
There are some special traditions in Hawaii . People there are very friendly and always welcome visitors . They give visitors a lei , a long necklace of beautiful fresh flowers . Men wear bright flowered shirts , and women often wear long flowered dresses .
In Hawaii you may find some traditional Chinese , Japanese and Philippine holidays . Of course , many holidays are from the United States . People call Hawaii the Aloha State . Aloha means both “hello” and “good--bye”. It also means “I love you ” .
Usually when people from different countries , races or traditions lives together , there are serious problems . But in Hawaii there are few problems , people have learned to live together in peace .
Hawaiians earn most of their money from tourists , most of whom come from the mainland and from Japan . The families of the first people who came from the U.S. mainland own the important banks and companies . Japanese are  also starting business and buying more and more land .
The underlined word “lei” in Paragraph One means ____________.

A.a necklace of flower B.a plant in Hawaii.
C.a group of flower D.a flowered dress

Which of the following is TRUE about the people in Hawaii according to the passage?

A.They live together in peace.
B.There are no problems at all in Hawaii .
C.It is difficult for them to live together .
D.There are serious problems among them .

Most of the rich men in Hawaii are _____________ .

A.Japanese B.Americans and Chinese
C.Japanese and Americans D.Chinese and Japanese

The holiday in Hawwaii come from ______________ .

A.America B.Philippines C.China and Japan D.All the above

From the passage we know that Hawaiians are mostly __________.

A.rude to others
B.friendly to others
C.visitors from the mainland
D.tourists from Japan
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Everyone knows that there’s not enough land in Hong Kong.If you go there by air, you will land at Kai Tak Airport. It was built out into the sea. It is in the part of Hong Kong called Kowloon. Kowloon is one of the two big islands in Hong Kong.
The other island is Hong Kong itself. You can get there by ship or through a tunnel(隧道) under the sea.
The population of Hong Kong is more than six million. Chinese and English are spoken by many people there. Clothes, computers, radios, televisions are made in Hong Kong. It is a shopping center. You can buy all kinds of things there.
Hong Kong is also a beautiful city. It’s a good place for traveling. People from all over the world visit Hong Kong every year. You can watch dog-racing and motor-racing there. When you are hot and tired, you may rest in the small cool gardens. There are also a lot of tall buildings with comfortable rooms to live in. If you enjoy eating out, you can easily find a good place for delicious food.Foods of different flavors(风味) are served in Hong Kong.
Where was Kai Tak Airport built?

A.It was built out into the sea. B.It was built out into the lake.
C.It was built out into the river D.It was built out into the pool.

What’s the population of Hong Kong?

A.Nearly 6 million. B.Less than 6 million.
C.Over 6 million. D.Only 6 million.

How many products(产品) of Hong Kong are mentioned in this passage?

A.7. B.6. C.5. D.4.

Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Kai Tak Airport is in Kowloon.
B.There's a lot of land in Hong Kong.
C.Many people in Hong Kong speak Chinese and English
D.Hong Kong is a beautiful city for traveling

According to the passage, we know that ________.  

A.Hong Kong is a big city with a large population
B.there are almost no factories in Hong Kong
C.few people visit Hong Kong ever year
D.visitors can enjoy the comfortable living rooms and delicious foods in Hong Kong
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hello, everyone. Because of the high rate of school violence (暴力) in some areas, teenagers’ safety becomes a serious problem. We are planning to set up an organization named School Watch to make sure that students have a safe environment. Please be part of our plan!
What is School Watch?
School Watch is a volunteer project in our school. It helps us stop violence and improve the quality of school life. It will keep yourself and your schoolmates safe. The other members of School Watch care for you and your classroom and you do the same for them.
Is it for everyone?
Anybody can become a member of School Watch because everyone has something to offer.
What else can it do?
School Watch makes it possible for us not only to help each other but also to make friends with each other. Some members may offer to help schoolmates who have problems with their homework.
Who is the Best School Watcher?
Our school will look for the Best School Watcher and give him or her lots of prizes. You could be the one!
How do you start?
To be part of this plan, the only thing you need to do is to talk to the director of the plan in your grade. If you want to get more information, check the official website at www. schoolwatch. com.
The members of School Watch are probably ______.

A.teenagers B.parents C.policemen D.teachers

School Watch can help its members ______.

A.save the environment B.organize sports activities
C.improve the quality of school life D.go on school trips

Anyone can become a member of School Watch because ______.

A.everyone may have problems B.everyone can give help to others
C.everyone needs to make some friends D.everyone needs help with his homework

If you want to be a member of School Watch, you should ______.

A.check the website B.be good at your schoolwork
C.talk to the headmaster D.talk to the director of the plan in your grade
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Tony and George were painting freely.Each of them had a bottle of blue paint(油漆) and a bottle of yellow paint.

Suddenly George said, "Look,Tony,I made green! "

"How did you do it?" asked Tony.

"I put yellow paint on top of my blue paint﹣ yellow and blue put together make green!" shouted George.Other children came around to watch and wanted to do it themselves.

This is an example of discovery learning or hands﹣on learning.

People remember things better when they learn them by doing.Here is an example.How will you learn to play football?

Buy a book and read about how to play football or buy a video about football?Or go to the playground and ask a person to teach you?

Which way will help you learn the game best?Learning on the playground is the best way for most people because they try the game and learn the rules as they play.They learn in a hands﹣on way.

Hands﹣on learning is good for children.The learner takes an active part in it instead of just sitting and listening.This is the way that we want our children to learn.In order to learn best,children must take an active part in hands﹣on activities every day.Some good examples of hands﹣on activities are working puzzles,painting,playing simple board games together and so on.

(1)George was    when he noticed the change of colors.









(2)The other children came up to George in order to    .


get another two bottles of paint


watch and want to have a try


find out what happened to Tony


ask George to paint a picture for them

(3)"Hands﹣on learning" is probably a kind of    .


learning method


learning result


learning plan


learning activity

(4)If you want to learn to swim,you'd better    according to the passage.


read a book about swimming


think about it by yourself at home


learn it by watching online videos


learn from someone in a swimming pool

(5)What's the main idea of the passage?    


we can play football in many different ways.


Games can help people stay in touch with others.


A person should learn how to find out the fact.


Hands﹣on learning can help learn something new better.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Man-made satellites have been sent up into space by many countries. These satellites go round the earth and help us to learn more about the earth, the weather and other things. Most countries use these satellites to sent and receive messages. For example, with their help China can send their programs to America, too. We can also use satellites to help us to make telephone calls to foreign countries.
These satellites go round ____.

A.the earth B.the moon C.the sun D.the stars

Man-made satellites are ____ to people.

A.terrible B.useful C.unknown D.not necessary

Without the help of man-made satellites, we couldn’t see ____ on TV.

A.anything interesting B.what other people are doing
C.foreign programs D.colour films

Man-made satellites can also help us ____ to our friends on the other side of the world.

A.write down B.send birthday presents
C.pay visit D.make telephone calls
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Venice is an attractive city in Italy. Tourists throughout the world love traveling to Venice. But sometimes you’ll have such strange experiences. One moment you walk across the Rialto Bridge, and there’s nothing special. Unfortunately, when you come back to the bridge an hour later, it’s underwater and everyone’s wearing rain boots.
That’s just the way it has always been, which may be considered seriously by Italian government. Before the sea comes to Venice, the government has decided to build the MOSE gates. Actually(实际上), there were many kinds of gates that were built to stop the floods, but all the gates were just built on the ground. Besides, the flooding was becoming worse. Industrial(工业的)factories built nearby on the mainland also made the condition get worse, causing the city to sink about 0.75 feet in the 20th century.
So the Italian government asked some of Italy’s biggest construction and engineering companies to build the MOST project, which was planned to be built under the sea water to stop floods. Now the government are using 3 000 people and expect to spend nearly five billion euros(欧元) on it. The MOSE gates are being built at the inlets(海湾).Each MOST gate is 197 feet long ,28.5 to 37 feel tall, and weight up to 22 tons. It’s nearly the size of a 20-story building. Before the gates are in use, under the sea full of water. When the flood comes, the water in the gates will be poured out, and then the gates will be filled with air. So the gates can go up with the sea water. Once they’re in the right place, they will stop the sea water pouring into Venice. These gates will be able to deal with floods up to 10feet,and as long as the sea level(平面)rises no more than two feet in the next 100 years, the MOSE will work as expected.
The MOSE project is now two-thirds done. The head engineer, Giovanni Cecconi, said, “This is a war. During the war, it’s not important that you win. It’s important that you’re alive. We’ve alive.” Anyway, this project is saving Venice from falling.
The underlined word “construction” in the passage means “_______”in Chinese.
A.建筑  B. 农业  C. 交通
Before building the MOSE gates, the Italian government _______ to stop the floods.
A. never built gates on the ground
B. built many kinds of gates on the ground
C. built some gates which were under the ground
When the flood comes, _______ can describe the working steps of the MOSE gates.

Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The Italian government ate using 3000 people and expect to spend nearly five billion dollars on the MOSE.
B. The MOSE project is half done now.
C. Each MOSE gate is 197 feet long, 28.5 to 37 feet tall, and weighs up to 22 tons.
The best title for this passage should be _______.
A. The Journey to Venice
B. The MOSE Project in Venice
C. Several Kinds of Floods in Venice

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In the deep blue Indian Ocean, there’s a beautiful island (岛) country called Maldives(马尔代夫). It’s the smallest in population and area of all the Asian countries. It has an area of 90,000 km2, but 99% of the area is covered by the sea. It has 1,190 islands and is about 820 km from North to South. People live on no more than 200 islands, while another 87 are visited by tourists. Some of the islands are only used for fishing or farming. The capital Maléis is on one of the middle islands, and about 75,000 people live there. The people there are friendly and welcoming. They use their traditional games to welcome people from all over the world. It is sunny on the islands almost every day, and makes them look so beautiful. People can enjoy lots of things in Maldives.
How many people live in the capital Maléis?

A.75,000. B.90,000. C.1,190. D.200.

What does the writer mean “Some of the islands are only used for fishing or farming”?

A.There are no people living on some islands in Maldives.
B.Tourists are everywhere in Maldives.
C.People in Maldives like traveling very much.
D.People in Maldives can do nothing except fishing or farming.

What does the writer think of the people in the Maldives?

A.He thinks they’re boring.
B.He thinks they’re poor.
C.They are friendly and welcoming.
D.He doesn’t like them.
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Good afternoon, everyone! This is Rose Garden Middle School Radio. John Smith speaking, with something new to share with you today. We all know that thinking green is sometimes the most difficult thing to do, but not impossible! Bed ZED, a new eco-friendly village (生态村) in the south of London, has done a great job of providing its villagers with a high level living while getting them to pay more attention to protecting the environment.
people in Bed ZED have done many things. They recycle their paper, plastic, glass and other daily things. They build many houses whose windows face south in order to get as much sunlight as possible. The rainwater is collected for use in the toilets. Also, the people there travel to work in shared cars or use public transportation if they work far away.
Now, you may think it’s not easy to live such a life, but let me tell you. it’s not! It’s a way of life. We just have to say no to what is bad for the environment, and begin working on ideas to protect it. Life would be much more pleasant if villages like Bed ZED existed (存在) all over the world!
Thank you for listening!
What people in Bed ZED often do is__________
A. to build a lot of houses         B. to go to work in their own cars
C. to recycle the paper, plastic and glass
In Bed ZED, the water used in the toilet may come from ____________.        
A. river water     B. running water           C. collected rainwater
People in Bed ZED usually go to work _________if they work far away.
A. by bus               B. on foot               C. by bike
The expression "thinking green" might mean the same as__________ .
A. building a green house  
B. keeping simple thoughts 
C. protecting the environment
The writer’s opinion is that________________ .
A. people should be against building eco-friendly villages
B. Bed ZED is a good example in protecting the environment!
C. the idea of thinking green is hard to work on

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

“Haibao,the mascot(吉祥物)of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo,is very cute,”said Gu Hui,a school kid.“I want a big toy like the mascot.”
Haibao looks like the Chinese word ren,which means people or a person.The name,a typical lucky one in Chinese tradition comes from the Chinese phrase “Si Hai Zhi Bao” —the treasure of the four seas.It also means the treasure of Shanghai,which lies beside the sea.
Haibao’s blue curly(卷曲的)hair looks like the waves of the sea.Its smile is a sign of the healthy spirit of China.Those thumbs-up(翘拇指)will welcome millions of people to Shanghai from around the world.Its big feet show China has the ability to host a successful Expo.
Haibao was created by two artists,one from the mainland(大陆) and the other from Taiwan.The design is about people living together in the city.The designers want it to fit the theme of the Shanghai Expo,that is,a good life should be created by all the people and people should have harmonious relationships(和谐关系) with nature and society,so that life in cities would be better.
Surely the mascot will become the lucky symbol and cultural remark of Shanghai Expo.
Which is the mascot of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo?

Which of the following is NOT true?

A.School children like Haibao.
B.The name Haibao shows Chinese traditional culture.
C.Haibao is the wisdom of two artists.
D.Haibao is an animal living in the sea near Shanghai.

What is the theme of the Shanghai World Expo?

A.One World, One Dream. B.One China, One Family.
C.Better City, Better Life. D.Shanghai, An Open City.
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Most people in Britain live in small family groups. More than a quarter of houses in Britain have only got one person in them. Some of these are old people but some are people of twenty to thirty who choose to live alone. 35% of houses have two people in them, and another 17% have three people. 15% have four people in them, and the other homes have five or more.
The families in Britain are small. It is unusual for parents to have more than two children. When children are about eighteen or nineteen, they leave their parents’ home, and they often go to a different city. Sometimes they only visit their parents two or three times a year.
  How many houses in Britain have 3 people living in them?

A.8% of houses. B. 15% of houses. C.17% of houses. D.35% of houses.

   At what age do children in Britain usually leave their parents’ home?

A. About 18 or 19. B. About 20 or 21.
C. About 25 or 26. D. About 30 or 31.

   What do you think the passage is?

A. An instruction. B. A report. C. A play. D. A joke.

   What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. Young people in Britain. B. Old people in Britain.
C. Families in Britain. D. The population in Britain.

   According to the passage, which of the diagrams is right?

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知





I'm in trouble.

Last week,we had a football match,and we lost.We played well,but one teammate didn't do his best,I think.It was like he wasn't even on the court!Disappointed by his behaviour,I said all this to my best friend.But he told everyone else what I'd said.I'm really angry with my friend- what should I say to him?And should I say anything at all to my teammate?


There is an old American saying, "Loose lips sink ships. "This means that if you speak too much about something,especially to people who you don't know so well,it'll cause all kinds of trouble.Maybe now you're in this situation.Forget all these unhappy things.

Like 13


Perhaps most importantly,think about your own behaviour.When filled with anger,you would say whatever comes to your mind.You might hurt others.Take a deep breath,calm down,and always remember:think first,speak later.

Like 11


In my view(观点),you should do what your parents ask.They're much older than you and you should respect them.It's their house you live in and their money you spend!

Like 10


Here's what you need to do.First,apologise to your teammate.Have a chat with him,and tell him directly and honestly that you were talking without thinking.Then tell your friend you're angry with him for repeating what you said and making the situation worse,but you hope your friendship will move on.

Like 10

(1)Tony posted his problems on the forum in order to    .


discuss the match


show football sills


get help from others


catch his teammate's attention

(2)Which is Lingling's view according to the text?      


It's polite of you to apologise in time.


It's important to ask your parents for help.


It's necessary to say whatever comes to your mind.


It's helpful to keep calm when you're angry.

(3)Whose reply is not relevant(关联)to Tony's problems?      






Ms Li's.



  • 更新:2021-09-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

International Graduation (毕业) Video

Rose Garcia                                         Thursday,June 10,2021

To:Li Hua

Hi Li Hua,

   Congratulations on your coming graduation!My name is Rose Garcia.I work at the International Student Office at SMU and I am working on the International Graduation Video to show all of your memories and achievements at SMU.

   Submissions(提交材料) will include :

★Your favorite pictures and videos of your time at SMU.

★A sentence or two including where you are from and what you are graduating with.

★A thank﹣you message to someone who may have helped you go through this difficult time.

   Please send submissions or questions to Rose Garcia at Roseg@smu.edu.

   The deadline(截止时间)for this is Friday,July 9,2021.The video will be shared around graduation time.

   Congratulations and don't miss this chance to celebrate your achievements!



(1)Who is the email written to?    


A head teacher.


A student's parent.


A class monitor.


An international student.

(2)What submissions should Li Hua prepare?    

①a thank﹣you message

②questions about graduation

③a simple self﹣introduction

④her favourite pictures and videos









(3)All the submissions should be sent by    .


June 10


June 27


July 9


July 14

(4)What is the email mainly about?    


The international students' life.


The International Graduation Video.


SMU's suggestions for the school﹣leavers.


Rose's congratulations on Li's achievements.

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Tibet is among the most popular places for Chinese tourists. The number of travelers to Tibet has grown by 10% every year for a few years. Since July 1,2006, when the first train ran 1956 kilometers from Xining to Lhasa, more and more people have been going to Tibet.
The train stops at several famous places along the way, such as Qinghai Lake, Kunlun Mountain, and the Potala Palace. Passengers can also enjoy many activities during the journey, like Tibetan dancing and Karaoke.
On the train, passengers can have tea, eggs and noodles for breakfast, and fried chicken and green vegetables for lunch and dinner. Unlike most Chinese trains which have open – hole toilets, this one has special toilets which can collect the waste. There is also a special rubbish system (系统) in the train that keeps the environment clean. All the windows on the train can protect people from the bright sunlight. TV and electrical sockets (插座) for computers and mobile phones can be found on the train.
Because there isn’t much oxygen there, trains will have oxygen masks (氧气罩) for those who need them. It makes passengers feel more comfortable when they have enough oxygen on the famous “roof of the world”. There are also doctors on the train to make sure that all of the travelers are safe.
Which of the following is NOT among the places of interest?

A.Qinghai Lake B.Karaoke.
C.Kunlun Mountain. D.The Potala Palace.

The train is unlike most Chinese trains except its            .

A.windows B.toilets C.sockets D.rubbish

The underlined word “them” in the last paragraph refers to          .

A.oxygen masks B.doctors C.oxygen D.passengers

We can learn from the passage that         .

A.flying to Tibet is impossible
B.train to Lhasa is too clean to take
C.train trip to Tibet is popular with travelers
D.taking train to Lhasa causes a lot of trouble

What’s the best title of the passage?

A.Tibet – Roof of the World B.Magic Train to Magic Tibet
C.Beautiful Views in Tibet D.A Comfortable Trip to Tibet
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

films in Feiyang Cinema this week
?  Chinese film (2004)
?  Dircected (导演) by Feng Xiaogang
?  Mainly acted by Liu Dehua, Liu Ruoying,
Ge You,Li Bingbing
?  From Monday to Wednesday, at 8 : 00 p. m.
?  Ticket Price:RMB¥35
?   Chinese   Hong  Kong film (2004)
?  Directed by Zhou Xingchi
?   Mainly acted by Zhou Xingchi,Yuan Hua, Liang Xiaolong
?   From  Wednesday  to Friday, at 8  : 00 p. m.
?  Ticket price:RMB¥40
Films In Feiyang Cinema This Week
?  American film (2004)
?  Directed by Alfonso Cuaron
?  Mainly acted by Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint. Emma Waston
?  From Friday to
Sunday,at 7 : 30 p. m. ? Ticket Price: RMB¥30 (Half on Sunday for children)
?  American film (2004)
?  Directed by Wolfgang Peters-en
?  Mainly acted by
Julian Glover, Brian  Cox, Nathan Jones, Adoni Maropis
?   From  Tuesday  to  Thursday, at  8  :  00 p. m.
?  Ticket Price:RMB¥45

  You can see________foreign films in Feiyang Cinema this week.

A. one B. two C. three D. four

  If you want to see the film which was directed by Feng Xiaogang, go to the cinema on________.

A. Monday B. Thursday C. Friday D. Saturday

  Children can pay only _____ when they want to see a film on Sunday.

A.¥5 B.¥10 C.¥15 D.¥20

  You can see the film________on Saturday.

A. Troy B. Harry Potter C. A World Without Thieves D. Kungfu Hustle

  Which of the following is TRUE?

A. All the films start after 8 o’clock in the evening.
B. The ticket price of the four films is the same.
C.Liu Dehua acted in the film A WORLD WITHOUT TYHIEVES
D. The four films were released (发行) in the same year.
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Compared with other European countries, lifestyle in Italy is slower and more relaxing in its own way. Italians love to chat over a cup of coffee, go out for a walk in the middle of the day, and enjoy long lunches and dinners.
Family is important to Italians. They can’t think of spending a day without asking about their parents or children, and a weekend without a family lunch or dinner. Italians living outside their country also miss their family a lot.
Italians like simple life. Their days start and end with a cup of coffee. A cup of coffee after every meal is a must. Italians love to spend time over a hot cup of coffee and even hotter conversation with friends. Topics are usually about family, football and politics(政治).
Sport is a very important part in the lives of many Italians. Football is their favorite sport. There are hundreds of football clubs with top soccer teams in Italy. Also, many top players from all over the world play in Italy. Volleyball is also popular and so is rugby(橄榄球), with the top rugby team playing for the European Challenge Cup.
Every Italian province, city, town and street has a historical(历史的) even that took place there and the Italian calendar is filled with national holidays that they love to celebrate(庆祝).
We can learn from the first paragraph that ________.

A.most European countries have slow and relaxing lifestyles
B.the lifestyle in Italy isn’t much like that of the other countries in Europe
C.Italians enjoy chatting over a cup of tea and long dinners
D.Italians love to walk in the middle of the night

What does the writer want to tell us in the second paragraph?

A.Friends are very important to Europeans.
B.Italians can’t spend a day without their parents.
C.Italians will never go to another country because they will miss their children.
D.Family is more important to Italians than any other thins.

Which of the following sports is loved most by Italians?

A.Football. B.Basketball. C.Volleyball. D.Rugby.

Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Italians love to spend national holidays, but there aren’t so many.
B.Italians never talk about politics with their family.
C.Italians like drinking coffee after every meal.
D.Soccer is not very popular in Italy.

What’s the passage mainly about?

A.Italian family. B.Italian life. C.Italian sport. D.Italian history.
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
