

   These days,Chinese children are sometimes busier on weekends than weekdays because they have to take so many after﹣school classes.Many of them are learning exam skills so that they can get into a good high school and later a good university.Others are practicing sports so that they can compete and win.However,this doesn't only happen in China.

   The Taylors are a typical American family.Life for Cathy Taylor's three children is very busy. "On most days after school," Cathy says, "I take one of my two boys to basketball practice and my daughter to football training.Then I have to take my other son to piano lessons.Maybe I could cut out a few of their activities,but I believe these activities are important for my children's future.I really want them to be successful.However,the tired children don't get home until after 7:00 p.m.They have a quick dinner,and then it's time for homework.

   Linda Miller,a mother of three,knows all about such stress. "In some families,competition starts very young and continues until the kids get older," she says. "Mothers send their small kids to all kinds of classes.And they are always comparing them with other children.It's crazy.I don't think that's fair.Why don't they just let their kids be kids?People shouldn't push their kids so hard."

   Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a child's development.Dr.Alice Green says all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. "Kids should have time to relax and think for themselves,too.Although it's normal to want successful children,it's even more important to have happy children."

(1)What's the common problem for Chinese and American families?

(2)What's Cathy Taylor's idea about so many after﹣school activities?

(3)What does Linda Miller think about after﹣school activities?

(4)What's Dr.Alice Green's opinion about afterschool activities?

  • 更新:2021-09-06
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It is very common for students’ marks to fall. Sometimes it is because of situations (情况) outside school such as problems at home. Sometimes it is only because the exams get harder.
When your marks start to fall, you should try talking to a friendly teacher. He or she will be able to help you with the subjects you feel difficult. Stop⑴把自己同其他的学生比较. It doesn’t matter if other students get higher marks than you. What is important is that you do your best. Before each exam, you should go through your notes from class. You should remember the most important things you have written in a shorter form.
Look through your notes again before the exam. You will be surprised when you find you remember so much. It may take hard work and you may not improve your marks straight. But let your confidence rise by every mark. Soon they should begin to climb again. Remember: ⑵ Nothing is possible if he or she doesn’t have confidence. Besides⑶this, right ways are also needed by you. Keep on working hard, sooner or later, you will be successful.
The reasons for students’ marks to fall includes: ________.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in the year。3 You may fail in an exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam.If you are taking an English exam, do not only learn rules of grammar.21·cn·jy·com
Try to read stories in English and speak in English whenever you can.A few days before the exam, you should start going to bed early.Don’t stay up late at night studying and learning things.Before you start the exam, read carefully over the question paper.4 Try to understand the exact meaning of each question before you pick up your pen to write.When you have at last finished your exam, read over your answers.Correct the mistakes if there are any and make sure that you have not missed anything out.
Learning rules of grammar is enough to pass the English exam, isn’t it?
What should you do a few days before the exam?

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
