
Do you know Sweden?It l    (1)in the north of Europe. It is the fourth largest country in Europe with an area of 450,000 square kilometers and a p    (2) of about 8.5 million. Over one third of them live in the three largest cities, namely Stockholm, Goteborg and Malmo.
More than half of Sweden is c     (3) with trees. It is one of the r    (4) countries in the world. About 100 years ago Sweden became industrialized(工业化). Today less than one third of the people are f      (5).
Sweden is the country where the world-famous Nobel Prizes are awarded. Many people who have been to Stockholm, the c    (6) of Sweden, must have visited the places where Nobel Prizes are awarded.
The first language of Sweden is Swedish. English is the first f    (7)language in schools. Many middle-school students can s    (8) two to three languages. Most of the Swedish people, men and women, o    (9) and young, can speak English. So there is no p    (10) speaking with them in English. 

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Pen pal wanted
His name is Wang Lei. He is a(1)C_____ boy. He wants a pen pal in(2)F_______ . He thinks it’s a very(3)i______  country and he wants to learn some French. He(4)l_____  in Beijing, China with his parents now. He is 14 (5) y______  old and his (6) b______  is in November. He can speak Chinese and a little English. What are his (7) l______ ? He likes watching sports games on TV and (8) p_____ computer games with his friends. His favorite subject is computer science. It’s (9) f______ . He doesn’t like math, because it’s too difficult.
Please write to (10) h____ and be his pen pal.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A little monkey is p   1   by the lake. He sees some fish swimming i  2  the lake.
How i   3   they are! Now some frogs are j    4    into the water and o   5  are swimming h    6    in the lake. The monkey t   7   it’s easy to swim. So he wants to jump into the lake. The fish and frogs all say, “You c   8  swim. Don’t come d  9   or you’ll be dead.” But the monkey doesn’t believe that. The monkey is in the water now. Of course he can’t swim and he is going to be dead. The fish and frogs are p   10  him out of the water and saving him.
Remember: “It’s easy to say, but hard to do.”

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Few students ______( ask ) to work hard at their lessons here, are they?
The police promised that they ______(solve) the case as soon as possible.
The school trip we look forward to ______(take) place this Saturday.
My parents didn’t go to the cinema with me, they ______ already______(fly) to America.
______(catch) up with  his friends, he ran as fast as he could.
China ______(send) up several spacecraft into space in the last few years.
The charity show ______(organize) by my classmates last year was a great success.
I’m sorry I didn’t catch what you said because I ______ (type) the letter.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

根据短文内容, 完成下面各题。
Where there is a will(意志), there is a way. The secret of s  1   is not much money but a strong will. In other words, a man can’t w  2   without a strong will. It is quite clear that there is n  3   difficult in the world. If a person makes up his mind to do it, he will certainly r  4   his purpose. The following are the d _ 5  that  a student should remember: we s  6   care about our parents; we have to study as hard as p _ 7   ;we must be honest and keep our words as w  8  . Each of us should receive good e  9   . Our parents send us to school to let us get k  10   and wish us to be a hard-working and successful person in the future. So when we fail, don’t lose heart. Keep on working t __11  we succeed. Make sure nothing could prevent you from t__12_____

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Today   is Sunday.  We   don’t  have _  1___(一些) classes .  We  want  to  go f_ 2__ a  picnic  with  our  teacher .  All  the  students  think  it  is __ 3____(有趣) 。 We meet _ _4__ the school gate at about seven thirty.  Some of us go there on f_5___.  Wang Dong and Lin Tao go there _6___ bus.  All of us are very h_ _7___.
__8___(看)!  Liu Ying is singing.  Liu  Qiang  and  Wang  Li  are _ 9__(跳舞)。 The others are talking.  We all have a good __ 10____

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I often go to  1 with my friends, Mike. My   2 actor is Paul Jackson. He has a new movie, My Father’s   3.It’s a very funny   4 Mike likes the actor Rick Smith. He  5 likes his movie, Black  6 .It’s a very  7  movie, but I think it’s. One   9_____ thing: Mike is English, but he likes Beijing Opera! He often goes to see Beijing Opera on  10 .Mike’s  father likes it, too!

  • 更新:2020-03-18
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  • 难度:未知

Did you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world (after water), was invented by __________? Although tea wasn’t brought to the Western world _________ 1610, this beverage was __________ over three thousand years before that. __________ to an ancient Chinese legend, the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he was _________ drinking water __________ an open fire. Some __________ from a nearby bush fell into the water and __________ there for some time. The emperor noticed that leaves in the water produced a pleasant __________. Later he decided to taste the hot mixture. It was quite delicious. And _________ this way, one of the world’s favorite drinks was invented.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I’m looking forward to seeing my daughter and her daughter, my granddaughter.
I’m going to visit  1 in China because it’s my granddaughter’s birthday. I’m going to  2 the plane to Beijing because they live there. We are going to do some sightseeing because we like Chinese  3 . We’re going to visit the Forbidden City and  4 we are going to walk   5 the Great Wall.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A small town named Bundanoon in Australia has decided to stop the sale of bottled water(瓶装水). They say that bottled water can cause environmental problems. Too many resources(资源) are used to make bottled water. When people finish drinking the water, the bottles will be thrown away and go into dustbins. So they require local people in the town to stop buying bottled water and use tap water to drink. Visitors are encouraged to get water from water stations in the main streets, and fill the water in bottles that can be used again. The decision has been supported(支持) by all the shopkeepers in the town. Bundanoon is the world’s first town that has got its shop selling bottled water. Probably we should follow the example. Let’s stop buying bottled water and use tap water!

Australian Town Bans(禁止) Bottled Water     
Where bottled water is first banned
A small town with the ____61_______ Bundanoon
___62_____ bottled water is banned
To help solve environmental problems
What local people use for ______63____
Tap water, not bottled water
The place which visitors get water ___64
Water stations in the main streets
Other people who have supported the plan
______65____ the shopkeepers in the town
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What he said was already           (记录) by the police.
Congratulations! You’ve answered all the questions           (正确地).
Mr Wu received a present from his friend, but he didn’t a_____________ it..
The camera was one of the greatest _____________(发明)in the world.
You have to be p___________ enough to wait for your turn.
Now people eat______________ (health) than before and many of them pay much attention to doing sports after work.
The boy           __ (take) to hospital at once after he fell off the tree.
we must do what we can            (save) the girl. She is too young.
We hope that more charity shows       __ (hold) to raise money for Project Hope.
The boy considered              (he) as the smartest boy in his class.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

1. He has a_________ his dream of becoming the winner in this competition.
2. She took part in helping people in the Wenchuan Earthquake. She would never forget this unusual e        .
3. I like c______ with my friends online very much.
4. In Lily’s paper there are f_____ mistakes than  in Jack’s.
5.I read my essay a_________ in class and everyone can hear me clearly.
6. His speech was boring, but he did not r__________ it.
7. He is good at thinking. I think he can answer the question in a d__________ way.
8. Would you mind not w______ your time?
9. Don’t stay up late, or you will feel s___________ in class during the day.
10. He joined the army(军队) five years ago, so he has been a s___________ for five years.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Let   try, and I will understand. (I)
I have met many kind teachers in the past three years. I think I am a   girl. (luck)
Life to everyone is only     , we shouldn't waste time. ( one )
Give up  ! It's bad for your health. (smoke)   
Li Na is one of the best tennis     in the world. (play)

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If Simon_________________ (have) time next weekend, he will go to the zoo.
How_________________ (care) you are! You’ve knocked the cup off the table again!
Yesterday was the _________________  (hot) day of the year.
It seemed that the victim had many_________________  (enemy).
I’m patient. I don’t mind _________________  (wait) for people.
Susan plays the piano very _________________ (好).
Have you ever_________________ (骑) a horse?
I’m sure your cousins can do these exercises _________________ (自己)
I love children, _________________ (尤其,特别)when they smile.
My brother sleeps with the window open _________________(除非)it’s really cold.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Guilin is a very beautiful city in the s       of China. How I want to go on a trip there!
What’s the   of China? It’s about 1.4 billion. China has the most people in the world.
Never forget your own country w       you go in the future.
C      with the past, our life today is much better.
—I don’t know what to do w_______ my computer. It doesn’t work well again!
—Why not ask Mr Jiang for help? He is a computer engineer.
After a terrible earthquake, food, water and     (帐篷) are needed most.
For thousands of years, the Great Wall has been the     (骄傲)of all the Chinese people.
You don’t like eating snacks and I don’t like eating snacks,      (也).
The special boots can prevent astronauts from    (漂浮) away into space.
On the moon we could      (容易)jump much higher than on the earth.
Tian’anmen Square is the biggest square in the world and is often     (fill)with tourists.
Neil Armstrong got his student       (pilot) licence at the age of 16.
Last year our school held the 12th School Art and Culture Festival and it was a big     (success)
Thomas Edison was one of the greatest      (invent) in the world.
He made up his mind to explore places that were   (know) to humans today.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
