
Three Boys and a Dad
Brad closed the door slowly as Sue left home to visit her mother. Expecting a whole day to relax, he was thinking whether to read the newspaper or watch his favourite TV talk show on his first day off in months. “This will be like a walk in the park,” he’d told his wife. “I’ll look after the kids, and you can go visit your mom.”
Things started well, but just after eight o’clock, his three little “good kids”—Mike, Randy, and Alex—came down the stairs in their night clothes and shouted “breakfast, daddy.”  When food had not appeared within thirty seconds, Randy began using his spoon on Alex’s head as if it were a drum. Alex started to shout loudly in time to the beat(节拍). Mike chanted “Where’s my toast, where’s my toast” in the background.  Brad realized his newspaper would have to wait for a few seconds.
Life became worse after breakfast. Mike wore Randy’s underwear on his head. Randy locked himself in the bathroom, while Alex shouted again because he was going to wet his pants. Nobody could find clean socks, although they were before their very eyes. Someone named “Not Me” had spilled a whole glass of orange juice into the basket of clean clothes. Brad knew the talk show had already started.
By ten o’clock, things were out of control.  Alex was wondering why the fish in the jar refused his bread and butter. Mike was trying to show off his talent by decorating the kitchen wall with his colour pencils. Randy, thankfully, appeared to be reading quietly in the family room,but closer examination showed that he was eating apple jam straight from the bottle with his hands. Brad realised that the talk show was over and reading would be impossible.
At exactly 11:17, Brad called the daycare centre (日托所).“I suddenly have to go into work and my wife’s away. Can I bring the boys over in a few minutes?”  The answer was obviously “yes” because Brad was smiling.
When his wife left home. Brad expected to           .

A.enjoy his first day off work
B.watch TV talk show with his children
C.go out for a walk in the park
D.read the newspaper to his children

Which of the following did Randy do?

A.Drawing on the wall B.Reading in a room
C.Feeding the fish. D.Eating apple jam

Why did Brad ask the daycare centre for help?

A.Because he wanted to clean up his house.
B.Because he suddenly had to go to his office
C.Because he had to take his wife back
D.Because he found it hard to manage his boys at home.

This text is developed  _____________.

A.by space B.by time
C.by process D.by comparison

At first, Brad thought he would be __________ on his first day off .

A.relaxed B.embarrassed
C.bored D.unhappy
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Raeann Sleith began making bracelets (手链) when she was six. Family and friends loved her designs and asked for more. When admirers suggested that Raeann sell her bracelets, she realized she wanted to do just that — and donate the money to help kids with special needs, like her brother Derek.
Raeann’s older brother, Derek, has cri du chat syndrome. Children with cri du chat usually have problems understanding ideas and might have a hard time learning to talk. Many also have weak muscles that can cause problems with walking or using their fingers to pick things up. The term cri du chat means “cry of the cat” in French. Babies with cri du chat often have a high-pitched cry that sounds like that of a little cat.
Over the years, Derek’s teachers helped him learn sign language and gestures. They also taught him skills such as recognizing letters, cutting with scissors, and understanding basic math. Raeann wanted to donate money to Derek’s school. “I just wanted to help my brother,” she says, “and the people who help him.”
At first, Raeann focused on creating jewelry that would raise awareness for cri du chat. But people started requesting bracelets to wear as a symbol of support and awareness for a variety of other diseases and disorders. To create those symbols, Raeann researched the color most often associated with raising awareness for the disease or disorder, such as pink for breast cancer or orange for leukemia.
In the end, it turned out to be a great idea. In only a few years, Raeann has donated more than $30,000 to local charities. Raeann’s mom says that working on the bracelets has developed the generosity and kindness that already existed in her daughter. Raeann plans to keep making bracelets and raising dollars for charities. “I just want to keep going on with it,” she says, “to help my brother more.”
Paragraph 2 is mainly about _____.

A.the origin of the term cri du chat
B.the research on cri du chat syndrome
C.the treatment for cri du chat syndrome
D.the characteristics of cri du chat syndrome

The bracelets Raeann Sleith has made _____.

A.are decorated with colorful jewels
B.represent different kinds of diseases
C.are very popular all over the world
D.add up to more than 30,000

Which of the following can best describe Raeann Sleith?

A.Caring and generous.
B.Honest and responsible.
C.Polite and determined.
D.Creative and humorous.

The main purpose of the text is to _____.

A.tell us the story of a loving girl
B.show us how to make bracelets
C.introduce a kind of rare disease
D.ask us to donate to local charities
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

完形填空,阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
A young businessman was traveling down a narrow street, driving a bit too fast in his new Benz. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and   ________  when he thought he saw something.
As his car passed, one child appeared, and a brick smashed into the Benz’s side door. He slammed on the brakes and   ________ the Benz back to the spot from   ________  the brick had been thrown.
He jumped out of the car,   ________   some kid and pushed him up against a parked car, shouting “What was that all about and who are you? Just what on earth are you doing?” ________   a head of steam, he went on “That’s a new car and that brick you threw is gonna cost a lot of money. Why did you do it?” “Please, mister, please, I’m sorry. I didn’t know what else to do!” pleaded the youngster.
“It’s my brother,” he said. “He rolled  ________   the stairs and fell out of his wheelchair and I can’t  ________   him up.”
________, the boy asked the businessman, “Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He’s hurt and he’s too heavy for me.”
Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the  ________  swelling lump in his  ________ . He lifted the young man back into the wheelchair and took out his handkerchief and wiped the   ________  , checking   ________  that everything was going to be okay.
“Thank you, sir. And God bless you,” the   ________   child said to him. The man then watched the little boy push his brother to the sidewalk toward their home.
It was a long walk back to his Benz...a long,   ________  walk. He never did   ________  the side door. He kept the damage to remind him not to   ________life so fast that someone has to   ________   a brick at you to get your attention.
Life whispers in your soul and   ________   to your heart. Sometimes, when you don’t have the time to listen...Life throws a brick at your head.
It’s your choice: Listen to the whispers of your soul  ________  wait for the brick!
Do you sometimes ignore loved ones because your life is too fast and busy   ________  them to wonder whether you really love them?

A.sped up B.went out C.slowed down D.pulled back

A.spun B.drag C.push D.stretch

A.where B.which C.that D.there

A.grasped B.got C.arrested D.grabbed

A.Rising up B.Opening up C.Building up D.Giving up

A.away B.out C.over D.off

A.catch B.lift C.seize D.carry

A.talking B.shouting C.sobbing D.crying

A.abruptly B.roughly C.absolutely D.rapidly

A.throat B.heart C.spirit D.tongue

A.blood and sweat B.scrapes and cuts C.black and white D.neck and neck

A.to see B.to be seen C.to have seen D.to be seeing

A.graceful B.grated C.grateful D.gratitude

A.slipped B.slow C.steep D.slim

A.require B.request C.repair D.recommend

A.go after B.go about C.go over D.go through

A.kick B.throw C.strike D.beat

A.tells B.speaks C.conveys D.says

A.or B.but C.and D.for

A.ensuring B.letting C.making D.Leaving
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Larry was on another of his underwater expeditions(探险)but this time, it was different. He decided to take his daughter along with him. She was only ten years old. This would be her first trip with her father on what he had always been famous for.
Larry first began diving when he was his daughter’s age. Similarly, his father had taken him along on one of his expeditions. Since then, he had never looked back. Larry started out by renting diving suits from the small diving shop just along the shore. He had hated them. They were either too big or too small. Then, there was the instructor. He gave him a short lesson before allowing him into the water with his father. He had made an exception. Larry would never have been able to go down without at least five hours of theory and another similar number of hours on practical lessons with a guide. Children his age were not even allowed to dive.
After the first expedition, Larry’s later diving adventures only got better and better. There was never a dull moment. In his black and blue suit and with an oxygen tank fastened on his back, Larry dived from boats into the middle of the ocean. Dangerous areas did not prevent him from continuing his search. Sometimes, his was limited  to a cage underwater but that did not bother him. At least, he was still able to take photographs of the underwater creatures.
Larry’s first expedition without his father was in the Cayman Islands. There were numerous diving spots in the area and Larry was determined to visit all of them .Fortunately for him, a man offered to take him around the different
Spots for free. Larry didn’t even know what the time was how many spots he dived into or how many photographs he had taken. The diving spots afforded such a wide array of fish and sea creatures that Larry saw more than thirty varieties of creatures.
Larry looked at his daughter. She looked as excited as he had been when he was her age. He hoped she would be able to continue the family tradition. Already, she looked like she was much braver than had been then. This was the key to a successful underwater expedition.
In what way was this expedition different for Larry?

A.His daughter had grown up.
B.He had become a famous diver.
C.His father would dive with him.
D.His daughter would dive with him.

What can be inferred from Paragraph2?

A.Larry had some privileges.
B.Larry liked the rented diving suits.
C.Divers had to buy diving equipment.
D.Ten-year-old children were permitted to dive.

What can be learned from the underlined sentence?

A.Larry didn’t wear a watch.
B.Larry was not good at math.
C.Larry had a poor memory.
D.Larry enjoyed the adventure.
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Outside our hotel, a seemingly ancient woman waited beside the door with her hand outstretched(张开的). Every day as our eyes met, she never        to return my smile and my greeting.
On the last day of our       , I was hesitating to cross the busy street alone from our hotel when I felt a hand on my elbow and looked        to see the smile of my small beggar friend looking up at me. She nodded her head toward the street,        that she would take me across.
Then we moved on        the sidewalk, where she kissed me on cheeks and then left, still smiling and waving back to me.
Traveling in poorer nations, I have witnessed (目睹) various ways to deal with beggars. The most common response of tourists        the poverty-stricken is to        them and focus their eyes elsewhere. I have seen people        an outstretched hand in angry annoyance. A few may drop a few coins into the hand in a hurry,        that other beggars won’t immediately appear on the scene.
For many reasons, giving money is not the best        to an outstretched hand. Many travelers have discovered that the greatest gift they can give is their time and       . Everyone needs recognition, to feel        and loved. And I believe that everyone is worthy and worth knowing.

A.intended B.wished C.failed D.afforded

A.visit B.work C.camp D.march

A.close B.straight C.right D.down

A.pretending B.realizing C.indicating D.announcing

A.off B.toward C.across D.forward

A.faced with B.connected with C.stuck in D.caught in

A.adopt B.prevent C.warn D.ignore

A.put down B.knock out C.push away D.hold back

A.wondering B.predicting C.regarding D.hoping

A.response B.approach C.mind D.access

A.comfort B.help C.respect D.patience

A.defended B.appreciated C.protected D.guided
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Two weeks before Christmas, Mother told me we were going to my grandmother's house for the holiday. Grandma and Uncle Henry lived on a farm some 15 miles out of town They had no electricity or running water and _       what I considered the "good things" in life. They       made no plans for Christmas When Christmas Eve arrived, Mom told me in her best "I-mean-it" voice to _        all the decorations from our tree. She packed those up       all the materials for a _     turkey dinner.
Christmas morning        perfectly with the sun shining brightly across a fresh blanket of snow. _    I was angry silently in the backseat of the car as we made our _    to grandma's. This was going to be the  _     Christmas ever! Grandma was  _     to see us as we walked up to her door. "What on earth are you doing here?" she said." We weren't expecting      . It's Christmas, and I don't even have a turkey to cook for you." "I knew     ." Mom said as we set boxes of goodies(好吃的) on the kitchen table. "That's _    we brought all with us." "We _     have a tree" Mom insisted. "        what will we do with all these decorations?" Uncle Henry quickly caught Mom's spirit. He called me to join him, and we found a perfect Christmas tree in the woods. Soon the house _     fresh and piney as we decorated the pine tree, and the day           a festive air . The turkey dinner was very good, too. I was actually beginning to enjoy this unusual Christmas day!
Dessert was almost forgotten _      Mom came out with the final surprise-a flaming (色彩鲜明的)pudding! "Merry Christmas, mother," Mom said. "Dear me!" Grandma said with her mouth wide open. "I haven't seen a flaming pudding since I left England before I was married." Tears of        filled her eyes. I could not keep the tears .       my eyes, either. I knew then that Mom had also given me the best Christmas present ever.
She had taught me what a beautiful thing it is to give.

A.wanted B. lacked C.refused D. prepared

A.also B.still C.never D.hardly

A.replace B.collect C.remove D.cover

A.instead of B.by the side of C.along with D.in spite of

A.normal B.complete C.fresh D.separate

A.dawned B.passed C.broke D.happened

A.But B.So C.And D.Then

A.decision B.Way C.wish D.plan

A.last B.busiest C.best D.worst

A.expected B.crazy C.surprised D.ready

A.anyone B.others C.someone D.no one

A.you B.it C.that D.this

A.how B.why C.where D.what

A.may B.will C.can D.must

A. In short    B Therefore           C. However            D.  Or rather

A.improved B.smelled C.became D.changed

A.went on B.put on C.took on D.tried on

A.until B.after C.because D.unless

A.sadness B.joy C.regret D.worry

A.outside B.back C.away D.from
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I was walking down a dimly (昏暗) lit street late one evening when I heard        coming from behind bushes.       , I slowed down to listen and panicked when I realized that what I was hearing were the sounds of a struggle. Only yards from where I stood, a woman was being attacked.
Should I get       ?
I was frightened for my own safety, and I hated        for having suddenly decided to take a(n)        route home that night. “What if I’m hurt too? Shouldn't I just run to the nearest phone and call the police? Although it felt like a century, my thought process had only        seconds. But already the cries were growing       .
I knew I had to act fast. “How could I walk away from this?” I asked myself.
“No”, I finally resolved (决心), I could not turn my        on the fate of this unknown woman,        it means        my own life.
I am not a brave man, nor am I       . I don't know where I found the moral (道德) courage and physical strength, but        I had finally decided to help the girl, I became suddenly changed.
I ran behind the bushes and        the attacker off the woman. Struggling, we fell to the ground,        we fought for a few minutes until the man jumped up and escaped.
       heavily, I got to my feet and        the girl, who was sobbing behind a tree. In the darkness, I could certainly        her trembling shock. Not wanting to frighten her any further, I at first spoke to her from a       .
“It’s OK,” I said soothingly. “The man ran away. You’re safe now.”
There was a long pause and then I heard the words, uttered (说) in       .
“Dad, is that you?”
And then, from behind the tree,        my youngest daughter, Katherine.
God has a way of allowing us to be in the right place at the right time.

A.laughter B.whispers C.whistles D.screams

A.Alarmed B.Shocked C.Surprised D.Impressed

A.helped B.involved C.attacked D.attached

A.it B.myself C.this D.that

A.ordinary B.normal C.new D.old

A.taken B.used C.spent D.paid

A.softer B.stronger C.weaker D.louder

A.body B.back C.face D.shoulder

A.as if B.in case C.even if D.if only

A.risking B.ruining C.damaging D.hurting

A.energetic B.athletic C.intelligent D.accessible

A.while B.until C.once D.since

A.pulled B.pushed C.placed D.put

A.there B.then C.later D.where

A.Walking B.Sighing C.Sobbing D.Breathing

A.found B.hugged C.approached D.searched

A.tell B.consider C.observe D.sense

A.tree B.place C.distance D.bush

A.shock B.amazement C.doubt D.disappointment

A.stepped B.paced C.struggled D.hid
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Janice Fialka showed a new documentary (纪录片) about her cognitively (认知地) disabled son at schools and seminars across the country.Everyone seemed to enjoy it,but one comment from a teacher proved her family’s investment to Fialka was a success.
“In Baltimore an early childhood teacher came up and said,‘I have to apologize to the family of a 4year old with Down Syndrome (先天愚型),’”Fialka said.“She said,‘I told them to be more realistic about their dreams for him.Now I have to tell them I’m sorry.’”
The story of Micah FialkaFeldman,a 22yearold Oakland University student,is meant to show parents,educators and the disabled anything is possible.
FialkaFeldman wrote in an essay titled “I wanted to go to college and my dream came true”.A lot of people didn’t think he could go to college,but because family and friends believed in him he learned how to take public transportation to campus and found teachers who helped him pick the best classes.
The title of the film Through the Same Door came from a day when FialkaFeldman,who was enrolled in a first grade special education program,told his parents he wanted to walk through the same door as the rest of the kids at his school.It led him to becoming the first student with cognitive disabilities in mainstream classrooms in Berkley.
Though he can’t read or write on his own,FialkaFeldman reached amazing heights with the help of voice recognition computer software,tutors,and the embrace (接受) of his community.
At Berkley High School,FialkaFeldman won the Social Studies Department Award for civic (公民的) involvement.In 2004 he received the Michigan “Yes,I Can” award for selfadvocacy (自强).
He finished high school in 2003 with a certificate of attendance,took a 10day trip through Israel with friends last year,and enrolled at Oakland University through the Transitions Program,which is geared (使适合于) to help the disabled go from high school to college.
Fialka said he’s the happiest kid in the world.Everyone should be so happy.
What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Disabled Man Living His Dream
B.Nothing Is Impossible
C.Don’t Look Down Upon the Disabled
D.Through the Same Door

What the early childhood teacher said suggests that________.

A.disabled people should be realistic about their dreams
B.she used to believe we should not expect much from disabled people
C.she hadn’t given the 4year old with Down Syndrome enough attention
D.the documentary about FialkaFeldman encouraged the disabled

Which of the following is NOT true about FialkaFeldman?

A.He was the first cognitively disabled student in mainstream classrooms in Berkley.
B.He went to school by public transportation and was helped to pick up classes.
C.He benefited from computer software and other people.
D.He received the “Yes,I Can” award for civic involvement and selfadvocacy

Which of the following shows the correct order of events of FialkaFeldman?
a.He received the Michigan “Yes,I Can” award.
b.His documentary was shown and welcomed.
c.He was enrolled in a first grade special education program.
d.He finished high school with a certificate of attendance.
e.He enrolled at Oakland University through the Transitions Program.

A.acdeb B.bacde
C.cdeab D.cdbea
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Once there was an 11-year-old boy who went fishing with his father in the middle of a New Hampshire lake. On the day before bass (巴斯鱼) season opened, they were fishing early in the evening, catching other fish with worms. Then the boy tied on a small silver lure (鱼饵) and put it into the lake. Suddenly he felt that something very big pulling on the lure. His father watched with admiration as the boy skillfully brought the fish beside the bank. Finally he lifted the tired fish from the water. It was the largest one he had ever seen, but it was a bass.
The boy and his father looked at the big fish. The father lit a match and looked at his watch. It was 10 pm – two hours before the season opened. He looked at the fish, then at the boy. “You’ll have to put it back, son,” he said.
“Dad!” cried the boy, “There will be other fish,” said his father. “Not as big as this one,” cried the boy. He looked around the lake. No other fishermen or boats were in sight in the moonlight. He looked again at his father.
Even though no one had seen them, nor could anyone ever know what time he had caught the fish, the boy could tell from his father’s voice that the decision couldn’t be changed. He threw the huge bass into the black water. The big fish disappeared. The boy thought that he would never again see such a big fish.
That was 34 years ago. Today the boy is successful architect in New York City. He often takes his own son and daughters to fish at the same place.
And he was right. He has never again caught such a large fish as the one he got that night long ago. But he does see that same fish … again and again … every time he has an ethical (伦理的,道德的) decision to make. For, as his father had taught him, ethics are simple matters of right and wrong. It is only the practice of ethics that is difficult.
What happened when the big fish turned out to be a bass?

A.The boy cooked the big fish.
B.The boy threw the bass back into the water willingly.
C.The father lit a match in order to check the time.
D.They worried other fishermen may discover what they had done.

From the text we know that the father _________.

A.didn’t love his son B.always disagreed with his son
C.disliked the huge fish D.was firm and stubborn

The successful architect went fishing with his children at the same place because _________.

A.they might catch a big fish there
B.he was taught a moral lesson there
C.it was a most popular fishing spot
D.their children enjoyed fishing there

What does the story imply?

A.It is easy to say something, but difficult to do
B.An ethical decision is always easy to make.
C.It’s hard to tell right from wrong sometimes
D.Fishing can help one to make right decisions.
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On Jan 23, 2012, I was aboard a ship on the Yangtze River, listening to the sound of fireworks and eating plate after plate of dumplings.
On Sunday Feb 10, 2013, I was preparing to celebrate Chinese New Year again – in London’s Chinatown.
It was raining. It was cold. But ever since I left Beijing in August, I had promised myself I would celebrate Chinese New Year – if only to help with my Beijing “homesickness”.
Central London was dressed up for the occasion. There was a stage for a big fireworks display for the evening. Even so, it wasn’t like my real Beijing chunjie.
Even buying a baozi didn’t cheer me up. It cost about 10 times as much as the real thing does in Beijing and got stuck to its rain-ruined paper bag.
Cold, wet and depressed, I ran into a shop for shelter. Suddenly, there it was. Between the packets of dried meat and fish, the bags of rice and the smell of dried noodles in this little Chinese supermarket, I had found home.
An hour later, I hurried into my house with bags of frozen jiaozi, packets of sauce and a large bottle of vinegar. I boiled water, tore open the packets, grabbed my chopsticks and settled down to a feast. This, I thought, is a Happy Chinese New Year.
I even watched the fireworks on TV. After all, why face the British weather when I can bring China home in one bite?
We can conclude from the first three paragraphs that the author ______.

A.likes watching fireworks on the boat
B.misses Chinese food more than anything else
C.finds it great fun to celebrate Chinese New Year
D.misses her life in Beijing very much

How did the author feel when she found some Chinese foods in a supermarket?

A.a little curious B.rather tired
C.a bit comfortable D.very depressed

Why did the author watch the fireworks on TV?

A.She didn’t want to get wet and cold again.
B.The square is far away from where she lives.
C.She doesn’t like fireworks very much.
D.She was too hungry to go out.

What is the best title of the passage?

A.Unforgettable Chunjie in Beijing B.Wonderful Experience in Britain
C.Finding Home in London D.Festival in London
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Cheating happens a lot in our city. It can be hard to know who is really in   1   and who is trying to take advantage of other people's    2   .
Recently, I was finishing my work at home    3   the dog barked letting me know that   4   was at the gate. I rushed to see who it was and there I saw a   5   weak woman in her late fifties. I said to her, "May I ask you what you   6  ?" She   7   , "Hello, my name is Mary. My husband and I live in the slum nearby. We earn our living   8   working at construction sites. A few days ago my   9   tripped on the stairs while
  10  a heavy load. He is   11   hurt and hasn't been able to  12  for the past five days, so we have no food. Now he is at home in bed with a high fever. Please help me! I need to take my husband to a doctor!"
"Oh!" I said. "Please  13   here." I went into the room. I felt really bad about her  14  but--- Was she telling me the   15   or trying to cheat me out of my money?
Finally, I   16  to help her. But first I said a simple prayer, "Dear Lord, you know  17  I earn my pennies, so please make sure that my hard earned money helps those who  18  need it. Amen." I went out with a fifty note and
  19  it to her. The moment she got the money she broke down in tears. She took my hand and said, "May god bless you, my dear! Thank you so much!"
I was so   20  , and turned back to my work smiling.

A.need B.case C.use D.Control

A. braveness      B. kindness      C. interest         D envy

A.since B.until C.when D.after

A.somebody B.anybody C.everybody D.nobody

A.popular B.proud C.poor D.busy

A.want B.notice C.enjoy D.recognise

A.refused B.expressed C.showed D.replied

A.by B.to C.in D.for

A.son B.father C.brother D.husband

A.gathering B.dropping C.carrying D.choosing

A.hardly B.badly C.probably D.actually

A.work B.drive C.remove D.operate

A.stop B.rest C.come D.wait

A.solution B.situation C.action D.position

A.hope B.news C.truth D.result

A.decided B.agreed C.tried D.expected

A.when B.whether C.how D.what

A.only B.naturally C.really D.formally

A.handed B.put C.reminded D.ordered

A.worried B.moved C.tired D.frightened
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I worked for a short time as a cashier(出纳员) at a restaurant a few months ago. I also helped to clean up the tables when it was very busy. One night, just before  Christmas, I found a large black wallet on the floor near one of the tables. I guessed I should check it to find out who was the owner, but I was very busy at the time. And I imagined that if there was something valuable(有价值的) in the wallet, the   owner would be back. Sure enough, an hour later a man came up to the counter   and asked if anyone had found a wallet. I asked him to describe the lost wallet, and after he described it exactly, I gave him the wallet. He expressed his thanks when I handed it to him. He asked me if I had opened it, and when I told him “no”. At  once he opened it and showed that it had nearly $ 800 in cash(现金). He took out a twenty-dollar bill and handed it to me and I was amazed at this. “A reward(酬劳) for your honesty,” he said and then turned and walked away.
Thinking about it later, I began wondering whether I would have been honest if I had known what was in the wallet! I thought that if I had no way to find the   owner and no one returned to get it, I might keep it. But it also came into my    mind that I actually saved someone’s Christmas plans by finding and returning the wallet. The good feeling it gave me was worth more than anything could buy.
Which of the following is true?

A.The owner of the wallet found a twenty-dollar bill gone.
B.The writer wasn’t surprised when the man gave her a reward.
C.Nothing in the wallet was missing.
D.The man was very, very excited when he got his wallet back.

The writer returned the wallet to the owner because _______.

A.she thought Christmas was coming
B.the owner came back too soon
C.she didn’t know there was so much money in it
D.as an honest person, she didn’t care much about money

Which of the following is NOT true?

A.The writer accepted a reward of $ 20.
B.The writer regretted (后悔) that she had returned the wallet.
C.The writer didn’t return the wallet until the owner came back.
D.The writer fell very happy after she returned the wallet.
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As a music teacher for twenty-seven years I have always known that music touches the soul. It can break through all kinds of barriers to reach students in a very special way. It can be the means for each child to find their light.
A few years ago I was blessed with the opportunity to teach pre-school students one afternoon a week. One of my most memorable students was Vanessa. She was five years old ,had difficulty walking and could not speak. We mostly sat on the floor for our music lessons and Vanessa liked to sit on my lap. One of her favorite songs was John the Rabbit. It was a call and response song where I sang the call and the students clapped two times while singing the repeating phrase “Oh yes!” Vanessa liked to put her hands together with mine and clap with me. We performed that song during every class Vanessa and I clapping together. She never said or sang a word.
One day late in the school year when the song was finished Vanessa turned around, looked at me in the eye, clapped her tiny hands two times and said the words “Oh yes!” I opened my mouth and could not speak. Through music we had made a connection.
Several years later I came across Vanessa on the street in town. I stopped my car and waved to say hello. She waved back with a big smile on her face and then clapped her hands two times mimicking the song we had performed in our music class. This precious little girl through her connection with music left an impression on me that will last forever.
Every child has the ability to learn and grow. It is up to us educators to discover the way to reach each and every one of our students. We all must find each child’s light.
The author thinks music__________.

A.can make children calm down
B.can connect heart to heart
C.is difficult for pre-school students
D.is a good means to find a job

According to the second paragraph Vanessa_________.

A.got used to singing songs
B.was too shy to speak
C.was the youngest in the class
D.enjoyed the author’s class

When Vanessa spoke the words “Oh yes!” the author felt________.

A.surprised B.happy C.frightened D.satisfied

What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?

A.The author has been in touch with Vanessa for several years.
B.Vanessa became as healthy as other children.
C.The song made a deep impression on Vanessa.
D.Being a good educator became Vanessa’s dream.
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We were flying to a meeting. I was in the middle    36  .I found that the young woman sitting next to me was very   37   and deep in thought. Then I asked her where she was from, where she was going and   38   she did.
She was a student and had been attending   39 in Poland-----the homeland of her father. Then she told me sadly that her father had    40     . She had chosen to attend college in Poland   41 her father’s wishes and their relationship had been  42   .They hadn’t forgiven each other  43   he died.
She seemed so sad. I looked at her, trying to  44   some words to say. I asked her if she had forgiven  45   for not realizing her father’s dream. She answered that she couldn’t forgive herself  and felt so  46  .Slowly, I began to tell her about forgiveness. I encouraged her to  47   that because I believed her father wanted that too. She should forgive herself  48   how awful she thought she had been.
I told her about  49   I had done as a teenager for which I had felt guilty for many years. How I was  50   with the choice of forgiving myself or to  51  feeling guilty for the rest of my life. I had  52   to forgive myself . The light in her eyes went on. She began to understand that she was  53    forgiven and could forgive herself. She could be  54   and happy.
How about you? Is there anything in your  55   for which you feel guilty?

A.chair B.room C.seat D.class

A.mad B.sad C.angry D.happy

A.when B.which C.how D.what

A.meeting B.school C.university D.party

A.died B.come C.returned D.left

A.for B.against C.with D.on

A.bad B.good C.worse D.better

A.since B.after C.when D.while

A.find out B.look up C.go over D.think of

A.myself B.yourself C.himself D.herself

A.unhappy B.guilty C.lonely D.helpless

A.trust B.understand C.realize D.find

A.as though B.even though C.if only D.no matter

A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything

A.faced B.forced C.satisfied D.challenged

A.try B.continue C.start D.consider

A.picked B.elected C.selected D.chosen

A.totally B.simply C.already D.hardly

A.calm B.quiet C.free D.safe

A.house B.life C.family D.work
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In James Cameron’s fantasy films, such as Avatar and The Abyss, the unexplored is decorated in color and filled with alien danger. But on his dive to the deepest place on Earth, which took place on a Sunday last month, reality proved far different: white, deserted, and dull.
“I felt like I literally had gone to another planet and come back,” Cameron said after returning from the cold, dark place in the western Pacific Ocean, nearly 7 miles (11km) below the surface. “It was a very fantastic day.” Cameron is the first person to explore the deepest valley in the ocean since two men made a 20-minute trip there in 1960.
He spent about three hours gliding through the icy darkness, brightened only by lights on the one-man sub(潜水艇). This deepest section of the Mariana Trench is so untouched that at first it appeared dull. But there’s something strangely interesting about the first pieces of video that Cameron shot — a sense of aloneness.
“It’s really the sense of isolation, realizing how tiny you are down in this big, black and unexplored place,” the Titanic director said. The wordless minute-long video, released by sponsor National Geographic, shows Cameron’s sub gliding across what he calls “the very soft, almost gelatinous(胶状的) flat plain.”
To Cameron, the main thing was to appreciate being there. “There had to be a moment where I just stopped, and took it in, and said, ‘This is where I am; I’m at the bottom of the ocean, the deepest place on Earth. What does that mean?’” Cameron told reporters during a conference call. The trip was only about half as long as planned because Cameron’s battery ran low. He said he would return and film it in 3D for later viewing.
“I see this as the beginning,” Cameron said. “It’s not a one-time deal and then moving on. This is the beginning of opening up this new frontier.”
Why did Cameron dive to the deepest place on Earth?

A.To study ocean creatures in the deepest valley.
B.To prove his strong will and perseverance.
C.To get support from National Geographic.
D.To open up a new frontier.

Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Cameron’s fantasy film, Avatar was inspired by his dive to the deepest place on Earth.
B.Cameron glided through the icy darkness alone by lights of the one-man sub.
C.Cameron didn’t stay at the bottom of the ocean as planned because he was worn out.
D.Cameron felt bored when he went to the deepest valley in the ocean.

The underlined sentence in the passage means that ______.

A.he appreciated and took pride in being at the bottom of the ocean
B.he was disappointed because the trip was only about half as long as planned
C.Cameron wanted to show the public he had been to the deepest place on Earth
D.he wouldn’t stop exploring the deepest place in the future

According to the passage, which of the following words best describes Cameron?

A.Generous. B.Diligent.
C.Self-centered. D.Adventurous.

What’s the best title of the passage?

A.James Cameron’s Fantasy Films.
B.The First to Explore the Deepest Place on Earth.
C.A Dive to the Deepest Place on Earth.
D.Crazy Cameron.
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
