
Think of somebody you really admire.You will probably find that their success didn't come easily.As "Father of Hybrid Rice(杂交水稻)",Yuan Longping got over great difficulties and spent his whole life working to reduce world hunger and helping to feed the country with the largest population.

    Wu Mengchao,the "Father of Chinese Hepatobiliary Surgery(肝胆外科)",focused on saving people's lives for nearly eighty years.He performed more than 16,000 operations during his life.Holding the surgeon' s knife for such a long time deformed his fingers .Wu once said, "It would my greatest happiness if I could work at the operating table until my dying day."

    In1969,in order to solve the problem of treating malaria(疟疾),Tu Youyou,pharmacologist (药学家) took on the job as head of a research team.She and her teammates performed different kinds of experiments.However,the results were disappointing.Instead of giving up,they kept trying.Finally,in1972,they made it!In2015,at the age of 85,she received Nobel Prize.

    Thomas Edison,the inventor of the light bulb believed that every failure was a step towards success.He once said, "If I find 10,000 ways something won't work,I haven't failed.I am not discouraged,because every wrong try is another step forward.

    Sometimes,their success was a surprise,even to themselves.The famous scientist Alexander Fleming said, "When I woke up just after daybreak on 28th September,1928,I certainly didn't plan to revolutionize(变革) all medicine by discovering the world's' first antibiotic(抗生素).But I guess that was exactly what I did.

    Some people only became successful after their deaths.Not like Pablo Picasso who became famous and very rich during his lifetime,the artist Vincent Van Gogh only sold one painting all through his life and that was to a friend.But he kept painting and he painted more than 2,000 artworks in the following ten years.Now his paintings are very popular and they sell for millions of pounds.

    One thing all these people have in common is sticking to their goals no matter what.

(1)What do Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao have in common?    

A.They succeeded in solving world problems.

B.They spent all their lives serving people.

C.They achieved a lot in the medical field.

D.They are remembered for their happiness.

(2)The underlined phrase deformed his fingers could be replaced by       .

A.changed the shape of his fingers

B.made him feel down

C.gave him too much pressure

D.got his fingers cut off

(3)It is clear that       .

A.Pablo Picasso became famous after his death

B.Vincent Van Gogh painted 2,001 artworks in his life

C.it took Tu Youyou's team about 3 years to reach their goal

D.Thomas Edison tried 10.000 ways before he invented the light bulb

(4)When Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic,he       .

A.felt too tired to stay awake

B.didn't plan to study all medicine

C.knew exactly what his success meant

D.didn't fully realize its importance

(5)What does the writer mainly want to tell us?      

A.Not everyone can be successful.

B.The more difficulties,the better.

C.Great achievements aren't made naturally.

D.Great hopes make great men.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Nowadays, it never seems we have enough time to realize all of the reading goals (目标) that we set for ourselves. Luckily, we have mobile apps such as Latte Read and Get Abstract to provide abstracts (梗概) of a text. Abstracts are useful tools, especially for students, but like having a friend describe the main content of a story to you, you cannot experience the joy and excitement of reading the original (原来的) text of yourself.

    I recently finished reading a thick book of W. Somerset Maugham's collected short stories. It took me around ten years to get through. Thomas Mann's difficult The Magic Mountain took me about six months to read; Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged made me very bored most of the time. Reading a book, whether it is good or bad, is a formative (建设性的) experience. There are plenty of books which I probably shouldn't have taken the time to read. But the challenge of living for a time in the thoughts and experiences of a different history or character makes even the worst book a valuable effort.

    Whenever I finish the last line of a book and slowly close it, I like to sit there and think over its lines with a mix of nostalgia (怀旧之情) and pride. I then take the book in hand and find a place for it on my bookshelf. When I step back and look at the books on my shelf, it is as if I am looking at the history of the different lives that I have lived.

    Abstracts are useful as a tool to an end, but reading the actual (真正的) book is something much richer. Reading, like anything else in life, is much more about the journey than it ever was the destination (目的地).

(1)What does the writer mainly want to say?  

A. Reading abstracts is a best short way to enjoy literature.

B. Reading abstracts cannot bring you the true feeling of actual reading.

C. Reading different kinds of books brings you many advantages.

D. The journey and the destination are equally important in our reading.

(2)What can we know about the writer from the second paragraph?  

A. He prefers thick and difficult books to short stories.

B. A good book is better worth reading than a bad one to him.

C. He achieves a lot from reading some challenging books.

D. He is lucky enough never to have read a regrettable book.

(3)In the third paragraph the writer   his main point of view (主要观点).

A. explains the meaning of

B. provides further support for

C. makes a conclusion of

D. offers an opposite example for

  • 更新:2021-02-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    In recent years, a growing number of Chinese books and movies have been translated into other languages,(1)  They have been learning Chinese and are interested in Chinese culture.Anna is one of them.Before she translated JinYong's novel Legends of the Condor Heroes(《射雕英雄传》),the writer was little known to English readers.(2)  

    But Anna managed to do it.Impressed(使……印象深刻)by the book's themes(主题) of good against evil,loyalty(忠诚)and love,as well as Chinese philsophy(哲学) ,Anna hoped to bring it to new readers.After five years of work, the translated book was published in 2018.(3)  Many people think Anna did a good job.

    Anna studied at the University of Oxford.(4)  After the trip she became interested in China and began to learn Chinese.She calls herself "a clumsy(笨拙的) student, just like Guo Jing from Legends of the Condor Heroes, but one of loyal heart".

    (5)  Last year, he translated the animated movie Ne Zha.He said."I see China's stronger cultural influences.And we have a growing number of students majoring in Chinese.More Chinese stories will appear in front of new audiences."

A.Like Anna, another translator David also learned Chinese in college.

B.She took a trip to China at the age of 21.

C.Many of the translators are young people.

D.One reason for this was that his works were too hard to translate.

E.It was reprinted(再版) seven times within several months in the UK.

  • 更新:2021-01-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Both language and music play a huge role in our culture. Here are some of their similarities.

    (1)Both language and music have a writing system.

    In English we record language using letters. Similarly, we use notes to record music. Just as you are reading letters and find meaning in them, musicians read notes and create meaning in the form of music. So just as you read English, you can read music. By writing pieces of text or music, we are able to share experiences through time. I can read the ideas or hear the works of someone who lived hundreds of years ago, which is really exciting.


    You can guess where someone is from by listening to the language they use.In the same way,styles of music are different around the world, giving us the chance to understand many different cultures, This also means that there is something for everyone! Even if you don't like British pop music, you may love the energy of Latin American salsa music.

   (3)Both share feelings.

    How do you know that I am angry? Of course you can see it in my face, but you will know for sure through my words, Similarly, music can show you exactly how the composer (作曲者) was or is feeling. When I'm happy, I want to sing and dance to a happy song to celebrate my happiness; and I listen to slow and quiet music when I'm feeling down. I think we have all used music to express our feelings, often combining (结合)it with language in the form of song lyrics.

(1)Which of the following is the best for the blank?  

A. Both are from daily life

B. Both bring us happiness

C. Both have a sound system

D. Both vary (变化) with culture.

(2)According to the passage, when the writer feels unhappy, he might listen to  

A. scary movie music

B. exciting rock music

C. loud electronic music

D. sad piano music

(3)The underlined word "it" in the passage refers to "  ".

A. music

B. idea

C. feeling

D. culture

(4)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?  

A. We use notes to write music.

B. We can write music if we speak English.

C. We can understand different cultures in music.

D. We can share the composer's feelings in his or her music.

  • 更新:2020-12-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A.Talk to your parents and let them know you want to have other activities.A healthy mind and body will be good for your study.

B.Try to make friends with your classmates.Be friendly to others.Don't look down upon others even though they are not as good as you in study.

C.You don't need to do any exercises if you get high marks in your exercises.

D.Go to bed earlier at night.Concentrate on(聚精会神) what the teacher says.If you have any questions,ask the teacher at once.

E.Don't worry.Just take it easy.You will certainly make progress if you can keep on.

F.You can have a talk with your teacher.Tell him how you are feeling.And make up your mind to study harder.

Match the advice according to what you read.

(1)    I often feel sleepy in class.I don't know what the teacher is saying and I don't know how to do homework,either.

(2)    I am not a good student in my teachers' eyes.It seems that the teacher cares little about such students like me.I feel sad about this.

(3)    My parents are very strict with me.I am not allowed to have any fun even listening to music.I get sick of sitting there and doing exercises again and again.

(4)    I know I am not talented.Even though I work hard on my study,I make no progress.I feel sad.

(5)    I do very well in my study.My teachers and parents are proud of me.But I am not happy at all.I don't know how to get on well with others.

  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If you are given only 1 yuan, could you live in a city for one day? It seems this may be a little difficult. But students from Xi'an did it.

    On April 10, more than 60 students from a middle school of Xi'an took part in the One Yuan Metropolis Survival. Students not only have to live, but also have to deal with a lot of hard tasks in this charitable(慈善的) activity. It has happened in eight cities and is going to four others , including Beijing , in May.

    To make money. many students looked for part﹣time jobs and experience how hard life was. Zhang Qiyue, 14, asked more than 10 restaurants for a job and finally got one chance."We were upset when they said no. But gradually, we got used to it ," he said. After being a waiter for an hour. he got 25 yuan.

    Some made use of their talents by singing and dancing in parks or shopping malls. Many people who walked by took notice and helped them. Zhao Jiacheng, 14, drew pictures and made paper crafts(手工). "This showed it's important to learn a special skill," he said.

    Living was hard, but finishing the tasks wasn't any easier. They went to different places to finish tasks in a short time. The most amazing one was when they had to exchange things worth thousands of yuan with only a piece of paper in half an hour."We learned how to explain to others, From a balloon to a cake to a bottle of yogurt…after almost 20 tries, we succeed," he said. They will give all of the money they made to poor schools in Tibet.

(1)The students should  in this activity.

A. be given enough money

B. complete some easy tasks

C. live and finish difficult tasks

D. give away their pocket money(零用钱)

(2)To make money, students tried many things EXCEPT  

A. going to Beijing for work

B. doing part﹣time job

C. giving talent shows

D. drawing and making paper crafts

(3)What did the students learn from this activity?  

a. Living was hard.

b. It was much easier to finish the tasks than living.

c. It was important to learn a special skill.

d. Success came from many tries.

A. abc

B. abd

C. bcd

D. acd

(4)What's the main purpose of this activity?  

A. To let students from different cities communicate with each other.

B. To teach students how to make money.

C. To develop students' living skills and social responsibility.

D. To make students realize the importance of learning a special skill.

  • 更新:2020-12-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    In China, writing brushes, ink sticks, paper and ink stones are called the Four Treasures of Study.Among the high﹣quality (质量) treasures, the writing brush produced in Huzhou, the ink stick produced in Huizhou, the xuan paper made in Xuancheng and the ink stone made in Duanxi are the best﹣known.

    The writing brushes can be used to draw the pictures on painted potteries (陶器).They are mainly made of the hair of animals.Those made of wool are called yanghao and those made of the weasel's (鼬)tail hair are called langhao. Their artistic effects (效果) in writing and painting cannot be copied by any other pens.

    The ink stick is the pigment (颜料) used in writing and painting.The ink stick produced in Huizhou is of high quality. A story goes like this: Two famous skilled men Xi Chao and his son produced a kind of high﹣quality ink stick. As a result, the Emperor Li Yu in the Southern Tang Dynasty agreed to give them the family name"Li", From then on, the fame of the Li Ink Stick was widespread. In the Song Dynasty, its producing area was changed into Huizhou, and it was then called the Hui Ink Stick.

    Paper is among the four great inventions in ancient China. The famous xuan paper appeared in the Sui and Tang dynasties. In Xuanzhou, Anhui Province where the xuan paper is produced,it's said that Cai Lun's pupil Kong Dan took the job of producing paper but failed to make perfect white paper. Later he happened to see the ebony (檀木) in the rivers. It was wet with the water and turned white. Then he used the bark (树皮) to produce the world﹣famous xuan paper.

    The ink stone was already very popular in the Han Dynasty. The Ming and Qing dynasties saw the appearance of the Four Famous Ink Stones一Duan Ink Stone, She Ink Stone, Tao Ink Stone and Chengni Ink Stone. They can not only be used in writing and painting but also for admiration.

(1)What are the writing brushes mainly made of?  

(2)Why did Xi Chao and his son get the family name from the Emperor Li Yu?  

(3)What does it in paragraph 3 refer to (指的是)?  

(4)How did Kong Dan find the way to make the famous xuan paper by accident?  

(5)When did the Four Famous Ink Stones appear?  

(6)What's the title (标题) for the passage? ( 不超过10个词)  

  • 更新:2021-01-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What is one thing that would help parents understand their kids better? More than 8,000 US kids answered this question in an online poll (投票) by KidsHealth.org.

    Many US kids ﹣ two out of three ﹣ said they get along with their parents. But that doesn't mean they never disagree. In fact, most kids reported arguing with their parents,at least sometimes.And two out of five kids said arguments sometimes even include shouting at each other.

    "It's certainly normal to disagree and argue," says Darcy Lyness, an American expert. "But it's also important to learn how to do so respectfully (尊重地). Be patient. Don't use a raised, angry voice."

    And not surprisingly, three out of four kids said they had lied to their parents sometimes. Many said they lie so they would not get in trouble or disappoint their parents. According to Lyness,lying isn't just wrong. It can actually have bad results. Telling the truth builds trust.

    Telling the truth, says Lyness, shows maturity (成熟).But older kids actually lie more often than younger ones. Kids aged 12 to 14 not only said they lie more,but they also reported having less fun, feeling less close and not getting along as well with their parents.

    According to Lyness, those feelings are common.As kids become more independent (独立),they have more areas of disagreement with their parents.But it doesn't have to be that way."Kids and parents get along differently at each stage of the journey," she says. "As kids grow and change, it is important for everybody to change."

(1)In Lyness's opinion, kids   their parents.

A. never agree with

B. may argue with

C. must always agree with

D. can shout at

(2)Why do some kids lie to their parents?  

A. They don't trust their parents.

B. They don't want to get into trouble.

C.They don't think lying is wrong.

D. They are disappointed with their parents.

(3)About   out of the 8,000 students in the poll said that they have lied to their parents.

A. 3,000

B. 4,500

C. 6,000

D. 7,500

(4)According to Paragraph 5, older kids  

A. have more fun in life

B. seldom lie to their parents

C. feel less close to their parents

D. gets along better with their parents

(5)The writer wrote this article to  

A. explain why kids tell lies

B. show how parents and kids get along

C. avoid troubles between parents and kids

D. help parents and kids understand each other better

  • 更新:2020-12-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

School Gardens Could Help Children Try More Vegetables

    It's not always enjoyable for children to eat vegetables.But what if a garden is built in the school?New research suggests that a gardening program in schools can increase children's vegetable intake(摄入量) .

    How the Study Was Carried Out

    The study was carried out in eight schools,Each school was in the gardening program for one school year.Every child in grades 3﹣5 received a total of eighteen 60﹣minute lessons across the school year.In the program,each school built a garden,where children learned to grow their own fresh produce,like fruit and vegetables.

    The Benefits Children Could Get

    The study found that vegetable intake if the children who grew their own produce increased greatly across the year.Related studies show that increased vegetable intake can improve health and cut the risk of chronic diseases(慢性疾病).Not only are there benefits to health,increasing the variety of vegetables children are exposed(接触)to may also make mealtimes much easier." Children who are often exposed to a variety of vegetables are more likely to try new foods," explains Dr.Kerry Jones.For children,growing their own food is a powerful tool to increase their intake of the food.2

    Any opportunity to expose children to more vegetables is meaningful. "If children are learning about vegetables at school,it's important to encourage this interest," says Jones.Parents can listen to their children about what they have learned and read the handouts they bring home from school.Parents and children can also read books together.Younger children can enjoy reading stories about vegetables with parents who offer useful message.Older children may enjoy searching through cookbooks with parents to find new dinner ideas to cook vegetables in a tasty way.Besides,a small planter box in a sunny part at home can encourage children to understand more about where their food comes from.

    Teaching children to grow their own produce is a great way to increase their preference for the produce.If children are taught to enjoy vegetables early in life,they will probably continue eating vegetables in the long term.

(1)What did children do in the gardening program?    

A.They did research on new plants.

B.They grew fresh produce at school.

C.They took home green vegetables.

D.They built gardens for their classes.

(2)Which of the following would be the best heading for Paragraph 4?    

A.Ideas to Encourage Children to Cook at Home.

B.Ways to Expose Children to Vegetables at Home.

C.Reasons Why Parents Should Understand Children.

D.Suggestions Which Children Could Get from Parents.

(3)What can we learn from the program?   

A.Parent' support might improve children's reading.

B.School programs could develop students' creativity.

C.Doing studies can prepare students for future learning.

D.Hands﹣on experience may influence children's preference.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It's been 100 years since the actor and filmmaker Charlie Chaplin produced the film The Kid ,which many consider to be his greatest one.

Like all films at the time,The Kid was made in black and white and was silent (made without any sound,not even the characters talking).The story is about the relationship between " the Tramp",played by Chaplin,and his adopted (领养的)child,played by Jackie Coogan.The pair develop a partnership where the six year﹣old boy breaks windows and runs away,so that Chaplin's character can offer his services as a window fixer.

Although the film is a comedy,it also has some tragedy,reflecting Chaplin's own life.He started testing actors for the role of the Kid just a few days after his baby son had died.Chaplin was known for being hard to please,and it is said that if he could,he would have played every role in every one of his films.When Chaplin visited a theatre,a dancer brought his son,Jackie Coogan,on stage,and Chaplin knew he had his co﹣star (联袂主演者).Chaplin later wrote, "All children in some form have talents;the trick is to bring it out in them.With Jackie it was easy.

Like the Kid in the film,Chaplin and his brother Sydney grew up very poor.They lived in London and were raised by their mother.When Chaplin was 10 years old,his mum became too ill to loo after her sons,so they had to take care of themselves.He later wrote that the film sets in The Kid were based (基于)on the places where he and Sydney had lived with their mother as children. "Perhaps that's why the film had some truth," he said.

(1)The second paragraph mainly talks about    .


why The Kid was made


when The Kid was on


how The Kid got successful


what The Kid is about

(2)We can infer from Paragraph 3 that Jackie Coogan    .


always visited the theatre alone


was possibly talented in acting


knew much about Chaplin before


played every role in Chaplin's films

(3)Which of the following is TRUE about Chaplin?    


He had a poor childhood experience.


He was brought up by his father.


He looked after his mother very well.


He produced films with his brother.

(4)What's the best title for the passage?       


A film about a dancer.


A family in London.


A place for film making.


A life on film.

  • 更新:2021-09-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You may study differently from your friends,but your study habits are not wrong!

    Kelly and Maria are best friends with a lot in common.They love doing things together,such as going to movies and concerts,shopping,or just sitting at a small cafe.Since they take a lot of the same school subjects,they would love to study together,but they find this impossible.Their working styles are so completely different that they can't be in the same room while they are studying!

    Kelly would like to study in a clean,open space,while Maria works best with books,papers and other things around her.Kelly prefers to study in a totally silent room,but Maria loves to play music or even have the TV on.Kelly can sit for hours without moving,and often gets all her homework done in one sitting.Maria,however,is always getting up,and says that she thinks best when she's on the move.

    You might be asking yourself:which way of studying gets better results?Many people believe that a silent,tidy setting(环境)is the way to go,.Some research has even shown that outside noise and untidiness help some people focus(聚焦)their attention,because it makes them form a "wall" in their mind around what they are doing and improves their focus.

    So,if you're a student who chooses to study while sitting at a table in a busy shopping center,don't worry about it.If you work in total silence,that's OK,too.Judging from Kelly 's and Maria's study habits,the best way to study is the way that works for you.In their very different ways,both of them do well in school,and both finish their work within the required time as well.

(1)Kelly and Maria are mentioned as an example in this passage to    .

A.discuss two different study habits

B.compare the differences in their hobbies

C.show the importance of a good study habit

D.express the writer's worry about their friendship

(2)Which of the following is the best to fill in the blank in Paragraph 4?    

A.and they have difficulty in study

B.and it can be true for most of them

C.but that doesn't seem necessarily true

D.but nobody does research on this question

(3)What can we infer from the last paragraph of this passage?    

A.Students who like to study in silence will be more successful.

B.Both study habits can help students make progress in their studies.

C.Only a small number of students can study well in a noisy situation.

D.Friends with different study habits can do better by studying together.

(4)What can be the best title for the passage?    

A.Are you studying the "right" way?

B.How can you improve your study habits?

C.Is it possible for friends to study well together?

D.What are the advantages of different study settings?

  • 更新:2021-09-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You've been learning words since you were a tiny baby.At first,you learned them only by hearing other people talk.Now that you're a reader,you have another way to learn words.What should you do when you come to a word and you think you don't know what it means?(1)    .

Say it

First sound it out.Then say it to yourself.(2)    .Sometimes you know a word in your head but you don't know what it looks like in print.So if you match up what you know and what you read ﹣ you have the word!

Use context

If this doesn't work,take the next step:look at the context the other words and sentences around it.Read this sentence:When it rained,the dog looked for shelter in the doorway.(3)    .Rain and in the doorway might give you helpful information.


If the context doesn't help,look at the parts of the word.Does it have any parts you know?These can help you understand what it means.If you don't know the meaning of miner,try looking at parts of the word.You might know that a mine is a place underground where people get coal and other valuable things.A lot of times, ﹣er at the end of a word means "a person who does something".So a miner might be someone who works in a mine.

Look it up

If the three steps above don't work,you can look it up.(5)    ,either a book or online.

Nobody knows the meaning of every word,but good readers know how to understand words they don't know.

Choose five sentences out of the six in the box to complete the passage.Each choice should be used only once.

A.Use word parts

B.Look at the words

C.It might sound like a word you know

D.You can find the word in a dictionary

E.Following some easy steps can help you

F.If the word shelter doesn't look familiar,look at the words around it

  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

From an early age,we were taught that if we wanted to be successful,we had to study hard and get good results at school.In fact,good students may just end up doing jobs they don't like,and some even lead an unhappy life.Why is it like that?

    In some parents' eyes,school grades matter most for their kids.In reality,there are many things to consider besides the school subjects,for example,how to be a happy person,what to do to keep healthy,and how to get along well with others.That is to say,school is not just enough if you want to have a great life.

    Doing well in school is different from doing well in life.Studies show that people who failed at school may not end up failing in life.You may have already known that some famous people,like Thomas Edison and Steve Jobs,didn't do very well at school or even failed to finish school.In fact,there are a lot more than just the big shots who are successful in life without finishing school.They seize (抓住)every chance to learn and finally make it to the top.

    Life is really a long lesson,so long that you can't define(界定)a person's success by just one section (部分)of it.If you have already finished school,keep learning because what you have learned at school will never be enough to live a satisfying life.If you are still studying,whether you are good or bad at school,don't take your school results too seriously as long as you have put your heart into it.Keep learning to make the most of your talents(天赋).That's how you can live a happy and successful life.

(1)What's the writer's main purpose of writing Paragraph(段落)One?      

A.To introduce a topic.

B.To give examples.

C.To provide a solution.

(2)In some parents' eyes,what's the most important for their kids based on Paragraph Two?


A.Being happy.

B.Staying healthy.

C.Getting good grades.

(3)What does the underlined expression "big shots" in the third paragraph mean?      




(4)According to the passage,which sentence may agree with the writer's idea?      

A.It takes money to be successful.

B.School grades aren't everything.

C.Successful people never finish school.

(5)What can we infer (推断) from the text?      

A.Old habits die hard.

B.Leaning is a lifelong journey.

C.Good grades always promise a successful life.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you get lots of reading tasks as part of your homework? You might wish that you could read faster.There are some people who say that you can learn to read at super﹣high speeds. But experts disagree on this idea.

    "Speed reading is not actually possible," said Elizabeth Schotter,a scientist at the University of South Florida, US. Schotter pointed out that people who say that they can teach others how to speed read are usually doing it to make money by selling courses and books.

    In fact, speed reading has been made known to people since 1959, when US educator Evelyn Wood introduced a speed reading program. Several US presidents have even asked their officers to take speed reading courses. However, there is no real science behind speed reading.

    Schotter explained that reading is a task difficult to finish. It includes four steps: seeing a word, getting back its meaning from your memory, connecting it to other words in the same sentence, and then moving on to the next word.This process uses many parts of the brain at one time. It can't be sped up.

    Some people who say they are able to speed read are simply skimming. Skimming involves reading a passage quickly and only looking for certain words or sentences.

    Skimmers can figure out the main idea of a passage﹣especially if it's a topic they're familiar with﹣﹣but they will not be able to remember all the pieces of information.

    So is there a way to become a faster reader? Research suggests that you should try to improve the number of your words and simply read more.

(1)According to Schotter, which of the following is TRUE?  

A. It's good for students to read at super high speeds.

B. Speed reading courses are supported by real science.

C. Reading includes four steps,it's not easy to finish.

D. Speed reading courses and books are useful for us.

(2)What can we know from Paragraph 5?  

A. Skimmers will not forget all the pieces of information.

B. You must read the passage carefully when you are skimming it.

C. Skimming focuses on all the words or sentences of a passage.

D. By skimming, skimmers may find the main idea of a passage.

(3)According to this passage, how to read faster?  

A. Learn more words and read more.

B. Taking speed reading courses can help.

C. Read more books about speed reading.

D. See the words at super﹣high speeds.

  • 更新:2021-01-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Some researchers explain how most people form their social groups with people of their age.Especially, as children and teenagers, even adults, people make their friends based on proximity (邻近) more than anything else. Even in a college classroom,the students may not make friends with those who have similar personalities and interests. It's the people they really sit next to. Clearly, who stands to you has the greatest influence on you.As Jim Rohn has widely said. "You are average (平均) of five people you spend the most time with."

    Over the past ten months, I've paid Ryan, it Famous writer of several bestselling books, to help with

the book I'm writing. Working with him has shown me just how low my standards for my work are. For example, every time I send him a drab (草稿), he shows me how it could be 10 times better,and he holds me to that standard.

    It's because that I don't know what I don't know. Working with Ryan has made me realize what is possible and what it takes to create something powerful.

    Like Ryan,my business partner Richard has wonderful ideas and far different experience than I have.He has written 36 New York Times Bestsellers.He's been speaking and doing events for 20 years.Richard always performs at high levels,and he is also very strict with me because my performance is a reflection (反映) on him. It's not a bad thing because it creates high pressure (压力) to help me make great progress in organizing author training.

    In a word,you need to stay with those people who can help you realize your level and potential.Staying with people who have higher standards is the fastest way for you to change.If you don't change your environment, your progress will be very slow. Who you stay with has huge importance. You can't ignore this.

(1)Why did the writer quote (引用) Jim Rohn's words in Paragraph 1  

A.To support the writer's opinion.

B.To introduce the writer's best friend.

C.To show Jim Rohn's working ability.

D.To prove Jim Rohn is a great person.

(2)Which of the following can be put at the beginning of Paragraph 3  

A. It's not that my workmates' abilities are low.

B. It's not that my working ability was born low.

C. It's not that' e friends based on proximity.

D. It's not that I've paid Ryan to help me with my book.

(3)What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 4 refer to (指代)?  

A. The writer's performance.

B. Jim Rohn's famous saying.

C. Richard's different experience.

D. Richard's strictness with the writer.

(4)The writer mainly wants to tell us that  

A. we can improve our working abilities by ourselves

B. we must pay attention to our talent and potential

C. we'd better make friends with those who can hold us to higher levels

D. we should stay with those who have similar personalities and interests

  • 更新:2021-01-09
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
