
Steve Taylor was in his room lying down for sleep while his mother Katelyn was taking a shower.She wanted to bathe before going to bed herself.The 5﹣year﹣old boy was just about to fall asleep when he heard a loud noise from the bathroom.He hurried to have a look.

When he got to the bathroom,he found his mother lying in the bathtub(浴缸)with blood coming from her head.She had an epileptic fit(癫痫发作)and didn't know anything.However,little Steve kept a cool head.

He first went to his 2﹣month﹣old sister and put her in a blanket(毛毯),placing her on the sofa.He then climbed up a chair to open the door.Once the door opened,Steve picked her up from the sofa and went to his neighbor's house.The neighbor,Jessica,was very surprised to see her two young neighbors standing outside her door at such a strange hour.

She first thought the little boy was coming to talk about his dog.But he said, "No,my mom died in the shower.Can you take care of us?" Jessica ran to next door in a hurry and found Katelyn in the shower with the water still running.She called 911 and help arrived just in time.

Ms.Taylor believed that her son saved her life.If not her son,she probably would have died right there in her bathtub.Steve was praised by the local fire department.They showed up at his house with their fire truck to present him with some special prizes.

(1)The 5﹣year﹣old boy was just about to    when he heard a loud noise.


go out


fall asleep


take a shower

(2)When Steve found his mother lying in the bathtub,he    .


kept a cool head


started to cry loudly


went back to sleep

(3)Jessica was surprised to see her two young neighbors because    .


they were dressed in a strange way


they wanted to talk about their dog


they showed up quite late that night

(4)Which of the following is the right order of the story?    

①Jessica called 911.

②Ms.Taylor had an epileptic fit.

③Ms.Taylor wanted to bathe before sleeping.

④Steve went to his neighbor's house for help.

⑤Steve was praised by the local fire department.







(5)What is the best title of the story?    


A Mother Had an Epileptic Fit


A Young Boy Saved His Mother


A Kind Neighbor Helped a Family

  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Vicky liked dog biscuits. (1)    She thought of a way to get the biscuits for herself.

As a little dog.Vicky had learned to watch for the postman.Every day she went to meet him.He gave her all the letters.She brought these to Mrs.Smith﹣sometimes as many as six at a time.(2)    

One day Vicky brought only one letter to Mrs.Smith.But the little dog looked excited about something.How happily her feet danced as she followed Mrs.Smith to the cupboard!She ran into the next room with the biscuit. (3)    "How strange!" thought Mrs.Smith. "Why did the postman come back so soon?" But she went to the cupboard and got another biscuit for Vicky. (4)    There she saw Vicky eating the biscuit.And under the dog"s front paws (爪) was another letter!

Vicky had thought of a way to get more of the biscuits she liked.She was not going to bring all the letters at once.(5)    

What will you do to a dog like Vicky?Will you give her another biscuit?Mrs.Smith did just that.

A.Then she followed the dog to the next room.

B.But she did not ask anyone to help her to get them.

C.She wanted a biscuit for every letter she brought in.

D.As a reward (奖励),Mrs.Smith gave Vicky a dog biscuit.

E.After about two minutes,Vicky was back with another letter.

  • 更新:2021-08-17
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

John went to see his doctor one day,because he had a stomach ache for a long time.After checking John carefully,the doctor said, "Well,there's nothing wrong with you,I'm pleased to say.Your only trouble is that you worry too much.Do you know,I had a man with the same trouble as you here a few weeks ago,and I gave him the same advice as I am going to give you.He was worried because he couldn't pay his tailor s(裁缝的) bills.I told him not to worry about the bills any more.He took my advice and when he came to see me again two days ago,he told me that he now felt quite all right again." "Yes,I know all about that," answered John. "You see,I'm that man's tailor!"


(1)John went to see his doctor one day.   

(2)John had a headache for a long time.    

(3)A man had the same trouble as John a few days ago.    

(4)The doctor told the man not to worry about his tailor's bills any more.    

(5)From the passage we can learn that John might no get his money from the man.    

  • 更新:2021-08-17
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr Green is a doctor,and he is usually very busy.One day,it was his son,Bill's birthday.It was half past five in the afternoon.Bill was watching TV on the sofa when his father went back home from work.

"Hello,Dad." Bill said to his dear father.

"Dear,happy birthday to you!I want to give a present to you.Here is fifty dollars ,you can buy some books.I know you like reading." Mr.Green said to his son.

"Thank you very much,Dad" said Bill happily.

Then Bill went out of the house with the money.About fifteen minutes later,he went back home with nothing.

"Where are the books?" Mr Green asked.

"I didn't go to the bookstore.I went to Mr.Smith's house.I gave the money to his son ,Bob.He wants to buy some toys but his family is too poor." said the boy.

Mr Green held his son into his arms and said, "You are a good boy.I'm proud of you".


(1)Mr.Green works    .


in a hospital


in a bookstore


in a toy shop


in a factory

(2)One day,Mr.Green went back home while his son    .


was watching TV


was eating something


was reading a book


was playing with Bob

(3)Mr.Green gave fifty dollars to Bill to    .


give it to Mr.Smith


give it to Bob


buy some toys


buy some books

(4)Bill is    according to the passage.









(5)We can learn from the passage that    .


Mr.Green bought Bill a Christmas present


Bill bought some books


Mr.Smith wanted to buy some toys


Mr.Green was pleased with his son

  • 更新:2021-08-17
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Helping Hally

Sam was sitting on the couch,watching television.His mom walked into the room with Hally,their dog.

Mom said, " ①have,we,Hally,help,to(. )"Help her how?" asked Sam.

Do you remember when we went to pick up Hally from her litter?We picked her because she looked like her mom.She is brown with spots,with long ears,and she was energetic,so we thought she'd be strong,like her mom.But how does she look now?" Mom asked.

"Well," thought Sam, "She' s still brown with spots and long ears,but she' s not very energetic or strong anymore. "

"That's what the vet said,too.We haven't been letting her exercise as much,and we've been feeding her a lot.She would probably look just like her mom now if we had walked her more. ② We have to start walking her more often.And then she'll stay healthy for a long time.Will you help?"

"Sure!" said Sam.He decided that he could play fetch with her every day in the yard,because then she could run and run and run until she was tired.

The first day,they only played fetch for about 10 minutes before Hally was tired.But Sam kept playing with her every day.Soon,they could play for an entire half an hour!Hally looked stronger every day,just like her mom.Sam felt great about helping Hally get strong again.



litter BrE /'lɪtə(r)/;AmE /'lɪtər/ (noun)

a.small pieces of rubbish that have been left lying on the ground in public places

b.a group of animals that are born at the same time and have the same mother

c. (animal toilet)something that is put in a box to be used as a toilet by pets


(4)What is the problem in the story?                                         

(5)Do you think Sam and his mother love Hally?Why or why not? ( List at least one reason. )


  • 更新:2021-08-17
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

John was born in 1838.When he turned 11 years old,his family moved to the United States from Scotland.They began a new life in Wisconsin that year.

    John showed his love of nature in his early years.He liked playing outdoors.He also loved working outdoors on his father's farm.

    When he was 29,John had an accident at work.The accident hurt his eyes.As a result he missed looking at nature for months.Luckily,he could see again.Later that year,John decided to spend all his time learning about nature.He would travel in order to make his dream come true.

    First.John hiked 1,000 miles.He studied plants and wildlife He then took a trip by ship.It was to learn more about the world around him.In 1869,John went to the Sierra Nevada Mountains.He climbed the mountains and wrote down what he saw.And he wrote about the animals and plants as well.By the time John turned 33,people were reading what he had written.They realized the importance of nature from John's books.Many people understood and accepted his thoughts.

    In 1852,John started the Sierra Chub.Many people joined it.They agreed that forest wildlife should be protected.Today,the club has more than two million members.It has a great influence on the people who love nature.They all help spread the ways to protect the environment.

    John's books are still read today.He is famous for his love of nature.


(1)Where did John and his family begin their new life?


(2)How did John show his love of nature in his early years?


(3)What was John's dream after he could see again?


(4)When did John go to climb the Sierra Nevadan Mountains?


(5)Why did John do things like taking trips,writing books and starting a club?(请用一句话作答)


  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mary Armstrong was a pretty little girl,but she did not pay attention to her things.She usually left her books and playthings everywhere,and it gave her mom much trouble in picking them up and putting them in the proper places.Some of her books and toys became spoiled(损坏).Her mom had often told Mary the bad result of being so careless.The growing habit of carelessness would make her unhappy,and sometimes annoy her friends.Even worse,it would be of great harm to her all her life.But Mary didn't listen to her mom.So they argued a lot.

    One day Mary made a beautiful toy,a gift for her best friend's birthday.When her mom asked her to go out into their yard to play,Mary put the toy in her room casually(不经意地).She ran around and played happily there.An hour later,it was time to go to her friend's birthday party.Mary went back to get the toy.But she couldn't find it anywhere.Finally,she found the toy broken in the corner.At once she realized that Dash,her pet dog had done this,and she was very angry.Carrying the broken toy to her mom,she couldn't help crying.

    Mrs.Armstrong asked Mary if she had left the toy in the place where Dash could easily get it,and Mary answered, "Yes,mom"

    "Then you should not be irritated,Mary,because the dog does not know it is wrong to play with your toy.I hope this will be a lesson to you hereafter,to put your things away when you finish"

    I will try, "said Mary.And her mom promised to repair the toy as well as she could.


(1)What did Mary and her mom argue about?    

A.Her books.

B.Her playthings.

C.Her way of making friends.

D.Her habit of carelessness.

(2)Why did Mary cry when carrying the gift to her mom?      

A.Because her gift was broken.

B.Because Dash broke her book.

C.Because Dash annoyed her friends.

D.Because Mrs.Armstrong was mad at her.

(3)Which is the right order of he following things?      

①Dash broke the toy.   ②Mary put the toy in her room.

③Mary found the toy in the corner. ④Mom would repair the toy for Mary.

A. ①③②④

B. ①③④②

C. ②①④③

D. ②①③④

(4)What does the underlined word "irritated" in the fourth paragraph probably mean?    





(5)What does the passage mainly tell us?      

A.Listen to our parents,and they'll repair our things.

B.Be kind to our pets,and they won't break our things.

C.Get on well with our friends,and we'll get birthday gifts.

D.Be careful with our things and we'll develop a good habit.

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One wet,rainy April afternoon Miss O' Shay,the principal,sent for Nancy Lee to stop by her office as school closed.Pupils without umbrellas or raincoats crowded in doorways hoping to make it home between showers.Outside the skies were grey.Nancy Lee's thoughts were suddenly grey,too.

    She did not think she had done anything wrong,yet that tight (紧的) little knot came in her throat just the same as she came near Miss O' Shay's door.Perhaps she had banged her locker too often and too hard.Perhaps the note in French she had written to Sallie halfway across the study hall just for fun had never got to Sallie but into Miss O' Shay's hands instead.

    She knocked on Miss O' Shay's door.That familiarly solid and competent voice said, "Come in."

    Miss O' Shay had a way of making you feel welcome,even if you came to be punished.

    "Sit down,Nancy Lee Johnson," said Miss O' Shay. "I have something to tell you." Nancy Lee sat down."But I must ask you to promise not to tell anyone yet."

    "I won't,Miss O' Shay," Nancy Lee said,wondering what on earth the principal had to say to her.

    "You are about to graduate," Miss O' Shay said. "And we shall miss you.You have been an excellent student,Nancy,and you will not be without honors (荣誉) on the senior list,as I am sure you know."

    At that point there was a light knock on the door.Miss O' Shay called out, "Come in," and Miss Dietrich entered."May I be part of this,too?" she asked,tall and smiling.

    "Of course," Miss O' Shay said."I was just telling Nancy Lee what we thought of her.But I hadn't got around to giving her the news.Perhaps,Miss Dietrich,you'd like to tell her yourself."

    Miss Dietrich was always direct."Nancy Lee," she said, "your picture has won the Artist Club scholarship."

    The brown girl's eyes widened,her heart jumped,then her throat tightened again.She tried to smile,but instead tears came to her eyes.

    "Dear Nancy Lee,"Miss O' Shay said, "we are so happy for you." The elderly white woman took her hand and shook it warmly while Miss Dietrich smiled with pride.

    Nancy Lee must have danced all the way home.She never remembered quite how she got there through the rain.She hoped she had been calm.But certainly she hadn't stopped to tell anybody her secret on the way.Raindrops,smiles,and tears mingled on her brown face.She hoped her mother hadn't yet got home and that the house was empty.

(1)How did Nancy feel on her way to Miss O' Shay's office?     





(2)What can we infer from the passage about Nancy?      

A.She was Miss Dietrich's best student.

B.She would never tell anyone her secret.

C.She was often punished by the principal.

D.She would try to hide feelings at home.

(3)Which is the best title for this story?       

A.A New Star

B.The Girl.

C.A Young Artist.

D.The News.

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In October 2002,Winston Churchill was chosen by the British people as the greatest British man".The great British men behind him were Shakespeare,Newton,and Darwin.But many people did not know that Churchill was thought to be a bad boy when he was a child.

    At the age of seven,Winston Churchill was sent to a boarding(寄宿) school named St.George.The school rules were strict.He often got serious punishment.Churchill cried loudly and kicked wildly when he was beaten.At the end of the term,he returned home with a report card and pains all over his body.The report card said that he was "naughty"(顽皮的).

    At the age of twelve,his father sent him to Harrow Public School,which was famous for training English gentlemen.Because he failed the entrance exam,he was placed in the last group of the class with worst grades.He fell behind the others in study.He gave many people the impression of low energy,strangeness ,and lawlessness. Fortunately,he still had a friend,his grandfather.The American of great wealth who had experienced the world said, "Let him go!As long as boys have the chance to show their talents,they are sure to become better." Churchill kept the words of his grandfather in mind,and secretly looked for it in his heart.

    Many years later,Churchill was already a successful politician and writer.He worked as a reporter,as Secretary of the Navy,and as Prime Minister (首相) of the United Kingdom.He said, "My grandfather taught me that boys must choose their own path.I don't have special talents and my success is by working hard."

(1)The second paragraph mainly tells us    .

A.Churchill loved his school

B.Churchill got good education

C.Churchill got less punishment

D.Churchill was considered as a bad boy

(2)Churchill's grandfather was   .

A.a gentleman from the UK

B.of great help to Churchill

C.rich with little experience

D.unsure of Churchill's becoming better

(3)The underlined word "Fortunately" in the third paragraph probably means    .





(4)Which of the following is the correct order according to the passage?   

①Churchill became a successful politician and writer.

②Churchill went to Harrow Public School.

③Churchill was sent to a boarding school.

④Churchill's grandfather encouraged him a lot.





(5)Which part of a magazine is the passage probably from?      

A.Geography World.

B.Science Study.

C.History Character.

D.Natural Environment.

  • 更新:2021-08-17
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dr.Dolittle lived in a small town called Puddleby.Everyone in the town knew him.The dog and children ran after him.

    He lived in a small house,but he had a large garden.He kept many animals in his garden.His favorite animals were Dab﹣Dab,a duck;Jip,a dog;Gub﹣Gub,a baby pig and Polynesia,a parrot.He also kept some fish,rabbits,cats,a squirrel,a cow and a baby cow,a horse,chickens and so on.

    Dr.Dolittle didn't have many patients.Most people didn't like all of his animals,so when they were ill,they went to a doctor in another town.

    "But you don't have any money, "his sister told him. "You need patients."

    "I have a patient, " Dr.Dolittle answered, "The cat's﹣meat﹣man.He's the man who sells me meat for the cat."

    "He doesn't pay you enough to live on, " his sister told him.

    "Then I'll sell everything I have," he said.

    And he did.He sold most of his furniture.He also sold most of his clothes.Then he had enough money to buy food for himself and his animals.

    One day,the cat's﹣meat﹣man said to him," Why don't you stop being a doctor for people and become a doctor for animals instead?I'm sure that you know a lot about animals — more than most vets.You wrote a wonderful book about cats.I'd send all the people with sick dogs or cats to you."

    When the cat's﹣meat﹣man left,Polynesia,the parrot,flew onto the table. "He's right,Doctor," Polynesia said. "You should become an animal doctor."

    "There are a lot of vets," Dr,Dolittle said.

    "Perhaps there are a lot of vets.But you'd be the best vet of all.I'm not the only animal that can talk.All the animals can talk.Each kind of animal has its own language.I'll teach you mine if you like."

    "Yes,please," Dr.Dolittle said.He opened a drawer (抽屉) and took out a notebook and pencil. "Will you teach me the parrot's ABCs first?" he asked.

    Polynesia agreed to teach Dr.Dolittle parrot language.Later that day,Jip came into the room.Polynesia said, "He's talking to you,Doctor."

    "I don't think he is," Dr.Dolittle said. "He's just cratching(挠) himself."

    "Dogs talk with their ears,their noses,and their tails," Polynesia told him.They don't always make a noise.Do you see how he is moving his nose now?"


    "He is telling us that it has stopped raining,and he wants to ask you a question."

    Every day,Dr.Dolittle learned the languages of the animals.When people found out he was now an animal doctor,they brought their sick pets to him.

    One day,a horse said to him, " You're a much better animal doctor than the vet.You knew I couldn't see well,and you made glasses for me."

    The horse was very pleased.He could see very well.He told all his friends how clever Dr.Dolittle was,and they told all their friends.Soon,many animals came to see him.He had a different door for each animal,and he wrote the name of each kind of animal above each door.HORSES,COWS,...

    Before long,every animal that lived in or near the town became the doctor's patient.He was very happy,and he liked his life very much.

                                                                                               (Adapted from The Story of Dr.Dolittle)

(1)What were Dr.Dolittle's favourite animals?   

①a duck,cats   ②a baby pig,a parrot

③a duck,a dog ④a parrot,rabbits

A. ①④

B. ②④

C. ①③

D. ②③

(2)Why did most people go to a doctor in another town when they were ill?   

A.Because Dr Dolittle was impolite to them.

B.Because they didn't like all of Dr.Dolittle's animals.

C.Because the doctor in another town was very famous.

D.Because Dr.Dolittle was busy looking after his animals.

(3)Which is the correct order of what happened to Dr.Dolittle in the story?   

a.Dr.Dolittle learned the languages of the animals.

b.Dr.Dolittle sold most of his furniture and clothes.

c.Animals in or near the town became Dr.Dolittle's patients.

d.Polynesia flew onto the table and taught Dr.Dolittle parrot language.





(4)Who told all his friends that Dr.Dolittle was a clever animal doctor?   

A.A parrot.

B.A cow.

C.A horse.

D.A duck.

(5)What can we learn from the passage?   

A.Dr.Dolittle only talked to his parrot.

B.Dr.Dolittle had much money at first.

C.Dr.Dolittle was very happy in the end.

D.Dr.Dolittle was liked by everyone in the town.

  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A two﹣week﹣old baby hippo sat alone on the bank of the Zambezi River in Zambia,a country in Africa.His mother was dead.The morning sun rose and with every passing minute he lost more strength.Without his mother,the baby probably wouldn't make it through the night.

    Luckily,Ian Stevenson and his friends saw the baby hippo.They took him back,fed him milk and eggs.The young animal was saved and soon doubled his weight.He seemed happy and healthy.

    Later,the hippo,now called Douglas,was moved to an ideal home at Chipembele,a wildlife center owned by Ann and Steve Tolan,They built a sleeping place for Douglas by a pool where he liked to swim.They fed him every three hours.Douglas enjoyed playing with the Tolans' pet dogs and swimming in the pool.Sometimes at night,other hippos came from the nearby river to eat grass.At first,Douglas would walk into his pool to hide. "But he soon fought against his shyness and played with them, "Tolan says.Douglas remained at Chipembele for about five years before he was moved to another part of Zambia.

(1)What's the name of the hippo?                  

(2)How did the baby hippo survive the night without his mother?               

(3)In your opinion,where was the hippo moved five years later,a zoo or the wild,Why?  


  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Resting my head on Helen's shoulder,I put my arms round her waist(腰).She drew me to her,and we rested in silence.

    We had not sat long before another person came in.Some heavy cloudsswept from the sky by a rising windhad left the moon brightand her lightcoming in through a window nearshone full both on us and on the coming personMiss Temple.   "I came on purpose to find you,Jane Eyre, " said she. "I want you in my room,and as Helen Burs is with you,she may come too. "

    We followed Miss Temple to her apartment.It had a good fire,and looked cheerful.Miss Temple told Helen Burns to be seated in a low arm﹣chair on one side of the fire place,and herself asking another,she called me to her side.

    "Is it all over?" she asked,looking down at my face. "Have you cried your sadness away?"

    "I am afraid I never shall do that. "


    "Because I have been wrongly accused(指责),and you and everybody else,will think me a bad girl. "

    "We shall think you what you prove yourself to be,my child.Continue to act as a good girl,and you will satisfy us. "

    "Shall I,Miss Temple?"

    "You will. "said Miss Temple, "You have been accused of lying when you were little.Tell us the truth,but add nothing and exaggerate(夸大)nothing. "

    I made up my mind that I would be most modest and most core.Having thought for a few minutes about where to start,I told her all the story of my sad childhood.

(1)Which of the following words best describes Miss Temple in the passage?   





(2)What does the underlined paragraph imply(暗示)?   

A.Miss Temple was going to punish Jane.

B.Helen would rather leave Jane alone.

C.Nothing could make Jane happy again.

D.Jane's luck might change for the better.

(3)According to the passage,which of the following is true about Jane?   

A.She chose to trust Miss Temple.

B.She didn't mind being accused.

C.She made up her childhood story.

D.She once behaved as a bad girl.

  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

"Have you finished your lesson,George?" said Mr.Prentice to his son,who had laid aside his book and was busy making a large paper kite.

    "No,father,"replied George,hanging down his head.

    "Why not,my son?"

    "Because it is so difficult,father.I am sure that I shall never learn it.Besides,I could not remember it after I had learned it,my memory is so bad."

    "If I were to promise you a holiday on the thirtieth of the month after next,do you think you would forget the date?"

    "No,I am pretty sure that I should not."

    "You are first﹣rate at skating,and flying a kite,and playing at ball and marbles,are you not?"


    "And yet you cannot learn your lesson!My dear boy,you are deceiving(欺骗) yourself.You can learn as well as anyone,if you will only try."

    "But have I not tried,father?" again urged George.

    "Well,try again.Come,for this afternoon lay aside that kite you are making,and give another effort to get your lesson ready.Be in earnest,and you will soon learn it.To show you that it only requires perseverance I will tell you a story:

    "One of the dullest boys at a village school,more than thirty years ago,went up to repeat his lesson one morning;and,as usual,did not know it. ‘Go to your seat!' said the teacher angrily.

‘If you don't pay more attention to your lessons,you will never be fit for anything.'

    The poor boy stole off to his seat,and bent his eyes again upon his lesson.

    ‘It is of no use;I cannot learn.' he said in a whisper to a companion who sat near him.

    ‘You must try hard,'replied the kind﹣hearted boy.

    ‘I have tried,but it is of no use;I may just as well give up at once.'

    ‘Try again,Henry!' Whispered his companion,in an earnest and encouraging tone.

    These two little words gave him a fresh impulse,and he bent his mind again to his task.

Gradually he began to find the sentences lingering in his memory;and soon,to his surprise and pleasure,the whole lesson was mastered!

    "From that day," continued Mr.Prentice,"there was no boy in the school who learned more rapidly than Henry.From that day till the present hour he has been a student;and he now urges his son George to ‘try again' as he tried. "

    "And was it indeed you,father?" asked his son,eagerly looking up into the face of his kind parent.

    "Yes,my child.That dull boy was your own father in his early years."

    "Then I will try again." said George,in a decided tone;and,flinging aside his half﹣made kite,he turned and re﹣entered the house,and was soon bending in earnest attention over his lesson.

    "Well,what success,George?"asked Mr.Prentice,as the family gathered around the tea﹣table.

    "I learned the lesson,father!" replied the boy, "I can say every word of it."

    "Did you find it hard work?"

    "Not so very hard,after I had once made up my mind that I would learn it.Indeed I never stopped to think,as I usually do,but went right on until I had mastered every sentence."

    "May you never forget this lesson,my son!" said Mr.Prentice, "You now get the secret of success.It lies in never stopping to think about a task being difficult or tiresome,but in going steadily on,with a fixed determination to succeed."

(1)The meaning of the underlined word"perseverance"is   

A.the quality of continuing trying

B.the quality of being brave enough

C.thinking about what will happen next

D.thinking about what's the best thing to do

(2)Which is the correct order of the things below?   

a.Mr.Prentice told George his own story.

b.George learned the lesson successfully.

c.George was busy making a large paper kite.

d.George gave up his lesson halfway.

e.The family gathered around the tea﹣table.





(3)According to the passage,we can see Mr.Prentice   .

A.was encouraged by his teacher

B.was a top student at first

C.is always impatient with his son

D.is a kind and wise father

(4)Which can be the best title for the passage?   

A.A dull boy.

B.Try again.

C.A strict father.

D.Finish your lesson.

  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When she was alone,Mary felt lonelier than ever.She went out of the house and ran around the garden ten times.Ben Weatherstaff was working in it.

    "Spring is coming," he said to Mary. "I can smell it in the air.Soon there will be spring flowers At this moment,the robin flew toward them and landed at Mary's feet.

    "He remembers me, " she said.

    " He knows everything that happens here, " Ben said. "Only he knows what's happening in the garden that has no door into it.No one else has been inside it for ten years. "

    Ben walked away to continue his work.Mary bent down and began talking to the robin.She felt happier than she had ever felt.

    The robin trusted her and did not fly away.It began pecking at the ground,looking for a worm to eat.Mary looked closely at the ground.She saw something that looked like metal.She picked it up.It was dirty and rusty.She cleaned it and saw that it was a key.

    "It's been in the ground for many years, " she thought. "I wonder if it is the key to the garden.If it is,then I must find the door. "

    Mary skipped around the garden.The robin followed her.Mary stopped skipping and spoke to the robin.

    "He showed me where to find the key, " she thought. "Can you show me where the door is? "

    The robin sat on the top of the garden wall.It began to sing.The wall was covered with ivy.Mary pulled at a piece of the ivy.It came away from the wall.Behind the wall was a door.Mary put the key in the lock of the door and turned it.The door opened.Only seconds later,Mary was inside the secret garden.

    Mary thought it was the most beautiful garden she had ever seen.

(1)Which is the right order for the robin?    

a.It followed Mary around the garden.

b.It sat and sang on the top of the garden wall.

c.It pecked at the ground and looked for a worm.

d.It flew toward Ben and Mary and landed at Mary's feet.





(2)What does the underlined word "it " in paragraph 7 refer to?   

A.The key.

B.The robin.

C.The flower.

D.The lock.

(3)Which word best describes Mary's feeling in the end?      





(4)What is the best title for the text?   

A.Mary Discovers the Door

B.Mary Finds a Secret Garden

C.Mary Remembers the Robin

D.Mary Helps Her Best Friend

  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Durbeyfield sat down upon the grassy land by the roadside,putting his basket before him.In a few minutes,a youth from his village appeared in the distance.On seeing him,Durbeyfield held up his hand,and the boy quickened his steps and came near.

    "Boy,take up that basket!I want you to do something for me. "

    The skinny boy frowned(皱眉), "Who are you then,John Durbeyfield,to order me about and call me 'boy'?You know my name as well as I know yours!"

    "Do you,do you?That's the secret — That's the secret!Now obey my orders,and Fred,I don't mind telling you that the secret is that I'm one of noble race(贵族) —it has been just found out by me this present afternoon." And as he made the announcement,he luxuriously(奢侈地) lay himself upon the land among the flowers.The boy stood before Durbeyfield,and looked at him from head to foot.

    "Sir,John D' Urberville — that's who I am, " continued Durbeyfield. " Do you know such a place as Greenhill? "

    "Yes.I have been there to Greenhill fair(集市). "

    "Well,under the church of that city there lie my ancestors(祖先) —hundreds of them — in coats of jewellery.There is not a man here who's got greater and nobler ancestors than I. "

    "Oh? "

    "Now take up that basket,and go on to the Pure Drop Inn,telling them to send a horse and carriage(马车) with a servant(仆人) here quickly,to carry me home.And when you've done that,go on to my house with the basket,and tell my wife to put away that washing,because she needn't finish it,and wait till I come home,as I've news to tell her. "

    As the boy stood in doubt,Durbeyfield put his hand into his pocket.And produced a shilling (a unit of money used in Britain until 1971).

    "Here is for your work,son. "

    This made a difference.

    "Yes,Sir John.Thank you. "

    The boy took up the basket and set out at once.

(1)What did Durbeyfield ask Fred to do?    

A.Listen to a story.

B.Find out a secret.

C.Send messages for him.

D.Drive a horse and carriage for him.

(2)Which of the following about Durbeyfield is TRUE?    

A.He did believe he was a noble.

B.He wanted to play a trick on Fred.

C.He was the richest man in the city.

D.He used to live in Greenhill.

(3)What made the boy willing to work for Durbeyfield?      

A.Durbeyfield's secret.

B.Durbeyfield's order.

C.His visit to Greenhill fair.

D.The unit of money.

(4)What is most probably the relationship between Durbeyfield and Fred?   

A.Father and son.


C.Close friends.

D.Master and servant.

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
