
Mr.Smith is fifty years old.He has taught in a middle school for twenty﹣five years.He works hard and always comes to school ①_____ time.(A) 他对学生们要求严格.He expects his students to be not only successful but also honest.His students do well in all kinds of fields.Some of them become famous people,but they still remember him and keep in touch with him.(B) Of course the old man is proud of it

This term he began to teach Grade One.Some of the new students were told about him,but the others didn't know him well.(C) He often told them how to be an honest person.One day,he gave them several examples in class and said,"I hate telling a lie most." ②_____ the end of the class,he told his students to finish Exercise 8 in Unit 1.The next morning,as soon as he came into the classroom,he asked,"Who's finished Exercise 8?"A few students put up their hands.He shook his head and said,"Open your workbooks and see whether there's Exercise 8 in Unit l or not."

The students had a look at their workbooks and their faces turned red at once.








Of course the old man       it.




Is there Exercise 8 in the workbook of Unit 1 ?


  • 更新:2021-02-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Henry was a very vain(爱慕虚荣的)man and he spent plenty of time looking at himself in the mirror.He even went to the barber's shop every week to have his hair cut. He was nearly fifty,but he didn't want people to know his age,so he always tired his best to make himself look younger.He also spent most of his money on clothes.He believed that every woman thought he was handsome.He did not have women friends,but he had an explanation(解释) for this."I'm so excellent that the women can't make a perfect match with

(和……般配)me.That's why they don't make friends with me."

One day he bought a new special shirt from a high﹣fashing men's shop.It was very expensive.When he

got home and took it out of the box,he found a note in it. The note said,"Please write to me and give me a

photo of yourself."The note was signed "Julia" and there was an address to write to.Henry wrote to Julia at

once,telling her about himself.Then he put a photo of himself in the envelope(信封)and posted it.

A week passed and then he received a reply.He opened it quickly,hoping there would be a photo of a beautiful woman inside and that she would like to make friends wih him.

However,it was very disappointing(令……失望的)to him.The letter said,"Dear Henry,thank you for writing to me.I work in the clothes factory.Everyone in the factory wants to know what kind of fool will buy such an ugly shit."


(1)Henry went to the barber's shop every month.   

(2)Henry didn't want people to know how old he was.   

(3)Henry bought a beautiful shirt from a high﹣fashing men's shop.   

(4)Henry didn't receive Julia's photo.   

(5)Julia made friends with Henry according to the passage.   

  • 更新:2021-02-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Jane works as a secretary (秘书) in a small office. Her boss, although kind, is sometimes a bit foolish. He likes to keep lots of plants in front of their office to attract (吸引) customers.

It seems to work, since Jane is often busy greeting new customers. Nearly every customer likes to take a look at the colorful plants.

One of Jane's other responsibility(职责)is to water the plants. This is one of her favorite jobs to do around the office, as it allows her to spend some time outside away from her desk.She does it every morning before starting the rest of her work day.

One afternoon, her boss came over to her desk and kindly asked her to water the plants, as she hadn't done it yet that day.

"But sir, it's been raining outside all morning…" she said.

"Oh! I see, that explains it. Well here then, you can take my umbrella while you water them," the boss replied.

Choose the best choice according to what you read.

(1)Where does Jane work?   


In a mall.


In an office.


In a hospital.

(2)Why does the boss keep many plants?   


He likes flowers.


Jane likes flowers.


To attract customers.

(3)What other responsibilities does Jane have besides greeting customers?   


To water the plants.


To look at the plants.


To take umbrellas.

(4)It has been raining all morning, hasn't it?   


Yes, it has.


No, it hasn't.


Yes, it docs.

(5)What is Jane's boss like?   


He is clever.


He isn't kind.


He's a bit foolish.

  • 更新:2021-01-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Every Friday night, Winston would stand at the gate of the railway station, playing his violin happily. He smiled to everyone and many people put money into the hat in front of him.One day, Winston showed up and put his hat on the ground as usual. But different from what he always did in the past days, he took out a large piece of paper and laid it on the ground.

It said ﹣﹣Last night, a gentleman named George Miller left an important thing into my hat by mistake. Please come soon, Mr. Miller. About half an hour later, a middle﹣aged man rushed to Winston in a hurry and said, "It's you! I know you are an honest man and will certainly be here."

Winston asked, "Are you Mr. Miller? Did you lose anything?" "A lottery ticket!" answered the middle﹣aged man. Winston then returned it to the man. Yesterday when the man knew that his ticket was worth ﹩ 500 000 he was so excited! Then he realized that he threw the ticket together with the money into the young man's hat!

Someone asked Winston, "You play the violin to make money. Why didn't you keep the ticket and take the prize for yourself?" Winston replied,"Though I don't have much money, I live happily now. But if I lose honesty, I won't be happy forever."

Judge the following sentences true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.

(1)Every night Winston would stand at the gate of the railway station.   

(2)Mr. Miller is a gentleman.   

(3)The middle aged man lost a movie ticket.   

(4)The ticket was worth¥500 000.   

(5)Winston is an honest man.   

  • 更新:2021-01-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Carrie is now living in Beijing.She came to China at the age of 7.When She came, she wasn't very happy.Then all the teachers and her classmates were very kind to her and helped her.

Now she can speak Chinese very well, but five years ago, when she first came, she could only speak it a little.She can perform Chinese kung fu a little now, but she couldn't do it last year.

Yesterday washer birthday.She celebrated it wth her classmates at home.Carrie's friends gave her many presents like flowers and cards, and she bought a big cake and lots of drinks for the party.They danced to music, sang songs and played games.Carries sang a Chinese song and everyone liked it very much.All of them had a great time last night.


(1)Carrie came to live in Beijing at the age of 5.   

(2)Carrie is 12 years old now.   

(3)Now Carrie can perform Chinese Kung fu very well.   

(4)At the birthday party, Carrie's friends danced to music, sang songs and played games.____

(5)Carrie is happy to live in Beijing now.   

  • 更新:2021-02-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hello, everyone! I′d like to tell you something about a famous scientist named QianXue sen.He was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province on December 11, 1911.After he graduated from Shanghai JiaoTong University in 1934, he got a chance to study in USA.After he graduated,he became a teacher as well as a researcher who studied rockets and missile theories.

When he was 44, he returned to his motherland and the county′s space research was almost a blank.In 1956, he set up the first reseach institute of rockets and missile.He made such important contributions to the missile and space programs that he was honored as "The Father of China's Missiles".The Chinese people are proud of him.

He passed away on October 31,2009 at the age of 98,but all the Chinese will remember him forever.His devotion to his county was expressed in hissayig, "My career is in China, my success is in China and my destination is in China!"When someone said he could make much more money if he stayed in the United States, he laughed and said, "My family name is Qian, but I don't like qian." His spirit encourages us to love our country and devote ourselves to science.

(1)Where was QianXuesen born?   


In Suzhou.


In Hangzhou.


In Beijing.


In Shanghai.

(2)When did QianXuesen return to his motherland?   


In 1955.


In 1950.


In 1948.


In 1958.

(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?   


He graduated from Zhejiang University in 1933.


He got a chance to study in England in 1934.


He set up the first research institute of rockets and missiles in 1956.


He passed away on December 31,2009.

(4)What does the underlined word "qian" in Paragraph 3mean?   


family name.


given name.




his hobby.

(5)What's the best title of the passage?   


Qian Xue sen's Life in America


Qian Xue sen﹣The Father of Chinas Missiles


Qian Xue sen's Life in Shanghai


Qian Xue sen's Childhood in Hangzhou

  • 更新:2021-02-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day, Tom was walking home when he suddenly noticed a young man sitting on the bridge railing(栏杆).He was going to jump into the river to kill himself.

"Hey, young man! What are you doing? Are you going to jump?" Tom asked.

"             "the young man answered. His voice had pain in it, but Tom could tell he didn't really want to do this.Tom tried to draw his attention."You have any kids?"Then,the young man pulled up a picture of his daughter on his mobile phone.

"Try to think how your daughter will live on without her dad at a young age."Tom said.His heart was beating fast,but he stayed calm. By doing so, Tom learned about the young man's trouble.

"I am having a hard time," the young man said, "I can't make any money.I am hungry,and I can't live without heroin(海洛因)."By this time.Tom had walked closer to him.He made the young man believe that he eared if he jumped into the river.Finally,the young man turned,took Tom's hand climbed down.

Soon, the police drove the young man away Tom has never got his name.But he always remembers the last words the young man said to him. "Thank you ! And you really are a hero to me."

(1)What was the young man going to do?   


To end his life.


To enjoy the river.


To practice jumping.


To watch Tom walking.

(2)Which of the following can be put in "      "?   


Yes, I did.


No, I am not.


Yes,I am.


No, I haven't.

(3)What was the young man's real trouble?   


He had a pain in his voice.


He was poor and taking heroin.


He had a serious heart trouble.


His daughter was dying.

(4)Why did the young man finally give up killing himself?   


Because Tom pulled him down.


Because he thought of his daughter.


Because the police drove him away.


He was greatly moved by Tom.

(5)What can we know from the above story?   


Tom finally saved the young man.


Tom became a hero of the country.


The young man was caught by the police.


The young man became a good person.

  • 更新:2021-02-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was a cold evening.I was in a restaurant wearing a pair of new white shoes when a boy often came to me.He was in an old large shirt."Excuse me ,sir! Could I clean your shoes?"the boy asked."_▲_" I answered.

The boy was busy doing his work when a heavy rain began.More and more people rushed in and I could not find the boy. Several hours passed,I thought the boy would not return my shoes.When it was near midnight, the rain stopped.As the restaurant was to be closed.I had to move to the door.

To my surprise, at the door, I found the boy was sleeping without his old large shirt. He held a package wrapped(包裹) by his shirt in his arms.I shook him and woke him up.He jumped up and cleaned his eyes for a while before he recognizedme.Then he opened the package hurriedly,gave my shoes back to me,and said, "I am sorry,sir."It doesn't matter." I sad.Then, I thanked him and wrapped him with his unfit shit. On my way home, the boy still stayed in my mind.

(1)Which of the following is RIGHT about the boy?   


He was very polite.


He was l1.


He had a new shirt.


He wore news shoes.

(2)Which of the following can be put in"   "?









Of course not.


(3)Why was the writer not able to find the boy?   


The rain was very heavy.


The boy went to sleep.


The boy hid himself away.


Too many people came in.

(4)What does the underlined word "recognized" mean?   









(5)What can we know from the above story?   


The writer was deeply moved by the boy.


The boy wanted to take the shoes home.


The writer's shoes were all wet finally.


The boy got lots of money from the writer.

  • 更新:2021-02-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Madame Curie (居里夫人)

Marie is a famous woman in the world. She made a lot of important contributions (贡献)to the development of humans. She was born in Poland in 1867. Her father worked as a middle school headmaster and taught math and physics, so she enjoyed and did well in these 2 subjects at school. Marie went to study in Paris University in 1891. She studied math and physics there and met a scientist called Pierre Curie. They got married in 1895. From then on, she was called Madame Curie. Together, Pierre and Marie discovered radium (镭).

In 1903, Marie became the first woman to win the Nobel Prize.Then,in 1904,Pierre became a member of the "Academie Francaise" (法兰西学院).But Marie was not accepted by them because women were not allowed to become members at that time. In 1906, Pierre died in an accident, but Marie went on working until she died in 1934.

Madame Curie is our hero. Not only did she discover radium but also won the Nobel Prize twice in her lifetime.

(1)What subjects did Marie's father teach in a middle school?


(2)Where did Marie go to study in 1891?


(3)When did Marie become the first woman to win the Nobel Prize?


(4)Was Marie Curie accepted by the "Academie Francaise"?


(5)How many times did Madame Curie win the Nobel Prize in her lifetime?


  • 更新:2021-02-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was a fine day. People at the railway station were waiting for the train to arrive. The train was coming in. Everyone waited there to get into the train. A group of young man made loud noise to welcome the train. The empty seats were nicely filled and the train was ready to move. Just then, an old man with a little boy of 10 years old came running to catch the train.As soon as they caught the train,the train started to move. They had their seats just next to the young group.

The little boy was so surprised to see everything. "Dad, the train is moving and things are moving backwards out of the window!" he shouted at his father. A fruit seller went past selling apples. His father bought him some apples. "Oh, the apple looks much sweeter than it tastes" the little boy said."Is your son having any problems? Why is he so different?" one of the young men asked. Another yound man made fun of him, "His son is mad, I think!" He shouted,""My son was born blind. Only a few days ago, he had an operation. This is the first time for him to see things in his life." The father of the little boy replied with patience. The young group became very quiet and said sorry to the father and the son.

(1)What were the group of young men doing as the train was coming in?   


They were waiting quietly for the rain.


The were running into the train.


They were making loud noise.


They were watching something outside.

(2)Who came running to catch the train when it was ready to move?   


An old man.


The people.


A young boy.


An old man and his son.

(3)Why did the boy say, "The apple looks much sweeter that it tastes"?   


The boy had some problems in his mind.


The boy saw an apple for the first time.


The boy was quite different.


The boy was a little mad.

(4)The meaning of "with patience" in the second paragraph is   









(5)What can we learn from the story?   


Think before you speak.


Don't be proud of yourself.


Don't make fun of others.


Be quiet in public places.

  • 更新:2021-02-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Nirmal Purja has set several world records after climbing the world's 14 highest mountains in less than seven months.

(1)   Though he was born 1,600 meters above sea level,he didn't climb any serious mountains until he was 29.

But Mr. Purja, now 36, was trained to be strong. He used to be a soldier in the British army, where he had special training for fighting in very cold weather.(2)   

There are only 14 mountains in the world that are higher than 8,000 meters. Mr.Purja had already climbed several of them.(3)   The old record for climbing the 14 mountains was seven years,ten months and six days. It was set by South Korean climber Kim Chang﹣ho in 2013.

Mr.Purja named his challenge"Project Possible".(4)   On October 29,just a little more than six months after he started, Nirmal Purja had finished climbing the 14th mountain.

Though Mr. Purja completed his challenge unbelievably quickly,it wasn't easy.For example,during one day of climbing Shishapangma, Mr. Purja and his team climbed for 15 hours nonstop.

(5)   Mr.Purja believes his strong physical condition and his training as a soldier helped him.He hopes his efforts will inspire others."People are only limited(限制) by their imagination," he says."If you don't dream, then you won't do it"

A. Mr. Purja was born in Nepal, in the Himalayas.

B. He had completed five more climb in Pakistan.

C. He began on April 23, by climbing Annapurna in Nepal.

D. His goal was to climb all of them in less than seven months.

E. They had to deal with winds as fast as 75 kilometers per hour.

F. In 2018, he left there to follow his dream of mountain climbing.

  • 更新:2021-02-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Robert was a boy of eight years old. One day, when he was doing cleaning at home, he thought he should move the box out of the house. The box made of wood was very heavy. And it was much bigger than he. He tried, but he could not move it. After resting for a short time, the boy started once more, but failed again. He couldn't even move it a bit. He felt very tired and hopeless.

Just then, his father came home from work and saw his son work hard. He didn't help Robert.Instead, he asked, "Dear son, have you done your best? And are you doing everything you can?"

" " the boy cried.

"No, you're not." his father said quietly, "You have not asked me to help you. Asking for help is not a weakness. At some point, even the strongest of us needs help. It is important to know when to ask for help and understand why you need it. Never be afraid to ask others for help when you're in trouble."

Robert nodded with a big smile.

(1)What did the boy want to move away?   


A stone.


A box.


A wood.


A toy.

(2)Robert couldn't move it out because it was too   









(3)How did Robert feel after he tried again and again?   


He hoped he could move it sometime later.


He thought he could ask for help.


He felt very tired and hopeless.


He became very proud of himself.

(4)Which of the following can be put in in the seventh line of the article?   


I hardly did!


Yes, I do!


No, I am not!


Yes, I am!

(5)What can be the best title of the passage?   


How to move a heavy thing away.


An interesting story about Robert.


Robert's hard work.


Learn to ask for help when needed.

  • 更新:2021-02-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The train made a lot of noise as it came to a stop at the station. Martha waited for a while until her father held her hand. They walked onto the train together. Her mother and brother walked behind them.

This was the first train ride for Martha and her brother Brian. They would take the train to visit their grandparents. They usually went there by car. But today, Mum and Dad wanted to try a different way.

They walked to the middle of the train. They found some seats and sat down. A few minutes later, the train began to move.

Martha and Brian felt a little nervous, but their parents said they would enjoy the ride. Dad said he liked the train ride because he didn't need to drive all the time. Mum added that she could talk to her two children face to face instead of turning around.

When the children their parent's words, they felt relaxed.

"The train isn't as noisy as I thought t would be" said Martha," and l can sand up and walk around. I believe I can see everything through the windows.""The train really goes fast," said Brian," I like that best of all. If we get on the train in the morning, we can see grandparents before lunch. I can't wait to enjoy their apple pie!"



(1)According to the passage, who got on the train fist?


(2)How did Martha and Brian usually go to visit their grandparents?


(3)Did Martha and Brian feel a little nervous when the train began to move?


(4)Why did Dad like the train ride?


(5)What does the underlined word "that" refer to(指代)?


  • 更新:2021-01-30
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Everybody Should Say Thank You to Ray Tomlinson

Why should you thank Ray Tomlinson? You might have never heard of his name before, but do you know that the email you use every day was his "child"?

Ray Tomlinson is known as "the father of email". He was born in New York in 1941. He attended college at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where he took part in a program with IBM and in 1963he received a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering.

In 1971, Ray created the first email system, which allowed people to send messages electronically from the same computer. But he thought that there might also be a way to send messages from different computers, which led to the birth of the email we know now. He chose the@ sign to separate(区别于)local from global(全球的) emails in the mailing address. "I used the '@' sign to show that the user was 'at' some other hosts (电脑主机)rather than being local," said Ray in an interview Person to person network email was born and user@ host became the standard for email addresses, as it remains today.

Ray Tomlinson died at the age of 74. Thank Ray Tomlinson for inventing the email and making the @ sign well﹣known. Though he may not be as famous as Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates, Ray Tomlinson surely has his place among the geniuses(天才) that gave us the convenience in our life.


(1)Ray Tomlinson is German and known as "the father of email".   

(2)We still see user@ host as the standard for email addresses now.   

(3)Ray Tomlinson created the first email system before he received a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering.   

(4)Ray Tomlinson may not be as famous as Bill Gates, but he surely has his place among the geniuses.   

(5)We should say THANK YOU to Ray Tomlinson because he makes our life more convenient.   

  • 更新:2021-02-06
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There was once a rich man who loved his little boy very much. He wanted to try his best to please him. So, he gave him a horse to ride, beautiful rooms to live in, pictures, books, toys and everything that money could buy. But for all days, the little boy was still unhappy. He wore a frown(皱眉) wherever he went, he always wished for something he did not have. The man didn't know how to make his son happy.

One day, a magician came to the man and said to him, "I can make your son happy and turn his frowns into smiles, but you must pay me a great price for telling him the secret."

"All right." said the man, "No matter what you ask for, I'll give you." The magician took the boy into a secret room. He wrote something on a piece of paper, and then gave it to the boy. There on the paper came the words, "Do one kind thing for someone every day." The boy followed the advice and became one of the happiest boys.

Only those who stop thinking about their own happiness can be truly happy.

Judge the following sentences true (T)or false(F)according to the passage.

(1)The father wore a frown wherever he went.   

(2)The boy became happy after he got some presents from his father.   

(3)The magician helped the boy without any pay.   

(4)To do one kind thing for his father every day made the boy happy.   

(5)The passage mainly tells us how to be a truly happy man.   

  • 更新:2021-02-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
