
Most of us lose life’s tough battles by starting an unexpected attack—when a touch of humor might well enable us to win.     the case of a young friend of mine, who was      in a traffic jam on his way to work shortly after receiving a warning about being late for the job.      there was a good reason for Sam’s being late—serious illness at home—he      that this by-now-familiar excuse wouldn’t      any longer. His boss was probably already pacing      preparing a speech to fire him.
Yes, the boss was. Sam entered the office at 9:35. The place was as      as a locker room;      was hard at work. Sam’s boss came up to him angrily. Suddenly, Sam     and stretched out his hand. “How do you do!” he said. “I’m Sam Maynard. I’m applying for a      , which, I understand, became     just 35 minutes ago. Does the      bird get the worm?”
The room exploded in laughter. The boss      a smile and walked back to his office. Sam Maynard had     his job—with the only      that could win-–a laugh.     is a most effective, yet frequently neglected ,means of handling the difficult situations in our lives. It can be used for making up differences, apologizing, criticizing and      the other fellow to do what you want      his losing face. For some jobs, it’s the only tool that can succeed. It is a way to discuss subjects so     that serious dialogue may start a quarrel.   , many believe that comedians(喜剧演员) on television are doing more today for racial and religious problems than people in any other field.

A.Think B.Imagine C.Suppose D.Consider

A.dug B.trapped C.erupted D.aimed

A.If B.Because C.Unless D.Although

A.decided B.said C.talked D.urged

A.work B.use C.count D.make

A.here and there B.in and out C.up and down D.now and then

A.silent B.clean C.noisy D.quiet

A.somebody B.everybody C.nobody D.anybody

A.cried B.shouted C.stared D.smiled

A.prize B.patent C.punishment D.job

A.available B.fragrant C.possible D.reasonable

A.lazy B.late C.diligent D.early

A.sent B.hid C.force D.had

A.protected B.saved C.hold D.took

A.tool B.technique C.measure D.instrument

A.Understanding B.Apology C.Humor D.Communication

A.making B.having C.letting D.getting

A.without B.for C.to D.with

A.constant B.easy C.sensitive D.heated

A.After all B.For example C.At length D.Even so

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A very tired traveler came to the bank of a river. There was no         . It was winter, and the surface of the river was covered with        . It was getting dark, and he         to reach the other side while there was enough        . On the other hand, he worried a lot, not sure whether the ice would        his weight.   
Eventually, he got down on his knees and began very        to crawl(爬)across the surface of the ice        hesitating(犹豫)for a long time. He hoped that by distributing(分散)the      of his body, the ice would be unlikely to         under the load. After he made his        and painful journey about halfway across the river, he suddenly heard the sound of         behind him. Out of the dusk, there came a 4-horse load of coal driven by a man singing happily         he went his happy way. Here was the traveler, fearfully crawling his way on his hands and knees. And there, as if whisked (挥动) along by the winter’s wind, went the       , his horses, his sled , and the heavy load of coal over the         river!
The story shows how many of us        life. Some people crawl through life for fear of thin ice. Their        is not strong enough to        them up. Still there are those who sing as they go. Their faith is        .
When we face the river of       , we don’t have to fear, nor do we crawl through life. With determination, courage and optimism, we can happily make our way to the other        successfully.

A.bridge B.water C.road D.station

A.snow B.ice C.smoke D.air

A.agreed B.helped C.wanted D.managed

A.light B.time C.power D.strength

A.admit B.control C.lose D.support

A.quickly B.happily C.cautiously D.freely

A.in B.after C.by D.at

A.weight B.shape C.height D.direction

A.shake B.fall C.break D.move

A.brave B.strange C.joyful D.slow

A.laughing B.water C.wind D.singing

A.before B.as C.for D.but

A.manager B.visitor C.driver D.passenger

A.similar B.same C.deep D.clear

A.go through B.come across C.fight against D.talk about

A.dream B.feeling C.talent D.faith

A.give B.make C.hold D.use

A.unshakable B.simple C.true D.unavoidable

A.mistakes B.difficulties C.questions D.changes

A.state B.part C.land D.side

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My tire was flat. And I was on a country road. When I         with the tire, a car pulled off the road behind me. I saw a male         and said, “Hey, do you need any help?”
  I literally was        . This young guy was dressed in black. Nearly everything imaginable was tattooed(纹身). When he asked to give me a  ___ , I  ___ someone sitting in his car. That         me. Thoughts of robberies flashed through my mind.
Then, it began to        . It hit like a waterfall and made it         to finish the tire change. With the car jacked(千斤顶托起) up, I was         to get in my car. “Get in my car” he insisted, “We’ll wait with you until the rain stops.” “No. I don’t need your help.” I said. “Come on. Get in.” he said as he         my arm and pulled me toward his car. “Oh, God, protect me!” I         to myself.
As I settled into the back seat, suddenly a delicate        came from the front seat of the car. “Are you all right?” “Yes, I am,” I replied with much         seeing an old woman there. “My name is Beatrice and this is my neighbor John. John takes me to visit my husband in a nursing home every day. He is a really nice guy.”
“John, I had thought you were, well, ah, you know I…” Embarrassment         my words. John laughed, “I often experienced         reaction. I actually thought about changing the way I look.        then I saw it as an opportunity to see others.”
He was right. What he wore outside was just a         of the world as he saw it, but what he wore         was the spirit of giving and caring the world he wanted to see. I never believed that I should          people by the way they dressed. I was         with myself for what I did.
The rain stopped and John and I changed the tire. As we shook hands I apologized for my stupidity.

A.waited B. repaired C. struggled D. continued

A.turned B. approached C. boarded D.stopped

A.delighted B. calm C. frightened D. excited

A.look B. aid C. fine D. hand

A.recognized B. met C. noticed D. watched

A.amazed B. attracted C. confused D. concerned

A.pour B. start C. fall D. break

A.possible B. necessary C. unnecessary D. impossible

A.ready B. eager C. unable D. unsuitable

A. touched B. grasped C. placed D. controlled

A. thought B. expected C. replied D. cried

A. tone B. voice C. sound D. alarm

A. relief B. shock C. ease D. sorrow

A. blocked B. stuck C. choked D. struck

A. helpful B. shameful C. abnormal D. unfriendly

A. And B. So C. But D. Or

A. reflection B. conclusion C. concern D. meaning

A. around B. along C. through D. inside

A. decide B. appreciate C. judge D. sniff

A. angry B. grateful C. strict D. content

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Over the course of a few days when I was in a nursing home to recover, I started to really appreciate the housekeeper, an elderly lady who didn’t speak English. Every morning at 6:30 she would try to get into my room        so she wouldn’t disturb me. However, every time I would      and see her. She would try to      and at the same time gave an amazing smile.      , I would be just waiting to see her come in and give that wonderful     .
I        from a nurse that there was an employee rewards program. I asked her to write a(an)        card for my housekeeper and put it up. About ten minutes later, another nurse came into my room and told me that the housekeeper was out in the hall         her eyes out. Had I done something wrong or inappropriate ? Then the nurse         to tell me that the housekeeper had worked there for thirty years and had never        a rewards card.
It        me like a ton of bricks. Just a few simple words made such a       .
From that day forward I tried to admire someone every day for the good things they showed. The results were       . People came in with smiles, they talked more, they laughed more, and they        life more.         , it seems the more I tried to praise others, the        I got.
I’m out of nursing home now and almost        recovered. I thank my housekeeper for helping me see just how unbelievably        life is.
Do        a favor and tell your loved ones just how much they         to you. It can make the world of difference with both them and you.        

A.quickly B.quietly C.happily D.slowly

A.wake B.stand C.sit D.go

A.leave B.hide C.explain D.apologize

A.Eventually B.Gradually C.Suddenly D.Occasionally

A.greeting B.apology C.smile D.word

A.knew B.learned C.found D.got

A.invitation B.congratulation C.appreciation D.appointment

A.laughing B.shouting C.screaming D.crying

A.went on B.came up C.set out D.got up

A.accepted B.received C.created D.afforded

A.beat B.knocked C.hit D.touched

A.difference B.profit C.mistake D.contribution

A.disappointing B.interesting C.amazing D.embarrassing

A.understood B.valued C.enriched D.enjoyed

A.However B.Therefore C.Meanwhile D.Otherwise

A.less B.more C.worse D.better

A.barely B.fully C.really D.rarely

A.dangerous B.beautiful C.tough D.enthusiastic

A.yourself B.you C.themselves D.them

A.bring B.take C.give D.mean

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

During Christmas break from college, a young man wanted to borrow his father's car to drive to a New Year's Eve ____ to be held in Vermont. The father was ____ about the son hitting one of the roadblocks that people set up all over the place on New Year's Eve. The ____ that was reached was that the son would be allowed to use the car, but he would not drink at all.
So he drove to Vermont, got completely ____ and attempted to drive home. On the way home he hit a roadblock. He was told to ____ the car and stand in a line of people that were being given the infamous sobriety (not drunk) ____. However, the policeman ____ him out. He was ____ standing off to the side while the others were ____ the police officer how well they could walk a ____ line, etc.
At 7:00 a.m., his father got up to answer the ____. There were ____ policemen there. They asked him if he was the ____ of that red FIAT. He replied, "Yes, I am," One of the policemen asked him if he was driving the car the evening before and he said that his son had been the driver.
When the young man ____ himself in front of the policemen, he knew he was in some sort of ____. Upon questioning, he ____ that he was driving the car, but when asked if he had been ____, he said, "No!" When the policemen asked if he could see his car, he was unable to remember the ____. He said that it was in the garage.
And when the four of them walked out to look at the car,instead of looking at the car he had driven the ____ before, they saw a ____ car parked there.

A.party B.meeting C.concert D.sports meeting

A.sure B.worried C.curious D.anxious

A.suggestion B.condition C.conclusion D.agreement

A.excited B.tired C.drunk D.pleased

A.stop B.get out of C.drive D.get into

A.punishment B.test C.education D.talk

A.gave B.made C.missed D.found

A.considered B.required C.suggested D.left

A.showing B.explaining C.asking D.telling

A.long B.straight C.calm D.direct

A.telephone B.call C.doorbell D.question

A.two B.many C.four D.one

A.manager B.father C.student D.owner

A.stood B.found C.put D.took

A.trouble B.test C.danger D.accident

A.believed B.told C.admitted D.said

A.driving B.hurting C.missing D.drinking

A.drive B.test C.time D.line

A.day B.morning C.afternoon D.night

A.similar B.familiar C.police D.damaged

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Are you a man or a mouse? When people ask this question they want to know       you think you are a         person or a coward (懦夫). But you will never really know the answer to this question         you are tested in real life. Some people        they are brave but when they come face to face with real       , they act like cowards. Others think of themselves as cowards, but when they meet danger, they act like       .
Lenny had always thought of himself as a          person. He got worried before examinations. He worried about his job and health. All he wanted in life was to be safe and healthy.          , on January 15th, 2002, a plane crashed into the Potomac River in Washington. Lenny went to the river to see what was happening. He saw a woman in the          water. Lenny did not feel afraid. He kept very            and did a very dangerous thing. He jumped into the river,           to the woman, and kept her head           the water. Seventy-eight people died that day. Thanks to Lenny, it was not            .
When you are in a very         situation and feel afraid, the body automatically produces a chemical in the blood. The chemical is called adrenalin (肾上腺素).         adrenalin in the blood system, you actually feel stronger and stronger and are         to fight or run away. However, when you are absolutely terrified (or completely afraid), the body can produce too much adrenalin. When this        , the muscles become very hard and you find you        go at all. You are then paralyzed (使无能为力) with fear. This is         when we are very frightened, we sometimes say we’re “petrified”. This word comes from the Greek word “petros”, which means “stone”. We are        frightened that we become stonelike.

A.how B.neither C.whether D.either

A.brave B.real C.hard D.certain

A.when B.until C.after D.once

A.realize B.find C.think D.agree

A.life B.question C.mouse D.danger

A.soldiers B.mice C.heroes D.cowards

A.useful B.brave C.nervous D.bored

A.So B.Therefore C.Then D.Actually

A.fresh B.poisonous C.warm D.ice-cold

A.nervous B.calm C.frightened D.excited

A.went B.helped C.spoke D.swam

A.in B.under C.above D.from

A.an accident B.a mistake C.seventy-eight D.seventy-nine

A.dangerous B.comfortable C.different D.interesting

A.With B.Without C.For D.Like

A.afraid B.unable C.ready D.anxious

A.gets B.disappears C.happens D.goes

A.needn’t B.can’t C.mustn’t D.shouldn’t

A.where B.how C.because D.why

A.really B.very C.such D.so

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Coming home after working out for a whole day I had my purse lost.I      it had slipped out my backpack as I was being      .While it was probably very close to my apartment it still failed to come into        and I had no        but to cancel my debit cards.
I’d had the purse for more than a decade as it was a Christmas present ,which was a bright, red leather, Cheeky Monkey purse ,so probably not entirelyfor a 36-year-old       but I was very upset to have lost it!
Everyone I spoke to      I might get the purse back      but the money and vouchers in it would very likely disappear.I had        written off the        of the purse and was even considering whether to move on and go “grown-up” when I was seeking a       
I came home late the following night and my monkey purse was on my mat! I checked the contents and everything was      including anything of cash value.I was astounded when I read the        note which read, “I came across this last night.It was too dark to      it then ,so I came back tonight.I got your        from your license.Sorry.Iain.”
Not only had this man returned my purse but he thought he        me an apology for not bringing it back sooner!
I have told almost all my acquaintances, who almost responded with a similar standard answer, “It restores your        in human nature” and it        lots of stories about similar        experiences.
There were no contact        so I am unable to get in touch to say thank you to Iain, but I hope he will be      of how grateful I am!

A.doubted B.suspected C.proved D.recognized

A.put off B.set off C.dropped off D.left off

A.effect B.appearance C.view D.attention

A.ability B.thought C.alternative D.decision

A.grown up B.brought up C.taken on D.applied to

A.decided B.doubted C.prayed D.exposed

A.previously B.approximately C.regularly D.eventually

A.however B.therefore C.otherwise D.though

A.value B.contents C.name D.lists

A.process B.comfort C.judgment D.replacement

A.undamaged B.lost C.checked D.reserved

A.appealing B.thrilling C.accompanying D.entertaining

A.look over B.go over C.get through D.see through

A.name B.phone number C.address D.card

A.forgot B.made C.paid D.owed

A.faith B.reputation C.quality D.justice

A.adapted B.inspired C.described D.expanded

A.fantastic B.worthy C.priceless D.positive

A.tracks B.outlines C.details D.accounts

A.proud B.sensitive C.aware D.certain

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I was fifteen when I walked into Black Stump Bookstore in Liverpool. As I was looking at       on the shelves, the shop owner asked if I’d like     . I needed to start      for college, so I said yes. I worked after school and during summers for the lowest wages, and the job helped       my first year of college. I had worked in many other jobs: I made coffee in the Students’ Union during college, I was a hotel maid and I      make maps for the Forest Service. But selling books was one of the most     .
One day a woman asked me for books on women’s diseases. She seemed fearful. I showed her almost everything we had at that time      and found other books we could order. She left the store less     . I’ve always remembered the       felt in having helped her.
Years later, as a      in London, I heard about a black child born       his fingers connected. His family could not       a corrective operation, and the boy lived in      hiding his hand in pocket. I      my boss to let me do the story. After my story was broadcast, a doctor and a nurse called, offering to perform the      for free. I visited the boy in the      room soon after the operation. The first thing he did was to hold up his       hand and say “ Thank you.” I felt a sense of    .
In the past      I was at Black Stump Bookstore, I always sensed I was working for the customers, not the store. Today, it’s the same. BBC News pays my     , but I feel as if I work for the viewers, helping them understand the world.

A.maps B.titles C.articles D.reports

A.a book B.any help C.any suggestions D.a job

A.planning B.leaving C.preparing D.studying

A.pay for B.fit for C.run for D.enter for

A.so B.never C.even D.still

A.boring B.exciting C.satisfying D.disappointing

A.in need B.in all C.in order D.in store

A.worried B.surprised C.doubted D.puzzled

A.pride B.failure C.regret D.wonder

A.doctor B.store owner C.bookseller D.TV reporter

A.in B.with C.by D.for

A.pay B.offer C.afford D.spend

A.peace B.honor C.horror D.danger

A.chose B.forced C.persuaded D.permitted

A.action B.program C.treatment D.operation

A.waiting B.recovery C.reading D.guest

A.repaired B.connected C.injured D.improved

A.pleasure B.sadness C.humor D.responsibility

A.if B.though C.until D.while

A.prize B.salary C.cost D.bill

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was one of the happiest Saturday mornings I had spent with my daughter, Gigi. That was, until two strangers threw her into their car and sped away. It seemed like a bad dream.I could ____ speak when the police questioned me.
After that, the policeman asked me to go home to wait. My friend Gloria came to  ____me. She took my hand and gave me   ____. It was a picture of a little girl  ____asleep in her bed, standing by the bed was a tall, blond(金发的)__ __.  We prayed and waited by the phone until sunset. The ____ never rang.
Suddenly,the front door swung open. I looked up and ____. There stood Gigi. I cried, throwing my ____ around her. Gigi said:“I was scared. We were going really fast on an old ____ road I'd never seen before. But then a tall man walked out ____ the car,and they ran off the road and hit a tree. Then the tall man ____ the car door and pulled me out. He was really nice,and said I would be okay. I must have gone to ____, because when I woke up it is in front of our house. He must have brought me home.” “But who...how did he know..., where to bring you?”My voice broke. Gigi ____ her head. Just then Gigi noticed Gloria's picture. “That's him!” she ____ at the picture. “Mommy,that's the man who pulled me out of the car!” Gloria and I turned ____. “Are you sure that's the man?” Gloria asked. “Yeah, that's him ____ that he didn't have wings,and he was wearing blue jeans.”
Later that night, the police found the____kidnappers. When questioned, the driver remembered turning away to ____ hitting a tall blond man.
Twenty years have gone by. We have never heard from any one claiming to have   ____Gigi. There have been no logical explanations for her ____. But from that day on, I believe that all experiences, positive and negative, are given to us for our strengthening and learning.

A.hardly B.hard C.fully D.full

A.sympathize B.support C.comfort D.calm

A.a map B.a picture C.a bag D.a book

A.healthy B.sound C.reliable D.reasonable

A.angel B.man C.maid D.servant

A.phone B.door bell C.clock D.radio

A.yelled B.screamed C.whistled D.whispered

A.cheeks B.shoulders C.arms D.hands

A.rocky B.smooth C.hard D.flat

A.in back of B.at the bottom of C.on the top of D.in front of

A.shut B.fastened C.opened D.loosened

A.rest B.sleep C.break D.yawn

A.shook B.nodded C.rolled D.trembled

A.referred B.aimed C.pointed D.signaled

A.sunburnt B.light C.weak D.pale

A.rather than B.including C.except D.other than

A.injured B.dead C.harmed D.hurt

A.stop B.avoid C.forbid D.keep

A.released B.relieved C.delivered D.rescued

A.escape B.breakout C.disappearance D.flow

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Twist was the name of an old champion racing horse. He was past thirty years old, but the heart of the true  36   still beat with the great spirit. However, I knew little about the   37   that the old horse’s spirit would have on my daughter.
My daughter Stacy had ever had a   38   experience with a runaway horse. She was just eight at the time, and a terrifying   39   accompanied the disaster. Although she broke no bones, her   40   , love for horses and the desire to learn to ride were   41  . No matter how my wife and I tried, we had no   42   in curing the damage caused that day. But when she was thirteen, a turning point came. One day as I saw Stacy look into the eye of the   43   fellow in the stall(牲口棚), I knew this was going to be the beginning of a   44   relationship.
Fortunately, Stacy’s accident had not weakened her love for   45   in general, and this small opening was all that Twist needed to create an unusual bond(纽带). In the following weeks, Stacy began to express daily   46  in coming to the stall with me. She   47   spent time with him, feeding, brushing and combing him, all the  48   talking to him about her life.
Then one day   49   I was readying one horse for a ride, I noticed the old guy’s   50  expression and desire to be included, too. So I asked Stacy if she wanted to take Twist out for a ride. In   51  , Stacy looked once again into the old man’s eye. That moment, their two spirits   52   and completed the bond that had been forming over a couple of months. Continuing to look deep into his eyes, Stacy didn’t   53   . She only nodded yes. Moments later, I saw them riding   54   together, Stacy winning renewed confidence and desire, and Twist winning his medal of a child’s  55  .

A.owner B.winner C.jumper D.member

A.wish B.idea C.effect D.ability

A.new B.bad C.rich D.strange

A.fall B.task C.shake D.attack

A.pride B.skill C.luck D.confidence

A.ignored B.reformed C.destroyed D.overlooked

A.aim B.need C.surprise D.success

A.poor B.old C.brave D.strong

A.serious B.similar C.special D.formal

A.animals B.parents C.friends D.fields

A.thanks B.interest C.opinions D.sympathy

A.endlessly B.roughly C.unwillingly D.actively

A.best B.way C.same D.time

A.as B.so C.although D.because

A.angry B.sad C.eager D.anxious

A.brief B.response C.return D.addition

A.met B.rose C.fought D.recovered

A.act B.think C.speak D.smile

A.on B.back C.down D.off

A.heart B.spirit C.agreement D.dependence

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Who is setting your standards for you ?
A true story has it that one elder man  36  to jog around the local high school football field. As he huffed and puffed(气喘吁吁) along, the team was  37 . The players soon started running sprints up and down the field. The man told himself “I will 38  keep running until they quit.”
So he ran. And they ran. And he ran some more. And they kept running. And he kept running until he 39  finally run no more. He stopped in  40 . One of the players, equally out of breath, approached him and said in a crying voice, “Boy, I am so glad that you finally stopped. 41  told us we had to keep running  42 the old guy who was jogging !” He was watching them. They were watching him. He was letting them set his 43  , on the contrary, they allow him to set 44 .
My question is this: Are you keeping  45  with somebody else in your daily life? Are you 46   people to set your standards for you? What about your standards, or  47 , for moral behavior or even your way of building up your own characteristics ? Or guidelines for what kind of life  48  you want? Negative or positive? Do you keep pace with those  49  you, or do you decided yourself just 50  you will live your life? The true is that only you are  51  to determine what your standards will be.
Set your standards too low, and you will know only  52 . But set high standards and you can live an immeasurably full and  53 life. For only when you  54  the best that is within yourself, will you experience great living. Just as an old saying goes: “Think big 55 , and win big success.”
Who is setting your standards?

A.planned B.decided C.hoped D.begged

A.in practice B.in order C.in place D.in danger

A.just B.simple C.hardly D.nearly

A.would B.should C.could D.must

A.delight B.despair C.astonishment D.exhaustion

A.Headmaster B.Teacher C.Coach D.Monitor

A.as long as B.as far as C.as soon as D.as good as

A.example B.timetable C.standards D.tricks

A.his B.him C.them D.theirs

A.touch B.pace C.contact D.promise

A.making B.encouraging C.having D.allowing

A.principals B.theories C.principles D.rules

A.way B.method C.technique D.attitude

A.around B.along C.against D.across

A.why B.how C.where D.whether

A.admitted B.educated C.qualified D.demanded

A.dishonest B.discontent C.uncomfortable D.unforgettable

A.selfless B.valueless C.worthwhile D.worthless

A.work for B.long for C.reach for D.run for

A.target B.score C.deal D.goal

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On Jan 23, 2012, I was aboard a ship on the Yangtze River, listening to the sound of fireworks and eating plate after plate of dumplings.
On Sunday Feb 10, 2013, I was preparing to celebrate Chinese New Year again – in London’s Chinatown.
It was raining. It was cold. But ever since I left Beijing in August, I had promised myself I would celebrate Chinese New Year – if only to help with my Beijing “homesickness”.
Central London was dressed up for the occasion. There was a stage for a big fireworks display for the evening. Even so, it wasn’t like my real Beijing chunjie.
Even buying a baozi didn’t cheer me up. It cost about 10 times as much as the real thing does in Beijing and got stuck to its rain-ruined paper bag.
Cold, wet and depressed, I ran into a shop for shelter. Suddenly, there it was. Between the packets of dried meat and fish, the bags of rice and the smell of dried noodles in this little Chinese supermarket, I had found home.
An hour later, I hurried into my house with bags of frozen jiaozi, packets of sauce and a large bottle of vinegar. I boiled water, tore open the packets, grabbed my chopsticks and settled down to a feast. This, I thought, is a Happy Chinese New Year.
I even watched the fireworks on TV. After all, why face the British weather when I can bring China home in one bite?
We can conclude from the first three paragraphs that the author ______.

A.likes watching fireworks on the boat
B.misses Chinese food more than anything else
C.finds it great fun to celebrate Chinese New Year
D.misses her life in Beijing very much

How did the author feel when she found some Chinese foods in a supermarket?

A.a little curious B.rather tired
C.a bit comfortable D.very depressed

Why did the author watch the fireworks on TV?

A.She didn’t want to get wet and cold again.
B.The square is far away from where she lives.
C.She doesn’t like fireworks very much.
D.She was too hungry to go out.

What is the best title of the passage?

A.Unforgettable Chunjie in Beijing B.Wonderful Experience in Britain
C.Finding Home in London D.Festival in London
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Michael Greenberg is a very popular New Yorker. He is not famous in sports or the arts, But people in the streets  16  him, especially those who are    17  .
For those people, he is "Gloves" Greenberg. How did he get that  18  ?
He looks like any otner businessman, wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase (公文箱). But he's  19 _. His briefcase always has some gloves。
In winter,Mr.Greenberg does not  20  like other New Yorkers,who look at the sidewalk and  21  the street.He looks around at   22  .He stops when he   23  someone with no gloves.He gives them a pair and then he   24  ,looking for more people with cold   25  .
On winter days,Mr.Greenberg   26  gloves.During the rest of the year,he   27  gloves.People who have heard about him   28  him gloves,and he has many in his apartment.
Mr. Greenberg     29    doing this 21 years ago. Now, many poor New Yorkers know him and      30      his behavior. But people who don't know him are sometimes    31    him. They don't realize that he just wants to make them   32    .
It runs in the   33   .Michael's father always helped the poor as he believed it made everyone happier. Michael Greenberg feels the   34   .A pair of gloves may be a   35   thing,but it can make a big difference in winter.

A.know about B.learn from C.cheer for D.look after

A.old B.busy C.kind D.poor

A.iob B.name C.chance D.message

A.calm B.different C.crazy D.curious

A.act B.sound C.feel D.dress

A.cross over B.drive along C.hurry down D.keep off

A.cars B.people C.street numbers D.traffic lights

A.helps B.chooses C.greets D.sees

A.holds up B.hangs out C.moves on D.turns around

A.hands B.ears C.faces D.eyes

A.searches for B.stores up C.gives away D.puts on

A.borrows B.sells C.returns D.buys

A.call B.send C.lend D.show

A.delayed B.remembered C.began D.enjoyed

A.understand B.dislike C.study D.excuse

A.sorry for B.satisfied with C.proud of D.surprised by

A.smart B.rich C.special D.happy

A.city B.family C.neighborhood D.company

A.honor B.pain C.same D.cold

A.small B.useful C.delightful D.comforting

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A little girl lived in a simple and poor house on a hill.Usually she 36 play in the small garden.She could see over the garden fence and across the valley a wonderful house with shining golden windows high on another hill.37 she loved her parents and her family, she desired to live in such a house and 38 all day about how wonderful and exciting 39 must feel to live there.
At the age when she gained some 40 skill and sensibility(识别力), she 41 her mother for a bike ride 42 the garden. Her mother finally allowed her to go, 43 her keeping close to the house and not 44 too far. The day was beautifu. The girl knew 45 where she was heading! 46 the hill and across the valley, she rode to the 47 of the golden house.
48 she got off her bike and put it against the gate post, she focused on the path 49 to the house and then on the house itself. She was very disappointed when she 50 that all the windows were 51 and rather dirty.
So 52 and heart-broken, she didn’t go any further. She 53, and all of a sudden she saw an amazing 54. There on the other side of the valley was a little house and its windows were golden. Looking at her little home, she 55 that she had been living n her golden house filled with love and care.Everything she dreamed was right there in front of her nose.

A.might B.should C.would D.must

A.Unless B.Although C.Since D.But

A.dreamed B.worried C.asked D.shouted

A.this B.that C.it D.which

A.different B.scientific C.musical D.basic

A.begged B.blamed C.invited D.paid

A.inside B.outside C.through D.along

A.insisting on B.relying on C.arguing about D.wondering about

A.travelling B.running C.riding D.walking

A.madly B.rapidly C.exactly D.possibly

A.Over B.Down C.Around D.Beside

A.windows B.steps C.center D.gate

A.Until B.As C.While D.Because

A.getting B.introducing C.leading D.moving

A.felt B.learned C.concluded D.found

A.transparent B.bright C.plain D.wide

A.anxious B.angry C.serious D.sad

A.turned around B.cheered up C.settled down D.dropped in

A.hill B.valley C.background D.sight

A.imagined B.decided C.realized D.guessed

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Little Robert tried to take a big bottle of milk out of the fridge. However, he ____ (lose) his grasp on the bottle and it fell, spilling (溢出) the milk all over the kitchen floor! Instead of scolding (责备) ____, his mother said, “You know, what we have here is a failed experiment in how you can effectively carry a big milk bottle with two tiny hands. Let’s go out to the back yard and fill the bottle ____ water and see if you can discover a way to carry it ____ (safe).” This little boy learned that if he grasped the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it. What ____ wonderful lesson! The little boy has now become a famous scientist and he remarked that it was at that moment ____he knew he didn't need to be afraid of ____ (make) mistakes. Instead, he learned that mistakes were just opportunities for learning something, ____ is what scientific experiments are all about. Even if the experiment “doesn't work”, we usually learn something ____ (value) from it. Wouldn’t it be great if all parents would respond the way Robert’s mother responded ____ him?

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
