

Miss Wang recently had a worrying experience.

One morning, just as she arrived at her ___(1)__, Wang noticed some missed calls from her mother. “It must be something very important,” she thought to herself.

Right away, she called her mother __(2)__ quite worriedly. To her surprise, Wang found her mother only wanted her charger (充电器), which Wang took to the office by mistake.

When Wang hurried home from her office, she found her mother’s __(3)__ was still 70% charged. And her mother was worried that it would run out of power as she continued using it.

Now Wang realizes the seriousness of the problem. Her mother ___(4)___ eight hours a day playing games, reading news and watching short videos online. And her mother has problems like poor eyesight, headache and so on.

This story is not special and Wang’s mother is not ___(5)__. She is just one in a growing population of the old who lose themselves in playing with phones. As the old have ___(6)___ chances to join in social activities, a smart phone is the best way to kill time.

But too much time on phone can cause many problems. “Be careful when using your phones, ___(7)__ you will be easily fooled!” Although the old are always warned like this, online frauds (欺骗) still happen to them. Now there are more family problems. Action should be taken.

For the old, they should control their screen time and get enough rest. The young, for their part, should often visit the old, and help them learn more about online safety so that they can ___(8)___ themselves. Also, the young can do more activities with the old like talking, walking and traveling, or encourage them to learn something at the universities for the aged.

  • 更新:2022-11-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Max Woosey is a 12-year-old boy. He has slept outside in storms, snow and heat waves, but now he’s coming indoors.

After two years of ___(1)___ (sleep) in a tent, Max, who has raised over £700,000, is about to remember what a bed ___(2)__ (feel) like. “I’m still going to be in my tent a lot,” said Max. “But now I’ve done two years. If there’s a big, ___(3)___ (danger) storm coming, I may come inside.”

Max began camping out in March 2020. At that time,__(4)__ old neighbor of his, Rick Abbott, who was ____(5)___ (serious) ill, gave Max a tent and told him to take a risk with it. Later Max decided to camp out to raise money ____(6)___ the hospital that cared for Rick. Max didn’t think he would keep going a long time, ____(7)___ it went on and on.

Over the two years, Max has been through around 15 tents and has had camping ____(8)___ (trip) in many places. He even slept on a hotel balcony (阳台). His dad joined ___(9)___ in the tent during last month’s Storm Eunice, with Max joking that he ___(10)___ (wake) up not by the wind but by his dad’s snoring (鼾声)!

  • 更新:2022-11-11
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


repeat against master turn off humorous

(1). Remember to ________ the lights before you leave the office.

(2). Everyone was touched by that great erhu ________ performance.

(3). I could hear the sound of the rain beating ________ my window heavily.

(4). Among the three actors, Mr. Black is ________.

(5). I ________ the sentence three times, but he still doesn’t understand it.

  • 更新:2022-11-11
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


In the small villages of Kenya (肯尼亚), Africa, most kids want to read books. But no roads go to their homes, only miles and miles of sand. Cars and trucks are not useful, s___(1)___ library books arrive on the backs of camels. Camels can handle (应付) the sand and the books. Two camels, a camel driver, and a librarian (图书管理员) w___(2)___ to the villages together. One camel carries about 180 kilos of books, and the other carries a tent. At each village, the librarian sets up the tent and shows the b___(3)___ to the kids inside. Two weeks later, the camels c___(4)___ back with new books.

Some people in the mountains of northern Thailand (泰国) get books in a d___(5)___ way. Their “l___(6)___” are carried by elephants. These animals can handle the difficult journey. Because they are large, they can carry many books in metal cases (金属箱). The metal protects the books from the heavy rains that f___(7)___ in the area.

Indonesia (印度尼西亚) has its own difficulties. The country has over 17,000 islands. Most people t___(8)___ by boat and they also carry their books by boat. A library boat holds(容纳) about 500 books in boxes. Boxes of books are left in villages and are traded (交换) for new books a few weeks l___(9)___.

For people who live far and can’t get to a library, a library that comes to them brings more than books. It brings a whole w____(10)___ of information.

  • 更新:2022-11-11
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Bob, an exchange student from the UK, is at Li Ming’s home in Chengdu. They are talking about the photos on the wall.

B-Bob L-Li Ming

B: What are you picking in the photo?

L: Mulberries. Mulberries like these taste delicious.

B: Oh, really? Are mulberries ___(1)___ fruit in Chengdu?

L: Yes, there are a lot every May. You know Sichuan has a long history of silk culture. Silk from Chengdu became famous __(2)___ as early as 2,000 years ago. I mean nearly all the people in the country knew it! And mulberry ___(3)___ are the main food for silkworms.

B: I see. Where did you pick the mulberries?

L: Inside an ecological(生态的)park in Chengdu. ___(4)___ like picking mulberries and feeding silkworms are hot in May.

B: Wow! The ecological park ___(5)___ like a great place. What else can you do in the park?

L: You can rent(租)a piece of land and grow crops or vegetables. Some experts will give you help if necessary. This way, you can learn more about ___(6)___.

B: That’s a good way to ___(7)___ the life on the farm. It may help you forget the pressure in life and feel ___(8)___.

L: That’s true. It has many ___(9)___. It also produces food for the city and makes the city greener.

B: Could you ___(10)___ me there this weekend? I can’t wait to visit the ecological park.

L: No problem.

  • 更新:2022-11-11
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


How does it feel when you try something new? I’ve always wanted to go to Antarctica(南极洲) because my Dad once worked there as __(1)__ scientist before I was born. He said it was the __(2)__ (quiet) and most beautiful place he had ever been to.

So when I got a job at one of the research stations, I was really excited. All my friends __(3)__ (think) I was mad and tried to persuade(说服) me not to go. They couldn’t understand __(4)__ I wanted to live somewhere that was so cold and far __(5)__ home. But I __(6)__ (simple) said, “I love it.”

There I met Antarctic penguins and these birds never learned __(7)__ (fear) us. They are calm, curious and so __(8)__ (fun) to watch. In summer, we spend our weekends __(9)__ (fish) and climbing mountains. In winter, it can get boring because it’s dark 24 hours a day. But it’s more interesting than I expected because we watch lots of ___(10)____ (movie) and play games together. On 21 June, we celebrate mid-winter with a big party.

I am lucky, for I see the world with my own eyes.

  • 更新:2022-11-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Do you know Stonehenge? It’s one of Britain’s most famous historical ___(1)___ (place). Every year more than 750, 000 people ___(2)___ (visit) it. People like to go to this place as they want to see the sun ___(3)___ (rise) on the longest day of the year, especially ___(4)___ June.

Different people have different ideas about Stonehenge. Some historians believed Stonehenge was a temple, ___(5)___ historian Paul Stoker thinks this can’t be true because Stonehenge was built many centuries ago. Other people believe the stones were used to keep people ___(6)___ (health). No one is sure ___(7)___ Stonehenge was used for, but most agree that the position of the stones must be for a special purpose. People might build it ___(8)___ (respect) ancestors.

Stonehenge was built ___(9)___ (slow) over a long period of time. Most historians believe it must be almost 5,000 years old. The stones are so big and heavy ___(10)___ no one knows how it was built, but we do know the builders must have been hard-working and great planners.

  • 更新:2022-11-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Tom: Hello, Ann! You don’t look well. ____(1)____

Ann: I’m feeling terrible. I have a headache.

Tom: ____(2)____ How long have you been like this?

Ann: For two days.

Tom: Did you see a doctor?

Ann: ____(3)____ I’ve just come back from the hospital.

Tom: What’s the doctor’s advice?

Ann: ____(4)____

Tom: Follow the doctor’s advice, and you’ll get better soon.

Ann: OK, I will. Thank you.

Tom: ____(5)____

  • 更新:2022-11-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


We all know that reading books builds a bridge between our life and the unknown world. In our country, people read books at any time. They enjoy reading books even when they’re on a break at the beach, or relaxing from a hike. Good reading habits lead you to a lifelong love of books. Here are some tips on how to develop good reading habits.

Choose the books which suit you. In most middle schools, teachers give students a reading list every few weeks. Most books are easy to read, like youth novels. The students themselves can also buy books which they’re interested in or the best-selling books.

Reading in short periods. 15 minutes after getting to school, 15 minutes while waiting for friends, 15 minutes before going to sleep. Then you can read books for about five hours every week in total.

Talk about your reading with your family or friends. This helps you have a better understanding.

How to ___(1)____ good reading habits

What to read

1. Read the books which ____(2)____ recommend(推荐).

2. Read the books that you’re interested in.

3. Read the books which can be the best-selling.

____(3)____ to read

1. Read after getting to school.

2. Read while waiting for friends.

3. Read before going to sleep.

The ___(4)____ time for reading is about five hours every week.

Who to talk with

Talk about your reading with your family or friends.

This helps you ___(5)____ better.

  • 更新:2022-11-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知



Li Hua


Mr. Gao



Dear Mr. Gao,

Our class is planning to have a party to say goodbye to our middle school life. I’m writing to ____(1)____ you to join us. Please come to our classroom at 7:00 p. m. on June 30th. During ____(2)___ past three years, we have learned a lot from you, not only knowledge but also the way ____(3)___ solve problems in life. We will share the sweet memories and talk ____(4)___ our dreams at the party. All of us want to give thanks to you. Without your help, we won’t have so much wonderful time.

We are ____(5)___ forward to your reply.


Li Hua

  • 更新:2022-11-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


I’ve always run.

When I was a k____(1)___, my dad took me to the Olympics and we saw the 400m final. A runner named Arthur won it and that really shocked me. I remembered it so well. I even wrote ___(2)___ article about it.

I was never good enough for the Olympics ___(3)___ (我自己), but I tried running. I want to keep fit and like the challenge. After 27, I began to play t___(4)__. At 65, I started hurdling (跨栏) again. When I was 71, I won the 200m hurdling as the oldest person. When I was 80, I b___(5)___ the world record. I would never ___(6)___ (改变) my mind. Now I’m 89, but I still do a couple of press-ups (俯卧撑) once ___(7)___ twice a week.

To my pleasure, my family all exercise together in our nice __(8)__ (花园) every day. We own a better life because we have a __(9)___ (健康的) habit. My dream is to run the 100m at 100 — only another e___(10) __ years to go — and then to live to 120.

No matter what comes my way, I will keep it.

  • 更新:2022-11-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


A: Hi, Alex. How are you doing today?

B: As busy as a bee. ___(1)___.

A: A project?

B: Yes. It’s my English homework.

A: Sounds interesting. ___(2)___?

B: It is about my great hometown.We are going to make an introduction to Henan. We hope people will get to know more about my hometown.

A: How special your homework is!

B: But I don’t know how to make it more creative. ___(3)___?

A: No problem. Please tell me what you are going to talk about in your project.

B: Hmm, let me see ... ___(4)___.

A: Great! Why not go to our school library to find more information?

B: Good idea. ___(5)___?

A: Sure, I’d love to. Let’s go.

  • 更新:2022-11-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知



A great saying always helps a lot. There ___(1)___ a lot of great Chinese sayings and many of them are about how to live ___(2)____ good life. What’s your favorite Chinese saying? Vote (投票) for your favorite saying and tell us why you like it.


My favorite saying is, “To have faults (错误) and not to correct them, this, indeed, is to have faults.” I agree with the saying. For example, ___(3)__ took me much time to learn new words when I began learning Chinese. I didn’t want to put in the time to practice. That was my greatest weakness. So I try ___(4)__ correct it by finding an enjoyable way to study. Reading is really a good start.


“When I have two others with me, I can always find one to be my teacher” is one of my favorites. Whenever I practice ___(5)___ my classmates, I will think of this great saying. I can learn a lot from others, even from the mistakes.

  • 更新:2022-11-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Museums play a big role in our society. They are also ___(1)___ important classroom for primary and secondary school students. During holidays, groups of young museum guides ___(2)___ (see) everywhere in Changzhou Museum. Since 2011, Changzhou Museum ___(3)___ (carry) out more than 100 public training activities for volunteer guides.

In July, 2021, I was chosen ___(4)___ (be) a volunteer guide in Changzhou Museum. ___(5)__ it was my first time to serve there, I didn’t know what to do. Luckily, the teachers there gave many interesting training classes, including “Public Places and Manners”, “Red History and Red Culture” and so on. I was deeply touched by the stories of ___(6)__ (pioneer) like Qu Qiubai and Zhang Tailei. I was impressed that they had risked ___(7)___ (lose) their lives to create a new China.

In the following month,I guided hundreds of tourists and did my job __(8)___ (success). This experience had a great influence ___(9)___ me. I know more about my hometown and the meaning of life. I feel ___(10)___ (pride) of being a volunteer guide to help more people learn about Changzhou.

  • 更新:2022-11-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Would you like to start your day with a cup of tea? If the answer is __(1)__, you may have the same habit as many people.

You may not know __(2)__ popular tea is. Among all kinds of drinks, tea is one of the two choices. People like it because it is __(3)__ for their health.

Tea is mostly produced __(4)__ Asian countries like China and India. Chinese people started to drink tea as early as 5,000 years __(5)__. At that time, people made tea in a simple way just put fresh tea leaves into hot __(6)__.

Tea wasn’t introduced into Europe until the early 17th century. And now it has __(7)__ popular in Europe and America. People there like to __(8)__ tea with sugar or milk in it. As the population of tea drinkers gets larger, tea business is getting __(9)__ important than before.

The first International Tea Day was on May 21st, 2020. Since then, people have celebrated _(10)_ every year. The Day makes people realize the importance of tea workers and....

  • 更新:2022-11-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
