
A primary school headmaster became the latest star on the Internet for dancing with his students.

    Zhang Pengfei works in Xiguan Primary School in Linyi,Shanxi Province.Every morning,he leads 700 pupils to do the"ghost shuffle" routine on the playground.They dance for 30 minutes every day.They like dancing more than doing the old exercise routine,so they don't do the old one now.

    "I thought we needed a change because the students lost interest in doing the old exercise routine though it was useful for pupils." Zhang told the reporter.After all,they started to do the old exercise routine in 1951.

    Mr.Zhang saw a group of people doing the"ghost shuffle" routine by accident.Then he decided to learn it on his own."I thought the dance would be great for kids," he said, "The music is energetic and it really makes children relax." In October 2018,he introduced the dance to all the pupils of his school.Soon even teachers and workers there joined in the activity.

    "Now the pupils don't keep playing games on their phones.Sometimes they watch different dancing videos and learn new moves!" the headmaster said.

(1)The students do the"ghost shuffle" routine for    every week from Monday to Friday.

A.30 minutes

B.1.5 hours

C.2 hours

D.2.5 hours

(2)When did the students in Xiguan Primary School start to do the"ghost shuffle" routine?    

A.In 1951.

B.In 2018.

C.In 2019.

D.In 2020.

(3)How did Zhang Pengfei feel about the music of the "ghost shuffle" routine?   

A.Energetic and relaxing.

B.Slow and traditional.

C.Classical and interesting.

D.Quiet and relaxing.

(4)After Mr.Zhang introduced the "ghost shuffle" routine to his school,the pupils   .

A.became smarter

B.asked their parents to dance with them

C.didn't do other types of sports any more

D.didn't keep playing games on their phones

(5)From the passage,we know   .

A.the old exercise routine has a history of many years

B.only the students do the dance at Mr.Zhang's school

C.Mr.Zhang learnt the dance on TV

D.Mr.Zhang often dances after work

  • 更新:2021-09-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Li Zixuan is a junior middle school student.He is now studying in Grade 9.He has had many dreams since he was little.But as time goes by,some new dreams have appeared and some old ones have disappeared.However,only one dream is still in his mind.

    Li Zixuan says that when he was a child,he heard about rockets and spaceships.At first,he didn't know what they were.From his father,he knew that scientists make rockets to carry things into space,and spaceships are used to carry people through space.From then on,he has had a real interest in space.Every time he sees beautiful stars and the moon in the sky at night,he gets every excited.He is always dreaming that he can fly to space to look at the early one day.His mother knows about his dream and of the encourages him.

    In school,Li Zixuan learned that the first man flew into space in 1961 and later,more astronauts succeeded in traveling into space.Some astronauts even landed on the moon.His teacher always encourages him to learn more.He knows not everyone has a chance to travel into space.More importantly,before he can fly to space,he must be trained specially.

    Li Zixuan knows it's not easy to achieve his dream,but he decided to try his best.He says, "I've had this dream for many years.it has brought me a lot of joy and always gives me power.Even if it doesn't come true in the end,I won't be sorry."

(1)What does the boy want to be when he grows up?    

A.A scientist.

B.A pilot.

C.An engineer.

D.An astronaut.

(2)Who told the boy something about rockets and spaceships?    

A.His father.

B.His mother.

C.His teacher.

D.His friend.

(3)What must the boy do before he can fly to space?    

A.Study very hard.

B.Get a driving licence.

C.Do exercise every day.

D.Get some special training.

(4)What's the best title(标题) for the text?    

A.Dream of a Boy.

B.The Love of a Father.

C.An Excellent Hobby.

D.An Unusual Experience.

  • 更新:2021-09-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

To become a better person,we should go to school every day.So how can we become powerful and start changes in our own life?Perhaps we can get some tips from the US First Lady Michelle Obama.During her visit to China,from March 20–26,Mrs.Obama shared her views on education with students.

    The first lady encouraged Chinese students to aim high and get a good education.In Chengdu No.7 High School,she told students that having poor roots doesn't matter A   long as you work hard.

    Mrs.Obama said her family was not rich.Like many Chinese students,her parents had big dreams for her.She felt the weight of her parents' sacrifices (牺牲) on her shoulders and worked hard to make them proud.

    Persevering was not easy,though.Sometimes she had to wake up at 4:30 a.m.and study late into the night. "But whenever I got tired or discouraged,I would remember something my mother always told me," she said, "A good education is something that takenofromcanoneawayyou."

    Mrs.Obama also encourages Chinese students to study abroad. "As the Chinese B   goes,

It is better to travel 10000 miles than to read 10000 books," she said. "③在学校取得好成绩是不够的。It's also important to have real experience with languages,cultures and societies different from your own, " she noted.

    "Studying abroad could also gain future international relations. ④It could help young people from different country work together to deal with problems such as climate change" Mrs.Obama said.

任务一:(1)请将文中A,B 空白处分别填入一个恰当的单词,使句子意思完整正确。

A.                   B.          


A good education is something that                .







  • 更新:2021-09-06
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When looking at a pair of old chopsticks,most people would see nothing but waste.But Felix Bock would see boxes,tables,shelves and so on.

    In 2016,Felix Bock,a doctoral student at the University of British Columbia,Canada,found out people threw away about 100,000 pairs of chopsticks every day in Vancouver alone.He felt the need to do something.So he started the company ChopValue in the same year.The company collected used chopsticks from restaurants,schools and shopping centers in Canada and the US and turned them into furniture and other artworks.Now in its fifth year,with the rapid growth of the company,Bock employs 40 people,and using his special methods of steam and press machines,he has recycled 32 million pairs of chopsticks.

    Bock takes pride in his work.And he hopes the idea behind ChopValue will help people rethink what they see as waste. "I believe every small action can help," he said. "And I am happy that my business provides a new way for people." Hundreds of restaurants across North America pay a small sum of money to Bock for the recycling of their used chopsticks.Bock doesn't stop there.Now he is busy taking his business to more countries and has set up factories for recycling local wood like chopsticks in 10 countries.

(1)When did Felix Bock start his company?    

A.In 2016.

B.In 2017.

C.In 2021.

(2)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?    

A.The company collected old chopsticks to make new machines.

B.People threw away about 100,000 pairs of chopsticks in England.

C.The company turned used chopsticks into furniture and other artworks.

(3)What does the underlined word "employs" mean in Chinese?    




(4)Why do many restaurants in North America pay money to Bock?    

A.Because they expect Bock to continue his business.

B.Because they hope to build some factories with Bock.

C.Because they want Bock to help recycle their used chopsticks.

(5)What's the passage mainly about?    

A.The new way to rethink waste.

B.The plan for recycling local wood.

C.The advice about setting up a company.

  • 更新:2021-09-06
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Friendships light up our lives.Everyone needs friends.Friends are very important.If you want to have good friends,you should be a good friend yourself first.

    When I was 5 years old,I had a lot of friends.Almost every kid liked to play with me because I always shared my toy cars with others,Never be mean(小气的)if you want to be a good friend.

    As an 11﹣year﹣old,I was captain(队长)of my soccer team I was also the best player.At the beginning,I wasn't captain and I was the weakest player of the whole team.At that time,nobody wanted to make friends with me.Then I trained harder and harder,I made a lot of effort to catch up with the team.As the old saying goes—no pains,no gains.After a lot of hard work,I finally became a good player.My teammates wanted to make friends with me.If you want to be a good friend,always remember to make yourself stronger and stronger.

    Now I'm 14.My friends and I have a lot of stress at school.I'm good at math and one of my best friends is good at English.We often help each other.I help him make progress in math.It really does work!Many of my classmates who are bad at math come to ask me for help.They become my friends as well…

    Be a helpful study fellow(伙伴)if you want to be a good friend.Make yourself into a good friend and you'll never walk alone.

(1)What's one supposed to do first to have good friends according to the writer?    

A.Become the best soccer player of the team.

B.Make himself/ herself stronger than others.

C.Help others study math or English.

D.Become a good friend himself/ herself.

(2)What can be inferred(推断)from the passage?    

A.One should be honest when making friends.

B.It's not easy to make friends when one does well in math.

C.Those who are stronger than others have more friends.

D.The writer hasn't any stress while making friends with others.

(3)What can be the best title for the passage?    

A.The importance of friends.

B.The ways of making friends.

C.The advantages of being captain.

D.The suggestions of dealing with stress.

  • 更新:2021-09-06
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A Friend to the Pilgrims

"I speak English." When the Pilgrims (清教徒前辈美洲移民) heard these words,they were very surprised.The words came from Squanto,a Native American (印第安人).But how did he learn to speak English?As the Pilgrims would soon find out,this happened to be a long story.

In 1605,George Weymouth,an English captain (船长),was exploring America.People from England were interested in the Native Americans of this new land.When Weymouth came to Squanto's village,he captured (俘获) five men.Squanto was not among them,but the little boy was curious (好奇的).He volunteered to go with Weymouth to England.

In England,a friend of Weymouth's took good care of Squanto.But after nine years,Squanto felt homesick.In 1614,two English captains,John Smith and Thomas Hunt,asked Squanto to help them explore America.They promised to take Squanto to his home village after the trip.Squanto was happy and agreed to go.But after the trip,Captain Hunt broke his promise.Instead of bringing Squanto to see his family,he sold him to Spain as a slave (奴隶).

In Spain,some monks (僧侣) saved Squanto and looked after him for three years.Then,he joined another trip to North America.The trip was to Newfoundland.This was still far from Squanto's home.Squanto returned to England in the end.

By now,Squanto had known many important men in England.They liked Squanto and wanted to help him.Finally,Squanto went back to his home village in 1619 with the help of them.But sadly,the village was empty.All of the villagers had died from an illness.

When the Pilgrims arrived in America in 1620,winter would soon come.They needed help.Squanto happened to be living close to their houses.He offered to help.Knowing the language and customs of Englishmen,Squanto helped the Pilgrims in many ways,including teaching them how to catch fish.The Pilgrims were really lucky to have such a good friend!

(1)What did George Weymouth do when he came to Squanto's village?


(2)Who helped Squanto return to his home village in the end?


(3)When did the Pilgrims arrive in America?


(4)How did Squanto help the Pilgrims?


(5)What do you think of Squanto?And why?


  • 更新:2021-09-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Zhu Keming never thought he would be a hero one day,but he was just that on Saturday when he saved the lives of six runners during the mountain marathon (马拉松)in Baiyin,Gansu Province,in which 21 people lost their lives.

It started off as a normal day for the 49﹣year﹣old shepherd who was taking care of his more than 30 sheep on the mountainside.But soon the weather was terrible,with rainfall and hail.The rain got so heavy that he couldn't see clearly and had to run into a cave where he normally went to have a rest.Soon he fell asleep in the cave after covering himself with some quilts he had stored there.

But he was awakened at 2 pm by an unusual sound that was not coming from his sheep.The sound that woke Zhu was the cry of a runner in the marathon.He was wet from head to toe and trembling because of cold.Zhu took him into the cave,lit a fire and covered the stricken (受伤的)runner with his quilts.

Zhu said that there were soon five runners huddling (挤作一团)in the cave,and he then decided to go outside to try to attract the attention of rescuers (救援者).When he risked coming out of the cave,he found another stricken runner lying on the ground in bad condition.Then the other runners came out of the cave to give a hand.Zhu and the six runners remained huddled around the fire in his cave until 7 pm,when the rescue team arrived.

" I just did what I had to when I saw that these people were in danger.I think everyone would do the same thing in such a situation, "Zhu said to Beijing News.

Luo Chongchuan,the village head of Changsheng,where Zhu and his family live,said that the shepherd is a warm﹣hearted person who often helps his villagers.

(1)What does the underlined word "shepherd" in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?    







(2)What can we know about Zhu Keming from the passage?    


Zhu Keming is the head of his village.


Zhu Keming is a warm﹣hearted and helpful person.


Zhu Keming saved six runners on a Saturday morning.

(3)What's the best title for the passage?    


Shepherd saved six stricken runners.


21 runners lost their lives in Baiyin.


How to realize our hero dreams?

(4)Where does this passage probably come from?    


A guide book.


A website.


A science book.

  • 更新:2021-09-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Like most kids,Landon Kenstrick,5 years old,has a favorite animal.However,his favorite animal is quite different from other kids'.He loves pangolins.

Pangolins have small heads and long,broad tails.They are toothless.They have small ears,but their hearing is good.Their sense of smell is well﹣developed,too.But their sight is poor.When they feel frightened,they roll up into a ball to protect themselves. "My favorite thing about the pangolin is the scales (鳞片)it has on its body.They look cool, "Landon said.

Landon first learned about pangolins from a TV show,Wild Kratts.Knowing that pangolins are facing the danger of dying out,Landon quickly decided to take action to protect them.He wanted to tell everyone he knew about them.On Halloween,he had his parents carve (雕刻)a pangolin into their pumpkin(南瓜)so that when people asked what it was,he could tell them all about his favorite animal.When Christmas came around,Landon had only one wish:to save the pangolins.His parents had him "adopt (领 养)" a pangolin in Landon's name.They also came up with a good idea.They helped Landon make Christmas gifts to sell to help raise money for the pangolins at a market.So far,he has raised $ 400.

If you think a 5﹣year﹣old boy is too young to save the pangolins,you'd be wrong.Landon told us nobody's too young to save anything.

(1)What can we know about pangolins?    


They have great sight.


They have good hearing.


They have poor sense of smell.

(2)How do pangolins protect themselves when they are in danger?    


They take off their scales.


They roll up into a bait.


They fight with their teeth.

(3)Why did Landon have his parents carve a pangolin into their pumpkin?    


He wanted to put protecting pangolins into action.


He wanted to make the pumpkin beautiful.


He wanted to raise more money.

(4)What does the writer want to tell us in the last paragraph?    


A 5﹣year﹣old boy cant save pangolins.


Children can also save something.


It is wrong to save pangolins.

  • 更新:2021-09-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa, Italy, in 1564. His father taught music while his mother cared for kids at home. The family was not wealthy, but Galileo's parents paid for him to go to school.

At first Galileo planned to become a doctor, but he changed his mind. He liked a different kind of science-physics. In Galileo's time, not much was known about how objects moved. Centuries earlier, a Greek(希腊人)named Aristotle had written down his ideas about movements, and everyone seemed to believe them. Galileo questioned those ideas and did experiments (实验)that showed how things really worked. For example, Aristotle thought that a heavier object would fall faster than a lighter one of the same size and shape. No one had ever really tested this idea. It just seemed to be true. Then Galileo came along, dropped two balls from a high tower, and discovered that they hit the ground at the same time!

In later years, Galileo became interested in how the stars and planets move. He watched the sky with a telescope(望远镜)he built himself. Once again, he saw things no one had ever seen before. For example, he saw that the moon was not smooth. Then he noticed that the sun had spots (斑点)that seemed to move. Galileo realized from his observations (观察)that the earth was moving around the sun. A Polish (波兰的)scientist named Copernicus had said this recently, but no one believed him. Galileo knew that Copernicus was right. Unluckily, Galileo's announcement got him into trouble with the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church said that the earth was                at the center of the universe (宇宙)with the sun traveling around it. This was what people had long believed, but Galileo said it was untrue. So he was sent to prison(监狱). He was soon set free, but for the rest of his life he had to stay in his house and yard.

Galileo died in 1642, but his work helped to change the world. He is sometimes called the father of modern science,because he showed us how important it is to look carefully at things and to test out ideas with experiments.

(1)Both Galileo and Copernicus believed that    .


two objects fall at the same speed


the moon is smooth


the earth goes around the sun


the earth is the center of the universe

(2)We can infer from this passage that    .


Galileo's parents didn't value the education


all of Aristotle's ideas were proved to be wrong


Galileo knew Copernicus and exchanged letters with him


the Catholic Church was very powerful in Galileo's time

(3)While Galileo stayed at home in his later years,he most probably        .


learned to play music


began to practice medicine


continued with his science experiments


wrote books on modern science

(4)According to this passage,Galileo is called "the father of modem science" because he       .


was brave to fight against the church


questioned other scientists1 ideas


built a telescope to look at the stars and planets


made careful observations and tested his ideas

(5)Which would be a good title for this passage?    


Mysteries in the universe


Galileo,father of modern science


"Is it true? "-Different ideas in science


Great minds saved the world

  • 更新:2021-09-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It just hadn't been a very good week. On Tuesday, Sam's father lost his job. Then on Wednesday, Sam's mother announced that the rent(房租)on their apartment was going up. Now it was Friday, and Sam received an invitation from Rosa to her birthday party.

Sam knew Rosa from Adventure(冒险)Club. He knew he would enjoy Rosa's party, but he didn't want to go without a gift. What could he possibly buy her with the little bit of money he had? Sam knew he couldn't ask Mom or Dad for any money-not this week!

Later that afternoon, Sam noticed a second-hand book sale going on. He went there and had a quick look. Two books caught his eye. The first was a cookbook of Puerto Rican foods, and the second was a book about women explorers (探险家). "Rosa would like these," Sam thought, "but would it be tacky(蹩脚的)to give her second-hand books for her birthday?"

Sam decided that a second-hand gift was better than no gift at all. Besides, Rosa supported recycling in a big way. So, she would probably like it. With his last dollar, Sam bought the books and went home. He felt a little better.

The party was on Saturday. Rosa opened all her gifts and thanked everyone for the nice things they had given her. She paused (停顿)when she opened Sam's gift, which made him wonder if she liked the books, but nothing was said.

When Sam got home, he opened his e-mail and found this note from Rosa.

Dear Sam,

Of all the gifts I received today, yours was the nicest. How did you know I would love a book about women explorers and a cookbook of Puerto Rican foods? Now I have something to read that will inspire me to follow my dream of becoming an adventurer, and I have a book that I can share with my grandmother. She is getting older and wants to be sure her granddaughter knows how to make the - wonderful foods of Puerto Rico. Thank you so much.



The week turned out to be a good one after all.

(1)What is the main problem in this story?        


Sam's father was out of work.


Sam's family would pay more rent on their apartment.


Sam wasn't invited to Rosa's birthday party.


Sam thought he didn't have enough money to buy Rosa a gift.

(2)Which word best describes Sam?        









(3)Why was Rosa so happy with the cookbook?    


Her grandmother loved books about cooking.


She dreamed of becoming a great cook.


She had never tasted Puerto Rican foods before.


She wanted to make her grandmother happy by learning to cook Puerto Rican foods.

(4)After reading the thank﹣you note from Rosa,Sam will most probably    .


write back to Rosa that he is glad she likes the books


ask Rosa to lend him the books


buy Rosa more books


learn to cook Puerto Rican foods

(5)Which saying beat expresses the theme of this story?    


Love me,love my dog.


The best things in life are free.


It's the thought(心思)that counts(有价值).


A good friend is like a mirror.

  • 更新:2021-09-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Manuel Vera,who lives in Maryland,is 71 years old.He thinks that homes must be full of old bikes because bikes are good memories of home and love. (1)    He said, "I grew up in Peru.My father taught me to ride.I remember when my father first let go of the bike. (2)    I could go wherever my bike might take me."

(3)    Children grow up and don't need them any more.Some people stop riding them because of more cars.Manuel Vera felt kind of sad. (4)    He would try to get these old bikes back on the road.In 2020,he sent a message to his neighbors.It said he would fix their bikes for free.Mr.Vera fixed 104 bicycles in the last year.He ran out of bikes to work on.

(5)    He asked if people had unused bikes in the message.He would fix them up and give them away.Mr.Vera gives the bikes away at a park.He says it is the perfect place.

Sometimes,Mr.Vera will see a bicycle he fixed. "Every old bike is shining with good memories of love," he said with his eyes shining.

A.An idea came to his mind.

B.It was a surprise to ride by myself.

C.That makes him think of his childhood.

D.In January he sent another message around.

E.All his neighbors are thankful to him for doing this.

F.As time goes,bikes are disappearing in people's life.

  • 更新:2021-09-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Although it's said Van Gogh(梵高)(1853﹣1890)sold only one painting during his lifetime,different theories(理论)exist(存在).

It is true that The Red Vineyard is the only painting sold during Van Gogh's lifetime,and that was officially(官方地)recorded and accepted by the art world.It's recorded that Van Gogh started painting at 27,and died at 37.His famous paintings were produced after he went to France in 1888,only two years before he died.So it would be clear that he did not sell many.

However,others disagree.The leading Van Gogh scholar(学者),Marc,is one of them.Though the story that Van Gogh sold just one painting still goes around,he insists(坚持说)that Van Gogh sold at least two.

Also,according to the Van Gogh Museum website,Van Gogh actually sold a number of paintings for living during his lifetime.His first money came from his uncle,who was an art dealer(经销商).In order to help Van Gogh's career(事业),he ordered 19 paintings.And Van Gogh himself would often trade his paintings for food or art supplies(美术用品)when he was younger.

V died in July of 1890.His brother was a wise dealer and saved lots of paintings by Van Gogh.His greatest wish was to make the works more widely known and make much money.Sadly he himself died just six months later.He left a large collection of art to his wife,who "sold some of Van Gogh's works,lent as many as she could to exhibitions,and published(出版)many of Van Gogh's letters to his brother.Without her,Van Gogh would never have become as famous as he is today." After her death,her son founded the Van Gogh Museum.

(1)According to    ,only one painting was sold during Van Gogh's lifetime.


the official records


the Van Gogh Museum website


Van Gogh's brother's son


Van Gogh's uncle

(2)What can we infer(推断)from Paragraph 4?    


Van Gogh's paintings were popular.


Van Gogh was poor then.


Van Gogh disliked his paintings.


Van Gogh's paintings were expensive.

(3)Which statement is right according to the passage?    


Van Gogh's brother got rich by selling his paintings.


Van Gogh wrote many letters to his brother.


Van Gogh's brother died earlier than him.


Van Gogh's brother's wife sold all his works.

(4)Who is the most important person to make Van Gogh so famous?    


Van Gogh himself.


Van Gogh's brother.


Van Gogh's brother's wife.


The leading Van Gogh scholar.

(5)The passage is mainly about    .


whether Van Gogh sold only one painting in his life


how Van Gogh became famous


the whole life of Van Gogh


the family of Van Gogh

  • 更新:2021-09-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Zhang Guimei,the principal of Huaping High School for Girls,has been given the title "Role Model of the Times" for helping girls from poor families.

The school was the first high school in the country to provide free education for girls who would otherwise have been unable to continue their studies after completing their nine years of education.

Zhang moved to Lijiang at the age of 17 to teach in the middle school in Huaping County.Once,she got badly ill but had no money for the treatment(治疗).With the help of the people there,she was able to get the necessary treatment. "From then on,I told myself that I must do something for those people who helped me," Zhang said.

Slowly,a dream of setting up a free high school for girls in Huaping County appeared in Zhang's heart.From the year of 2002,she began a six﹣year journey to look for funds(资金).In 2008,Zhang finally set up Huaping High School for Girls at the foot of the Shizi Mountain in Huaping.

Thanks to her efforts,more than 1,800 girls from poor families have entered universities through her education until now.

Zhang has been helping to improve the area as a whole.Influenced by her,many of her students have chosen to teach in poor areas .Now,with Zhang having got the honorary title,education for girls from poor areas will receive more attention.

What she has done will be long remembered and encourage more to follow her example.

(1)Why was Zhang Guimei named "Role Model of the Times"?


(2)Was Zhang able to get the necessary treatment when she once got badly ill?


(3)When was Huaping High School for Girls set up?


(4)How many girls have entered universities through Zhang's education?


(5)Where have many of Zhang's students chosen to work?


  • 更新:2021-09-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Before going back to work one afternoon,Policeman Li took a big bite out of the red apple on his desk.He had no time to eat his lunch that day.He was busy dealing with a traffic accident report.

It seemed that a man named Wang Jie had run a red light,running into another person's car.But he said that the light had been green when he drove across the crossing.

Li decided to question Wang Jie again.Maybe he could get some more information about the accident.This time Wang Jie still insisted(坚持) that the light was green when he drove across the crossing.Li had no reason to doubt what Wang Jie said.He told Wang Jie that he was free to go.

"Thank you so much,Policeman Li By the way.that green apple on your desk looks delicious!I hope you enjoy it!" Wang Jie said with a smile.

Li stopped for a moment."Wait.Sit back down.I think we need to talk some more.

When Wang Jie described Li's red apple as being green,Li realized that Wang Jie must have run a red light.

(1)What color is the apple on Policeman Li's desk?    








Red and green.

(2)The underlined words "what Wang Jie said" mean    .


Wang Jie had run a red light


Wang Jie didn't run into another person's car


the light was green when Wang Jie drove across the crossing


the green apple on the desk looked delicious

(3)What do you think of Policeman Li?    


He is lazy.


He is clever.


He is stupid.


He is handsome.

(4)From the passage we can infer(推断)    .


Wang Jie couldn't drive


Wang Jie was a policeman


Wang Jie stole something


Wang Jie might be color﹣blind

  • 更新:2021-09-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When Tom was a child,his father worked in a welding (焊接) shop for more than 12 hours a day.But his father could not earn enough money to give his family a good life.

After Tom graduated from his university,he got a job in a company.After a few years,he began to earn a good salary.He bought a new house,a new car and some unnecessary luxuries (奢侈品).After almost 6 to 7 years,Tom was unable to pay for all the household expenses (家庭开支),even the basic necessities.

It happened that Tom's father fell sick.As a result,he could not continue his work in the shop.

When his father asked Tom to pay for his treatment,he complained to his parents, "You are not doing anything to help me,but instead are a burden (负担) to me !So,please don't come to me again."

After a week,while Tom was on an official tour,he met a small boy aged 10 selling toys.The boy asked Tom to buy something.The boy said, "My father met with an accident a year ago.He has no arms now.I'm helping my parents by selling these toys."

Tom bought a few toys from the lite boy.He realized that he was wrong in the way he treated his parents.He learned a lesson from the small boy.At a very small age,this boy was helping his parents,but Tom,in order to live a lavish (挥霍的) life,gave no care to his parents.

(1)Tom's family wasn't rich when he was young,was it?                        

(2)Where did Tom work after graduation?                                     

(3)Why was Tom unable to pay for all the household expenses?                    

(4)What happened to Tom's father after he fell sick?                             

(5)How might Tom treat his parents later?                                     

  • 更新:2021-09-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
