
Nowadays we often work as a team.But leading a group of people can be difficult.People want team leaders they can trust.Would you like to be a good leader?Here's some(1)       for you.

Ask to know your team

Learn about each person on your team.You can't be a successful leader(2)       you know your team.Be a "learner" instead of a "knower" as you don't have all of the answers.Try to get close to them by(3)    questions.For example,as you pass someone,you can ask,"Hi!Do you enjoy doing these projects?" or "Do you have any ideas about how to do it better?"

Talk to your team

Be as active as you can when you stay with your team.It's a good practice to talk

(4)    with everyone on your team.Tell them what you're thinking about and what new projects you're considering,The more you talk to them,the more comfortable they will feel when they give you their opinions.

(5)    to your team

Let your team feel you're a good listener.Whenever they have problems at work or at home,listen to what they want to say.Be patient and(6)     trying to interrupt(打断)them.Make your team feel they can talk to you.

Care about your team

Show your team you care about them as (7)     are friends.People will work harder for their leaders if they feel they are really cared about.If someone comes to you(8)     a problem,always be ready to help.That will make your team trust and respect you more.

  • 更新:2021-09-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A study has been done at a university.Scientists divided a class into two groups,They made each group take notes(1)      different ways.The first group took notes by hand,The second one did it on the computer.The(2)       of the study was to find out which method would help the students learn better.The scientists thought Group Two would win.But to their surprise,Group One did a better job.Since you take notes by hand,stick to it!

Good notes can(3)       to less stress(压力)when test time comes around.Then how can you improve your note﹣taking skill?The following advice can help you.

Firstly,try to get yourself ready(4)       class begins.Be familiar(熟悉的)with the material that you are going to learn.Make sure you have your notebooks and pens on the desk.

Secondly,take notes wisely while listening in class.Many students become

(5)    taking notes and they may fail to follow the teacher.So it is important to know when to take notes.And remember to write down the key words and use shorthand(速记法)if necessary.

Thirdly,check your notes after class.You can add some details(细节)yourself first.If there is still something missing,compare your notes with(6)    .Do it with those who take notes carefully.These checks will also(7)    your chances of understanding what you've written.

Try the advice above.When you can take notes(8)        than before,you will find your lessons easier and more enjoyable.

  • 更新:2021-09-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Trees play an important role in our environment.For a start,they make air(1)    (更干净的)for us to breathe.The older a tree is,the more important it is to us.Why not look at ancient trees(2)    (仔 细地)around you and find out more?

For the past (3)   (十五)years,a charity called the Woodland Trust has been recording ancient trees in the country.It has created a database (数据库)about these tree.

Since the database was set up,the Woodland Trust has(4)     (添加)over 180,000 trees,but it believes there are many more to be found.It's hoped that all(5)    (成员)of the public will help to locate them ﹣ including you.

You can take an(6)    (积极 的)part in the Woodland Trust's project.Perhaps when you next go for a walk with your family,you can examine the trees you pass to see

(7)    (它的)age.If you find one that you think could be very old,record(8)    (确切地)where it is using an online map.If you want to record the tree,you should take a photo.Don't(9)    (忘记)to make sure you are allowed to examine it closely if the tree isn't on public land.

"Ancient trees are as much a part of our heritage (遗产)as works of(10)     (艺术),"explains Jeremy Evans of the Woodland Trust. "But they don't get the same protection.The good news is,you don't have to be a tree expert to take part".

  • 更新:2021-09-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

They eat wild animals,plants,berries,nuts,and insects.They hunt with bows and arrows.There are lots of dangerous snakes and spiders.It's one of southern Africa's

(1)    (hot) places,and there is often no water.Then they have to get water from plant(2)  they are ill,there are no hospitals.The people have to get medicine from plants too.

They are the San,(3)   last people living in the Kalahari.The San people have another name-"bush people".(4)     (they) lifestyle is very simple,but they know more about animals and plants than most people do.The San people live in small groups of 25﹣ 50.They live in huts-little "houses".These houses(5)      (make)of wood and grass.There are no schools for the children.Children learn from the older people in the group.There are lots of things they have to learn so that they can live(6)      a dangerous place like the Kalahari.In the evenings,the group of people often sit around a fire and tell stories.

The Kalahari is a big area of bushland in the southern Africa.It(7)     (have)two parts.There is less rain in the southern part than in the northern part,(8)    the south is drier.There are fewer plants and animals there,and it's more difficult for people

(9)    (live).But when it rains at the end of the summer,the land becomes greener and more beautiful.For a few weeks,there are(10)       (million)of little flowers and even butterflies!

  • 更新:2021-09-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Susan was tired of having her three children talk back to her.One day,she climbed into her kids' tree house.It was(1)    good place,she thought,for a mother to go on strike(罢工).She was tired of(2)    (drive) them everywhere without thanks and doing more than her share of the work around the house.Until(3)    (thing) changed,Susan decided to stay up in the tree.

Susan's strike got her kids' attention,(4)    course.But that was not all that happened.Word of the fed﹣up mother spread.Before long,a camera crew from television's Today Show came into their yard.Now people all across America were going to find(5)    who drove the kids' mother up a tree.

As the cameras worked,the three kids stood with their father near the tree house.Kate,the Today Show host,had a question for(6)    (they). "What do you think about your mom on strike in that tree house?" she asked.

"I am kind of embarrassed, " said Misty.

"I'm really shocked, "said Joseph. "I did not think it would go this far.My mom is much(7)    (crazy) than we thought. "

Rachel added, "I think mom is so strange(8)    I can hardly believe it. "

But Susan had made her point.If the kids(9)     (want) her back,they should know what to do.When the TV crew left,the kids went into their house(10)     (quick)and got busy.Not long after that Susan climbed down from the tree and went back to being a mom.

  • 更新:2021-09-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Ed,William and Dan are three young men who love music.They've left their comfortable homes without taking any (1)    (money)or mobile phones.They plan

(2)      (walk)around the whole Britain,singing for dinner and sleeping anywhere like fields.

Ed and Dan met William when they were at school.They all liked walking. (3)   they finished school,Ed went to study art in Paris and became (4)     artist.Dan became a gardener and William a bookseller.They were still friends, (5)     they weren't very happy with their lives.

One day they said, "Why don't we start walking?" And so they did.

They love simple activities (6)       the busy,stressful world.

"People often ask (7)       (we)why we're doing this.But you know it's a great life and we're learning so much on our journey," says William (8)       (proud).

Last year they started a website to tell people a lot of stories about their walks.

This year they'd like to make videos and tell (9)     (many)stories.Next year,they (10)     (make)a CD of their songs and start a charity.The future looks good.

  • 更新:2021-09-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The top Chinese scientist Yuan Longping,famous for his "Super Rice",died of illness at the age of 91(1)    May 22th,2021.

Yuan Longping(2)    (be)born in Beijing in 1930.For almost 60 years,he had given most of his time and energy to rice research.So far,the hybrid rice(杂交水稻)he developed(3)    (pull)millions of people out of hunger all over the world.His achievements were so great(4)    he was called "The Father of Hybrid Rice" and won World Food Prize.

During his lifetime,Yuan Longping spent(5)    (much)time in the farm field than in his office.He was often seen watching plants(6)    (close)and thinking of ways to improve them,just as many Chinese(7)    (farmer)do.

Yuan once said he had(8)       dream-to "enjoy the cool under the rice plants taller than men".(9)     a pity it is that he can't continue his dream now!But surely,people believe,his dream(10)         (come)true in the near future.

  • 更新:2021-09-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Things Spotter

    If you often lose things,you'll be happy with a new(1)   (发明)called Things Spotter.It'll look like a small key tag that can be put on your objects.The tag will(2)   (连接)to your mobile phone through BlueTooth technology.When you find something missing,don't(3)   (担心)!Just press a button on your mobile phone and a map on your screen will tell you where to look.

    Fire Recharger

    It's really fun to(4)   (扎营)in the wild!But what can you do if the batteries(电池)on your mobile phone are empty?Some(5)   (工程师)are working on a Fire Recharger.It(6)   (生产)electricity from the heat of fire.This means you can use a small fire to charge(充电)your mobile phone.It is very useful and will be(7)   (广泛地)used in the future.


    Those lively underwater photos are so beautiful,but not easy to take.Besides,underwater cameras are not(8)  (便宜的)enough.But soon you will have the(9)   (机会)to buy a pair of DigGoggles.That's the name of a(10)      (特殊的)diving mask that can take photos.Open and close your eyes twice and your camera will go 'click'!

  • 更新:2021-09-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

During the unusual winter holiday in 2020,we stayed at home for two (1)  (month)because of COVID﹣19.But my father,a member of the Communist Party of China,didn't stay (2)      us at home for too long.

    When my dad heard about some (3)      (use)work,he became a volunteer in a rural area to help check people's information and spread knowledge about COVID﹣19.As the situation became much (4)       (bad),24﹣hour traffic checkpoints were set up on the main roads to the village.There was only (5)      simple tent,a few chairs and two heaters for volunteers (6)       (spend)the night.The winter night was very cold and the volunteers could hardly sleep.But my father (7)     (final)chose to stay because he wanted to guard the gate for other people.

Dad (8)     (join)the Party a few years ago.At first,I didn't know much about it.After the pandemic,I learned that the Party members are people (9)    will step forward when China is in trouble.When I grow up,I want to become one of

(10)    (they).Even if I am not a Party member,I will make contributions to our society,making it a much better place.

  • 更新:2021-09-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On May 22,2021,the whole nation were saddened by the news that Dr.Yuan Longping passed away.That afternoon,it was(1)    in Changsha,Hunan Province.As the hearse (灵车)went slowly through the streets,people said together"Grandpa Yuan,rest in peace" over and over again.Some ran along,(2)    to see him off for a longer time.Tears ran down their faces with the rain.

   Dr.Yuan Longping worked most of his life growing better rice.As a result of his research,the Chinese people are no longer(3)    about getting hungry.For his contributions,Dr.Yuan is always called the"Father of Hybrid (杂交的)Rice" by the Chinese.

   Born in 1930,Dr.Yuan graduated from college in 1953.Years later,he decided to do (4)    on hybrid rice.From 1964 to 1969,he did more than 3,000 experiments,but all (5)    .He never gave up.In 1974,he became the first agricultural (农业的)pioneer (6)    grow rice that had a high output in the world.

   Dr.Yuan Longping was good at English.Actually,he spoke English(7)    he talked with foreign reporters.He liked swimming and playing the violin.He also wrote lyrics for a song to show his dream and(8)    his love for his mother.

   Like our neighbour and friend,Dr.Yuan Longing was a(9)    and caring man.He encouraged the young people and loved children.Dr.Yuan Longping is a great (10)   t  with a humble mind and a warm heart.

   Dr.Yuan Longping will live in our hearts forever.

(A.scientist B.worried C.failed D.to E.kind F.express G.rainy H.when I.trying J.research)

  • 更新:2021-09-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

All the runners stood nervously at the starting line.All of them had prepared

(1)    (they) for this important race.

The race meant more to a boy named Bill,because most of the other runners had greater speed.Could Bill realize his dream of being (2)    "all﹣school"runner?He would have to finish in the top 5 to win that honor.

Bill's life (3)    (fill)with disappointment.Primary school had been a long nightmare(噩梦) for him.Of all the reading skills,he even couldn't pick up(4)        (basic) one,although he had tried many times.Bill did not complain(报怨).He simply tried hard.But in the following years he was till unable to catch up with his classmates.

Then one day his teacher called us in (5)    a conversation.She said, "I'm sorry to have to tell you this,but Bill isn't trying anymore.He has given it up(6)    (complete). "I became very sad and afraid.I was afraid Bill might have forever lost heart.

I had a talk with Bill.I told him about my own experiences.I said, "(7)  I was the slowest one in my class in primary school,my parents and teachers were loving and understanding.Because of that,I made it through those years and finally went on to a music school.Now,you know,I'm a(8)      (piano).We think achievements come easily to others.Life usually isn't like that.The person who(9)       (success)is usually only a few percent. "Bill said, "Dad,I guess that not doing so well isn't all that bad if someone loves you and stands by you.

In the (10)        (nine) grade,Bill went out for the race again.

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
