
That night we lay on the floor in the room and I listened to the silk-worms eating. The silk-worms    .on shelves of mulberry (桑树)leaves and all night you could hear them eating and a dropping sound in the leaves. I myself didn’t want to    because I had been living for a long time with the      that if I ever shut my eyes in the dark and let myself go, my      would go out of my body. I had been that way for a long time,      since I was sleepless at night and felt it go out of me and go off and then    .I tried never to think about it, but it had started to go since, in the nights, just at the      of going off to sleep, and I could only stop it by a very great   . So while now I am fairly sure that it would not really have gone out, yet then, that summer, I was unwilling to make the      .
I had different ways of      myself while I lay awake. I would think of a trout(鳟鱼) stream I had fished along when I was a boy; and fish its whole length very     in my mind; fishing under all the logs, all the turns of the      , the deep holes and the clear shallow stretches, sometimes    .trout and sometimes losing them. I would stop fishing at noon to eat my lunch; sometimes on a log     the stream; sometimes on a high bank under a tree; and I always ate my lunch very slowly and     the stream below me while I ate. Often I ran out of bait(诱饵) because I would take ten    .with me in a tobacco tin when I started. When I had used them all I had to find     worms and sometime it was very difficult digging in the bank of the stream     the cedar trees kept out the sun and there was no grass but only the     wet earth and often I could find no worms. Always I found some kind of bait, but one time in the swamp I could find no bait at all and had to     one of the trout I had caught and used him for bait.

A.lived B.fed C.moved D.carried

A.eat B.sleep C.talk D.leave

A.purpose B.imagination C.knowledge D.excuse

A.soul B.idea C.sense D.temper

A.even B.yet C.still D.ever

A.come back B.come up C.get away D.get off

A.risk B.moment C.sight D.request

A.intention B.regret C.effort D.focus

A.achievement B.encouragement C.entertainment D.experiment

A.occupying B.devoting C.concerning D.equipping

A.casually B.aimlessly C.painfully D.carefully

A.root B.bank C.jungle D.coast

A.spotting B.approaching C.killing D.catching

A.beyond B.over C.through D.beneath

A.watched B.conducted C.crossed D.measured

A.weeds B.worms C.insects D.leaves

A.better B.larger C.more D.heavier

A.when B.how C.why D.where

A.bare B.pure C.holy D.vivid

A.cut up B.cut down C.cut off D.cut in
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

During my P.E. class I met a girl, who was in a grade younger than me. She was always ____ on the playground and I wondered why she had ____ to talk to. I was sort of quiet girl myself, too, but I still had a few ____. Over the whole year I would say “Hi” to her ____ sometimes she came to me and we ____ whatever sports we liked most.
Whenever she came over I made it my ____ to make her laugh. I paid most of my ____ to her and not to my other friends because I saw them playing together ____ over there. Then, the ____ day of school year came around, I walked with her on the playground by ourselves. I asked her why she was so quiet. She told me her father left her ____ and her. Her mother was always crying at home. ____ this, I said nothing for a while. Then what I could do was ____ her to forget unhappiness and believe tomorrow is ____. One day I told her I was leaving for high school. Hearing this she asked me not to ____ her. She told me that she had no other friends and I was her only one. Then, she told me that she would ____me if I was in the high school. I ____ that I would go back to see her twice a week. Hearing my promise, her face ____ with smiles.
People lose friends all the time but wise people know how to ____ the friendship. So don’t ruin the ____ as time passed by. Remember that you are ____ to have a good friend.

A.happy B.sad C.shy D.quiet

A.somebody B.nobody C.anybody D.everybody

A.classmates B.schoolmates C.friends D.parents

A.and B.but C.so D.then

A.played B.watched C.talked D.studied

A.rule B.goal C.dream D.way

A.strength B.decision C.attention D.time

A.equally B.happily C.suddenly D.regularly

A.usual B.middle C.first D.last

A.mother B.brother C.sister D.family

A.Fixing B.Hearing C.Seeing D.Understanding

A.order B.force C.advice D.allow

A.newer B.greater C.sooner D.better

A.forget B.stop C.ask D.mind

A.help B.miss C.greet D.invite

A.realized B.guessed C.promised D.hoped

A.turned away B.gave off C.started out D.lit up

A.change B.see C.appreciate D.treasure

A.success B.question C.friendship D.agreement

A.lucky B.important C.right D.free
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One weekend, my kids and I were heading into the supermarket. On the way, we ________  a man holding a piece of paper that said, “Lost my job. Family to Feed.”
At this store, a   ________    like this is not normal. My 10-year-old noticed him and made a  ________   on how bad it must be to have to stand  ________  in the cold wind.
In the store, I asked each of my kids to pick something they thought our “friend” there would    ________  . They got apples, a sandwich and a bottle of juice. Then my 17-year-old suggested giving him a   ________  . I thought about it. We were low on cash ourselves, but… well, sometimes giving from our need   ________  our abundance (充裕;丰富) is just what we need to do! All the kids declared something they could do away with for the week.
When we handed him the bag of   ________   , he lit up and thanked us with __________ eyes. When I handed him the gift card, saying he could use it for  ________   his family might need, he burst into tears.
This has been a wonderful  ________   for our family. For days the kids have been looking for others we can  ________ ! Things would have played out so   ________   if I had simply said, “No, we really don’t have   ________   to give more.” Stepping out not only helped a brother in need, it also gave my kids the    ________  taste of helping others. It’ll go a long way with them.

A.stared B.spotted C.slid D.struggled

A.condition B.scenery C.show D.sight

A.call B.comment C.decision D.suggestion

A.outside B.proudly C.by D.angrily

A.achieve B.supply C.appreciate D.react

A.dollar B.job C.hot meal D.gift card

A.in spite of B.instead of C.in favor of D.in case of

A.toys B.medicine C.food D.clothes

A.watery B.sleepy C.curious D.content

A.whoever B.whatever C.wherever D.whenever

A.experience B.example C.message D.adventure

A.rely on B.respect C.learn from D.help

A.suddenly B.truly C.differently D.perfectly

A.money B.time C.power D.patience

A.strong B.sweet C.strange D.simple
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
A senior monk and a junior monk were traveling together. One day, they came to a ________ with a strong current. As the monks were ________  to cross the river, they saw a very young and beautiful woman. She asked if they could help her ________  to the other side.
The two monks glanced at one another because they had ________   not to have physical contact with women.
Then, without a word, the older monk  ________  the woman, carried her across the river, ________ her gently on the other side, and carried on his journey.
The younger monk couldn’t believe ________   had just happened. After rejoining his companion, he was ________ , and several hours passed without a word between them.
________, the younger monk couldn’t contain himself any longer, and asked, “As monks, we are not permitted to have body contact with a woman; how could you then   ________ that woman?”
The________  monk looked at him and replied, “Brother, I set her down on the other side of the river, why are you________  carrying her?”
This simple Zen story has a beautiful message about living in the ________  moment. How often do we carry around past ________ , holding onto dislikes when the only person we are really ________   is ourselves?
We all  ________ times in life when other people say things or ________   in a way that does harm to us. We can   ________  to think carefully over past actions or events, but it will finally weigh us down and use up our energy.
Instead, we can choose to let go of what doesn’t serve us anymore and   ________   on the present moment. Until we can find a level of peace and ________   in the present circumstances of our lives, we will never be content, because “now” is all we will ever have.

A.river B.hole C.bank D.sea

A.hoping B.preparing C.complaining D.taking

A.fly B.jump C.cross D.dive

A.analyzed B.answered C.protected D.promised

A.picked up B.walked away C.threw over D.turned down

A.passed B.directed C.placed D.fixed

A.which B.where C.how D.what

A.sad B.speechless C.nervous D.afraid

A.Originally B.Hesitantly C.Madly D.Finally

A.carry B.fetch C.ship D.point

A.strange B.senior C.cute D.quiet

A.just B.ever C.still D.always

A.past B.permanent C.complex D.present

A.happiness B.pain C.disease D.performance

A.touching B.enjoying C.changing D.hurting

A.go through B.get through C.go for D.get up

A.type B.behave C.involve D.settle

A.pretend B.refuse C.choose D.hesitate

A.concentrate B.depend C.put D.move

A.kindness B.surprise C.happiness D.impression
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I put my sunglasses on and took a deep breath.With her hand held          in mine, we started walking down the street to her first day of school.I knew that she would be crying; she always cries when she is anxious about new       .
As we walked, she asked, “ What if         talks to me?”
“ I know that your         will talk to you.She’ll help you find your seat and she’ll even       you all to each other.And you already know two friends in the class from preschool.They are         too, I bet.”
She          and started to play with her backpack strap.It’s the backpack that we spent 20 minutes         up the night before.And the same one she slipped her small stuffed animal puppy into          she thought I wasn’t looking this morning.
“ What if I get shy and can’t talk to anyone?”
“ You might feel shy at first,” I said to her, “        give yourself a little time and you’ll realize that you are having fun and feeling more          .”
She looked up at me and smiled, as we waited at a stop sign.“ I’m          but really excited.”
“ What are you most excited for?”
I laughed because this was the same girl who weeks before told me she was         .from running one block down the street and needed to rest and drink water to        .
As we turned the corner, her face dropped.The massive group of students gathered everywhere overwhelmed her and her face            fell as the tears swelled up in her eyes.
“ You can do this, sweetie.Everyone has a place to queue up in        let’s go find yours.”
We lined up with her class and just as she was about to cling to my leg         , her friend from preschool stood next to her.In a second, she        .As the teacher began to walk them all into the school, she was not          , not holding onto me, but smiling.I held my husband’s hand, feeling happy and proud.

A.tightly B.naturally C.casually D.carefully

A.expectations B.experiences C.senses D.exercises

A.no one B.someone C.anyone D.everyone

A.sister B.teacher C.friend D.classmate

A.report B.recommend C.mention D.introduce

A.crazy B.nervous C.curious D.cautious

A.looked away B.looked on C.looked up D.looked over

A.washing B.finishing C.packing D.keeping

A.although B.unless C.until D.when

A.so B.but C.or D.and

A.comfortable B.familiar C.worried D.delighted

A.sick B.scared C.tired D.shocked

A.P.E. B.English C.Chinese D.Maths

A.free B.prevented C.exhausted D.separated

A.refuel B.recycle C.reform D.reassure

A.eventually B.slowly C.instantly D.constantly

A.school B.class C.line D.seat

A.naturally B.surprisingly C.roughly D.desperately

A.lit up B.gave in C.came out D.turned over

A.whispering B.crying C.shouting D.jumping
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Raeann Sleith began making bracelets (手链) when she was six. Family and friends loved her designs and asked for more. When admirers suggested that Raeann sell her bracelets, she realized she wanted to do just that — and donate the money to help kids with special needs, like her brother Derek.
Raeann’s older brother, Derek, has cri du chat syndrome. Children with cri du chat usually have problems understanding ideas and might have a hard time learning to talk. Many also have weak muscles that can cause problems with walking or using their fingers to pick things up. The term cri du chat means “cry of the cat” in French. Babies with cri du chat often have a high-pitched cry that sounds like that of a little cat.
Over the years, Derek’s teachers helped him learn sign language and gestures. They also taught him skills such as recognizing letters, cutting with scissors, and understanding basic math. Raeann wanted to donate money to Derek’s school. “I just wanted to help my brother,” she says, “and the people who help him.”
At first, Raeann focused on creating jewelry that would raise awareness for cri du chat. But people started requesting bracelets to wear as a symbol of support and awareness for a variety of other diseases and disorders. To create those symbols, Raeann researched the color most often associated with raising awareness for the disease or disorder, such as pink for breast cancer or orange for leukemia.
In the end, it turned out to be a great idea. In only a few years, Raeann has donated more than $30,000 to local charities. Raeann’s mom says that working on the bracelets has developed the generosity and kindness that already existed in her daughter. Raeann plans to keep making bracelets and raising dollars for charities. “I just want to keep going on with it,” she says, “to help my brother more.”
Paragraph 2 is mainly about _____.

A.the origin of the term cri du chat
B.the research on cri du chat syndrome
C.the treatment for cri du chat syndrome
D.the characteristics of cri du chat syndrome

The bracelets Raeann Sleith has made _____.

A.are decorated with colorful jewels
B.represent different kinds of diseases
C.are very popular all over the world
D.add up to more than 30,000

Which of the following can best describe Raeann Sleith?

A.Caring and generous.
B.Honest and responsible.
C.Polite and determined.
D.Creative and humorous.

The main purpose of the text is to _____.

A.tell us the story of a loving girl
B.show us how to make bracelets
C.introduce a kind of rare disease
D.ask us to donate to local charities
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When I was a teenager I volunteered to work at the water station at a 10,000 m race.  My ________  was to pass out water to the runners. I remember being so excited to see all the different kinds of  ________ who passed by and ________a cup of water. The next year I signed up for the race  and gave it a  ________.
The first 10,000 m race was quite an experience. I jogged, I walked, I jogged and I walked. At times, I didn’t ________if I could finish.
At one point near the end, a 70-year-old man ran past me very         , and I felt embarrassed that I was 50 years younger than him and I couldn’t even keep up with him. I felt ________  for a second.
But then I  ________ something. He was running his race and I was running mine. He had ________  capacities, experience, training and goals for himself. I had mine. Remember my ________  was only to finish.
After a minute, it ________me that this was a lesson I could draw from . I learned ________ about myself in that moment. I turned my  ________into inspiration.
I decided that I would not ________  running races. In fact, I would run even more races and I would learn how to train and________ properly and one day I would be one of those 70-year-olds who were still running. As I  ________the finishing line, I was proud of my  ________.
In life we all have those moments when we________  ourselves to others. It’s only________ . Don’t allow those moments to weaken you. Turn them into  ________  and let them inspire you. Use them to show you what is possible.

A.decision B.target C.position D.direction

A.runners B.trainers C.volunteers D.fans

A.dropped B.drank C.begged D.grabbed

A.shot B.service C.lesson D.experience

A.promise B.know C.answer D.doubt

A.slowly B.quietly C.fast D.carefully

A.satisfied B.amused C.surprised D.defeated

A.realized B.abandoned C.remembered D.forgot

A.valuable B.proper C.wonderful D.different

A.goal B.job C.plan D.dream

A.attracted B.happened C.occurred D.hit

A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything

A.achievement B.agreement C.disappointment D.embarrassment

A.pick up B.give up C.sign up D.keep up

A.pretend B.prepare C.predict D.behave

A.held B.left C.crossed D.found

A.position B.accomplishment C.project D.race

A.contribute B.compare C.combine D.control

A.important B.terrible C.frequent D.natural

A.situation B.protection C.motivation D.condition
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One weekend, my kids and I were heading into the supermarket. On the way, we          a man holding a piece of paper that said, “Lost my job. Family to Feed.”
At this store, a         like this is not normal. My 10-year-old noticed him and made a          on how bad it must be to have to stand          in the cold wind.
In the store, I asked each of my kids to pick something they thought our “friend” there would         . They got apples, a sandwich and a bottle of juice. Then my 17-year-old suggested giving him a        . I thought about it. We were low on cash ourselves, but… well, sometimes giving from our need          our abundance (充裕;丰富) is just what we need to do! All the kids declared something they could do away with for the week.
When we handed him the bag of         , he lit up and thanked us with ___        eyes. When I handed him the gift card, saying he could use it for            his family might need, he burst into tears.
This has been a wonderful          for our family. For days the kids have been looking for others we can         ! Things would have played out so          if I had simply said, “No, we really don’t have         to give more.” Stepping out not only helped a brother in need, it also gave my kids the          taste of helping others. It’ll go a long way with them.

A.stared B.spotted C.slid D.struggled

A.condition B.scenery C.show D.sight

A.call B.comment C.decision D.suggestion

A.outside B.proudly C.by D.angrily

A.achieve B.supply C.appreciate D.react

A.dollar B.job C.hot meal D.gift card

A.in spite of B.instead of C.in favor of D.in case of

A.toys B.medicine C.food D.clothes

A.watery B.sleepy C.curious D.content

A.whoever B.whatever C.wherever D.whenever

A.experience B.example C.message D.adventure

A.rely on B.respect C.learn from D.help

A.suddenly B.truly C.differently D.perfectly

A.money B.time C.power D.patience

A.strong B.sweet C.strange D.simple
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Starting from my early young age,I was a happy child.However,at age twelve,my life had a huge      .I developed obsessive compulsive disorder(OCD).I started to wash my hands ten times an hour to     germs and I frequently checked my kitchen oven to make sure that it was      .This way of life continued for four      years,and by then,my OCD had led to     .I was no longer the happy little girl I had been.I told my mother that I was suffering from depression.So mum took me for a       .The medicine didn’t help me very much.I was still       sad,believing that my life no longer  
One autumn evening two years ago,I      rock bottom.I even thought suicide(自杀)was the only    . to my depression problem,so I wrote a suicide     to my family.As I was folding the note,my       fell on a photograph. It was a picture of a lovely little girl with dark—blue eyes      .of adventure and curiosity.It took me a few minutes to      that the smiling girl in the photo was me.The photo had been taken at one weekend at my uncle’s house when I was seven.Suddenly I felt a       and it was like my younger self had sent me a message.Once I had been a     little girl,and I had to become strong like that again.
I tore up my suicide note and swore that l would have to      the depression with my mind,too.I could make myself happy again.It has been two years       I “rediscovered” myself.I am OCD-and depression-free.I am prepared for whatever      life may bring.My hero is a seven-year-old girl,    back at me from a photo on my desk.

A.request B.breakdown C.outcome D.drawback

A.avoid B.breed C.carry D.examine

A.down B.hot C.off D.clear

A.boring B.careful C.timid D.painful

A.Impression B.pressure C.motivation D.depression

A.doctor B.stranger C.teacher D.schoolmaster

A.generally B.suddenly C.occasionally D.constantly

A.changed B.mattered C.succeeded D.failed

A.lost B.hit C.found D.broke

A.situation B.method C.solution D.relation

A.essay B.notice C.note D.poster

A.hands B.heart C.head D.eyes

A.full B.free C.proud D.fond

A.imagine B.realize C.predict D.guess

A.rest B.fright C.wonder D.chill

A.strong B.beautiful C.young D.curious

A.accept B.fight C.relieve D.distract

A.when B.after C.before D.since

A.concerns B.demands C.challenges D.chances

A.crying B.shouting C.smiling D.Going
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Tom was crossing the road the other day when he saw a red car coming in the distance.He thought the car would _____, as the lights had turned red. _____, the car was going too ____ and Tom soon _____ that it couldn’t stop in time.He _____ to move out of its _____ but it was too late.Tom was ____ down by the red car and lay _____ dead on the road. Passers-by ______ went to him and an ambulance(救护车)was _____for.The driver of the red car didn’t stop, ____one of the men had written down the _____ of the car, which he _____ to the police who arrived at the site(现场).
At the same time, Tom was taken to the ____ and his parents were called for.They were very _____ to hear of the accident and quickly rushed to his ___.For three days Tom was not able to feel or think and his parents were worried that he _____ die.But on the fourth day Tom ____ and spoke softly.His parents were _____.The police by then had _____ the owner of the car and caught hold of him at last.

A.start B.stop C.move D.break

A.Unfortunately B.Obviously C.Besides D.However

A.fast B.slow C.far D.late

A.understood B.realized C.knew D.recognized

A.tried B.managed C.failed D.was able

A.road B.path C.door D.way

A.put B.knocked C.laid D.thrown

A.almost B.already C.still D.obviously

A.slowly B.calmly C.quickly D.carefully

A.looked B.called C.sent D.asked

A.but B.and C.or D.so

A.type B.name C.number D.address

A.took B.gave C.posted D.sent

A.station B.school C.hospital D.home

A.angry B.sad C.surprised D.disappointed

A.head B.side C.body D.hospital

A.must B.might C.could D.should

A.felt sick B.got up C.fell asleep D.woke up

A.surprised B.calm C.glad D.puzzled

A.noticed B.grasped C.heard D.followed
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Insight Without Sight
At the age of eighteen I couldn’t wait to get my first job, which meant I made the first step toward adulthood.
But it was difficult to get a work permit. One day I was dropped off by my parents at the
         , where applicants took their physical tests for work permits. Although I had night blindness, my vision was clearer during the day, which helped me walk        by myself. Then the doctor began the          .He looked into my eyes with a bright light.“I        your parents take you to an eye specialist,”he said,“I suspect you have a retinal(视网膜) disease.If you do, you’ll never        a day in your life…”
My parents did take me to specialists.After much time and money spent seeking an         result, it was determined that I had an eye disease that slowly        a person of sight.But still, during daylight, I could walk without          .I could read, but not for hours.My eyes began to
         and words slipped off the page when I read more than a few pages.However, no matter how tired my eyes became, I never gave up reading.I knew the         of great writers as well as I knew the most popular music stars.Their words were powerful, which         me to try writing.Soon writing brought me a lot of         each time I completed a paper.
Then an important phone call from an editor changed my life.An article I            .appeared in a local newspaper.The newspaper, to my         , continued to print my work.Next, a book series published several of my essays.I got interested in writing and          up with each acceptance.On the pages, readers never knew of my blindness         I chose to present it.For me, finding my voice through writing gave me the pride and satisfaction I         so many years ago.Now, I have numerous essays and articles in       .
Should I be thanking that misguided doctor? By falsely predicting that I could never work a day, he fueled my         into success.He set the bar too      .and focused on what I wouldn’t be able to do.Yet I proved what I could do.

A.station B.clinic C.company D.lab

A.silently B.suddenly C.proudly D.easily

A.operation B.examination C.argument D.treatment

A.desire B.order C.suggest D.command

A.work B.live C.rest D.sleep

A.urgent B.obvious C.ordinary D.accurate

A.robs B.warns C.reminds D.informs

A.medicine B.allowance C.balance D.assistance

A.dance B.shine C.tear D.widen

A.houses B.names C.addresses D.habits

A.asked B.forced C.encouraged D.permitted

A.trouble B.pleasure C.stress D.worry

A.admitted B.wanted C.described D.penned

A.delight B.admiration C.shame D.disappointment

A.gave B.came C.lit D.put

A.unless B.although C.since D.after

A.feared B.brought C.sought D.rejected

A.print B.time C.use D.mind

A.imagination B.motivation C.responsibility D.personality

A.far B.long C.close D.low
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There are many brands of chocolate.If you love it,you can’t forget DOVE --the most famous chocolate brand.But do you know what the meaning of DOVE is?
Dove chocolate is born because of.One day in 1919 Princess Bazaar of Luxembourg's royal family first met the royal kitchen helper Leon.Many nights Leon slipped into the kitchen and various ice creams for Bazaar.They soon fell in love.Unfortunately owing to their quite different social ,both of them had to the deep feelings in heart.
Afterwards Bazaar was made to an arranged royal marriage against her wishes.For many days Leon could not see Bazaar,and he was burning with .Finally Bazaar turned up at the table a month later.While serving desserts,Leon the letters "DOVE" which is an abbreviation of DO YOU LOVE ME with hot chocolate on Bazaar's ice cream.Leon that Bazaar could understand his feeling.
A few days later,Bazaar got.Leon,broken-hearted,could not the mental suffering and left for America,where he and his own family a candy store years later but lived unhappily.
Many years later,they met again before Bazaar’s death.Bazaar that she did eat the ice cream that afternoon but didn't see the letters and also didn't receive any promise from Leon and she had to to her fate and missed him all her lifetime.
Hearing this,Leon broke down in tears.If that chocolate had been,those letters would never have melted and he would not have lost his last.Leon decided to create a solid chocolate which can a long time.
After lots of research,he succeeded and each piece of chocolate was engraved(刻) with the letters –DOVE.It is a of the love between Leon and Bazaar.
Now more and more people fall in love with this chocolate.Giving someone DOVE means sending the of love DO YOU LOVE ME?

A.anger B.sorrow C.love D.envy

A.served B.made C.drew D.heated

A.opinion B.view C.attitude D.status

A.discover B.forget C.bury D.struggle

A.know B.accept C.try D.practise

A.sympathy B.impatience C.joy D.humor

A.mixed B.sent C.wrote D.pressed

A.allowed B.promised C.declared D.expected

A.married B.sick C.bored D.changed

A.repeat B.bear C.reduce D.keep

A.supported B.found C.ran D.sold

A.learned B.recalled C.heard D.believed

A.annoying B.confusing C.interesting D.melting

A.give in B.give up C.give out D.give away

A.powerful B.liquid C.solid D.frozen

A.belief B.promise C.courage D.chance

A.eat B.preserve C.miss D.sell

A.quickly B.happily C.firmly D.lightly

A.symbol B.sign C.survey D.study

A.story B.secret C.rumor D.whisper
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1—15各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。
I moved to a new neighborhood two months ago. In the house with a large ________  across the road lived a taxi driver, a single parent with two school-aged children. At the end of the day, he would________ his taxi on the road. I________   why he did not park it in the garage.
Then one day I learnt that he had another car in his garage. In the afternoon he would come home  ________ work, leave his taxi and go out for his ________ affairs in his other car, not in his taxi. I felt it was ________ .
I was curious to see his personal car but did not make it until I  ________   to be outside one evening two weeks later, when the garage door was ________   and he drove out in his “own” car: a Rolls-Royce(劳斯莱斯)! It shook me completely  ________   I realized what that meant. You see, he was a taxi driver. But deep inside, he saw himself as something else: a Rolls-Royce owner and a(n)  ________  . He drove others in his taxi but himself and his children in his Rolls-Royce. For him, a taxi was just something he drove for a living. Rolls-Royce was something he drove for a (n) ________  .
We go to bed every night and  ________  every morning as parents or children, not as bankers, CEOs or professors. We go for a party as close friends or go for a vacation as a   ________ . We love life as it is. Yet often, we base our entire happiness and success on how high we   ________   the social ladder(梯子)And we never use our Rolls-Royce, by keeping it dusty in our garage. We should focus more on   ________  we are than what we do!

A.window B.garage C.door D.yard

A.park B.stop C.check D.repair

A.knew B.understood C.asked D.wondered

A.for B.out of C.without D.from

A.business B.national C.personal D.public

A.wasteful B.useful C.wonderful D.careful

A.appeared B.happened C.expected D.intended

A.broken B.closed C.shut D.open

A.once B.before C.when D.until

A.driver B.engineer C.father D.son

A.experience B.earning C.life D.position

A.stay up B.wake up C.take up D.warm up

A.family B.company C.team D.whole

A.build B.climb C.stand D.lay

A.who B.what C.which D.where
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day I was in a parking lot when a sincere man came to me asking for help with directions. He had a printout of Google maps from the airport to a ________ on the main street, but couldn’t  ________ it. He clearly didn’t have a phone, so after confirming his written directions, I mapped it on my  ________ and showed him exactly where he needed to go.
He mentioned that he had ________  going there, but there was no such street number and he couldn’t locate his hotel. I ________ it again for him, he thanked me with a big ________, shook my hand, and took off. I got into my car and he got into his, and we ________  ways. As I drove to the next store and went in, I found something wasn’t right about the ________ so I Googled again and  ________  that he was looking for the right  ________  but in a city a half hour away!
Unfortunately it had been several minutes, and in the peak rush hour time, the ________ o f finding him was slim to none. But I decided to give it a ________ and took off in that direction. I had barely  ________ what his car looked like, and was just about to________ . I parked my car and wa________what else I could do when the man drove right by and ________ over into a nearby parking spot, still ________  about where he was.
When I pulled in next to him, he couldn’t believe it. “________  did you find me? ” he asked. “ I’m not sure, but I  ________that you are in the wrong city! ” I showed him the right directions, and after more smiles, laughs and a handshake, we parted ways again. Probably we’ll never  ________   again, but that makes it all the more sweet.

A.hotel B.bank C.school D.store

A.reach B.find C.catch D.check

A.car B.phone C.computer D.map

A.failed B.succeeded C.stopped D.tried

A.explained B.provided C.confirmed D.reminded

A.voice B.surprise C.smile D.praise

A.drove B.passed C.lost D.parted

A.direction B.conduction C.solution D.transportation

A.decided B.expected C.forgot D.realized

A.message B.number C.address D.condition

A.chance B.time C.courage D.idea

A.try B.hand C.look D.speed

A.guessed B.pointed C.cared D.noticed

A.set out B.give in C.put off D.give up

A.remembering B.considering C.believing D.concluding

A.left B.rushed C.headed D.pulled

A.worried B.confused C.excited D.crazy

A.How B.Why C.Where D.When

A.made up B.took in C.figured out D.kept off

A.move B.recognize C.know D.meet
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

From the very beginning, the girl's family objected strongly to her dating this guy. Though the girl loved the guy ____, she always asked him: "How deep is your love for me?" As the guy was not good at words, this often caused the girl to be very ____.
After a couple of years, the guy finally graduated and decided to ____ his studies overseas. Before leaving, he proposed marriage to the girl and promised to ____ her for the whole life. The girl agreed, and with the guy's determination, the family finally ____. Before he went abroad, they got engaged.They often sent their ____ through emails and phone calls. Though it was hard, both never thought of giving up.
One day, while the girl was on her way to work, she was _____ by a car. The collision (碰撞) on her brain has caused her to lose her voice. The girl did not want to be a _____ to him. She ____ him saying that she did not wish to wait any longer. With the letter, she sent the ring back to him.
The girl decided to move away, hoping that she could completely forget ____. In the new environment, the girl learnt the ____ and started a new life. She told herself every day that she must ____ the guy. One day, her friend came and told her that he was ____. She asked her friend not to let him know what had happened to her. Since then, there wasn't any more ____ of him.
A year later, her friend came with an envelope, ____ an invitation card for the guy's wedding. The girl was shattered (打击). When she opened the letter, she saw her own ____ in it. She was about to ask her friend what was the matter ____ she saw the guy standing in front of her. He used the sign language telling her, "I've spent a year ____ the sign language. I want you to know I haven’t forgotten my ____. Let me have the chance to be your voice. I love you." With these, he slipped the ____ back into her finger. The girl finally smiled.

A.deeply B.affectionately C.gently D.kindly

A.pleasant B.foolish C.upset D.happy

A.add B.expand C.do D.further

A.take care of B.get along with C.wait for D.keep in touch with

A.gave up B.gave in C.gave away D.gave out

A.words B.letters C.secret D.love

A.blown down B.broken down C.knocked down D.torn down

A.burden B.package C.weight D.obstacle

A.explained to B.wrote to C.replied to D.spoke to

A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything

A.sign language B.native tongue C.Braille D.foreign language

A.remember B.forget C.leave D.miss

A.away B.out C.back D.in

A.sense B.report C.advice D.news

A.containing B.including C.owning D.combining

A.photo B.name C.promise D.agreement

A.while B.so C.until D.when

A.teaching B.learning C.writing D.creating

A.promise B.permission C.dream D.desire

A.card B.letter C.envelope D.ring
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
