
Tracy Wong is a well-known Chinese-American writer. But her writing   41  was something she picked up by herself. After her first   42   , teaching disabled children, she became a part-time writer for IBM.   43  , writing stories was simply a   44  interest. Tracy sent three of her stories to a publisher(出版商).     45  , they immediately suggested that she put them together to make a single one long   46  and paid Tracy a $50,000 in advance. “A pretty money,” said the publisher, “for   47   writer.”
  48  Tracy’s characters (人物) are interesting, her stories sometimes   49   readers uneasy: those about the supernatural. “My mother believed I could   50   the afterlife world,” she told a close friend. “She used to have me speak with my grandmother, who died many years ago.”
“Can I? I don’t think I can,” Tracy said with a laugh. “But I do have   51  when things come to me  52   .” Once, she was wondering how to complete a    53   set in ancient (古代的) China.   54  the doorbell rang. It was a FedEx delivery man, with a copy of a book on Chinese  55  . It came without her having    56  it.
Though she has published 10 books, Tracy has remained   57   by her fame. She lives in the same   58   she lived 27 years ago — although in a more comfortable home. There’s more room for   59 in her life----and it wasn’t just   60  .

A.method B.experience C.practice D.skill

A.job B.effort C.duty D.task

A.Instead B.Then C.Certainly D.Normally

A.general B.deep C.personal D.lively

A.Interested B.Anxiously C.Seriously D.Encouraged

A.film B.story C.program D.article

A.a foreign B.a popular C.an unusual D.an unknown

A.Even though B.Now that C.Just because D.Except that

A.find B.turn C.leave D.hold

A.make up B.connect with C.control D.explain

A.events B.chances C.feelings D.moments

A.for no reason B.from a distance C.by accident D.as gifts

A.description B.pointing C.scene D.talk

A.Surprisingly B.Suddenly C.Expectedly D.Fortunately

A.cooking B.history C.play D.medicine

A.known B.sent C.realized D.ordered

A.unchanged B.excited C.determined D.unmoved

A.life B.city C.house D.way

A.success B.work C.joy D.variety

A.luck B.reporting C.writing D.fun

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A student went to college(大学) after_41_ all his school examinations. There he put his name down for world geography. _42_after taking the first lecture on the first day, he did not go to class any_43_. The teacher noticed that this student was _44_ absent (缺课) and thought that he had changed to_45__class. He was very_46_when he saw the boy's name on the list(名单) of students __47_ wanted to take the geography examination _48_ the end of the year.
The teacher had prepared a difficult examination paper, which covered__49__he had taught, and he was eager(急切) to see_50__this student answered the questions. He expected that his answer would be very_51__. But when he examined his paper carefully, he found only one small mistake in it.__52__ this surprised him very much, he went through the paper__53__, but was still not able to find__54___one mistake, so he sent__55___the student to ask him about his work..
When the student had__56___the room, the teacher said to him, “I know that you came to my class only once on the first day and that you have been absent from all the others. Yet I have found only one small mistake in your paper.__57___ is that?”
“Oh, I'm sorry about that mistake, sir, ”answered the student. “After the examination, I realized __58___I ought to have written. I would not have made that mistake___59___I had not been confused(弄糊涂) by your ___60___lecture.”

A.having B.taking C.passing D.failing

A.So B.But C.However D.And

A.much B.many C.long D.longer

A.always B.once C.never D.sometimes

A.another B.the other C.other D.others

A.angry B.happy C.sorry D.surprised

A.which B.what C.who D.whom

A.in B.at C.after D.by

A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing

A.what B.when C.how D.why

A.good B.full C.nice D.bad

A.For B.As C.So D.Though

A.two rimes B.twice C.once D.again once

A.more than B.other C.the other D.more

A.with B.to C.up D.for

A.reached to B.arrived to C.arrived D.come into

A.When B.What C.How D.Which

A.where B.why C.what D.when

A.unless B.if C.because D.as

A.first B.last C.latest D.certain

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Long long ago, there was a small village. This village had a  36   tradition. At the beginning of every year, any boy who had reached the age of majority (成年) was given land and money to build a home. The boy had to  37  his home before winter. If his home failed to endure the cold weather in winter, the villagers could not  38   him in any way.
One _39_, Paul and Marc reached their majority. They  40  their land and money and decided to search nearby villages for ideas on building their homes.In each village, they found the nicest  41  and talked to the owners. Each owner gladly offered  42 .
After Marc saw several homes, he  43  the best ideas and went back to his own land. Paul, _44_, continued collecting more ideas. Soon he had so many great ideas that he began to  45  some of them. But he always believed he could find even better ideas in the next village.
Marc began building his home. He had several false starts,  46   his home gradually rose from his land. By fall, Marc had finished his home. It wasn't perfect, but it was strong and he could  47  it later. Paul enjoyed all the beautiful homes and 48  with home owners. The first snow came and Paul, realizing he was running out of time, 49   back to his land. He built the best home he could in the time he had, but it was 50  .The first winter storm destroyed his home and he froze to  51 .The villagers mourned for him.
Marc  52  the winter.Each year, Marc searched for other good ideas he could use to make his own home look better. He became a leader in the village, 53  a family, and lived a happy, content life.
We all build and improve our own mental homes. It’s  54   and fun for us to search for ideas from other mental home owners, but we only improve our own mental home if we actually  55  the best ideas.

A.strange B.hopeful C.literary D.cultural

A.find B.make C.complete D.buy

A.help B.encourage C.scold D.persuade

A.winter B.summer C.autumn D.spring

A.exchanged B.received C.recognized D.advice

A.girls B.jobs C.houses D.presents

A.rooms B.drinks C.attention D.advice

A.expected B.gathered C.created D.understood

A.similarly B.finally C.however D.furthermore

A.forget B.believe C.replace D.doubt

A.because B.although C.but D.so

A.repair B.rebuild C.sell D.improve

A.conversations B.achievements C.struggles D.arguments

A.drove B.rushed C.flew D.moved

A.weak B.funny C.small D.amazing

A.blindness B.death C.sadness D.illness

A.experienced B.loved C.survived D.spent

A.brought B.earned C.contacted D.raised

A.slow B.easy C.dangerous D.special

A.realize B.bring C.collect D.apply

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Having lived in the house for so long, we found our kitchen looked old. We decided it was time to   1    the kitchen, and my husband and I were discussing   2    colors. The children, sitting nearby, suddenly all spoke together: “Not the measuring stick.”
“No,” I   3    them. “Not the measuring stick..”
The measuring stick isn’t a (an)   4    stick but the kitchen side of the door between our kitchen and dining room. Along the edge we’ve   5     each child’s growth by making a mark showing his or her   6    on every birthday. Over the years so many colored pens, pencils and markers have been used, that now, this white door is somewhat like an abstract painting.
Names and dates show different    7   , and I can tell by the script(手迹) who measured whom. An eight-year-old measured her three-year-old sister, a grandchild measured her grandmother, my husband measured me. At the parties, when this door   8    back and forth frequently, friends stop to   9    the names and dates. When we ask if they would like to be always remembered, they usually smile   10    and go back right up into place,   11    to be measured.
Many of those listed on the door are still  12   ; some have stopped. Some remain with us only in   13  . When my mother came to see my eldest daughter graduate from university, we measured her too. It was her last visit to our home.
We haven’t  14    the new kitchen color plan yet, but one thing is certain: whatever color we choose, the back of the kitchen door will always remain   15   , with lots of names and dates in various colors.

A.restore B.rebuild C.sell D.repaint

A.comfortable B.possible C.available D.changeable

A.promised B.repeated C.followed D.responded

A.false B.wonderful C.actual D.obvious

A.kept B.witnessed C.recorded D.accompanied

A.age B.weight C.name D.height

A.information B.handwriting C.style D.characteristic

A.adjusts B.shuts C.opens D.swings

A.copy B.read C.appreciate D.remove

A.proudly B.automatically C.shyly D.calmly

A.ready B.voluntary C.able D.unwilling

A.growing B.contributing C.studying D.working

A.sight B.design C.amazement D.memory

A.concerned about B.approved of C.decided on D.relied on

A.fresh B.old C.white D.original

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If you asked high school girls to name their favorite sports, most would probably say basketball or volleyball. I happen to be one of the few girls who would  36 :surfing. But isn’t that a boy thing? Some people  37 .Most certainly not.
I started surfing about five years ago and 38 in love with the sport on the very first day. Riding that first  39  was the best feeling I had ever experienced.
When I try to  40  surfing with other things, I find it very difficult because, in my ___41_ ,there’s nothing like it. It involves body, 42 ,and soul. There’s sand between my toes and cool, salt water all  43  us. The feeling I get when I’m surfing across that  44 ,becoming one with the  45 ,is like I’m weightless.
The one thing I can  46  from surfing and not any other sport is endless challenge. You can never be the “best surfer” because the ocean  47  an uncountable variety of waves that nobody can ever master. The variations of surfing styles are wonderful. Some surfers are free and flowing; others are very aggressive and  48 .All of these things attract me to surfing and make it  49   from any other sport.
I’ve  50  to tell every girl I know to do something that people don’t think girls can do. It’s part of being human to advance to new  51 ,so shouldn’t it be expected that girls should step up and start  52  the limits of things boys and men used to dominate?
There’re women  53  side by side with the President of our country, so why not side by side with the boys  54  the football team or out in the water surfing? Give girls a chance to __55 , and they will.

A.tell B.answer C.give D.realize

A.wonder B.understand C.reply D.believe

A.stayed B.came C.dropped D.fell

A.wave B.storm C.sail D.boat

A.bring B.connect C.compare D.tie

A.work B.study C.holiday D.life

A.mind B.effort C.health D.time

A.along B.above C.around D.by

A.beach B.water C.board D.lake

A.sky B.world C.earth D.ocean

A.take B.get C.make D.keep

A.catches B.includes  C.offers D.collects

A.sharp B.great C.hard D.calm

A.known B.right C.far D.different

A.chosen B.tried C.learned D.promised

A.levels B.points C.steps D.parts

A.reaching B.accepting C.pushing D.setting

A.sitting B.walking C.fighting D.working

A.of B.from C.on D.with

A.think B.succeed C.perform D.feel

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Although in 1947 we were still very new to the atomic age, we knew about mushroom clouds. A huge crack (裂缝) spread across the library wall upstairs, sending teachers and __31__ screaming down the hall.
Had a new world war started? Palefaced, our young science teacher quickly__32__us for a fire drill. We huddled (卷缩) in little groups on the beach side of the school grounds and__33__the spreading cloud darken the bright spring sky.
Rumors flew every which way,__34__two hours would pass before we got the full story. One rumor we heard was that the Texas City Monsanto Chemical plant had__35__; children whose parents__36__there began to cry.
I__37__—that was where my father was working that day.
The school bell called us back inside, and we were dismissed (解散) to__38__our way home the best way we could. I'd walked a quarter of the threemile trip to my home__39__a car horn frightened me to__40__. My Uncle Barney__41__alongside me in his old Ford. The instant I saw him, I knew my father__42__. Otherwise, Papa would have__43__for me himself.
As if in slow motion from a great distance, Uncle Barney motioned for me to__44__. Numb with grief, I crawled into the back__45__. I barely took notice of the man sitting there, and didn't recognize him until he__46__me. When Papa put his strong arms around me, I forgot for a moment that Cherokees aren't supposed to__47__.
Many of my fellow students lost their__48__in the explosion. Tragedy would one day come to our__49__, as it inevitably (不可避免地) comes to all, but one day Texas City blew up, it miraculously (奇迹般地) passed us by. Because he lost his keys on that April morning, as he explained, my father lived for__50__32 years—we were to have a second lifetime forever.

A.headmaster B.students C.workers D.books

A.organized B.ordered C.made D.asked

A.heard B.smelled C.watched D.felt

A.when B.as C.as if D.although

A.blown up B.been closed C.been opened D.been on fire

A.lived B.worked C.studied D.visited

A.smiled B.frightened C.froze D.worried

A.make B.feel C.push D.find

A.when B.while C.as D.for

A.decision B.attention C.feeling D.expression

A.pulled up B.pulled out C.pulled in D.pulled off

A.was there B.was here C.was gone D.was alone

A.gone B.come C.left D.stopped

A.get off B.get over C.get through D.get in

A.seat B.chair C.stool D.bag

A.looked at B.helped C.reached for D.called on

A.cry B.laugh C.excite D.shout

A.teachers B.relatives C.friends D.parents

A.class B.family C.school D.house

A.other B.others C.another D.the other

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you ever done something silly that made you feel so embarrassed(尴尬的)? Well, I had a really bad Saturday morning last week.
I went to town to do some shopping, and while I was walking through the park  31  my way home, it began to rain. I quickly ran into a nearby phone box because I didn’t have an umbrella. It was raining hard and I decided to stay in the phone box     32    it stopped.
A few minutes later, I saw a young man walk up to the phone box, wearing a yellow raincoat and holding a tool box. I didn’t want to go out into the rain, so I   33  the phone and pretended I was talking to     34   . I thought he would go away, 35 he didn’t. He just waited in the heavy rain, watching me wave    36   hands about and act as if I was deep in conversation.
     37  , the rain stopped after about ten minutes. “OK, Mum,”I said loudly into the phone, “I’ll see you later. Bye!”I put the phone down and went out of the phone box. “I’m sorry to keep you     38    for so long.”I said to the man.
Oh,“I don’t want to use the  39   .”he replied. “I’ve just come to repair it. It doesn’t work, you see.”
I felt myself   40   in the face and I quickly ran off with my head down.
A. on                       B. in                 C. from
A. before                    B. until               C. though
A. gave up                   B. looked up          C. picked up
A. someone                  B. anyone             C. none
A. or                       B. but                C. and
A. his                       B. her                C. my
A. Quickly                 B. Luckily            C. However
A. waiting                  B. wait               C. waited
A. box                     B. raincoat            C. phone
A. blue                    B. red                 C. green

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There was once a farmer who had a fine olive orchard(橄榄园). He was very hardworking, and the  36  always prospered(繁荣)under his care. But he knew that his three  37  looked down upon the farm work, and were eager to make wealth.
When the farmer was  38  and felt that he would die, he  39  the three sons to him and said, “My sons, there is a pot of gold  40  in the olive orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it.”
The sons tried to  41  him to tell them in what part of the orchard the  42  was hidden, but he would tell them nothing more.
After the farmer was  43 , the sons went to work to find the pot of gold; since they did not  44  where the hiding-place was, they agreed to begin in a line, at one  45  of the orchard, and to dig until one of them should find the money.
They  46  until they had turned up the  47  from one end of the orchard to the other,  48  the tree-roots and between them.  49  no pot of gold was to be found. It seemed as if someone must have stolen it, or as if the farmer had been wandering in his wits. The three sons were bitterly  50  to have all their work for nothing.
The next olive  51 , the olive trees in the orchard bore(结果实)more fruit than they had  52  given; when it was  53 , it gave the sons a whole pot of gold.
And when they saw how much money had  54  the orchard, they suddenly understood what the wise father had  55  when he said, “There is gold hidden in the orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it.”

A.farm B.garden C.factory D.hospital

A.friends B.sons C.relatives D.children

A.healthy B.old C.unlucky D.sad

A.showed B.led C.called D.visited

A.sent B.put C.hidden D.locked

A.wait B.cause C.make D.get

A.goods B.jewel C.clothes D.gold

A.weak B.lost C.dead D.sick

A.think B.know C.wonder D.realise

A.end B.top C.surface D.bottom

A.dug B.searched C.discovered D.expected

A.sand B.soil C.ground D.floor

A.over B.among C.round D.across

A.Since B.And C.Before D.But

A.disappointed B.surprised C.worried D.sad

A.season B.part C.distance D.degree

A.already B.even C.ever D.still

A.made B.sold C.shipped D.saved

A.come on B.come about C.come up D.come from

A.thought B.planned C.guessed D.meant

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One sunny afternoon, a seven-year-old girl went for a walk. She crossed a large area of grassland into the woods __31__ she realized that she was lost.
Sitting on a rock and __32__ what to do, she began crying. After a while, she__33__ to walk along a wide path lined with tall trees and thick bushes. __34__ it was getting dark, she saw a small, dark wooden house. She opened the door and __35__ stepped in. Suddenly, she heard a strange noise, and she ran out the door and back to the __36__. Cold and tired, she fell asleep near a __37__.
The girl’s parents were out and her dog, Laddy, was at home. Laddy __38__ that his Mistress was in danger. He jumped __39__ a window, breaking the glass. He looked in the fields. But he couldn't find his mistress anywhere. However, from the ground came a __40__ scent as he lowered his head. He __41__ the scent and walked across the grassland. Barking __42__ into the air, the dog __43__ through the woods until he found the __44__ . But the girl was not there, so he headed back to the woods. Much to his __45__ , he saw his mistress’ blue shirt in the distance. He __46__ over some bushes and saw the little stream, where the girl was __47__.
When she opened her eyes and   48   her dog standing beside her, the girl said, “you   49   me, Laddy,” and she kissed him several times. Seeing their daughter and dog coming back, the parents burst into tears of     50  . That night Laddy had a Hero's supper: a huge meal of steak.

A.before B.since C.while D.as

A.wondering B.forgetting C.remembering D.regretting

A.preferred B.expected C.failed D.decided

A.When B.Until C.If D.Because

A.carelessly B.cautiously C.hopelessly D.unwillingly

A.trees B.bushes C.woods D.grasses

A.stream B.rock C.tree D.house

A.found B.sensed C.heard D.smelt

A.at B.through C.in D.onto

A.terrible B.strange C.pleasant D.familiar

A.missed B.discovered C.followed D.ignored

A.calmly B.loudly C.merrily D.gently

A.searched B.wandered C.looked D.traveled

A.window B.girl C.house D.hero

A.satisfaction B.disappointment C.embarrassment D.delight

A.jumped B.climbed C.walked D.flew

A.awake B.abandoned C.available D.asleep

A.spotted B.watched C.observed D.saw

A.disturbed B.comforted C.rescued D.scared

A.pain B.shock C.sorrow D.relief

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One dark stormy night, an elderly couple hurried into a hotel and asked whether they could be put up for the night. “I’ m very   36    ,” the clerk on night shift said politely, “we are all    37  tonight. But you could stay in my room if you don’t    38  . As I’m on duty, I’ll be staying up in the office anyway,” The young man gave the    39  _ advice.
The elderly couple    40   his offer with gratitude(感激). They    41   for the inconvenience they had caused him. The next day, the rain stopped and it cleared up. When the old gentleman went to pay his   42  , the clerk behind the counter was that same helpful young man. “The room you and your wife stayed in is not a proper guest room in this hotel,  43   you don’t need to pay,” said the clerk, with the same friendly smile.
The old gentleman nodded in    44  , “You are an employee that every boss in the hotel business would    45  . Perhaps   46   I’ll build a hotel for you. ” The clerk was amazed but, deciding that the guest must have been joking, he gave the remark no more    47  .
Two years later, the young man received a registered letter(挂号信) from the old gentleman, in which he   48  the experience of that dark stormy night. The letter also enclosed(附上) a formal    49   and a round-trip air ticket to New York, asking the young man to pay a visit.
At a street comer in Manhattan, the young man met his   50   guest. The old gentleman, pointing to a magnificent new    51   towering over the crossroads, said, “Look, that is the hotel I    52  to build for you. I hope you will manage it for me. Remember what I said then? Well, I was serious about it.”
“But…will there be any conditions, sir? Why do you choose me? And who are you?”
“My name is William Aster. There’s not any condition.   53   I told you before, you are the best employee…!”
This building was none    54  the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Starting business in 1931, this hotel has been a symbol of supreme status and honor in the city of New York. The young man who became its first    55   was George Boldt, the man who turned Waldorf into one of the most glamorous hotels in the world.

A.sorry B.happy C.anxious D.lucky

A.advertised B.decided C.booked D.taken

A.mind B.bother C.trouble D.complain

A.reliable B.valuable C.precious D.sincere

A.accepted B.thanked C.refused D.weighed

A.applied B.prepared C.blamed D.apologized

A.service B.house C.food D.bill

A.but B.however C.so D.yet

A.relief B.appreciation C.surprise D.silence

A.give up B.dream of C.devote to D.fight for

A.any time B.another day C.the other day D.some day

A.value B.thought C.judgment D.attention

A.called on B.called at C.called for D.called up

A.invitation B.check C.card D.letter

A.old B.interesting C.former D.new

A.house B.building C.room D.park

A.wanted B.agreed C.promised D.longed

A.Since B.Once C.As D.Because

A.other than B.more than C.rather than D.less than

A.employer B.manager C.housekeeper D.president

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was a warm March evening,and I’d just taken a seat on the bus that would take me home.It was nearly 6:00 PM,but the bus was not yet full and the driver gave no  26   that he intended to start the bus.
A middle-aged woman took a seat opposite me . She was crying.Not speaking to anyone in particular,she   27  told her story.
She had come to the city to visit her daughter.On the way to the terminal(终点站),a thief had _28_ one of her bags.It had contained half of the money she’d brought with her.The other half was hidden under her blouse, so she _29_ still had some money left.The bus conductor,driver,and other passengers listened to her tale.
At this time, an old man _30_got on the bus.He sat in the seat directly in front of the woman.After a few minutes, all seats were __31__.The driver started the engine.The bus conductor collected tickets and began asking us where we were  _32__.When he came to the old man’s seat,he became __33__  and asked the old man whether he had any money.The old man _34__ that he did not.He explained that he _35_ all his money this morning when he’d accidentally got on the wrong bus and now he was trying to go home.
Upon hearing this,the bus conductor _36_ the old man to get off the bus.The old man was almost in tears as he begged the bus conductor to let him take that bus  _37_ he could get home before dark.The bus driver approached the old man,and repeated the conductor’s _38__ to get off the bus.
“Stop troubling him! Can’t you see he’s only trying to get home?”she interrupted.“He doesn’t have any money!”the driver shouted.“Well, that’s no  _39_ to throw him off the bus,”she insisted.Then she said,“How much is his fare?”The bus conductor mumbled the amount.“Fine.”said the woman.She _40_ inside her blouse, took out her __41__ money,and handed the fare to the bus conductor.“Here’s his fare and mine.Just stop giving him a hard time.”
All eyes turned _42__ the woman,who,just minutes before,had been crying over the money she’d lost.“It’s only money,” she shrugged.
By the time the bus pulled out of the terminal,she had given the old man some bread and a dollar.She rode the rest of the way home _43__ a Mona Lisa smile of peace and grace,and the money she’d lost _44_was forgotten.
On the road of life,the politeness and smiles of _45__ can lighten our loads and lift our spirits.How much sweeter the journey when we make it a little smoother and richer for others !

A.answer B.agreement C.sign D.meaning

A.tearfully B.excitedly C.helplessly D.proudly

A.got B.stole C.pulled D.caught

A.surprisingly B.peacefully C.naturally D.fortunately

A.in rags B.shyly C.happily D.in disorder

A.had B.crowded C.full D.taken

A.getting on B.getting down C.getting off D.getting in

A.conscious B.suspicious C.curious D.anxious

A.realized B.pretended C.admitted D.remembered

A.spends B.has spent C.had spent D.was spent

A.asked B.ordered C.led D.begged

A.so B.until C.if D.when

A.arrangement B.command C.advice D.decision

A.good B.sense C.reason D.doubt

A.picked B.removed C.touched D.reached

A.left B.saving C.borrowed D.remaining

A.in B.to C.down D.on

A.owning B.wearing C.hating D.losing

A.earlier B.sooner C.later D.former

A.customers B.friends C.strangers D.conductors

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The story is told about what happened on a flight between a passenger and an air hostess. The passenger rang and told the air hostess (乘务员) that he needed a cup of __21__to take his medicine when the plane just took off. She told him that she would_22__him the water in ten minutes.
Thirty minutes later, when the passenger’s ring for_23__sounded, the air hostess was in a hurry. She was kept so_24__that she forgot to deliver (送) him the water. As a result, the passenger was_25__to take his medicine.She_26__over to him with a cup of water, but he_27__it.
In the following hours on the_28__, each time the air hostess passed by the _29__ she would ask him with a smile_30__he needed help or not. But the passenger__31__paid attention to her.
When the passenger was going to get__32__the plane, he asked the air hostess to__33__him the passengers’ booklet (意见薄). She was very__34__. She knew he would write down_35__words, which might result in the loss of her job. _36__with a smile she handed it to him.
Off the plane, she_37__the booklet, and cracked a smile, _38__the passenger put it, “On the flight, you asked me whether I need help or not for twelve times_39__. How can I refuse your twelve sincere(真诚的) smiles?”
That’s__40__! Who can refuse twelve sincere smiles from a person?

A.coffee B.tea C.water D.cola

A.take B.bring C.carry D.hold

A.food B.drink C.service D.medicine

A.tired B.silent C.calm D.busy

A.delaying B.delayed C.delays D.delay

A.hurried B.went C.came D.got

A.refused B.accepted C.liked D.hated

A.seat B.air C.floor D.flight

A.customer B.passenger C.guest D.visitor

A.whether B.when C.what D.that

A.never B.often C.always D.seldom

A.on B.to C.off D.from

A.hand B.take C.throw D.lend

A.glad B.angry C.curious D.sad

A.good B.sharp C.polite D.nice

A.So B.Because C.And D.But

A.hid B.tore C.opened D.closed

A.if B.for C.after D.when

A.in all B.above all C.or else D.or so

A.wrong B.wonderful C.impossible D.right

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I believe that families are not only blood relatives, but sometimes people who show up and love you when no one else will.
In May 1977, I was living in a Howard Johnson’s motel off Interstate 10 in Houston. My dad and I  41  a room with two double beds and a bathroom was too  42  for a 15-year-old girl and her father. Dad’s second marriage was   43   and my stepmother had   44   us both out of the house the previous week. Dad had no  45_   what to do with me. And that’s when my other family   46  .
Barbara and Roland Beach took me into their home   47   their only daughter, Su, my best friend, asked them to. I   48    with them for the next seven years.
Barb washed my skirts the same as Su’s. She   49   I had lunch money, doctors’ appointments, help with homework and nightly hugs. Barbara and Roland attended every football game where Su and I were being cheerleaders.  50  I could tell, for the Beaches there was no  51  between Su and me; I was their daughter, too.
When Su and I 52  college they kept my room the same for the entire four years I attended school. Recently, Barb presented me with an insurance policy they bought when I first moved in with them and had continued to pay on for 23 years.
The Beaches knew  53  about me when they took me in – they had heard the whole story from Su. When I was seven, my mother died and from then on my father relied on other people to _54  his kids. Before I went to live with the Beaches I had believed that life was entirely   55__ and that love was shaky and untrustworthy. I had believed that the only person who would take care of me was me.
 56  the Beaches, I would have become a bitter, cynical (愤世嫉俗的) woman. They gave me a(n)  57  that allowed me to grow and change. They kept me from being paralyzed by my _58  , and they gave me the confidence to open my heart.
I   59  family. For me, it wasn’t the family that was there on the day I was  60  , but the one that was there for me when I was living in a Howard Johnson’s on Interstate 10.

A.lived B.shared C.possessed D.bought

A.cheap B.noisy C.small D.limited

A.in trouble B.in sight C.in place D.in parts

A.struck B.removed C.kicked D.knocked

A.plan B.choice C.chance D.idea

A.looked after B.showed up C.turned over D.came across

A.so B.because C.until D.while

A.worked B.traveled C.lived D.learned

A.worked out B.called up C.watched out D.made sure

A.As long as B.As far as C.As soon as D.As many as

A.change B.problem C.conflict D.difference

A.set off B.left for C.entered into D.admitted into

A.all B.little C.something D.nothing

A.supply B.teach C.encourage D.raise

A.different B.unfair C.easy D.hopeful

A.Thanks to B.In spite of C.Except for D.But for

A.home B.house C.ability D.lesson

A.choice B.failure C.past D.present

A.doubt about B.call on C.center on D.believe in

A.born B.accepted C.educated D.deserted

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Vincent van Gogh was not always an artist. In fact, he wanted to be a(n) __21   and was even sent to the Belgian __22   community of Borinage. He discovered that the miners there __23   deplorable(悲惨的) working conditions and poverty-level wages. Their families  __24__   simply to survive. He felt concerned that the small amount of money he received from the church __25   him a moderate life-style, which, __26  , seemed to him unfair.
One cold February evening, while he watched the miners trudging(步履艰难)home, he __27   an old man staggering(蹒跚)toward him across the fields, __28  in a burlap sack for warmth. Van Gogh laid his own clothing out on the bed, __29  enough for one change, and decided to give__30  away. He gave the old man a suit of clothes and gave his overcoat to a pregnant woman whose __31  had been killed in a cave-in.
He lived on starvation rations and spent his money on __32   for the miners. When children in one family had fever, though __33   himself, he packed up his bed and took it to them.
A (an) __34   family in the community offered him free room and board. Van Gogh __35__  the offer, stating that it was the final temptation he must reject if he was to __36   serve his community of poor miners.
He believed that if he wanted them to __37   him, he must become one of them. And if they were to learn of love through him, he must love them enough to __38   with them.
He was aware of the wide chasm(鸿沟)between words and actions. He knew that our lives always __39   louder and clearer than words.
Others are “ __40  ” carefully to your actions. What are you saying to them?

A.office clerk B.coal miner C.factory worker D.church minister

A.mining B.religion C.poverty D.working

A.shared B.suffered C.complained D.enjoyed

A.tried B.managed C.struggled D.worked

A.allowed B.awarded C.protected D.provided

A.in contrast B.in return C.in brief D.as a result

A.grasped B.spotted C.felt D.met

A.enclosed B.surrounded C.wrapped D.packed

A.put on B.gave up C.brought out D.set aside

A.the other B.the rest C.the unwanted D.the unused

A.husband B.brother C.sister D.father

A.toys B.food C.medicine D.things

A.poor B.lonely C.loveless D.feverish

A.wealthy B.affected C.well-known D.nearby

A.accepted B.praised C.refused D.evaluated

A.carefully B.preparedly C.faithfully D.regrettably

A.love B.trust C.praise D.help

A.share B.connect C.fight D.live

A.strike B.talk C.speak D.cry

A.leading B.pointing C.moving D.listening

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A year ago, I paid no attention to English idioms, ____36___ my teacher said again and again that it was important.
One day, I ____37____ to meet an Englishman on the road, and soon we began to talk. As I was talking about ___38_____ I was studying English, the foreigner shook his head, saying, ‘You don’t say! You don’t say!’ I was ___39___. I thought, perhaps this was not a ___40__ topic. Well, I’d ___41___ change the topic. So I said to him, “Well, shall we talk about the Great Wall? ___42___ the way, have you ever ____43___ there?’
‘Certainly. Everyone back home will ____44____ me if I leave China without seeing it. It is great!’
I said, ‘The Great Wall is one of the wonders in the world. It is a place of ____45___.’ But soon I was ___46___ again by his words, ‘___47_____!’ I couldn’t help but __48____, ‘Why did you ask me not to talk about it?’
‘Well, I ___49____ ask you to do so,’ he answered, gently surprised.
I said, ‘Didn’t you say “You don’t say”?’
Hearing this, the Englishman ___50_____ to tears. He began to ___51______, “‘You don’t say!” actually means ‘really?’ It is an ___52_____ of surprise. Perhaps you don’t pay attention to English _____53______.’
Then I knew I had made a fool of ___54___. Since then I have been more __55____ with idioms

A.though B.when C.despite D.because

A.decided B.longed C.looked forward D.happened

A.what B.when C.how D.where

A.pleased B.angry C.scared D.surprised

A.proper B.interesting C.ideal D.polite

A.to B.better C.not D.like

A.On B.In C.With D.By

A.gone B.visited C.seen D.been

A.look up to B.think highly of C.be proud of D.laugh at

A.fun B.interest C.hard work D.China

A.encouraged B.shouted C.interrupted D.disturbed

A.Really B.It was great C.You don’t say D.You are right

A.ask B.to ask C.asking D.asked

A.won’t B.don’t C.couldn’t D.didn’t

A.laughed B.cried C.moved D.came

A.explain B.shout C.prove D.say

A.experience B.expression C.explanation D.example

A.learning B.idioms C.language D.phrases

A.me B.myself C.him D.himself

A.curious B.anxious C.careful D.worried

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
