
Edgar Snow(1905-1972)was an American reporter.He is best known for his books and(1)        (文章)on Communism in China and the Chinese Communist revolution.

Snow came to China in 1928.He spent over 10 years(2)         (旅行)widely in China and trying to understand its people.At the same time,he tried to show what he learned to the rest of the world.

For(3)      (例子),Red Star Over China,which came out in the1930s,is known as the first book that introduced China's revolution to the west.In it,Snow(4)        (收集)firsthand information on the Long March,as well as on the work and lifestyle of members of the Communist Party of China in Shaanxi Province.

Many Westerners were introduced to the Party through his book.Norman Bethune,a

(5)        (加拿大的)doctor,came to China after reading Snow's book.He worked

(6)    (努力地)to save the lives of Chinese soldiers during World War I.

"When the(7)        (整个的)world had forgotten us,Snow came to see us and told the world what had happened.We will remember Snow's great help to China forever," Chairman Mao said during an(8)       (采访)with a German reporter in 1938.

Snow's spirit is still needed now,as well as in the(9)        (将来),according to People's Daily. "No writer has spoken more(10)        (强烈地)about Sino﹣US relations than Edgar Snow.And no matter the era,people around the world always need some sort of link,"the paper said.

  • 更新:2021-09-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In 2009.Todd Bol put up a Little Free Library with the used boards.That was to show his respect and love for his mother,who loved reading very much.The idea quickly spread,and Todd made a wise decision to set up Little Free library as a non﹣profit (非营利的) organization with signs that read"Little Free Library:Take a Book,Return a Book." Today there are about100,000 little free libraries in over 100 countries and they have a great influence on people's life.

    Studies have shown that books in the hands of children have a meaningful influence on improving literacy (识字).Little Free Library spreads the idea that literacy is of great importance and pushes people to learn and grow in their own literacy.

    Little Free Library can greatly improve the relationship among neighbors and strangers,too. "Within just a few miles of me,there are many little libraries in folks' front yards,sharing the joy of reading with anyone who passes by.I just live in such a world where books,and the knowledge that comes with them,are highly valued." Catherine,an American woman,said, "I've even received a note of thanks from a gentleman named Esteban.He was especially thankful to have a "friend" on a cold night: ‘Thank you for this wonderful gift of a book.It's an excellent friend on this cold and lonely night.I'll return one in its place as soon as I can!'"

    If each building has such a library,we will soon have a society that spends less time on the phones and more on the pages of a book.

    The idea of Little Free Library was first created by Told Bol.He made it for his mother who was a(1)   .Then the idea soon spread to many countries.And Todd (2)   decided to build Free Library as a non﹣profit organization.Nowadays,there are about 100,000 little free libraries around the world.Little Free Library tells us that literacy is so(3)   and pushes us to improve our ability to read and write through books.It also helps to improve the relationship (4)   people.At the same time,with little free libraries,people can(5)   the joy of reading books.What's more,little free libraries give people a feeling of warmth.If there is such a library in each building in the future,people will spend more time reading instead of playing on the phones.

  • 更新:2021-09-06
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A friend's grandfather came to America from East Europe.After arriving at Ellis Island,he went into a cafeteria(自助餐厅) in Lower Manhattan to get something to eat.He sat down at an empty table and waited for someone to take his order.

Of course nobody did.Finally,a woman with a tray(餐盘) full of food sat down opposite him and told him how a cafeteria worked.

"Start out at that end," she said," Just go along the line and pick out what you want.At the other end they'll tell you how much you have to pay."

"I soon learned that's how everything works in America." The grandfather told a friend, "Life's a cafeteria.You can get anything you want as long as you are ready to pay the price.You can even get success.But you'll never get it if you wait for someone to bring it to you.You have to get up and get it yourself."

In fact,life is like a cafeteria.Don't wait for success to come to you.And success is in your own hands.

(1)Grandfather knew    about the cafeteria before the woman told him about it.

(2)The woman told Grandfather how        in a cafeteria.

(3)From the passage,we can infer(推断) that it was Grandfather's        to eat in a cafeteria.

(4)The writer doesn't think it right          in life.

(5)Life is like a cafeteria because we need          both in a cafeteria and in life.

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
