
Mark wanted to learn painting. His grandfather told him to paint a foot at first. He wanted Mark to watch the model carefully and then paint it on the paper.When his grandfather left the room, Mark looked at the model for a while. Then he took off his shoes and looked at his own feet.

Suddenly he found an easy way to paint.Mark made his feet black with the paint and walked on the paper. At once, his footprints(脚印) were left on the paper. Soon his grandfather came back and was angry with him,but Mark proudly said that painting the feet was the easiest thing in the world


51. Mark wanted to learn painting.   

52.Mark's grandfather wanted him to paint on the wall.   

53.Mark looked at his shoes for a while   

54.Mark made his feet black with the paint and walked on the paper   

55. What Mark had done made his grandfather angry.   

  • 更新:2021-01-28
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

People around the world were shocked by the death of Stephen Hawking this year. They respect (尊敬) the British scientist not only because of his achievements in physics but also his great spirit.

    Hawking was born in England on January 8th, 1942. When he was a child, he was interested in science. In 1959, he entered Oxford University

(牛津大学) to study natural science. However, he got a very serious illness in 1963. He couldn't move or speak. He had to sit in a wheelchair (轮椅)and he could only communicate with others by computer.

    In the face of these difficulties,Hawking didn’t give up. He went on to study at Cambridge University(剑桥大学) and did research on space and time. He wrote many great books. The most famous one is A Brief History Of Time(《时间简史》).

    Hawking was invited to China to give speeches several times. His self﹣confidence( 自信)and humorous words impressed(留下印象) us deeply.

    Hawking's unusual life encourages many people. Let's not worry about our problems. Let's face the challenges instead. As he once said, "Life is not fair, you just have to do the best you can in your situation."

(1)Hawking was born in England.  (判断对错)

(2)A computer helped Hawking communicate with others.  (判断对错)

(3)Hawking entered Oxford University to study science in 1963.  (判断对错)

(4)A Brief History Of Time is Hawking's most famous book.  (判断对错)

(5)People respect Hawking only because of his achievements in physics.  (判断对错)

  • 更新:2021-02-11
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you often listen to music at loud volumes? You should know that this habit is bad for your hearing. Over 1 billion young people are at risk of hearing loss(听力丧失), because of listening to loud noise for long periods of time. Listening to music or watching a TV show at loud volumes can harm your hearing.

    The United Nations has standards for safe listening. It is not safe to listen to sounds that are louder than 85 dB (分贝) for eight hours or 100 dB for 15 minutes.The sound of a busy road is about 85 dB and the sound of a rock concert can be about 100 dB.

    Loud noise is harmful to the inner ear. Most of us are born with about 16,000 hair cells(听毛细胞) in our inner ears. These cells notice sounds. However, listening to loud noise for a long time can make these cells work too hard and cause some of them to die. This is what causes hearing loss Once this happens, it's hard to get your hearing back.

    Some people might think that their music isn't all that loud. But this can depend on where you are. For example, if you are in a noisy place like the subway, you might turn up your music too loud without realizing it. Later, when you listen to it at the same volume in a quiet place, you might feel uncomfortable.

    The "safe level" for most sound is below 80 dB for up to 40 hours a week. a level of 80 dB is about equal to(相当于) the noise of a subway.

    Here is some advice on safe listening. Over﹣the﹣ ear headphones(头戴式耳机) are better than in﹣ear ones. They do a better job of stopping outside noise, so you can listen at a lower volume.Don't listen to loud music on your headphones for a long time. Follow the 60: 60 rule: listen to music at 60 percent of your headphones' maximum volume for no more than 60 minutes a day.


(1)It is safe to listen to sounds that are louder than 100 dB for 15 minutes.  

(2)Listening to loud noise for a long time can cause some hair cells in the inner ear to die.  

(3)From the fourth paragraph, we know people don't always realize how loud their music is.  

(4)In﹣ear headphones are better than over﹣the﹣ear ones because they can stop more outside noise.  

(5)This article mainly tells us why ears are an important part of our bodies.  

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    Every four years, in a different country around the world, there is a big sports competition.It is like the Olympics but only for one sport﹣the most popular sport in the world! What do you know about the history of the World Cup?

    The first World Cup was in 1930, in Uruguay(乌拉圭). In the final game Uruguay beat Argentina(阿根廷) and became the first World Cup winner. 13 countries played in the first World Cup. Now there are 32 countries in the competition.

    The first time people saw the World Cup on TV was in 1954 when Switzerland held the Competition. Now about 3 billion people in countries all over the world watch the World Cup on TV!

    Until 2002 the World Cup was always in a European or an American country. South Korea and Japan held the first Asian World Cup. The first African World Cup was in 2010 in South Arica.

    The 2018 World Cup will be the 21st one. It is planned to take place in Russia from 14 June to 15 July 2018, after the country was awarded (授予) the hosting rights in December 2010.

     This will be the first World Cup held in Europe since the 2006 tournament ( 比 赛 ) in German, and the first ever to be held in Eastern Europe. To keep travel time under control, all the places for this big game are in European Russia.

(1)From the text, we know that the World Cup  

A.has more than one sport

B.is held every four years

C.has a history of more than 100 years

(2)Before 2002, the World Cup was most probably in  

A. America

B. Japan

C. South Africa

(3)In 1954, it was the first time that  

A.Uruguay beat Argentina

B.Japan held the competition

C.people could watch the World Cup on TV

(4)Russia got the hosting rights about  years ago.

A. four

B. eight

C. ten

(5)Which of the following about the 2018 World Cup is true?  

A.It will last for over a month.

B.It is the first World Cup in Europe.

C.All of the places for it are in the cast of Russia.

  • 更新:2021-02-12
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Li Tao,a Junior 1 student,was quite busy over the past winter vacation but not just with homework.Li,together with his 10 classmates made a volunteer group to call on people to join in The "Clean Your Plate Campaign" (光盘行动) .

The 11 students went to many restaurants and told people the importance of saving food. "Excuse me,do you know that 950 million people around the world still haven't got enough to eat?Please don't waste food." They would say that hundreds of times every day.

China in these years has serious problems with wasted food.CCTV reports that the food Chinese people waste every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year.

Chinese people are well ﹣ known for being generous (慷慨的).Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food.

To reduce food waste is a big task,and it needs time.It's important that everyone should do their bit,just like Li.Did you finish your meals today?

Judge the following statements True(T) or False(F).

(1)Li Tao was only busy with his homework over the past winter vacation.    

(2)The 11 students went to the same restaurant and said the same words many times.    

(3)The problems with wasted food in China are serious.    

(4)Many Chinese people feel proud if their guests have eaten all the food.    

(5)Everyone should save food to reduce food waste.    

  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Many people are trying to save the earth with special days like "Meatout Day", "Earth day" and "Buy Nothing Day".

    "Meatout Day" is on March 20th. Many people around the world don't eat any meat for one day. In this way, they'll get healthier and reduce greenhouse gases(减少温室气体).

    "Earth Day" is on April 22nd. Many people all over the world try to do something green on this Day. In Italy, people don't use plastic bags. In Canada and Norway, people ride bicycles and don't use their cars. In the USA, people dress up like plants and animals to dance in Times Square, New York.

    "Buy Nothing Day" is usually on the fourth Friday in November. On this day many people don't buy anything. "Buy nothing" means "make no rubbish". When you make less rubbish, you can make a cleaner earth.

    Do you want to join them? Then you can remember these special days and do something green.

(1)Many people don't eat any meat on "Meatout Day".  

(2)Many people do something to protect the environment on "Earth Day".  

(3)In Italy, people ride bicycles and don't use their cars on April 22nd.  

(4)All people buy and sell nothing on "Buy Nothing Day".  

(5)According to the passage, people have these special days to save the earth.  

  • 更新:2021-02-12
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Garbage (垃圾) Project started at the University of Arizona in 1973. Since then, the students and teachers in it have studied the modern garbage in different cities.

    To study the garbage, the students had to travel to landfills (填埋场) , the places where cities bury (填埋) their garbage. While the students were studying the garbage they wore special clothes. Students were very careful when they opened bags of garbage.

    One important thing the students have learned from studying the garbage is that the garbage in landfills disappears very slowly. That was surprising to both the students and many scientists who had thought that about 70% of the garbage in landfills would disappear quickly. Even in cities where it rains a lot, the students found newspapers from 1948, 40﹣year﹣old hot dogs, and vegetables from 1970. And the students also found many more empty bottles of cola than they expected.

    How to dispose of our garbage well depends on what kind of garbage it is: regular(普通的) garbage, dangerous materials, or recyclable materials, such as newspapers and glass bottles. Regular garbage goes to regular landfills. Dangerous materials are harmful to people's health and the environment. They shouldn't go into regular landfills.

    Homes are full of dangerous waste. One kind of the dangerous waste in homes is batteries. When batteries are buried directly(直接地)in a landfill, they often break open. The poison inside them moves through rain water to the bottom of the landfill. Then it can pollute the natural water in the ground.

    Another dangerous waste from homes is motor oil. When people pour old motor oil on the ground or throw it in the garbage, it pollutes the environment.

    Our garbage problem is not new, but as the world's population continues to grow, it will become a bigger and bigger problem.

(1)The Garbage Project started at the University of Arizona in  

A. 1973

B. 1970

C. 1948

D. 1940

(2)To study the modern garbage, the students had to do many things except  

A. Wearing special clothes

B. traveling to landfills

C. burying the garbage themselves

D. opening bags of garbage

(3)The underlined words "dispose of" in Paragraph 4 means  

A. crash into

B. deal with

C. worry about

D. put up

(4)From the article, we know old motor oil  

A. should go to regular landfills

B. isn't harmful garbage

C. mustn't be poured on the ground

D. never pollutes the environment

(5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?  

A. There are only two kinds of dangerous waste in homes.

B. Scientists thought about 70% of the garbage in landfills would disappear slowly.

C. The students found empty bottles of cola were not as many as they expected.

D. Batteries often break open when they are buried directly in a landfill.

  • 更新:2021-02-01
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

判断正误 阅读下面的材料,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容.符合的填涂"T",不符合的填涂"F".(T=True, F=False)

      Bird flu is a kind of serious disease caused by poultry(家禽). It's also called H7N9. People that catch this illness may first feel like having a common cold. It was reported that 106 people in China got H7N9last year and 20 of them died. This year,H7N9 attacked many provinces again, such as Hunan, Fujian, Yunnan, etc. In some places, many markets that sold poultry were closed, and some poultry were even killed, burned and buried(掩埋). People were afraid to eat chicken and duck. Here are some suggestions to avoid bird flu.

      ★Keep away from animals like chickens, ducks and so on.

      ★Cook the food fully, especially poultry and eggs.

      ★Wash hands with soap after touching poultry.

      ★Go to a doctor the minute you feel like having a cold.

(1)Bird flu is not a kind of serious disease.  

(2)When people catch H7N9, they will have a nosebleed.  

(3)Many markets that sold poultry were closed because of bird flu.  

(4)Poultry and eggs must be fully cooked.  

(5)If you touch a chick, you should wash your hands at once.  

  • 更新:2021-02-13
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


An old lady went out shopping last Tuesday.She came to a bank and saw a car near the door.A man got out of it and went into the bank.She looked into the car.The keys were in the lock.

The old lady took the keys and followed the man into the bank.The man took a gun out of his pocket and said to the clerk,"Give me all the money!"

But the old lady did not see this.She went to the man,put the keys in his hand and said,"Young man,you're stupid!Never leave your keys in your car,someone's going to steal it!"

The man looked at the old woman for a few seconds.Then he looked at the clerk,and then he took his keys,ran out of the bank,got into his car and drove away quickly,without any money.

51.The old lady came to a bank last Tuesday.   

52.The man left his keys in the lock of his car.   

53.The old lady gave the keys back to the man.   

54.Someone stole the man's car.   

55.When the man went away,he did not take any money from the clerk.   

  • 更新:2021-01-28
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


    Sometimes people cry when they are sad. Other times people cry tears of joy. But your eyes make tears all the time, whether you are crying or not. Do you know the tears help keep your eyes healthy? They keep your eyes from drying out. A special area of the eye drips (滴) all the time. It keeps the eye humid.

    If you look in a mirror, you can see tiny holes in the corners of your eyes. Each hole leads to a small tube that runs to your nose. Tears run slowly into this tube drip by drip. Day and night the holes drain (流走) the tears away. If they didn't, you would always look as if you were crying.

    If you begin to cry, there are many more tears. The holes can't drain all of them. Then extra tears run out onto your face.

    Tears help keep eyes safe. If there is something harmful in the air, the eyes fill with tears. These tears coat your eyes. They keep the harmful air out.

    Contact lenses (隐形眼镜) can make the eyes too dry. Some people have to add tears to their eyes.

They buy bottles of eye drops to keep their eyes wet.

(1)Eyes make tears no matter how people feel.  

(2)When you cry, tears run into your nose or onto your face.  

(3)If there is something harmful in the air, tears protect your eyes by covering them.  

(4)Contact lenses make you have more tears in your eyes.  

(5)Tears are harmful to your eyes.  

  • 更新:2021-01-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


    I am an Inuit boy named Kayla.Inuit are the people who live in cold Arctic(北极的)lands.In my language,Inuit means"the people".Some people used to call my people Eskimos.We wish to be called Inuit.

    I live with my mother,father and two brothers.We live at the most northern part of the world.It is made up of the Arctic Ocean and the land all around it.For months the sea is covered with thick ice.The land is covered with snow and ice most of the year,too.

    Winter is long and very cold.It lasts from October to March.It is dark twenty﹣four hours a day.The sun does not come up to warm the water and land.When the north winds blow,it is even colder.There are days when the temperature is 50°F below zero.My family is prepared.We wear watertight(防水鞋).We put on many layers(层)of clothes.Outside we always wear a thick warm jacket that has fur inside.I'm not afraid of the cold winters.I guess I'm just used to them.

    My family and I look forward to each summer.So much happens in a short time.The temperature usually stays around 50°F.During the summer the sun shines all day and night.This is why the Arctic is called the "land of the midnight sun".

(1)Kayla is a boy who lives in cold Arctic lands,the most northern part of the world.    

(2)There are four people in Kayla's family.    

(3)In Kayla's hometown,winter lasts from October to March without sunshine.    

(4)Kayla is afraid of the cold winters when the temperature is 50°F below zero.    

(5)The passage mainly tells us something about Kayla's family life.    

  • 更新:2021-09-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Since NASA's Viking Task tested Martian soil back in the 1970s,we've known that Mars (火星) is covered with a desert—harmful to life as we know it.But since tasks to Mars paid attention to what lies under the desert,a different picture has started to appear.

    This discovery of water under the Mars' South Pole is the result of radar echoes (雷达回波) that were picked up by an instrument on a spaceship that's been moving around Mars for 15 years.To stay liquid (液体) under the long﹣frozen desert of Mars,the researchers say this lake must have a lot of salts mixed in it.

    It is very cold and saltiness would make it a very hard environment for any living thing.But the lead researcher,Professor Roberto Orosei from the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics,said it was not impossible for things to live there.

    To search for life in this newly discovered lake,scientists will need to send a robot that's able to make a hole through the mile of ice covering it.But at least the teams looking for life on Mars will now know where to start their search.


(1)NASA's Viking Task found water in the 1970s.


(2)The researchers believe there must be lots of salts in the underground lake.


(3)It's possible that there are living things in the newly discovered lake.


(4)In order to find where water is,scientists must use a robot to make a hole through the mile of ice.


  • 更新:2021-09-06
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Poster 1


•Doors close 5 minutes before the exam begins.

•Show your student ID card to examiner when you enter the room.

•No phones,no books.

Poster 2


•Have your ID card ready.

•Listen to the instructions.

• Arrive 10 minutes before exam.


•Mobile phones switched off and put away.

•ID card visible on the desk.

•No talking.

•No food or drinks in exam room.

Poster 3

• Follow the examiner's instructions.

•If you have a question,raise your hand.

•No mobile phones,books or bags in the exam.

•Please use a blue or black pen.


(1)The first poster shows the instructions for a mid﹣term exam.    

(2)In Poster 2,one who is taking part in the exam should arrive 10 minutes before the exam.    

(3)In Poster 3,you can only use a black pen when having the exam.    

(4)Not all the posters say something about ID card.    

(5)"Mobile phones switched off and put away" means you can't have your mobile phone on the table.    

  • 更新:2021-08-17
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Flu easily spreads from one person to another. This is especially true to people who are weak. If you are weak, you are more likely to catch flu easily. Do you know how you can avoid flu?

    Keep in good health

    The best treatment(疗法) to illness is a good health. You can eat everything you want but make sure that your diet is healthy. The healthier you are, the better it is for you to avoid any type of illness around. Most doctors suggest plenty of fresh fruit juice and water in order for one to avoid flu.

    Stay away from people with flu

    If a member of the family or a friend has flu, stay away from him/her until he/she is well. Flu is very communicable(传染的)and you can catch it by going with the person with flu. Wear a mask and avoid using things that the person with flu is using.


    Exercising will make you stronger, which means a stronger immune (免疫的) system too.Exercise often so that your body will keep healthy. It doesn't matter what kind of exercise it is.What is important is you are making your body stronger to prevent illness from attacking you.

    Be happy

    Happy people are healthy people. Their life is stress﹣free, so they are more likely to be safe from illness. If you are unhappy, which affects your immune system, you will easily get sick.

    Avoiding the flu is easy. Just boost(增强) your immune system and it will take care of the rest.

(1)The weak people may catch flu easily.  

(2)We should eat the right food to keep in good health.  

(3)We needn't wear a mask to keep away from people with flu.  

(4)Happy people are healthy people. If you are unhappy, you will easily get sick.  

(5)It's not important for us to exercise and boost our immune system.  

  • 更新:2021-01-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


    Most people agree that trees look nice, but not everyone knows that trees can also help cities save money. A few years ago, the US Forest Service studied trees in Chicago. They found that just one tree can save a city hundreds of dollars over its lifetime.

    Trees can save money by helping people save energy(能源). Trees stop the sun shining on buildings. They also block(挡住) the winter wind. That helps people use less energy to make their homes or offices warm or cool. Saving energy is saving money.

    Trees have another way to help a city save money. When it rains, there will be a lot of water in a city's sewers (下水道). Cities need lots of money to clean that water. But before the rainwater gets to the dirty sewers, trees can take some into themselves. With the help of trees, there is less water to clean.

(1)Everyone knows that trees can help cities save money.  

A. Right

B. Wrong

(2)One tree can save a city hundreds of dollars in one day.  

A. Right

B. Wrong

(3)Trees can help people save energy.  

A. Right

B. Wrong

(4)Trees can take all the rainwater into themselves.  

A. Right

B. Wrong

(5)With the help of trees, cities need less money to clean the rainwater.  

A. Right

B. Wrong

  • 更新:2021-01-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
