老师在黑板上出了一道解方程的题,小明马上举手,要求到黑板上做,他是这样做的: ……………… …① …………………… …② …………………… …③ ………………………………… ④ ………………………………… ⑤ 老师说:小明解一元一次方程的一般步骤都知道却没有掌握好,因此解题时有一步出现了错误,请你指出他错在_________(填编号); 然后,你自己细心地解下面的方程: (1) (2)
I would rather you ______ in my school, Mom.
How can you know whether you will succeed ______ you never try?
It was the fifth time that he ______ to such a meeting.
The villagers, ______ damaged by the flood, were given help by the International Red Cross.
. It is necessary that whoever ______ recently visited the country ______ this kind of test.