首页 / 初中英语 / 试题详细
  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 未知题型
  • 难度 较易
  • 浏览 402

Let’s Go See Papá is a lovely children’s book. In this book, a little girl tells about her life while her dad is working far away from her.
“I haven’t seen my dad for one year, eight months and twenty-two days,” the girl writes in her journal. She writes everything she has done so that her father will never miss a day.
Sunday is the cheapest day for long-distance (长途的) phone calls, so that day is special to the girl and her mother. One Sunday phone call brings surprising news. Dad tells his daughter that she and Mom will finally be able to come and live with him in the United States. The girl feels happy, (A) __________ she can see her father again. (B) __________ she has to leave her dog and her best friend Rocco behind. A few days later, Mom and the little girl go to the airport. They have to say goodbye to the happy days they spent here.
What does the underlined word “journal” mean in Chinese?
Whom does the girl get her journal ready for?
When does the girl’s father usually call her and her mother?
How does the girl go to the United States with her mother?
(A) ___________________    (B) ___________________

