. There wasn't a bed in the temple. So they placed the baby in the feed box. They loved him and regarded him as their treasure. The tree suddenly realized that it became a real "treasure box" at that time.

    Sometimes you may think your dream will not come true. Don't forget your dream. It may be realized in another new way.


(1)The tree felt very sad when the farmer sold it to a carpenter.  

(2)The carpenter made the tree into a treasure box.  

(3)To be a feed box was the tree's dream.  

(4)The couple used the feed box as their baby's bed.  

(5)Never give up your dream, it may be realized in another new way.  

  • 更新:2021-02-11
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

判断正误 阅读下面的材料,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容.符合的填涂"T",不符合的填涂"F".(T=True, F=False)

      Bird flu is a kind of serious disease caused by poultry(家禽). It's also called H7N9. People that catch this illness may first feel like having a common cold. It was reported that 106 people in China got H7N9last year and 20 of them died. This year,H7N9 attacked many provinces again, such as Hunan, Fujian, Yunnan, etc. In some places, many markets that sold poultry were closed, and some poultry were even killed, burned and buried(掩埋). People were afraid to eat chicken and duck. Here are some suggestions to avoid bird flu.

      ★Keep away from animals like chickens, ducks and so on.

      ★Cook the food fully, especially poultry and eggs.

      ★Wash hands with soap after touching poultry.

      ★Go to a doctor the minute you feel like having a cold.

(1)Bird flu is not a kind of serious disease.  

(2)When people catch H7N9, they will have a nosebleed.  

(3)Many markets that sold poultry were closed because of bird flu.  

(4)Poultry and eggs must be fully cooked.  

(5)If you touch a chick, you should wash your hands at once.  

  • 更新:2021-02-13
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Alan,a boy from India went to study in the UK two years ago.He found a part﹣time job in a restaurant.Many British students also worked there.Their job was washing the dishes.It was an easy job,but the boss said,"You must wash every dish seven times."At first,Alan was careful.The boss was happy with him.After one month,he found that the boss didn't check very often.He thought there was no difference between five times and seven times.So he just washed five times.He worked very fast.The boss was even happier.One day,a British student asked him why he could wash so fast.Alan told him the secret.The British student was surprised but didn't say anything.A few days later he told the boss about it.The boss fired(解雇)Alan.

    Alan went to other restaurants,out of them said,"Go away! You are not honest.We don't need you."Alan was sad because he could do nothing.

(1)Alan went to study in India two years ago.  

(2)The boss asked Alan to wash the dishes seven times.  

(3)At first,the boss was happy with Alan.  

(4)The British student didn't say anything to the boss.  

(5)In fact,Alan is very honest.  

  • 更新:2021-02-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Perhaps you've already watched or heard about Readers,a TV show that has recently become popular on CCTV,it is hosted by Dong Qing.It invites different people to read aloud on the stage and tell their moving stories.They can read everything,like poems,books,letters and so on.

Many people are fans of the show and fall in love with reading aloud at home.Now the show gives people special reading pavilions(亭子) to read in some big cities of China,but every pavilion is so small that only one person can some into it each time.Everyone can read what they like for three minutes in the pavilion.Later the show will pick some of the readers and invite them to read on TV.

Thanks to the wonderful TV show on CCTV,the young are becoming more and more interested in Chinese traditional culture.

31.Readers has recently become popular on TV?  

32.People can only read poems,books,and letters in the TV show of Readers.  

33.Every reading pavilion is so big that many fans can come into it each time.  

34.The TV show of Readers will pick some of the readers and invite them to read on TV.  

35.The young are becoming more and more interested in Chinese traditional culture because of Readers.  

  • 更新:2021-02-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A young queen was given a magic box by a wizard(男巫). The box would bring happiness to the whole country whenever it was opened in a place full of the spirit of generosity(慷慨).

The queen traveled all over the country, looking for the most generous people. If she collected them all, she would open the magic box. The queen felt disappointed because nothing special happened.

One day when the queen decided to return to her palace, she saw a poor little boy begging. She would like to give the boy some money, but she didn't have any with her. So the boy asked her if she could give him the old box. Then he could sell it for a little money. At first the queen hesitated(犹豫), because she had been told the box had magical powers. But seeing how poor the boy was, she gave it to him. The boy took the box and opened it.

Immediately, all the most wonderful things one could imagine started flying out of the box and a voice said, "Why look for it in others? Goodness always starts in yourself."

While enjoying all the wonders of the magic box, the queen learned to set an example to others, and then became the best queen ever in history.

31. The young queen gave a magic box to a wizard.  

32. The queen traveled all over the country to look for the most generous people.  

33. From the story, we can learn that people should be generous.  

34. According to the story, we can know that the boy and the wizard were good friends.  

35. The queen became the best queen ever in history in the story.  

  • 更新:2021-02-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If you meet a British person in the street,it is very likely that he or she will apologize whether it is his or her fault or not.

It seems that Britain is becoming a nation where everyone is saying sorry.Almost each person says sorry about eight times each day﹣and one in eight people apologize as many as 20 times a day.

As you may have seen,the British apologize more often than members of other cultures.A research shows that in many cases,people's love of saying sorry in Britain goes a little further than it does for Americans.For example,about 15 British people would say"sorry"will only 10 from the US would do this if they sneezed,if they corrected someone's mistakes or if someone knocked into them.

In the old days,"sorry"was used to express regret and sadness for having done something wrong.But now British people use expression as a way of showing good manners.For example,they might say"sorry"instead of"excuse me","pardon","what"or"whatever".

People in Britain also use sorry when they share the same feeling with others﹣so they might say"sorry about the rain"

However,British people's use of"sorry"may make things very confusing and difficult for foreigners who are not familiar with their ways.But actully,people in Britain pay much attention to the feelings of others.This is the very reason why they apologize every day.

34.what does the passage mainly talk about?  

A.what daily expressions British people often use

B.how people in British keep in touch with foreigners

C.the different meanings of soon in and out of Britain

D.why British people say soon many times every day

35.in the old days,people said soon when they  

A.did something wrong

B.asked the way

C.wanted to repeat something

D.made a choice

36.which of the following is true according to the passage?  

A.Americans say sorry more than British people

B.even British people get confused when they say sorry

C.almost every person in Britain says sorry 20times a day

D.the British also say sorry to share the same feeling with others

37.from the passage we can learn that British people  

A.like to talk about the weather

B.care a lot about others

C.are difficult to get along with

D.love to correct mistakes.

  • 更新:2021-02-17
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Yueyang was awarded the National Civilized City (全国文明城市) in 2015.We are proud of our hometown.It has changed a lot in the last few years.

Yueyang is a cultural city with a long history near Dongting Lake.But the local people didn't use to be satisfied with the environment.You could find rubbish on the streets.The rivers were polluted because factories put waste water into them.What's more,the air was polluted by the smoke from the factories.People no longer saw green land because they cut down plenty of trees.

Today,the environment in Yueyang is becoming better and better.People are more polite now.They put waste paper and plastic bottles in the recycling bins(箱子).They keep voices down while talking in public.They offer seats to the old,the disabled and the women with babies on the buses.Some factories have been closed by the government.Waste water is cleaned before putting into the rivers.Many trees and flowers are planted on the mountains.

In summer,many people take walks along Bianhe Street after dinner.It's interesting to see many boats going up and down in Dongting Lake.And we can watch some women doing square dancing (广场舞) in front of Yueyang Tower.

We need to take care of our environment and fight against pollution.We hope our hometown will be more lively and fantastic.

46.Yueyang has changed a lot in the last few years.


47.The environment in Yueyang is getting worse and worse now.


48.The old give their seats to the young when they are on the buses.


49.All of the factories in Yueyang have been closed by the government.


50.Keeping voices down while talking in public is good behavior.


  • 更新:2021-02-17
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Reading is a good hobby for all kinds of reasons.First,reading is fun.You can always keep yourself happy if you like reading.If you like reading,you will never feel bored or tired.

Next,you can read a book almost anywhere:in a car,on a plane,or even in the bathroom.All you need is a book!

Another good reason for reading is that it is useful.If you read as a hobby,you will get better and better at it.And you will read faster and find it easier to understand what you read.As you reading skills improve,you will probably find your schoolwork becomes much better.

Some people say that reading is out of date.This is not true.You can read on computers,and the better you read,the better your computer skills will be.

Good readers may become writers,too.They always have more things to write about.

Reading is a wonderful hobby.Why not start reading right now?

41.According to the passage,reading can keep you bored an tired.  

42.You can read a book almost everywhere.  

43.If your reading skills improve,your schoolwork will become much better.  

44.It is true that reading is out of date.  

45.Good readers may become writers.  

  • 更新:2021-02-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


It was a cold snowy morning after the winter vacation.And it was my first day at my new school.I was walking alone slowly and worrying about lots of things.It was early and there weren't many people on the road.Suddenly a girl who was riding her bike on ice fell down.She was trying hard to get up but fell again.Without thinking,I went over and helped her.She said"thank you"with a smile and then rode away.Her words warmed me a lot.

Finally,I got to school.The teacher led me to the classroom and introduced me to the class.Then he asked me to sit down beside a girl.I felt so nervous that I didn't dare to look at her.Soon the first class,English,started.Their textbook was different from those in my old school.As I was wondering what to do,an English book appeared in front of me."Let's share,"the girl beside me said."Hi,I'm Carrie."I looked up.It was the girl I helped that morning.Later on,we became good friends.

From that I learned:to help others is actually to help ourselves!

41.It was early and there were many people on the road.  (判断对错)

42.After getting up,the girl rode away without saying a word.  (判断对错)

43.The writer felt very excited when the teacher asked the writer to sit down beside a girl.  (判断对错)

44.The girl asked the writer to share the English textbook with her.  (判断对错)

45.From the story,we learned that helping others is actually helping ourselves.  .(判断对错)

  • 更新:2021-02-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Maybe we three were the most unlucky graduates in our school history.I'll never forget the day when we had our graduation ceremony(毕业典礼).

I was known for being careless. I often fell down for no reason.Since I fell off the stage(舞台)during my Primary Graduation Ceremony,my family bet(打赌)that I would fall down again during my next graduation ceremony. The day came so quickly.This time,I proudly made it through the whole ceremony without falling…but I knocked over the whole backdrop (背景板)used to take pictures for graduates! I felt so embarrassed (尴尬的)the whole morning.

My friend julia was even more embarrassed. When she together with all the graduates was sitting quietly in the hall at eight in the morning,she didn't expect her father to come to attend her ceremony because he was really busy then. The hall was very quiet and you could even hear a pin(针)drop on the ground. When all of a sudden,out of the silence,she heard "Hey,Julia!" Everyone in the hall looked behind and found Julia's father,with a camera in his hand,smiling at her!

Tiffany was the most beautiful girl of us three. She loved all kinds of dresses. On that day,she dressed herself beautifully and wanted to have some beautiful photos.Unluckily, it was one of the windiest days of our life.The wind blew her beautiful dress up in front of the whole graduate class! She didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Lucky?Unlucky?So lucky! All of these became the unforgettable part of our life!

(1)The writer was very   in her daily life.









(2)Julia's father   at the graduation ceremony.


sat quietly in his seat


was busy with his work


took pictures for her


dropped a pin on the ground

(3)This story happened on a   morning.









(4)Tiffany was embarrassed because   that day.


she fell off the stage


she didn't have beautiful dresses


her dress was blown up


her photos weren't unforgettable

(5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?   


The girls weren't in the same school.


The writer knocked over the backdrop.


Julia knew that her father would come.


Tiffany loved all kinds of shoes.

  • 更新:2021-01-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Temple of Heaven, in southern Beijing, was first built in 1420 and

was rebuilt during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It was the place where

the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties would admire the god and

hope for good harvest(收获). It is the largest group of buildings in the

world to pay homage(致敬)to god.

The Potala Palace was built in the seventh century and it has a long history of over 1300

years. In 641, Songtsan Gambo, the ruler of the Tubo kingdom, asked his people to

build it for princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty. It has 13 floors and is 117 meters

high. And it is made of wood and stone.

The Terracotta Warriors and Horses (兵马俑) is the greatest historical and cultural

site (遗址) in Lintong, Xi'an, Shanxi Province. Emperor Qin Shi Huang began to

build it at the age of 13. It took 11 years. The terracotta figures(秦俑) have the

same size as a real man. They have different heights, clothes and hairstyles because of

their different levels.

The Mogao Caves (莫高窟) is formed by 49.2 temples, 25 kilometers southeast of the

center of Dunhuang. It is also called the Caves of a Thousand Buddhas (千佛洞).

The largest statue(雕像)in front of the cave wall is 34.5 meters high and the smallest

is only 2 cm high. The art of Dunhuang covers more than 10 major forms, such as wall

paintings, music and dance and so on.

(1)The Temple of Heaven was first built   


in 492


in 641


in 1311


in 1420

(2)Songtsan Gambo built the Potala Palace for   


the god


princess Wencheng


his people


Emperor Qin Shi Huang

(3)You can visit   if you are in Xi'an.


the Temple of Heaven


the Potala Palace


The Terracotta Warriors and Horses


the Mogao Caves

(4)The smallest statue of the Caves of a Thousand Buddhas is   high.


2 cm


34.5 m


25 km


13 cm

(5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?   


The Pulala Palace is made of wood and stone.


The terracotta figures are bigger than real men.


The Mogao Caves is in the southwest of Dunhuang.


The emperors admired the people in the Temple of Heaven.

  • 更新:2021-02-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We've seen 3D films, 3D TVs and so on.They are so interesting that young people like to watch them very much.Have you ever read about 3D newspapers?That was what the Belgian(比利时的)newspaper,La Demiere Heure,tried to do for its readers.This was Europe's first 3D newspaper.

It took the team two months to make the 3D newspaper.The team printed 115,000copies of the special edition of La Demiere Heyre.It was more than the usual number of the printed copies.

Each of these newspapers came with a pair of free 3D glasses.All the photos and ads in the newspaper were in 3D and the text was the same as usual.Readers could get the best result by holding the paper 50cm away from the eyes.In fact,if people don't wear the 3D glasses,the newspaper will be terrible to read because the pictures are not clear.

Many readers tried to buy this kind of newspaper.In fact,some of them bought it just for fun.The team had no plans to continue it because it cost too much.

(1)The name of the first 3D newspaper is La Demiere Heure.   

(2)The team printed 11500 copies of the newspaper,more than the usual copies.   

(3)You can see the photos in this newspaper clearly with 3D glasses.   

(4)A few readers tried to buy this kind of newspaper because it was expensive.   

(5)The writer is sure that 3D newspapers will take the common newspapers' place.   

  • 更新:2021-02-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I bought a new car. My old car was still in good condition and worth ﹩1,500 at least at the used﹣car market.

I have a co﹣worker, Tom. He is a great worker. He has no enough money for a new car and has been looking at used cars. So I asked him how much he was looking to spend on a car. He thought about ﹩300 to ﹩500. So I told him I'd sell him my old one for ﹩300.

My mom, who I work with, asked if I had any luck selling my old car. I told her I planned to sell it to our co﹣worker Tom for ﹩300.

She started crying.She told me how glad she was that she had brought up a selfless(无私的)kid who would help someone out so much.She told me to give it to him for free and that she would pay me ﹩1,500. I didn't expect her to say so at all and of course I didn't take her money either. I want to help more people like my mother does.


(1)The writer got a new car because his old car was broken.   

(2)Tom isn't able to spend too much on a car.   

(3)The mother felt happy when she knew her son was going to sell his old car.   

(4)The mother is very kind.   

(5)The writer got some money from his mother.   

  • 更新:2021-02-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Following the rule of "social distancing" is probably well﹣known to us all now. It refers to staying away from crowded places to prevent the spread of COVID﹣19. Some companies are taking advantage of this by changing their logos.

Coca﹣Cola, for example, placed the letters of its famous brand further away from each other to show social distancing. The encouraging sentence "Today, being apart is the best way of being together."is printed below the logo. McDonald's Brazil has separated its famous arches(拱门)in a picture posted on its Facebook page. Other global companies, including Audi and Nike, have also posted similar logo changes online.

Although many people think this idea is creative, some believe it makes "social distancing "seem less serious. What do you think of it?

根据短文内容判断句子正误.正确的涂"A", 错误的涂"B".

(1)Some companies think changing logos can prevent the spread of COVID﹣19.   

(2)The following logo change of Coca﹣Cola is to show social distancing.   

(3)So far, more than three global companies have posted their logo changes online.   

(4)In some people's eyes, we're supposed to take "social distancing" seriously.   

(5)The logo of McDonald's has been changed worldwide like this picture to show social distancing.   

  • 更新:2021-02-20
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

King's College Summer School is an annual(每年的) training program for all the middle school students who want to improve their English. Courses are given by the teachers of King's College and other colleges in New York. Trips to museums and culture centers are also organized. This year's summer school will be from June 1 to July 15. More information is as follows:

Application(申请) date

•Students in New York should send their applications before April 18, 2019

•Students of other cities should send their applications before April 16, 2019

•Foreign students should send their

applications before April 10, 2019


•English Language

Spoken English: 22 hours

Reading and Writing: 10 hours

•American History: 16 hours

•American Culture: 16 hours


•A letter of self﹣introduction

•A letter of recommendation(推荐) from a teacher

★The letters should be written in English with all the necessary information.


•Daily lesson: $200

•Sports and activities: $100

•Travels: $200

•Hotel service: $400

★You may choose to live with your friends or relatives in the same city.

Please write to: Thompson Sanders

1026 King's Street

New York, NY10016, USA

E﹣mail: KC﹣Summer﹣School@hotmail.com

(1)You can most probably read the article in   


a newspaper


a travel guide


a textbook


a telephone book

(2)According to the article, who will give the courses?   


The teachers of King's College and the middle schools in America.


The teachers of Summer School and other colleges in the United States.


The teachers of the middle schools and Summer School in New York.


The teachers of King's College and other colleges in New York.

(3)When should foreign students send their applications?   


Before April 10, 2019


Before June 1, 2019


Before April 16, 2019


Before July 15, 2019

(4)If you want to live with your friends in New York, you will have to pay the school   









(5)Which of the following is TRUE about King's College Summer School?   


Only top students can take part in the program.


Visits to museums and culture centers are part of the program.


King's College Summer School is not organized every year.


You can get in touch with the school by telephone or by e﹣mail.

  • 更新:2021-02-20
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
