
Fifteen wild Asian elephants that left their home in Xishuangbanna last year are continuing to march north,according to China Daily on June 4th,2021,which attracts much attention(1)    the public.The endangered Asian elephant enjoys Class﹣A (2)    in China,the same level as the giant panda does.The number of Asian elephants in China has (3)    from 170 in the 1970s to about 300 nowadays.Why are they on the (4)   ?Maybe there are two main reasons.First,the growing population of elephants need more space and food to live.Second,some areas where they live often face huge pressure to develop the local economy(经济),making them move to other areas. (5)   the government is taking action to lead them gradually back to their home.





















  • 更新:2021-09-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Every time I read the saying, "Actions speak louder than words." I think about my three﹣year﹣old sister.She is unable to speak (1)   or in complete sentences.But her actions are able to speak for her.I have(2)   many lovely moments with her.

    I enjoy playing with her.Sometimes she makes me laugh.She used to take our father's phone,run towards me(3)   it and point it at me.She wanted me to play her favorite cartoon for her.When the cartoon was on,she would be very happy.Sometimes we wouldn't hear (4)   from her for a while.She was so quiet.And when we(5)   her,we would sometimes find her doing something naughty like drawing on the walls.She would be so happy when she was given chocolate.

    My parents say that when I was little,I acted just like my sister.When I play with her,I feel like my early childhood days have returned.

















(5)A.looked at

B.looked up

C.looked for

D.looked in

  • 更新:2021-09-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Today is Tom's birthday.He is seventy years old.But there is nobody being(1)   him.He feels very disappointed.He can 't find his happiness anywhere.His sons who are busy working,don't care for him on his special day.(2)   the cake is very delicious,he doesn't want to touch it.He just(3)   his children to come and stay with him.

Nowadays,many people are so busy that they(4)   visit their parents.However,blood is(5)    thicker than water.Our dear parents make every effort to bring us up,so we are supposed to treat them well when they become old.





















  • 更新:2021-09-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Lily's grandfather has Parkinson's disease(帕金森病) and he always spilled(使洒出) his drink.When Lily saw this,she made him a cup(1)    three legs.Her grandfather liked it a lot.Later,she made her father a three﹣leg cup,(2)   ,because he often spilled coffee on computer.

    After (3)    the cup for a short time,Lily's father found it very useful.He advised Lily (4)    plenty of cups to sell.With the help of her father,she found a company to produce her cups.They sold well and someone even emailed Lily to thank her.Lily felt glad when she knew she could help(5)   .













(4)A.to make



D.for making

(5)A.the other




  • 更新:2021-09-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Honesty is an important rule when you are with others.Never cheat your friends because that will make you lose them and you will feel (1)   .Don't tell lies to your parents,or you will(2)   them.If you are a teacher or a parent,you'd better always tell the (3)   to your students or children.That can make them believe you and respect you.

    If you make a(4)   ,don't try to hide it.Face it and correct it.That makes people like you better than before because they think you are(5)   .





















  • 更新:2021-09-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When you get into an elevator (电梯),there is a button (按钮) inside.After you press the button,the elevator then takes you to outer space.Does this sound like something from a science fiction film?In fact,it might become(1)   in the future.

    Scientists hope(2)   the space elevator by 2050.The elevator has a strong cable(缆绳).The cable connects the elevator to the Space Station.The elevator goes up and down along the cable.The elevator might look like an egg.It can take 30 people.The trip is about 36,000 km.It may(3)   eight days to get to space.

    People can only fly rockets into space right now.But they are expensive.A space elevator would be cheaper.It can do more than just take people into space.The elevator can(4)   send heavy things into space.A space elevator could make(5)   easier to go into space.





(2)A.to build
















  • 更新:2021-09-06
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We all like honest people,but not all people are honest with us.So it must be great that there is a day to ask (1)    to be honest.M.Hirsh Goldberg,a writer,started Honesty Day.He (2)    the last day of April as Honesty Day because the first day is April Fool's Day.

    Be honest.That's all you have to do on Honesty Day.On this day,anyone can ask you any question and you should give a (3)    answer.Every Honesty Day,Mr.Goldberg gives(4)    to honest groups and people to praise their honesty.

    Mr.Goldberg wrote a book on telling lies.He said (5)     everyone tells lies.That is why he set up Honesty Day.
















  • 更新:2021-09-06
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It’s Tony’s birthday now. He usually has a party and he________ a party now. His mother always ________ a birthday cake. It ______a chocolate cake—his favorite. All Tony’s friends come to say “Happy birthday day” to him. They are ________ the party. They are talking and smiling to each other. They are giving him presents ______ he is opening them. Can you guess the presents? They usually give him CDs _______books. They _______ eat healthy food but they aren’t eating healthy food at the party! They are eating candy and________ cola. Tony is enjoying _______ birthday party. He and his friends ________ a good time!
A. is having   B. having       C. has
A. make       B. makes       C. making
A. are        B. am          C. is
A. at         B. with        C. in
A. or         B. but         C. and
A. but        B. or          C. and
A. sometimes   B. never       C. usually
A. drinks     B. drinking    C. is drinking
A. his        B. their       C. your
A. is having B. are having   C. has

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Sitienei, a 90-year-old grandmother, has become the world’s oldest primary school student. She is studying at the local primary school to learn to read and write. She is from a small ________ in Kenyan. She has spent most of her life________ as a midwife(接生婆), helping women to give birth to babies. She wants to pass on her midwife skills to the young. She said she didn’t have a chance to go to school when she was ________ . So she wants all the children in her village to ________ .
The head teacher at the school said, “I’m proud________her. She is loved by every pupil. They all want to learn and play with ________ .”He also said, “She is doing well considering her ________.” I can say I have seen a big difference in this school________ she came.
Sitienei often said, “I want to tell children, ________ girls in poor areas, that ________ will be your wealth.” She added, “With education, you can be whatever you want to be——a doctor , a teacher, a scientist, and so on.

A.school B.village C.town D.city

A.reading B.work C.playing D.working

A.young B.old C.famous D.free

A.study B.work C.leave D.listen

A.for B.with C.of D.in

A.her B.me C.him D.you

A.chance B.age C.skills D.ways

A.after B.when C.since D.before

A.naturally B.especially C.luckily D.certainly

A.friendship B.future C.competition D.education
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Andi Davise, a 49-year-old woman liked hiking. She crossed the trail through the Phoenix Mountains Preserve with a few other hikers as usual. But this morning, she met       and heard only the sounds of the animals.
After a while, she reached the steep slope (陡坡), she climbed up to the top          her hands. When she finally got to the top of the mountain, she        a dark shape several inches from her left foot. She was          and then looked carefully. “It’s a dog and it’s dead,” she said to herself. It took her a few seconds to realize that the dog’s eyes were       . She greeted in a low and soft        to show she was friendly. The bull dog shook when he heard her.
Andi inched(一点点移动)          and dropped some water into the dog’s mouth. He tried to stand up but failed. Something was wrong with his left         . Andi pulled out her phone to contact her husband, Jason,      , he didn’t notice it. She knew that if she didn’t carry the dog        the mountain, he would die.
Andi had         trouble going down the steep, rocky mountainside with the 50-pound animal in her arms. Even her arms and back started aching, she didn’t give up. The trip up        30 minutes while going back down took twice that.
Andi’s           received her messages at last. He and their son, Justin, jumped into the car and           to pick up Andi.
Later that morning, an X-ray showed that the bull dog was badly hurt, he was likely to          his left leg. A few days later, the Davises returned to the animal hospital. They named the dog Elijah and brought him home that day.

A.nobody B.everybody C.anybody D.somebody

A.making B.using C.having D.thinking

A.knew B.heard C.noticed D.looked

A.satisfied B.sad C.excited D.frightened

A.open B.closed C.big D.small

A.sound B.voice C.noise D.hearing

A.faster B.slower C.closer D.longer

A.foot B.eye C.ear D.leg

A.however B.but C.so D.yet

A.up B.down C.left D.right

A.few B.little C.great D.many

A.paid B.cost C.spent D.took

A.husband B.son C.wife D.daughter

A.ran B.drove C.walked D.jumped

A.lose B.lost C.loss D.miss
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

完形填空I was once a fat girl. I weighed 336 pounds and looked as big as my fridge. I was never       __it. But one day I had a medical examination(体检). The        told me that I was having heart trouble. It        me up. I began to feel nervous. Then I decided to do something!
In a year and five months, I         104 pounds. What a great thing I did ! I didn’t have any expensive food, medical treatment(治疗)or camp-style(训练营式的)exercise. What was the secret to my         ?
First I looked through the Internet for do-it-yourself          that people could follow on losing weight. Of course I saw countless ads which try to get me to buy their products. But I bought nothing. The only thing I did was to change my bad         . The following are what I have done. You can try these. Stop drinking something with too much sugar in it.          sweet cakes. Eat green vegetables. Use only vegetable oil. Never eat after 6:30 pm. Also, do light exercise for 15 to 20 minutes five days a week.
Then I kept doing what I should do. People sometimes say,“You don’t need to tell me    __to do. I know it already!”But the fact is that knowing what to do and doing what you know are totally           . The important thing is to know what to do and then just keep doing it.

A.excited about B.worried about C.proud of D.happy with

A.doctor B.friend C.mother D.teacher

A.gave B.cheered C.dressed D.woke

A.borrowed B.lent C.lost D.got

A.happiness B.success C.kindness D.richness

A.advice B.news C.food D.medicine

A.grades B.look C.wish D.habits

A.Accept B.Bring C.Refuse D.Make

A.how B.what C.why D.whether

A.easy B.difficult C.similar D.different
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I love PE classes in my school! One day, our teacher told us that we had the_ __ to choose our favorite sport. It included badminton, __ __basketball, volleyball and soccer. We were all ____ about that, because we could choose what we really like. Before, we always _ __taking PE classes. We thought they were boring. But now I think __  __ of us will get interested, because we are doing what we really enjoy!
A. chance      B. activity      C. time
A. singing     B. dancing        C. tennis
A. worried     B. sad           C. excited
A. liked       B. hated         C. started
A. none        B. anyone        C. all

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dick lived in England. One day in January, he said to his wife, “I’m going to fly to New York next week  ________   I’ve got some work there.” “Where are you going to   ________  there?” his wife asked. “I don’t know yet,” Dick answered. “Please send me your New York  ________   in a telegram (电报),” his wife said. “OK,” Dick answered.
He flew to New York and  ________  a nice hotel in the center of the city. He put his things in his room and then he sent his wife a  ________  . He put the address of his hotel in it. In the evening he didn’t have   ________  work, so he went to a movie. He came out at nine o’clock and   __________to go back to the hotel.
He found a taxi and the driver said, “Where do you want to go?” But Dick couldn’t   ________  the name and address of his hotel. “Which hotel are my things in? And what am I going to do tonight?” he asked. But the driver didn’t know  ________ . So Dick got out and went into a post office. There he sent his wife  ________ telegram, and in it he wrote: “Please send my address to this post office.”

A.if B.when C.so D.because

A.work B.visit C.stay D.eat

A.number B.address C.street D.photo

A.found B.opened C.saw D.called

A.letter B.telegram C.call D.gift

A.some B.no C.none D.any

A.asked B.refused C.decided D.waited

A.remember B.forget C.know D.see

A.too B.even C.ever D.either

A.one B.another C.other D.the other
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I have two good friends, Peter and James. Peter is          me. I'm a quiet boy, and Peter is also quiet. We        enjoy reading books and surfing the Internet. On weekends, we often go to the library or      on the computer together. But James is very different from me. He likes playing ball games, and he is more athletic than us. He is       more outgoing. He likes talking and often makes us laugh. You see, friends are not        to be the same. Do you agree with me?
A. like         B. as           C. for
A. all          B. each         C. both
A. watch        B. work         C. play
A. a few        B. a lot        C. few
A. important    B. necessary     C. difficult

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There are many different kinds of programs on TV. Which is your favorite?
_____of you may like music programs, and the others may __  ___sports ones. But I like ____ programs best. I think the news programs have a few things which are _ ___from other programs. For example, TV programs____ music programs or sports programs can make us relaxed, but the news programs can___ ___ us information. We can know important events not only in our country but also in the______ from the news. Now,_____ news programs is an important part of my daily life. In the ______ , I watch the Morning News and prepare for my work. In the evening, I watch the CCTV News when I have ______. I like this way of knowing the world.

A.One B.Some C.Every D.Any

A.like B.hate C.listen D.find

A.music B.sports C.cooking D.news

A.same B.bad C.different D.better

A.about B.like C.of D.from

A.ask B.give C.speak D.say

A.town B.moon C.world D.school

A.looking B.watching C.reading D.listening

A.morning B.noon C.afternoon D.evening

A.breakfast B.lunch C.supper D.meal
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
