
Recently, a video story has spread among people.

     James Anthony has cleaned the halls of Hickerson Primary School for 15 years. Although he is deaf, he never complains(抱怨).Instead, he greets every child and teacher with smile.Teachers and children love him very much and call him Mr. James.

     On the day Anthony turned 60, the school wanted to give him a very special surprise. That day when Anthony walked into a classroom, a group of children started to sign (打手势)and sing"Happy Birthday"to him.Anthony started smiling as usual. Then his jaw(下巴) dropped open and he laughed for joy as he realized what was going on. A few teachers led the kids through the whole song as Anthony watched. A wide smile was on his face. As they finished, tears came out from his eyes.

     Scott, secretary(秘书)of the school said, "The children love and respect Mr. James. They give him high fives in the halls, and he even teaches them sign language. Today he has put smiles on faces all around the world."

(1)James Anthony is at Hickerson Primary School  

A.a cleaner

B.a student

C.a secretary

D.a guard

(2)When did James Anthony get a special surprise?  

A.On his fifteenth birthday.

B.On his fiftieth birthday.

C.On his sixtieth birthday.

D.On his sixteenth birthday.

(3)Why did James Anthony cry when the kids and teachers finished singing the song?  

A.Because he lost his job.

B.Because he was deeply moved.

C.Because the kids didn't like him.

D.Because he couldn't hear the kids.

(4)According to Scott, we can learn that  

A. Anthony used to be a good teacher

B.the kids love and respect Mr. James

C.the kids often help Anthony clean the halls

D. Anthony always greets the kids and teachers by singing songs

(5)What may be the best title for the passage?  

A.Famous Teacher

B.Lovely Kids

C.Special Birthday Gift

D.An American School

  • 更新:2021-01-17
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Life is full of surprises and you never know how things will turn out.

    Sir John Gurdon is a good example of this. As a boy, he was told he was hopeless at science and finished bottom of his class. Now,aged 79,the very same Gurdon shared the 2012 Nobel Prize in Medicine with Japanese stem cell(干细胞) researcher Shinya Yamanaka.

    Like so many scientists,Gurdon shows us where the power of curiosity and perseverance(坚持不懈)can lead.

    At the age of 15 in 1948, Gurdon ranked last out of the 250 boys at his high school in biology and every other science subject. Gurdon's high school science teacher even said that his dream of becoming a scientist was "quite ridiculous".

    In spite of his teacher's criticisms, Gurdon followed his curiosity and kept working hard. He went to the lab early and left later than anyone else. He experienced thousands of failures.

    "My own belief is that we will, in the end , understand everything about how cells actually work." Gurdon said.

    In 1962,Gurdon took a cell from an adult frog and moved its genetic(基因的)information into an egg cell. The egg cell then grew into a clone(克隆)of the adult frog.This technique later helped to create Dolly the sheep in 1996, the first cloned mammal(哺乳动物) in the world.

    In 2006, Gurdon's work was developed by Yamanaka to show that a sample (样本) of a person's skin can be used to create stem cells. Using the technique, doctors can repair a patient's heart after a heart attack.

    "Luck favors the prepared mind," Gurdon told the Nobel Prize Organization. "Ninety percent of the time things don't work, but when they do, you have to seize(抓住) the chance."


(1)Who won the 2012 Nobel Prize in Medicine?  

A. Sir John Gurdon.

B. Shinya Yamanaka.

C. Sir John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka.

D. Gurdon's science teacher.

(2)In what order are the followings mentioned in the passage?  

a. create the sheep Dolly

b. take a cell from an adult frog

c. use a person's skin to create stem cells

d. move a frog's genetic information into an egg cell

e. grow into a clone of a frog

A. b﹣a﹣c﹣d﹣e

B. b﹣d﹣e﹣a﹣c

C. b﹣d﹣a﹣c﹣e

D. b﹣e﹣d﹣a﹣c

(3)What does the underlined word "ridiculous" mean?  





(4)According to the passage , which statement is true?  

A. As a boy, Gurdon was told he was hopeful.

B. Gurdon ranked first at his high school in biology.

C. It's impossible for the doctors to repair a patient's heart after a heart attack.

D. In spite of his teacher's criticisms, Gurdon kept working hard.

(5)What's the main idea of the passage?  

A. Ninety percent of the time things don't work.

B. Stem cells were created.

C. Life is full of surprises.

D. How to know cells actually work.

  • 更新:2021-01-28
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What a Kid !

    Tad is a very special boy. He is confined to a wheelchair.He was born with an illness that made him unable to walk.Some boys would be sad or angry about that,but not Tad.Instead, he looks for ways to make people happy. He called the Green Oaks School for the blind and asked if he could volunteer.They said, "Sure!" Tad went to the school and quickly made friends. Every day, he reads books to the children. He plays games with them. Sometimes he helps them do their schoolwork. The children at the school nicknamed him Lucky because they feel so lucky to have him as a friend. That makes Tad happy!


(1)Tad has been unable to walk since he was born.  

(2)The Green Oaks School called Tad to make him a volunteer.  

(3)Tad reads books to the children at the Green Oaks School once a week.  

(4)Children at the school love Tad.  

(5)Lucky is the nickname of Tad at the school.  

  • 更新:2021-01-13
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Li Yaotang is considered to be one of the most important and widely﹣read Chinese writers in the 20th century.He wrote under the pen name of Ba Jin.Ba Jin started writing his first work (作品)in the late 1920s.Li was born in Chengdu,Sichuan.He was born in a rich family of officials.As a child,Li was taught to read and write first by his mother.In 1920,Li entered Chengdu Foreign Language School to study English.Three years later,Li moved to Shanghai and studied in Dongnan University.On February 15th,1927,he went to Paris with his friend for further study.After returning to Shanghai in 1928,Ba Jin continued writing and working on translation.His first novel came out in 1929.Then he wrote a lot of famous novels during ten years.Most of Ba Jin's works could be easily understood by anyone with high school education,which made him one of the easiest modem Chinese writers.Ba Jin died of cancer in Shanghai at the age of 100.His death marked the end of a century for Chinese literature.He was one of the masters of language like Lao She.

Answer the following questions according to what you read.

(1)When did Ba Jin start writing his first work?  

(2)Who taught Ba Jin to read and write when he was a child first?  

(3)What did Ba Jin do in Chengdu Foreign Language School?  

(4)Did Ba Jin go to France or Britain in 1927?  

(5)Why is Ba Jin still one of the easiest modem Chinese writers?  

  • 更新:2021-01-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As a well﹣known Chinese TV hostess, Dong Qing is now hosting two cultural shows, Chinese Poetry Conference and Readers. The two shows are encouraging people to love traditional culture and find the beauty of life.

    Dong was born in a highly educated family in 1973. she had a great love for traditional literature(文学)from an early age. In 2015 when she was about to study in the U.S., Dong received an invitation from the director of Chinese Poetry Conference asking her to be the hostess. Because of her passion for traditional literature, Dong accepted the job.

    "The contest interests me very much. Hosting it is a process of learning about poetry and performing, "said Dong. To her great joy, the show has become more and more popular.

    Under the slogan(口号)"Reading touches people's hearts", the new TV show Readers has become a success. It invites famous guests from all walks of life to read something. Dong works as both hostess and producer.

    Readers became a turning point in Dong' s 21 years of hosting.She said it brought her "quite a

huge challenge".

    "There is no shortcut(捷径) in this world. If you want to be a good host, you need to make thorough preparations," said the beautiful hostess. "The charm of life lies in its unknown, so we just have to try and keep going."

(1)What shows is Dong Qing hosting now?  

A. Readers.

B. Chinese Poetry Conference.

C. Chinese poetry Conference and Readers.

D. The Voice of China.

(2)Where did Dong Qing decide to study in 2015?  

A. In France.

B. In England.

C. In Japan.

D. In America.

(3)What does Dong Qing do at present?  

A. An actress.

B. A singer.

C. A hostess.

D. A hostess and producer.

(4)The underlined word "passion" in the second paragraph probably means "great  ".

A. love

B. joy

C. surprise

D. pride

(5)What's the best title (题目)for the text?  

A. Find the Beauty of Life

B. How to Be a Successful TV Hostess

C. Reading Touches People's Hearts

D. Dong Qing﹣a Talented Lady

  • 更新:2021-01-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

An old man was going home late one night with his horse and cartafter a day's hard work.When he was not far away from his house,the light on the cart went out.He tried but could not repair it.He was near his home,and so he went along the road without a light.When a policeman saw this,he stopped the old man.

 "Where is your light?"asked the policeman."No man may take a cart along the road at night without a light.You know that.You have broken the law.""I had a light,but it has just gone out,"said the old man.

"I don't believe that story.What's your name and where do you live?"asked the policeman."Please don't write down my name,"said the old man."My home is just there.You can see it from here.I had a light nearly the whole way."

"You came all the way without a light.What's your name?"

The old man quickly took the policeman's hand and put it down on the top of the light.The light was still hot and burnt the policeman's hand.The policeman jumped and he was very angry."Now,what do you think?"said the old man."Did I come all the way without a light?"

(1)What does the underlined word " cart " mean in the passage?

A.It means house.

B.It is something pulled by a horse.

C.It means light.

D.It is something used for cooking food.

(2)The old man drove home   

A.late onenight

B.with his donkey

C.with a policeman

D.early one morning

(3)Where did the policeman stop the old man?   

A.Under a street light.

B.At the traffic lights.

C.Near the old man's home.

D.Far away from the old man's home.

(4)Why was the old man stopped by the policeman?   

A.Because the light on his cart was not on.

B.Because he burnt the policeman's hand.

C.Because he broke a street light.

D.Because he didn't want to help the policeman.

(5)What made the policeman believe the old man's words?   

A.He made the policeman angry.

B.He jumped and shouted angrily.

C.The light burnt the policeman's hand.

D.He made the policeman touch the cart.

  • 更新:2021-01-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Frank and his brother Jack lived near the ocean. Frank was outgoing while Jack was shy. They liked doing different things. Frank was famous for organizing games of beach volleyball, football, and any other sport imaginable. Jack preferred to draw, paint, or build sandcastles(沙堡).

    Frank didn't understand why Jack would rather do artistic things than play ball. He believed sports often allowed many kids to play together. That was when Jack's idea hatched. He would show Frank what doing things together looked like!

    After Jack finished creating a special sandcastle with stairs,towers and walls,he took pictures of it.Then he painted colorful posters featuring(突出)his sandcastle and the question, "Can you top this?" He hung his posters everywhere in town, announcing his plan for a day of sandcastle artistry﹣all ages welcome.

    When Frank saw poster, he not so nicely told Jack that no one would come. Still, shortly after sunrise on Saturday, Jack was on the beach digging in the sand. By mid﹣morning, four kids were sculpting(雕塑)the sand alongside him. By noon the number had increased a lot.

    After Frank came back from his ball game, he went to check how his brother's plan turned out. He couldn't believe what he saw. At least 30 people were building a city of sandcastles, and everyone was chatting and laughing and working together! It was the most beautiful thing he had seen on the beach.

    "I guess you've proved me wrong," Frank said. "You should make this sandcastle day a yearly tradition!" Handing Frank a shovel(铲子)with smile, Jack got started together with his brother on their super creation in the sand.

(1)What does the underlined word "hatched" in Paragraph 2 probably mean in Chinese?  

A. 产生

B. 改变

C. 消失

D. 中断

(2)What helped people know about Jack's plan?  

A. Beautiful towers.

B. Colorful posters.

C. A town building.

D. A sandcastle day.

(3)When learning about Jack's plan, Frank was  

A. doubtful

B. interested

C. satisfied

D. nervous

(4)What can we know about Jack's idea?  

A. It came from a picture.

B. It needed 30 people's support.

C. It proved Frank right.

D. It did work well.

(5)Which of the following best describes Jack?  

A. Honest.

B. Creative.

C. Outgoing.

D. Caring.

  • 更新:2021-01-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A young man entered the last interview of a company(公司).The director learnt that the young man's academic(学业的) grades were very good.

"Did you get any scholarships(奖学金) in school?"the director asked."None,"the young man answered.

"Did your father pay for your school fees(费用)?"the director asked."My father died when I was one year old,so my mother paid for my school fees."The young man answered.

"Where did your mother work?"the director asked."My mother washed clothes."the young man said.The director looked at the young man's hands.He had a pair of smooth and perfect hands.

"Have you ever helped your mother wash the clothes before?"the director asked."Never,"the young man answered."I have a request,"the director said."When you go back today,wash your mother's hands,and then see me tomorrow morning."

The young man felt that his chance of getting the job was high.When he went back,he happily asked his mother to let him wash her hands.His mother felt strange; happy but with mixed feelings.She showed her hands to the kid.The young man washed his mother's hands slowly.His tears fell when he did that.It was the first time he had noticed that his mother's hands were so wrinkled(有皱纹的).He realized it was this pair of hands that helped him pay the fees.

The next morning the young man went to the director's office."I washed my mother's hands,and I know that without my mother,I would not be the person I am today."he said.

"This is what I am looking for."the director said."I want a person who can appreciate(感激) the help of others to get things done.You will be a member of our company."

86.Did the young man get any scholarships in school?


87.Who paid for the young man's school fees?


88.How did the young man's mother make money?


89.What did the director ask the young man to do when he went back?


90.What's the best title of this passage?


  • 更新:2021-01-28
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One pleasant evening,I was holding Grandpa's hand and taking a walk in the park. "Where are the peanuts? Give me now!" He suddenly said.How I wished I had some with me! "William,the monkeys are taking long to come out today.Wait till they smell the peanuts." I knew he was lost in one of his memories again.I remembered the stories he told me of how he fed the monkeys when he was a kid.Then,he saw the goldfish!He acted as if he was seeing them for the first time.

    Poor grandpa!He fell ill with Alzheimer's disease(阿尔茨海默症)last year.The doctor said it was a progressive brain disorder which could destroy(破坏)a person's memory.The patient might also not be able to make reasonable judgments(判断).The saddening part was that it was a lifelong disease.But when my parents invited him to stay with us,he refused and said he liked living alone.One day,he forgot to turn off the fire after cooking porridge.Luckily,one of the neighbors came to help him before the fire could spread.

    It was then that my parents brought Grandpa to live with us.Often,he would forget my name and ask me who I was and what I was doing in his house.Each time I would answer softly,"It's me,Ray,Grandpa!" Even if he had forgotten who I was,he would always be my beloved grandfather.

(1)What did Grandpa want to do in the park?  

A.Eat peanuts.

B.Smell flowers.

C.Feed monkeys.

D.Tell stories.

(2)What would happen to Grandpa according to the doctor?  

A.His brain wouldn't need examinations.

B.His memory could get better.

C.He might not judge things correctly.

D.He had to live by himself.

(3)After getting to Grandpa's,the neighbor  

A.turned off the fire

B.cooked porridge

C.shared the meal

D.spread some news

(4)Why did the writer's parents bring grandpa to live with them?  

A.To make sure of his safety.

B.To help him remember their names.

C.To answer his questions in time.

D.To get his help with the housework.

(5)Which of the following best describes the writer?  





  • 更新:2021-01-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

They say that"travel is the best teacher"and there is no better example of this idea than the Ming dynasty travel writer and geographer Xu Xiake (1587﹣1641). His book The Travel Notes of Xu Xiake, not only encouraged a love of travelling among Chinese people but provided important scientific information about the country's land and geography.

    Born into a wealthy Jiangyin family, Xu became interested in books about different places at an early age and wanted to travel. When he was 18, however, Xu's father died and so, it seemed, did his travelling dreams. He now was responsible for the family farm and taking care of his 60﹣year﹣old mother as tradition required.

    But his mother had different ideas. Understanding her son's love of travel and valuing the knowledge he could get from such experiences, this modern﹣thinking woman refused to keep her son at home. She agreed that Xu could travel for three months every year, when there was less farm work.

    So at the age of twenty and with his mother's support, Xu set off for the first time, leaving behind not only his mother but his new wife as well. He would repeat this goodbye each year for most of the next 30 years. During this time, he travelled throughout the Ming kingdom, carefully studying the lands he passed through and recording his experiences and many discoveries in a diary This diary, which once had over 500,000 words, would eventually become The Travel Notes of Xu Xiake.

    Although rich, Xu avoided comfortable travel, preferring to go almost everywhere on foot. This way he could research the environment in detail and get a true picture of the natural world. Many of his trips were to hard﹣to﹣reach mountain areas, and through wild forests where few people lived. His willingness to face hardships came at a cost however. Progress was slow and tiring and he was frequently sick, robbed and beaten during his journeys.

    Sadly Xu became seriously ill during his last and longest journey, a 4﹣year trip through the Southwest of China. He died in 1641, soon after returning to his hometown for the last time. When his diary was finally printed years after his death, much of it had been destroyed or lost. Although incomplete, it still made Xu a travelling legend around the world.

(1)What is the passage mainly about ?  

A. The general details of Xu Xiake's life story

B. The difficulties Xu Xiake faced in his travels

C.The important discoveries made by Xu Xiake

D. The influence of Xu's book The Travel Notes of Xu Xiake

(2)Which of the following best describes Xu's mother ?  

A. Strict but interesting

B. Kind but uneducated

C.Helpful and hardworking

D. Supportive and open﹣minded

(3)Why did Xu prefer walking during his travels?  

A. It gave him the chance to meet different kinds of people

B. It helped him to save money and travel for a longer time

C. It allowed him to see and study the environment in detail

D. It was the only way to reach the places he was interested in

(4)What is true about Xu's book The Travel Notes of Xu xiake ?  

A. It was only made public after Xu died

B. It made Xu very famous during his lifetime

C. It was the first travel book ever written in China

D. It was mainly about the different people of China

(5)What is the correct order for the following events from Xu's lite ?  

a. He went on his first journey.

b. His book was finally printed

c. He returned to his hometown for the last time

d. He developed an interest in books about other places

e. He started managing the family farm after his father died

A. a﹣e﹣d﹣c﹣b

B. d﹣e﹣a﹣c﹣b

C. d﹣e﹣a﹣b﹣c

D. e﹣d﹣a﹣b﹣c

  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When I was about 12 years old, I really wanted a new bike!(1)   , but I knew there was little hope because my family could hardly afford it.

On my birthday my parents told me they had my gift outside in the back yard. At once I rushed out to the yard. There was my bike, but it wasn't the bike that I thought it would be. This one was pink, old and worn with age. It was so disappointing! I thought I hurt my parents' feelings because I was sure they could see the disappointment on my face.(2)   , riding as fast as I could and didn't look back.

As time went by, I began to understand that my parents gave me something much more than just a rusty (生锈的) old bike.(3)   . When you give something out of love, it doesn't matter what it is. What matters is the love that is in it.

I like to remember this story because giving a gift is not about money.(4).   . Remember this: a gift that costs 2 isn't any less valuable than one that costs 100.

A. I got on the old bike and rode it

B. I told my parents my birthday wish

C. It's about how much love you can feel from it

D. They taught me a life lesson about love

(5)What's the main idea of the passage?   


The writer got the bike that he thought it would be from his parents.


A cheap gift is as valuable as an expensive gift if they are full of love.


A gift that costs 2 is much more valuable than one that costs 100.


The writer was very happy when he found the bike in the yard.

  • 更新:2021-01-23
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Gregg's dream was to travel around the Americas(美洲).He got the idea after he finished a long bike ride.Gregg's friend,Brooks,also liked riding a bike.The two friends talked and made a plan,they would travel from Alaska to Argentina by bike.

To pay for the trip,Gregg and Brooks worked to save money for a long time.When they were on the road,they often camped outdoors and ate cheaply.In many places,local people opened their doors to the two friends and gave them food.

On their way,there were deserts,rainforests and mountains.They visited modem cities and ancient ruins.And they made many friends from all over the world.

Two years later,Gregg finally reached Ushuaia,Argentina in May 2007.(Near Guatemala,Brooks had to go back and Gregg continued without him.)

They both learned a lot about traveling.Here are some of Gregg's suggestions.

Travel light.You shouldn't carry many things with you.

Be flexible(灵活的).Don't plan everything.Then you'll be more relaxed and pleased.

Be polite.One traveler told Gregg,"Nobody wants to cheat a nice man."It's true.

Judge the following sentences true (T)or false (F) according to the passage

61.Before the trip,they had a lot of money.   

62.All of their food came from local people.   

63.They began to travel to the Americas in 2005.   

64.Both of them reached Ushuaia,Argentina.   

65.A nice man won't be cheated.   

  • 更新:2021-01-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There was a farmer in a small village. One day, he had a headache. He heard that there was a famous doctor in the nearby village, so he decided to go to visit her. His neighbor told him that he had to pay the doctor five dollars for the first visit, but only one dollar for the second visit. It was cheaper. Later he came up with a good idea. Then he went to see the doctor with only one dollar.

    There were many sick people in the doctor's home, so the farmer had to wait. About one hour later, It was his turn.

    "Morning, doctor. I am here again. The farmer said to the doctor. And then he gave the doctor one dollar. The doctor knew this was the first time that he had been here, but he wasn't angry about it. She examine(检查) him and then said,"Well, sir, there is nothing serious with you. Please continue to take the medicine I gave you last time."

(1)The man wanted to go to a doctor because of  

A. a toothache

B. a headache

C. a stomachache

D.a cold.

(2)The doctor lived in  

A. a village

B. a city

C. a town

D. an island

(3)If the man went to visit the doctor for the second time, he could pay   dollars.

A. one

B. two.

C. three

D. four.

(4)When the man said ,"Morning, doctor.I' m here again." The doctor wasn't  

A. angry

B. sad

C. angrily

D. sadly

(5)At the end, we know that  

A. the man paid only one dollar and got some medicine

B. the doctor gave the man some medicine last time

C. the doctor knew the man came for the first time

D. the doctor got very angry

  • 更新:2021-01-28
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Most of us think the telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.(1)  In fact, an Italian named Antonio Meucci was officially recognised(认定)as the inventor a few years ago. Who is Meucci and why wasn't he known for his invention at the time?

    Antonio Meucci was born in Italy in 1808. He studied engineering and drawing. During his studies, Meucci started to experiment with electricity. (2)  When two places were connected with wire, people in those places could hear each other talk.

    In 1850, Meucci and his wife, Ester, moved to New York. Meucci was worried about his wife, because she had become very ill. (3)  To solve this problem, he connected metal cables between his home and his workshop. This way, they could talk to each other conveniently.

    Meucci invited a group of people to see his new invention. They listened in amazement as the voice of a singer was heard through the wires.

    (4)   Even worse, Meucci never applied for a patent (专利) on his invention.Meanwhile, Alexander Graham Bell was working on the same idea and in 1876 the patent for the telephone was given to him.

    In 2002, more than a century after Meucci's death, his work was finally recognised by the government. (5)  

A. He discovered that sound could travel through metal cables.

B. However, he wasn' t the first person to think of the idea.

C. Unfortunately, only a few people attended this talk.

D. He will now be known all over the world as the telephone's inventor.

E. He needed to keep in touch with her at all times.

  • 更新:2021-01-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As the saying goes,"If at first you don't succeed,try,try again."This is never truer than when you are trying to master English.Lai Shixiong,a respected English master from Taiwan,has a story to share.

Like many non﹣native speakers,Lai failed when he first started learning English.When he was in high school,he once got an unbelievably low mark of 7 out of 100 on an English test.He almost gave up on English,but then he entered a military school (军校),where he met a classmate who was good at English.

Amazed by his classmate's American accent,Lai decided to start learning English from the beginning.As he put it."I saw myself as a baby who had just started to learn a language."To correct his pronunciation,Lai practiced phonetic symbols(音标)hundreds of times every day using records.

When he was able to pronounce words,Lai said he began to practice dialogues.Not being able to find someone to praclice with,Lai created a learning atmosphere(氛围)on his own."I just talked to myself as if I were in a dialogue."he said.

Lai also thought of ways to improve his skills.He used English to describe everything he saw.He even translated speeches when he went to class meetings at the military school.He also read and listened to English news to learn new expressions.

"There is no shortcut to mastering a language.You have to practice,"Lai said.After all,Rome wasn't built in a day.

61.What should we do if we want to master English according to the passage?  

A.Keep trying.

B.Turn to a teacher.

C.Share your story with others.

D.Ask a classmate for help.

62.What's the main idea of the second paragraph?  

A.Lai met a classmate.

B.Lai entered a military school.

C.Lai used to be weak in English.

D.Lai learned English after school.

63.Whom did lai talk to when he practiced dialogues?  


B.His brother.

C.A classmate.

D.An English teacher.

64.How did Lai improve his skills in English?  

A.By using an old dictionary.

B.By reading and listening to English news.

C.By pronouncing a new word a hundred times.

D.By describing what he saw in English and Chinese.

65.How do you like Lai Shixiong?  

A.Easy﹣going and wise.

B.Helpful and successful.

C.Kind﹣hearted and honest.

D.Patient and hard﹣working.

  • 更新:2021-01-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
