
look good on other appear especially before share side and

In recent years, with the development of technology,many popular apps(应用程序) have been produced. These days, an app has caught great attention. It is douyin, a video sharing app. Douyin first (1)  in 2016. Now it is many people's favorite app,(2)  the young.

     With Douyin, users can record videos, edit (编辑)them and (3)  them online. It is very easy (4)  interesting. We can share our videos with our friends with just a tap on the mobile phone screen. What's more, it's a great way to spend our free time by (5)  through those funny videos.

     However, every coin has two (6)  . The app also has bad things. On the one hand,some people spend long hours (7)   the app, which is harmful for their health. On the (8)   hand, users can also find some bad things on the app. Such thing is unsuitable and meaningless.

     In my opinion, Douyin should check the videos (9)   they are uploaded(上传)in order to keep a healthy environment for its users.Douyin is not (10)  for teenagers. We should not use it too often.

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知



attend, return, set, wake, know, educate, eat, sleep, not do, study, ask

Parents are the first teachers of their children. Many people in Beijing return to school only because they have become parents.

    Ding Rong, a teacher from the Fourth Middle School of Beijing, said."Many parents either love their children too much or behave badly to them. They(1)  litttle about home education and thus make mistakes, Because of this situation, parents' schools are badly needed.

    "I (2)  to school next month, and it will help me treat my children in a better way, "said Xiao Chengjun, a 40﹣year﹣old woman worker. "I decided to do it when I(3)   the question.Do you really know your child?

    One pupil complained in a composition that his father always left so much smoke in the living room that he(4)  his homework there. Another wrote that his father often played mahjong(打麻将) at night while he(5)  The noise always(6)  him up.

    "It's the father's fault not to educate his son himself, "is an old saying. "But it is also the father's fault if he (7)  his son a bad example, " said Zhen Yan.

    A parent said,I(8)  in the parents' school for one year. After(9)  the school, I know more about my child and she also understands me more."

    Do you think your parents know how(10)  you properly? Do you want them to enter parents schools?

  • 更新:2021-01-09
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知



many, two, it, zoo, because, what, only, China, besides, national, history

With its black﹣ white coat, the animal is one of the most precious(珍贵的) animals in the world. It is native to China, proudly called the"(1)  treasure".(2)  name is Panda. The name of"Panda" now refers to(指的是) the giant panda.

    In China,(3)  the Great Wall and the Terracotta Army, the giant panda also attracts the world﹣ wide tourists

    As the most famous animal of (4)  the giant panda appears in the logo( 标志) of the World Wildlife Fund for Nature(WWF). It also has(5)  chances than other animals to be the mascot (吉祥物)of international games held in China. And it shows up as an actor on the big screen, such as Kung FuPanda.

    The giant panda is regarded as the symbol of peace. In Japanese (6)  records. the Tang Dynasty sent a couple of bears and seventy pieces of fur as national gifts to Japan.The"(7)  bears" were giant pandas.

    One female panda usually has (8)  one baby, and it is not easy for wild pandas to have twins anyway. If you want to see them, you'd better go to Chengdu. Why?(9)  the main breeding(繁育)centers were built around this area, Certainly some city(10)  also have giant pandas, such as Beijing Zoo. Chongqing Zoo, etc.

    The giant pandas are so lovely creatures(生物). More and more people become fans of Them.

  • 更新:2021-01-09
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Our feelings influence almost every decision we make. Instead of living a boring life, positive (积极的) feelings can help us a lot. The pity is that sometimes become victims of feelings.

    In one of my latest books, I compare people's ability to controls (控制) on a media player. Just like the controls can help you enjoy wonderful songs, these methods will be choices for you to manage feelings successfully.


    Take time to stop and think before you speak or act. Of course, you may feel sorry if you like doing something without thinking﹣like sending an angry email or posting something bad on social media. If you feel your feelings getting out of control, pause. If possible, go for a short walk. Once you've calmed down, decide how you want to move forward.

2.Volume control

    Have you ever noticed that when speaking with someone, your style or tone is a mirror (镜子) of theperson's you are speaking to? If you stay calm or quiet, they'll follow you. Shout or scream, and they'll do just like you. If a discussion starts to become worse, try to change it by softening your tone or lowering your voice.


    If you want to learn more about another person's thoughts, recording, one way of careful listening,may help. You don't need to reply at once; you're listening to understand. Through careful listening,you often see things you didn't see before and can even discover misunderstandings you didn't know.Don't judge or offer advice before you know more about others and the topic.

阅读以上信息, 用恰当的单词完成下面的短文, 每空一词.

    Sometimes, our decisions are affected by our feelings. If you keep positive feelings, you can(1)  living a boring life.Some methods can help you(2)  in controlling your feelings. First, doing without thinking may make you (3)  what you've said or done. It's wise of you to pause when your feelings become bad. Second, when speaking with someone, the other person usually offers you a reply in the (4)  style or tone. So controlling volume is very important.What's more, recording is one way of careful listening, with the (5)   of learning more about   another person's thoughts. Follow this way, you can judge or offer suggestions.

  • 更新:2021-01-09
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As I entered an international high school all my friends felt surprised at my short hair.This is because, my old school thinks teenage y(1)  aren't the time for looking pretty. Then I coloured my hair blue. For the first time, I felt free and beautiful. This international school s(2)     to meet my needs.

    I had a t(3)  education background. I went to public schools, received normal (常规的)education and was required to follow r(4)   like every other student. Later, I began to wonder

w(5)   this education was truly suitable for me.

    However, in the new school my high hopes were not met. For a while, I found myself in a surprising

situation as I faced before.It was s(6)  the biggest challenge I faced in my education﹣the freedom to try new things.In the old system,I was strongly advised a(7)     trying new things. But in my new school,it worked the opposite way﹣we had many chances to try new things.But if I f(8)  , I must be responsible (负责任的) because I put myself in such risk. Finally, it led me to get into trouble again.

    As time went by, I started to find my o(9)   balance.In fact,none of the education systems in the world are perfect. I am l (10)   enough to have a chance to bring great value from both systems together. As a result, I've built a system for myself.

  • 更新:2021-01-09
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


We confirmed that Jim was locked in the hut.We spent two nights d (1)   a hole under the hut.We came up under Jim's bed.He was very surprised to see us.We p (2)   Jim to free him when we were ready.Then we climbed t (3)   the hole back to our bedroom and talked about a plan.

    Tom wanted to make an adventure.He wrote a letter to Uncle Silas telling him somebody was planning to steal Jim.I put the letter under the front door.We waited for the c (4)   to free Jim.

The next night,some men were in Uncle Silas's sitting room﹣﹣all with guns!We jumped out of the bedroom window and climbed into the hut. "Come on,Jim!"Tom whispered. "Huck, you go first.Then you, Jim.I'll go l (5)  ."

    We heard somebody shouting, "The thieves have s (6)  Jim!" We quickly climbed out and ran towards the fence.

    We kept running like our f (7)   were on fire.We made it to the fence.I jumped over the fence and Jim followed me.Tom was right behind us.U (8)   ,he caught his trousers on a nail. He pulled t (9)   free but the men heard the noise.They started shooting. We ran to the river and jumped into the canoe. We lay down,out of breath.

    "Jim!You're a free man!" I said.We were all happy and Tom was the h (10)  

    "It was a great adventure,"Tom said. "And look!I got a bullet in my leg!"

    It was true.His leg was bleeding badly but he considered it as part of the adventure.

﹣﹣Taken from The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn

  • 更新:2021-01-09
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)      (2)            (3)      (4)      (5)  

(6)      (7)      (8)      (9)       (10)  

  • 更新:2021-01-09
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My favourite clothing is an old biker jacket. It (1)   (make) of thick black leather and it has a red lining. It belonged to my mother when she was young, so it's very old now!

    Why do I love my jacket? Because it (2)   (be) once my mother's and because it is very practical. I (3)   (not need) to iron it and I never need to get it cleaned. It (4)   (keep) me warm and dry, so I wear it all the time, except in summer. Also, leather jackets never go out of fashion and you can wear them with jeans, skirts and dresses.

    The other day, I was in a cafe and I left the jacket on the back of my chair. I (5)___  (realize) it when I was on the bus and I thought I'd lost it forever. At that moment a young guy jumped onto the bus and he (6)   (hold) my jacket in his hand! He had run after me down the road with it. We started chatting and I made a new friend. Now I think of it as my lucky jacket.

  • 更新:2021-01-09
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Chinese writing is one of the world's greatest writing systems. It is more w(1)   in use than alphabetic(字母的) writing systems. More than half of the world's books are written in Chinese, including historical writings and novels, along with writings on government and law.

    At the beginning, written Chinese was a picture﹣based 1 (2)  . It dates back several thousand years to the u(3)  of animal bones and shells on which symbols were carved (刻) by ancient Chinese people.Some of the ancient symbols can still be seen in t (4) _ hanzi.

    By the Shang Dynasty, these symbols had become a well﹣developed writing system.Over the years, the system developed into different forms, as it was a time when people were d(5)  

geographically, leading to different dialects(方言) and characters. This, however, c(6)  under Emperor Qishihuang of the Qin Dynasty.

    Emperor Qinshihuang united(统一)the seven major states into one country where the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction. That writing system was of great i(7)  in

uniting the Chinese people and culture. Even today, no matter where Chinese people live or what

dialect they speak, they can all still c(8)  in writing. Written Chinese has also become an important method to c (9)  China's present with its past. People in modern times can read the classic works which were written by Chinese in ancient times.

    Today, Chinese writing system is still an important part of Chinese culture, As China plays a g(10)  role in the world, an increasing number of international students are beginning to appreciate( 欣赏) China's culture through this amazing language. Written Chinese spreads Chinese culture wherever it goes.

  • 更新:2021-02-01
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Playgrounds in schools and parks are usually built to be safe enough. Most of the safety rules were created(1)   the 1980s, after a few accidents happened on playgrounds. Some children were hurt(2)   (serious) in these accidents. Their parents said the playgrounds weren't safe enough, and that the bosses that owned the playground(3)______ (have) to pay much money to those parents. After that, schools and cities began changing playgrounds to make them as safe(4)   possible.

    But safe playgrounds have not really made a(5)   (different) in the accidents. In fact, there have been more accidents where children have broken an arm or a leg. Some experts believe that this is because children can learn to be careful only(6)   they are in danger.

    Children should do things that seem a little dangerous﹣﹣﹣like climbing trees, riding bikes really fast or playing near water. Those things can teach(7)   (they) how to keep safe. When children have small accident, they learn how(8)   (avoid) worse accidents.

    If children(9)   (allow) to take some risks, they can become confident and independent.They also get better at problem﹣solving and teamwork.

    Many experts also believe that "safe" playground are too boring. They say that if playgrounds were more challenging and(10)   (excite), kids would probably get more exercise.

  • 更新:2020-12-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

really       painting      yourself      everything      to        keeps

singers      because      afraid        interesting      artists     since

One day, Shorya Mahanot, an Indian boy, went into his sister's room while his family were having dinner. He found a canvas (画布) and colors, and then had fun(1)   on the canvas. His mother and sisters rushed towards him. But (2)   his surprise, they hugged him instead of punishing him. His family have encouraged him paint(3)______ then.

    His sister and parents are(4)  . Their interest and collection influence him greatly. He is more and more interested in painting(5)   of the encouragement from his family and friends.As he(6)   creating new paintings, his imagination and creativity develop.

    He has made such rapid progress that people call him a Child Picasso. He feels great by this praise. He had never thought success. He just enjoys painting. When he is in front of the canvas, he forgets(7)   else. He knows exactly what he is feeling and what he wants to express. He (8)   feels happy to be an artist.Getting a title as a Child Picasso for doing what he loves, he thinks it is a happy thing for him.

    "Don't be (9)   to spend time on hobbies," he says. "Painting is the best way to express feelings. You can know (10)   better."

  • 更新:2020-12-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You have(1)  (probable) never heard of Amy Hayes, (2)  she is a most unusual woman. She never throws away things we(3)  (need) any more. She has always thought about how these things(4)   (put) to good use. She thinks that nothing is a waste. The windows and doors of her house come from old buildings around her town(5) ______were pulled down. The top of(6)  is an old boat(7)  (turn) upside down. And the gate is made(8)  rocks and old glass bottles. Amy isn't the only one who is good at(9)  (recycle). Jessica Wong uses old clothes to make bags. She(10)_____(do) this for a few years. Her bags are cute and useful.

  • 更新:2020-12-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the Wonders of the Ancient World. It was b(1)_____ more than 4,000 years ago in Egypt. It is so p(2)  that millions of tourists from around the world come to visit it every year.

    In Egypt there are over 80 pyramids and the l(3)  one is the Great Pyramid. It l(4)_____ on the west bank of the Nile. In fact, all the pyramids along the Nile are on the west bank. The ancient Egyptians compared the rising of the sun to the beginning of life and the setting of the sun to the end of life. That is w(5)  their dead bodies were buried (埋葬)on the west bank of the Nile.

    You can h(6)  imagine how huge the Great Pyramid is. It has over 2 million blocks. Some are as heavy as five school buses. A(7)  they were heavy, workers were able to put a block into the pyramid every three minutes.

    The workers, Egyptian men and women, worked in teams. The teams had different t(8)  . Some dug up the stones. Others moved them, Another team cut the stones. The last group put the stones into the pyramid. There were so many different teams, but the pyramid is perfect. No stone is in the w(9)  position.

    But how did the Egyptians move those heavy Stones to the top w(10)  any modern machinery(机械)? No one knows for sure. Many things about the Great Pyramid are still a mystery.

  • 更新:2020-12-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I live in Pennsylvania. It is a (1)  (north) state of America, which is the 33rd (2)  (large) state in America. You might know some of the cities, like Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Allentown. The state capital is Harrisburg. Now let me tell you a little more about my state.

    Several Indian tribes(部落) lived in Pennsylvania before(3)  (Europe)came. The Dutch came first, (4)  (follow) by Sweden. England started colonies(殖民地) later. After a few fights, they (5)  (take) control of the land.

    Pennsylvania (6)  (give) to the Penn family later. That is how Pennsylvania got its name. Pennsylvania was the (7)  (two) to join the nation. The city of Philadelphia (8)  (be)an important city since the colony was founded. It was even the capital of America, too!

    Today, Pennsylvania is sometimes regarded as the snack capital of the country. It is famous for snacks, like pretzels and chips, Heinz ketchup and sauces. There is also Hershey, which is well (9)  (know) as the chocolate company.

    There are steel companies in the state, as well as a lot of colleges. There are plenty of things (10)(do)   in Pennsylvania. There are several major sports teams. Pennsylvania has 121 state parks, and they all have free(11)  (enter). Hunting is popular here, too.

    Are you thinking about (12)  (visit) the state?

  • 更新:2020-12-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A. ride to the gym

B. because

C. keeping fit

D. so

E. cheer me up

F. enjoy my day off

G. healthier

H. also

I. funny

J. coughing and sneezing

    Hi Jake,

    How's it going? Sorry I haven't been in touch for a while, but couldn't use my computer for a few days. You'll never guess what happened to me!

    A couple of weeks ago, I decided to take up yoga. Yoga is a combination of physical and breathing exercises. It's supposed to be good for relaxation and (1)  . I've been feeling a bit stressed about my school work recently and I thought yoga might help.

    My dad couldn't give me a lift to the first lesson, so I decided to (2)  . The lesson was great and I felt really relaxed afterwards. On the way home, though, it started raining and I got very wet! The next day, I woke up with a bad cold. I couldn't stop (3)  

    I couldn't go to school (4)  .I also had a high temperature. We were having a math test that day so it was great that I could stay at home. I didn't really (5)  though. I felt awful and stayed in bed. Mum brought me cups of hot tea for my sore throat (and you know how much I hate tea!). She(6)  went to the chemist's and got me some vitamin pills. I have to keep taking these for a while.(7)  I can get stronger.

    That afternoon Robbie came to visit me. He said he'd got something to (8)  and pretended it was the math test that I'd missed. "Mr Bank says you can do it at home instead," he said, but I knew he was joking. I didn't think it was very (9)  , but he did!

    The next day, I was still a bit pale and didn't have much energy, but I was feeling better. The day after that, I was able to go back to school.

    Can you believe my luck? I went to the yoga class to feel (10)  and instead I caught a cold!

    Anyway, I hope you're OK. Write and let me know what you've been up to!

                                                                                                                     Bye for now!


  • 更新:2020-12-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
