
Since NASA's Viking Task tested Martian soil back in the 1970s,we've known that Mars (火星) is covered with a desert—harmful to life as we know it.But since tasks to Mars paid attention to what lies under the desert,a different picture has started to appear.

    This discovery of water under the Mars' South Pole is the result of radar echoes (雷达回波) that were picked up by an instrument on a spaceship that's been moving around Mars for 15 years.To stay liquid (液体) under the long﹣frozen desert of Mars,the researchers say this lake must have a lot of salts mixed in it.

    It is very cold and saltiness would make it a very hard environment for any living thing.But the lead researcher,Professor Roberto Orosei from the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics,said it was not impossible for things to live there.

    To search for life in this newly discovered lake,scientists will need to send a robot that's able to make a hole through the mile of ice covering it.But at least the teams looking for life on Mars will now know where to start their search.


(1)NASA's Viking Task found water in the 1970s.


(2)The researchers believe there must be lots of salts in the underground lake.


(3)It's possible that there are living things in the newly discovered lake.


(4)In order to find where water is,scientists must use a robot to make a hole through the mile of ice.


  • 更新:2021-09-06
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you like animals? Do you want to work with them? If your answer is "yes", you might be interested in the job of a vet.

    A vet is an animal doctor. There are over 60, 000 vets in the US. Some take care of pets like dogs, cats and birds. Some care for farm animals like horses and cows. Some work in zoos and they work with elephants, tigers, lions, pandas and so on.

    It's difficult to become a vet in the US. Besides the love for animals, one has to study really hard. He must first finish college, and then go to the veterinary(兽医的)school for four years' study. Working as a vet is not easy, either. They often work long hours, but many vets say that their job is exciting and fun.

    Jane is a vet working in New York. "I work 10 hours a day. It's long? I just feel the time flies so fast when I'm working. I always think I have the best job ever, "she say.

(1)There are more than 60, 000 vets in the US.  


B. Wrong.

(2)Vets care for many kinds of animals.  

A. Right.

B. Wrong.

(3)It's easy to become a vet in the US.  

A. Right.

B. Wrong.

(4)One can become a vet after he finishes college.  

A. Right.

B. Wrong.

(5)Jane doesn't think her working time is long.  

A. Right.

B. Wrong.

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Alan,a boy from India went to study in the UK two years ago.He found a part﹣time job in a restaurant.Many British students also worked there.Their job was washing the dishes.It was an easy job,but the boss said,"You must wash every dish seven times."At first,Alan was careful.The boss was happy with him.After one month,he found that the boss didn't check very often.He thought there was no difference between five times and seven times.So he just washed five times.He worked very fast.The boss was even happier.One day,a British student asked him why he could wash so fast.Alan told him the secret.The British student was surprised but didn't say anything.A few days later he told the boss about it.The boss fired(解雇)Alan.

    Alan went to other restaurants,out of them said,"Go away! You are not honest.We don't need you."Alan was sad because he could do nothing.

(1)Alan went to study in India two years ago.  

(2)The boss asked Alan to wash the dishes seven times.  

(3)At first,the boss was happy with Alan.  

(4)The British student didn't say anything to the boss.  

(5)In fact,Alan is very honest.  

  • 更新:2021-02-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Stephen Hawking was a famous physicist. He was born in 1942. He died at his home on March 14th, 2018 in Cambridge, Britain.

Since he was 21 years old.Hawking had been badly ill,but he didn't give up his hope of living.He went on to study at Cambridge University after graduating from Oxford University.In 1965,he got a doctor's degree(博士学位).Then he worked as a professor at Cambridge University.

Hawking was known for his work with black holes.He also wrote several popular science books. Although he didn't live as freely as others, he still felt he was happy and be was thankful to life. When Hawking was invited to China, he made speeches in some famous universities.

From Stephen Hawking's whole life,we learn that no matter how bad life is,we should not lose hope.As he once said, "Life is not fair, you just have to do the best you can in your own situation."


(1)Stephen Hawking died in Cambridge, Britain.   

(2)After graduating from Oxford University, Hawking worked as a professor there.   

(3)Hawking was known for his work with black holes and wrote several popular science books.   

(4)Hawking didn't live as freely as others, so he felt unhappy.   

(5)Stephen Hawking had never been to China before.   

  • 更新:2021-02-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hello! I have four classmates. Do you want to know what they  1   ? Let me tell you.
Wang Lin is the capital of the basketball team. He is tall and he is   2   medium build. He has short straight hair. Wang Lin is very popular in my class.
Mary is thin and she is   3    heavy. She has short curly blond hair. She is good –looking but she is a little bit quiet.
Xu Quian loves   4   jokes. She is short and a little heavy. She has beautiful long black hair. She never stops talking.
Mike is a good student. He is very tall. He has curly brown hair. He   5  reading and playing chess.
Which one of them do you like best, could you tell me?

A.looks like B.look like C.look at D.looks at

A.at B.in C.of D.for

A.little B.kind C.kind of D.lots of

A.to talk B.saying C.telling D.to speak

A.like B.enjoys C.love D.liking
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

JOLIN Tsai (蔡依林), a famous singer, has become an English teacher! But she is not staying in a classroom to give you talks in English. Instead, she has published (出版) a new book, "Jolin’s English Diary Book". It came out in Taiwan in March. Jolin is helping you learn English in a light hearted way and give you useful words for life outside your textbooks.
  "I hope it’s a happy English book," she said, "When you learn English in a fun way, you will keep on doing it." This certainly doesn’t mean just reciting (背诵) words. Jolin has a lot of clever ways of learning. She likes to listen to English songs or find friends to talk to in English. She has been good at English since Grade 3 in primary school (小学). Because of this, she hosted (主持) news programme on the radio herself.
  Jolin knows it’s important to put English to good use. So, in her English diaries, she wrote something about her everyday life, like study, fashion (时尚), travel and family. After each diary, she gives you lots of notea.You can use them often, too! Jolin also asks you to keep diaries like hers.
When did Jolin Tsai publish "Jolin’s English Diary Book" ?

A.In May B.hi April C.In March D.In June

She has been good at English ___.

A.since she became a famous singer B.since she was in Grade 3
C.since she was in college (大学) D.since she was 3 years old

Jolin thinks that ___ is important for us to learn English.

A.just reciting words B.hosting a programme on the radio
C.studying in the classroom D.putting English to good use

What’s the meaning of "light-hearted" in the passage?

A.轻松愉快的 B.漫不经心的 C.迷迷糊糊的 D.乐于助人的

From the passage we know that ____.

A.she is not only a famous singer but also an English teacher in a primary school
B.you don’t have to keep English diaries
C.she teaches us how to be a famous singer in "Jolin’s English Diary Book"
D.Jolin Tsai shows us how to learn English in a fun way
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A funny thing happened to my sister Tina last month. She lives in Japan and teaches English. In Japan, people don’t usually wear their outdoor shoes in the house or in school, and a lot of buildings have places for shoes. So her school ahs a special place for shoes.               
Tina teaches English in the evening. One Friday, she went to school, and she put her shoes in the shoe box—as usual. Then she had an interesting spoken English class with her students.          But to her surprise, her shoes weren’t in the box. There was only one pair of those there, and they weren’t her hoes! She had to get home in a hurry.              
On Monday, at her next English class, her shoes were in a shopping bag on her desk! There was a note that said, “I’m so sorry. I took your shoes by mistake!”          Somebody felt a lot of shame!

It’s a shoe box.
Tina is my sister.
So she put on the shoes and left.
After class she got ready to leave.
But there was no name on the note.


  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mike is seven years old now and begins(开始) to go to school. His father is a driver and takes him to school in his car. Mike studies very hard(努力地) and all his teachers like him very  much.
One day, Miss White teaches the students to count from one to ten. Mike can count them. Miss White is happy and asks him, “How many people(人) are there(有) in your family, Mike?”
“Two, Miss White, ” Mike says.
“Who are they?”
“My father and mother.”
“Oh?” Miss White is surprised(吃惊地). She says, “But I think there are three people in your family—your father, your mother and you. Am I right?”
“No. I’m not at home now. I’m at school, you know!” Mike says.
Mike is           years old.
A. 6                     B. 7                      C. 8
Mike’s father is a          .
A. teacher          B. doctor                   C. driver
Mike goes to school          .
A. with his mother      B. with his classmates     C. in a car
Mike is           now.
A. at school            B. at home                  C. in his father’s office
The word “count” means (意思是)“        ” in Chinese.
A. 读                B. 数                    C. 写

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

   Han Jun   12   Beijing
I’m a boy from Beijing. I like animals. I often go to the zoo with my parents. Pandas are my favorite animals. They are very cute. You know, they are our friends.
 Zhao Ziyi    13     Dalian
I’m a girl from Dalian. I’m tall with short black hair. My face is round. It looks like an apple. I like watching cartoon movies(卡通电影), Piggy is my favorite cartoon star. It’s very cute.
  Tony  12  England
Hello, I’m a boy from England. I like China very much. I often go to China with my parents. They like China, too. We all like Chinese food. My mother likes to cook Chinese food at home.

What are Han Jun’s favorite animals?
A. Tigers.              B. Pandas.          C. Elephants.
What does Zhao Ziyi look like?
A. She is short with short black hair.       B. She is tall with long black hair.
C. She is tall with short black hair.
Where does Tony come from?
A. England.             B. The U.S.A.       C. China.
What do Tony and his parents like?
A. Cartoon movies.      B. Chinese food       C. Animals.
Han Jun and Tony are          .
A. in the same class        B. good friends     C. both 12 years old。

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I  have a  good   friend.Her name is Linda She has a red  backpack.It is on the  sofa.She has  two blue dictionaries.They are on the desk in her room  She has a yellow quilt.It is on her bed.  She likes tennis.She has four tennis rackets and eight tennis. They are under her bed.She likes  vollayball,too. But she doesn’t like soccer.She thinks(认为)it is for boys.She plays tennis with  her sister in the morning and plays volleyball with  me in the  afternoon.
1.what color is Linda’s backpack?
A.Red    B. Black    C.Blue
2.Where are Linda’s dictionaries7
A.On the sofa    B.On the desk    C.On the bed
3.Linda has______tennis.
A.two    B.four    C.eight
4. Linda plays tennis________.
A.in the morning    B in the afternoon    C.with her friend
A.Linda’dictionaries are blue.    B.Lind’s quilt is on her bed.
C.Linda doesn’t like voneyball.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Last Sunday afternoon, I was having dinner in a restaurant when my friend Poor came in. Poor is working in a bank and is quite rich, but he is always borrowing money from his friends and never pays it back. Poor saw me and came to sit at my table. He had never borrowed any money from me. When he was eating, I asked him to lend me two dollars. To my surprise, he gave me the money at once.“I have never borrowed any money from you,”Poor said,“So you can pay for my dinner.”
The story happened________.

A.at home B.in a restaurant
C.in a bank D.in an office

Poor is the name of a man and the writer________.

A.knows him well B.doesn’t know him
C.often lends him some money D.often borrows money from him

Poor is a________man.

A.busy B.clever C.rich D.poor

Why was Poor glad to lend the writer two dollars?

A.Because they are brothers.
B.Because Poor is rich.
C.Because the writer is rich.
D.Because Poor wanted the writer to pay for the dinner.

From the story we can see________.

A.Poor is an old man B.Poor is friendly
C.the writer paid for the dinner D.the writer is poor
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Peter was a potter (制陶工). He had a wife and two fine sons. One night, his older son got a stomachache. At first, Peter and his wife thought the boy just got a bad cold, so they didn’t take it         . But it was not a cold. It was terrible appendicitis(阑尾炎), and the boy died suddenly that night. Knowing the          could not happen if he had taken the ill seriously, Peter was very         and was        of guilt. Then his wife couldn’t stand the thing, so she left him alone with his six-year-old          son.
Peter lost his two favourite persons. He felt no hope in the world and          to alcohol(酒精). Then Peter became an alcoholic(酒鬼). As he drank more, Peter began to lose        he had---his home, his land and his work. Finally, Peter died         in a San Francisco room. When I heard of Peter’s death, I thought he was a         and wasted his life. As time went by, I began to know          I once thought was wrong. I knew Peter’s little son, Ernie. He is one of the kindest, most caring, most loving men I have ever known. I watched Ernie with his children and saw the love          them. I knew that kindness and caring had to          somewhere. I never heard Erine talk much about his father.
One day I asked him, ‘ I’m really puzzled by something. I know your father was the only one to raise you. What on earth (究竟) did he do to make you become such a special person?’ Ernie sat quietly and smiled for a few          . Then he said, “When I was a child, Al came into my room every night, gave me a kiss and said, ‘I love you, son.’ ”
Tears came into my         .Al had not left any money        , but he had been a kind, loving father, and he left behind a legacy(遗产) of love.

A.serious B.seriously C.easy D.easily

A.dead B.died C.death D.die

A.happy B.sad C.bored D.tired

A.fill B.filled C.full D.fulled

A.fine B.elder C.younger D.youngest

A.got B.turned C.came D.said

A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing

A.slowly B.alone C.hopefully D.happily

A.winner B.stranger C.alcoholic D.loser

A.that B.why C.what D. /

A.in B.between C.among D.with

A.come from B.move C.come D.move to

A.moment B.while C.moments D.hours

A.eyes B.ears C.hands D.feet

A.back B.behind C.in front D.before
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When you are in Hong Kong, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic drives on the left. It is different from that in other areas of China. If you are the first time to come to Hong Kong, you must look to the right side and then the left before you cross the street.
If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. Then people on foot can cross the road carefully. But if the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go. People on foot mustn't cross.
When people go to or come from work in the morning and evening, the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous then, especially(尤其) for the children.
When you go by bus in Hong Kong, you have to be careful, too. You must always remember the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way.
In Hong Kong, there are many big buses with two floors you can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the view of the whole city(城市的全景)well. It's very interesting.
The traffic in Hong Kong drives on the right.
The traffic in Hong Kong is the same as that in other areas of China.
If the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go.
You can sit on the first floor and see the view of the whole city.
According to the passage we know we must obey the traffic rules in Hong Kong.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hey,boys and girls! morning.My name  2  Erefat.I  3  12 years old.(岁).I have 4 ID card.Its  5  is 3367753.Miss Wang is our Chinese teacher.  6   is very nice.We all like her very much.What’s  7   telephone number'? Oh.  8  6207654.If(如果)you have some questions,you can call him.She likes  9   very much.Her pen is blue.Her ruler is blue,too.Can you tell me what  10  you like? Red,white or green?

A.OK B.good C.Nice D.Good

A.be B.are C.is D.am

A.am B.is C.are D.be

A.a B.an C.the D./

A.name B.number C.card D.ID

A.She B.Her C.Miss D.His

A.she B.her C.your D.his

A.it B.its C.it’s D.is

A.white B.green C.red D.blue

A.color B.ruler C.pen D.orange
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Like most teenagers in the world, Joso Montanaro a teen artist in Brazil, likes reading and drawing cartoons. But he is special—his drawings get published(出版).
Montanaro is now drawing cartoons for Folha. Folha is Brazil’s largest newspaper and is known for its cartoons. Montanaro has already been working at Folha for two years. Each week he draws two, there or four cartoons and sends them to the paper. From those editors choose one for the next day’s page.
Montanaro draws about the news of the day. Recently he worked on The Wave—a drawing of the tsunami(海啸) that hit Japan. Montanaro also likes to draw cartoons about the funny things that happen in Brazilian politics(政治).
“I like doing political drawings because you can joke about somebody bigger than you.” Montanaro says.
Folha’s art director ,Mario Kanno, says editors saw something new and different in Montanaro’s work.“We brought him in with this idea to show that, yes, young people also read newspapers and can show their ideas on politics,”Kanno says.
Montanaro’s love for cartoons began when be was only 7 or 8 year old. His dad bought him comics. Montanaro says these books gave him the ideas that got him drawing.“I think those great works have really helped me,”he says.“They remind me that I should draw something in my book every day.”
What is Montanaro doing for Folha now?

A.He is publishing story books. B.He is drawing cartoons.
C.He is sending newspapers. D.He is writing articles.

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Folha is famous for its cartoons.
B.Folha is the largest newspaper in Brazil.
C.Montanaro draws one cartoon for Folha every week.
D.Montanaro began to work for Folha two years ago.

Why does Montanaro like drawing political cartoons?

A.Because he can show his ideas on politics.
B.Because he is very interested in political jobs.
C.Because he thinks it’s easier to draw political cartoons.
D.Because he can make fun of some important people.

What made Montanaro draw and helped him a lot in his drawings?

A.The comics his dad bought him. B.His interest in cartoon films.
C.The fun of drawing cartoons. D.His dad’s ideas about cartoons.

What’s the best title for this passage?

A.Folha’s art director. B.Brazil’s largest newspaper.
C.Teen artist in Brazil. D.Montanaro’s great father.
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
