
Todd was working at his gas station(加油站) at night when he heard over the radio that a ___1___ in Long Island had been ___2___ by an armed man who had killed the night guard and got away with $150,000. “One hundred and fifty thousand,” Todd whistled. Here’s a fellow who just ___3___ into a bank and helps himself ___4___ so much money. Todd thought of the ___5___ with which he managed to get the amount of money he ___6___ to start his gas station. So many papers to ___7___. So much money to pay back.
The news ___8___ twenty minutes later. The gunman had ___9___ a car for a ride, and then ___10___ out the driver. He was possibly ___11___ the Southern State Parkway in a white Ford. License plate(车牌) number LJR 1939. The ___12___ of the announcer continued: “__13___ out for white cars. Don’t pick up ___14___, and all you folks in gas stations better not do ___15___ to a white Ford car.”
Todd stood up and ___16___ to see out into the cold night. It was dark but Todd ___17___ the Southern State Parkway was out there. Just ___18___, Todd saw the headlights coming at him and a car pulled in for ___19___. There it was, a white Ford. He saw the ___20___, LJR 1939.
“What should I do?” Todd had to make a quick ___21___.
“Yes, sir?” Todd ___22___ while making up his mind for sure.
“__23__ her up,” the man said sounding like any other ___24___.
When the tank(油箱) was full, Todd quickly turned round and pointed a gun at the man.
“Hands up ___25___ get out.”
1. A. store      B. bank   C. station D. house
2. A. searched for   B. held up      C. taken over  D. broken into
3. A. walks     B. looks  C. marches     D. drives
4. A. for  B. by      C. to       D. of
5. A. satisfaction    B. difficulty    C. disappointment  D. spirit
6. A. saved     B. made  C. offered       D. needed
7. A. collect    B. prove  C. sign    D. write
8. A. continued      B. lasted  C. spread D. arrived
9. A. bought   B. borrowed   C. stolen  D. stopped
10. A. sent      B. found  C. left     D. pushed
11. A. calling from       B. fleeing from      C. heading for D. looking for
12. A. news    B. warning     C. advice D. voice
13. A. Look    B. Run    C. Call    D. Set
14. A. guests   B. strangers    C. prisoners    D. passengers
15. A. harm    B. favor  C. service       D. business
16. A. tried     B. decided      C. hoped D. happened
17. A. considered   B. knew  C. recognized  D. learnt
18. A. then     B. there   C. right   D. now
19. A. directions    B. repairs       C. gas     D. parking
20. A. mark    B. number      C. sign    D. name
21. A. decision       B. call     C. movement  D. remark
22. A. wondered    B. stopped      C. waited D. asked
23. A. Cover   B. Fill     C. Check D. Tie
24. A. visitor  B. robber C. driver D. rider
25. A. or B. and     C. but     D. to

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was the last day of the final examination in a large eastern university.On the steps of one building, a group of students were talking about the exam that was going to begin in a few   21 . On their faces was confidence. This was their   22   exam—then on to graduation and jobs.
Some talked of jobs they already had, others talked of jobs they   23   get. With the certainty of four years of college, they felt   24   and able to take control of the world.
The coming exam, they knew, would be a(n) 25  task, as the professor had said they could bring   26  books or notes they wanted, requesting only that they did not   27  each other during the test.
28   they entered the classroom. The professor passed out the papers. And smiles   29 on the students’ faces as they found there were only five questions.
Three hours had passed   30   the professor began to collect papers. The students no longer looked confident. On their faces was a frightened expression. Papers in hand, no one spoke as the professor faced the class.
He looked at the   31   faces before him, and then asked: “How many completed all five questions?”   32   a hand was raised.
“How many answered four?” Still no hand.
“One, then? Certainly somebody finished   33  .”  But the class remained silent.
The professor put down the papers. “That is exactly what I   34   ,” he said. “I just want you to know that, although you have completed four years of study, there are   35   many things about the   36   you don't know. These questions you could not answer are relatively common in    37     practice.” Then, smiling, he added, “You will all   38  this course, but remember—even though you are now college graduates, your education had just   39   .”
The years have weakened the name of the professor, but not the  40   he taught.
21. A. seconds           B. minutes          C. hours        D. days
22. A. only              B. first             C. very         D. last
23. A. would            B. must             C. had to       D. used to
24. A. glad             B. ready             C. sorry        D. nice
25. A. interesting        B. necessary          C. easy        D. unusual
26. A. no              B. either              C. any         D. some
27. A. listen to          B. look at             C. care for     D. talk to
28. A. Hardly           B. Happily            C. Quickly     D. Carefully
29. A. appeared         B. changed            C. failed       D. stopped
30. A. then             B. as                  C. before       D. after
31. A. pleased           B. worried           C. surprised         D. moved
32. A. Not             B. Once              C. Only            D. Even
33. A. all              B. none              C. one             D. it
34. A. wondered        B. enjoyed            C. hated           D. expected
35. A. even           B. already             C. so              D. still
36. A. exam          B. subject             C. question          D. college
37. A. every day      B.everyday’s           C. everyday         D. every a day
38. A. pass          B. fail                 C. take              D. start
39. A. begun         B. completed           C. failed            D. succeeded
40. A. subject         B. things              C. words           D. lessons

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The lecture on smoking was over at last. As we boys were rushing towards the playground, Jim slipped by the table. The watch, which Mrs Smith had ___1___ on the table as she started her lecture, disappeared.
We were ___2___ to go back for class again when the headmaster called us ___3___ and said, I’ve got a little ___4___ for you boys. Mrs Smith has just lost her watch on the playground. This kind of thing has happened ___5___, she says ---- it just ___6___ off her wrist(手腕). So, look around for it, will you? ___7___ if you’re clever enough to find it. Let’s ___8___ it clear the boy who does ___9___ will get a useful reward(奖赏).
At once we started looking for the watch. Everybody wished to be the ___10___ one. Suddenly, Jim stopped and bent down as if to ___11___ something. And ___12___ he was in front of Mrs Smith, all smiles, ___13___ the watch to her.
Mrs Smith, however, didn’t seem at all ___14___.In fact, she looked angry. She took the watch without ___15___ a “Thank you”.
Jim got ___16___ a large piece of paper from the headmaster, who ___17___ him to write a composition ___18___ the dangers of smoking. What could ___19___ Jim write about? He hadn’t listened to the lecture and had nothing to say on the ___20___.
1. A. seen       B. dropped     C. fond   D. laid
2. A. about     B. able    C. sorry   D. sure
3. A. forward  B. together     C. straight      D. out
4. A. fun B. trick   C. job     D. prize
5. A. before    B. now    C. here    D. there
6. A. goes       B. throws       C. slips    D. falls
7. A. Say B. See     C. Guess  D. Check
8. A. get  B. put     C. make  D. keep
9. A. this B. such    C. that     D. so
10. A. lucky   B. quick  C. early   D. worthy
11. A. put down     B. give away   C. find out      D. pick up
12. A. the following moment B. the next moment
C. for a moment           D. just a moment
13. A. handing out B. turning in   C. giving up   D. sending back
14. A. pleased B. hurt    C. interested   D. worried
15. A. just      B. ever    C. even   D. almost
16. A. her punishment   B. her prize    C. his job       D. his reward
17. A. had      B. made  C. told    D. helped
18. A. of B. on      C. in       D. at
19. A. poor     B. nervous      C. quick  D. good
20. A. lecture  B. point   C. matter D. subject

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

James shook his money box again. Nothing! He carefully  36  the coins that lay on the bed. $24.52 was all that he had. The bicycle he wanted was $90!  37  on earth was he going to get the  38  of the money? He knew that his friends all had bicycles. It was  39  to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels. He thought about what he could do. There was no  40  to ask his parents, for he knew they had no money to  41 . There was only one way to get money, and that was to  42  it. He would have to find a job.  43  who would hire him and what could he do? He decided to ask Mr Clay for advice, who usually had _44 in most things. "Well, you can start right here," said Mr Clay. "My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing." That was the  45  of James’s odd-job (零工) business. For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He was surprised by the  46   jobs that people found for him to do. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books. He lost count of the  47  of cars he washed and windows he cleaned, but the  48  increased and he knew that he would soon have  49  for the bicycle he was dying for. The day  50  came when James counted his money and found $94.32. He  51  no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode  52  home, looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends. It had been hard  53   for the money, but James knew that he valued his bicycle far more  54  he had bought it with his own money. He had  55  what he thought was impossible, and that was worth even more than the bicycle.

A.cleaned B.covered C.counted D.checked

A.How B.Why C.Who D.What

A.amount B.part C.sum D.rest

A.brave B.hard C.smart D.unfair

A.need B.reason C.result D.right

A.separate B.spend C.spare D.save

A.borrow B.earn C.raise D.collect

A.Or B.So C.For D.But

A.decisions B.experience C.opinions D.knowledge

A.beginning B.introduction C.requirement D.opening

A.similar B.ashamed C.peaceful D.various

A.brand B.number C.size D.type

A.effort B.pressure C.money D.trouble

A.all B.enough C.much D.some

A.finally B.instantly C.normally D.regularly

A.gave B.left C.took D.wasted

A.patiently B.proudly C.silently D.tiredly

A.applying B.asking C.looking D.working

A.since B.if C.than D.though

A.deserved B.studied C.achieved D.learned

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As I drove my blue Buick into the garage. I saw that a yellow Oldsmobile was ___21___ too close to my space. I had to drive back and forth to get my car into the ___22___ space. That left ___23___ enough room to open the door. Then one day I arrived home___24___, and just as I turned off the engine, the yellow Oldsmobile entered its space — too close to my car, ___25___. At last I had a chance to meet the driver. My patience had ___26___ and I shouted at her, “Can’t you see you’re not___27___ me enough space? Park father over.” Banging(猛推) open her door into ___28___, the driver shouted back: “Make me!” ___29___ this she stepped out of the garage. Still, each time she got home first, she parked too close to my ___30___. Then one day, I thought, “What can I do?” I soon found ___31___. The next day the woman ___32___ a note on her windshield(挡风玻璃):
Dear Yellow Oldsmobile,
I’m sorry my mistress(女主人) shouted at yours the other day. She’s been sorry about it. I know it because she doesn’t sing anymore while ___33___. It wasn’t like her to scream ___34___. Fact is, she’d just got bad news and was taking it out on you two. I ___35___ you and your mistress will ___36___ her.
Your neighbor,
Blue Buick
When I went to the___37___ the next morning, the Oldsmobile was gone, but there was a note on my windshield:
Dear Blue Buick,
My mistress is sorry, too. She parked so___38___ because she just learned to drive. We will park much farther over after this. I’m glad we can be___39___ now.
Your neighbor,
Yellow Oldsmobile
After that, whenever Blue Buick ___40___ Yellow Oldsmobile on the road, their drivers waved cheerfully and smiled.
21. A. driven  B. parked       C. stopped      D. stayed
22. A. complete     B. close   C. narrow       D. fixed
23. A. quite    B. nearly C. seldom       D. hardly
24. A. hurriedly     B. first    C. finally D. timely
25. A. as usual       B. as planned  C. as well       D. as yet
26. A. run into       B. run about   C. run out       D. run off
27. A. keeping       B. saving C. offering     D. leaving
28. A. mine    B. hers    C. itself   D. ours
29. A. For      B. With   C. From  D. Upon
30. A. room    B. area    C. front   D. side
31. A. an instruction      B. a result       C. an answer   D. a chance
32. A. put       B. wrote  C. sent    D. discovered
33. A. working      B. driving       C. returning    D. cooking
34. A. on end  B. so long       C. like that     D. any more
35. A. hope    B. know  C. suppose      D. suggest
36. A. comfort       B. help    C. forgive       D. please
37. A. office   B. flat     C. place   D. garage
38. A. crazily  B. eagerly       C. noisily       D. early
39. A. neighbors    B. friends       C. drivers       D. writers
40. A. followed      B. passed C. found  D. greeted

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

At a young age, her doctor told Patti Wilson she was an epileptic(羊癫疯患者). Her father was a morning jogger. One day she   31   and said, “Daddy, what I’d really love to do is run with you every day, but I’m afraid I can’t do it.” Her father   32    her to start running.
That’s just what they did every   33  . It was a   34   experience for them. After a few weeks, Patti said, still smiling, “Daddy, what I’d really love to do is break the world’s long-distance running record for  35   .”
Her father   36    The Guinness Book of World Records and found that the farthest distance any woman had run was 80 miles. As a freshman(新生) in high school, Patti    37   , “I’m going to run from Orange County up to San Francisco(about 400 miles).” “As a sophomore(二年级学生),” she went   38   , “I’m going to run to Portland, Oregon(about 1,500 miles). As a junior I’ll run to St. Louis(about 2,000 miles). As a senior I’ll run to the White House (about 3,000 miles).”
In   39   of her disease, Patti was as ambitious(有野心的) as she was enthusiastic. She looked at being an epileptic as simply “an   40  ”. She focused not on what she had   41   , but on what she had left.
That year, together with her father, she completed her   42   to San Francisco wearing a T-shirt that   43  , “I love Epileptics.”
In her sophomore year, Patti’s classmates got behind her. They made a huge poster that read, “Run, Patti, Run!” This has since   44   her motto and the title of a book she has written. During this marathon, she broke a bone in her foot. A doctor told her that she had to   45     her run. But Patti said she wasn’t running for herself; she was   46   to break the chains on the brains that limited so many others. She asked the doctor   47    or not there was a way she could keep running. He said he could wrap it in adhesive(粘合剂)  48   putting it in a cast(石膏), but he   49   her that it would be extremely painful. She told the doctor to wrap it up.
Later, after four months of running from the West Coast to the East Coast, Patti arrived in Washington and shook the hand of the President of the United States. She told him, “I wanted people to know that epileptics are normal human beings with   50   lives.”
31. A. smiled         B. cried           C. laughed         D. wept
32. A. agreed         B. suggested       C. encouraged       D. promised
33. A. afternoon        B. morning         C. night           D. evening
34. A. terrible         B. fortunate        C. dangerous      D. wonderful
35. A. women         B. men            C. students         D. patients
36. A. questioned      B. checked          C. inspected       D. interviewed
37.A. broadcasted      B. told           C. informed        D. announced
38. A. up             B. forward          C. on              D. upon
39. A. honor         B. view           C. favor           D. charge
40. A. accident              B. coincidence           C. influence       D. inconvenience
41. A. lost             B. dropped         C. improved       D. received
42. A. distance              B. task            C. run            D. study
43. A. showed         B. said            C. wrote                D. read
44. A. come           B. become          C. gone          D. went
45. A. continue         B. stop            C. keep            D. struggle
46. A. working          B. jogging          C. walking             D. running
47. A. whether              B. when          C. if               D. where
48. A. in addition to      B. in spite of       C. instead of       D. regardless of
49. A. asked           B. warned           C. advised          D. comforted
50. A. common         B. unique         C. special           D. normal

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On May 27, 1995, our life was suddenly changed. It happened a few minutes past three, ___36___ my husband, Chris, fell from his horse as it ___37___ over a fence. Chris was paralyzed(瘫痪) from the chest down, ___38___ to breathe normally. As he was thrown from his horse, we entered into a life of ___39___with lots of unexpected challenges(挑战). We went from the “haves” to the “have-nots”. Or so we thought.
___40___ what we discovered later were all the gifts that came out of ___41___ difficulties. We came to learn that something ___42___could happen in a disaster. All over the world people ___43___Chris so much that letters and postcards poured in every day. By the end of the third week in a ___44___center in Virginia, about 35,000 pieces of ___45___ had been received and sorted.
As ___46___, we opened letter after letter. They gave us ___47___ and became a source of strength for us. We used them to ___48___ ourselves. I would go to the pile of letters marked with “Funny” if we needed a ___49___, or to the “Disabled” box to find advice from people in wheelchairs or ___50___in bed living happily and ___51___.
These letters, we realized, had to be shared. And so ___52___ we offer one of them to you.
Dear Chris,
My husband and I were so sorry to hear of your___53___ accident last week. No doubt your family and your friends are giving you the strength to face this ___54___ challenge. People everywhere are also giving you best wishes every day and we are among those who are keeping you ___55___.
Yours Sincerely,
Nancy Reagan
36.A.since      B. before C. when  D. while
37. A. walked B. climbed      C. pulled D. jumped
38. A. able     B. unable C. suitable      D. unsuitable
39. A. disability     B. possession  C. convenience       D. experience
40. A. So       B. For     C. Or      D. Yet
41. A. sharing B. separating   C. fearing       D. exploiting
42. A. terrible B. similar       C. wonderful  D. practical
43. A. wrote for     B. cared for    C. hoped for   D. sent for
44. A. medical       B. postal  C. experimental      D. mental
45.A. news     B. paper  C. equipment  D. mail
46. A. patients       B. a family     C. nurses D. a group
47. A. effect   B. effort  C. comfort      D. explanation
48. A. encourage    B. express       C. control       D. treat
49. A. cry       B. laugh  C. chat    D. sigh
50. A. much   B. never  C. even   D. seldom
5l. A. bitterly  B. fairly  C. weakly       D. successfully
52. A. here     B. there   C. therefore    D. forward
53. A. driving B. flying C. running      D. riding
54. A. technical      B. different     C. difficult     D. valuable
55. A. nearby  B. close   C. busy   D. alive

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I hadn’t really planned on taking a trip this time of year, and yet I found myself packing rather hurriedly. I knew in   36   that this trip was going to be unpleasant.
I’m talking about my annual Guilt Trip. I got tickers to fly there on WISH – I – HAD’ airlines. I   37   my baggage all the way, which was weighted down with a thousand   38   of ‘what might have been’. No one greeted me at the ‘Regret City’ International Airport.
As I   39   into the Last Resort Hotel, I noticed to miss that great   41   occasion.
Many leading citizens went there. First, there was the ‘Should – Have - Done’ family.   42   came the ‘I – Wish’ family. Of course, the ‘Opportunities’ family, ‘Missed and Lost’, surely made an   43  . They each had a dad story to share. ‘It’s – Their - Fault’ treated us with stories about   44  things had failed in his life, and each story was applauded by ‘Don’t – Blame - Me’ and ‘I – Couldn’t – Help – It.’
To make a long   45   short, I became very depressed at the party   46  .
But as I though about all the stories of failures   47  from the past, it occurred to me that all of this trip and ‘pity party’ could have been cancelled by ME!
I truly realized that I didn’t have to be there to be   48  . One thing kept going through my mind – I can’t change yesterday, but I   49   have the power to make today a wonderful day. Knowing this, I left ‘Regret City’ immediately. Am I sorry for   50  I’ve made in the past? YES! But there is no physical way to undo them.
So, if you’re planning a trip to ‘Regret City’, please cancel all your reservations now.   51  , take a trip to a placed called ‘Starting Again’, which I like so much that I’ve made it my   52   residence. My neighbors, the ‘I – Forgive - Myselfs’ and the ‘New - Starts’ are so very helpful.
By the way, you don’t have to carry   53   heavy baggage, because the load is lifted from your shoulders   54   arrival. Surely you’ll find this great town – it’s in your own heart. Look me up if you’re ready for a (n)   55   changer in your life. I live on ‘I – CAN – DO – IT ’ Street.
36.A.person         B.time         C.advance       D.secret
37.A.grasped       B.held         C.lifted         D.dragged
38.A.inspirations      B.prescriptions    C.memories     D.souvenirs
39.A.checked       B.prepared      C.reserved       D.accessed
40.A.creating       B.hosting        C.introducing      D.participating
41.A.political       B.social              C.historical     D.cultural
42.A.There          B.Thus         C.Finally        D.Then
43.A.achievement     B.appearance       C.appointment     D.announcement
44.A.where          B.whether       C.how         D.which
45.A.story         B.event         C.comedy       D.tragedy
46.A.after all       B.in public      C.ever since     D.as usual
47.A.brought back    B.taken down      C.kept up        D.carried on
48.A.motivated     B.depressed     C.refreshed     D.impressed
49.A.could              B.might          C.did           D.do
50.A.attempts      B.preparations     C.mistakes      D.efforts
51.A.Instead        B.Nevertheless     C.Therefore     D.However
52.A.independent     B.mature         C.permanent     D.dynamic
53.A.away         B.through       C.out           D.around
54.A.beyond        B.upon         C.under              D.above
55.A.total         B.abrupt         C.punctual      D.severe

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My friend Michelle is blind, but you’d never know it. She makes such good use of her other   36    , including her “sixth sense”, that she rarely gives the impression she’s   37  anything.
Michelle looks after her children pretty much like the rest of us,   38   that she doesn’t push too hard on them,   39   really benefit a lot from her relaxed attitude. She knows when to clean the house. She moves around so fast that often   40   don’t realize she’s blind.
I  41 this the first time after my six-year-old daughter, Kayla, went to play there. When Kayla came home, she was very   42 about her day. She told me they had baked cookies, played games and done art projects. But she was   43 excited about her finger-painting project.
“Mom, guess what?” said Kayla, all smiles. "I learned how to   44 colors today! Blue and red make purple, and yellow and blue make green! And Michelle   45   with us.
To my great   46    , my child had learnt about color from a blind friend!
Then Kayla continued, “Michelle told me my  47 showed joy, pride and a sense of accomplishment. She really   48    what I was doing!” Kayla said she had never felt how good finger paints felt   49   Michelle showed her how to paint without looking at her paper.
I realized Kayla didn’t know that Michelle was blind. It had just never   50  in conversation.
When I told her, she was   51   for a moment. At first, she didn’t believe me. “But Mommy, Michelle knew exactly what was in my picture!” Kayla   52  . And I knew my child was   53   because Michelle had listened to Kayla describe her artwork. Michelle had also heard Kayla's   54  in her work,
We were silent for a minute. Then Kayla said slowly, “You know, Mommy, Michelle really did ‘see’ my picture. She just used my   55  .”
Indeed, she uses a special type of “vision” that all mothers have.

A.ways B.means C.methods D.senses

A.enjoyed B.found C.missed D.lost

A.and B.except C.even D.but

A.who B.it C.she D.which

A.guests B.family C.children D.friends

A.realized B.heard C.recognized D.witnessed

A.excited B.sad C.satisfied D.enjoyed

A.especially B.not so C.a little D.not at all

A.paint B.draw C.create D.mix

A.stayed B.painted C.talked D.played

A.excitement B.encouragement C.delight D.surprise

A.attitude B.color C.picture D.paper

A.touched B.distinguished C.saw D.understood

A.after B.before C.until D.when

A.referred to B.turned out C.come up D.talked about

A.curious B.quiet C.puzzled D.worried

A.cried B.insisted C.complained D.informed

A.right B.wrong C.worried D.uncertain

A.shortcomings B.difficulties C.pride D.description

A.paper B.pens C.hands D.eyes

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Two runners stand side by side at the starting line of a race. Both look every strong and fast. __41__ one runner speeds ahead and wins the race. The other falls behind.
Some sportsmen can reach great goals__42_ the achievement of an Olympic gold medal while others__43__live up to their promise. What kind of __44_ before a race or other event makes the __45__?
Everyone knows that sportsmen work out to strengthen(加强) their __46_. But research shows that strengthening the mind may be just as __47__. Careful study shows that the best sportsmen win __48__ because they think they can win.
Thinking positive(乐观的) thoughts seems to give possibility for __49__ in sports. People who say to themselves over and over, “I know I can do this,” often find they have the __50__ to win. On the other hand, people who think “I can’t win” often __51__.
One procedure(步骤)that helps many sportsmen is creating __52__ in the mind. They are told to think of each __53__ they must make to win. Some use pictures that are more fanciful. One skater liked to __54__ a star bursting inside her, __55__ her with energy. Another sportsman who wanted to feel __56__ pictured himself as a __57__ floating(漂浮) in the air.
Next time you want to do something well, try training your __58__ to help you. Perhaps a teacher or other instructor can help you plan your training. If you imagine yourself doing better, you may soon see __59__ in what you __60__ can do. Positive thinking and picture created in your mind can help you win!

A.Therefore B.And C.But D.While

A.for example B.so on C.in all D.such as

A.always B.never C.sometimes D.not

A.preparation B.picture C.plan D.working

A.same B.difference C.most D.best

A.mind B.thought C.bodies D.legs

A.important B.interesting C.possible D.correct

A.mostly B.almost C.partly D.nearly

A.success B.goals C.win D.failure

A.disadvantage B.advantage C.luck D.hope

A.fail B.succeed C.win D.pass

A.ideas B.pictures C.thoughts D.movements

A.move B.step C.jump D.place

A.think B.imagine C.hope D.wish

A.giving B.helping C.filling D.supporting

A.calm B.excited C.encouraged D.happy

A.fish B.bird C.cat D.horse

A.body B.mind C.thoughts D.imagination

A.improvement B.advantage C.chance D.winning

A.usually B.really C.possibly D.mostly

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Instroduction to Letters to Sam
Dear Reader,
Please allow me to tell you something before you  read this book. When my   36  ,Sam, was born, my heart was filled with joy. I had been sitting in a wheelchair for 20 years before then,and I have been  37  ill many times.So I wonderfuled if would  have the   38  to tell Sam what I had   39  .
For years I have been hosting a program on the   40 and writing  articles for a magazine.Being  41  to move freely,I have learned to sit still and keep my heart   42  , exchanging thoughts with thousands of listeners and   43  . So when Sam was born ,I  44 to tell him about school and friendship,Romance and work,Love and everything else. That’s how I started  to write these  45  . I hoped  that Sam would   46  them  sooner or later.
However,that expedition  47  when  Sam showed signs of autism(自闭症)at the age of two.He had actually  stopped talking before the discovery of the signs.He  48  to communicate with others,even the family members.That was  49  for me but didn’t stop me writing on.I realized that I had even  50  now to tell him.I wanted him to  51  what it means to be “different ”from others,and learn  how to fight  against  the misfortune  he’ll  52  as I myself,his grandfather,did. I just  53 if  I could write all  that I wanted  to say in the rest of my life.
Now, 54  the book has been published,I have been given the chance.Every chapter in the book is a  letter to Sam:some about my life,and all about what it means to be a  55  .
Daniel GOttliebe

A.son B.Nephew C.brother D.grandson

A.seriously B.mentally C.slightly D.quietly

A.ability B.Time C.courage D.responsibility

A.written B.suffered C.observed D.lost

A.Radio B.Television C.stage D.bed

A.ready B.unable C.anxious D.eager

A.warm B.broken C.closed D.open

A.hosts B.visitors C.readers D.reporters

A.Began B.stopped C.forgot D.decided

A.Letters B.emails C.books D.diaries

A.find B.read C.collect D.keep

A.developed B.disappeared C.changed D.arrived

A.tried B.refused C.regretted D.hoped

A.exciting B.acceptable C.strange D.heartbreaking

A.less B.everything C.more D.nothing

A.understand B.explain C.believe D.question

A.fear B.face C.know D.cause

A.felt B.guessed C.saw D.doubled

A.as B.once C.though D.if

A.teacher B.child C.man D.writer

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
One evening after dinner,Mr.and Mrs.Bond called a family meeting.“We’ve had to make a  36  decision,” Mr.Bond announced.“You see,your mother has been offered a post as co-director of a TV station in Chicago. 37 ,the station is not here.After  38  long and hard about it,we’ve  39  that the right decision is to move to Chicago.”
Marc looked  40 ,while his sister Rachel breathlessly started asking when they’d be moving.“It’s surprising but exciting!” she said.Marc simply said,“I can’t leave my  41 . I’d rather stay here and live with Tommy Lyons !”
The Bonds hoped that by the time they moved to Chicago in August,Marc would grow more  42  the idea of leaving.However,he showed no  43  of accepting the decision,refusing to  44  his belongings.
45  the morning of their move,Marc was nowhere to be found.His parents called Tommy Lyons’ house,but Mrs.Lyons said she hadn’t seen Marc.Mrs.Bond became increasingly  46  while her husband felt angry with their son for behaving so  47 .
What they didn’t know was that Marc had started to walk over to Tommy’s house with a faint idea of  48  in Lyons’ attic (阁楼) for a few days.But as he walked along,all the  49  landscape of his neighbourhood  50  him of the things he and his family had done together : the green fence he and his mother had painted;the trees he and his sister used to  51  while playing hide-and-seek;the park  52  he and his father often took walks together.How much would these  53  without his family,who made them special in the first place ? Marc didn’t take the  54  to answer that question but instead,he hurried back to his house, 55  if the were any boxes the right size to hold his record collection.
36.A.different      B.quick           C.wise                D.final
37.A.Besides            B.However          C.Therefore     D.Even though
38.A.thinking          B.quarrelling       C.complaining     D.arguing
39.A.known             B.recognized       C.concluded     D.insisted
40.A.shocked           B.puzzled            C.disappointed     D.excited
41.A.classmates     B.friends             C.neighbours       D.parents
42.A.delighted at      B.pleased with     C.used to            D.worried about
43.A.ways               B.signs           C.interests       D.hopes
44.A.pack                B.collect             C.tie                   D.pile
45.A.Before             B.In                   C.On                  D.During
46.A.anxious           B.angry                 C.frightened     D.miserable
47.A.rudely             B.irregularly          C.irresponsibly   D.naughtily
48.A.hiding             B.staying            C.sleeping           D.living
49.A.beautiful      B.familiar           C.splendid       D.modern
50.A.recalled           B.remembered     C.warned            D.reminded
51.A.plant           B.water           C.climb                 D.hide
52.A.which              B.where              C.that                 D.what
53.A.cost                 B.value           C.mean               D.measure
54.A.time                B.courage           C.strength           D.patience
55.A.looking           B.wondering              C.asking             D.expecting

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When Winsion Chruchill was a young man, his father concluded that Churchill was “unfit for a career in law or politics” because he did so badly in school.
When Charles Darwin was getting ready to  36  on his five-year expedition on The Beagle, his father was extremely  37  . he thought his son was falling into a life of sin and idleness.
Gorge Washington’s mother was a complaining,   38  woman by all accounts. She thought little of Washington’s achievements and didn’t   39  at either of his presidential inaugurations(就职典礼). She was always  40  that her children overlooked her and she was especially angry when her son George ran off to  41  the army for the American Revolution. She   42  believed it was his duty to stay home and take care of her.
In his youth, the  43  Leonard Bernstein, one of the most talented and successful composers in American history, was continually pressured by his father to  44  his music and do something worthwhile, like help out in his family’s beauty-supply business. After Leonard became  45  , his father was asked about that, and he answered, “Well, how was I supposed to know he was the Leonard Bernstein?”
People may criticize you or make fun of your ideas or actively try to  46  you. Often their efforts are only attempts to protect you from  47  . But obviously failure is only a possibility if you stop. If you keep  48  , a “failure” is just another learning  49  . Besides, giving up on a heartfelt goal is worse than failing. “Many people die”, said Wendell Holmes, “with their  50  still in them.” That’s true tragedy.
So listen  51  to the worries and criticisms of your friends and family, and do your best to put their minds  52  , but then carry on. Listen last to your own heart. You   53  yourself better than anyone on earth. Make sure your song is  54  .
Listen to your own heart. Don’t let your music   55  with you.
36.A.set sail         B.take charge      C.make progress  D.set examples
37.A.excited        B.pleased        C.disappointed     D.affected
38.A.self-confident   B.self-centered    C.kind-hearted     D.cold-blooded
39.A.show off      B.show up       C.pick out       D.pick up
40.A.claiming      B.expecting     C.complaining     D.declaring
41.A.fight         B.beat          C.attend          D.command
42.A.foolishly      B.secretly        C.bravely        D.honestly
43.A.late          B.latter         C.former         D.later
44.A.take up        B.give up        C.pick up        D.bring up
45.A.proud          B.diligent        C.professional     D.famous
46.A. advise        B.suggest        C.stop          D.keep
47.A.failure        B.success        C.stop          D.keep
48.A.stopping      B.starting        C.going              D.coming
49.A.method        B.experiment       C.approach      D.experience
50.A.music          B.article          C.movie          D.poem
51.A.politely       B.rudely         C.responsibly      D.actively
52.A.in order       B.at case         C.in use          D.at war
53.A.trust         B.believe        C.know         D.doubt
54.A.finished       B.completed     C.written        D.sung
55.A.live          B.die           C.sound          D.play

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I was told just now in the hospital that I was having a Bell's palsy attack, a condition in which the face muscles tighten because of stress. During the long car ride home, all I could think about was my coming interview. But now I could not even    31  myself in the mirror and my lips was unable to open normally, surely all the other applicants would have the    32  , I concluded.
However, I wouldn’t let my own self-consciousness    33  me. Not now, not when I had   34    so hard for so long to be given this opportunity. This was the kind of position I'd dreamed of for all these years.  “Mom,    35  me off on Jacob Street. I'm going to the    36  .”
“Honey, I don't think you should. You look...  37  ,” she said, ever so gently.
I knew she was   38  . But if I didn't, I'd always   39  if I could have gotten my dream job.
"No, Mom, take me there.”
40  , she took me where I wanted to go.
"Hello,” a gray-haired man sitting behind the large desk   41  me. “Miss Jenkins?”
“Yes. Please excuse me. I'm having a Bell's palsy attack. My doctor explained to me that it would last a few days. I came right from the   42  .”
“You're very    43  to come when you're in such a state,” he   44  , after a pause.
He spent a few minutes looking through my   45  . “Is everything on here   46  ?” he asked.
“Yes, but I    47  to mention I type seventy-five words per minute.”
“Well, you have an impressive background with related experience, you are    48  qualified. When are you    49  ?” he asked. 
I took a deep breath and asked, “You're hiring me?”
“Not only have you got the skills I'm looking for, you also have the   50  .” He gave me a big smile.
31.   A.forgive                    B.recognize               C.believe                    D.control
32.   A.chance                    B.advantage                C.courage                  D.sympathy
33.   A.pardon                     B.stop                        C.help                        D.transform
34.   A.driven                   B.turned                     C.prepared                 D.worked
35.   A.take                     B.pull                         C.drop                   D.send
36.   A.supermarket             B.interview                 C.doctor                    D.office
37.   A.weak                    B.annoying              C.angry                            D.strange
38.   A.right                        B.kind                        C.wrong                    D.sensitive
39.   A.regret                     B.believe                    C.wonder                   D.quit
40.   A.Hopefully                 B.Unwillingly              C.Fortunately             D.Unexpectedly
41.   A.doubted                   B.greeted                   C.examined                D.discouraged
42.   A.hospital                    B.home                   C.office                       D.work
43.   A.determined               B.crazy                      C.disrespectful           D.funny
44.   A.stressed                   B.interrupted              C.commented             D.complained
45.   A.face                        B.health                     C.application              D.situation
46.   A.correct                    B.normal                    C.incredible                D.contradictory
47.   A.pretended                 B.demanded               C.focused                 D.failed
48.   A.narrowly                  B.possibly                  C.impossibly              D.certainly
49.   A.accessible                      B.convenient              C.energetic                 D.available
50.   A.qualification             B.appearance              C.character                      D.disadvantage

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Just ten years ago, I sat across the desk from a doctor with a serious look. “Yes,” he said, “there is a serious injury in the left lung…” I listened, too  21  to speak, as he continued, “You’ll have to  22  work at once and go to bed. Later on, we’ll see.” He gave no definite promise of recovery.
Feeling like a man who has suddenly been placed under  23  of death. In the next three days, I   24  my affairs; then I went home, got into bed, and set my watch to tick off not the minutes,   25  the months. Two and a half years and many crashed hopes later, I left my bed and began the long  26  back. It was another year before I made it.
I speak of this experience because these years that passed so  27  taught me what to believe and what to  28 . They said to me: Take time,   29  time takes you. I realize now that this world I’m living in is not my oyster(牡蛎)to be opened but my opportunity to be  30  . To me, each day is such a   31 gift. The sun comes up and presents me with 24 brand new, wonderful hours—not to pass, but to  32  .
I’ve learned to  33  those little but all-important things I never thought I had the time to notice before: the play of light on  34  water, the music of the wind in my favorite pine tree. I seem now to see and hear and feel with some of the recovered  35   of childhood. I recall the touch of the springy earth under my feet the day I first stepped upon it after the years in bed. It was like  36  one’s citizenship in a world one had nearly lost.   37  ,I sit back and say to myself, let me make a   38  of this moment I’m living right now. All this, I owe to that long time spent on the deadlines of life. Wiser people come to this awareness  39  having to acquire it the hard way. But I wasn’t wise enough. I’m   40  now, a little, and happier.
21.A.frightened     B.embarrassed     C.shocked      D.confused
22.A.pick up        B.give up        C.take up       D.keep up
23.A.sentence      B.shadow        C.pressure      D.trial
24.A.figured out      B.looked after     C.cleared up    D.concentrated on
25.A.or            B.and          C.nor          D.but
26.A.jump         B.walk         C.rush        D.climb
27.A.quickly        B.slowly         C.quietly        D.easily
28.A.expect         B.desire          C.obtain         D.value
29.A.before         B.after         C.until        D.when
30.A.picked         B.accepted      C.grasped       D.quitted
31.A.precious      B.potential      C.pleasant      D.permanent
32.A.spend          B.fill           C.employ       D.kill
33.A.observe       B.appreciate     C.ignore        D.respect
34.A.falling         B.rolling         C.running      D.pouring
35.A.Ignorance     B.absence       C.Carelessness  D.freshness
36.A.regaining     B.requiring     C.rebuilding    D.recovering
37.A.Regularly     B.Immediately     C.Frequently   D.Continuously
38.A.copy         B.note         C.study        D.summary
39.A.beyond        B.by            C.without       D.through
40.A.better              B.stronger       C.wiser        D.Healthier

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
