
as;   egg;   live;   kindness;   have;   protect;   another;   moving;   at;    nothing

Scott often goes to supermarket for shopping.One day,he went to shop at the supermarket(1)   usual. While he was looking for a parking space, he saw a goose(鹅) standing in the middle of the road. He thought it might be injured, he parked the car and   (2)   a look. However,the goose looked angry and tried to drive him away. He could do(3)   but leave.

When Scott finished shopping and walked out of the supermarket, he was surprised   (4)   what he saw. The goose was still walking around the parking lot, and there was(5)   goose not far away.

A few traffic cones(锥形警告路标) had been put around it. Scott knew it was a female from its feather. A man from the supermarket told Scott they had done so in order to(6)   " the family"."The family?"" Yes, the female goose was found laying(7)   ."

A few hours ago, Scott shared this(8)   story on the Internet. Indeed, it was just a small thing, but showing the(9)   of human nature. If all of us can(10)   peacefully with animals, we believe that our earth will become better.

  • 更新:2021-02-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

he; go;   take;   race;   world;   difficult; well; wide; have; be

For most of us Chinese, Rick Clay might not be so popular. However, the name is     (1)   known in the sports field. Rick Clay lives in Wellington, New Zealand. He is one of the(2)   top athletes (田径运动员). He first became famous five years ago when he broke the 400m world record.

Rick(3)   won five gold medals (奖牌) in the last few years. This year has been very(4)   for Rick, however. In May, he had bad luck because he hurt(5)   by accident while he was preparing for this year's Tokyo World Championships. He was(6)   to the hospital. The doctor said it was not serious but would still take some time for him to be all right again. Ever since then, he has not run in any more(7)   

Rick has tried to be positive (积极的) about his health."It's been a hard year,but I'm getting(8)   , though it takes time," he said. "I love green plants and flowers.There (9)   many in my yard. I have done lots of gardening and spent more time with my family. So that's good."

The next world competition is in Sydney in December."I really want to (10)   . But I'm not sure if my leg will be ready for the game. I do hope it will be by then."

  • 更新:2021-02-24
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I   but   ask   stop   final   which   one   he   who   hide   happy   feeling

I spent many years of my life pretending(假装). I told that I was happy with my job, although I knew from the(1)   day that it wasn't fit for me. I pretended to agree with everyone around me to avoid the risk of disagreement. After spending so much time hiding my true self, I(2)   felt that I'd had enough of that﹣I was really tired of pretending.

I made up my mind(3)   pretending. It's easier to pretend than to be truly honest with ourselves,(4)   it comes with a heavy price. If I pretend my job is satisfying. I probably won't make the necessary changes to create a new job(5)   will bring pleasure to my life. If I pretend to be happy in a relationship when my true(6)   clearly say something else, how can I improve my relationship?

These days, I'm always saying what's true for me.When I(7)   to work on a new project.I said that I wasn't good at it because I had little experience with it.In the past.I always(8)   that fact and felt bad about it for days or even weeks.During parties.I admit(承认)that I hate(9)   job and can't wait to leave. In the past. I pretended I liked it just to fit in with everyone else.

Pretending is costly(代价高的).It is not money we give away but peace of mind,and(10)   .I stopped pretending from then on.

  • 更新:2021-02-23
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

because   bring   city   easy   even   goal   important   make   repeat   they

Chile (智利) is a long and beautiful country with ocean to the west and mountains to the east.Some of the villages are a very long way from(1)   and some of the schools are very small.

It is difficult for small schools to teach science(2)   they don't have enough teachers or equipment(设备).This is where the Science Bus Project can help.The bus(3)   special science teachers,new ideas and equipment to schools in different parts of the country.Sometimes the children go inside the bus for(4)   science lessons or clubs.Sometimes the teachers(5)   bring the equipment inside the classroom.The children do experiments(实验).The materials used in the experiments are(6)   to find,for example recycled plastic bottles,so that the class teacher can(7)   the experiments with the class when the bus has gone.

The(8)   of the Science Bus Project is to bring science to children all over Chile.Since 2012,the bus has visited lots of schools in Chile,and hundreds of teachers have learned how(9)   their science classes fun and exciting.

Science is(10)   for all of us,as it helps us understand our world and we can learn about it inside or outside of the classroom.

  • 更新:2021-02-23
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

present;   if;   last;   they;   usual;   other;   interest;   good;   help;   have

Friendship and kindness go hand in hand.A friendship can(1)   forever when friends are kind to each other.

People(2)   become friends because they have something in common.They share many of the same(3)   and like to be together.It is easy to be a friend when everything is going great, but a true friend is one who sticks around in both the(4)   times and the bad.A good friend will cheer you up when you are(5)   a bad day.Show a friend you care. Ask the other person,"What can I do to help you?"and be willing to do it.

Listen to your friends.Be honest.Tell(6)   what is wrong if they have hurt you.Send a card, give them a little(7)   , or call them on the phone just to say "I value our friendship".(8)   whenever and wherever you can.Good friendships are not easy to develop, but a friendship can last forever (9)   you are loyal and sincere.If you are a friend to(10)   , they will usually be a friend to you.Friends make life better.

Word Bank

loyal 忠实的

sincere 真诚的

  • 更新:2021-02-23
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


attention study developed easier after everywhere most an countries before

Recently, a very simple sentence, "Amazing, my motherland" has become wildly known in China.As we know, China has (1)   quickly these years and it has become one of the (2)   important countries in the world. Foreigners pay more (3)   to this ancient eastern country﹣China.

Lily, an Australian girl, has ived in China since three years ago.She is (4)   in a university in Nanjing now.Great changes make her amazed. "I think finding jobs is (5)   in China than that in Australia. I will work her (6)   I finish my school work in Nanjing" Lily said.

In Nanjing,we can find new buildings(7)   The great changes are much more than

(8)   .The achievements so surprising.China is developing the trade and the friendship with other (9)   . China is playing(10)   important role in the world.

  • 更新:2021-02-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

age   who   like    child    though    protect

you   ask    find    fall      about     complete

A female swimming athlete once set a goal(目标)for herself. She decided to swim across the English Channel before she retired. If she could succeed, she would be the first person in the world (1)   did it. On that day, she jumped into the sea without any hesitation(犹豫)and swam towards the opposite bank without any (2)   . In the journey, she faced heavy fog, heavy rain and heavy waves. (3)   she was tired, she still carried on swimming. But in the end, she gave up. And she didn't know that the opposite bank was only one mile away when she gave up.

Later she(4)   about the reason. And she said, "The reason why I gave up is that I could not see the place which I was going to reach(5)   ." It was a great pity that one mile broke her dream.

Since we were young (6)   , too many success stories have been telling us about courage and persistence(坚持). But they never told us where (7)   courage and persistence. You can only have courage when you know where your goal is. You can only manage to persist when you know where your goal is.

And that's because when you know where your goal is, you can only prepare(8)   well in the mind. Courage and persistence never (9)   from the sky. They come from weighing between input and output.

A life without goal is(10)   a ship without a compass. It goes nowhere. There is no courage or persistence in a life without goals.

  • 更新:2021-02-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Know     life     different     back     and     interesting     sign     real     find     they

The planet Mars is the closest and most similar planet to Earth. It is very(1)   to scientists. For example, Mars has seasons with(2)   weather, but other planets have the same temperatures all year round. Was there(3)   on Mars?

To find out, scientists need(4)   if Mars ever had water. In 2004, two robot explores (探测器), or 'rovers', called Spirit and Opportunity were sent to look for(5)   of water. These rovers can drive over rocks(6)   all kind of rough ground. They can also use cameras and send photos(7)   to Earth. First, the two rovers found chemicals and patterns (图纹) in the rocks that were probably made by water. Then, they moved to another area and(8)   other rocks which may have been created by water. Now scientists think there was probably water on the planet long ago. Today (9)   are still not sure if there was life on the mars. They(10)   need more information to decide. The discoveries of the two rovers answered some old questions, but they also brought up many new ones.

  • 更新:2021-02-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

excitement     somewhere       fresh     make sure     repaired

(1)There are not many tickets left for the movie. You have to   that you get one today.

(2)Mr.Brown had his house   last month and it cost him 500 dollar.

(3)Ma Long won gold medal in German ping﹣pong match and jumped with   

(4)Everyone is thirsty for breathing   air in order to keep healthy.

(5)It seemed that we had met   in the downtown of Urumqi.

  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

be of medium height, social, bored, laughter, this , compete, eighth, introduction

Do you have a friend? In the modern(1)   ,friends are an important part of our life. Without friends, life will be(2)   . As a matter of fact,a true friend reaches for our hands and touches our hearts. Here,let me(3)   my friend Jack to you. Jack is a handsome boy who(4)   . When I was in Grade Seven,I took part in an English singing(5)   . When the result came out, I learned I failed ! I could hardly hold back my tears. I felt that the world became cold and I was(6)   at by everyone. How sad I was! Just at that time,I received a letter in English, saying, "Cheer up! Have confidence in yourself. Keep on practicing and you'll succeed." I knew it was from my friend Jack.(7)   words encouraged me greatly. From then on, I practiced even harder. When I was in Grade(8)   ,I took part in another contest and won first prize. I' m so lucky to have such a good friend.


  • 更新:2021-02-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

pull together; a pair of; work out; such as; thousands of; are thirsty for

(1)The students in my school   knowledge and are very hard﹣working.

(2)I believe if we   , our table tennis team can do much better next time.

(3)Eric bought his father   black shoes with his pocket money on Father's Day.

(4)Giant pandas are one of our national treasures. They are seen by   people every year.

(5)Exercise   playing sports is fun. We can spend time with friends as we play together.

  • 更新:2021-02-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

         get up;    in fact;     is good at;    take in;     a symbol of;     around the world

(1)Scientists   are working together to find a cure for AIDS.

(2)Everyone    something, but some people are truly talented.

(3)It's very hard for the climbers to   air as they get near the top of Qomolangma.

(4)The dragon plays an important part in Chinese festivals. It is    the Chinese nation.

(5)   .many countries hope to build trade relations with China because of the"Belt and Road".

  • 更新:2021-02-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


true,   celebration,      breathe,   correct, go on,     twentieth, excite,    decide

Mark was a clever pupil. After he (1)   his eighth birthday, his teacher announced a school spelling competition. He wanted to win the first prize. In order to get good luck before the competition, Mark made a (2)   to go to the barber's(理发店). The barber Jimmy was friendly young man. He asked Mark, "Do you have confidence in the competition?" "Maybe." Mark answered. "Can you spell the word 'confidence'? The barber(3)   asking Mark. "C﹣O﹣N﹣F﹣I﹣D﹣E﹣N﹣C﹣E. Confidence." Mark answered. "Oh, you're great! A lot of people spell the word wrong, but you can spell it (4)   ," the barber said, "Remember that confidence is a winner's secret weapon(武器)." "A winner's secret weapon?" Mark held his (5)   and stared at the barber's face in the mirror. "Oh, I'll remember what you said." In the end, Mark won the competition. How (6)   Mark felt!

(7)    years later, Mark founded his own company and made a lot of money. Once a reporter asked him. "How did you become so successful? Mark answered. "To tell the(8)    , confidence is my secret weapon."

  • 更新:2021-02-06
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知



We might have to fact:Sometimes life can become pretty boring.Here(76)   just a few easy ways to make your life more interesting.

Listen to some different kinds of music.If you're still listening to the same songs that you listened to years ago,(77)   it's time to try something new﹣rock,jazz or country music.Which(78)   of artists out there,there is always something new.

(79)   to people.This is probably one of the easiest things you can do,but it(80)   that so many people don't do this.The best part is that you can do this anywhere.(81)   you're shy.just start by saying hello to people.An easy way to do talk about something in the environment around you.You'll meet some very interesting and funny people.

Try a new kind of food.Go somewhere to try some food you have never(82)   before You can always ask the people who work there what to order.They know what is popular on the menu.New food make you feel(83)   

Learn a foreign language.It's interesting to see how another language works.Take(84)   .for example,its pronunciation and spelling are very different(85)   English you can find some websites that show you words and their pronunciation of a new language.

  • 更新:2021-02-06
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

ability begin your difference heavy description daily put

One day,our English teacher Mr.Smith came into the classroom with a book in his hand.He started his lesson with a question."Who can(61)   what stress(压力) is like?"No one answered.Then he raised the book and asked,"How heavy is the book?"We(62)   to think and guess.One students stood up and said,"I think it is 100g."Another student said,"It's 200g"Our answers were(63)   .At last,Mr.Smith explained."It doesn't matter on the real weight.It depends on how long you hold it.If I hold it for a minute,it is OK.If I hold it for an hour,I will have a pain in my right arm.If I hold it for a(64)   ,you will have to call a doctor.It is the extra same weight,but the longer I hold it,the(65)   it becomes.This book stands for stress.If you hold it without(66)   it down,sooner or later,you will not be(67)   to keep on.No matter how much stress you have,stop and have a rest for a while if possible.Boys and girls,you should learn to relax(68)   .I am sure you will live a happy school life."We will never forget Mr.Smith and the meaningful(有意义的) lesson.


  • 更新:2021-02-06
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
