Directions:Read the passage carefully.Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.
Financial setbacks in the form of pay cuts are having a trickle-down effect(涓滴效应) as the depression persists.Families across America are cutting or even axing kids’ allowances(零花钱) to reflect what’s going on with household finances and the economy as a whole.
Some jobless parents are doing it out of necessity.Other parents are using allowance adjustments to teach children about economic realities and how to budget in learner times.
‘Try to use relevant news to explain the reasons behind the depression and how it’s hitting home.If they see it obvious in their own allowance, they’ll feel the impact and see how it all ties in,’ says financial consultant Antwone Harris.
Any reduction in allowance should be understood in age-appropriate communication, says Dr.Tony Meyer, a child psychiatrist(精神科医生) and medical director of Aurora Psychiatric Hospital.Six- to 12-year-olds are mature enough for a frank talk, but don’t set them back with a lot of details.It’s sufficient to say their allowance is lower because Mom or Dad is getting paid less at work, so there’s less money for the family to spend.With 12- to 18-year-olds, you can broaden the discussion to include the banking crisis and other factors that contributed to the depression, Meyer says.Younger kids have the idea that they’re at the center of things, and adolescents by mature are especially self-concerned.‘They’ll think they’re responsible,’ Meyer says.
A cut in allowance might seem punishing, so the message that the child is not at fault needs to come across.Depending on the child’s age, ‘You can also ask them to bring some income by working a job or helping more around the house so Mom or Dad can work more,’ he says.Kids can also contribute by means of taking over landscaping services previously done by a paid professional.‘You’ll pay lower rates, and the money stays in the family,’ financial consultant Antwone Harris remarks.Meyer also suggests implementing a stimulant program to cut household expenses.Anyone who comes up with a cost-cutting idea get 10 percent of the savings.
That way, they’ll come to understand that a paycheck only goes so far, and decisions and sacrifices are part of responsible money management.
(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS.)___________ is American families’ response to the financial depression.
What are both jobless and other parents using allowance adjustments to teach their children about?
When communicating with 12-to 18-year-olds about reduction in allowance, parents can broaden the discussion through ________.
Besides ‘working a job or helping more around the house’, what are the other two suggestions put forward by Meyer to bring some income to kids?
Basic Math introduces students to the basic concepts of mathematics,as well as the fundamentals of more tricky areas.These 30 fantastic lectures are designed to provide students with an understanding of arithmetic and to prepare them for Algebra(代数) and beyond.
The lessons in Basic Math cover every basic aspect of arithmetic.They also look into exponents(指数),the order of operations,and square roots.In addition to learning how to perform various mathematical operations,students discover why these operations work,how a particular mathematical topic relates to other branches of mathematics,and how these operations can be used practically.
Basic Math starts from the relatively easier concepts and gradually moves on to the more troublesome ones,so as to allow for steady and sure understanding of the material by students.The lectures offer students the chance to “make sense” of mathematical knowledge that may have seemed so frightening.They also help students prepare for college mathematics and overcome their anxiety about this amazing—and completely understandable—field of study.
By the conclusion of the course,students will have improved their understanding of basic math.They will be able to clear away the mystery of mathematics and face their studies with more confidence than they ever imagined.In addition,they will strengthen their ability to accept new and exciting mathematical challenges.For what purpose is the passage written? (within 6 words)
What does the author mean by the underlined word ‘beyond’ in paragraph 1? (within 5 words)
How many lectures will you attend if you join in the course? (within 2 words)
How will the lectures be arranged? (within 6 words)
Why at the end of the course will students be able to face their later studies with confidence? (within 10 words)
How do you keep a library when you’ve got no room for your books? With rising rents and record numbers of young people having to move with their parents, it’s clear that we are a moving generation.
As a student in Leeds I moved three times in four years; in London it was seven times in three years. Regularly having to load our possessions into laundry bags and boxes takes a lot of our finance and energy, but the effect on our book collections is rarely considered.
Keeping a collection of beloved books in a damp flat with no shelves, which you’ll probably have to move out of in six months’ time, is a challenge. Deciding which books to keep and which to reject becomes increasingly difficult. Do you hold on to the books you know you’ll reread or do you keep the to-be-read pile intact (完好无损的) ?
Donating books to a charity shop or local school may be virtuous, but when you haven’t had time to read them since your last move, it becomes depressing. There’s a copy of Much Ado About Nothing I’ve been moving around with for nearly a decade because it is the only piece of Shakespeare in the marketplace.
“Just buy a Kindle!” you might argue — but for many people, books are more than just books. They offer us an emotional connection to the past, to the person who gave them to us. They are a way to brighten up a dark flat, they are a link to home; they are the hardest thing to move and the most enjoyable thing to unpack.
So what if you are already facing your second move this year and can’t bear the thought of pensioning off more of your beloved books? You start reading more. Read all the books in your current bedroom and work out if they’re worth the trip; give away as many books as you can; leave books with trusted friends to be reclaimed at a later point. Start looking at your books creatively.Why has the moving generation appeared? (no more than 15 words)
While moving, why do people often ignore their book collections? (no more than 10 words)
What makes the author keeps a copy of Much Ado About Nothing? (no more than 10 words)
What does the underlined phrase pensioning off in the last paragraph mean? (no more than 3 words)
What would you do with your books when you have to move? Give a persuasive reason. (no more than 25 words)
When Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco, California, his unmarried mother decided to put him for adoption because she wanted a girl. So in the middle of the night, his mother called a lawyer named Paul Jobs and said, “We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?” But his mother told his future parents to promise that they would send Jobs to college. After Steve Jobs graduated from high school, he went to college but decided to drop out because it was so expensive that he had to sleep on the floor in his friends’ rooms. At 20, he and a friend(Steve Wozniak) started a company in a garage on April 1, 1976. Jobs named their company-Apple in memory of a happy summer he had spent as an orchard (果园) in Oregon.
After 10 years of hard time and failures, starting from two kids working in a garage, Apple computer eventually grew into a big company with over 4000 employees.
At 30, Jobs, however, was fired from the company he co-founded. But after he had to leave the company, Apple was under heavy pressure from rival-Microsoft and in 1996 posted billions of dollars in losses. Apple needed Steve Jobs and he was appointed as Apple’ CEO in1997. Under his leadership, Apple returned to profitability introducing new products such as the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad.
Steve Jobs once said, “Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick, Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking.”What did Steve Jobs’ mother do after he was born? (No more than 10 words)
Why did Jobs name their company-Apple? (No more than 15 words)
How did Jobs help Apple return to profitability? (No more than 10 words)
What’s the meaning of the underlined phrase “drop out” in Paragraph 1? ( No more than 2 words)
Do you agree with what Jobs said in the last Paragraph? Give reasons in your own words.( No more than 20 words)
It is challenging for some people to learn how to be patient with others. After all, not everybody is gifted with great patience. The good news is that it is something that can be learned and eventually perfected.
When the customer before you takes ages to pay for his or her groceries, you tap your foot impatiently and cough every now and then to remind the customer to move quickly; but no, he is still not hurrying up. It takes all of your power not to quarrel publicly. However, if you imagine that customer to be someone you like, then you will find yourself not getting angry, right?
So the next time you find yourself losing patience with somebody, simply think of that person to be someone you really adore and your patience will last longer.
The second step on how to be patient with people involves whistling. When you whistle a happy tune, you instantly cheer up. You can sing your favorite song if you can't whistle — it really doesn't make a difference. What's important here is that you have done something that makes you feel good. And when you feel good, you are more likely to be patient with the people around you.
When you're stressed, it's almost impossible to learn how to be patient with people. You have got to find a way to relax first. If you know you're going to be in a situation where your patience will be tested, get yourself a massage(按摩) first. Remember: the more stressed you are, the faster you'll lose your temper. However, learning how to be patient with people is not a must in life.What’s the main idea of the passage? (no more than 10 words)
____________________________________________________________________________What does the underlined word “adore” mean? (no more than 3 words)
____________________________________________________________________________Why does the author think singing or whistling can help you get patient? (no more than 10 words)
____________________________________________________________________________What does the author advise you to do when you are getting stressed? (no more than 10 words)
____________________________________________________________________________Do you think learning how to be patient with people is a must in life? Why? (no more than 20 words)
[1]A new study has found evidence of aggressive behavior in children who drink four or more servings of soft drinks every day.
[2]The mothers of 3,000 five-year-olds took part in the study.They were asked to keep a record of how many servings of soft drinks their children drank over a two-month period and keep records of how they behaved.The researchers found that 43 percent of the boys and girls drank at least one daily serving of soda.Four percent of the youngsters had four or more sodas to drink every day.
[3]Children who drank the most soda were more than two times likely to show signs of aggression.“For the children who consumed four or more soft drinks per day,we see an association between aggressive behaviors,attention problems and withdrawn behaviors.”Shakira Suglia says.The aggressive behaviors included destroying possessions belonging to others,taking part in fights and physically attacking people.
[4]Shakira says the researchers identified the link after they considered the factors like the child’s age and sex.They also considered ____________,such as whether the boys and girls were eating sweets or given fruit drinks on a normal day.In addition,the researchers examined parenting styles and other social conditions that might be taking place in the home.
[5]It is not quite clear why young children who drink a lot of soda have behavior problems.However,a substance often found in soft drinks is caffeine,which helps to make people feel energetic.Doctor Suglia suggests that caffeine could be causing the children to be more aggressive.
[6]The research is part of a larger study called the Fragile Families and Child Well-being Study.It follows 5.000 poor mothers and their children in 20 American cities.
1.What is the main idea of the text?(no more than l2 words)
2.What does the underlined word“they”in Paragraph 2 probably refer to?(no more than 5 words)
3.List three aggressive behaviors according to the text.(no more than 12 words)
4.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.(no more than 3 words)
5.Complete the following statement with one word from Paragraph 5.
People will often become _____________ when they have some coffee,in which caffeine is the major chemical.
Why do Americans struggle with watching their weight while the French, who consume rich food, continue to stay thin? Now a research by Cornell University suggests how life style and decisions about eating may affect weight. Researchers conclude that the French tend to stop eating when they feel full. However, Americans tend to stop when their plate is empty or their favorite TV show is over.
According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, a health expert, the French see eating as an important part of their life style. They enjoy food and therefore spend a fairly long time at the table, while Americans see eating as something to be squeezed between the other daily activities. Mercola believes Americans lose the ability to sense when they are actually full. So they keep eating long after the French would have stopped. In addition, he points out that Americans drive to huge supermarkets to buy canned and frozen foods for the week. The French, instead, tend to shop daily, walking to small shops and farmers’ markets where they have a choice of fresh fruits, vegetables, and eggs as well as high-quality meats for each meal.
After a visit to the United States, Mireille Guiliano, author of French Women .Don’t Get Fat, decided to write about the importance of knowing when to stop rather than suggesting how to avoid food. Today she continues to stay slim and rarely goes to the gym.
In spite of all these differences, evidence shows that recent life style changes may be affecting French eating habits. Today the rate of obesity among adults is only 6%. However, as American fast food gains acceptance and the young reject older traditions, the obesity rate among French children has reached 17% — and is growing.What does the research by Cornell University show? (No more than 10 words)
__________________________________________________________________________________What do the French think of eating according to Dr. Joseph Mercola?(No more than 15 words )
__________________________________________________________________________________Why do you think Mireille Guiliano can stay thin though she rarely goes to the gym? (No more than 10 words )
__________________________________________________________________________________What does the underlined word “obesity” mean in the last paragraph?(No more than 3 words)
__________________________________________________________________________________Do you think enjoying food has close connection with getting fat? Give your reasons. (No more than 25 words)
The scientists observed that the more junk food the rats ate, the more they wanted to eat – a behavior very similar to that of rats addicted(上了瘾的) to heroin, a dangerous drug. Johnson said the experiment shows that the brain chemistry of obesity(肥胖) and drug addiction may be quite similar.
In their experiment, Johnson and his team studied the “pleasure center” of rats’ brains. The pleasure center is a complicated network of nerve cells. If the animal exercises or eats, the cells reward the animal by releasing chemicals into the body that make it feel good. And when the body feels good, the animal – or person – will want to do the behavior again.
For the experiment, Johnson fed foods like cheesecake to one group of rats. Food like this is high in calories and fat. Another group of rats got a regular diet. The rats that ate junk food started to eat more and more.
“They’re taking in twice the amount of calories as the control rats,” says Paul Kenny, one of Johnson’s colleagues.
Kenny and Johnson wanted to know what was going on in the brains of these rats. They first designed a way to deliver a small electrical charge to the rats’ brains. This electrical charge would stimulate the pleasure centers to release pleasure-causing chemicals. The rats could control how much stimulation – and how much pleasure – they received by running on a wheel. The more the rat ran, the more pleasure it received.
The rats that had been eating junk food started running more and more. This behavior suggested that the junk-food-eating rats needed more brain stimulation to feel good compared with rats on a normal diet. In other words, their pleasure centers were becoming less sensitive and the junk food didn’t make them feel good unless they ate more and more.
Experiments like this one could help scientists understand how chemicals in the brain contribute to obesity. With that information, they may be able to help people avoid obesity in the first place.
(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)The scientists suggested it was actually ___________________ that made the rats feel good.
How did the scientist know what was happening in the brains of the junk-food-eating rats?
What was the purpose of the experiment mentioned in the article?
Section C (8 marks)
Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
If there were a literary award bigger than the Nobel Prize, Alice Munro would probably win that, too. Munro,82, was awarded literature’s highest honor, respected by the Nobel committee as a thorough but forgiving chronicler(事件的记录者) of the human spirit.
Among her best-known is The Bear Came Over the Mountain, about a woman who agrees with her husband that she should be put in a nursing home. The narrative begins in a relatively tender, traditional mood. But we soon learn that the husband has been unfaithful and doesn’t always regret it. The wife, meanwhile, has fallen for a man at the nursing home. Munro won a National Book Critics Circle prize in 1998 for The Love of a Good Woman and she is also a three-time winner of the Governor General’s prize, Canada’s highest literary honor.
She received a scholarship to study at the University of Western Ontario, majoring in journalism, and was still an undergraduate when she sold a story to CBC radio in Canada. She dropped out to marry a fellow student, James Munro, had three children and became a full-time housewife. By her early 30s, she was so frightened and depressed that she could barely write a full sentence.
Her good fortune was to open a bookstore, in 1963. Inspired by everything from the conversation of adults to simply filling out invoices(发票), she saw her narrative talents resurface. Her first collection, Dance of the Happy Shades, came out in 1968 and won the Governor General’s prize.
Her books having been sold more than 1 million copies in the U.S. alone, she has long been an international ambassador for the short story. Critics and peers have praised her in every way a writer can be praised: the precision of her language; the perfection of detail; the surprise and logic of her storytelling; the graceful shifts of moods. So, she is the kind of writer about whom it is often said-no matter how well known she becomes—that she ought to be better known.
What do we know about the woman’s husband in The Bear Came Over the Mountain? (No more than 10 words) (2 marks)
Why did Munro stop her study at the University of Western Ontario? (No more than 4 words) (2 marks)
What happened to Munro in 1963? (No more than 10 words) (2 marks)
What is the main idea of the passage? (No more than 10 words) (2 marks)
Section B (10 marks)
Directions: Read the following passage, answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.
Generosity and kindness does not mean that you give only when you have a lot or after fulfilling all your needs, but in fact you can still give when you yourself are struggling. Generosity literally means willingness and liberty in giving away one’s own money, time, talent, etc. sincerely without any personal gain as shown in the following story.
Mahatma Gandhi went from city to city, village to village collecting funds for the Charkha Sangh. During one of his tours he addressed a meeting in Orissa. After his speech a poor old lady got up. She was gone with age, her hair was grey and her clothes were in rags. The volunteers tried to stop her, but she fought her way to the place where Mahatma Gandhi was sitting.
“I must see him,” she insisted. She went up to Mahatma Gandhi and touched his feet. Then from the folds of her sari(卷布), she brought out a copper coin and placed it at his feet. Mahatma Gandhi picked up the copper coin and put it away carefully. The Charkha Sangh funds were under the charge of Jamnalal Bajaj. He asked Mahatma Gandhi for the coin but Mahatma Gandhi refused.
“I keep cheques worth thousands of rupees (卢比) for the Charkha Sangh,” Jamnalal Bajaj said laughingly, “yet you won’t trust me with a copper coin.” “This copper coin is worth much more than those thousands,” Mahatma Gandhi said. “If a man has one hundred thousand rupees and he gives away a thousand or two, it doesn’t mean much.” “But this coin was perhaps all that the poor lady possessed. She gave me all she had. That was very generous of her. What a great sacrifice she made. That is why I value this copper coin more than ten millions of rupees.”What does generosity really mean according to the passage? (No more than 14 words)
_________________________________________________________________________ What did Gandhi make a speech in Orissa for? (No more than 12 words)
_________________________________________________________________________Why did the old lady insist seeing Gandhi? (No more than 10 words)
_________________________________________________________________________Why did Gandhi refuse to give the copper coin to Jamnalal Bajaj? (No more than 10 words)
太珍贵了:Because Gandhi thought it was very valuable.
Section B (10 marks)
Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
The tasty cream-filled golden sponge(海绵) cakes have been an American favorite for decades. These are just a few of the sugary treats made by the beloved Hostess brand. But after more than 80 years, Americans have to say goodbye to these iconic (标志性的) desserts. Early last week, Hostess announced it is going out of business.
"Many people have worked unbelievably long and hard to keep this from happening," said Hostess CEO Gregory F. Rayburn. "Hostess Brand has no other alternative than to begin the process of getting down and preparing for the sale of our iconic brands." Along with Twinkles (奶油蛋糕) and Wonder Bread, cupcakes and other sugary treats may disappear from the shelves.
In the past decade, Hostess has experienced difficulties with its management and high labor costs. The company had money troubles in the past, but this time there was no way to recover. Along with the loss of sugary treats comes the loss of nearly 20,000 jobs. Hostess fans hope that another company will buy out the Hostess.
The downfall of Hostess is due not just to the company's financial problems, but also to a changing America. Our country's tastes and lifestyles are not the same as they were eighty years ago. Americans have become more health-conscious, and they are demanding more healthful food products. As a manufacturer of high-calorie products, Hostess does not fit into this new way of life.
To make matters worse for Hostess, Americans do not eat as much bread as they once did. "More and more people are choosing one-dish meals," said Harry Balzar. "The tradition of bread as a side dish is going out." Americans are finding alternatives to their morning toast too. Instead they’re choosing quick snacks like yogurt and energy bars.
Will Twinkles become an image of a bygone(过去的) America? Hostess fans hope that it will secure its spot on supermarket shelves for years to come. We can only wait. And maybe eat fruit for dessert instead.What caused Hostess to be in trouble in the last 10 years? (no more than 7 words)
_____________________________________________________________________Can you list three disappearing sugary desserts by Hostess? (no more than 5 words)
_____________________________________________________________________What makes Hostess's situation more severe? (no more than 9 words)
_____________________________________________________________________What's the hope of Hostess fans about this spongy snack's future? (no more than 20 words)
SECTION B (满分10分)
Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.
The world of journalism can be very exciting. Journalists are on the cutting edge of local and global events. Before you take a big step for becoming a journalist, please make sure you are aware the climate for newspaper journalists is especially tough right now.
Once you are sure that a journalism career is right for you, here’s what you need to do.
● Education comes first. Besides understanding how to write well, a degree in journalism, English, and communications are also beneficial to those wishing to pursue a career in journalism. In addition to helping you gain the necessary knowledge, many universities offer employment services to new graduates. Attending journalism school, also called J-school, or journalism college is an investment in your future.
● Pick a specialty (专业). Jobs in journalism vary a lot, so it is important to decide exactly what path you wish to take. For newspaper reporters, you must be flexible and able to think on your feet because stories are often fast-breaking. Deadlines are typically tight, so be prepared to write with speed and accuracy (正确). There are also broadcast journalists, investigative reporters, foreign reporters, sports journalists and so on, which require different skills.
● You’ve got to have the right stuff. No matter which branch of journalism interests you, there are a number of necessary qualities that are common to all. Journalists must have a “nose for news”. Additionally ,Good journalists must use high ethics (高尚的道德规范) at all times. At last, a fair attitude is required for almost all areas of journalism; these jobs require a neutral (中立的) reporting of facts rather than opinions.
● Think big, but start small. Although internships (实习) during your last two years of college equip you with much experience, it is highly unlikely that your first job as a journalist will be high-paying. However, getting a job at a community newspaper or local television station is a good start. Once you are working in the field, you’ll have the chance to prove yourself and actively seek advancement.
Why does the author think that attending journalism schools is an investment in your future? (No more than 14 words) (2 points)
How can a newspaper reporter deal with the problem of tight deadlines? (No more than 6 words) (2 points)
What necessary qualities must all journalists have? (No more than 11 words) (3 points)
What is the purpose of the passage? (No more than 10 words) (3 points)
Directions: Read the following passage, and answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.
Elephants and people are in competition for space. In much of Africa, elephants are now put in national parks. Elephants suffered a serious and steady decrease in number in the 1970s.This was the same time when scientists were beginning to learn a great deal about elephants and their behavior. Studies through the 1980s and into the 1990s showed a lot about their sounds and methods of communication.
In Kenya alone, in the 1970s and 1980s, the elephant population decreased from 170,000 t0 25,000. The sharp drop in number was the result of poachers (偷猎者) illegally killing elephants for their ivory. The price of ivory went up from $ 3 a pound to $ 50 to $ 100 a pound. Africa became very attractive to poachers. Bull elephants carried larger tusks (象牙) , so they were more often killed. With males gone and older females killed by poachers as well, there were many young elephants unable to benefit from the wisdom of the older females and matriarchs, who lead the herds.
Kenya took a stand that international trade in ivory was officially forbidden, and $ 3, 000,000 worth of confiscated (没收的) ivory was burned in Kenya. The following year, only 50 elephants were lost to poachers in Kenya instead of 3,000. But Kenya has the fastest growing human population in the world. People throughout Africa won’t tolerate elephants eating their crops and destroying their livelihoods. In South Africa, elephants live behind the fences of national parks. In some parts of Africa, big-game hunters pay a lot of money to hunt elephants. This keeps their numbers down, and the money goes toward conservation. In Kenya, there are some attempts at birth control to keep the elephant population in manageable numbers to reduce conflicts with people.
Faced with a growing human population, elephants are losing the battle for space. It’s unlikely, though, that they will become extinct(绝种的). They will live in natural parks that bring tourists to Africa as well as India and other parts of Asia. The money from tourism will help elephants to survive.
What’s the reason for elephant population decrease? ( No more than 8 words)
Why were bull elephants at higher risk of being killed? (No more than 6 words)
How can we reduce conflicts with elephants? (No more than 9 words)
Why is it not likely that elephants will become extinct? (no more than 15 words)
At least 36 people have been killed and another 42 people have been injured in a stampede that broke out during a New Year Eve celebration in downtown Shanghai, which may have been caused by the crowd rushing to grab fake money thrown from the balcony of a building.
Survivors described the stampede as "horrible and hellish."
A woman said she covered two kids in front of her with her arms in the chaos.Her son followed her.Dirty shoe prints covered her son's clothes when the 12 year old boy came to safety.
"The crowd was in a panic.We stood in the crowd, feeling squeezed and almost out of breath," a boy said."Some yelled for help, but the noise was too loud."
Other survivors said police rushed to the scene and tried to pull out people who were stuck, but without much success.
The local authorities said that one of the victims was a female student from the Shanghai based Fudan University.The student, surnamed Du from Yunnan Province, was fatally injured during the incident and died later in the hospital.
"The chaos lasted several minutes, and then some of the injured were seen being carried out of the crowd," Yu said.
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday demanded an immediate investigation into the cause of the stampede and urged prevention of such incidents in the future.
The city has set up a working team for rescue operations to deal with the aftermath.
Fatal incidents like this one were not rare in China, the world's most populous country.Stampedes in the past were mainly due to safety measures.
In September 2014, six students were killed in a stampede at a primary school in Yunnan Province after a stairway was blocked.In January 2014, a mosque(清真寺) stampede killed 14 people and injured another 10 in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.In 2004, a stampede on a bridge in suburban Beijing killed 37 during a local lantern festival.
How did the boy feel in the crowd? (No more than 12 words) (3 marks)
What happened to the college student in the passage?(No more than 11 words) (2 marks)
How many people were killed altogether in the stampedes mentioned in the passage?(No more than 2 words) (2 marks)
What’s the news mainly about? (No more than 14 words) (3marks)
Chinese parents are very generous when it comes to educating their children.Not caring about the money, parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad to England, the US or Australia.They also want their children to take extra course activities where they will either learn a musical instrument or ballet, or other classes that will give them a head start in life.The Chinese believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is.So parents will spend unreasonable amount of money on education.Even poor couples will buy computers for their sons or daughters.
However, what most parents fail to see is that the best education they can give to their children is usually very cheap.
Parents can see that their children’s skills vary, skilled in some areas while poor in others.What most parents fail to realize though, is that today’s children lack self respect and self confidence.
The reasons are that parents are only educating their children on how to take multiple choice tests and how to study well, but parents are not teaching them the most important skills: they need to be confident, happy and clever.
Parents can achieve this by teaching practical skills like cooking, sewing and doing other housework.
Teaching a child to cook will improve many of the skills that he will need later in life.Cooking demands patience and time.It is an enjoyable but difficult experience.A good cook always tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and gradually finish his job successfully.His result, a well cooked dinner, will give him much satisfaction and a lot of confidence.These activities are not only teaching a child to work, but rather to think, and to use his mind.And that is more important.