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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 完型填空
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 1490

Our family raises sled dogs(雪橇狗). In  ________Mom and Dad take people driving in a dog sled, and it’s super fun!
When the dogs were born, I was so ________ .That’s when I saw my favorite—little Jip. Every   ________ I had, I put little Jip in my arms. I carried him around and played with him, not just because it’s fun to ________   dogs. Getting them used to human touch makes a ________ sled dog, Dad says.
When Jip was eight weeks old, he got his first  ________ .All he had to do was________ wearing a light leash to get used to the   ________   of pulling something behind him.
When he was ten weeks old, I started  ________   Jip to come when he was called. It was ________  time to try out a harness(挽具)around his body. The harness can be a little heavy, ________  we left it on for just a short time each day.
________ , I put Jip ’s harness on him at mealtime. I  ________ him to a heavy chair. And I placed his ________ just far enough away so that when he ate, he had to pull on the line.
The dogs________   fast! When they were four months old, we tied old shoes to their harnesses. ________ wolves, sled dogs like to run after anything that’s moving such as a rabbit. We started teaching the  ________ “On by!” That means leave the rabbit alone! A sled dog must stay on the trail(路线).
Jip won’t be fully grown and ready to pull a heavy sled ________   he’s almost two years old. But now that he’s nine months old, he’s  ________   enough to go on short runs with the big dogs. Dad says that maybe next winter I can  ________  in the sled when Jip goes on practice runs. I can’t wait!

A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter

A.proud B.excited C.nervous D.shy

A.chance B.choice C.promise D.suggestion

A.look after B.play with C.deal with D.bring up

A.pet B.strong C.guide D.good

A.job B.trip C.house D.prize

A.get up B.fight back C.move around D.stop by

A.thought B.feel C.fear D.Use

A.advising B.allowing C.teaching D.helping

A.never B.just C.even D.also

A.for B.so C.or D.once

A.Later B.Finally C.Luckily D.First

A.showed B.took C.tied D.sent

A.toy B.food C.leash D.harness

A.changed B.grew C.ran D.worked

A.Against B.Except C.Before D.Like

A.order B.method C.story D.talk

A.and B.but C.until D.Unless

A.quiet B.clever C.careful D.big

A.wait B.ride C.sing D.continue
