
common, different, excuse, First, However, keep, only, parents, same

The film The Farewell tells a true story about the director's family. Billi, a Chinese American, lives in New York with her (1)  . Unluckily, her grandmother, who lives in Changchun, is seriously ill and has(2)   three months to live according to the doctor. Billi's parents and other relatives all come to Changchun, but they decide not to tell Billi's grandmother the bad news for the rest of her life.And they plan a wedding (婚礼) as an(3)  to bring everyone together before she dies. This is very(4)   in China.

    (5)  , Billi, who grows up in America, can't understand this.In her opinion,the patient has the right to know about his or her illness. It is illegal (违法的) to (6)_____ the patient in the dark. If you go to the end of your life, you may want to do something and meet some people one last time.

    What causes the(7)   ways of thinking? And is it right or wrong to lie to grandmother? This is just what the director wants people to think about.

  • 更新:2021-01-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear Aunt Mary,

    How are you? I (1)   (not, see) you for a few months, so I thought I should write you a letter and say, "Hi!"

    I have been pretty good lately. I (2)   (finish) junior high school soon, and I can't wait to go to senior high! Last week, I(3)   (get) a perfect score on my biology test, so my parents took me out to eat ice cream and watch a movie!

    Summer will be here soon, and I am very (4)   (excite) for summer vacation. I hope to join a baseball team. I want to be a pitcher (投手), but I know that I need to practice right now (5)   I am not good enough. Maybe you can come watch me (6) ______ (play) sometime! That would be great!

    Well, that's all for now. And I hope you are well. If you have time, please write me back!



  • 更新:2021-01-05
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  • 难度:未知

Da Mao and Er Shun are two pandas that have lived in Canada since 2014. They were going to stay there until 2023. However, they will be taken to China(1)   (early) than planned.

    They are now living in the Calgary Zoo in Canada. (2)   May 12, the zoo said that it was going to send the two pandas back to China. This is because the zoo can't get enough bamboo for   (3)  (they), Global News reported.

    Because of COVID﹣19 travel restrictions (限制), it has become more challenging for the zoo to get bamboo. According to the zoo, (4)   adult panda eats around 40kg of bamboo a day.

  • 更新:2021-01-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

cow, if, listen, that, grass, difficult, two, in, he, be

During the Warring States Period, there was a musician called Gongming Yi, who played musical instrument﹣qixianqin very well.He loved it so much(1)  he played it at home almost every day.A great number of people would like(2)  to him, and admired him very much. They all said that the man was such a great musician. When they(3)  free, they often went to Gongming Yi's house and listened to his music.

    One day, Gongming Yi saw a(4)  when he was having fun in the countryside.Suddenly,he had a strange idea. "Since everybody loves my music,why don't I play some music for this cow?" Then he moved his qixianqin(5)  front of the cow. And he began to play it. He played the qixianqin very well and the music was beautiful, but the cow showed no reaction at all. It just kept eating(6)  with its head down. He thought the music he played might be too(7)  for the cow.So he tried to play some easy music. However, after playing for a long time, Gongming Yi was disappointed. He began to question his musical ability. He said to(8)  ,"The cow didn't understand my music. "Then he shook his head and went away.

    This is a funny story,but it is educational. We can learn(9)  lessons from the story.First, don't say anything to the people who don't understand you at all. Second, (10) If  you talk to a wrong listener, you are silly and wasting time.

  • 更新:2021-01-06
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  • 难度:未知

George Reeder, 63, has been given a bravery certificate (证书) because of saving the life of a baby.

    It was a cold and windy morning.The local harbor(海港)master,George Reeder,(1)_____(do)his daily work when he heard a noise. On the other side of the harbor, some people were shouting,so he went there quickly by bicycle.

    "What's the matter? Why they (2)  (shout)?" George Reeder wondered while he was riding there.

    "Help! Help my baby!" A woman was screaming (高声喊),"My baby (3)  (be) in the buggy (婴儿车) in the sea."

    Mr. Reeder looked at the sea, and saw a baby's buggy in the deep freezing cold water. The strong wind had blown the buggy into the sea. Mr. Reeder quickly decided to do something.

    "I went over and saw that the buggy was upside down …and I(4)  (jump) in,"

said Mr. Reeder. He pulled the buggy over to the sea wall. Then some other people came to help.

    They tied a rope to the buggy and managed to pull it out of the water and to safety.

    Tanya Allen, a nurse who was passing by, gave the baby CPR (心肺复苏术) and was able to get him to breathe again. Then an air ambulance helicopter (急救直升机) arrived and the baby(5)  (take) to hospital.

    After he'd finished (6)   (help) the baby and the helicopter had gone, Mr.Reeder went home. A little later, the baby's grandfather went to his house and said, "Thanks a lot for what you(7)  (do). The boy is out of danger. He(8)   (leave) the hospital in two days." Mr. Reeder was very happy to hear that.

    Mr. Reeder said that he hadn't really been brave."It was everyone﹣ from Tanya doing the CPR to the helicopter pilot," he said."I'm just glad I could(9)   (help)." But when Mr. Reeder got the certificate, a reporter said,"This was a very brave act, as he put his own life at risk."

    (10)   (warn) the people not to walk along the seafront in very windy weather, Mr. Reeder has advised the government to put up some signs. "Hope this will help," said Mr. Reeder.

  • 更新:2021-01-06
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

promise, look, change, play, allow, hurt, give, take, love, ask, feed

It was a fine day. The sun was shining and the wind was gentle.

    The kids (1)  in their backyard when a little cat tried to cross into their yard. Unluckily, it got stuck(卡住的) under the fence(篱笆). The kids tried to free the cat, but they couldn't. So they asked their mother for help. The mother freed the cat. The cat (2)  so cute that the children begged(乞求) to keep it. Their mother said,"I suppose we can. I don't mind myself, but you must ask your father too."

    The kids waited anxiously(焦急地)for their dad back from work."Do you think our dad(3)  us to keep it?" the girl asked.Before the boy answered the girl,they heard their father opening the door."Hi,daddy," they both shouted loudly at the same time.

    "You are surely happier than usual to see me today. What is up?" their father said.

"Nothing, daddy. We just love you so much." the girl replied. That's when their mother said,"Go ahead. (4)  your dad."

    The girl told her dad what had happened and asked to keep the cat. The father said,"No,you can't.We (5)  five cats so far. Your mommy and I have no time(6)  care of any more."Hearing this, the kids lowered(低下) their heads disappointedly.

    Seeing the sad looks on the kids' faces, the father (7)  his mind. He said,"All right. Since you (8)  it so much, you can keep it." Hearing this, the kids happily screamed, "Hooray! Thank you, daddy!" However, the father added (补充说) that they (9)  to look after the cat by themselves.

    The kids were so happy to have another pet friend. Then the cat (10)  the name "Lucky" by the kids.

    So the cat had a place to call home.

  • 更新:2021-01-06
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

quiet,they, strong, interest, two, like. unless, choice, but, if, how

The secrets of self﹣control

    A new book, the bestseller, Willpower,says that having strong willpower(意志力)is necessary to a successful life.

    The book starts by describing a famous experiment: The Marshmallow (软糖)Test. In 1972, a psychology(心理学)professor Mischel tested the willpower of 600 kids. In the experiment,each child was left alone in a room for fifteen minutes with a marshmallow on a table in front of(1)  .They were given two (2)  ,they could either eat the marshmallow or if they waited fifteen minutes, they'd be given a (3)  marshmallow (and then they could eat both).

    So, what did the kids do? 70% ate the first marshmallow within the fifteen minutes.

(4)  the other 30% showed willpower﹣they didn't eat the first one and waited for the second marshmallow (5)  

    Twenty years later. Mischel discovered something (6)  .He got in touch with the children and found that those with strong willpower were getting better marks at university. They were better behaved and were more popular. So, (7)  important it is to have strong willpower!

    But don't worry (8)   you aren't good at controlling yourself. The authors say that willpower is like a muscle(肌肉).The more you exercise it, the (9)   it gets. However, just (10)  any muscle, your "willpower muscle" can get tired. So, if you have to do lots of things that need willpower, take a break.That way, you'll build up your willpower again.

    Lastly, the authors mention that people who learn foreign languages usually have a lot of willpower.So, congratulations!

  • 更新:2021-01-06
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  • 难度:未知

    Do you have difficulty learning English words?Well,(1)k   a vocabulary notebook for learning new English words is not difficult.Here are some easy steps.First,buy a notebook (2)w  at least 100 lined pages.You should select the color and size notebook that you prefer.(3)S  , write down any important words that you come across when reading or listening.This step (4)r  you to decide whether a word is important enough for you to learn now.Do not assume(认为) that you will learn the word (5)l  .The next step is a bit difficult because you need to decide (6)w   information about each word you will write in the notebook.

    Some learners write only a(7)t   of the word.Others write an example pharse using the word.I(8)   information that matches your learning style and your needs.Finally,the most important thing you can do to learn the words in your notebook is to(9)p   these words several times.If the pages of your notebook are well organized, you are more likely to review the words and their information over and over.If you (10)f   these important steps, you can improve your English greatly.Come and have a try!

  • 更新:2021-01-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Paper﹣cutting is a famous folk art with a long history in China. It was used during (1)f   to decorate gates and windows.After hundreds of years' (2)d  , it has become a very popular way of decoration.The main cutting tools are (3)s  ﹣ paper and scissors or a knife,but clever and skilled paper﹣cutting artists can make very beautiful artworks.Chinese paper﹣cutting works have these features﹣"Flower in flower,theme in theme." This means smaller pictures and stories are(4)h  in the works.You will be amazed by the wonderful designs when you look at their paper﹣cutting works (5)c  .Through Chinese paper﹣cutting, people express their best wishes.

  • 更新:2021-01-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

love; of; fly; give; other; still; surprised; fail; long; full

A bird went to look for its happiness in far﹣away places. One day, it suddenly saw a little flower, whose face is(1)  of smile. The bird asked the little flower, "You're going to die. Why are you(2)  so happy?" "Because I will achieve my dream. My dream is to produce sweet fruit." said the little flower. Then the little bird realized that happiness was a hope in the heart.

The bird continued(3)  and saw a lame(瘸的) duck helped a little duck find the way back home. Although it was disabled,it had a smiling face. "I'm happy because I can help(4)  ," said the lame duck. So the bird realized that happiness was a(5)  in the heart.

The bird kept flying and suddenly saw a spider climbing up a wall.The spider fell off the wall halfway,but it kept climbing again and fell off again.Even so,the spider didn't(6)   up. The little bird asked the spider in(7)  , "you(8)  again and again, why don't you have pain but happiness on your face?" "As long as I keep making my efforts, I' m able to climb it up. Because(9)   this, I'm so happy," said the spider. The little bird realized that happiness is a faith (信念) in the heart.

So the little bird no(10)   looked for happiness because it had seen the truth: happiness is not in the faraway place but in your own heart.

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Ernest Hemingway, the son of a doctor and a music teacher, was born in 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois. Hemingway's father(1)  (teach) him early on how to hunt and fish, two activities Hemingway loved throughout his life.Instead of(2)  (go) to college, Hemingway became a reporter for the Kansas City Star.

    Later, in Europe, he worked as a driver(3)  the Italian army until he was wounded and shipped home, where he again wrote for newspapers. Two years(4)   , he moved to Paris, where he hoped to improve his writing. There he became friends with other(5)  (America) writers, including Gertrude Stein and F. Scott Fitzgerald.

    Hemingway developed(6)   style of writing that was simple and direct. He chose words sparingly(俭省地), avoided using adjectives, and trusted the reader to understand the(7)  (mean) of his writing. As he put it, "I always try(8)  (write) on the principle(原则) of the iceberg(冰山). There is seven eighths of it under water for every part that shows. " This style continues to influence writers today. In his career(生涯), which lasted some 40 years, Hemingway earned the Pulitzer Prize and the Nobel Prize. He was one of the finest writers of the(9)   (twenty) century.

    For a while Ernest Hemingway lived in Key West, Florida, where he had nearly 50 cats. One of them was a cat with six toes(脚趾), which a ship's captain had given him. Today his Key West home is a museum, and many cats still live there. Some of them are(10)  (child) of Hemingway's six﹣toed cat. Hemingway was married four times and had three sons. He died in 1961.

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

want best slowly until when happiness

facing in still now high not

My Dear Azhaan,

    I want you to know that you remind me of myself in so many ways. You are like a better and Improved version(版本) of me. I look at you and I see myself(1)   your eyes. I wish I had that confidence(信心) and even some of your bossiness(霸气) at that age. Yet, I'm also troubled on seeing this confidence(2)   disappearing, because you are(3)   many different things. I want you to know that your confidence is one of the (4)     things about you. All of us admire your confidence. However, you are(5)   confident enough these days, because you are beginning to dislike your own body.

    You are not fat. I agree that you could be a little healthier. You could eat a little less junk food. However, I don't know when you'll begin to enjoy fruits, but I believe that you will.

    I think one of the moments of(6)   for me was when you were born, and the doctor said, "Congratulations, you have another baby boy," not because you were a boy but because you were healthy.

    You're too young to understand this(7)   no one realizes the importance of a normal life

(8)   it is away from them. What I(9)   for you is happiness: the understanding that you are not perfect and that it is okay because none of us is!

    Stay confident and keep your head(10)  , my little boy﹣who is growing up too soon!


  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One of the world's most dangerous sports is mountain climbing, and one of the(1)  popular places for this is the Himalayas. The Himalayas(2)  (run) along the southwestern part of China.

Of all the mountains, Qomolangma rises the highest and is the most famous.(3)   is 8,844. 43 meters high and so is very (4)  (danger)to climb. It is very hard to take in air as you get near the top.

     The first Chinese team (5)  (reach) the top in 1960, while(6)  first woman to succeed was Junko Taibei from Japan in 1975.

     Why do so many climbers risk their lives? One of the main (7)  (reason) is that people want to challenge themselves (8)   of difficulties, The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up (9)  (try) to achieve our dreams. It also shows that humans(10)  (be) stronger than the forces of nature in some situations

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Why Short Stories Are Best for English Learning?

    You get more time to focus on words.When a text is short,you can have more time to learn how every single word is used and what importance it has in (1)   text.This is more useful for those(2)   are beginners of English.

    You can read a whole story at a time.Attention length is very important for learning.And the ability to finish a story gives you more time (3)  (understand)it.Short stories are written to give you (4)  (much)information with less effort.

    It is best for consistency(一致性).It is much easier to read one story every day than trying to read a big novel that never(5)  (seem)to end.

    You can share them easily in a group.Since short stories can (6)  (read)in any place,they are perfect for book clubs and learning circles.Most of the time these groups do not work because members have no time to read.Short stories are the perfect way for them.

    You can focus more on ideas.Language is less about (7)  (word)and more about the meanings behind them.If you spend all your time (8)  (learn)vocabulary and grammar,you will never be able to speak a language (9)  (smooth)because you will have little to talk about.Short stories give you the chance to understand big ideas in a short text.

    In a word,short stories will not only improve your English reading comprehension(理解力)(10)   also open your mind to different worlds.

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


     She used to sleep on the sidewalk of the Fifth Street Post Office.I could smell her before I came close.She (1)  (wear) dirty clothes and her mouth was nearly toothless.If she was not asleep ,she talked to (2)  (she).What a poor old lady !

     One Thanksgiving ,we had lots of food (3)  (leave) over.I thought about the old lady.She might be still hungry.So I packed the food up and rode over to the Fifth Street.It was a cold night.There was hardly anyone out.But I knew she would stay at the same place and I would find her (4)  (easy).There she was ,sitting against a tree near the post office.She(5)  (dress) as she always was.I went to her and said ,"I've brought you some food. Would you like some turkey and apple pie ?"

     However ,the old woman didn't seem to be very (6)  (excite) about this.She looked at me and said ,"Oh ,thank you very much ,but someone (7)  (give) me food earlier and I'm quite full now.Why don't you take it to someone else who (8)  (need) it ?"

     Her manners were gracious(亲切的).I was the person who didn't know what (9)  (say).An old lady whose life was (10)  (bad) than most of us still thought others.Why don't more of us do that ?

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
