
A young woman turns around and around quickly, and jumps high. In the background, a young girl reads a rejection (拒绝) letter from a ballet school. 'You have the wrong body for ballet, 'it says,' and at thirteen, you are too old.' This was one of the most popular advertisements (广告) of 2014 and it describes American Ballet Theatre's principal (主要的) dancer Misty Copeland.

This was not a real letter. But Copeland says it is very similar to letters from her childhood. While many dancers start at the age of three, Copeland only began to study ballet in 1995 as a thirteen﹣year﹣old. People often told her that she was too old, or that she didn't have the perfect body type (She is only 157 cm tall). Her family moved a lot, and it was sometimes difficult for her to attend ballet classes. But Copeland loved dancing and did not want to give up. She stayed with her ballet teacher during the week and spent time with her family only at the weekend. This was a difficult life, but she worked hard and won her first national competition when she was fourteen years old. Copeland joined the American Ballet Theatre in 2000 and performed in many ballets over the next few years. In 2007, she became a solo (单独的) performer, and in 2015 she became its principal dancer.

Copeland is now a dancer, author and Broadway performer. She also stars in the 2015 film A Ballerina's Tale. So what's next? According to Copeland, anything is possible: "My career (职业) really is just now beginning."

(1)How old was Copeland when she became the principal dancer?   









(2)Why was it difficult for Copeland to attend ballet classes?   


Because her family moved a lot.


Because she was not a good dancer.


Because she had no invitation letter.


Because she had the wrong body type.

(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?   


Copeland became successful because of the advertisement.


Copeland had to spend a lot of time away from her parents.


Copeland won her first national competition as a solo performer.


Copeland has ended up her career as an actress on Broadway.

(4)What's the writer's opinion of Copeland?   


Copeland sets an example who never gives up.


Copeland was too old to start ballet at thirteen.


Copeland has made her achievements by accident.


Copeland was lucky to get support from the ballet school.

  • 更新:2021-02-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In Los Angeles, a waiter served a group of teens. The waiter remembered his experience as a young high school student. So he made sure the teens had a pleasant experience at the restaurant. The waiter made sure of it.

After serving all the teens doing a great job, he was left a tip(消费),only¥3.28. That was hardly enough to buy a drink at Starbucks. The waiter went home. And he felt hatred for the students who did not know the value of hard work. They looked down on people like him. Or so he thought.

After several days, the waiter forgot about it. His life went on as usual. But ten days later, he received a letter from the teens.

"About a week and a half ago, on October 7, my three friends and I came to eat at this restaurant as our own homecoming celebration. It was an exciting experience for us to be here alone, and it was all new to us. And you were the best waiter we could ask for. You were kind, helpful, and didn't treat us like babies! So I want to say thank you for making our 'grown﹣up' experience so amazing and fun. "I would also like to say sorry on behalf of(代表) my group. Since we were new to all of this,our 13﹣year﹣old minds didn't exactly know how to deal with the bill.The bill was reasonable(合乎情理),but we had completely forgotten(and didn't know,to be honest) what a tip even was, let alone how much to give. So we emptied our pockets, and all our money added up to ¥3.28. "Having no idea of how small this really was ,we left. Later, we realized our mistake and felt terrible. We knew we had to make it right." "So together with this letter, you wail find the correct 18% tip + extra for simply being amazing. Thank you for your help and patience and also thank you for making our night fun. Thank you!"

(1)How did the waiter receive the group of teens?   


He tried to make them pay more.


He served them like other waiters.


He treated them as young children.


He did his best to make them happy.

(2)Why did the group of teens leave that small tip?   


Because they looked down on the waiter.


Because they didn't know what a tip meant.


Because they weren't pleased with the service.


Because they thought the tip should be that much.

(3)What made the teens write the letter?   


The tip they left for the waiter.


The bill the restaurant received.


The way the waiter served them.


The fun they had at the restaurant.

(4)What do restaurant waiters mind most in America?   


What kind of guests they receive.


What dishes people usually order.


Whether they are given reasonable tips.


How much customers pay for their meals.

(5)What did the group of teens try to say in the letter?   


They were quite thankful for the waiter's service.


They had realized their mistake and made it right.


They had a wonderful experience at the restaurant.


They wanted more customers to go to the restaurant.

  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

"Let's go wrestling,Dad!" 《摔跤吧,爸爸》is one of the Top 10 movies recently. It tells a true story about an Indian man and his two daughters. His name's Mahavir. In real life, he is called"the father of Indian women wrestling", because thousands of girls across India have been supported to take up wrestling with his efforts.

A very famous Indian actor﹣Amir Khan,played the role of Mahavir in the movie. It was an unusual experience for him to play this role. Amir Khan was very serious about his character and tried to make this character close to the true story. In order to act well,he needed to put on weight to be very fat and then do sports to be very strong in a short time.

Amir Khan started to eat a lot every day before making the movie. He ate at least 5 meals a day including much junk food. He became too fat to run quickly.

It is simple to be fat but difficult to be strong. Amir Khan invited many coaches to train him to lose weight and it took him a few months to be strong. He must eat less and drink more. Strengthtraining is also important. This kind of physical training is very boring. He had to lift different weight and do it over and over again. Amir Khan set a goal to himself day by day and the minute he made it, he fell down on the ground and could hardly stand up. In the end, he became the exact person the movie needs.

The role he played was very moving and he succeeded at last.As he says, the most important thing in life is not whether you can reach your goal but whether you have made greatest efforts.

(1)From the passage, What is Amir Khan's job?   


A player


An actor


A director


A coach

(2)Why is Mahavir called "the father of Indian women wrestling"?   


Because he is a very famous Indian player.


Because he played a role movie "Let's go wrestling, Dad!"


Because he supported many Indian women to take up wrestling.


Because he became strong in a short time.

(3)What does the underlined word"strength"mean in Chinese?   









(4)What is the correct order of the following things about Amir Khan?   

①He changed his eating habits and did sports to become strong.

②He was serious about the character and he needed to make great efforts.

③To be fat, he ate too much food.

④Finally,he succeeded.









(5)Which of the following is NOT true about Amir Khan from the passage?   


"Let's go wrestling, Dad!"is a true story about Amir Khan himself.


He became very fat at first and then lost weight in a very short time.


In order to act well, he trained so hard.


He tried to play a perfect role in the movie.

  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On the suburb (郊区) of a town in England,there lived an old man in a nice house with a large garden.(61)   He watered and fertilized (施肥) them.

One day a young man went by the garden.He looked at the beautiful flowers,imaging how happy he could be if he lived in such a beautiful place.(62)   He was very surprised about this and asked,"You can't see these flowers,why are you busy taking good care of them every day?"

The old man smiled and said,"I can tell you four reasons.First,I was a gardener since I was young,and I really like this job.Second,(63)   Third,I can smell the sweetness of them.As for the last one,that's you."

"Me?But you don't know me,"said the young man.

"Yeah,it's true that I don't know you.But I know that flowers are angels (天使) that everyone knows.(64)   "

The blind man's work opened our eyes and pleased our hearts,which also made his life happier.It was just like Beethoven (贝多芬).(65)   Beethoven himself couldn't hear his wonderful music,but his music has encouraged millions of people to face their difficulties bravely.Isn't it one kind of happiness?

A.He couldn't hear anything in his later life and wrote great musical works.

B.He took care of his flowers all the time.

C.I can touch then though I can't see these flowers.

D.Then,suddenly he found the old gardeners was blind.

E.We can enjoy the happiness which these flowers have brought us.

  • 更新:2021-02-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Alex turned his computer off and lay down on his bed.He grabbed the packet of chewing gum that was lying on the floor,popped (塞) one in his mouth and chewed it hard.

He was bored.Today was Saturday and Steve,his best friend,was working as the newspaper boy again.Alex turned round and noticed the new skateboard under his desk that he'd won at his last skate contest.He decided to ride it to the skate shop,because the kids there would buy it from him immediately.

He got up,grabbed his skateboard,opened the front door and rode away.He began to think of what he could buy with the money from selling the skateboard.He thought of the rock CDs.After a while he'd sell them to his friends,and with that money,he'd be able to buy skateboarding books.He'd sell those books back to Steve,and buy a few DVDs.Later he'd sell the DVDs to his elder brother's girlfriend!He could then get the ice-skating video,sell it to his small sister and…

He skated along,a smile on his face,thinking of all the good things when he noticed a small bench on the side of the street.He just wanted to do one little trick on the skateboard,before selling it.He decided to do a kickflip boardslide.He didn't land on the bench and fell off the skateboard,hitting his knee on the curb (路缘).

He tried to get up:It hurt.He looked at the skateboard.It was broken in half…


81.Why was Alex bored that Saturday?


82.Did Alex want to play skateboard when he noticed it?


83.Do you think if Alex likes rock music?Why?


84.What happened when he did one trick on the skateboard?


85.Could Alex's dream come true?Why?


  • 更新:2021-02-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Many years ago,there lived a very rich man who wanted to do something good for the people of his town.But first he wanted to find out if they deserved(值得)his help.So he put a very large stone in the middle of the main road into the town.Then he stood behind a tree,waiting and watching.

Soon an old man came along with his cow."Who put this stone in the center of the road?"said the old man,but he didn't try to move the stone away.He passed around the stone with some difficulties and continued on his way.Another man came along and did the same thing; then another came,and another.All of them complained about the stone in the center of the road,but nobody tried to move it.

Late in the afternoon,a young man came along.He saw the stone and said,"It will be dark at night.Some people will come along later in the dark and will fall over the stone and get hurt."The young man then began to move the stone.He pushed and pulled and tried everything he could to move it out of the road.But to his surprise,under the stone he found a bag full of money and this message,"This money is for the person who moves this stone from the road.The person deserves help."

(1)Who put the stone in the center of the road?   


An old man.


A rich man.


A young man.


Another man.

(2)Why did the young man move the stone out of the road?   


Because he was strong enough to move it.


Because he knew there was a bag of money under it.


Because he didn't want other people to fall and get hurt.


Because the rich man wanted him to do so.

(3)When the young man moved the stone,he found   


a bag


a message


a bag full of money and a message


a bag full of message

(4)All of the people coming along the road did nothing about the stone except   


people of the town


the young man


the rich man


the old man with his cow

(5)What can we learn from the passage?   


If we do well,we will have well.


If we move stones,we will have a lot of money.


The young man was lucky.


Other people were unlucky.

  • 更新:2021-01-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hans Christian Andersen,a great Danish (丹麦的) writer,is very famous for his fairy tales (童话).He wrote a lot of best-known stories such as The Emperor's New Clothes and The Ugly Duckling.His fairy tales have brought happiness to children across the world.The tales have versions (版本) of over a hundred languages.

Andersen was born in Denmark in 1805.When he was still a young boy,he was already very clever and imaginative (富于想象力的).He created a small toy theatre and made clothes for his puppets (木偶).He also loved reading.

In 1816,his father died and he learned to be a tailor (裁缝).Later he worked in a factory.At the age of fourteen,Andersen moved to the capital of Denmark to become an actor and gave performances (演出) in the Royal Danish Theatre.However,his voice changed when he grew older,so the job had to stop.Then he began to write poems and fairy tales.

In the spring of 1872,Andersen fell out of bed and didn't get well again.He lived until 1875 and died peacefully at the home of his close friends.

76.Hans Christian Andersen is very famous for   

77.Andersen created a small toy theatre and   for his puppets.

78.Andersen moved to   to become an actor.

79.Andersen couldn't give performances because   

80.In 1872,Andersen   and didn't get well again.

  • 更新:2021-02-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As we all know,border (边界) safety is very important to a country.In China,many common people,besides soldiers (军人),are doing what they can to keep the border safe.Wei Deyou is one of them.

In 1964,Wei,a soldier in the army,went to Xinjiang to keep the border safe.Years later,when the other members left for other places,he chose to stay.He worked as a border keeper while keeping some sheep to support his family.Every day,he rode a horse or walked along the border.He tried his best to stop Chinese,foreigners and home﹣kept animals from crossing the border.He took everything about border safety seriously.When he found anything unusual or dangerous,he would call the police in time.It was really hard work.

One cold winter day in 1987,when Wei was on his way home from work,a heavy snowstorm came.He lost his way and walked for several hours.He nearly lost his life.Luckily,some soldiers saved him.Another day in 1992,his 400 sheep were driven away or killed.He knew some people hated him because of his strictness.

Wei has been working in Xinjiang for over 50 years.No matter how hard a life he lives.Wei never gives up.These years,he has walked about 200.000 kilometers along the border.He has also found many new ways to keep the border safer.For his excellent work,he has been given some prizes.He is a model for all of us.Now he is 77 years old.He still keep working there.Just as he said,"It's my duty to do the job.Border safety is the most important."

49.What does Wei do in Xinjiang?    


He is an officer.


He is a fireman.


He is a border keeper.


He is a policeman.

50.What happened to Wei on a cold winter day in 1987?    


He lost his life.


He got hurt.


He lost his sheep.


He lost his way.

51.According to the last paragraph,we know that    


Wei has returned to his hometown.


Wei will continue working in Xinjiang.


Wei has new ways to keep his sheep safe.


Wei is too old to work.

  • 更新:2021-02-24
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

"Color,color,color!"are the words of artist Eric Carle.

Eric is like the king in the world of children's books.He has written over 70children's books.His most famous book,The Very Hungry Caterpillar,is common on children's bookshelves all over the world.What most people don't know is that Eric also makes art for adults,which is called"ArtArt".People didn't know about it,because he didn't show it to the public until he was 84years old!

Like Eric's children's books,his"ArtArt"is full of bright and clear color.He says that he loves color so much because he missed it during the war in Germany.Eric was born in New York in 1929,but moved to Germany with his family when he was 6.When he was 10,World War II began.He noticed that all the houses and buildings in his town were painted gray,brown or dark green.It was a sad time,and it seemed like there was no color anywhere.

At the end of the war,"when color came back",Eric explains,"I just loved it so much.I keep saying that I wish our eyes could see more color.Color is a very important part of my work."

That's true.Eric paints bright colors on paper,cuts out shapes,and then glues them onto another piece of paper.This method is called collage.In fact,it is what led Eric to his"ArtArt".

Eric's"ArtArt"includes large collages as well as paintings,photographs and even costumes.In all these works,he uses all kinds of colors﹣everything from purple to light green to orange.Now that's a lot of color!

64.When did Eric show"ArtArt"to the public?    


In 1929.


In 1993.


In 1997.


In 2013.

65.Why did Eric feel sad during World War II?    


Because he could hardly see bright color.


Because he had to join the army to fight.


Because he couldn't draw very good paintings.


Because he lived a very poor life with his parents.

66.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?    


Collage plays an important part in Eric's book"ArtArt".


Children know little about The Very Hungry Caterpillar.


Eric has created more books for adults than for children.


Eric moved to Germany with his family when he was 10.

67.What's the main idea of this passage?    


Eric created collages for his books.


Eric's"ArtArt"is popular with people.


Eric's love for color led him to success.


Eric is the king in the world of children's books.

  • 更新:2021-02-01
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Kelly's favorite subject is P.E.But she had a hard time in P.E.class.She was not good at jumping very far,she had trouble throwing a ball,and she can't run really fast.Sometimes,some kids make fun of (取笑) her.So why does Kelly love P.E.class?

The reason is that her teacher Mr.Burns always tells her to do her best.Though she only ran for a few minutes,Mr.Burns says,"Good job!Next time you will be able to go a little longer."Mr.Burns even put a small box on the floor,so Kelly would be able to practice jumping over it.

That night when Kelly finished dinner,she put three boxes and began practicing jumping over them.She made it!Kelly thought to herself,"Tomorrow I will be able to jump over those boxes in P.E.class."

There was a relay race (接力赛) on Tuesday.Kelly was scared that she would not be able to go very far.When Kelly ran around the track (跑道),she heard many cheers and kids shouting,"Go Kelly!You can do it!"That was all she needed to hear.Kelly ran fast.She finished first!The kids cheered for her.Kelly felt so good."Thank you,Mr.Burns,"said Kelly."Kelly,you ran the race,not me.""Yes,but you always said I could do it."


(1)According to Paragraph 1,we can learn that Kelly has trouble    in P.E.class.


playing soccer







(2)How did Mr.Burns help Kelly practice jumping?    


By jumping with her.


By asking other kids to help her.


By putting a small box on the floor.


By giving her a book on how to jump.

(3)In Paragraph 3,Kelly jumped over    box(es) after dinner.









(4)Kelly was scared before the relay race because she was afraid that    


she would fall


she would not run very far


other kids would make fun of her


other kids would run faster than her

(5)At the end of the story,we can learn that Kelly felt    









  • 更新:2021-02-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Tu Youyou,an 84﹣year﹣old female(女性)scientist,became the firsr Chinese to win a Nobel Preze in science on Oct 5.Before that,she ever won the 2011 Lasker Award for finding out artenisnin(Qinghaosu),which saved millons of lives.She was grateful(感激的)for the Lasker prize,but said,"It is just a scientist'duty.I will go on fighting for the health of all humans."

Tu kept her work in the 1960s and 1970s.In that age,Malaria(疟疾)could took away people's health.Scientists all over the world had already tried over 240000 times t but failed.Tu Youyou,a member of the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Beijing,began to study Chinese herbs.

Before 2011,people didn't know Tu very much.Many friends played jokes with her"the Professor of Three None's":no degree(学位),no study experience abroad,not a member of any Chinese national colleges.But she is hard﹣working.She read a lot of traditiongal Chinese medicine books and did a lot of researches on the disease.

In February,2012,Tu was named National Outstanding Females(One of the Ten)Tu is now a model of Chinese medical workers.

56.Artemisinin is used to   


make medicine


make food


get award


do the experiment

57.In the 1960s and 1970s   could find ways to stop the Malaria.


Scientists in China


only Tu Youyou


Scientists all over the world


no scientist

58.Tu Youyou became very famous   


in the 1960s


in 1970


before 2011


after 2012

59.From Tu Youyou's story,we know that she is a   woman.









60.What can we not learn from the passage?   


Tu Youyou was the winner of 2011 Lasker Award


Tu Youyou was a professor of much experience abroad


Tu Youyou is the finder of artemisinin


Tu Youyou was one of the ten National Outstanding Females.

  • 更新:2021-02-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Every year on my birthday,from the time I was 12,a white gardenia(栀子花)was sent to my house.No card ever came with it.I made calls to the flower﹣shop,but the owner didn't know who the sender was,either.After a while I stopped trying to find out the sender's name and was just pleased with the beautiful white flower,in soft pink paper.

I never stopped imagining who the giver might be,though.Some of my happiest moments were spent daydreaming about the sender.My mother encouraged these daydreams.She'd asked me if I had been especially kind to someone.Perhaps it was one of my classmates.Perhaps it was the old man.He lived across the street.I'd sent his mail during the winter.As a girl,though,I had more fun imagining that it might be a boy that I had met.

One month before my high school graduation,my father died.I was so sad that I became competely uninterested in my upcoming graduation dance,and I didn't care whether I had a new dress or not.My mother,in her own sadness,however,would not let me miss any of those things.She wanted her children to feel loved.In fact,my mother wanted her children to see themselves much like the gardenia:lovely,strong and perfect,with perhaps a bit of mystery.

I got married at the age of 22.My mother died ten years after I was married.That was the year the gardenia stopped coming.

46.Which is NOT right according to the first paragraph?    


I received a white gardenia on my 12th birthday.


I never stopped trying to find out the sender's name


I didn't know who sent the gardenia to me


I was happy to receive the beautiful flower.

47.According to the third paragraph,I was sad because    


my father died before my high school graduation


I wasn't interested in my graduation dance


I didn't have a new dress for my graduation dance


my mother was very sad

48.My mother wanted her children to be    

①lovely      ②beautiful       ③strong      ④a little mysterious     ⑤perfect









49.I no longer received a white gardenia at the age of    









50.It was    who sent me a gardenia every year on my birthday.


my father


my mother


a boy that I had met


the old man who lived across the street.

  • 更新:2021-01-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Steve Jobs was born on 24th February 1955in San Francisco,California.As a child,he often worked with his father or electronics.

In high school,he met Bill Fernandez and Steve Wozniak(or "Woz").Woz and Bill showed Jobs a computer board that they were building at the time.Jobs was very interested in it.

After high school,Jobs went to one of the best colleges in Oregon.However,he dropped out only after a few months.In the meantime,Woz worked for Hewlett﹣Packard,but found time to build his own computer.When Jobs saw what Woz had done,he could imagine that people would need it very much.

Together,they set up a company called Apple.Apple Computer became a big success,and this made Jobs a rich man.Unfortuantely,Jobs's personality(性格) made him very difficult to work with.He left Apple to set up another company.Soon,Apple started to do badly.Jobs returned to Apple and helped make the company successful again.

Back at Apple,Jobs was responsible (负责) for the development of the iMac,iTunes,iPod,iPhone and iPad.

In 2003,Jobs got very ill and died on 5th October 2011.

76.When Jobs was in high school,Woz and Bill showed him    that they were building.

77.When Woz worked for Hewlett﹣Packard,he found time to    

78.Jobs and Woz set up    called Apple.

79.Jobs left Apple because he    

80.In 2003,Jobs    and died on 5th October 2011.

  • 更新:2021-02-01
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Li Chunlin,a farmer,used to live in a poor village in the north of Shaanxi.In the 1980s,he went to Shenzhen to make a living with his wife.

Years later,they became rich and returned to their hometown.To their surprise,the land around the village was covered with sand.That made them feel sad.After thinking carefully,Li and his wife made up their minds to fight against the sands.

They bought thousands of young trees and planted them around the village.However,only a few survived(存活),because the trees were not regularly watered.But how to get water was a big problem.They dug a well(井) but it became dry soon.Then they asked a drilling team to dig a deep well.Clear water appeared,but their money was used up.They couldn't afford to buy young trees.They went to several banks for help but got nothing.Finally they turned to a friend who was also from the village.The friend had a big business.Learning what they were doing,their friend was moved and decided to do something for their village too.So he offered the money they needed.

With the money,they bought trees and had them planted.They looked after the trees as if they were their own children.After some time,green leaves came out.When the villagers saw the changes,some started to join Li and his wife in the fight.Then more joined.Years went by.And now larger areas around the village are covered with green trees.

46.When Li and his wife returned from Shenzhen,they were sad because  .


the land around the village was covered with sand.


they didn't have enough money to buy trees.


their village was not as beautiful as Shenzhen.


they didn't have enough water to drink.

47.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?


Li and his wife dug a well with enough water themselves.


Li and his wife got much money from the bank.


The villagers didn't join Li and his wife in the fight.


Their friend gave Li and his wife some money to buy trees.

48.This passage is mainly about how Li and his wife  .


tried different ways to find water


made money in Shenzhen.


fought against the sands.


bought and planted trees.

  • 更新:2021-02-01
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Once a traveler wanted to go across a desert. He had walked in the desert for three days without any water. He was exhausted(精疲力尽的)from walking. When he felt hopeless,he suddenly found a small house. He pulled his tired body inside.This was a small airless house and in the corner he discovered a water pump(抽水机).

He was so excited and went forward to draw(抽取)water,but no water came out no matter how hard he tried. Too tired to do anything more, he fell to the ground. Then he saw a small bottle.On the bottle was a note, which read,"You must pour the water from the bottle into the pump before you draw water! Don't forget,before you leave,refill the bottle with water!" He opened the bottle and found it was filled with water! He was so happy.

At that moment he thought,"It might be a little selfish(自私的),but as long as I drink the water in the bottle, I can be sure to leave this room alive! However,if I do as the note says and pour the only water into the pump and no water comes out,I will die of thirst.Should I take the risk or not?" It was five minutes later that he chose to pour the only water into the pump and began to draw water.After a minute,water started to come out! He made the right choice.

After he had drunk enough water,he refilled the bottle.He added the following words after the note:Before you get something,you should first learn to pay.


(1)What did the traveler discover in the corner of a small airless house?   

(2)What did he have to do before he drew water?   

(3)How long did it take him to make a choice?   

(4)Is the traveler selfish according to the passage?   

(5)What lesson does the story tell us?   

  • 更新:2021-01-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
