
任务型阅读: 先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容和表格,在空格内填入一个适当         的单词,使意思完整.(共5分)
Trees are one of the oldest citizens (公民) of our earth. Just like us, trees change a lot as when they grow. At 1to 3 years old, young trees learn how to protect themselves. For example, many trees grow thorns(刺) to tell animals not to go near. Most young trees have large, deep green leaves so that they can catch enough sunlight and change it into their food and energy.
When trees are 4 years old, they begin to grow very fast and become strong enough to face challenges in life. At the age of 15, trees become young adults. They grow more slowly and begin to produce flowers and fruit.  It is not until the trees are 20 to 25 years old that they become real adults. The trees reach their largest sizes. Adult trees give us many things such as oxygen(氧气) and natural beauty.  If we give them good care, they will go on to live healthily for many years. In many ways, the life of trees is like our own life experience. So, enjoy every minute of the life of the trees because they are very helpful to the environment.

Title: The      of trees

Things they can do
1 to 3 years old
Growing thorns to tell animals to       away from them.
Learn to protect themselves;
Catch sunlight and change it into food and energy.
4 years old
Becoming strong enough
Face challenges
15 years old
Becoming young adults
Produce flowers and fruit
20 to 25
years old
Becoming real adults;
Reaching their largest sizes
Give people many things       oxygen(氧气) and natural beauty.
They can be of great      to our environment.
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr. Green is our foreign (外国) teacher. He is a good teacher. He often helps us a lot. And
he is nice to every student .His lessons are very interesting . We usually have fun in his lessons.
We all like him.
He is a tall and strong man. He says he is 40 years old. But he looks very young. He comes
from New York. Now he lives in Nanjing with his family. He has a daughter. She is a pretty girl.
And she studies in our school, too.
Mr. Green is very “in”. He can sing many English songs. We all like to listen to him singing.
He also likes sports. He is in the School Basketball Team. Mr. Green likes reading. We often
borrow books from him.
I think we are lucky to have Mr. Green to teach us.

Mr. Green

What he is like
Mr. Green is tall and      . He looks     . His   are interesting and he likes to      his students.

Music, sports and reading. He is a     of the School Basketball Team
He has a pretty    . She studies in our school.
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Eating habbits are different in different countries.The Chinese have a saying “Eat good things for breakfast ,eat a big meal for lunch,but eat less at dinner.”Many Americans agree that one should start the day with a good breakfast,but their ideas about lunch and dinner are different.
Most Americans only give themselves a short time for lunch.So they eat a small lunch.After work they have more time to eat a big dinner.Also a quie dinner at home with all the family talking about their day is a way to take a good rest after a long and hard of work.
Eating at restaurants is also different.In China,people like to talk and laugh while eating.Very often you can hear people talking and laughing loudly,and they are having a good time.In America it is not like this.They want a quiet place,so they can eat a good meal far away from the noise of the outside world.If someone is talking too loudly,the manager(经理)of the restaurant will look at him or her angrily.If some people are talking too loudly,the manager of the restaurant may come out and ask them to be quiet.

The title(标题) of the text

                for breakfast
Start the day with a good breakfast.
Eat a big meal for lunch
Have                    .
                  at dinner
Prefer a big meal at home or restaurant.
               while eating
Like to eat far away from the noises.
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The 2015 Nobel Prizes have been announced. Sweden's Nobel Prize committee said the Nobel Prize for medicine will go to scientists from Ireland, Japan and China. William Campbell from Ireland and Satoshi Omura from Japan share the prize for their discovery of the drug avcrmectin(除虫菌素).The prize for medicine is also going to Tu Youyou. She discovered artemisinin(青蒿素). Artemisinin is a drug that has greatly lowered the number of people who die from malaria(疟疾). The committee said her greatest achievement is that discovery of artemisinin has given the world new ways to fight against two serious diseases. That's why Ms. Tu got the prize. It is said those diseases influence millions of people every year.
Ms. Tu is the chief professor at the China Academy of Traditional Medicine. She is also the first Chinese citizen to be awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine. It took her great and painful effort to make the great discovery. She always tested the medicine by herself and her liver(肝) got badly hurt. From 1972 to 2012, Ms. Tu went through about 40 failures before she succeeded. But she never gave up and always fought on.
A member of the Nobel committee said that the award for Tu Youyou is the result of a great change in the way that Chinese do scientific research. He says China has spent a lot of money on this kind of research. This member also said that the work of the three scientists could help end the health risk of diseases affecting 3.4 billion people.
Is Ms. Tu the first Chinese citizen to win the Nobel prize for medicine?
How long did it take her to make the discovery?
What is her greatest achievement?

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you have trouble finishing your work within a given time? Do you find yourself having to scramble(艰难完成) through your work because time is running out? It is important to manage your time properly.
First, you should write down your tasks on paper. This is to make sure that you do not miss any of them. Having them written down somewhere ensures(确保) that you will get the task completed even if you forget about it. Of course, you need to make sure that the task list is always within your sight(视野). Make sure you have a clear view of your tasks. You can write them down in a diary.
After you have written down your tasks, it is time to plan your action. Which tasks need not be completed as urgently(急切地)? How much time are you going to give each task? I suggest that you complete the urgent tasks first, but at the same time, be sure to include some time to take breaks in between. The breaks ensure that you have a moment to run away from stress until you return to continue from where you left off.
Above all(最重要的是), however, don’t procrastinate(拖延,耽搁) because it is your number one enemy. Procrastination can also mean that you will not be as focused when you do your work. Time is valuable, so do not waste it by procrastinating. Focus on completing the task and get it over once and for all.

How to finish your work within a given time
* Write down your tasks on paper in order not to       any.
* Make sure you can        your task list at any time.
* Complete the urgent tasks.
* Leave some time for breaks to        yourself.
* Don’t procrastinate or waste your       time.
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Jane likes animals. She wants to see some animals.
New term begins. Tom wants to buy a new school bag.
Tim needs some color pencils for the art class.
Gina likes reading books.
Jerry writes a letter. He wants to send it to his friends in the post office.

A.Uncle Wang's Stationary
We have all kinds of pens, pencils, notebooks, etc.
B.Guangzhou Zoo
You can see all kinds of animals here.
C.Fresh Fruit Store
Nice and cheap apples, pears, oranges are here.
D.Shuren Bookstore

You are free to choose books, magazines here.
E. ABC store
Clothes, caps, bags are on sale.
You can eat hamburgers here.
G. China Post Office
You can send letters here.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Let’s Go See Papá is a lovely children’s book. In this book, a little girl tells about her life while her dad is working far away from her.
“I haven’t seen my dad for one year, eight months and twenty-two days,” the girl writes in her journal. She writes everything she has done so that her father will never miss a day.
Sunday is the cheapest day for long-distance (长途的) phone calls, so that day is special to the girl and her mother. One Sunday phone call brings surprising news. Dad tells his daughter that she and Mom will finally be able to come and live with him in the United States. The girl feels happy, (A) __________ she can see her father again. (B) __________ she has to leave her dog and her best friend Rocco behind. A few days later, Mom and the little girl go to the airport. They have to say goodbye to the happy days they spent here.
What does the underlined word “journal” mean in Chinese?
Whom does the girl get her journal ready for?
When does the girl’s father usually call her and her mother?
How does the girl go to the United States with her mother?
(A) ___________________    (B) ___________________

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

This is a young girl’s homework for the evening. English: Read three chapters and write a report. Math: Complete 30 problems. Science: Do a worksheet, front and back. French: Study new words for tomorrow’s test. It’s going to be a long night.
This happens to students in America. Do students in the United States receive too much homework? According to the National Education Association, a student should be assigned (布置) no more than 10 minutes per grade level per night. For example, a first grader should only have 10 minutes of homework, a second grader, 20 minutes, and so on.
It’s no good giving students too much homework. According to research, kids are developing more illness at school, such as stomachaches, headaches and sleep problems than before.
Everybody knows that teachers are the ones who assign homework, but they are not the only ones to blame (受责备). “Many teachers are under greater pressure (压力) than ever before,” says Kylene Beers, President of the National Council for teachers of English, “Some of it comes from parents, some from the wish for high scores on tests.” Teachers who are under pressure feel the need to assign more homework.
Some people have different ideas, saying that homework prepares kids for doing better in high school, better in college, and getting better job in the future. But too much homework is sapping students’ strength, curiosity(削弱学生的个性和好奇心), and most importantly, their love of learning, is that really what teachers and parents want?

Something about homework
The girl’s homework for one evening
There are four    , including English, Math, Science and French.
The time of completing homework according to the National Education Association.
The first grader       no more than 10 minutes on homework.
The     of too much homework
It can make the kids      more illness, such as stomachaches, headaches and sleep problems.
Ideas about homework from           people
Advantages: It’s good for the kids to get further study and the better jobs in the future.
Disadvantages: It may sap students’ strength, curiosity and so on.
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填写表格 (每空限填一词)。
Travelling is one of the most important activities and people have been interested in it for many years. Modern traffic develops fast, so travelling to different places has become much faster than before. Staying healthy while travelling can make your trip happier. But do you know how to be in good health during a trip? The following information may be useful to you.
Before leaving
Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and sunglasses.
Take some necessary medicine with you. They can be used when you get sick or have other problems.
Do some exercise for weeks or months before you leave if you plan to do lots of walking or climbing during your trip.Prepare proper food. Before you prepare the food, the first thing you need to think about is how long you will travel with the food. If you take a long trip, you should bring food such as bread, biscuits and some fruit. They don’t go bad quickly. The nearer people can bring meat, fish, eggs, milk and even salads and vegetables.
While traveling
Be sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit.
Have enough time to take a rest during your trip.
Tap water is not safe, so drink bottled water and always clean the cover of the bottle.
Keep food in good condition. If you take hot food, you should try to keep it hot. For example, you can put it in heavy towels. If you need to keep cold food cold, you can put cold food in a box with ice. When you arrive, put cold food in the fridge. Remember: If you travel with food, keep hot food hot and cold food cold.

                               How to keep during a trip
Before leaving
 Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and .
 some necessary medicine with you.
 Exercise for weeks or months you leave.
Prepare proper food. Take bread, biscuits and some fruit for a trip or bring meat, fish, eggs, milk and even salads and vegetables for a  nearer one.
eat dirty food or bad fruit.
Have enough to take a rest during your trip.
Drinkwater and always clean the cover.
Keep food in good condition.to keep hot food hot and cold food cold.
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My name is Frank. I have a key, a map, a pen, a ruler and a jacket. The key is white. I use it in the evening. The map is blue, red and orange. I use it in the afternoon. The pen is yellow. The ruler is white. And I use them in the morning. The jacket is black. It is good and it is“夹克衫” in Chinese.

Time to use
The key
In the ________
The _____
Blue, _____ and ______
In the _______
The pen
In the _____
The ______


  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Last year, I did not like my English class. Every class was like a bad dream. The teacher spoke very quickly and I couldn’t understand her most of the time. I was afraid to ask questions because I didn’t know how to read the words correctly. I just hid behind my textbook and never said anything in class.
Then one day I watched an English movie—Toy Story. I fell in love with this exciting and funny movie. So I began to watch other English movies, too. Although(尽管) I could not understand everything the characters(角色) said, their body language and the expressions(表情) on their faces help me get the meaning(意思). I understood I could get the meaning by listening for just the key words. I found out that listening to something interesting is the secret to the language learning. I also learned some useful sentences like “It’s a piece of cake”or “It serves you right. I did not understand these at first. But because I wanted to understand the story, I looked them up in a dictionary
Now I really enjoy my English class. Do you want to learn English like this?

How I learned English
Last year
I       my English class. It was like a bad dream.
The teacher spoke      quickly for me to understand most of the time.
I was afraid    asking questions because I couldn’t read the words correctly.
I thought I had to      behind the textbooks and say nothing in class.
Everything changed after I watched an exciting and funny movie     Toy story. Although I could not understand everything the characters said, I tried to get the      in many ways.
※Watching their       languages and expressions on their faces
※ Listening for just the      words.
   a dictionary for help helped me understand the story.
My idea
Listening to something       is the secret to language learning.
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Everyone can change the world
What can we do to help protect the environment? It seems useless to just pick up a piece of trash (垃圾), but what will happen if you keep doing it every day? Tommy Kleyn, an ordinary man from the Netherlands, may give you the answer.

Tommy Kleyn walked past a polluted river on his way to work every day. It used to be a beautiful view, but the trash on the bank made it dirty and smelly. SoTommy decided to pick up the trash along the river a little bit at a time after work. “It took me about 30 minutes to fill one garbage(垃圾)bag with trash, but one garbage bag didn't seem helpful in a place as polluted as this. I decided to fill one bag of trash each day as I passed by,"Tommy said. Every day,Tommy took pictures of the river and shared them on his Facebook page. To his surprise, in just six days, he had made great progress with his cleanup effort(努力). He felt happy and kept doing it. Gradually, more and more people knew aboutTommy's story. Other people in the community began following in his footsteps and cleaning up trash on their way home, too.

“The idea is to encourage people to fill one garbage bag with litter each day. It only takes 30 minutes, but it really makes a difference and you will be amazed at how good you feel afterwards," he said.
People from all over the world have been moved and inspired(激发) by Tommy's story. No effort is useless if we keep doing it every day. Ordinary people like you and me can also make a difference to the world we live in if we take actions right now.
Did Tommy Kleyn walk past a polluted river on his way to work every day?
What did Tommy decide to do after work?
Where didTommy share the pictures of the river that he took?
Whobegan following in Tommy’s footsteps and cleaning up trash?
What can you learn from the story?

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Nowadays more and more people enjoy living the trendy(流行的;赶时髦的)life. They(A)____to work, use e-mail and do some shopping or read on the Internet. They eat meals outside the restaurant. All this makes life easy and convenient (方便)
But there are also some people who try to bring back old trends. (B) They go to work on foot or on their bike, though they have their own car. They think this can help them to keep healthy. They write letters by hand and post them to their family members or friends. Before the New Year, they would like to send greeting cards instead of mass texting(群发短信). (C) _____ They like to go to the supermarket to buy what they want when they are free. They think it's interesting. (D) _____ When they read in bed, they feel relaxing and comfortable. After work, they like to go home at once. They enjoy cooking for themselves or for the family. (E) They say staying with the whole family is the biggest happiness. These people are called trend-bender(反潮流者)。
They have their own car, _____ they_____ to work or go to work_____ bike.
①They enjoy reading "real" paper books instead of e-books.
②The one who receives the letters or cards full of feelings are moved.
How many kinds of life are there in the passage? __________________________________________

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Playing is serious business for children. In fact, it’s what they do best! Ask them why they do it, and kids will probably say, “Because it’s fun!” But it’s much more than that. It’s also good for them.
Studies show that from birth babies begin learning through play. They use their five senses to get to know their new world. Touching allows them to discover how different things feel. Brightly coloured toys and clothing help develop a baby’s sense of sight (视觉). When small children choose which toy to play with, they begin developing their abilities in making decisions.
Children love toys that allow them to use their imagination (想象力). Sometimes an empty box is more fun than a high-tech (高科技) toy. That’s because a box can become anything to a child.
Crayons, paints and Play-Doh (彩色塑泥) are also good because they allow children to create. Traditional building blocks teach important pre-math skills.
Playing doesn’t become any less important once children start school. Many valuable lessons about life are learned on the school playground. Kids learn how to share, take turns and play by the rules.

The _______________ of playing
Playing with brightly coloured toys
It is good for _______________ a baby’s sense of sight.
______________ which toy to play with
Children can learn how to make _______________.
Playing with an _______________ box
Children can use their_______________.
Playing with crayons, paints and Play-Doh
Children can be _______________ to create.
Playing on the playground
Children can learn many_______________ lessons about life, such as how to share, _______________ turns and play by the rules.
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

任务型阅读 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容在空格内填入一个适当的词,使短文意思完整。(本大题共5分,每格1分)
I once believed that a friend is a friend all the way. Now I have changed my ideas about friendships.
1. Friends of convenience(便利). They can be the people who live next door or the mothers of our children’s closest friends. Friends of convenience are good indeed. They’ll help us when we need them. They’ll look after our cats when we go on holidays. But we don’t ever get too close or tell too much. Between us, we’ll talk about being overweight but not about being sad or heart-broken. However, people still find it necessary to make friends like this.
2. Special-interest friends. These friendships aren’t deeply personal or emotional(感情上的). They lie in some shared interests, so we may have an office friend, a tennis friend, or even a shopping friend.
3. Historical friends. We all have a friend who knew us when … maybe we were back in the second grade of the primary school, when our family lived in that two-room flat downtown. He or she was the first, the only friend we told our secrets to.
The years have gone by, and we have gone different ways. But we’re still a personal part of each other’s past. We know how we looked before our teeth were straightened, and our getting together makes us think of an earlier part of ourselves, which is important and never lost.
4. Cross-generational friends. These are friendships that from across generations(代). I have in my own life a true friend, a woman of 65, who is clever, who listens well, and who means not only an ideal mother to me but also the person I’d like to be when I grow up.
Best friends, I believe, totally love and help each other.

Types of friends
Description of friends
Friends of convenience
They can be theor the mothers of our  children’s closest friends.They can    us when we are in need.Though we don’t.alk about emotional topics,this doesn’t mean that there isn’t any to be found in these friendships.
Specialinterest friends
We usually  sortie interests with our specialinterest friends,so we may have anfriend,’a tennis   friend,or even a shopping friend.
This kind of friendship was usually formed when we were children,so we know how webefore our teeth were straightened.Although we have little in common now,our getting together can  us of each other’s happy old  days.
Cross-generational friends usually aren’t from the    generation.A friend like this may    an ideal mother or the person 1 want to be when I grow up.
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
