
Every day,Vickey traveled by bus between her office and home.She noticed something special about the bus driver.Whenever the passenger (乘客)got on the bus,he would smile at them.

However ,Vickey also noticed a passenger who never smiled back at the driver.It seemed that he never had any clean clothes.He often made big noises when he coughed.Every time he got on the bus,he made the other passengers give up the seat to him in a loud voice.But the driver still smiled at the passengers.Instead,the "noisy" man seemed to never see the smile.

This got Vickey more interested.Once, she asked the driver,"Sir, may I ask you a question?Why don't you throw that noisy man out of bus?"

The driver looked at Vickey and said"He's my guest."

"Then take back your smile at least.Don't be so nice to him!"

"Let me tell you about my dog," the driver said patiently."Each time the moon shines,my dog barksg(狗叫) at it crazily."

Hearing this,Vickey was confused and said,"Sorry,but I'm not sure what you're trying to tell me."

The driver said"It keeps barking, but the moon still shines."

36.Vickey thinks the bus drivers is special because the bus driver  

A.drives too fast

B.wears clean clothes

C.works hard every day

D.smiles to every passenger

37.The "noisy" man would   when the bus driver smiled at him.

A.greet the driver loudly

B.smile back at the driver

C.pay no attention to the smile

D.cough and make big noises

38.To deal with the"noisy" man,Vickey advises the bus driver not to  

A.offer him a seat

B.be kind to him

C.take back the smile

D.throw him out of the bus

39.The underlined (画线的) word "confused" in the passage means  





40.The story mainly wants to tell us that we should  

A.smile every day

B.be polite to others

C.be strict with ourselves

D.always show our kindness to others.

  • 更新:2021-02-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Li Yaoyou never thought his writing would become popular online. The 14﹣year﹣old at Wuhan Wuhan Middle School wrote biography(传记)for each of his 57classmates in classical(古典的) Chinese, And now people are admiring his great talent.

Li's biography has more than 8,000words. He wrote each of classmates, including their birthdays and personalities(个性). The ninth grader sees as a graduation gift to them.

In fact, writing a biography was part of his Chinese homework for winter vacation. Students were asked to read Historical Records (《史记》). Then they had to write a biography

for others.

At the beginning, Li just wrote about six classmates he knew well. His teacher then encouraged him to write more. It was a big project, but Li worked hard to complete it successfully. He didn't know everyone well. So he talked with his classmates' friends and observed(观察) them carefully. "Once, to write about a girl who I didn't know well, I talked with her friends for a few days, "he said, "My hard work paid off, I got to know she likes Pikachu and food!

Expressing his ideas in classical Chinese was not easy. Sometimes, he searched online to learn it. But gradually, his language skills improved. "When I wrote the last 10piece, the words came to my mind naturally, "he said. Alsohe tried to say something more about each person's special side. Even if it is not a good, shining point, I keep it. I want to be objective (容观的)," he said.

66. What did Li Yaoyou write about in his biography? (not more than 14words)  

67. Why did Li write a biography? (not more than 12words)  

68. What do you think of Li (not more than 4words)  



  • 更新:2021-02-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Once up a time,there was a young man.He lived in a small village.He was the only child in his family.so his parents loved him very much and did everything for him.He just hung out every day,doing nothing.

    One day,he met an old man in his village.The old man asked him,"My boy,why don't you work hard to achieve something when you are young?"

    The young man replied without care,"Why do I have to be in a hurry?I'm young,so I have plenty of time!Besides,I haven't made anyplans formy future yet."

    "Time waits for no man!"the old man said.Then he asked theyoung man to go into a dark house with him.

    "I can't see anything!"the young man said

    The old man lit a match and said to the young man,"Before thematch goes out,pick something in the house as you like."

    By the weak light,the young man tried to see the things in it.Butbefore he found something,the match went out,and the house became dark again at once.

    "Before I could get something,the match had gone out,"the young man said angrily.

    The old man said,"My boy,your youth(青春)is like the burning match,which can only last for a short time.So you shouldn't waste your time!

(1)The young man lived in a  

A.Small city

B.small village

C.big city

D.big town

(2)The old man asked the young man why he didn't  

A.work hard

B.hang out

C.play games

D.do homework

(3)The old man led the young man into a dark  





(4)What did the young man pick before the match went out?  

A.A ring.

B.A watch.

C.A picture.


(5)What can we learn from the story?  

A.Youth is like a burning match.

B.It's dangerous to light matches.

C.Young people have much time.

D.We should look after ourselves.

  • 更新:2021-02-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    Zhao Jing is now a famous calligrapher(书法家)in Anhui. His works are getting more and more popular. Zhao Jing was a worker in a factory several years ago. His family lived a happy life until an accident happened to Zhao Jing.

    One day, he was badly hurt by a large machine. The operation lasted for three hours. He woke up to find that he had lost both of his arms. That made him so sad that he even thought of ending his life However, his wife's and parents' selfless love helped him to cheer up again. "I shouldn't depend on my parents or my wife for the rest of my life. I want to learn penmanship(书法). " Zhao Jing told his family about his resolution.

    Zhao Jing went from door to door to collect waste paper. He bit(咬)the writing brush with his teeth and began to write. He keeps on writing for thirty years. The piles of used paper and so many old brushes in the room made his dream come true. He is so good at penmanship that he has won lots of prizes.

    "Never Give Up Your Dreams" is Zhao Jing's motto(座右铭)and he will continue his steps.

(1)What did Zhao Jing do before that accident?


(2)What made Zhao Jing cheer up again after the operation?


(3).How did Zhao Jing practice writing?






  • 更新:2021-02-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    China was once known as the "Bicycle Kingdom". Now, a young US man, David Wang, living in Beijing is using pieces of bamboo to replace(代替)parts of bicycles.

    Two years ago, David opened the Bamboo Bicycle Beijing workshop in Langjia hutong. They cut and shape bamboo into bicycle frames(构架). After connecting the pieces with special glue, they join wheels and other parts together.

    After graduating from university, David came to China to continue his study. He has lived in China for more than 6 years and loves the city's ancient hutongs. However, he found people threw old bicycles everywhere in hutongs. "Beijing is becoming a big graveyard(墓地)of bicycles," David said. He began picking up the given﹣up bikes and "saving"them, repairing, repainting, and renewing them.

    Then one day he found a really old bicycle, which could not be "saved" in usual ways, so he began thinking of better materials to replace the frame. Bamboo came to his mind.

    He searched online, and after three months of research and tries, communicating with factories and experts, he made his first bamboo bicycle. "It was amazing! It really works! " he recalled.

    The bikes are not for sale﹣they're to encourage a love of cycling among people who live in Beijing. David hopes bamboo bicycles can create "a little bit more different culture in Beijing".

(1)David thought Beijing was becoming a big graveyard of bicycles because  

A. people threw old bicycles everywhere in hutongs

B. people put the old bicycles in the graveyard

C. there were many graveyards for old bicycles

(2)How long did take David to finish his first bamboo bicycle?  

A. About three months.

B. Two years.

C. Six years.

(3)David and his team made bamboo bicycles in order NOT to  

A. create a little bit more different culture in Beijing

B. encourage a love of cycling among people

C. sell them to get a lot of money

(4)Which is the correct order according to the passage?  

①David arrived in Beijing

②David made his first bamboo bicycle.

③David graduated from university.

④David opened a workshop in Langjia hutong.

⑤David began picking up the given﹣up bikes and saving them.

A. ①③⑤④②

B. ③①⑤②④

C. ③①②⑤④

  • 更新:2021-02-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A poor boy once went to a ragged(破旧的)school, where his face was well washed. When he returned home, the neighbors looked at him in surprise.

    They said, "That looks like Tom Rogers, and yet it can't be, for he is so clean."

    After a while, his mother looked at him, and seeing that his face was so clean, she thought that her own face was dirty, and she washed it at once.

    The father soon came home from his work, and, seeing his wife and his son so clean, he thought that his face was dirty, and so he followed their example.

    Father, mother and son being clean, the mother began to think that the room looked dirty; so she went down on her knees to scrub the floor clean.

    A woman lived next door. Seeing so great a change in her neighbors, she thought that her face and her room were very dirty; so she, too, quickly set about cleaning them.

    This story shows how two houses and their families were made tidy and comfortable, simply by the example of the clean face of one ragged school boy.

    Children, as well as grown﹣up people, should always set a good example. We never know how much good may be done in that way; nor can we tell how much harm results from a bad example.

(1)The poor boy got his face washed at  

A. school

B. home

C. his neighbor's

(2). What does the underlined word "scrub" in Paragraph 5 mean in Chinese?  


B. 擦洗  

C. 分离

(3)The woman next door cleaned her face and room because  

A. her neighbors asked her to do so  

B. she loved to keep clean all the time

C. she learned from her neighbors

(4)What's the best title of the story?  

A. A poor boy and his parents.  

B. A good example.     

C. Good neighbors.

  • 更新:2021-02-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

"I will never find time to learn this difficult lesson,"said Robert to Frank as they left school."I can't do it by tomorrow."

"You have ten minutes before lunch.Why not begin right away?"asked his brother.

"Ten minutes!That's nothing.Besides,I must have a run with Rover now,"replied Robert.

After lunch,the two boys walked to school again.Frank took out his book and began to learn part of it while he walked along."What a bookworm(书呆子)!"said Robert,laughing.He looked for birds'nests in the trees all the way to school.

"Come out to play soccer!"shouted a group of school friends when they finished school for the day.Robert ran away with the boys.(83)Frank promised to join them in 15minutesand took out his book again After he finished,Frank played with the boys,and enjoyed the game.

The two brothers were tired that evening,and went to bed early.But when they returned to school the next day,Frank knew his lesson perfectly.(84)HoweverRobert told the teacher that he did not have time to learn it

"How did you find time,Frank?"asked his teacher.

"I had 10minutes before lunch yesterday; 15minutes when I walked back to school; and another 15minutes before soccer.Then I looked over my lesson before I went to bed; and took 10minutes before breakfast this morning to make it perfect."

"That makes an hour's preparation,"replied his teacher."Frank,you may run and play at break time.Robert,go to the back of the class.You will spend break time learning that lesson.And you will continue to do that until you have learned this important lesson:You'll never find time for anything.If you want time,you must make it.Take care of the minutes."


81.Why did Frank have time to learn the lesson,but Robert didn't?


82.In order to tell us how Robert is different from Frank,the writer gives us some examples.Please list two of them (USE YOUR OWN WORDS).







  • 更新:2021-02-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Susan Carver stood in front of her house.She watched George Carver take things out of his pockets(口袋).George had been out in the forest again,collecting things like plants,rocks,insects and a snake.Susan was happy that George loved nature.She just didn't want George to bring all that nature into her house!

Susan and Moses Carver wanted George to have a good education.But the schools near George's house were for white children only.So when George was about 12,the Carves sent him to a school for African American children.But the school was too easy for George.George decided to go to a different school so he could learn more.

George went to a high school in Kansas.He was one of the best students there,too.After George graduated,he started a business cleaning people's clothes.But George still wanted to learn more.In 1885a college in Kansas sent George a letter and said he could go to school there.But when George got to the college,they told him he couldn't stay.The college was only for white students.George was very disappointed(失望的).But he kept reading and learning by himself.

In 1887,George started taking classes at Simpson College,in Iowa.George was only the second African American student who went to the college.He studied art and music.But George really wanted to study plants and farming.So he decided to go to a different college.One year later,he went to Iowa State Agricultural(农业的)College.Students there learned how to work on farms.George learned about farm animals,planting and growing crops(庄稼).

George was a great student at Iowa State Agricultural College.After he graduated,he became a teacher at the college.He also kept studying plants.He wanted to learn about different ways to use plants.He succeeded and became an expert in agriculture.

46.From the first passage,we know that  

A.George loved nature

B.Susan was afraid of snakes

C.George liked collecting all kinds of things

D.Susan didn't allow George to bring everything home

47.George didn't go to school near his home because  

A.he was a black boy

B.he wanted to study by himself

C.the school was too easy for him

D.he wanted to go to a good school

48.After he graduated from Iowa State Agricultural College,George  

A.started a business cleaning people's clothes

B.decided to go to a different college

C.became a college teacher

D.went to work on farms

49.The right order of the following statements about George is  

①He went to a high school in Kansas.

②He went to Iowa State Agricultural College.

③He went to study at Simpson College,in Iowa.

④He was sent to a school for African American children.

⑤A college in Kansas sent him a letter but refused him later


50.According to the passage,which statement is NOT right?  

A.Black people were treated badly.

B.George liked music and art.

C.George was successful in agriculture.

D.George was a person who never gave up his dream.

  • 更新:2021-02-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Nadia Comaneci,a famous gymnast (体操运动员),was born in Romania in


When she was doing cartwheels (侧手翻)on the playground at the age of 7,a PE teacher saw her.He told her family that she was very good and advised

Nadia to train in the capital of Romania.Although it was a long way from her home,Nadia went because she loved gymnastics (体操).

After that,she trained hard and took part in lots of competitions.In 1975,she was named as one of the Athletes of the 20th Century.

In 1976,Nadia went to the Olympics in Canada.She was so fantastic in the competition that everyone waited for the score,a high score.But the scoreboard showed 1.00!

Everyone was surprised.There wasn't a sound for a moment.Then a voice came,"Ladies and gentlemen,Nadia Comaneci…10!"

The audience(观众)cheered very loudly.So what happened?Well,when the scoreboard was built,no one thought a score of 10.00 was possible.The decimal point (小数点)was in the wrong place!In fact,the scoreboard only had three digits(数位) to show scores,such as 9.50 or 9.85 at that time.

In the 1976 Summer Olympics.Nadia Comaneci scored a perfect 10,which was thought impossible before.From then on,she was looked as a hero.In 1984,she got retired(退休的).

36.Nadia was named as one of the Athletes of the 20th Century in  

A.1961     B.1975     C.1976     D.1984

37.At first,the scoreboard showed Nadia got  in the Olympics in Canada.

A.10.00     B.1.00     C.9.50     D.9.85

38.In Paragraph(段落)5,"Everyone was surprised"because  

A.she was fantastic in the competition

B.there wasn't a sound

C.she got a score of 10

D.the score was too low

39.Put the following into correct order according to the passage.  

①Nadia went to the Olympics in Canada.

②A PE teacher saw her doing cartwheels on the playground.

③Nadia went to the capital to train

④She was looked as a hero


40.This passage is probably a  

A.news report    B.notice   C.novel    D.life story.

  • 更新:2021-02-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My 14﹣year﹣old son,John,and I saw the coat at the same time in a second﹣hand clothing store.It stood out among big and old coats.It was so beautiful and had an unbelievable price, $ 28.I looked at my son and we both said nothing,but John's eyes shone.Dark.woolen coats were popular with teenage boys,but new ones could cost several hundred dollars This coat was even better.John tried it on and turned from side to side,eyeing himself in the mirror.It fit him so well.

John wore the coat to school the next day.After he came home,I asked,"Did the kids like your coat?"

"They love it,"he said with a big grin

Over the next few weeks,John changed.He was polite,less argumentative,more thoughtful,and much happier."Good dinner,mom."he would say every evening.Without a word of complaining,he would carry in wood for the stove.One day when I suggested that he might start on his homework before dinner,John,who always put things off.said,"You're right.I guess I will."When I mentioned this change to one of his teachers,she joked that the coat must have changed him.

John and I both know we should never judge a person by his clothes.But it is true that when wearing beautiful and suitable clothes,we may try to be better in thought,speech and behavior to match what is on the inside to what is on the outside.

46.What can we learn from the first paragraph?  

A.The price of the coat was too high.

B.John liked the coat very much.

C.They often went shopping together.

D.The writer didn't want to buy the coat.

47.What does the underlined word"grin"mean?  

A.A wide smile.

B.A worried look.

C.An upset voice.

D.An angry mood.

48.What did John use to do when he was asked to study?  

A.Start to once.

B.Put off his homework.

C.Work hard on schoolwork.

D.Carry in wood for the stove.

49.Which of the following changes did NOT happen to John after he wore the coat?  

A.He was willing to follow suggestions.

B.He often helped to do some housework.

C.He always worried about his study.

D.He said sweet words to make his mother happy.

50.What does the writer want to say through this passage?  

A.What we wear could help what we are.

B.Life is full of possibilities when we are young.

C.We should not judge people by their appearance.

D.It's a good choice to try different things in our lives.

  • 更新:2021-02-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Diary of a Young Girl was written by a girl named Anne Frank. It is a true experience of a teenager in wartime(World War II, 1939﹣1945)and it has also become a symbol of the victory of the human spirit.

Here's one of Anne's diaries.

29. The underlined phrase "something wonderful" refers to(指代) that  

A: Anne's family could listen to news

B: Italy capitulated

C: the Dutch program was uplifting

D: Mr. Koophuis was cheerful

30. What is the most probable date that Mr. Koophuis returned from hospital?  

A: 10September.

B: 24September.

C: 3October.

D: 17October.

31. Which of the following is probably NOT true according to the passage?  

A: Anne often faced unpleasant things.

B: Anne's family got news on radio.

C: Mr. Koophuis was welcome in Anne's family.

D: Mr. Koophuis was quite afraid of his operation.

  • 更新:2021-02-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In 1990,Ed Viesturs started for the top of Mount Everest (29,029 feet) from a high camp at 27,000 feet.He planned to climb it without oxygen tank,something only a few climbers had managed to do.He'd failed twice,once getting with 300 feet of the top before turning back.

    He left his high camp at 1a.m.,using a headlamp to find his way in the dark.He'd already been on the mountain for two months,receiving endurance and strength training in preparation for the Everest climb.He'd also lived through terrible cold,strong winds,and separation from friends and family.

    "The common practice was to use oxygen when climbing,as it,in fact,lowers the altitude (海拔) of the mountain by several thousand feet,"says Viesturs."If I couldn't climb Everest without oxygen tank,I wouldn't climb it."

    "You have to be physically fit,"he says."But the mental (精神的) part is big.It's so hard to keep going above 20,000 feet."

    While making that final climb on Everest,he breathed 15times for every step.He would tell himself to first reach the rock 100 yards ahead.Then he'd find another rock,then another.Finally he stood on the top,with the whole world at his feet."It was one of those dream﹣come﹣true moments,"Viesturs says.

    Today,Viesturs makes his living in part as a speaker,talking about his climb of Everest and of the world's 13other highest mountain,all without oxygen.He helps people find the strength to overcome their difficulties.

    Finally,in his words,"The art of mountaineering is knowing when to go,when to stay,and when to turn back.We should go step when working toward our dreams.There are no shortcuts to the top."

(1)What does the article mainly talk about?  

A.Viesturs'first successful climb of Mount Everest.

B.Viesturs'physical preparation for climbing Everest.

C.The difficulties that Viesturs has met in his life.

D.The lessons that Viesturs can share with others.

(2)What do we know about Ed Viesturs?  

A.As soon as he reached Mount Everest,he set out for Everest climb.

B.He's been to the top of the world's 14highest mountain without oxygen.

C.Well prepared,he had no difficulty climbing the top of Mount Everest.

D.So far,he is the only one to have reached the top of Mount Everest without oxygen.

(3)The first "it" in Paragraph 3 refers to (指的是)  

A.being physical fit

B.climbing Everest

C.using oxygen when climbing

D.climbing without oxygen

(4)Which sentence should go in the empty box in the last paragraph?  

A.I like being near the top of a mountain.

B.Life is like climbing a mountain.

C.You never climb the mountain twice.

D.Over every mountain there is a path.

  • 更新:2021-02-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Still in shock!I moved around the house purposelessly trying to decide what to put into the suitcases (行李箱).Earlier that evening,I'd received a call telling me that my brother was killed in a car crash."Come as soon as you can."cried my mother.

I wanted to hurry to her at once.But my husband,Larry,and I were packing to move from New York to Seattle.Our house was in total mess.Supper dishes sat on the kitchen table.Toys lay everywhere.I purposelessly picked things up and put them down.Mother's crying went through my head again and again.

Larry called some friends to tell them what had happened.Someone asked to speak to me."If there's anything I can do,let me know."But I didn't know what to ask for.

Suddenly,the doorbell rang.It was Emerson.He and his wife Donna lived in the block nearby.

"I've come to clean your shoes,"he said.

I asked him to repeat.

"Donna had to stay with the baby,"he said,"but we want to help you.I remember when my father died,it took me hours to clean our shoes for the funeral (葬礼).Give me all your shoes."

I gathered all our dirty shoes to the kitchen.Emerson got to work right away.Watching him devoting himself to one task helped me pull my own thoughts into order.I told myself to wash clothes first.Then,Larry and I bathed the children and put them to bed.One job after another.

When we returned to clear the dishes,Emerson had left.All our shoes stood in a line against the wall,clean,shining.I couldn't help crying.Early next morning,we left for the airport with all the jobs done.

Now whenever I hear of a friend who's lost a loved one,I no longer call with the polite offer,"If there's anything I can do …"Instead I try to think of one specific task that suits that man's need,like taking the dog to the boarding kennel,or house﹣sitting during the funeral.If the person asks,"How did you know I needed that one?"I reply,"Because a man once cleaned my shoes."

34.The writer didn't know what to put into the suitcases because  

A.she couldn't do it on her own

B.she was too sad to do anything

C.she wanted to take everything to Seattle

D.she was not good at housework

35.Here's a time line of what happened in the story.

The writer's brother was killed in a car crash.→_________

→The writer washed the clothes.→They left for the airport.

Which of the events should go in the empty box above?  

A.Emerson came to clean the shoes.

B.The couple bathed the children.

C.They cleared the supper dishes

D.The writer found the shoes cleaned.

36.If one of her friends has lost a loved one,what will the writer probably NOT do?  

A.Call her friend to ask what she can do.

B.Look after her friend's young children.

C.Take her friend's dog to the boarding kennel.

D.Offer her friend house﹣sitting during the funeral.

37.Which sentences best expresses the theme of this story?  

A.One person's loss is another's gain.

B.An act of kindness is often rewarded.

C.A near neighbour is better than a brother far off.

D.Do something specific to help those in need.

  • 更新:2021-02-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Marco Polo was born in Italy in 1254.When he was 17,he travelled across Europe and Asian along the Silk Road with his father,who wanted to do trade with the Chinese.Finally they arrived in Beijing.They were guests at the Emperor's Palace.Although Marco was young,he was very clever and could speak four languages.The Emperor was impressed by him and they became friends.He asked Marco to serve in his court and sent him to do many important tasks across the country.

Marco was amazed by how beautiful China was.He was impressed bu Beijing and the Emperor's Palace,especially the Summer Palace which he described as "The greatest palace that ever was…"The walls were covered in gold and silver and the hall was so large it could easily seat 6,000people for dinner."

There were inventions and developments in China which couldn't focused in Europe at that time.Marco was surprised to see Chinese people using paper money in the markets.In Europe,people paid for goods with gold and silver.He could not understand how people pay for food and valuable things with paper! He was also puzzled by the black stones people used to burn to produce heat.The black stones were coal,but Marco had never seen coal before!

In 1291,after 17years of service to the Emperor,Marco returned to Italy.He was now a very wealthy man.A writer wrote down all the stories that Marco told him in a book called The Description of the World,which became one of the best﹣selling books in Europe.

Although people enjoyed reading the book,many of them thought that Marco's stories about China were too fantastic to be true.But Marco always stood by his tales.Just before he died,aged 70,Marco was asked the question,"Was it all true?"And this was his answer:"I have only told a half what I saw!"

69.Why did Marco Polo and his father travel to China?  

70.What does Paragraph 2mainly tell us?  

71.Marco Polo saw that there were inventions and developments in China which couldn't be found in Europe at that time.Give TWO examples.  

72.Was Marco Polo the writer of the book The Description of the World?  

73.What does the last sentence"I have only told a half what I saw!"mean?  

  • 更新:2021-02-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hannay was nervous.His enemies were searching for him.All around him were grassy hills without trees.He had nowhere to hide.How could he escape?

Hannay walked along the country for a long time.Then he saw a road worker,who was working alone,fixing the road.Hannay could see the road worker was not feeling well.Hannay came up to him and said "How are you?"

"My head hurts,"the worker said,"I can't do it.I want to go home to bed.My daughter got married yesterday,and I drank a lot of wine with my friends.That's the problem!"

Hannay agreed that he should be home in bed.

"Yes,and I would be,"he replied,"but yesterday I received a message saying that the new surveyor was coming to look at my work.If he comes and finds me away,I'll be in trouble."

Suddenly Hannay had bright idea﹣﹣he could act as the road worker and get away from his enemies.

"You go off to bed,"Hannay said,"I'll do your job until the new surveyor comes."

The road worker was pleased with this idea.He gave Hannay his hat and his old coat.Then he went home to sleep and perhaps to drink a bit more.Hannay put on the worker's hat and coat and began to fix the road.About an hour later he heard a voice.

"Are you the road worker?"it asked.

It was the new surveyor.He was a young man with a clean face.He sat in a small car.

Hannay said yes.The surveyor told him about some work he wanted him to do before he came by again and drove off.Hannay continued with his work.

Then a village boy came by."What has happened to the road worker?"he asked.

"He stayed at home today,"Hannay replied."He's sick."

At about midday,a large car came down the hill and stopped near Hannay.Three man got out of the car.Hannay's heart beat fast.He knew his enemies were coming…

38.What is this passage probably taken from?  

A.A history book.

B.A travel book.

C.A novel       

D.A science book.

39.Why was the road worker feeling ill?  

A.He had a cold.

B.He hadn't eaten all day.

C.He had been working all day.

D.He drank too much at his daughter's wedding.

40.Who did NOT come by while Hannay was working on the road?  

A.The surveyor.

B.The road worker's daughter.

C.Hannay's enemies.

D.A village boy.

41.What can we infer (推断)from the story?  

A.Hannay helped the road worker because he was warm﹣hearted.

B.The grassy hills were a perfect hiding place for Hannay.

C.The surveyor had lot of working experience.

D.The village boy knew the road worker.

42.What is the correct order of the story?  

①Hannay met a road worker who was not feeling well and offered to take over for him.

②Hannay was worried because his enemies were following him.

③A car stopped near Hannay and three men got out.

④Hannay acted as the road worker when the surveyor came by.

⑤The village boy wondered what had happened to the road worker.





  • 更新:2021-02-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
