首页 / 初中英语 / 试题详细
  • 更新 2022-09-04
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 46

A poor boy once went to a ragged(破旧的)school, where his face was well washed. When he returned home, the neighbors looked at him in surprise.

    They said, "That looks like Tom Rogers, and yet it can't be, for he is so clean."

    After a while, his mother looked at him, and seeing that his face was so clean, she thought that her own face was dirty, and she washed it at once.

    The father soon came home from his work, and, seeing his wife and his son so clean, he thought that his face was dirty, and so he followed their example.

    Father, mother and son being clean, the mother began to think that the room looked dirty; so she went down on her knees to scrub the floor clean.

    A woman lived next door. Seeing so great a change in her neighbors, she thought that her face and her room were very dirty; so she, too, quickly set about cleaning them.

    This story shows how two houses and their families were made tidy and comfortable, simply by the example of the clean face of one ragged school boy.

    Children, as well as grown﹣up people, should always set a good example. We never know how much good may be done in that way; nor can we tell how much harm results from a bad example.

(1)The poor boy got his face washed at  

A. school

B. home

C. his neighbor's

(2). What does the underlined word "scrub" in Paragraph 5 mean in Chinese?  


B. 擦洗  

C. 分离

(3)The woman next door cleaned her face and room because  

A. her neighbors asked her to do so  

B. she loved to keep clean all the time

C. she learned from her neighbors

(4)What's the best title of the story?  

A. A poor boy and his parents.  

B. A good example.     

C. Good neighbors.

