
sad      lucky      in      their       once

Tad is a very special boy. He must sit (1)   a wheelchair every day. He was born with a disease that made him unable to walk. Some boys would be (2)   or angry about that, but not Tad. Instead, he looks for ways to make people happy. He called the Green Oaks School for the Blind and asked if he could volunteer. They said, "Sure!" Tad went to that school at (3)  . Every day, he plays games with the children. He reads books to them. Sometimes he helps them with (4)   schoolwork. The children at the school call Tad Lucky because they feel so (5)   to have him as a friend. That makes Tad very happy!

  • 更新:2021-02-01
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I think he can finish the work on time. It doesn't ________ /rɪˈkwaɪə/ much effort.(  )


  • 更新:2021-02-02
  • 题型:未知
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Mr. Brown is ill in hospital. His________ /ˈdɔ:tə/ looks after him day and night.(  )


  • 更新:2021-02-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Which is the ________ /wɜ:st/ cinema in town?(  )


  • 更新:2021-02-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There is a ________ /bæŋk/ across from the park.(  )


  • 更新:2021-02-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Lucy is never ________ /leɪt/ last winter.(  )


  • 更新:2021-02-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


deep reason another never kind however throw waste than without

Once upon a time there was a man called Yue Yangzi in Henan who had a(1)  wife.

     One day, Yue picked up a piece of gold. Gladly, he rushed hack home to show it to his wife.(2)  , his wife said, " I hear that a good man doesn't drink the water of Dao Spring (盗泉) and wouldn't pick up the things others lost. He would rather die(3)  food given by the people who disrespect him." Yue was very ashamed after hearing wife's words and(4)  the gold off into the fields and went to study in a far place.

    One year later, Yue came back home. His wife asked him the(5)  for his return.

    Yue said, "I was homesick and miss you very much."

    Hearing this, his wife took up a pair of scissors and walked to the loom (织布机), saying,"To make cloth, I weave (织) the cloth with one after(6)  silk thread inch by inch. lf I cut the cloth with the scissors, all my efforts are(7)  . Studying is also like this. You should get knowledge every day(8)  stopping."

    Yue Yangzi was(9)  moved by his wife's words. Then he went back to his studies. This story reminds us (10)  to give up halfway.

  • 更新:2021-02-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Donna Reid had just finished her training as a children's doctor. A famous research hospital in New York had offered her a job with (1)g   pay. And her boyfriend, Tony, had a clinic(小诊所) in their hometown and hoped she could work with him. At the same time, a small hospital, Backwoods Hospital, in a very poor area had also offered Donna a job. Now it was time for her to decide (2)w   to work.

   Dad Donna, that research hospital in New York has a good reputation(声誉) for children's medicine. Some of the best children's doctors in the country work there and you can (3)l   a lot from them.

    Mom Yes, I agree it's a good hospital and the pay is good, too. But, that's not the point(要点).

    Dad (4)T   what's the point?

    Mom It's in New York, too far away! Let me tell you, dear Donna. Tony's clinic is just several miles away. You don't need to travel (5)f   if you work there. Tony is a nice young man and I guess you'll get married soon.

Dad Ha! It's hard enough to live with a husband or wife. Working with them, (6)t   ? That's a choice for trouble. Well, Donna, what do you think?

   Donna I'm thinking about (7)a   the offer from Backwoods Hospital.

   Dad But Donna, look at their offer! You'll be on call(随时待命) six days a week. That's really a (8)h  job.

    Mom Oh, Donna, the pay is another problem.

   Donna Mom and Dad, I didn't become a doctor for enjoying a comfortable life(9)o  

    Dad No? Then (10)w   did you become a doctor?

    Donna I want to help people. You know that. And Backwoods serves the poor. Backwoods, here I come!

  • 更新:2021-02-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Bird's Christmas Tree

    It's a sun shining winter afternoon. In a small yard in Luss, Scotland, Kate and Effie(1)  (tie) the baskets to the branches(树枝) of the Christmas tree and filling them with corns. The children (2)  (work) busily but happily for many hours, making the little baskets for the birds.

    Many birds come in. Some are eating, and others are dancing.

    Even the pretty blue jay(蓝松鸦) (3)  (forget) to be pretty. When he has eaten his fill, he is flying away, crying "Thanks, thanks!"

    What a happy life the tree brings to the birds and the children! But two weeks ago, the tree (4)   nearly   (cut) into firewood.

    Two weeks ago, the Christmas tree was once in the living room. Kate and Effie, and Sue and Tom, had a happy Christmas Day, for the tree was hung with gifts for them all.

    One day, when the children (5)  (play) games around the tree, John came and told them that he was going to carry it into the woodshed.

    "What (6)   you   (do) with it, John?" the children asked.

    "I want to cut it into firewood," answered John.

    "Oh, don't!" cried the children. "Our beautiful tree! Let us(7)  (have)it a little longer!"

    "What will you do with it?" asked John.

    "We (8)  (put) it in the yard and make a Christmas tree for the birds," replied the children.

    So John carried the fir tree into the yard. There it (9)   (stand) in the white snow, spreading out its beautiful green branches.

    "Now" cried Effie, "let us make some baskets (10)  (fill) corns. Then we will tie them to the tree for the birds."

    What happened next? As you can see at the beginning of the story, the birds are living happily. With the birds and the tree, the children are also very happy. It is hard to tell which are happier, the birds or the children. I believe the tree is the happiest of all.

  • 更新:2021-02-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


see, cross, drink, travel, ask, remember, clean, wait, take, rest, think

Once upon a time, a father and his son were walking from one town to another. While they (1)  ,they happened to pass by a river. They were tired and stopped there (2)  . Then the father asked his son to get him some water from the river.

    Then the son walked to the riverside and he (3)  some women washing clothes there. Right at that moment, a bullock cart (牛车) started crossing the river. As a result, the water became very dirty. "I mustn't take the dirty water to my father, " he thought. So he came back and said, "Look, Father. A bullock cart (4)  the river now, so the water is dirty and it can't be drunk." Father said nothing.

    After a while, the son (5)  to get some water again by his father. The water was still dirty, but he didn't go back. He thought, "My father is so thirsty. I (6)  back clean water this time, even though it will take me a long time." Then he sat there, waiting until the water was clean. He collected some in a bowl and took it back.

    "Oh, you are back at last. I (7)  for you for almost half an hour," Father said. After (8)  the water. he looked up at his son and said, " Now, (9)  about what made the water clean. You let it be and the water became clean on its own. It is also the same with your mind. When it is disturbed (打扰), just let it be, and it will calm down on its own. "

    The son thought for a while and said, "Thank you, Father, I (10)  this forever."

    We can make best decisions when we stay calm.

  • 更新:2021-02-01
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


care, sun, for, how, happy, piece, because, they, well, never, if

Most people would stay away from bees while meeting them. However, if your goal (目标) is to grow a beautiful and productive (丰收的) garden, you will want to bring on bees.

    How to attract (吸引) bees?

    Plant! Plant! Plant! Plant not only vegetables but also colorful flowers. Bees are attracted by colors and purple, yellow, white and blue are (1)  favorites. If possible. you should be (2)  to plant different flowers for bees to choose from. Be sure to plant some flowers in (3)  areas. Bees like warm and bright places (4)  than cool and dark ones.

    Another part of learning (5)  to attract bees is to always leave a place for wild grass or flowers near your garden. This is where bees can live comfortably and (6)  . You can also design a bee house (7)  the bees to live. To do this, you can use several (8)  of bamboo tied together. Place the house close to the ground (9)  bees prefer living close to the ground. Preparing such a place can make sure that they will enjoy and (10)  want to leave.

    Be sure to leave water around for them to drink. Once the bees are there and active, you will have a fruitful garden.

  • 更新:2021-02-01
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day, Confucius (孔子) led his students to the State of Chu.When crossing through a large forest, they saw an old man (1)  (stand) under a tree, catching cicadas (蝉) with a bamboo stick. Confucius said, "You are very good at (2)  (catch) cicadas. You must have some special skills."

    "That's right!" the old man answered. "The cicada is a clever little insect. If they hear the noise of the leaves in the wind, they (3)  (fly) away. Therefore, people who want to catch cicadas (4)  (train) their hands to hold a bamboo stick without shaking. If you can place three pellets (弹珠) on top of the bamboo stick without falling off, you might be able to catch cicadas; when five pellets (5)  (place) on top without falling off, catching cicadas is as easy as (6)   (pick) a ball up from the ground."

    He then added, "But that is not enough. People must be good at hiding themselves. Right now, I (7)  (stand) under a tree like half of a tree stump (树桩). Last of all, one must be attentive (专心的). When I am catching cicadas, I only see their wings. No matter what (8)  (happen), nothing will disturb me.

    Hearing this, Confucius (9)  (turn) to his students and said, "No matter what you do, you can only succeed if you love what you're doing and pay enough attention to it. This is what this old man (10)  (teach) us."

  • 更新:2021-01-11
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

hero     imagine    different   person   we

(1)It's bad manners to ask others  questions, such as age and marriage.

(2)Helping others is helping  , so we should try our best to help those in need.

(3)Through watching Amazing China, We can't stop  what our country will be like in 50 years.

(4)Many people don't always see things the same way so they may describe the same person  

(5)Liu Chuanjian, the captain of Sichuan Airlines 3U8633 flight, is considered to be one of our national  

  • 更新:2021-01-11
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

With the development of modern technology, digital devices(数码设备) have been seen everywhere. People often check what is (1)h   in the world on the Internet, keep in touch with friends through emails, or even start to read e﹣books. (2)H  , many people still prefer paper books to e﹣books because they think that brains work (3)b   when reading paper books.

    Now, some scientists have come up with some (4)d   ideas. They believe how brains work is not greatly affected by the way people read, but depends on the following factors(因素). They (5)i   the type and content of reading materials, the (6)p   of reading. etc. When people read for entertainment, like news about star families or (7)f   stories, reading paper books or e﹣books makes no difference. When people read to gain (8)k   about science, reading paper books is more helpful. Brains need longer to deal with harder problems. Usually, taking notes by (9)h   on paper books takes longer than typing(打字) notes out on digital devices. So it's (10)e  for you to remember key points when you read paper books. Next time, when you read e﹣books about science, just remember to slow down and give your brain more time.

  • 更新:2021-01-11
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

After crossing the river, Dorothy and her friends came to a poppy flower field, with many other colourful flowers next to it.

    "How b(1)  !" Dorothy said.

    "When I have brains, I will probably like them better," the Scarecrow said.

    "If I had a heart, I would love them." added the Tin Woodman.

    "I always liked flowers." the Lion said."But there are n(2)   in the forest so bright as these."

    Soon they found t(3)   in the middle of poppies. It is known that when there are many of these flowers together, their strong smell will make anyone breathing it fall asleep, even sleep forever. But Dorothy didn't k(4)   this. Soon Dorothy's eyes grew so h(5)   that she felt she had to sleep. Dorothy fell among the poppies, fast asleep.

    "The smell is k(6)   us all. If we leave her here, she will die," said the Lion. "I can h (7)   keep my eyes open, and the dog Toto is asleep already."

    "Run fast and get out of here," said the Scarecrow to the Lion, "We can carry the little girl, but you are too heavy."

    The Lion ran as fast as possible but he fell asleep b(8)  he was out of the field. Luckily, the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman were not troubled by the smell. They made a chair with their hands and carried Dorothy t(9)  the flowers to the grass far enough from the poppy field. The Tin Woodman built a truck and pulled the Lion with the Scarecrow. The sweet fresh air w(10)   Dorothy, Toto and the Lion. Soon they continued their journey.

  • 更新:2021-01-11
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
