
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
A boy was walking home from school when he saw a large, tempting apple on one of the branches of an apple tree hanging out over a tall fence.The boy wasn’t much of a fruit-eater, ____ a bar of chocolate if given the choice, ____  , as they say, the forbidden fruit can be tempting.Seeing the apple, the boy wanted it.The more he looked at it, the ____ he felt and the more he wanted that apple.
He stood on tiptoe, ____ as high as he could, but even at his tallest ____ he was unable to touch It.He began to ____ up and down, as high as he could, at the ___ of each jump stretching his arms to get the apple.Still it remained out of ___.
Not giving up, he thought , if only he had something to ___ on .His school bag wouldn’t give enough height and he didn’t want to ____the things inside, like his lunch box, pencil case, and Game boy.Looking ____ he hoped he might find an old box, a rock, or, ____ luck, even a ladder, but it was a tidy neighborhood and there was nothing he could use.
He had tried everything he could think to do.____ seeing any other choices, he gave up and started to walk ___ .At first he felt angry and disappointed thinking about how hungry he had become from his ____, and how he really wanted that apple.The more he ____ like this, the more unhappy he became.
____, the boy of our story was a pretty smart guy, even if he couldn’t always get what he wanted .He started to say to himself.This isn’t ____, I   don’t have the apple and I’m feeling miserable as well.There’s ____ more I can do to get the apple.That is unchangeable, but we are supposed to be able to ___ our feelings.If that’s the case, what can I do to feel better?

A.preferring B.offering C.receiving D.allowing

A.so B.then C.but D.or

A.sadder B.angrier C.hungrier D.tastier

A.expanding B.stretching C.swinging D.pulling

A.strength B.length C.range D.height

A.jump B.look C.walk D.glance

A.tip B.stage C.top D.level

A.hope B.hand C.sight D.reach

A.put B.stand C.get D.hold

A.break B.shake C.take D.strike

A.up B.forward C.down D.around

A.for B.with C.on D.of

A.After B.Through C.Without D.Upon

A.back B.away C.up D.down

A.wishes B.beliefs C.efforts D.goals

A.thought B.imagined C.tried D.claimed

A.Therefore B.However C.Moreover D.Otherwise

A.skilful B.cheerful C.harmful D.helpful

A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing

A.change B.express C.forget D.remember
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The nurse approached him, smiling. “The labor is going great,” she said. “wouldn't you like to come in?”
“Oh, no.” The man shook his      .
The nurse     the mother's side, and the labor progressed      . As the birth neared, the nurse returned to the man, now        frantically (烦躁地)in the hall. “She's doing so well,” she________him. “Wouldn't you like to at least come in and see her?”
The man seemed to       slightly,then shook his head again. “No, no, I couldn't do that.”  He jingled (使发出叮当声)car keys in his sweaty        and restarted his pacing.
The nurse went back into the       and coached Mom's great efforts in pushing the baby into the     . As the baby's head began to appear,the nurse raced to the hall,        the man by his elbow, and ________him to the bedside saying, “You have got to see this!”
At that very moment, the baby boy was born     placed on the stomach of the mother whose happy smile ________  through her tears. The man began to   ________   openly. Turning to the nurse, he sobbed. “You were right ! This is the greatest ________   in my life!”
By now, the nurse, too, was  ________  . She put her arms around him, and he rested his
________  on her shoulder. She said, “No one should    ________ the birth of their son.”
“This isn't my son,” the man sobbed. “This isn't   ________ my wife. I've never seen her before in my life. I was just bringing the car   ________  to my fellow across the hall !”

A.hand B.head C.arm D.body

A.approached B.returned to C.examined D.stood by

A.smoothly B.quickly C.carefully D.lately

A.waiting B.pacing C.lying D.sleeping

A.warned B.greeted C.examined D.assured

A.smile B.wait C.hesitate D.suffer

A.pocket B.palm C.leg D.face

A.room B.hall C.office D.house

A.world B.bed C.arms D.pool

A.shook B.congratulated C.grabbed D.welcomed

A.helped B.led C.moved D.dragged

A.so B.and C.but D.or

A.shone B.hid C.got D.went

A.laugh B.smile C.cry D.sob

A.day B.place C.moment D.baby

A.happy B.moved C.tearful D.interested

A.hands B.head C.arms D.clothes

A.miss B.watch C.give D.have

A.even B.ever C.still D.yet

A.permits B.seats C.glass D.keys
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In 1882 a baby girl caught a fever that was so fierce that she nearly died. She________ but the fever left its mark一she could no longer see and ________. Because she could not hear,she  also found it very ________ to speak.
So how did this child,blinded and deafened at 19 months old,grow up  to ________a world-famous author and public speaker?
The fever cut her ________ from the outside world, depriving (剥夺)her of sight and sound. It was ________ she had been thrown into a dark prison room from which there could be no ________ .
Luckily Helen was not someone who ________ easily. Soon she began to explore the world by using her other ________. She followed her mother wherever she went, ________onto her  skirts. She touched and smelled everything she came across. She 51 their actions and was  soon able to do certain jobs herself,like milking the________or kneading dough (揉面).She even learnt to ________people by feeling their faces or their clothes. She could also ________ where she was in the garden by the smell of the different plants and the ________ of the ground under her feet.
By the age of 7 she had invented over 60 different ________ by which she could talk to her family. If she wanted bread for example,she would pretend to ________ a loaf and butter into slices (片).If she wanted ice cream, she ________herself with her arms and pretended to shake.
Helen was unusual in that she was extremely ________ and also very sensitive. By her own ________ she had managed to make some sense of an alien and confusing world. But even so she had limitations.

A.escaped B.succeeded C.finished D.survived

A.cry B.sleep C.hear D.read

A.difficult B.impossible C.able D.usual

A.explain B.become C.manage D.choose

A.down B.off C.in D.up

A.even if B.not only C.so that D.as if

A.increase B.release C.punishment D.praise

A.gave out B.picked up C.gave up D.turned up

A.senses B.plans C.projects D.dreams

A.falling B.hanging C.stepping D.rushing

A.copied B.stole C.expressed D.figured

A.chickens B.children C.cows D.birds

A.ask B.find C.lead D.recognize

A.remember B.tell C.forget D.improve

A.feel B.knowledge C.opinion D.sight

A.directions B.signs C.notes D.topics

A.order B.cook C.cut D.throw

A.reached B.held C.dropped D.opened

A.generous B.kind C.intelligent D.honest

A.lives B.relationships C.effects D.efforts
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Our family raises sled dogs(雪橇狗). In  ________Mom and Dad take people driving in a dog sled, and it’s super fun!
When the dogs were born, I was so ________ .That’s when I saw my favorite—little Jip. Every   ________ I had, I put little Jip in my arms. I carried him around and played with him, not just because it’s fun to ________   dogs. Getting them used to human touch makes a ________ sled dog, Dad says.
When Jip was eight weeks old, he got his first  ________ .All he had to do was________ wearing a light leash to get used to the   ________   of pulling something behind him.
When he was ten weeks old, I started  ________   Jip to come when he was called. It was ________  time to try out a harness(挽具)around his body. The harness can be a little heavy, ________  we left it on for just a short time each day.
________ , I put Jip ’s harness on him at mealtime. I  ________ him to a heavy chair. And I placed his ________ just far enough away so that when he ate, he had to pull on the line.
The dogs________   fast! When they were four months old, we tied old shoes to their harnesses. ________ wolves, sled dogs like to run after anything that’s moving such as a rabbit. We started teaching the  ________ “On by!” That means leave the rabbit alone! A sled dog must stay on the trail(路线).
Jip won’t be fully grown and ready to pull a heavy sled ________   he’s almost two years old. But now that he’s nine months old, he’s  ________   enough to go on short runs with the big dogs. Dad says that maybe next winter I can  ________  in the sled when Jip goes on practice runs. I can’t wait!

A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter

A.proud B.excited C.nervous D.shy

A.chance B.choice C.promise D.suggestion

A.look after B.play with C.deal with D.bring up

A.pet B.strong C.guide D.good

A.job B.trip C.house D.prize

A.get up B.fight back C.move around D.stop by

A.thought B.feel C.fear D.Use

A.advising B.allowing C.teaching D.helping

A.never B.just C.even D.also

A.for B.so C.or D.once

A.Later B.Finally C.Luckily D.First

A.showed B.took C.tied D.sent

A.toy B.food C.leash D.harness

A.changed B.grew C.ran D.worked

A.Against B.Except C.Before D.Like

A.order B.method C.story D.talk

A.and B.but C.until D.Unless

A.quiet B.clever C.careful D.big

A.wait B.ride C.sing D.continue
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was a dark, wet November morning. It seemed like it would take a million years to get to summer again. I thought bears have got it right - what a   ________  idea to sleep through the worst part of the year and wake up when spring comes!
“Want some words of encouragement?” a co-worker, seeing my mood, kindly   ________ . “You don’t think they would   ________  you up?”
“ Today ? No.” I shook my head.
“I used to think so too,” he said, “  ________ I realized the effect my words had on a certain person. Well, it was someone I knew pretty well. I have to say I   ________   him rather badly.”
“ You ? ________  you are always so positive! How did you do that?”
“I told him I did not like anything about him, really. I told him I did not   ________   like his name. In fact, it wasn’t only what I said. I also did pretty bad things to him. When he was hungry, I did not give him the chance to eat  ________ food. When he felt like doing something fun, I said to him that having fun was not worthwhile. And worst of all, when he was sick and needed ________   , I did not care. I told him to get up and get to work. And when he did, I never told him he did good work. I was so ashamed   ________   him,” he said. “that I wanted to  ________ him, but couldn’t.”
“But that was   ________ !”
He nodded. “Then one day it all   ________ . I stood there in front of the bathroom mirror in the morning. I saw the dark circles under his eyes. I saw the excess weight. I saw the long hair that needed   ________  . And I saw the eyes that once had looked at the world    ________  . Now they were so sad and tired. And there and then I realized he    ________   better. So I told the man I had disliked for so many years that he was a good person   ________  .”
My   ________   dropped. I looked at him, full of positive energy, in good shape, always ready to ________    others.
He looked at me. “So how about having a little   ________ conversation with the bathroom mirror? The person in there has the greatest effect on you!”

A.perfect B.creative C.new D.similar

A.commanded B.bargained C.suggested D.required

A.give B.make C.break D.cheer

A.unless B.before C.since D.until

A.wanted B.treated C.injured D.inspected

A.Or B.And C.So D.But

A.even B.still C.yet D.thus

A.delicious B.fresh C.proper D.fancy

A.medicine B.rest C.water D.assistance

A.on B.for C.of D.to

A.think highly of B.get rid of C.compete with D.rely on

A.cruel B.cool C.generous D.rewarding

A.admitted B.changed C.exploded D.sank

A.dressing B.washing C.cutting D.decorating

A.regularly B.logically C.violently D.eagerly

A.deserved B.explored C.pretended D.performed

A.in all B.above all C.after all D.in relief

A.jaw B.heart C.tears D.glasses

A.appreciate B.encourage C.persuade D.join

A.meaningless B.brief C.peaceful D.positive
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A strange thing happened to me last Sunday. It was such a beautiful day ________ I drove to go for a look in the country.
On the way back home, my        stopped. It was out of gas on a  ________ road far from a town! I decided to walk until I found someone ________  could sell some gas. I had walked almost a mile ________ I finally found a house near the ________ . I was glad to see it because it was getting dark.
I knocked at the door and a little old lady with long white hair ________ . She said, “I’ve been  ________ for you here for a long time. Come in.________ is almost ready.”
“But I only came for some gas,” I answered. I couldn’t ________  what she was talking about.
“Oh, Alfred! Gas? You  ________ tea,” said she.
I quickly ________ that my car was out of ________  , but she didn’t seem to listen to me. She just kept ________ me Alfred and talking about how long it had been  ________she had seen me. She was acting very strangely and I was anxious to leave. As soon as she went to get tea, I went out of the house as fast as I  ________  .
_________, there was another house down the road and I was able to buy the gas I needed. When I told the man about my ________ , he said, “Oh, that’s Miss Emily. She lives by herself in that big house. She’s strange, but she wouldn’t  ________ anybody. She is still waiting for the man she was going to marry thirty years ago. The day before their wedding he left home and  ________ came back because of the war.”

A.and B.so C.but D.that

A.car B.bus C.bike D.truck

A.narrow B.lonely C.crowded D.busy

A.what B.whom C.who D.how

A.before B.after C.while D.as

A.street B.path C.way D.road

A.came B.answered C.opened D.appeared

A.asking B.looking C.calling D.waiting

A.Gas B.Coffee C.Tea D.Lunch

A.consider B.understand C.accept D.think

A.like B.love C.used to like D.enjoy

A.answered B.explained C.refused D.promised

A.gas B.tea C.strength D.energy

A.calling B.call C.to call D.called

A.until B.before C.since D.when

A.could B.can C.would D.should

A.Unfortunately B.Absolutely C.Fortunately D.Seriously

A.accident B.event C.experience D.surprise

A.hit B.injure C.hurt D.frighten

A.never B.ever C.yet D.still
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I’m Glad I got Sick
Twenty-seven years ago I got sick. The reason I can remember the date so well is that being sick is what    me to choose my future wife. She was just a good friend, but because she    to my apartment, brought me medicine, and made me breakfast, I thought for the first time “what a super wife she will      for someone.”
I took her out to eat for helping me        the flu. After that we became even better friends, but still    thought of marriage. A few months later I was going to       a new job in the Atlanta area, so Cathy helped me    boxes to get ready to leave. We       a great time that day and had lunch together. Near the end of that day I   a few tears in Cathy’s eyes, so I asked what was        .
She said, “I don’t know if I can live   you, you are my best friend.” I said, “I know, I’ve been thinking the    thing.” That day we decided to get married and we have been married ever since. We have had our    times, as many others have had, but we are still best friends!
     I get to the family unit in my Health class and we talk about      …I always tell this story. My students seem to love it because they learn that    , sharing and caring about others is all that really    in life, and that looks, money and other things are not important.
     the way, my wife is 12 years younger than me, and she is beautiful. We have 2 beautiful children, but we still have dates on     weekend.
Cathy is the greatest thing that has ever    me! She is a fantastic mother, and the best wife a coach could ever have. Thank God I got sick 27 years ago!

A.brought B.resulted C.followed D.caused

A.came over B.came out C.came up with D.came back

A.develop B.get C.become D.prove

A.get up B.get over C.get off D.get away

A.much B.more C.less D.no

A.take B.give C.hand D.continue

A.pick up B.take up C.pack up D.look up

A.spent B.had C.took D.cost

A.noticed B.observed C.looked D.watched

A.right B.terrible C.wrong D.awful

A.with B.without C.by D.on

A.different B.difficult C.similar D.same

A.hard B.happy C.wonderful D.common

A.Unless B.Until C.When D.Though

A.health B.marriage C.exercise D.hobby

A.taking B.supporting C.gaining D.giving

A.matters B.works C.helps D.needs

A.In B.By C.On D.Off

A.any B.some C.all D.every

A.contributed to B.came to C.happened to D.led to
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was Christmas Eve 1881. I was 15 years old and feeling like the world was  ________  for me because there hadn't been enough money to buy me the rifle that I’d wanted that year.
Pa came back in and there was ice in his beard. “Come on, Matt,” Pa said. “Dress warmly. It’s cold outside. We’re going to Widow Jensen’s. They are  ________  wood.” Widow Jensen lived about two miles down the road. Her husband had died a year or so before and ________  her with three children, the oldest being eight.
I ________  went out with Pa and we  ________  the sled high with wood.   ________  we went to the store and Pa took down a big ham, some bacon, a sack of flour and some shoes, which were put into a smaller sack. We rode the two miles to Widow Jensen’s in  ________ . I tried to think through what Pa was doing. I knew we didn’t have much money and Widow Jensen had ________   neighbors than us. It shouldn’t have been our   ________ .
Widow Jensen opened the door and let us in. She had a blanket wrapped around her  ________  . The children were wrapped in  ________   and were sitting in front of the fireplace by a very small fire that  ________   gave off any heat at all. “We brought you a few things , Ma’am,” Pa said and set down the sack of flour. I put the meat on the table. Then Pa handed her the sack that had the shoes in it.
She   ________  and took the shoes out one pair at a time. I watched her carefully. She bit her lower lip to keep it from   ________  and then tears filled her eyes and started running down her cheeks. She looked up at Pa like she wanted to say something,  ________  it wouldn’t come out. “We brought a load of wood too, Ma’am,” Pa said. Then he turned to me and said,“Matt,go bring some in. ”
I wasn’t the   ________   person when I went back out to bring in the wood. I choked and as much as I hate to   ________  it, there were tears in my eyes too. In my mind I kept  ________  those three kids huddled (蜷缩)around the fireplace and their mother standing there with tears running down her cheeks with so much   ________  in her heart that she couldn’t speak. Just then the rifle seemed very  ________  . Pa had given me the best Christmas of my life.

A.over B.complete C.lost D.boring

A.in between B.away from C.out of D.far behind

A.offered B.brought C.delighted D.left

A.excitedly B.hurriedly C.gratefully D.unwillingly

A.equipped B.placed C.loaded D.armed

A.Now B.Then C.Meanwhile D.Sometime

A.silence B.regret C.devotion D.condition

A.smarter B.tougher C.prettier D.closer

A.topic B.concern C.idea D.case

A.shoulders B.head C.arms D.feet

A.one B.the rest C.another D.the other

A.nearly B.hardly C.actually D.slowly

A.jumped B.laughed C.joked D.hesitated

A.trembling B.moving C.bending D.crying

A.and B.so C.or D.but

A.honest B.kind C.same D.disappointing

A.allow B.admit C.clarify D.confirm

A.seeing B.imagining C.cheering D.comforting

A.motivation B.gratefulness C.sympathy D.courage

A.typical B.valuable C.unimportant D.hopeless
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 1~20 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。
From her lifeguard station at the shallow end of the swimming pool, Jessica noticed clouds gathering in the sky. By the time she took a break at 2:30, the wind was picking up and the sky was getting   ________  . The pool manager  ________   over the loudspeaker that the pool was closing
________   , due to a severe weather warning.
All of the   ________   had left by 3:30 except for Jessica’s neighbor, eight-year-old Zack Hill. Zack’s mother had planned to   ________  him up later, but the storm was approaching fast. Jessica decided that she would   ________ Zack off on her way home.
The minute Jessica and Zack left the parking lot, it was  ________   that this was no ________  storm. The rain hit just as Jessica turned onto her street, coming down in sheets and making it  ________    to see clearly. Jessica said, “Zack, I’m going to take you to my house. We need to get inside right away, and your house is farther away than  ________ .”
She pressed the garage-door opener, but nothing happened. The electricity was  ________ . The front door was only a few feet away,   ________  the wind was so strong that Jessica and Zack had to  ________  their way out of the car and into the house.
Remembering everything she could from her  ________  training, Jessica dragged Zack to the basement (地下室) . “We’ll be safe in here, Zack,” she said, trying to sound   ________ . They had just gotten inside  ________   everything went deadly quiet for a moment. Then they could hear the sound of glass breaking. A deafening roar, like the sound of a train, filled their  ________  .
After a final crash, Jessica and Zack   ________  drops of rain on their arms. They saw a flash of lightning through a crack in the ceiling. The sound of the storm grew   ________  . Jessica began to breathe easier. She and Zack were safe, and what a  ________  they would have to tell!

A.blue B.bright C.sunny D.dark

A.announced B.murmured C.wept D.whispered

A.slowly B.tightly C.immediately D.quietly

A.swimmers B.lifeguards C.managers D.parents

A.get B.pick C.dress D.cheer

A.put B.send C.lay D.drop

A.probable B.clear C.impossible D.unlikely

A.severe B.impressive C.ordinary D.violent

A.hard B.comfortable C.useless D.worthwhile

A.ours B.hers C.yours D.mine

A.back B.out C.on D.up

A.and B.thus C.but D.so

A.jump B.find C.fight D.thread

A.teacher B.character C.flight D.emergency

A.nervous B.calm C.humorous D.polite

A.when B.since C.after D.as

A.mouths B.eyes C.noses D.ears

A.heard B.tasted C.felt D.smelt

A.distant B.near C.sharp D.loud

A.joke B.story C.lie D.difference
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dad is a reserved man of few words but is always strict. What’s more, he is quite different from others in ideas and      : beating or bringing to account his son in the presence of neighbors as he strongly believes in such a      : a dutiful son is the       of the rod, which is deeply impressed in his mind from his father. So I was emotionally upset and       in spite of just a 10-year-old kid, who thought, “I was randomly beaten, so I would bring blows on other smaller kids”. And Dad would deal me a heavier       the next time.
It       that I completely lost control of this blow and found it impossible for me to       on my lessons as I came to blows with other kids all day long. Everything went from bad to worse for me so much       I couldn’t write out the English alphabet,       could I do arithmetic (算术).      , I was sent into a reformatory school(劳教所) where I stayed guilty for two and a half years. This time Dad shed bitter tears, saying, “Son, it is not that I don’t love you but that I should not have been so angry at your failure to       my expectations!”
Retiring from the army, he gave me 10,000 US dollars for a trip around the world.       getting back from this trip, he said to me, “Book knowledge is       valuable but he who travels far and wide should know better at the time of your life. I guess you are now fully prepared to get started for work.” At 26, I started up Runhua Machinery Co., Ltd., which was later poorly       and went bankrupt(破产); it was not long       I started to engage in a dye-stuff plant which happened to be blown up. At all these, my father only gave me such words, “I will congratulate you on your god-given setbacks and failures, which will help you make       mistakes in life.”
The Ph.D. graduation ceremony was grandly started and my parents were       invited to      . Dad didn’t say a single word       me but cried bitterly again this time, and at this very moment, my mind was in a state of       emotions and I stood on the stage with warm tears in my eyes.

A.practices B.approaches C.attempts D.promises

A.emotion B.regulation C.principle D.patience

A.relief B.product C.reminder D.process

A.disturbed B.ashamed C.delighted D.confused

A.blame B.argument C.strike D.blow

A.made out B.turned out C.carried out D.came out

A.contribute B.appeal C.concentrate D.approve

A.now that B.as if C.only if D.so that

A.nor B.so C.either D.seldom

A.To tell the truth B.Generally speaking C.To make matters worse D.What’s more

A.live up to B.come up with C.get down to D.look back on

A.At B.Upon C.By D.Through

A.undoubtedly B.abundantly C.eventually D.unconsciously

A.represented B.supported C.guaranteed D.performed

A.after B.since C.before D.until

A.more B.fewer C.many D.few

A.apparently B.appropriately C.relevantly D.honorably

A.show up B.hold up C.take up D.call up

A.in honor of B.in favor of C.in praise of D.in remember of

A.organized B.mixed C.matched D.evaluated
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day in 11th grade, when I went into a classroom to wait for a friend of mine, Mr. Washington, the math teacher, suddenly         and asked me to go to the board to write down a math problem and          it out. I told him that I couldn’t do it. And he asked, “Why not?” I said, “Because I’m not one of your students.” He said, “It doesn’t matter. Go the board        .” I said, “I can’t do that.” He asked, “Why not?”  I paused for I was somewhat         
I said, “Because I’m the so called          student.” He
He came from behind his desk and looked at me        and said. “Don’t ever say that again. Someone’s opinion of you does not have to become your        . Look at a man the        that he is, he only becomes worse. But look at him          he were what he could be, then he becomes what he should br.”  It was a very          moment for me. For one thing, I was          because the other students          me. They knew that I was “incurably poor” in academic learning. But for another, I felt          because he began to bring to my attention that I did not have to live within the          of other people.
Mr. Washington’s words made          difference to me. I start to believe everyone has certain________ within them, and so in me. I used to do         in the fifth grade and was put from the fifth grade into the fourth grade and then failed again in the eighth grade. But I know all these          in the past. So I’m happy to          that I’m a brand new person now and I will be someone who can          something in the future.

A.turned on B.turned up C.turned down D.turned over

A.set B.write C.settle D.work

A.anyway B.anymore C.somehow D.somewhat

A.guilty B.optimistic C.embarrassed D.ambitious

A.incurable B.innocent C.excellent D.independent

A.eagerly B.mistakenly C.happily D.determinedly

A.nature B.reality C.stability D.ability

A.person B.character C.way D.future

A.even though B.if only C.as if D.even if

A.inspiring B.frightening C.disappointing D.unwilling

A.pleased B.ashamed C.puzzled D.confused

A.pointed at B.stared at C.laughed at D.glared at

A.relieved B.scared C.concerned D.stressed

A.variety B.enthusiasm C.judgment D.complaint

A.no B.huge C.less D.little

A.thoughts B.shortcomings C.greatness D.limits

A.poorly B.randomly C.carefully D.attentively

A.refreshed B.died C.approved D.formed

A.pretend B.expect C.insist D.admit

A.accomplish B.assess C.supply D.remove
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
My wife and I moved into our home two years ago. We had a yard with a lot of  ________. Very often when we have flowers, Denise or I would plant some between the rocks, just to add some __________ to the area.
Last summer, I found a tiny little   ________    in the yard that I could not immediately identify. I knew I didn’t plant it and Denise said she didn’t either. We decided to let it   ________  growing until we could find out what it was.
Weeks passed and as I made my way back to the  ________  plant, it appeared to be a sunflower. I decided to ________ the weeds around it. As I pulled rocks from the area to get to the weeds, I noticed something  ________  . The sunflower had not ________  where I saw it begin. It actually had begun under a big   ________   and grown under and around it to reach the   ________   .
That’s when I  ________ that if a tiny little sunflower didn’t let a big rock stand in its  ________   of developing, we too have the ability of doing the same thing. If we ________ ourselves like that little sunflower, we can reach where we  ________  to go and get what we need for growth.
We need to believe in ourselves knowing we have the  ________ to achieve our goals. Like the  ________, it knew it had the ability to get over the rocks because it had  ________ in itself that it would succeed. Stand tall like the sunflower and be  ________ of who and what we are, then the environment will begin to  ________  us. We will find a way to go under or ________  any “rocks” in order to reach our goals.

A.flowers B.rocks C.insects D.vegetables

A.shape B.water C.fertilizer D.colour

A.weed B.seed C.plant D.rock

A.continue B.stop C.improve D.escape

A.weak B.strange C.lonely D.pretty

A.collect B.tend C.watch D.remove

A.wonderful B.terrible C.unusual D.valuable

A.started B.passed C.left D.died

A.tree B.rock C.table D.wall

A.air B.sun C.top D.house

A.hoped B.doubted C.regretted D.realized

A.way B.place C.course D.process

A.fill in B.put in C.believe in D.worry about

A.forget B.aim C.hate D.wait

A.idea B.wish C.plan D.ability

A.sunflower B.yard C.home D.summer

A.energy B.virtue C.faith D.courage

A.aware B.proud C.afraid D.tired

A.forgive B.affect C.upset D.support

A.around B.into C.through D.From
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Many years have passed, but she still remembers the last day of her whole class. They got together to say goodbye to their ________schooldays. She wonders herself if any of them still remembers their ________  , now that time has cloaked the past memories with layers of dust and ________  each fate beyond any expectations.
The jolly “dwarf” of the class has now  ________ a successful businessman. The shy skinny “bookworm” is now a talented Ph.D. Trying his luck in some ________ land in the Western atmosphere. The naughty, tomboy has________ her carefree laughter in exchange for a sheltered, comfortable life. And________ , a literature addict, was driven by an inner force to put her pen aside and become a________ instead.
She decided to  ________ her old teacher, who had sowed the seed for the cause of nurturing people in her directionless mind  ________  his poetical lessons. She used to dream of the enlightened faces of her  ________ and their round eyes running over every page of the books. Yet, at the most  ________turn of her life’s course, she didn’t  ________ literature for her career, for she had been told that literature is just like a magical paradise to which the way is extremely ________  .
Her hands are so small; ________  can they hold the depths and the fullness that literature can bring? Still, she promises herself to go ________ , bearing in mind the last  ________ of her dear teacher, “Don’t  ________ what you give or receive. Learn to live generously to enjoy life, even when it’s not generous toward us.”
Now, she is a teacher, yet she has to continue learning numerous difficult ________ of life. The more she ________ , the better she understands the value of her teacher’s last lesson.

A.oldest B.dearest C.hardest D.longest

A.successes B.failures C.lessons D.promises

A.transformed B.supported C.organized D.developed

A.fought against B.stood for C.tuned into D.found out

A.large B.distant C.poor D.past

A.insisted on B.suffered from C.stuck to D.thrown away

A.she B.you C.I D.he

A.worker B.officer C.teacher D.writer

A.assist B.follow C.visit D.leave

A.beyond B.among C.across D.through

A.students B.roommates C.relatives D.friends

A.expensive B.effective C.decisive D.creative

A.write B.choose C.elect D.find

A.smooth B.perfect C.difficult D.rough

A.how B.when C.why D.where

A.up B.in C.on D.down

A.words B.results C.notes D.chances

A.hope for B.search for C.look for D.care about

A.problems B.lessons C.vocabularies D.passages

A.introduces B.forgets C.experiences D.Donates
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Not long before, my daughter's shoes were scratched with a knife.She burst into  ________I took them to the shoemaker to get them ________
The young apprentice (学徒) glanced at the  ________and said, "Nothing I can do except replace the upper." His master looked at them and said to me, "If you ________me, I will add more scratches on both of the shoes."
I was  ________  and asked why.
He explained, "As if the openings were made ________  for the sake of special style and reuse."
I didn’t fully understand him ,but I decided to leave the shoes.
Two days later ,I dropped by from work to collect the shoes. I found there were indeed more scratches on ________shoe, all the openings were patched (打补丁)by soft red leather with edges sewed by thick thread,________ more unique and interesting than ever.I couldn't help but________ the master's skill.
Another time, my wife's sister's white blouse had been torn, leaving a large opening on the back.My wife checked  the blouse ________ , and then said, "Let me take it  home and ________t."
Three days later, seeing the blouse again, I was shocked: all the torn parts had been sewed up by thin and _______ thread and they _______  a look of ice crystal (冰晶) hanging from a winter's branch._______ , she had attached a snowman and a cabin made of flowery cotton rags onto the shirt.I _______with praise, "It's just as beautiful as a piece of _______ !"
"I was inspired by that craftsman.Patches are supposed to be _______, but a skillful craftsman can make it take on a kind of perfection," replied my wife.
Her words inspired me even more: Perfection is  _______  to achieve in everything; Patches are unavoidable, so is human's life.Since you can't _______ the existence of wound, you should not expect people's sympathyby exposing the wound, which reveals nothing meaningful.Just sew the wound by patches and produce a most beautiful flower on it, and this is the  _______ of life.

A.laughter B.cheers C.tears D.speech

A.made B.repaired C.decorated D.preserved

A.Anything B.Something C.Everything D.Nothing

A.trust B.inform C.appoint D.convince

A.annoyed B.confused C.disappointed D.discouraged

A.on purpose B.by accident C.in vain D.beyond control

A.neither B.any C.every D.each

A.remaining B.growing C.looking D.feeling

A.appreciate B.witness C.praise D.describe

A.delivered B.checked C.washed D.ironed

A.outside B.downtown C.home D.abroad

A.red B.white C.pink D.purple

A.took on B.put on C.decided on D.focused on

A.Therefore B.Otherwise C.Anyway D.Besides

A.sighed B.signed C.greeted D.paused

A.cake B.art C.furniture D.jewellery

A.pretty B.attractive C.tough D.ugly

A.easy B.improper C.likely D.impossible

A.change B.imagine C.stand D.prove

A.respect B.friendship C.sympathy D.apology
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My name is Wang Gang. Last summer, I went to a coastal city called Brisbane in Australia on an exchange(交换) program. I stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their daughter Joan. They lived in a big house close to the          . I like that area very much, because there is a cinema, a swimming pool and a          .
I got along very well with Joan. We shared many           interests. Almost every day, we went swimming in the swimming pool. Sometimes we swam in the sea if the           was nice. We went to the zoo and I really           seeing those wild animals and the           ones. I saw those cute koalas and kangaroos, but I didn't get close to them           people said actually koalas were not as gentle as they          . They might bite people. We also went to the cinema a couple of times and I really liked the films there.
We visited Sydney on a sunny day. Brisbane is about 1 000 kilometres       from Sydney, so it's not a short distance.        , we went there by plane. The journey by plane was quite fast and________ and it took us only two hours to get there. When I got           the plane, I was so excited to see this modern city. The next day, we visited the famous Sydney Opera House. It was amazing!
The         in Sydney was absolutely beautiful and the food there was well-cooked. My favourite was sea fish. The Smiths were very nice to me. They even ________  me to some very expensive lobster(龙虾). That was the first time I   ________lobster, and I    ________    say it was really delicious.
The whole trip was very enjoyable    ________    the last day. We planned to go boating on the sea. However, it rained the whole day. We   ________  in the hotel that day and chatted. In the end, we decided to go back to Brisbane by    ________   , because the ticket was cheaper and also we could enjoy the scenery outside the train windows.
On the whole, I really had a great time in Australia. It was a    ________    trip. I'd like to go back there again!

A.cave B.seaside C.river D.farm

A.school B.park C.garden D.zoo

A.similar B.intelligent C.patient D.unreliable

A.diploma B.nuisance C.facility D.weather

A.admitted B.avoided C.enjoyed D.considered

A.abandoned B.trained C.injured D.killed

A.because B.unless C.while D.once

A.sounded B.looked C.touched D.smelt

A.far B.in C.around D.away

A.Otherwise B.Therefore C.However D.Meanwhile

A.comfortable B.disappointing C.boring D.astonishing

A.on B.over C.up D.off

A.discipline B.diamond C.scenery D.summary

A.brought B.allowed C.hesitated D.treated

A.ate B.eat C.had eaten D.was eating

A.must B.shall C.may D.might

A.beside B.besides C.except D.for

A.floated B.contacted C.spent D.remained

A.bus B.train C.ship D.plane

A.brilliant B.enthusiastic C.energetic D.annoying
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
