
Do you know how rice first came to China? There is an old Chinese story

(1)   is about little girl who went out to fish. There was famine(饥荒)and everybody was very (2)   /'hʌŋgrɪ/.

    The little girl felt her net growing heavy and was very happy. However, it was the King of Frogs(青蛙)that she(3)   /kɔ: t/.The frog told her to hold out her fishing net to the sun's rays and he would sing(4)   magic song.The little girl followed his instructions.She was(5)  (great)surprised to see the rays of sunshine falling through the net. And they were changed (6)   golden grains(谷粒)of rice. The first rice was thought to arrive in this way.

    We do not know whether this story is true, but it tells (7)  (we)that rice has the same value as gold to the Chinese. Rice (8)  (be)always the main food for the Chinese.For centuries, much land has been devoted(奉献)to rice﹣planting and many Chinese people are (9)  (farmer), who work very hard for each grain.

    It's important to (10)   /seɪv/ food and say no to waste. After all, waste not, want not.

  • 更新:2021-01-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Before paper was invented,people wrote or drew on materials such as bamboo,

(1)  /sɪlk/,animal hide,and wooden blocks.Writing materials were (2)  (real)expensive and few people learned to read.Therefore,few people wrote.This all changed,thanks (3)   a man named Cai Lun.

   Paper had already existed(存在)in China,but the process for (4)  (produce)it was difficult and the paper was of low quality.Cai Lun began experimenting(试验)with many different materials and different (5)  (method)to turn those materials into paper.In the year 105,he made it from tree bark,bamboo,cloth rags,and fishing nets.His paper was (6)  (strong)and cheaper than any paper that had been made before.

With Cai Lun's papermaking method,Chinese culture (7)  /gru:/ more rapidly over the next several centuries.That's because ideas were much easier to share (8)   more people learned to read.The use of paper spread abroad,helping (9)  /'ʌðə/ cultures record and spread their ideas.Today,Cai Lun is considered a national hero in China.But

(10)   whole world should remember the clever Chinese papermaker forever.

  • 更新:2021-01-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Lonnie Johnson always loved taking things apart(分开). He(1)  /'sʌmtaimz/ put them back together. Other times he made new things from different (2)  ( part). He learned how to use tools from his dad.

    At 13, Lonnie put an old engine(发动机)on a homemade go﹣cart. He loved driving it around. He dreamed of being(3)  inventor. By high school, Lonnie built a remote﹣control robot from some waste things. This won him first prize at the Alabama State Science Fair. His friends called (4)  "The Little Scientist". In college, Lonnie was an excellent student. After that, he (5)  (become )an Air Force officer, rocket scientist and business leader. (6)  he never stopped inventing. You may have played with his most famous invention﹣﹣﹣the Super Soaker, a kind of water gun. Lonnie got the idea for this(7)  /tɔi/ while working on another invention. When he tested a homemade part in his bathroom, it shot water(8)  / ə' krɔs/ the room.

    Today, Dr. Lonnie Johnson has more than 100(9)  (use) inventions. However, he still keeps(10)  (try)new things.

  • 更新:2021-01-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Lonnie Johnson always loved taking things apart(分开). He(1)  /'sʌmtaimz/ put them back together. Other times he made new things from different (2)  ( part). He learned how to use tools from his dad.

    At 13, Lonnie put an old engine(发动机)on a homemade go﹣cart. He loved driving it around. He dreamed of being(3)  inventor. By high school, Lonnie built a remote﹣control robot from some waste things. This won him first prize at the Alabama State Science Fair. His friends called (4)  "The Little Scientist". In college, Lonnie was an excellent student. After that, he (5)  (become )an Air Force officer, rocket scientist and business leader. (6)  he never stopped inventing. You may have played with his most famous invention﹣﹣﹣the Super Soaker, a kind of water gun. Lonnie got the idea for this(7)  /tɔi/ while working on another invention. When he tested a homemade part in his bathroom, it shot water(8)  / ə' krɔs/ the room.

    Today, Dr. Lonnie Johnson has more than 100(9)  (use) inventions. However, he still keeps(10)  (try)new things.

  • 更新:2021-01-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On April 21,the Olympic flame(火焰)was lit at the Temple of Hera in southern Greece.This (95)  (意味着)the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games in August is coming close.

The flame was first lit at the 1928 games in Amsterdam.So far,about 90 years has passed and the flame has traveled around the world,reaching Mount Everest and even outer

(96)  /speis/.

The Olympic flame stands (97)  the positive ideas that man has always connected with fire.It is also a (98)  /bridʒ/between the ancicnt and modem Olympic Cames.

It is a tradition to pass the flame around (99)  the start of the Olympic Games.This is called the torch relay.For the Rio Olympics,there will be about 12,000 torchbearers (火炬手)during the relay.The special thing is,for the first time in (100)  /'histri/,a Syrian refugee(叙利亚难民)was among the torchbearers who passed the torch in Greece.It wanted to show a message:sports can (101)  the world better.There are also some Chinese faces that you may know,for example,Chinese (102)  (男演员)Yang Yang who just finished passing the flame in Creece.

  • 更新:2021-01-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Cell phones are very useful and they are great fun.But cell phones do have risks.If you have one,it's

(66)   (必须的) to understand these risks,and learn how to enjoy your phone safely.Sending messages can be one of the most wonderful(67)w  to keep in touch with your friends.But some people can also send rude messages.Do not(68)  if you receive them.I (69)  ,save the messages and show them to your teachers or parents.If you receive a message saying that you (70)w  in a big prize,don't believe it.

Sending pictures from a cell phone is(71)  (免费的),fast and fun.But make sure you send only pictures that you wouldn't mind other people(72)      (看见).And you may have an accident if you try to use your cell phone while crossing the(73)  .It's dangerous because there are many cars and buses.

With your parents'help,you can keep your cell phone's(74)  .You won't have to worry about receiving rubbish calls or messages!Remember not to talk on the cell phone too often or too long.Turn (75)  your cell phone when you sleep.The sounds of rubbish messages may wake you up.

  • 更新:2021-01-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

like why bird usually discover

Do you have a dog,a cat or a bird at home?Do you watch them carefully?

    Sientists have found that cats,dogs,(92)   and even goldfish are left﹣handed or right﹣handed.These scientists work in Queen's Belfast University.They said that pets are left﹣handed or right﹣handed(93)  people.As we all know,it is important for animals to be good at getting food.Some like to get food with their right hands,but some like to get food with the left hands.

    That's (94)  the animals are left﹣handed or right﹣handed.

    The scientists have (95)   that male cats and dogs are almost left﹣handed,and female cats and dogs are right﹣handed,because their work in everyday life is different.

    People(96)   think that left﹣handed people are better at languages; some even think that left﹣handed people are smarter.When it goes to animals,it makes animals act more quickly.

  • 更新:2021-01-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What is success?Different people hold different views on this (78)  (难题).Some think that one is successful if he can make lots(79)   money.Some argue that success means holding (80)  important social position.Still others believe that whoever has got a top diploma is successful.

(81)   some people try to avoid failure at all costs,some people welcome it.Failure can be a good teacher.It always(82)  (教)us to do better next time.

As you know,(83)  (无论什么)you do,there are always two possible (84)  (结果):success or failure.When you fail,you should never (85)l     heart.On the contrary(相反),you should build up your confidence and work even (86)  .It is necessary for you to keep on (87)  and never give up,just as people say."The more you try,the more successful you'll be."

  • 更新:2021-01-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The government in China plans to end its one﹣child per family policy and

(1)   [in'sted] let families have two children.

   People(2)   [ nju:] the news after an important meeting in Beijing. It's reported that there are many(3)   (原因)for the change in policy. One of them is to balance population development.

   China has the(4)   population in the world. It carried out the one﹣child policy in 1980. But the government(5)   [ə'laʊd] only a small number of couples to have two children.For example,in the countryside,(6)   the first﹣born is a girl, couples can have a second child.

   In 2013, the Chinese government gave other couples a(7)   (机会)to have two children.Families could have two if one parent was an only child.(8)   (然而), too many young people in the cities aren't(9)   in having a second child any longer.

   At the end(10)   2014, China had a population of 1.37 billion people. A total of 800 million of them are employed(雇佣). With the two﹣child policy, an increase in births will change the labor shortage.

  • 更新:2021-01-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Each year,more than 1.2million children are kidnapped (拐骗) around the world.Hong Kong actor and(81)  (歌手) Andy Lau hopes that his movie Lost and Love(《失孤》) can make a(82)  /t∫eidʒ/

In the movie,Andy plays a farmer,who spends fifteen years(83)l  for his lost son.

Andy said,"I hope that people can p(84)   more attention to kidnapped kids and the lost kids should be found and(85)  (回来)home safely.

Many people were(86)  (感动) to tears by the movie."(87)A  a parent,I can

understand how painful(悲伤) it is to lose child,"said a mother,The movie is(88)  (也)

educational to children.Parents will worry(89)i  their children go missing.

Lost and Love is based on(根据)a(90)  /riəl/kidnap case in2010.A father from Hubei

Found his son two years after his son went missing.

  • 更新:2021-01-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Venice is considered to be one of the most (1)  (beauty) cities in the world.It has been known as the "City of Canals"(运河),"City of Bridges", and" City of Water". The city is made up of about 100(2)     (island), 150 canals, and 400 bridges. There (3)  (be) no roads in the city,so there are no cars. The only forms of transportation (交通)are on water and (4)  foot.There are roads, a train station,(5)  an airport at the edge (边缘) of the city. One of the famous symbols of Venice is a "gondola (平底船)".Gondolas are still used today, though (6)  (main)by tourists. All Venice gondolas are painted black﹣it was a law that was passed in the (7)   (sixteen) century. Most Venetians travel by water buses called "vaporetti". Venice has one of the world's most famous bridges(8)  (call) the Rialto Bridge, built in 1591.

    Venezuela, a county in South(9)  (American), means "little Venice". This is because the early European visitors to Venezuela first met the local people who lived in homes built over the water, reminding(10)  (they)of Venice.

  • 更新:2021-01-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

later in left   terrible   because when daughter as still watched famous safe

William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford ﹣upon﹣Avon, in England. His father, John,was a glove﹣maker. His mother, Mary, was a farmer's (1)  . He had two elder sisters, two younger sisters and three younger brothers.

    William probably studied Latin, Greek and history, and (2)  school when he was 14 or 15.Three years (3)  he married Anne Hathaway. They had a daughter called Susanna and twins named Judith and Hamnet. Sometime before 1590 he let Stratford﹣upon﹣Avon and went to London,the capital of England.

    London's first theater opened in 1576. Shakespeare worked in London (4)  an actor and then started writing plays too. In 1593 the(5 )  plague (瘟疫) killed thousands of people and theaters were closed. During this time William started to write poems instead of plays. His short poems are called sonnets(十四行诗).

    Shakespeare helped build a new theater called The Globe. It opened in 1599. It was round and had space for 3,000 people. The audience (观众) shouted, clapped (拍手喝彩) and laughed while they(6)  plays.

      Shakespeare wrote many comedies, tragedies and history plays.He became rich and (7)   . He loved language and invented new words and expressions that we(8)  use today.He died(9)   he was 52. People all over the world love his works(10)  he wrote wonderful stories about very interesting people.

  • 更新:2021-01-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You'd better tell us about today's discussion. (改为否定句)

You'd better   us about today's discussion.

  • 更新:2021-01-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

without;    not only;    them;    School;    popular

China's first set of AI textbooks(人工智能教材) will come into the classrooms of some(1) _ 

soon in many parts of China. The AI textbooks have already appeared in Shanghai and some experts have tested some of(2)  . It's said that these AI textbooks are(3)   with local students.

    In fact, AI has brought huge benefits (好处) to the education field. Students can(4)   choose their own ways to study, but also can study at home(5)   going to school.

  • 更新:2021-01-04
  • 题型:未知
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Almost each Chinese child has heard or read Journey to the West﹣one of the most famous Chinese(1)   (tradition) classics. All of them like the main character﹣the Monkey King or Sun Wukong. However, it wasn't popular(2)  1970s in England. In November 1979,pupils in England were able to watch a new program called Monkey.Most of them were hearing this story for the(3)   (one) time.

    The Monkey King isn't(4)  usual monkey. In fact, he sometimes doesn't even look like a monkey! This is because he can make seventy﹣two changes to his shape and size,(5) _  (turn) himself into different animals and objects. But unless his tail(6)  (hide), he can't turn himself into a man.(7)  (fight) bad people, the Monkey King uses a magic stick. Sometimes he can make the stick small enough to keep it in his ear. At other times, he can make it big and long.

    The Monkey King(8)   (excite) the children of China for many years. And as soon as the TV came out more than 30 years(9)   , Western children became interested in reading this story because the clever Monkey King keeps fighting to help(10)  (weak)and never gives up.

  • 更新:2021-01-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
